
Opere (1,270)

Un' isola nel mare di Annika Thor
"Aktion Reinhardt" : der Völkermord an den Juden im Generalgouvernement 1941-1944 di Bogdan Musial
"Exitus Heute in Hadamar": The Hadamar facility and "euthanasia" in Nazi Germany di Patricia L. Heberer
The "Final Solution" in Riga: Exploitation and Annihilation, 1941-1944 (Studies on War and Genocide) di Andrej Angrick
"L'chajim": Die Geschichte der Juden im Landkreis Darmstadt-Dieburg (German Edition) di Thomas Lange
"||Und Sie hatten nie Gewissensbisse?" : Die Biografie von Rudolf Hoess, Kommandant von Auschwitz, und die Frage nach sein di Manfred Deselaers
'Endlösung' in Galizien di Thomas Sandkühler
20th century journey, vol. II: The Nightmare Years di William L. Shirer
22 Britannia Road di Amanda Hodgkinson
The 23rd Psalm: A Holocaust Memoir di George Lucius Salton
50 Children: One Ordinary American Couple's Extraordinary Rescue Mission into the Heart of Nazi Germany di Steven Pressman
548 Days With Another Name: Salonika 1943 : A Child's Diary, An Adult's Memories of War di Rozina Asser Pardo
60 Minutes: Hitler's Secret Archive di Scott Pelley
80629: A Mengele Experiment di Gene Church
Aan de gaskamer ontsnapt! di R. de Winter-Levy
The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941-1945 di David S. Wyman
The Abyss: A Confession di Elie Aron Cohen
Adolf Hitler di John Toland
Advocate for the Dead : The Story of Joel Brand di Alex Weissberg
After Long Silence di Helen Fremont
After the Holocaust di Michael Brenner
After the Holocaust di Howard Greenfeld
After the War di Carol Matas
Agony in the Pulpit: Jewish Preaching in Response to Nazi Persecution and Mass Murder 1933-1945 di Marc Saperstein
Alias Anna: A True Story of Outwitting the Nazis di Susan Hood
All But My Life: A Memoir di Gerda Weissmann Klein
All the Broken Places di John Boyne
All'ombra della morte: la vita quotidiana attorno al campo di Mauthausen di Gordon J. Horwitz
Alone in the Forest di Mala Kacenberg
The Altruistic Personality: Rescuers of Jews in Nazi Europe di Samuel P. Oliner
Always Remember Me: How One Family Survived World War II di Marisabina Russo
I Am a Star: Child of the Holocaust di Inge Auerbacher
I am Ella: A remarkable story of survival, from Auschwitz to Africa di Joanne Jowell
I Am Forbidden di Anouk Markovits
The Ambiguity of Virtue: Gertrude van Tijn and the Fate of the Dutch Jews di Bernard Wasserstein
L'ambiguità del bene - Il caso del nazista pentito Kurt Gerstein di Saul Friedländer
American Jewish Disunity (America and the Holocaust) di David S. Wyman
Among Men and Beasts di Paul Trepman
Among the Living di Jonathan Rabb
Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands di Robert Satloff
The Analog Sea Review: Number Four di Jonathan Simons
Analysis of Jewish Religious Observance in Nazi Occupied Europe During World War II, 1939-1945
Anatomy of a Genocide: The Life and Death of a Town Called Buczacz di Omer Bartov
Anatomy of the Auschwitz death camp di Yisrael Gutman
And Darkness Was Under His Feet: Stories of a Family di Annie Dawid
And God Cried di Charles Lawliss
And Peace Never Came (Life Writing) di Elisabeth M. Raab
And the crooked shall be made straight di Jacob Robinson
And the World Closed Its Doors: One Family's Struggle to Escape the Holocaust di David Clay Large
Anna and the Swallow Man di Gavriel Savit
Anne Frank (DK Life Stories) di Stephen Krensky
Anne Frank and Me di Cherie Bennett
The Anne Frank Case: Simon Wiesenthal's Search for the Truth di Susan Goldman Rubin
Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic Adaptation di Ari Folman
Anne Frank's Story: Her Life Retold for Children di Carol Ann Lee
Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary - A Photographic Remembrance di Ruud van der Rol
Anne Frank: Her life in words and pictures from the archives of The Anne Frank House di Menno Metselaar
Anne Frank: The Biography di Melissa Müller
Annexed di Sharon Dogar
Anus Mundi: 1,500 Days in Auschwitz/Birkenau di Wieslaw Kielar
Art of the Holocaust di Janet Blatter
Aspects of the Implementation of the Final Solution in Belgium and the Netherlands: A Comparative Analysis di Janis van Meerveld
At the Edge of the Abyss: A Concentration Camp Diary, 1943-1944 di David Koker
Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century di Richard Crampton
Atlas of the Holocaust di Martin Gilbert
Auschwitz di Deborah Dwork
Auschwitz – A Mother's Story: How I fought to survive and see my daughter again di Rosa de Winter-Levy
Auschwitz : il campo nazista della morte di Franciszek Piper
Auschwitz : technique and operation of the gas chambers di Jean-Claude Pressac
Auschwitz and the Allies di Martin Gilbert
The Auschwitz Escape di Joel C. Rosenberg
The Auschwitz Volunteer: Beyond Bravery di Witold Pilecki
Auschwitz, die NS-Medizin und ihre Opfer di Ernst Klee
Auschwitz: A Doctor's Story di Lucie Adelsberger
Auschwitz: i nazisti e la soluzione finale di Laurence Rees
Auschwitz: storia del lager 1940-1945 di Otto Friedrich
AUSCHWITZ: The Final Count di Vivian Bird
Auschwitz: True Tales From a Grotesque Land di Sara Nomberg-Przytyk
Austerlitz di W. G. Sebald
Australia and the Holocaust di Paul R. Bartrop
Awake in the Dark: Stories di Shira Nayman
Babi Yar: A Document in the Form of a Novel di Anatoly Kuznetsov
Babij Jar 1941 : das Massaker deutscher Exekutionskommandos an der jüdischen Bevölkerung von Kiew 60 Jahre danach zum Gedenken di Erhard Roy Wiehn
Babij jar : celovek, vlast, istorija ; dokumenty i materialy v 5 knigach di Vitalij Nachmanovic
Backward Look: Germans Remember di Daniel Lang
Bad Faith: A Forgotten History of Family, Fatherland and Vichy France di Carmen Callil
A Bag of Marbles [2016 film] di Christian Duguay
Il bambino di Schindler di Leon Leyson
La banalità del male: Eichmann a Gerusalemme di Hannah Arendt
Barring The Gates To America (America and the Holocaust) di David S. Wyman
Be Gay, Do Comics: Queer History, Memoir, and Satire from the Nib di Matt Bors
Bearing the Unbearable: Yiddish and Polish Poetry in the Ghettos and Concentration Camps di Frieda W. Aaron
The Beasts of Buchenwald: Karl & Ilse Koch, Human-Skin Lampshades, and the War-Crimes Trial of the Century (Buchenwald Trilogy) di Flint Whitlock
Becoming Alice: A Memoir di Alice Rene
Before All Memory Is Lost: Women's Voices from the Holocaust (The Azrieli Series of Holocaust Survivor Memoirs) di Myrna Goldenberg
Behind the Ice Curtain di Dina Gabel
Bei tempi: lo sterminio degli ebrei raccontato da chi l'ha eseguito e da chi stava a guardare di Ernst Klee
I Belong to Vienna: A Jewish Family's Story of Exile and Return di Anna Goldenberg
Belonging: A German Reckons with History and Home di Nora Krug
Belzec di Guillaume Moscovitz
Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps di Yitzhak Arad
Belzec: Stepping Stone to Genocide di Robin O'Neil
Ben-Gurion and the Holocaust di Shabtai Teveth
Bending Toward the Sun: A Mother and Daughter Memoir di Leslie Gilbert-lurie
Benjamin's Crossing di Jay Parini
The Berlin Boxing Club di Robert Sharenow
Best Friends di Elisabeth Reuter
The Betrayal of Anne Frank: A Cold Case Investigation di Rosemary Sullivan
Betrayed: Child Sex Abuse in the Holocaust di Beverley Chalmers
