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John Connolly

Autore di Il libro delle cose perdute

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John Connolly is the author of "Every Dead Thing" which was a bestseller in Britain and Ireland. He is a regular contributor to "The Irish Times," and has traveled extensively in the United States. He lives in Dublin, Ireland. (Publisher Provided) John Connolly was born May 31, 1968 in Dublin. He mostra altro is an Irish writer who is best known for his series of novels starring private detective Charlie Parker. His first novel, Every Dead Thing was nominated for the Bram Stoker Award for Best First Novel and went on to win the 2000 Shamus Award for Best First Private Eye Novel (he is the first author outside of the US to have won the award). Connolly's debut introduced readers to the anti-hero Charlie Parker, a former police officer hunting the killer of his wife and daughter. Connolly has since written a further 5 books in the popular Parker series and a non-Parker thriller, as well as venturing outside of the crime genre with the publication of first, an anthology of ghost stories and later, a novel about a young boy's coming-of-age journey during World War II England. Before becoming a full-time novelist, Connolly worked as a journalist, a barman, and a local government official. After graduating with a B.A. in English from Trinity College, Dublin and a M.A. in Journalism from Dublin City University, he spent five years working as a freelance journalist for The Irish Times newspaper. He quickly became frustrated with the profession, and began to write Every Dead Thing in his spare time. Connolly continues to contribute articles to the paper. His eighth book in the Charlie Parker series, The Reapers, was published in 2008. The tenth Parker novel, titled The Whisperers, was published in 2010. His current bestseller is A Time of Torment, the fourteenth in the Charlie Parker series.. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno

Comprende il nome: John Connolly


Opere di John Connolly

Il libro delle cose perdute (2006) 6,985 copie, 329 recensioni
Tutto ciò che muore (1999) 2,156 copie, 80 recensioni
L' angelo delle ossa (2005) 1,356 copie, 32 recensioni
Il ciclo delle stagioni (2000) 1,354 copie, 42 recensioni
Gente che uccide (2002) 1,288 copie, 28 recensioni
Anime morte (2006) 1,236 copie, 30 recensioni
The White Road (2002) 1,096 copie, 23 recensioni
Nocturnes (2004) 1,073 copie, 23 recensioni
The Reapers (2008) 1,044 copie, 23 recensioni
Gli ‰amanti (2009) 847 copie, 36 recensioni
Bad Men (2004) 825 copie, 21 recensioni
The Whisperers (2010) 709 copie, 31 recensioni
The Burning Soul (2011) 570 copie, 25 recensioni
The Wrath of Angels (2012) 543 copie, 19 recensioni
Il lupo in inverno (2014) 515 copie, 23 recensioni
The Infernals (2011) 474 copie, 30 recensioni
The Woman in the Woods (2018) 436 copie, 17 recensioni
Sporco ricco (2016) 416 copie, 17 recensioni
A Time of Torment (2016) 393 copie, 48 recensioni
A Song of Shadows (2015) 388 copie, 24 recensioni
A Game of Ghosts (2017) 317 copie, 16 recensioni
The Dirty South (2020) 288 copie, 11 recensioni
A Book of Bones (2019) 278 copie, 9 recensioni
The Creeps (2013) 251 copie, 15 recensioni
Night Music (2015) 195 copie, 15 recensioni
The Land of Lost Things (2023) 191 copie, 6 recensioni
The Nameless Ones (2021) 189 copie, 9 recensioni
Conquest (2013) 171 copie, 9 recensioni
The Furies (2022) 157 copie, 9 recensioni
He (2017) 120 copie, 4 recensioni
The Museum of Literary Souls (2013) 118 copie, 11 recensioni
Empire (2013) 74 copie, 2 recensioni
The Instruments of Darkness (2024) 61 copie, 3 recensioni
The Wanderer in Unknown Realms (2013) 52 copie, 2 recensioni
Dominion (2016) 51 copie, 2 recensioni
The Reflecting Eye: A Charlie Parker Novella (2011) 42 copie, 2 recensioni
The Underbury Witches (2006) 33 copie, 3 recensioni
The Charlie Parker Collection: Books 1-4 (2013) 22 copie, 1 recensione
The Monks of Appalling Dreadfulness (2020) 13 copie, 1 recensione
Parker: A Miscellany (2016) 9 copie
Horror Express (2018) 7 copie
The Sisters Strange (2020) 3 copie
Le temps des tourments (2019) 3 copie
I Live Here 2 copie
The Lamia 1 copia
The Djinn 1 copia
Mud 1 copia
Razorshins 1 copia
A Haunting 1 copia
Lazarus 1 copia
The Cycle 1 copia
Moord uit het boekje II (2014) 1 copia
Stille handel (2011) 1 copia
The Erlking 1 copia
Nocturne 1 copia
Defender 1 copia

