Nuvola degli autori per squirblej

Mikkel Aaland(1) Ben Aaronovitch(1) Jeff Abbott(2) Joe Abercrombie(2) Marc Abrahams(1) Peter Ackroyd(4) Douglas Adams(4) Richard Adams(2) Scott Adams(13) Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie(1) Aravind Adiga(1) Ferran Adrià(1) Carol Adrienne(1) Aeschylus(3) Aesop(1) Pinky Agnew(1) Ann Aguirre(3) Elie Agur(1) Cecelia Ahern(1) Janet Ahlberg(1) John Ajvide Lindqvist(3) Kim Akass(1) Wasim Akram(1) Boris Akunin(1) Louisa May Alcott(3) Brian W. Aldiss(2) Eric Flint et al.(1) Craig Alesse(1) Keimpe Algra(1) Dante Alighieri(3) Dave Allan(1) R. B. J. T. Allenby(1) David Allen(1) Isabel Allende(1) Rachel Allen(2) Roger MacBride Allen(1) A. Alvarez(1) American Automobile Association(1) Martin Amis(1) Niccolò Ammaniti(1) Anjum Anand(2) Chris Anderson(2) Dr J.J. Anderson(1) Ian Anderson(1) K. Anderson(1) Kevin J. Anderson(9) Poul Anderson(5) Ross J. Anderson(2) Stevens W. Anderson(1) Taylor Anderson(3) Tom Anderson(1) Malcolm Andrew(1) Ilona Andrews(6) Philip Andrews(1) Robert Andrews(1) Peter Anghelides(1) Natalie Angier(1) Josh Anon(1) Anonymous(2) Anthony P(1) Piers Anthony(27) Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(5) Nicholas Antongiavanni(1) Howard Anton(1) Robert Anwood(1) Apollodorus(1) Tom M. Apostol(1) Appelbaum(1) Anne Applebaum(1) Jeffrey Archer(21) The Archers(1) Philip Ardagh(2) Dan Ariely(1) Ludovico Ariosto(1) Aristophanes(3) Aristotle(4) Jan Arkless(1) Michael Arlen(1) Simon Armitage(5) Kelley Armstrong(26) Kristin Armstrong(1) Lance Armstrong(3) Glen Arnold(1) Matthew Arnold(1) Francois Marie Arouet(1) Sarah Arthur(1) Asgeir Jon Asgeirsson(1) Avner Ash(1) Neal Asher(10) Michael Ashley(2) Mike Ashley(1) Robert B. Ash(1) Isaac Asimov(23) Richard Askwith(1) Robert Asprin(23) Neil Astley(2) Philip Athans(5) Mike Atherton(4) Kim Atkins(1) Cliff Atkinson(1) Margaret Atwood(12) W. H. Auden(7) Marcus Aurelius(1) Jane Austen(10) Amatzia Avni(1) Richard Awlinson(2) Richard Awlinson(1) Robert Axelrod(1) Michaela Axt-Gadermann(1) A. J. Ayer(1) John Ayto(1) Richard Bach(2) Francis Bacon(1) Rosanne Badowski(1) Hans Christian Von Baeyer(4) Brian Bagnall(1) Kate Baillie(1) Richard Baker(2) Stephen Baker(2) Trudy Baker(1) R. Scott Bakker(2) Lizz Baldwin(1) Tony Ballantyne(3) J. G. Ballard(2) Philip Ball(2) Banks(1) Dakota Banks(1) Iain Banks(18) Iain M. Banks(14) Ian Banks(1) John Banville(1) Laura Barber(1) Alessandro Barbero(1) Catalin Barboianu(1) James Barclay(10) Janusz Bardach(1) Leonard Barden(1) Evgeny Bareev(1) Andrea Barham(1) Peter Barham(1) Alessandro Baricco(7) Juliet Barker(1) Pat Barker(3) Simon Barker(1) Peter Barkworth(1) Adrian Barlow(1) Jonathan Barnes(1) Simon Barnes(1) Sam Barone(1) Renee Baron(1) John D. Barrow(2) Michael Barry(1) Peter Barry(1) Robert G. Bartle(1) Mary Batchelor(2) John Battelle(1) Albert C. Baugh(1) Paul Bauman(1) B. Baumslag(1) Nina