Between Fear and Hope: Jewish Youth and the Third Reich di Werner Angress
Between Persecution and Participation: Biography of a Bookkeeper at J. A. Topf & Söhne (Modern Jewish History) di Annegret Schüle
Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust di Doreen Rappaport
Bełżec di Rudolf Reder
Les Bienveillantes di Jonathan Littell
Bildungsarbeit und historisches Lernen in der Gedenkstätte Majdanek di Tomasz Kranz
The bird has no wings : letters of Peter Schwiefert di Peter Schwiefert
Bist du Gottes Sohn, so steig vom Kreuz herab! di Julia Blum
Bitter Herbs: A Little Chronicle di Marga Minco
Bitter Legacy: Confronting the Holocaust in the USSR di Zvi Gitelman
Bitter reckoning : Israel tries Holocaust survivors as Nazi collaborators di Dan Porat
Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning di Timothy Snyder
A Blessing on the Moon di Joseph Skibell
The blood of Israel: The massacre of the Israeli athletes, the Olympics, 1972 di Serge Groussard
The Blood Shed Unites Us. di Wladyslaw Bartoszewski
Boats in the night: Knud Dyby's involvement in the rescue of the Danish Jews and the Danish Resistance. di Martha Loeffler
Bombing Auschwitz: America and the Holocaust Series di David S. Wyman
The Book of Blam di Aleksandar Tišma
The Book of Dirt di Bram Presser
The Book of Harlan di Bernice L. McFadden
The Book of Klezmer: The History, the Music, the Folklore di Yale Strom
The Book of the Just: The Unsung Heroes Who Rescued Jews from Hitler di Eric Silver
The Book Smugglers: Partisans, Poets, and the Race to Save Jewish Treasures from the Nazis di David E. Fishman
The Bookshop of the Broken Hearted di Robert Hillman
Born Jewish: A Childhood in Occupied Europe di Marcel Liebman
Born Survivors: Three Young Mothers and Their Extraordinary Story of Courage, Defiance, and Hope di Wendy Holden
The Boy in the Woods: A True Story of Survival During the Second World War di Maxwell Smart
The Boy Who Followed His Father into Auschwitz: A True Story of Family and Survival di Jeremy Dronfield
The Boy: A Holocaust Story di Dan Porat
Branded by the Pink Triangle di Ken Setterington
The Brave Cyclist: The True Story of a Holocaust Hero di Amalia Hoffman
The Bravest Battle: The Twenty-eight Days Of The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising di Dan Kurzman
Brief Notes on the Art and Manner of Arranging One's Books di Georges Perec
A Brief Stop on the Road from Auschwitz di Göran Rosenberg
La brigata. Una storia di guerra, di vendetta e di redenzione di Howard Blum
Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945 di Bernard Wasserstein
Broken Song di Kathryn Lasky
The broken vase : a novel based on the life of Penina Krupitsky, a Holocaust survivor di Phillip H McMath
The Buchenwald Report di David A. Hackett
The Bulgarian Jews and the Final Solution, 1940-1944 di Frederick B. Chary
The buried are screaming di Helen Waren
Burned Child Seeks the Fire di Cordelia Edvardson
But Can the Phoenix Sing? di Christa Laird
But I Live: Three Stories of Child Survivors of the Holocaust di Charlotte Schallié
The Butcher of Lyon: The Story of Infamous Nazi Klaus Barbie di Brendan Murphy
The Butterfly di Patricia Polacco
By Chance Alone: A Remarkable True Story of Courage and Survival at Auschwitz di Max Eisen
Byłem więźniem Majdanka di Franciszek Jackiewicz
C'è un punto della terra di Giuliana Tedeschi
Il cacciatore di nazisti: vita di Simon Wiesenthal di Alan Levy
Il canto del popolo ebraico massacrato di Itzhak Katzenelson
The Cap: The Price of a Life di Roman Frister
I carnefici della porta accanto: 1941. Il massacro della comunità ebraica di Jedwabne in Polonia di Jan T. Gross
Carnefici, vittime, spettatori: la persecuzione degli ebrei: 1933-1945 di Raul Hilberg
Cartea Neagra: Federal Advisory Directory, Holocaust in Romania in 3 volumes di Matatias Carp
La casa delle bambole di Ka-Tzetnik 135633
The Case of Hotel Polski di Abraham Shulman
Castles burning : a child's life in war di Magda Denes
The Cat with the Yellow Star: Coming of Age in Terezin di Susan Goldman Rubin
Catherine's War di Julia Billet
The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930-1965 di Michael Phayer
The Cats in Krasinski Square di Karen Hesse
A Century of Wisdom: Lessons from the Life of Alice Herz-Sommer, the World's Oldest Living Holocaust Survivor di Caroline Stoessinger
Chance: Escape from the Holocaust: Memories of a Refugee Childhood di Uri Shulevitz
Charlotte Charlaque di Raimund Wolfert
Chasing Echoes di Dan Goldman
Chasing the King of Hearts di Hanna Krall
Child of My Love di Sue Ryder
Child of the Holocaust di Jack Kuper
The Choice di Edith Eger
The Choice: Poland, 1939-1945 di Irene Eber
I Chose Life di Samuel Gruber
The Chronicle of the Lodz Ghetto, 1941-1944 di Lucjan Dobroszycki
Chronique Coleur du Ghetto de Lodz di Dariusz Jablonski
Chronology of Jewish Persecution 1932-1945 In Germany and German Occupied Territories di Hans R. Weinmann
Il cielo sopra l'inferno. La drammatica storia vera di Ravensbruck, il campo di concentramento nazista per sole donne di Sarah Helm
La citta di Dio di E. L. Doctorow
Clandestina: una giovane donna sopravvissuta a Berlino 1940-1945 di Marie Jalowicz Simon
The Clandestine History of the Kovno Jewish Ghetto Police di Anonymous members of the Kovno Jewish Ghetto Police
Clara's War (Holocaust Remembrance Series) di Kathy Kacer
The Coat di April Grunspan
Code Name: Zegota: Rescuing Jews in Occupied Poland, 1942-1945: The Most Dangerous Conspiracy in Wartime Europe di Irene Tomaszewski
Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941-44 di Martin Dean
Collected Essays (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) di Arthur Miller
Il comandante di Auschwitz : Le vite parallele del più spietato criminale nazista e dell'ebreo che riuscì a catturarlo di Thomas Harding
Comedy in a Minor Key di Hans Keilson
Concentration camp Dachau, 1933-1945 di Barbara Distel
Concentration Camp Majdanek: A Historical and Technical Study (Holocaust Handbook, 5) (Holocaust Handbooks Series, 5) di Jurgen Graf
The Confessions of Kurt Gerstein di Henri Roques
Confirming the News of the Extermination (America and the Holocaust) di David S. Wyman
Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust di Eva Fogelman
Conversations with an Executioner di Kazimierz Moczarski
Cosa avvenne a Dachau?: un tentativo di avvicinarsi alla verità di 1888-1973 Johannes Neuhäusler
The Counterfeit Countess: The Jewish Woman Who Rescued Thousands of Poles During the Holocaust di Elizabeth B. White
Counterfeit Lives (The Holocaust Diaries) di Avraham Krakowski
Counterfeiter di Moritz Nachtstern
Country of Ash: A Jewish Doctor in Poland, 1939-1945 di Edward Reicher
Courage & Defiance: Stories of Spies, Saboteurs, and Survivors in World War II Denmark di Deborah Hopkinson
Courage to Care: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust di Carol Rittner
The Crate di Deborah Vadas Levison
The Crime and the Silence: Confronting the Massacre of Jews in Wartime Jedwabne di Anna Bikont
The Crime of My Very Existence: Nazism and the Myth of Jewish Criminality (S. Mark Taper Foundation Imprint in Jewish Studies) di Michael Berkowitz
Crossing the River di Shalom Eilati
A Cup of Honey: The Story of a Young Holocaust Survivor, Eliezer Ayalon di Neile Sue Friedman
