Immagine dell'autore.

Thomas Merton (1915–1968)

Autore di La montagna dalle sette balze

370+ opere 33,095 membri 324 recensioni 87 preferito


Born in France, Thomas Merton was the son of an American artist and poet and her New Zealander husband, a painter. Merton lost both parents before he had finished high school, and his younger brother was killed in World War II. Something of the ephemeral character of human endeavor marked all his mostra altro works, deepening the pathos of his writings and drawing him close to Eastern, especially Buddhist, forms of monasticism. After an initial education in the United States, France, and England, he completed his undergraduate degree at Columbia University. His parents, nominally friends, had given him little religious guidance, and in 1938, he converted to Roman Catholicism. The following year he received an M.A. from Columbia University and in 1941, he entered Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky, where he remained until a short time before his death. His working life was spent as a Trappist monk. At Gethsemani, he wrote his famous autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain" (1948); there he labored and prayed through the days and years of a constant regimen that began with daily prayer at 2:00 a.m. As his contemplative life developed, he still maintained contact with the outside world, his many books and articles increasing steadily as the years went by. Reading them, it is hard to think of him as only a "guilty bystander," to use the title of one of his many collections of essays. He was vehement in his opposition to the Vietnam War, to the nuclear arms race, to racial oppression. Having received permission to leave his monastery, he went on a journey to confer with mystics of the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. He was accidentally electrocuted in a hotel in Bangkok, Thailand, on December 10, 1968. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno
Fonte dell'immagine: Thomas Merton in Pictures From the archives of the Thomas Merton Center. Used with permission of the Merton Legacy Trust.