Bawden(1) Peter Baxter(1) Stephen Baxter(2) Pierre Bayard(1) John Baylis(1) John Baylis(1) Christopher Bazalgette(1) BBC(3) George Beahm(1) Anita Bean(1) G.S. Beard(2) Henry Beard(3) Mary Beard(1) Richard Beard(3) Elizabeth Bear(3) Elizabeth; Monette Bear, Sarah(1) Greg Bear(1) Charlotte Joko Beck(1) Boris Becker(1) Samuel Beckett(12) Alan E. Beer(1) Max Beerbohm(1) Aphra Behn(2) Greg Behrendt(2) Albert H. Beiler(1) Valeri Beim(4) Eric Beinhocker(1) Alex Bell(1) Brian Bell(1) Andy Bellin(1) Julia Bell(1) Rob Bell(1) Richie Benaud(1) Gregory Benford(1) Alan Bennett(2) Arnold Bennett(1) Noah benShea(1) Sara Benson(1) Richard P. Bentall(1) Richard Benyo(1) John Berardi(1) Carol Berg(2) David Berger(1) Marcus Berkmann(3) Isaiah Berlin(9) Peter Berlin(1) Tim Berners-Lee(1) Peter L. Bernstein(3) G. R. Berridge(2) Scyld Berry(1) Joanne Bertin(1) Bescherelle(1) Alfred Bester(6) John Betjeman(2) Soumya Bhattacharya(1) Federico Biancuzzi(1) John Bicheno(1) Erik Scott de Bie(1) Barton Biggs(1) John Bingham(1) Ken Binmore(1) Christiane Bird(1) Dickie Bird(1) Lonnie Bird(1) Derek Birdsall(1) Derek Birley(2) Sue Birtwistle(1) Elizabeth Bishop(1) Michael Bishop(1) Simon Blackburn(1) Jenna Black(1) Malorie Blackman(1) Susan Blackmore(1) Franz G. Blaha(1) William Blake(1) David Blatner(1) James Blish(5) Andy Bloch(1) Heston Blumenthal(4) Enid Blyton(1) John Boardman(3) Giovanni Boccaccio(2) Alex Boese(1) Rodney Bolt(1) Margaret Wander Bonanno(2) Edward Bond(1) Kyril Bonfiglioli(2) Christopher Booker(1) Richard Bookstaber(1) George S. Boolos(1) Charley Boorman(1) Michael Booth(2) Dan Borge(1) David Borgenicht(1) Mihir Bose(1) Ian Botham(3) Alain de Botton(11) Mikhail Botvinnik(1) Anatoli Boukreev(1) Anthony Bourdain(7) Sam Bourne(1) Jim Bouton(1) John Bowden(2) Tracy Bowell(1) Peter Bowler(2) John Boyd(1) T.C. Boyle(10) Leigh Brackett(1) Malcolm Bradbury(1) Ray Bradbury(1) Mary Elizabeth Braddon(1) Philip Bradfield(1) Anne R. Bradford(1) James Bradley(1) John Braine(1) Reid Bramblett(1) Richard Branson(1) Patricia Bray(1) Richard A. Brealey(1) Mike Brearley(2) Bertolt Brecht(2) Clay Breshears(1) Peter V. Brett(5) Sarah Brewer(1) Jean Bricmont(1) John Bridges(1) Patricia Briggs(6) Simon Briggs(1) Stephen Briggs(2) Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin(1) Fleur Britten(1) D.I. Bronshtein(1) Po Bronson(1) Charlotte Brontë(5) Emily Brontë(2) Rupert Brooke(3) Frederick P. Brooks(1) Max Brooks(2) Michael Brooks(1) Terry Brooks(15) Andy Brown(1) Craig Brown(2) Dan Brown(9) Thomas Browne(1) Guy Browning(2) Kurt Brown(1) Pamela Brown(1) Simon Brown(3) Connie Bruck(1) John Brunner(1) Doyle Brunson(2) Steven Brust(42) Victor Bryant(1) Bill Bryson(17) Col Buchanan(1) Mark Buchanan(1) John Buchan(3) Jonathan Buckley(1) Ian Budge(1) Michael Buerk(1) Mary Buffett(1) Bill Buford(1) Lois McMaster Bujold(4) Mikhail Bulgakov(2) Jesse