A Cup of Tears: A Diary of the Warsaw Ghetto di Abraham Lewin
I custodi del libro di Geraldine Brooks
The Cut Out Girl: A Story of War and Family, Lost and Found di Bart Van Es
Da questa parte, per il gas di Tadeusz Borowski
Damals in Budapest : das Buch von Raoul Wallenberg di Victor Karelin
Darkness Over Denmark: The Danish Resistance and the Rescue of the Jews di Ellen Levine
Dat tere leven di Pauline Broekema
Daughters of the Occupation: A Novel of WWII di Shelly Sanders
Dawn After Dachau di Joel Sack
The day Nazi Germany died: An eyewitness account of the Russian and Allied invasion of Germany : an autobiography di Beate Wilder-Smith
The Day the Holocaust Began: The Odyssey of Herschel Grynszpan di Gerald Schwab
Dead-End Journey: The Tragic Story of the Kladovo-Sabac Group di Hana Weiner
Dear God, Have You Ever Gone Hungry? di Joseph Bau
The Death Camp Magicians di William V. Rauscher
The Death camp Treblinka: A documentary di Alexander Donat
Death Dealer: The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz di Rudolf Höss
Death Had Two Sons di Yaël Dayan
The Death Marches: The Final Phase of Nazi Genocide di Daniel Blatman
Death on the Black Sea: The Untold Story of the 'Struma' and World War II's Holocaust at Sea di Douglas Frantz
The Death's Head Chess Club di John Donoghue
Defining Moments: Stories of Character, Courage and Leadership di Gordon Zacks
Defying the Nazis: The Sharps' War di Artemis Joukowsky
A delayed life di Dita Kraus
Deliverance day: The last hours at Dachau di Michael Selzer
Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory di Deborah E. Lipstadt
Destinatario sconosciuto di Kathrine Kressmann Taylor
Destined to Live di William Ungar (with David Chanoff)
Il diario di Dawid Rubinowicz
Il diario di Dawid Sierakowiak: cinque quaderni dal ghetto di Lodz di Dawid Sierakowiak
Il diario di Helene Berr di Hélène Berr
Diary from the Years of Occupation 1939-44 di Zygmunt Klukowski
The Diary of Eva Heyman: Child of the Holocaust di Eva Heyman
The Diary of Laura's Twin di Kathy Kacer
Diary of the Fall di Michel Laub
Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust di Carol Rittner
Dimensions of the Holocaust di Elliot Lefkovitz
The Discontinuity of Small Things di Kevin Haworth
Dissonance di Lisa Lenard-Cook
La distruzione degli ebrei d'Europa (3 voll.) di Raul Hilberg
Dita Saxova di Arnošt Lustig
Dizionario dell'Olocausto: M - Z di Walter Laqueur
Doctor 117641: A Holocaust Memoir di Louis J. Micheels
The Doctor and the Damned di Albert Haas
Documents Concerning the Fate of Romanian Jewry During the Holocaust, Volume 11 di Jean Ancel
Documents on the Holocaust: Selected Sources on the Destruction of the Jews of Germany and Austria, Poland, and the Soviet Union di Yitzhak Arad
Don't Fence Me in: An American Teenager in Holocaust di Barry Spanjaard
Don't Forget di Patricia Lakin
Don't Tell the Nazis di Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson di Jennifer Michael Hecht
Draw What You See : A Child s Drawings from Theresienstadt/Terezín di Helga Weissová
The Dressmakers of Auschwitz: The True Story of the Women Who Sewed to Survive di Lucy Adlington
Driving To Treblinka: A Long Search For A Lost Father di Diana Wichtel
E tu non sei tornato di Marceline Loridan-Ivens
East of Time di Jacob G. Rosenberg
Echoes from the Holocaust: A Memoir di Mira Ryczke Kimmelman
Echoes from the Holocaust: Philosophical Reflections on a Dark Time di Alan Rosenberg
Ecrire après Auschwitz? : Semprun, Levi, Cayrol, Kertész di Pierre Mertens
Edelweiss Pirates: The Edelweiss Express di Mark A. Cooper
Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer di Bettina Stangneth
Eichmann in My Hands di Peter Z. Malkin
The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaign Against the Jews July 1941-January 1943 di Yitzhak Arad
Eli's Promise: A Novel di Richard H. Balson
Elie Wiesel: God, the Holocaust, and the Children of Israel di Michael Berenbaum
Elli: Coming of Age in the Holocaust di Livia E. Bitton Jackson
Encyclopedia of Jewish History: Events and Eras of the Jewish People di Joseph Adler
Encyclopedia of the Holocaust di Israel Gutman
The encyclopedia of the righteous among the nations : rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust di Milgram, Avraham
The End of the Holocaust: The Liberation of the Camps di Jon Bridgman
The End of the Line di Sharon E. McKay
Entombed: My True Story: How Forty-five Jews Lived Underground and Survived the Holocaust di Bernard Mayer
Epistolophilia : writing the life of Ona Šimaitė di Julija Sukys
Un'eredità di avorio e ambra di Edmund De Waal
Erika's Story di Ruth Vander Zee
Erinnerungen eines Davongekommenen di Ralph Giordano
Erinnerungsbilder: Auschwitz Prozess und Majdanek Prozess im westdeutschen Fernsehen di Sabine Horn
Erntefest 3-4 listopada 1943 - zapomniany epizod Zagłady
Erzähl es niemandem!: Die Liebesgeschichte meiner Eltern di Lillian Crott Berthung
The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World di Jonathan Freedland
Escape from a Nazi Death Camp di Hereward Pelling
Escape from Sobibor di Richard Rashke
Escaping Hell In Treblinka di Israel Cymlich
Essere senza destino di Imre Kertész
Ester and Ruzya: How My Grandmothers Survived Hitler's War di Masha Gessen
Europa, Europa di Sally Perel
Eva di Meyer Levin
Every Day Remembrance Day: A Chronicle of Jewish Martyrdom di Simon Wiesenthal
Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy di Susan Neiman
Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers di Filip Müller
The Face of Hell di Sam Berger
Face à l' extreme di Tzvetan Todorov
The Faithful Spy: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Plot to Kill Hitler di John Hendrix
False Papers: Deception and Survival in the Holocaust di Robert Melson
A Family History of Smoking di Andrew Riemer
The Family: Three Journeys into the Heart of the Twentieth Century di David Laskin
Far Above Rubies di Cynthia Polansky
The Far Euphrates di Aryeh Lev Stollman
Far to Go di Alison Pick
FDR and the Jews di Richard Breitman
Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland After Auschwitz di Jan Gross
The Female Face of God in Auschwitz: A Jewish Feminist Theology of the Holocaust (Religion and Gender) di Melissa Raphael
A field of buttercups di Joe Hyams
The Fiftieth Gate di Mark Raphael Baker
Fighting Auschwitz: The Resistance Movement in the Concentration Camp di Jozef Garlinski
Fighting Words: The Origins of Religious Violence di Hector Avalos
La filière des enfants di Jean-François Elberg
A Film Unfinished di Yael Hersonski
Final Solutions: Mass Killing and Genocide in the 20th Century di Benjamin A. Valentino
Finding Sophie di Irene N. Watts
Fireflies in the Dark: The Story of Friedl Dicker-Brandeis and the Children of Terezin di Susan Goldman Rubin
Fires in the Dark di Louise Doughty
Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz di Olga Lengyel
Five Years in the Warsaw Ghetto: The Stars Bear Witness (Nabat Series, Vol. 7) di Bernard Goldstein
Fleeing from the Hunter di Marian Domanski
The Flight Portfolio di Julie Orringer
The Footsteps of Anne Frank di Ernst Schnabel
For Justice: The Serge & Beate Klarsfeld Story di Pascal Bresson