Opere di Thomas Merton

La montagna dalle sette balze (1948) 4,726 copie, 56 recensioni
New Seeds of Contemplation (1961) 2,257 copie, 17 recensioni
Nessun uomo e un'isola (1955) 2,226 copie, 20 recensioni
Contemplative Prayer (1969) 1,446 copie, 9 recensioni
Pensieri nella solitudine (1958) 1,198 copie, 12 recensioni
La via semplice di Chuang Tzu (1969) — Autore — 1,120 copie, 14 recensioni
The Wisdom of the Desert (New Directions) (1960) — Autore — 1,080 copie, 12 recensioni
Lo zen e gli uccelli rapaci (1968) 759 copie, 12 recensioni
Il segno di Giona (1953) 701 copie, 10 recensioni
Diario di un testimone colpevole (1968) 672 copie, 8 recensioni
Vita e santita (1969) 643 copie, 5 recensioni
Mystics and Zen Masters (1987) 564 copie, 4 recensioni
The Ascent to Truth (1951) 510 copie, 2 recensioni
The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton (1973) 491 copie, 7 recensioni
Direzione spirituale e meditazione (1960) 477 copie, 6 recensioni
Semi di contemplazione (1949) 458 copie, 4 recensioni
Le acque di Siloe (1949) 426 copie, 4 recensioni
ˆIl ‰pane nel deserto (1953) 425 copie, 5 recensioni
Praying the Psalms (1956) 405 copie, 4 recensioni
The New Man (1961) — Autore — 402 copie, 5 recensioni
A Book of Hours (2007) 385 copie, 5 recensioni
Love and Living (1979) 353 copie, 2 recensioni
Contemplation in a World of Action (1971) 338 copie, 2 recensioni
The Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals (1999) 335 copie, 4 recensioni
Vita nel silenzio (1957) 322 copie, 3 recensioni
Opening the Bible (1970) — Autore — 309 copie, 3 recensioni
Disputed Questions (1960) 303 copie, 2 recensioni
Il pane vivo (1956) 302 copie, 2 recensioni
Raids on the Unspeakable (1966) 252 copie, 4 recensioni
The Monastic Journey (1977) 239 copie, 1 recensione
Diario secolare (1977) 212 copie, 2 recensioni
When the Trees Say Nothing: Writings on Nature (2003) 191 copie, 1 recensione
Fede, resistenza, protesta (1968) 190 copie, 2 recensioni
Seasons of celebration (1965) 167 copie, 3 recensioni
Che cos'e la contemplazione (1978) 148 copie, 4 recensioni
Seeds (2002) 137 copie
Semi di distruzione (1980) 131 copie, 2 recensioni
Thoughts on the East (A New Directions Bibelot) (1995) 123 copie, 1 recensione
Il coraggio della verità (1993) 121 copie
The Nonviolent Alternative (1980) 119 copie, 1 recensione
He Is Risen (1975) 106 copie, 1 recensione
A vow of conversation : journals, 1964-1965 (1988) — Autore — 99 copie
Peace In The Post-christian Era (2004) 76 copie, 1 recensione
Passion For Peace: The Social Essays (1995) 75 copie, 1 recensione
Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers (2003) 66 copie, 2 recensioni
Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation (2008) 61 copie, 1 recensione
Geography of Lograire (1969) 52 copie
Honorable Reader: Reflections on My Work (1989) 50 copie, 1 recensione
Thomas Merton on peace (1971) 46 copie
A Catch of Anti-Letters (1978) 38 copie, 1 recensione
Day of a stranger (1981) 33 copie
Ishi Means Man: Essays on Native Americans (1976) 30 copie, 1 recensione
Silence in Heaven: A Book of the Monastic Life (1956) — Autore — 23 copie
Cold War Letters (2006) 22 copie
The Strange Islands (1957) 19 copie
Cistercian life (2001) 19 copie
A Man in the Divided Sea (1946) 19 copie
REDEEMING THE TIME (1966) 18 copie, 1 recensione
Figures for an Apocalypse (1947) 17 copie
Silence, Joy (2018) 16 copie
Meditations on Liturgy (1976) 15 copie
La Paix monastique (1990) 13 copie
Thomas Merton on Zen (1976) 13 copie
Vägen till kontemplation (1980) 12 copie
The behavior of Titans (1961) 10 copie
Introductions East & West (1981) 10 copie
Kallad till tystnad (2005) 5 copie
Szukanie Boga 5 copie
Vida i santedat 5 copie, 3 recensioni
Come to the Mountain (1964) 4 copie
Thomas Merton on Prayer (1989) 4 copie
Diarios. 1939-1968 (2001) 4 copie
Thirty poems (1944) 3 copie
ESCRITOS ESENCIALES DE THOMAS MERTON (2006) 3 copie, 1 recensione
Listy (1991) 3 copie
The Zen revival (1971) 3 copie
Nativity kerygma (1958) 2 copie
Leggere la Bibbia (2002) 2 copie
Orar Los Salmos (2005) 2 copie
The Thomas Merton Studies Center (Volume One) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni2 copie
Merton 2 copie
Wybór wierszy (1986) 2 copie
Un vivere alternativo (1995) 2 copie
Humanismo cristiano (2001) 2 copie
A Merton Reader (1974) 2 copie
El Camino monástico (1987) 1 copia, 1 recensione
Created for Love (1993) 1 copia
Cistercian contemplatives / — Autore — 1 copia
Thomas Merton on William Faulkner (2018) 1 copia, 1 recensione
He Has Risen 1 copia
Paz na era pós-cristã (2007) 1 copia, 1 recensione
O Homem Novo 1 copia, 1 recensione
La rivoluzione nera (2016) 1 copia
Asiatisches Tagebuch (1999) 1 copia
Pensamientos en soledad (2023) 1 copia, 1 recensione
Zeiten der Stille. (1999) 1 copia
Na Liberdade da Solidão (2023) 1 copia
Fenelon Letters (1964) 1 copia
Love 1 copia
Nonviolent Alternative (1980) 1 copia
Il monaco 1 copia
Paz Personal Paz Social (1999) 1 copia
Inner and Outer Poverty (1994) 1 copia
Silence (1994) 1 copia
Sedmistupňová hora (2002) 1 copia
Thomas Merton on Love (2007) 1 copia
Thomas Merton on Sufism (2014) 1 copia
La oración en la vida religiosa 1 copia, 1 recensione
LA EXPERIENCIA INTERNA 1 copia, 1 recensione
Life and Work 1 copia
Duh 1 copia
Pasternak (2019) 1 copia
KONTEMPLATIV B (1987) 1 copia
Hetkien kirja (2014) 1 copia
Thomas Merton on Poetry (2017) 1 copia