Bullington(1) Madeleine Bunting(2) R. W. Burchfield(1) Jacob Burckhardt(1) Anthony Burgess(1) Peter K. Burian(1) Andrew Burke(1) Edmund R. Burke(1) J. C. Burkill(2) Frances Hodgson Burnett(2) Fanny Burney(1) Gordon Burn(1) Bryan Burrough(1) J. A. Burrow(2) Burton(1) Anthony Burton(2) David D. Busch(1) Jim Butcher(40) Tim Butcher(1) Jill Butler(1) Jon Butler(1) Judith Butler(1) Ulf Buxrud(1) A.S. Byatt(1) Richard Lee Byers(4) Rhonda Byrne(2) Brian Cainen(1) Rachel Caine(3) John Calder(1) Julian Calder(1) Giancarlo Caldesi(1) Timothy Callahan(1) William D. Callister(1) Averil Cameron(1) Peter J. Cameron(1) Andrea Camilleri(3) Alan Campbell(5) Guy Campbell(1) Jack Campbell(5) Jack Campbell(17) John Campbell(1) Duncan Campbell-Smith(1) L. Sprague de Camp(2) Albert Camus(4) Trudi Canavan(12) José Raúl Capablanca(1) Georg Capellanus(1) Fritjof Capra(1) Debbie Carbin(1) Orson Scott Card(17) Jacqueline Carey(1) John Carey(1) Mike Carey(1) Peter Carey(1) Eric Carle(1) John Carlin(1) Lucas Carlson(1) Jo Carnegie(1) Mike Caro(1) Jamie Carragher(1) Caleb Carr(1) J. L. Carr(8) John Dickson Carr(1) Jonathan Carroll(5) Lewis Carroll(1) Simon Carr(1) Chris Carter(1) Justin Cartwright(1) Raymond Carver(1) John Case(1) Kristin Cashore(2) Steve Cash(3) Jean-Marie Cassagne(1) Baldassare Castiglione(2) John Castle(1) Deke Castleman(1) Christopher Catling(1) Michael Chabon(2) Mark Chadbourn(5) David J. Chalmers(2) George Chamier(1) Karen Chance(7) Lauren Henderson(1) Raymond Chandler(1) Robert Chandler(1) Giles Chapman(2) John Charmley(1) Leslie Charteris(1) David Charters(1) Geoffrey Chaucer(6) John Cheever(1) Anton Chekhov(9) David Chelsea(1) Bill Chen(1) Ray Cheng(1) Raymond Chen(1) Irving Chernev(1) Tom Chesshyre(1) Tracy Chevalier(1) Ted Chiang(2) Erskine Childers(2) Marcus Chown(2) Agatha Christie(4) John Christopher(1) Caryl Churchill(1) Marcus Tullius Cicero(4) Alice Cicolini(1) Scott Ciencin(1) Joanne B. Ciulla(1) Carmela Ciuraru(2) Tom Clancy(4) Chris Claremont(1) David Clark(1) Arthur C. Clarke(4) Cas Clarke(1) Susanna Clarke(4) Samuel Clark(1) Simon Clark(1) Jeremy Clarkson(12) Carl von Clausewitz(2) Nicholas Clayton(1) John Cleese(1) Brian Clegg(1) James Clemens(1) Hal Clement(1) Frank Close(2) Clive Coates(1) Karina Coates(1) Dominic Cobello(1) Michael Cobley(2) Jonathan Coe(1) Paulo Coelho(1) J. M. Coetzee(1) William D. Cohan(1) John M. Cohen(1) Richard A. Cohen(1) John Colaneri(1) David Colbert(2) Alison Cole(2) Isabel Colegate(1) Nicholas Coleridge(2) Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1) Stephen Cole(1) Eoin Colfer(12) Collectif(4) Harry M. Collins(1) Jim Colins(1) Max Allan Collins(1) Peter J. Collins(1) Tyler Colman(1) Geographers' A–Z Map Company Limited(4) Confucius(1) Groff Conklin(1) Denis Joseph Conlon(1) John Connolly(1) Joseph Connolly(1) Joseph Conrad(10) David Constantine(1) De Saint-Exupery Consuelo(1) Kaz