For Such a Time di Kate Breslin
For the Sake of the Children: The Letters Between Otto Frank and Nathan Straus Jr. di Joan Adler
Forging Shoah memories : Italian women writers, Jewish identity, and the Holocaust di Stefania Lucamante
Forgotten Crimes: The Holocaust and People with Disabilities di Susanne E. Evans
Forgotten Victims: The Abandonment Of Americans In Hitler's Camps di Mitchell G. Bard
Forgotten Voices of the Holocaust di Lyn Smith
Fortielser. Min jødiske familiehistorie. di Monica Csango
Four Perfect Pebbles: A Holocaust Story di Lila Perl
Fragments of a Lost Childhood di Zahava Kohn
Frantumi: un'infanzia, 1939-1948 di Binjamin Wilkomirski
La freccia del tempo, o La natura dell'offesa di Martin Amis
From Ashes Into Light: A Novel di Gudrun Mouw
From Ashes to Life: My Memories of the Holocaust di Lucille Eichengreen
From Generation to Generation di Agnes Tomasov
From Ghetto to Death Camp: A Memoir of Privilege and Luck di Anatol Chari
From Sand and Ash di Amy Harmon
From the Vilna Ghetto to Nuremberg: Memoir and Testimony di Abraham Sutzkever
From Victims to Victors : The Incredible Saga of Armed Resistance Fighters that Thwarted the Nazis Goal in the Second World War. di Peter Silverman
Fromms: How Julius Fromm's Condom Empire Fell to the Nazis di Götz Aly
Fuck America di Edgar Hilsenrath
The Fugu Plan: The Untold Story of the Japanese and the Jews During World War II di Marvin Tokayer
Il fumo di Birkenau di Liana Millu
Gatehouse to Hell di Felix Opatowski
Gedichte. Eine Auswahl. di Johannes Bobrowski
Genesis : a Latvian childhood di Chaim Bermant
The Genocidal Mentality: Nazi Holocaust and Nuclear Threat di Robert Jay Lifton
Genocide: the Jews in Europe 1939-45 (Ballantine's illustrated history of the violent century. Human conflict, no. 4) di Ward Rutherford
Das gerettete Buch des Simcha Guterman di Simcha Guterman
German Boy: A Child in War di Wolfgang W. E. Samuel
The German New Order in Poland di Polish Ministry of Information
Germany's War: The Origins, Aftermath, and Atrocities of World War II di John Wear
Gertruda's Oath: A Child, a Promise, and a Heroic Escape During World War II di Ram Oren
Gewalt im Dienstalltag. Die SS-Aufseherinnen des Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslagers Mayjdanek 1942-1944 di Elissa Mailänder Koslov
Ghetto di Joshua Sobol
Il ghetto di Varsavia: diario, 1939-1944 di Mary Berg
The Ghetto Fights: Warsaw 1943-45 di Marek Edelman
Ghetto in Flames di Yitzhak Arad
A Gift of Life: The Deportation and the Rescue of the Jews in Occupied Belgium (1940-1944) di Sylvain Brachfeld
The Girl from Berlin di Richard H. Balson
A Girl From Schindler's List di Stella Müller-Madej
The Girl From the Train di Irma Joubert
Girl in the Blue Coat di Monica Hesse
The Girl in the Green Sweater: A Life in Holocaust's Shadow di Krystyna Chiger
The Girl in the Red Coat di Roma Ligocka
The Girl Who Survived: A True Story of the Holocaust di Carol Bierman
Go Down, Aaron di Chris Davidson
Goetz e Meyer. di David Albahari
The Gold Train: The Destruction of the Jews and the Looting of Hungary di Ronald W. Zweig
The Golden Peacock di Lauren B. Grossman
Good Living Street: Portrait of a Patron Family, Vienna 1900 di Tim Bonyhady
A Good Place to Hide: How One French Community Saved Thousands of Lives in World War II di Peter Grose
The Grand Mosque of Paris: A Story of How Muslims Rescued Jews During the Holocaust di Karen Gray Ruelle
Il grande viaggio di Jorge Semprún
Gratitudine di Joseph Kertes
The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World di Kati Marton
Great House di Nicole Krauss
The Greatest Comeback: From Genocide to Football Glory: the Story of Bela Guttmann di David Bolchover
Greenhorn di Anna Olswanger
The Guarded Gate: Bigotry, Eugenics and the Law That Kept Two Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European Immigrants Out of America di Daniel Okrent
Guardian Angel House (Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers) di Kathy Clark
Guide to Jewish History Under Nazi Impact: Yad Washem Martyrs' and Heroes Memorial Authority Bibliographical Series No. 1 di Jacob Robinson
Guide to unpublished materials of the Holocaust period Vol- I- VI di Jacob Robinson
The Gustav Sonata di Rose Tremain
The Hamsa di E.S. Kraay
Hana's Suitcase on Stage (Holocaust Remembrance Series) di Karen Levine
The Hand That Signed The Paper di Helen Darville
Hanged at Auschwitz: An Extraordinary Memoir of Survival di Sim Kessel
Hannah Senesh: Her Life and Diaries di Hannah Senesh
The Hanukkah Ghosts di Malka Penn
The Happiest Man on Earth: The Beautiful Life of an Auschwitz Survivor di Eddie Jaku
A Hatred for Tulips di Richard Lourie
A Haven from Hitler di Heini Gruffudd
Haven: The Dramatic Story of 1,000 World War II Refugees and How They Came to America di Ruth Gruber
Healing their wounds : psychotherapy with Holocaust survivors and their families di Paul Marcus
The Heart Has Reasons: Holocaust Rescuers and Their Stories of Courage di Mark Klempner
Hedy's Journey: The True Story of a Hungarian Girl Fleeing the Holocaust (Encounter: Narrative Nonfiction Picture Books) di Michelle Bisson
Heirlooms: Stories di Rachel Hall
Hell's Cartel: IG Farben and the Making of Hitler's War Machine di Diarmuid Jeffreys
Heroes of the Holocaust: True Stories of Rescues by Teens di and Mara Bovsun Zullo Allan
Heroic Rescuers and Their Motivations: A Comparative Study of Rescuers in the 1992 Los Angeles Civil Unrest, and Rescuers of Jews in Nazi Occupied Europe di Linda E. Ellis
Herschel: The Boy Who Started World War II di Andy Marino
Hidden Child di Isaac Millman
The Hidden Children of the Holocaust: Teens Who Hid from the Nazis di Esther Kustanowitz
The Hidden Children: The Secret Survivors of the Holocaust di Jane Marks
Hidden: A Child's Story of the Holocaust di Loïc Dauvillier
Hiding Edith di Kathy Kacer
Hiding from the Nazis di David A. Adler
Hiding in the Spotlight di Greg DawsonShoah
Hiding to Survive: Stories of Jewish Children Rescued from the Holocaust di Maxine B. Rosenberg
His Name Was Raoul Wallenberg di Louise Borden
Historical Atlas of the Holocaust di United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
History Comics: World War II: Fight on the Home Front di Kate Hannigan
A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time di Howard Sachar
A History of the Holocaust di Yehuda Bauer
The History of the Holocaust in Romania (Comprehensive History of the Holocaust) di Jean Ancel
History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier di Deborah E. Lipstadt
Hitler : 1936-1945 di Ian Kershaw
Hitler and the Final Solution di Gerald Fleming
Hitler Youth: Marching Toward Madness di Alexa Dvorson
Hitler's Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War di Richard Breitman
Hitler's War Against the Jews: A Young Reader's Version of the War Against the Jews, 1933-1945, by Lucy S. Dawidowicz di David A. Altshuler
Hitler's Black Victims: The Historical Experiences of European Blacks, Africans, and African Americans During the Nazi Era di Clarence Lusane
Hitler's Canary di Sandi Toksvig
Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields di Wendy Lower
Hitler, a Study in Tiranny di Alan Bullock
Hitler, the Germans, and the Final Solution di Ian Kershaw