Opere correlate

The New Dead: A Zombie Anthology (2010) — Collaboratore — 379 copie, 15 recensioni
Like a Charm: A Novel in Voices (2004) — Collaboratore — 322 copie, 8 recensioni
Inherit the Dead (2013) — Collaboratore — 298 copie, 10 recensioni
Bibliomysteries: Stories of Crime in the World of Books and Bookstores (2017) — Collaboratore — 193 copie, 9 recensioni
Donne Pericolose (2005) — Collaboratore — 135 copie, 2 recensioni
Echoes of Sherlock Holmes: Stories Inspired by the Holmes Canon (2016) — Collaboratore — 132 copie, 10 recensioni
Dark Delicacies III: Haunted (2009) — Collaboratore — 82 copie, 2 recensioni
OxCrimes (2014) — Collaboratore — 74 copie, 7 recensioni
The Best British Mysteries 2006 (2005) — Collaboratore — 63 copie, 1 recensione
Where Nightmares Come From: The Art of Storytelling in the Horror Genre (2017) — Interviewee — 34 copie, 2 recensioni
Phantoms: Haunting Tales from Masters of the Genre (2018) — Collaboratore — 33 copie
Down These Green Streets: Irish Crime Writing in the 21st Century (2011) — Collaboratore — 25 copie, 1 recensione
Cinema Futura (2010) — Collaboratore — 19 copie
Bogus Dead (2002) — Collaboratore — 18 copie
The Atria International Book of Mysteries (2012) — Collaboratore — 15 copie, 1 recensione
Uncertainties Volume 1 (2016) — Prefazione — 12 copie
A Carnivale of Horror (2012) — Collaboratore — 8 copie
Hebbes 1 — Collaboratore — 2 copie
Thrill Rides (2014) — Collaboratore — 1 copia


Antologia (150) Avventura (98) Biblioteca (90) Charlie Parker (482) Criminalità (628) da leggere (1,885) Demone (109) EBook (219) Fantascienza (124) Fantasy (1,158) fiabe (354) firmato (252) Horror (658) Inghilterra (109) Investigatore (176) John Connolly (106) kindle (105) Letteratura gialla (250) letto (246) Libri (85) libri sui libri (95) Maine (153) Mistero (1,040) Narrativa (2,164) noir (130) non letto (149) Omicidio (111) Paranormale (86) passaggio all'età adulta (148) posseduto (82) racconti (308) Romanzo (149) Seconda guerra mondiale (126) Serie (142) Soprannaturale (388) Suspense (193) Thriller (852) Umorismo (130) YA (104) YA (214)

Informazioni generali

Nome legale
Connolly, John
Data di nascita
Luogo di nascita
Dublin, Ireland
Luogo di residenza
Dublin, Ireland
Trinity College, Dublin (BA)
Dublin City University (MA)
Attività lavorative
Ridyard, Jennifer (spouse)
Irish Times



The Book of Lost Things book discussion in Hogwarts Express (Mag 4)
WWII, boy, alternate world? in Name that Book (Febbraio 2009)


Veramente molto bello. Gli ultimi di Connolly mi avevano delusa ma con questo Connolly ritorna al fascino dei primi libri. Avvincente e con una bella storia. Attenzione i libri della serie Charlie Parker vanno letti in ordine di uscita
Angela.Me | 23 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2017 |
Non è tra i migliori di Connolly ma si legge bene.
Angela.Me | 24 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2017 |
Charlie Parker ritorna alla grande dopo i tre demoni che è stato un po' scarsino. Questo invece è proprio bello.
Angela.Me | 18 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2017 |
Nonostante John Connolly sia tra i miei autori preferiti e le storie con Charlie Parker siano sempre valide questo ha qualcosa in meno degli altri. Niente affatto male si legge sempre bene ma ne ho letti dei migliori
Angela.Me | 30 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2017 |


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