Cooke(1) Monte Cook(1) Thomas H. Cook(1) Susan Coolidge(1) George Cooper(1) Robert Cooper(1) Susan Cooper(4) Jack Copeland(1) Wendy Cope(10) Bruce R. Cordell(2) Michael Cordy(1) Alan Coren(3) Bernard Cornwell(41) American Map Corporation(2) Sara Corrin(1) Jim Cotter(1) John Cottingham(1) Stephen Cottrell(1) Ben Counter(1) Douglas Coupland(2) the late Richard Courant(1) Thomas M. Cover(1) Brian Cox(2) John Cox(1) Michael Cox(1) Daniel Coyle(1) Jerry A. Coyne(1) Jim Crace(1) James Cracknell(3) Edward Craig(1) Michael Craig(2) Jeff Cranmer(1) Michael Crawford(1) No Author Credited(1) Alison Croggon(3) Vincent Cronin(2) Martin Cross(1) Colin Crouch(1) Christopher Crowley(1) John Crowley(2) Roger Crowley(1) David Crystal(9) Jonathan D. Culler(1) Elaine Cunningham(9) Lawrence A. Cunningham(3) Anne Curry(1) Richard Curtis(1) N. J. Cutland(1) Tom Cutler(1) Martin Cutts(1) Achim I. Czerny(1) Gordon Dahlquist(3) Roald Dahl(46) James Daley(1) Nolan Dalla(1) Margo Daly(1) Jonathan Dancy(1) Jack Daniels(1) Charles Darwin(1) Satyajit Das(1) John Davey(1) Saul David(1) Donald Davie(1) Clair Davies(1) Hunter Davies(1) J. K. Davies(1) Keri Davies(2) Nick Davies(2) Nigel Davies(1) Paul Davies(1) Sioned Davies(1) James P. Davis(1) Morton D. Davis(1) Norman Davis(1) Richard Dawkins(16) Junot Díaz(1) Roger Deakin(1) Anne Deans(1) Ian Dear(1) Edward Dearing(1) Debrett's(1) Andrea De Carlo(1) Daniel Defoe(6) Thomas Dekker(1) Samuel R. Delany(2) Frederic Delavier(1) Guillermo del Toro(1) Yelena Dembo(1) Daniel C. Dennett(4) Tony Denning(1) Troy Denning(7) John Derbyshire(2) Anita Desai(1) Kiran Desai(1) René Descartes(2) Joann Deveny(1) Keith Devlin(2) D. G. Bearne ( Edited )(1) Jared Diamond(6) Michael Dibdin(1) Chris DiBona(2) Charles Dickens(13) Georges Dicker(1) Matt Dickinson(1) Philip K. Dick(29) Oxford Dictionaries(2) Henry Dimbleby(1) Pat Dixon(1) Stefan Djuric(1) Michael Dobbs(1) Sarah Dobbyn(1) Colin Dobinson(1) Jan Dodd(2) Judy Dodds(1) David Donachie(1) Julia Donaldson(3) Stephen Donaldson(15) Stephen Donaldson(12) Stephen R. Donaldson(1) David Donovan(1) Richard Dooling(2) Gustave Doré(1) Ariel Dorfman(1) Helen Dorman(1) Andrew Dornenburg(1) Fyodor Dostoevsky(5) Ian Douglas(6) Frederick Douglass(1) Paul Douglass(1) Down Down(1) Ellie Down(1) Ursula Doyle(1) David Drake(9) Tere Stouffer Drenth(1) John Drew(2) Danny Dreyer(1) Friedrich Dürrenmatt(1) Diane Duane(10) Paul DuChateau(1) Stephen Van Dulken(1) Alexandre Dumas(3) Hal Duncan(3) Elaine Dundy(1) Martin Dunford(3) Fuchsia Dunlop(1) Helen Dunmore(1) Lord Dunsany(2) Lara Dunston(1) Mark Dvoretsky(1) Pete Earley(1) Rob Eastaway(1) P. E. Easterling(1) Eli Easton(1) Harry Eastwood(1) Umberto Eco(6) E. R. Eddison(2) David Louis Edelman(2) Gerald M. Edelman(1) Fine Woodworking(2) Imogen Edwards-Jones(5) Kim Edwards(1) Sally Edwards(1) Max Egremont(1) Albert Einstein(1) Arlene Eisenberg(1) Will