Hitler: pros and cons di Marisa Paltrinieri
Ho vissuto mille anni: crescere durante l'olocausto di Livia Bitton-Jackson
Hold On to Your Music: The Inspiring True Story of the Children of Willesden Lane di Emil Sher
Holocaust di Charles Reznikoff
The Holocaust di R. Conrad Stein
The Holocaust (20th Century Perspectives) di Susan Willoughby
The Holocaust (How Did It Happen?) di Sean Sheehan
The Holocaust (Questioning History) di Patricia Levy
The Holocaust (Timelines) di Sean Sheehan
The Holocaust (Uncovering the Past: Analyzing Primary Sources) di Lynn Peppas
Holocaust (World War Two) di Simon Adams
The Holocaust - The Nuremberg Evidence Part One: Documents. di Jacob Robinson
The Holocaust : the fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945 di Leni Yahil
The Holocaust across generations : trauma and its inheritance among descendants of survivors di Janet Jacobs
The Holocaust and after : sources & literature in English di Jacob Robinson
The Holocaust and Antisemitism: A Short History di Jocelyn Hellig
The Holocaust and Catholic Conscience: Cardinal Aloisius Muench and the Guilt Question in Germany, 1946-1959 di Suzanne Brown-Fleming
The Holocaust and History: The Known, the Unknown, the Disputed, and the di Michael Berenbaum
The Holocaust and its Significance di Israel Gutman
The Holocaust and Resistance di Yad Vashem
The Holocaust and Resistance: An Outline of Jewish History in Nazi Occupied Europe (1933-1945) di Israel Gutman
The Holocaust and the Historians di Lucy S. Dawidowicz
The Holocaust and the Literary Imagination di Lawrence L. Langer
The Holocaust by Bullets: A Priest's Journey to Uncover the Truth Behind the Murder of 1.5 Million Jews di Father Patrick Desbois
The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures di David Aretha
The Holocaust History Museum, Yad Vashem [Lesezeichen]
The Holocaust in Croatia (Pitt Russian East European) di Ivo Goldstein
Der Holocaust in der deutschsprachigen Geschichtswissenschaft : Bilanz und Perspektiven di Michael Brenner
The Holocaust in historical perspective di Yehuda Bauer
The Holocaust in History di Michael R. Marrus
The Holocaust in Latvia, 1941-1944: The Missing Center di Andrew Ezergailis
The Holocaust in Occupied Poland: New Findings and New Interpretations (Warsaw Studies in Jewish History and Memory) di Jan T. Gross
The Holocaust in Romania: The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies Under the Antonescu Regime, 1940-1944 di Radu Ioanid
The Holocaust in Salonika: Eyewitness Account (The Sephardi and Greek Holocaust Library, 1) di Steven B. Bowman
The Holocaust in University Teaching (Holocaust Series) di Gideon Shimoni
Holocaust Journey di Martin Gilbert
The Holocaust Kingdom: A Memoir di Alexander Donat
Holocaust literature : an encyclopedia of writers and their work di S. Lillian Kremer
Holocaust Literature: An Encyclopedia of Writers and Their Work di S. Lillian Kremer
Holocaust Literature: An Encyclopedia of Writers and Their Work di S. Lillian Kremer
Holocaust Maps & Photographs di Martin Gilbert
Holocaust Museum In Washington di Jeshajahu Weinberg
The Holocaust object in Polish and Polish-Jewish culture di Bozena Shallcross
A Holocaust Reader di Lucy Dawidowicz
Holocaust Testimonies: The Ruins of Memory di Lawrence L. Langer
Holocaust Theology: A Reader di Dan Cohn-Sherbok
The Holocaust, the French, and the Jews di Susan Zuccotti
Holocaust: A History di Deborah Dwork
The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During the Second World War di Martin Gilbert
The Holocaust: After the Holocaust di Sean Sheehan
Holocaust: An Annotated Bibliography di Harry James Cargas
The Holocaust: Causes di Pat Levy
The Holocaust: Essays and Documents (East European Monograph) di Randolph L. Braham
The Holocaust: Memories, Research, Reference di Robert Hauptman
Holocaust: Religious and Philosophical Implications di John K. Roth
The Holocaust: The Death Camps di Sean Sheehan
The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry 1933-1945 di Nora Levin
Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews di Peter Longerich
Hope Dies Last: A Story of Survival in Fascist Hungary di Tibor Vajda
Hope is the Last to Die di Halina Birenbaum
The House of Fragile Things: Jewish Art Collectors and the Fall of France di James McAuley
The house of returned echoes di Arnošt Lustig
The house on Lippincott : a novel di Bonnie Burstow
How It Happened: The Annihilation of the Dutch Jews During World War II di Cathleen S. Nails
How to Be Jewish di David C. Gross
Human behavior in the concentration camp di Elie A. Cohen
Human responses to the Holocaust : perpetrators and victims, bystanders and resisters : papers of the 1979 Bernhard E. Olson Scholars' Conference on the Church Struggle and the Holocaust di Michael D. Ryan
Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization di Nicholson Baker
Humanity : a moral history of the twentieth century di Jonathan Glover
Die Hundeblume / Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch. di Wolfgang Borchert
Hunting Eichmann: how a band of survivors and a young spy agency chased down the world's most notorious Nazi di Neal Bascomb
Hunting the Truth: Memoirs of Beate and Serge Klarsfeld di Beate Klarsfeld
Ich, Oskar Schindler : die persönlichen Aufzeichnungen, Briefe und Dokumente di Oskar Schindler
If This Is a Man: Remembering Auschwitz di Primo Levi
II Międzynarodowe Triennale Sztuki "Przeciw Wojnie" : Majdanek'88 di Ireneusz J. Kamiński
The Illuminated Soul di Aryeh Lev Stollman
An illustrated sourcebook on the Holocaust di Zosa Szajkowski
Imaging the unimaginable : Holocaust memory in art & architecture : five lectures di Neville Dubow
Impact of the Holocaust (The Holocaust in History) di Linda Jacobs Altman
The impact of the Holocaust and Nazi totalitarianism on contemporary social issues and current events di Morton W. Ryweck
In Birkenau: een getuigenis di Rosa de Winter-Levy
In Darkness [2011 film] di Agnieszka Holland
In Denmark It Could Not Happen: The Flight of the Jews to Sweden in 1943 di Herbert Pundik
In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer di Irene Gut Opdyke
In My Mother's House: A Novel di Margaret McMullan
In Paradise di Peter Matthiessen
In quelle tenebre di Gitta Sereny
In Search of Sugihara: The Elusive Japanese Diplomat Who Risked his Life to Rescue 10,000 Jews From the Holocaust di Hillel Levine
In the Beginning Was the Ghetto: Notebooks from Lodz di Oskar Rosenfeld
In the Camps: Teens Who Survived the Nazi Concentration Camps di Toby Axelrod
In the Eye of the Storm: A Memoir of Survival Through the Holocaust di Uri Lichter
In the Ghettos: Teens Who Survived the Ghettos of the Holocaust di Eleanor H. Ayer
In the Land of Armadillos: Stories di Helen Maryles Shankman
In the middle of Europe : Konzentrationslager Majdanek di Tomasz Samek
In the Sewers of Lvov: A Heroic Story of Survival from the Holocaust di Robert Marshall
In the Shadow of the Holocaust: Nazi Persecution of Jewish-Christian Germans di James F. Tent
In the Shadows of Paris: The Nazi Concentration Camp that Dimmed the City of Light di Anne Sinclair
In those terrible days : writings from the Lodz Ghetto di Yosef Zelḳoṿiṭsh
Incident at Vichy di Arthur Miller