Opere correlate

La città di Dio (0426) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni6,308 copie, 34 recensioni
A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry (1996) — Collaboratore — 836 copie, 11 recensioni
Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas (2004) — Collaboratore — 775 copie, 11 recensioni
Gandhi on Non-Violence: A Selection From the Writings of Mahatma Gandi (1965) — A cura di, alcune edizioni341 copie, 2 recensioni
The Portable Sixties Reader (2002) — Collaboratore — 331 copie, 2 recensioni
American Religious Poems: An Anthology (2006) — Collaboratore — 164 copie, 2 recensioni
Belief: Readings on the Reason for Faith (2010) — Collaboratore — 145 copie, 2 recensioni
Saints for Now (1952) — Collaboratore — 111 copie
War No More: Three Centuries of American Antiwar and Peace Writing (2016) — Collaboratore — 88 copie, 1 recensione
Vietnam: Lotus in a Sea of Fire (1967) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni79 copie, 2 recensioni
Russian Mystics (1976) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni72 copie
Gods and Mortals: Modern Poems on Classical Myths (2001) — Collaboratore — 69 copie, 2 recensioni
The Prison Meditations of Father Delp (1963) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni62 copie
Counsels of Light and Love (1977) — Introduzione — 55 copie
A Hidden Wholeness/The Visual World of Thomas Merton (1977) — Fotografo — 55 copie, 1 recensione
Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton (2006) — Illustratore — 43 copie
Antaeus No. 61, Autumn 1988 - Journals, Notebooks & Diaries (1988) — Collaboratore — 35 copie, 2 recensioni
Merton & Buddhism: (The Fons Vitae Thomas Merton series) (2007) — Fotografo, alcune edizioni32 copie
Elsewhere (Poets in the World) (2014) — Traduttore, alcune edizioni26 copie, 1 recensione
No more strangers (1965) — Introduzione — 21 copie
The Analog Sea Review: Number Two (2019) — Collaboratore — 19 copie, 1 recensione
Son of Man: Great Writing About Jesus Christ (2002) — Collaboratore — 17 copie
Clement of Alexandria Selections from the Protreptikos (1962) — Essay, alcune edizioni; Traduttore, alcune edizioni12 copie
Non-violence and the Christian conscience (1966) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni12 copie, 1 recensione
New World Writing: First Mentor Selection (1952) — Collaboratore — 11 copie
Merton [1984 film] (2004) — Featured — 10 copie
The Analog Sea Review: Number One (2018) — Collaboratore — 9 copie
The Jaguar and the Moon (1974) — Traduttore, alcune edizioni7 copie
Stroker anthology, 1974-1994 (1994) — Collaboratore — 7 copie
Mansions of the Spirit (1967) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni7 copie
TriQuarterly 19, Fall 1970 (1970) — Collaboratore — 4 copie
Palabra de Amor: La búsqueda de la sanación integral (2002) — Collaboratore — 3 copie
New Directions in Prose and Poetry 33 (2010) — Collaboratore — 3 copie
The Ethnic Image in Modern American Literature, 1900-1950 (1984) — Collaboratore — 1 copia


Informazioni generali



Il volume presenta l'edizione critica dell'ultimo manoscritto lasciato da Merton, riveduto in parte dall'autore ma mai pubblicato. Solo dopo la sua morte avvenuta nel novembre del 1967, viene alla luce questo volume riportando tutte le correzioni e la parti aggiuntive indicate dall'autore. Thomas Merton, il prolifico monaco la cui autobiografia La Montagna dalle Sette Balze introdusse la contemplazione cristiana nel 20° secolo, spiega cosa si intende per contemplazione cristiana, acquisita o infusa, proponendo per la prima volta l'insegnamento dei maestri dello Zen buddista e i metodi di meditazioni orientali.… (altro)
MensCorpore | 3 altre recensioni | Sep 10, 2015 |


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Victor A. Kramer Editor, Foreword
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