Eisner(2) Niles Eldredge(1) Mohamed El-Erian(1) George Eliot(1) T. S. Eliot(4) Peter Elkind(1) Mark Ellingham(1) Stanley Ellin(1) Kate Elliott(2) Bret Easton Ellis(1) Charles D. Ellis(1) Warren Ellis(1) Simon Elmes(1) Paul Elmhirst(1) Beth Elon(1) Clayton Emery(2) John Emms(5) Herbert B. Enderton(1) Lisa Endlich(1) Matthew Engel(1) Anne Enright(1) Nora Ephron(1) Desiderius Erasmus(1) Steven Erikson(7) Laura Esquivel(2) Ian C. Esslemont(4) Claire Etcherelli(1) Euripides(2) Max Euwe(3) Chris Evans(1) Harriet Evans(1) Imogen Evans(1) Richard J. Evans(1) David Everitt-Matthias(1) Gulu Ezekiel(1) Thomas D. Fahey(1) Curtis Faith(1) John Meade Falkner(1) Jane Fallon(1) Jennifer Fallon(1) George Farquhar(1) Stephen Farthing(1) Ty Fatungase(1) Sebastian Faulks(13) Stephanie Faul(1) Alice Feiring(1) Raymond E. Feist(38) Julian Fellowes(2) Paul Felton(1) Dieter Fensel(1) John Fenton(1) Margaret Ferguson(1) Niall Ferguson(3) Niels Ferguson(1) Stephen Few(2) Richard P. Feynman(9) Jasper Fforde(1) Katie Fforde(2) Helen Fielding(2) Reuben Fine(2) Thomas Fink(1) Dominic Finn(1) Bobby Fischer(1) Scott Fischman(1) Len Fisher(1) M. F. K. Fisher(1) Philip A. Fisher(1) F. Scott Fitzgerald(3) Penelope Fitzgerald(2) Sheila Fitzpatrick(1) John Flanagan(2) Gustave Flaubert(1) Glenn Flear(1) Ian Fleming(19) Duncan Fletcher(4) John Fletcher(1) Lynn Flewelling(4) Andrew Flintoff(1) Michael Flocker(1) Alan Flusser(4) Benedict Flynn(1) Matt Flynn(1) Jonathan Safran Foer(3) Karl Fogel(1) Ben Fogle(2) James Follett(2) Ken Follett(1) Malcolm Folley(1) Gelfand & Fomin(1) Karen Wynn Fonstad(2) D. C. Fontana(1) Maud Fontenoy(1) Lara Foot-Newton(1) David Forbes(1) Ford Madox Ford(1) Gina Ford(1) John Fordham(2) John Ford(1) John M. Ford(1) Martyn Alexander Ford(1) Neal Ford(1) Richard Ford(1) Frederick Forsyth(12) Rene Foss(1) Alan Dean Foster(12) David Foster(1) Robert Foster(1) Stephen Foster(1) Tim Foster(1) William Fotheringham(3) The Lance Armstrong Foundation(1) Henry W. Fowler(2) H.W. Fowler(1) John Fowles(1) Wallace Fowlie(1) Kate Fox(2) Mike Fox(1) The Editors of Lingua Franca(2) Mark Del Franco(1) Andrew Franknoi(1) Pat Frank(1) George MacDonald Fraser(13) Michael Frayn(3) Charles Frazier(1) Claire Freedman(1) Lawrence Freedman(1) Brian Freeman(1) Michael Freeman(2) Tage Frid(1) Steve Friedman(1) Thomas Friedman(2) Thomas L. Friedman(2) Brian Friel(1) Bill Frindall(1) David Frith(1) Penelope Frohart(1) Jeaniene Frost(2) Stephen Fry(14) Maggie Furey(12) Jostein Gaarder(1) Neil Gaiman(15) John Kenneth Galbraith(1) Patrick Gale(1) Joe Gallagher(3) Jeff Galloway(7) Jo Gambi(1) Paul Gannon(1) Brian Gardner(1) Martin Gardner(3) Nuala Gardner(1) Anu Garg(1) D. J. H. Garling(1) Alan Garner(10) Eve Garnett(1) Randall Garrett(4) Elizabeth Gaskell(1) Stefan Gates(1) Mark Gatiss(2) Kurt Gödel(1) Top Gear(1) Emily Gee(2) Bernard R. Gelbaum(1) Gelfer(1) David