Incredible mission di Fernande Leboucher
Inge: A Girl’s Journey through Nazi Europe di Inge Joseph Bleier
Inherit the Truth: A Memoir of Survival and the Holocaust di Anita Lasker-Wallfisch
Intellettuale a Auschwitz di Jean Améry
Into the Forest: A Holocaust Story of Survival, Triumph, and Love di Rebecca Frankel
The Iron Tracks di Aharon Appelfeld
Isaac's Army: A Story of Courage and Survival in Nazi-Occupied Poland di Matthew Brzezinski
Israel Pocket Library: Holocaust di Jacob Robinson
L'istruttoria. Oratorio in undici canti di Peter Weiss
Itzik, Be Strong! di Yitzchak Pomerantz
Jack and Rochelle: A Holocaust Story of Love and Resistance di Jack Sutin
Jakob il bugiardo di Jurek Becker
Jane Haining : a life of love and courage di Mary Miller
The Janowska Road di Leon Weliczker Wells
Jars of Hope: How One Woman Helped Save 2,500 Children During the Holocaust di Jennifer Rozines Roy
Jesper di Carol Matas
Jesteśmy świadkami; wspomnienia bylych więźniów Majdanka di Czesław Rajca
Jesus and the Holocaust: Reflections on Suffering and Hope di Joel Marcus
A jew today di Elie Wiesel
Jewels and Ashes di Arnold Zable
The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust di Jeffrey Herf
Jewish responses to Nazi persecution : collective and individual behavior in extremis di Isaiah Trunk
The Jewish Women of Ravensbruck Concentration Camp di Rochelle G. Saidel
The Journey di Myrna Grant
The Journey di H. G. Adler
The Journey Back from Hell: An Oral History : Conversations With Concentration Camp Survivors di Anton Gill
Journey to Fulfillment di Valerie Taylor
Journey to the Golden Door: A Survivor's Tale di Jay Sommer
Judenrat : the Jewish councils in Eastern Europe under Nazi occupation di Isaiah Trunk
Judgment Before Nuremberg: The Holocaust in the Ukraine and the First Nazi War Crimes Trial di Greg Dawson
Un Juif pour l'exemple di Jacques Chessex
Julius Hirsch. Nationalspieler. Ermordet di Werner Skrentny
A Jump for Life: A Survivor's Journal from Nazi-Occupied Poland di Ruth Altbeker Cyprys
Justice at Dachau: The Trials of an American Prosecutor di Joshua Greene
Der Juwelier von Majdanek di Günther Schwarberg
Kaoso en Budapesto di Nina Langlet
Katarina di Kathryn Winter
Katschen & the Book of Joseph di Yoel Hoffmann
Keeping the flame: Holocaust survivors and America di Joshua Harold Goodman
Der Kern des Holocaust: Belzec, Sobibór, Treblinka und die Aktion Reinhardt di Stephan Lehnstaedt
The Key is Lost di Ida Vos
Kindertransport di Diane Samuels
The King of Children di Betty Jean Lifton
The Kishinev Ghetto, 1941–1942: A Documentary History of the Holocaust in Romania's Contested Borderlands di Paul A. Shapiro
Kiss Every Step: A Survivor's Memoir from the Nazi Holocaust di Doris Märtin
KL Auschwitz: Fotografie dokumentalne di Kazimierz Smoleń
KL Lublin Madjanek : Nazi death camp
KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps di Nikolaus Wachsmann
Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyons di Tom Bower
The Kommandant's Girl di Pam Jenoff
The Kommandant's Mistress di Sherri Szeman
Das Konzentrationslager Majdanek di Anna Wiśniewska
Kristallnacht : Nazi persecution of the Jews in Europe di Wil Mara
Krueger's Men: The Secret Nazi Counterfeit Plot and the Prisoners of Block 19 di Lawrence Malkin
KZ Majdanek : Report über das Vernichtungslager und über den Majdanek-Prozess di Karl Sauer
Königreich der Dämmerung di Steven Uhly
L' industria dell'olocausto: lo sfruttamento della sofferenza degli ebrei di Norman G. Finkelstein
L' olocausto in Italia di Susan Zuccotti
De laatste reis ; Het verhaal van de Holocaust di Aline Sax
Lasciami andare, madre di Helga Schneider
The Last Album: Eyes from the Ashes of Auschwitz-Birkenau di Ann Weiss
The Last Jew of Treblinka: A Memoir di Chil Rajchman
Last Stop Auschwitz di Eddy de Wind
Last Train from Kummersdorf di Leslie Wilson
The last victim : one man's search for Pieter Menten, his family's friend and executioner di Malcolm MacPherson
Last waltz in Vienna di George Clare
Leap into Darkness: Seven Years on the Run in Wartime Europe di Leo Bretholz
Leap to Life: Triumph over Nazi Evil di Joseph Rebhun
Legacy di Ivan Sandor
Less Than Slaves: Jewish Forced Labor and the Quest for Compensation di Benjamin B. Ferencz
Lessons of the Holocaust (UTP Insights) di Michael R. Marrus
Lest We Forget di George Murray
Letters and Dispatches 1924-1944 di Raoul Wallenberg
Letting it go di Miriam Katin
Leven na Anne Frank di Berthe Meijer
Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre, (Fun Yiddishin Theater) YIDDISH ONLY Volume V Only di Zalme Zylberzweig
The Liberation of the Camps: The End of the Holocaust and Its Aftermath di Dan Stone
Liberation: Teens in the Concentration Camps and the Teen Soldiers Who Liberated Them di E. Tina Tito
The Liberators: Eyewitness Accounts of the Liberation of Concentration Camps di Yaffa Eliach
The life and career of Klaus Barbie : an eyewitness record di John Beattie
The Life Eaters di David Brin
Life goes on regardless di Sarah Saaroni
Life in the Shadow of the Holocaust di Joel Sack
Like a River from Its Course di Kelli Stuart
Like Finding My Twin di Fern Schumer Chapman
The Lily Cupboard di Shulamith Levey Oppenheim
Lily's Promise: Holding On to Hope Through Auschwitz and Beyond―A Story for All Generations di Lily Ebert
Liquidazione di Imre Kertész
Literature of the Holocaust di Alan Rosen
Living A Life That Matters: From Nazi Nightmare to American Dream di Ben Lesser
Lodz Ghetto: A Community History Told in Diaries, Journals, and Documents di Alan Adelson
Lolli's apple di Tomas Fleischmann
Long Shadows: Truth, Lies and History di Erna Paris
Lore [2012 film] di Cate Shortland
The Lost Cellos of Lev Aronson di Frances Brent
The Lost Generation: Children in the Holocaust di Azriel Louis Eisenberg
The Lost Wife di Alyson Richman
Louisa di Simone Zelitch
Love Carried Me Home: Women Surviving Auschwitz di Joy Ehrlichman Miller
A Lucky Child: A Memoir of Surviving Auschwitz as a Young Boy di Thomas Buergenthal
Lunch with Charlotte di Leon Berger
Lvov Ghetto Diary di David Kahane
Lódz Ghetto: A History di Isaiah Trunk
Madre notte di Kurt Vonnegut
Magda and André Trocmé: Resistance Figures di Pierre Boismorand
The Magician of Auschwitz di Kathy Kacer
A magyar holocaust di Randolph L. Braham
Maidanek in alle Ewigkeit? di J. G. Burg
Majdanek di Zofia Murawska-Gryn
Majdanek di Edward Gryn
Majdanek (Polish Edition) di Edward Dziadosz
Majdanek 1941-1944 : praca zbiorowa di Tadeusz Mencel
Majdanek 1942 : księga zmarłych więźniów = the book of prisoner deaths di Janina Kiełboń
Majdanek 1942: The Book of Prisoner Deaths di Ksiega Zmarlych Wiezniow
Majdanek : das Lubliner Konzentrationslager di Anna Wiiewska
Majdanek, the concentration camp in Lublin di Józef Marszałek
Majdanek: Concentration camp di Czesław Rajca
Majdanek: Verloschene Lichter. Ein früher Zeitzeugenbericht vom Todeslager di Mordechai Strigler
Making Bombs for Hitler di Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
Malʹchik iz getto di Roman Levin
Managing Bubbie di Russel Lazega
Mapping the Bones di Jane Yolen
Martin Heidegger and the Holocaust di Alan Milchman
Masai Dreaming di Justin Cartwright
