Immagine dell'autore.

Mary Doria Russell

Autore di The Sparrow

9+ opere 16,482 membri 1,026 recensioni 110 preferito


Fonte dell'immagine: Courtesy of the author


Opere di Mary Doria Russell

The Sparrow (1996) 7,820 copie, 407 recensioni
Children of God (1998) 3,021 copie, 126 recensioni
A Thread of Grace (2005) 2,134 copie, 91 recensioni
Doc (2011) 1,426 copie, 175 recensioni
Dreamers of the Day (2008) 1,103 copie, 129 recensioni
Epitaph (2015) 560 copie, 49 recensioni
The Women of the Copper Country: A Novel (2019) 414 copie, 48 recensioni
Rakhat 3 copie, 1 recensione
2000 1 copia

Opere correlate

Un cantico per Leibowitz (1955) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni11,889 copie, 314 recensioni


Informazioni generali



Ellen (ebt1002) Reads On in 2016 - Chapter 10 in 75 Books Challenge for 2016 (Ottobre 2016)
!/4 way through THE SPARROW and am already blown away in Science Fiction Fans (Mag 2014)


Only a catholic would think this was worth the paper it was written on
hhenry3 | 406 altre recensioni | May 28, 2024 |
I wish I had read this immediately after The Sparrow, (that would be a recommendation), the story picks up from the end of the previous book, (there is no time gap). Emilio's story is wonderful, heartbreaking and satisfying ,'s not. The scheming and planning that takes place brings up moral and ethical questions, do the ends justify the means? Well...I didn't think so….but it is a question the pope and the cardinal do their best to justify. Many questions are raised about faith, religion and moral consequences of meddling for, what the Jesuits think, is the betterment of the species.

The parts that take place on Rakhat were somewhat confusing and I had to reread several pages to understand the politics of the planet among the different species.

As usual, Russell's writing is beautiful....highly recommend.
… (altro)
almin | 125 altre recensioni | May 4, 2024 |
I was intrigued by why the writer of two terrific science fiction novels (The Sparrow and its sequel Children of God) would turn to writing what appears on the surface to be just a Western: set in the Kansas township of Dodge in the 1880s, featuring people like Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterton. But in fact, Doc adheres much more closely to historical reality than 99% of ‘Westerns’ and could be seen simply as a devoted character study and only lightly-fictionalised biography of Doctor John Henry Holliday.

The novel begins with this arresting opening: “He began to die when he was twenty-one...”

Born in Georgia just prior to the Civil War and growing up in its aftermath, Holliday studies to become a dentist, but contracts tuberculosis and is sent West to try to take advantage of the drier air. Here he supplements his meagre income from his dental practice by becoming a card sharp.

Russell’s depiction of the unromantic reality of the ‘Wild West’ and the ravages of tuberculosis on Holliday appear to be well-researched and clearly described. The range of characters around him, including real-life figures the Earp brothers; the prostitute Kate Harony; Bob Wright, the outfitter making himself a fortune; and many others, are supplemented by imagined characters such as Father Alexander von Angensperg, a Jesuit bringing the Gospel to the Native Americans.

Throw into this mix the mystery surrounding the death of a young mixed-race man who Holliday had been mentoring, and you have a fascinating novel.
… (altro)
davidrgrigg | 174 altre recensioni | Mar 23, 2024 |


1990s (1)

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