Gemmell(1) Frederick George(1) Michael L. George(1) Alik Gershon(1) Tiha von Ghyczy(1) Janet Giannotti(1) Lewis Grassic Gibbon(1) Dave Gibbons(1) Stella Gibbons(1) Gary Gibson(3) Jane Gibson(1) Rex Gibson(4) William Gibson(9) Steve Giddins(1) Brad Gilbert(1) Martin Gilbert(2) Sandra M. Gilbert(1) Robert Gildea(1) James Gillies(1) Charlotte Perkins Gilman(1) Laura Anne Gilman(1) Rebecca Gilman(1) Thomas Gilovich(1) Andrew Gimson(1) Allen Ginsberg(1) George Gissing(1) Malcolm Gladwell(4) Michael Glauert(1) James Gleick(3) Marilyn Glenville(1) Ed Glinert(1) Dan Glover(1) Robert Glover(1) Dmitry Glukhovsky(1) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(3) Robert Goffee(1) Ben Goldacre(2) Reuel Golden(1) Glen David Gold(1) William Golding(1) Ron Goldman(1) Annabel Goldsmith(1) Noah J. Goldstein(1) E. H. Gombrich(2) Ivan Goncharov(1) Tony Gonzales(1) Terry Goodkind(5) Roger Goodman(1) Daisy Goodwin(1) Jason Goodwin(1) Kathleen Ann Goonan(1) J. E. Gordon(2) Phil Gordon(1) Roderick Gordon(1) Annie Gottlieb(1) Francesca Gould(1) Sir Ernest Gowers(1) Timothy Gowers(1) Fraser Grace(2) Alan Grafen(1) Benjamin Graham(4) Kenneth Grahame(1) Paul Graham(1) Bill Granger(1) Rob Grant(5) Robert Graves(9) Colin S. Gray(1) A. C. Grayling(1) Paul Gray(3) Joel Greenblatt(1) Stephen Greenblatt(1) Brian Greene(2) Graham Greene(1) Robert Greene(1) Henry Green(1) J. Green(1) Jane Green(3) Simon R. Green(31) Alan Greenspan(1) Barry Greenstein(1) Ed Greenwood(22) Walter Greenwood(1) Andrew Sean Greer(1) Germaine Greer(1) Jane Gregory(1) Philippa Gregory(1) David Grene(1) Kate Griffin(2) Maurice Griffiths(1) Nick Griffiths(1) Geoffrey R. Grimmett(2) Jon Courtenay Grimwood(4) Ken Grimwood(1) Keith Grint(1) John Grisham(1) John Grogan(3) John Gross(1) Kim Johnson Gross(1) Austin Grossman(1) Lev Grossman(3) Vasily Grossman(2) Paul R. Gross(1) Bear Grylls(4) Ramachandra Guha(2) Rough Guide(4) Le guin(1) Ursula K. Le Guin(20) Jan Gullberg(1) Thorarinn Gunnarsson(1) Suman Gupta(1) Abdulrazak Gurnah(1) Bill Gutman(1) Samuel Guttenplan(1) Skye Gyngell(2) Susan Haack(1) Jeremy Hackett(1) Husain Haddawy(1) Mark Haddon(6) Katie Hafner(1) Adele J. Haft(1) H. Rider Haggard(5) Robert G. Hagstrom(2) William Hague(1) Gideon Haigh(3) Arthur Hailey(8) Peter Haining(2) David Halberstam(1) A. R. B. Haldane(1) Joe Haldeman(6) J. C. Hallman(1) Michael Blanding and Alexandra Hall(1) Sara Hall(1) Robin Halstead(1) Gary Hamel(1) A. G. Hamilton(1) Carole Hamilton(1) Christopher Hamilton(1) Laurell K. Hamilton(5) Lewis Hamilton(1) Peter Hamilton(1) Peter F. Hamilton(25) Michael Ham(1) Richard Hammond(3) Elise Hancock(1) Jim Hankinson(1) Gus Hansen(1) Gerry Hanson(1) T. D. Harding(1) G. H. Hardy(1) Lyndon Hardy(2) Thomas Hardy(4) Mimi Hare(1) Mike Harfield(1) Tim Harford(3) Nick Harkaway(1) Doug Harman(1) HarperCollins(1) Laura Harper(1) Harrap(1) Heinrich Harrer(1) Dan