Masowe egzekucje żydów 3 listopada 1943 roku : Majdanek, Poniatowa, Trawniki : wspomnienia di Edward Dziadosz
The Massacre of the Jews of Lithuania di Karen Sutton
A Match Made in Hell: The Jewish Boy and the Polish Outlaw Who Defied the Nazis di Larry Stillman
Maus di Art Spiegelman
Maus 2: E qui cominciarono i miei guai di Art Spiegelman
Maus. Racconto di un sopravvissuto di Art Spiegelman
Max e Helen di Simon Wiesenthal
Maybe You Will Survive: A True Story di Aron Goldfarb
I medici nazisti di Robert Jay Lifton
A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising di Miron Bialoszewski
Memoirs from Occupied Warsaw 1940-1945 di Helena Szereszewska
Memoirs of an Unfortunate Person: The Diary of Moty Stromer di Moty Stromer
Memorializing the Holocaust: Gender, Genocide and Collective Memory di Janet Jacobs
Memories From the Abyss; but I Had a Happy Childhood di Renate Krakauer
Memories of Survival di Esther Nisenthal Krinitz
Memory Wall: Stories di Anthony Doerr
The Men with the Pink Triangle di Heinz Heger
Mendel's Daughter: A Memoir di Martin Lemelman
Mengele: The Complete Story di Gerald L. Posner
Mengele: Unmasking the "Angel of Death" di David G. Marwell
La mia battaglia di Adolf Hitler
Michel, Michel di Robert Lewis
Michelangelo in Ravensbruck: One Woman's War Against the Nazis di Karolina Lanckoronska
Miep and the Most Famous Diary: The Woman Who Rescued Anne Frank's Diary di Meeg Pincus
Mijn naam is Selma di Selma van de Perre
Miracle in the ashes di Maurice Lowinger
Mirador. Irène Némirovsky, mia madre di Elisabeth Gille
Miriam di Aimée Sommerfelt
Misha corre di Jerry Spinelli
Mister Doctor: Janusz Korczak and the Orphans of the Warsaw Ghetto di Irène Cohen-Janca
Il mistero Hitler di Ron Rosenbaum
MOCK RESCUE CONFERENCE (America and the Holocaust) di David S. Wyman
Modernità e olocausto di Zygmunt Bauman
Mommy, What's that Number on Your Arm? di Gloria Hollander Lyon
Monastery di Eduardo Halfon
Morality After Auschwitz: The Radical Challenge of the Nazi Ethic di Peter J. Haas
Mourning di Eduardo Halfon
The Mozart Question di Michael Morpurgo
The Muralist di B. A. Shapiro
Murder in Our Midst: The Holocaust, Industrial Killing, and Representation di Omer Bartov
The Museum Guard di Howard Norman
Muted Voices: Jewish Survivors of Latvia Remember di Gertrude Schneider
My Brother's Voice: How a Young Hungarian Boy Survived the Holocaust: A True Story di Stephen Nasser
My Heart in a Suitcase (Library of Holocaust Testimonies) di Anne L. Fox
My Mother's Ring: A Holocaust Historical Novel di Dana Fitzwater Cornell
My Mother's Secret: A Novel Based on a True Holocaust Story di J. L. Witterick
My Name Is Selma: The Remarkable Memoir of a Jewish Resistance Fighter and Ravensbrück Survivor di Selma van de Perre
My Real Name Is Hanna di Tara Lynn Masih
My Secret Camera di Frank Dabba Smith
My Soul is Filled with Joy: A Holocaust Story di Karen I Treiger
My z Majdanka : wspomnienia byłych więźniarek di Krystyna Tarasiewicz
Namesake di Michel Goldberg
Nazi Architects of the Holocaust (Documentary History of the Holocaust) di Corona Brezina
The Nazi Concentration Camps: Structure and Aims. The Image of the Prisoner. The Jews in the Camps Proceedings of the Fourth Yad Vashem International Historical Conference - January 1980 di Yisrael Gutman
The Nazi Death Camps di David Downing
Nazi Empire-Building and the Holocaust in Ukraine di Wendy Lower
The Nazi Hunters: How a Team of Spies and Survivors Captured the World's Most Notorious Nazi di Neal Bascomb
Nazi/Soviet disinformation about the Holocaust in Nazi-occupied Latvia : "Daugavas vanagi--who are they?" revisited : E. Avotin̦š, J. Dzirkalis, V. Pētersons di Andrew Ezergailis
NaZine di J. D. Riley
The Nazis' Last Victims: The Holocaust in Hungary di Randolph L. Braham
I nazisti e la Chiesa di Guenter Lewy
Nazisti in Fuga: le Rotte Segrete del Medio Oriente di Geraldine Schwarz
Nei suoi occhi verdi di Arnošt Lustig
Neo-Nazismus und Majdanek-Prozess : e. Debatte im israel. Parlament am 14. März 1978 : mit e. Dokumentation d. Schreibens d. Vorsitzenden d. Knesset an d. Präsidenten d. Dt. Bundestages, dt. u. ausländ. Presserberichte u. parlamentar. Anfragen di Reiner Bernstein
Never Far Away: The Auschwitz Chronicles of Anna Heilman di Anna Heilman
I Never Left Janowska di Helene C. Kaplan
I Never Saw Another Butterfly di Hana Volavková
Never to Forget: The Jews of the Holocaust di Milton Meltzer
New Scientist, 15 May 2010 [articles] di Debora MacKenziedenial
Nicht alle waren Mörder: Eine Kindheit in Berlin di Michael Degen
Night Angels: A Novel di Weina Dai Randel
Night Song: A Story of Sacrifice (The Liberator Series, Book 3) di Tricia Goyer
The Night Trilogy: Night, Dawn, and Day di Elie Wiesel
Nightfather di Carl Friedman
A Nightmare in History: The Holocaust 1933-1945 di Miriam Chaikin
Nina's House [2005 movie] di Richard Dembo
Nine Lives di Waldemar Lotnik
The Nine: The True Story of a Band of Women Who Survived the Worst of Nazi Germany di Gwen Strauss
No One Awaiting Me: Two Brothers Defy Death During the Holocaust in Romania di Joil Alpern
No One Is Here Except All of Us di Ramona Ausubel
No Pretty Pictures: A Child of War di Anita Lobel
No Return di Romek Marber
None is too many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948 di Irving M. Abella
None of Us Will Return di Charlotte Delbo
La nonna vuota il sacco di Irene Dische
Not A Real Enemy: The True Story of a Hungarian Jewish Man's Fight for Freedom (Holocaust Survivor True Stories WWII) di Robert Wolf
Not in my family : German memory and responsibility after the Holocaust di Roger Frie
La notte di Elie Wiesel
The Number on My Grandfather's Arm di David A. Adler
Number the Stars di Lois Lowry
The Nuremberg Medical Trial (Studies in Modern European History, V. 53.) di Horst H. Freyhofer
The Nuremberg Trial di Ann Tusa
Ocalone z warszawskiego getta : Archiwum Ringelbluma : Muzeum Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego w Polsce, Warszawa, 15 IV-30 V 1993 r. = Salvaged from the Warsaw Ghetto : The Archives of E. Ringelblum : Museum of the Jewish Historical Institute in Poland, Warsaw 15 IV-30 V 1993 r. di Emanuel Ringelblum
Odilo Globocnik, Hitler's Man in the East di Joseph Poprzeczny
Ogni cosa è illuminata di Jonathan Safran Foer
The Old Brown Suitcase di Lillian Boraks-Nemetz
Old Wounds: Jews, Ukrainians and the Hunt for Nazi War Criminals in Canada di Harold Troper
OLOCAUSTICO di Alberto Caviglia
Olocausto di Gerald Green
On Both Sides of the Wall: Memoirs from the Warsaw Ghetto di Vladka Meed
On Listening to Holocaust Survivors: Recounting and Life History di Henry Greenspan
Once di Morris Gleitzman
Once and Then di Morris Gleitzman
One Candle di Eve Bunting
One Eye Laughing, the Other Weeping: The Diary of Julie Weiss, Vienna, Austria to New York, 1938 di Barry Denenberg
One More Border: The True Story of One Family's Escape from War-Torn Europe di William Kaplan
One of the Girls in the Band di Helena Dunicz-Niwińska
One Yellow Daffodil: A Hanukkah Story di David A. Adler
Operation Action di William R. Perl
The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, Revised and Expanded Edition: Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka di Yitzhak Arad