Harrington(5) Harris(1) Charlaine Harris(3) Jane Harris(1) Harry Harrison(16) Kim Harrison(18) Michael Harrison(1) M. John Harrison(2) Robert Harris(9) Robert L. Harris(1) Sam Harris(2) Shon Harris(2) Mary Hart(1) Russell Hart(1) David G. Hartwell(4) Andrew Haslam(1) John Hatcher(1) Gary Hatfield(1) Hatier(1) Tom De Haven(1) Richard Haver(1) Julian Havil(2) Stephen Hawking(2) Roger Hawkins(1) Tony Hawks(2) Raina Hawley(1) Benjamin Hayes(1) George Hay(1) Louise Hay(1) Seamus Heaney(2) Duncan Heath(1) Peter Heather(1) John Hegley(10) Ronald Heifetz(3) Robert A. Heinlein(17) Bernd Heinrich(1) Paul Hellander(1) Joseph Heller(1) Mr. Richard Hendel(1) Richard Hendel(1) Bruce A. Henderson(1) David Hendy(1) Paul Hendy(1) Darren Henley(5) John L. Hennessy(1) W. N. Herbert(1) Sarah Herman(1) Herodotus(1) Israel Nathan Herstein(1) Andy Hertzfeld(1) Elliott Hester(1) Georgette Heyer(17) Tom Hickman(1) Hal Higdon(1) Peter M. Higgins(1) Charlie Higson(5) Matthew Hilger(1) Benjamin Hill(1) Douglas Hill(1) Graham C. Hill(1) Harry Hill(1) Marion Hill(1) Phillip Hills(2) Susan Hill(1) Tim Hilton(1) Mark Hines(1) F. H. Hinsley(1) Hiroyuki Hirano(1) Ian Hislop(2) Christopher Hitchens(3) Thomas Hobbes(2) Robin Hobb(15) Jost Hochuli(2) John C. Hocking(1) Jane Aiken Hodge(1) Andrew Hodges(1) Wilfrid Hodges(2) Tom Hodgkinson(2) Paul Hoffman(3) Paul Hoffman(1) Gerard Hoffnung(7) Douglas Hofstadter(1) Chuck Hogan(1) Simon Hoggart(1) Anthony Holden(2) Robert Holdstock(6) Tom Holland(1) Joanne Hollows(1) Bryan Holme(1) Kelly Holmes(1) Richard Holmes(1) Tom Holt(12) Homer(8) Carl Honoré(1) H. M. Hoover(1) Gerard Manley Hopkins(1) Simon Hornblower(3) Nick Hornby(9) Anthony Horowitz(1) Khaled Hosseini(2) Geoffrey Household(2) Michael Howard(2) Robert E. Howard(4) Chris Howarth(1) Robin Howat(1) M. C. Howatson(1) Tanya Huff(5) Edward Hughes(1) John Hughes(1) M. Hughes(1) Richard Hughes(1) Robert Hughes(1) S. Hughes(1) Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes(1) Simon Hughes(2) Ted Hughes(8) Victor Hugo(3) Clifford A. Hull(1) E. M. Hull(1) John C. Hull(2) Michael Hulse(1) Paul Humberstone(1) David Hume(4) Rob Humphreys(1) Carolyn Humphries(4) John Humphrys(1) Andy Hunt(1) Erin Hunter(1) Kim Hunter(4) Stephen Hunter(1) Samuel P. Huntington(1) Stephen Hunt(2) Stella Hurd(1) Nasser Hussain(2) William Hussey(1) Michael Hutchinson(1) Aldous Huxley(5) Elisabeth Hyde(1) Randall Hyde(2) Eva Ibbotson(11) Mecca Ibrahim(1) Henrik Ibsen(2) Georges Ifrah(1) Conn Iggulden(3) Michael Ignatieff(1) David R. George, III(3) Glyn Iliffe(1) Not for Tourist Inc(1) Earl G. 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Vince(1) Rachel Vincent(3) Vernor Vinge(11) Paul R. Viotti(1) Virgil(3) David A. Vise(1) Willy Voet(1) Sandrine Voillet(1) Voltaire(4) Kurt Vonnegut(11) Mara Vorhees(1) Jetse de Vries(1) Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries(1) Vladimir Vuković(1) Elizabeth Wagele(1) John Wagner(1) John Wagner(2) Howard Wainer(1) Maurice Waite(1) Steve Dublanica(1) Josh Waitzkin(1) Judy Wajcman(1) F. W. Walbank(1) Derek Walcott(2) George Walden(1) Dennis Walder(1) Prof Katie Wales(1) Matt Walker(1) Stephen James Walker(1) Benjamin Wallace(1) Danny Wallace(1) Jane Walmsley(1) Kenneth N. Waltz(1) Leonard M. Wapner(1) Nigel Warburton(2) Adam Ward(1) James M. Ward(1) Shane Warne(4) Peter Washington(2) Robin Waterfield(1) E. F. Watling(1) John Watson(6) Julia Watson(2) Winifred Watson(2) Fiona Watt(2) Peter Watts(1) Evelyn Waugh(1) Steve Waugh(1) Adrian Weale(1) Beck Weathers(1) Richard Webber(1) Henrietta Webb(1) Simon Webb(1) David Weber(7) Steven Weber(1) John Webster(4) Brent Weeks(3) Oscar Wegner(1) Sandy Weill(1) David Weinberger(1) Samantha Weinberg(1) Michael Weinreb(2) Weis(2) Lauren Weisberger(2) M. Weis(3) Margare Weis(1) Margaret Weis(31) Jack Welch(3) Gordon Welchman(1) Michael Weller(1) Shane Weller(1) Colin Wells(1) David Wells(3) D. G. Wells(1) H. G. Wells(1) Irvine Welsh(1) Timberlake Wertenbaker(2) Toni Weschler(1) Arnold Wesker(1) Drew Westen(1) Rebecca West(1) Zita West(4) Martin Weteschnik(1) Charles Wheelan(1) Dr Imelda Whelehan(1) Imelda Whelehan(1) E. B. White(1) Jerry White(1) Marco Pierre White(1) Rowland White(1) T. H. White(1) Jim Whiting(1) Keith Whitlock(1) David Whitsett(1) Albery Wienrich(1) John Wilcockson(1) John Wilcox(1) Oscar Wilde(2) Kate Wilhelm(1) Geoffrey Willans(1) Bernard Williams(1) China Williams(3) John Davis Williams(1) Nicola Williams(1) Nicola Williams(1) Henry Williamson(1) Sam Williams(1) Tad Williams(16) Tennessee Williams(1) Alistair Macintosh Wilson(1) Des Wilson(1) Greg Wilson(1) Hugo Wilson(1) Jean Moorcroft Wilson(1) Leah Wilson(1) Margaret Dauler Wilson(1) Neil Wilson(2) Robert Charles Wilson(1) Ira Winkler(1) Christopher Winn(1) F. W. Winterbotham(1) William Winter(1) John 'Lofty' Wiseman(1) Richard Wiseman(1) David Wishart(1) Ludwig Wittgenstein(1) P. G. Wodehouse(46) Terry Wogan(1) Peter Woit(1) Gene Wolfe(12) Isabel Wolff(1) Jonathan Wolff(1) Tobias Wolff(1) Martin Wolf(1) Robert L. Wolke(2) Christian Wolmar(3) James P. Womack(2) Chris Wooding(7) Les Woodland(1) Ros Belford Martin Dunford Celia Woolfrey(1) Virginia Woolf(3) Bob Woolmer(1) Jay Worrall(2) H. R. Woudhuysen(1) Steve Wozniak(2) Robert C. Wrede(1) Diana Wright(1) Simon Wright(1) David Wroblewski(1) Duncan Wu(1) Janny Wurts(16) Jonathan Wylie(9) John Wyndham(8) Yuri Yakovich(1) Taichi Yamada(1) Wendy Yanagihara(1) Nick Yapp(1) Chelsea Quinn Yarbro(21) Herbert O. Yardley(1) Alex Yermolinsky(1) Jeffrey S. Young(2) Kevin Young(1) Simon Young(1) Toby Young(1) George Yule(1) Carlos Ruiz Zafón(2) Michał Zalewski(1) Yevgeny Zamyatin(1) Myriam Zaoui(1) Stefan Zeidenitz(1) Roger Zelazny(2) Paul Zenon(1) Vladimir Zhelvis(1) Émile Zola(11) Markus Zusak(1) "(1) *(1)