The Origins of the Final Solution. The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942 di Christopher R. Browning
The Origins of the Holocaust : Christian anti-Semitism di Randolph L. Braham
Orphan Monster Spy di Matt Killeen
Ostrich Feathers di Miriam Romm
The Other Half of Life: A Novel Based on the True Story of the MS St. Louis di Kim Ablon Whitney
Out of the Depths di Rabbi Israel Meir Lau
Out of the Whirlwind: A Reader of Holocaust Literature di Albert H. Friedlander
The Oxford Handbook of Holocaust Studies di Peter Hayes
Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis 1938-1941 di David S. Wyman
I papi contro gli ebrei: il ruolo del Vaticano nell'ascesa dell'antisemitismo moderno di David I. Kertzer
Parallel Journeys di Eleanor H. Ayer
Part of the Family: Christadelphians, the Kindertransport, and Rescue from the Holocaust di Jason Hensley
A Partisan's Memoir: Woman of the Holocaust di Faye Schulman
Passage to Freedom: The Sugihara Story di Ken Mochizuki
The Passenger di Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz
Pastel Orphans di Gemma Liviero
The Patagonian Hare: A Memoir di Claude Lanzmann
The pavement of hell di Leonard Tushnet
Pennies For Hitler di Jackie French
People in Auschwitz di Hermann Langbein
Person of No Nationality di Ruth Barnett
Petain's Crime: The Full Story of French Collaboration in the Holocaust di Paul Webster
The Pharmacist of Auschwitz: The Untold Story di Patricia Posner
A Picture Book of Anne Frank di David A. Adler
Pictures at an Exhibition di Sara Houghteling
The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals di Richard Plant
The Pit and the Trap: A Chronicle of Survival di Leyb Rochman
Pięć lat na muszce : wspomnienia więźnia Majdanka di Wiesław Dobrowolski
Playing for Time di Fania Fénelon
Playing for Time di Arthur Miller
Playing for Time [1980 film] di Daniel Mann
A Pocket Full of Seeds di Marilyn Sachs
Poems of the Holocaust and Poems of Faith di אַהרן צײטלין
A Polish Doctor in the Nazi Camps: My Mother's Memories of Imprisonment, Immigration, and a Life Remade di Barbara Rylko-Bauer
Polish Witnesses to the Shoah di Marian Turski
Political Survivors: The Resistance, the Cold War, and the Fight against Concentration Camps after 1945 di Emma Kuby
The Politics of Genocide : The Holocaust in Hungary di Randolph L. Braham
The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary, Condensed Edition di Randolph L. Braham
The Politics of Rescue: The Roosevelt Administration and the Holocaust, 1938-1945 di Henry L. Feingold
The Polski Affair di Leon H. Gildin
Polónia Campos de Extermínio - Alemães di Jacek Lachendro
Ponary Diary, 1941-1943: A Bystander's Account of a Mass Murder di Kazimierz Sakowicz
Il ponte invisibile di Julie Orringer
A Portrait of Pacifists: Le Chambon, the Holocaust and the Lives of André and Magda Trocmé di Richard Unsworth
The Postmistress di Sarah Blake
Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create America's Holocaust Museum di Edward T. Linenthal
Prisoner B-3087 di Alan Gratz
Proces : obóz na Majdanku w świetle wypowiedzi uczestników rozprawy przed Sądem Krajowym w Düsseldorfie di Eberhard Fechner
La progenie di Guillermo del Toro
A Promise at Sobibór : A Jewish Boy's Story of Revolt and Survival in Nazi-Occupied Poland di Philip Bialowitz
A Promise of Sweet Tea (The Azrieli Series of Holocaust Survivor Memoirs) di Pinchas Blitt
A Promise to Remember: The Holocaust in the Words and Voices of Its Survivors di Michael Berenbaum
Promises to keep di Ernest W. Michel
Protective Custody: Prisoner 34042 di Susan Cernyak-Spatz
Uno psicologo nei lager di Viktor Frankl
The Psychic of Sachsenhausen di David Turton
Psychoanalytic reflections on the Holocaust : selected essays di Steven A. Luel
Il pugile: la storia vera di Hertzko Haft: basata sul libro di Alan Scott Haft: Harry Haft: Auschwitz Survivor, Challenger of Rocky Marciano di Reinhard Kleist
Père Marie-Benoît and Jewish Rescue: How a French Priest Together with Jewish Friends Saved Thousands during the Holocaust di Susan Zuccotti
Quando Hitler rubò il coniglio rosa di Judith Kerr
Quenched steel : the story of an escape from Treblinka di Eddi. Weinstein
Una questione morale: la Chiesa cattolica e l'olocausto di Daniel Goldhagen
Questo e stato: una famiglia italiana nei lager di Piera Sonnino
A Quiet American: The Secret War of Varian Fry di Andy Marino
A Race Against Death: Peter Bergson, America, and the Holocaust di David S. Wyman
Rachel's Journey (Rachel Reborn) di C. J. Moran
Ragazzi in guerra di Laurel Holliday
Raoul Wallenberg di Eric Sjöqvist
Raoul Wallenberg: The Man Who Stopped Death di Sharon Linnéa, 1956-
The Ratline: Love, Lies and Justice on the Trail of a Nazi Fugitive di Philippe Sands
The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed di Wendy Lower
Il razzismo in Europa : dalle origini all'olocausto di George Mosse
Reading the Hebrew Bible after the Shoah: Engaging Holocaust Theology di Marvin A. Sweeney
Reading the Holocaust di Inga Clendinnen
Reckonings: Legacies of Nazi Persecution and the Quest for Justice di Mary Fulbrook
Recollections of the Second World War di Rosine Kauffmann Green
Red Shirley di Lou Reed
Refugee di Alan Gratz
Reich: Different Trains, Electric Counterpoint / Kronos Quartet, Pat Metheny di Steve Reich
Reign of Terror: The Budapest Memoirs of Valdemar Langlet 1944-1945 di Valdemar Langlet
Reinhard Heydrich: The Chilling Story of the Man Who Masterminded the Nazi Death Camps di Edouard Calic
Reluctant Return: A Survivor's Journey to an Austrian Town di David W. Weiss
Remember Me: A Search for Refuge in Wartime Britain di Irene N. Watts
I Remember Nothing More di Adina Blady Szwajger
Rena's Promise: A Story of Sisters in Auschwitz di Rena Kornreich Gelissen
A Replacement Life di Boris Fishman
Rescue Board: The Untold Story of America's Efforts to Save the Jews of Europe di Rebecca Erbelding
Rescue in Denmark di Harold Flender
Rescue of Danish Jewry di Leni Yahil
Rescue of the Danish Jews: Moral Courage Under Stress di Leo Goldberger
Rescue: The Story of How Gentiles Saved Jews in the Holocaust di Milton Meltzer
Rescued Images : Memories of a Childhood in Hiding di Ruth Jacobsen
Rescuers Defying the Nazis: Non-Jewish Teens Who Rescued Jews di Toby Axelrod
Rescuing the Children: A Holocaust Memoir di Vivette Samuel
Resistance: Teen Partisans and Resisters Who Fought Nazi Tyranny di Charles Anflick
Resisting Hitler. Mildred Harnack and the Red Orchestra di Shareen Blair Brysac
Restitution: A Family's Fight for Their Heritage Lost in the Holocaust di Kathy Kacer
Revisiting Holocaust Representation in the Post-Witness Era di Tanja Schult
The Righteous Among the Nations: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust di Mordecai Paldiel
Righteous Gentile: The Story of Raoul Wallenberg, Missing Hero of the Holocaust di John Bierman
Righteous Gentiles: How Pius XII and the Catholic Church Saved Half a Million Jews From the Nazis di Ronald J. Rychlak
The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust di Martin Gilbert
The Road di Vasily Grossman
The Road to Rescue: The Untold Story of Schindler's List di Mietek Pemper
The Romany trail. Part two, Gypsy music into Europe di Jeremy Marre
Romek's Lost Youth: The Story of a Boy Survivor di Ken Roman
The Roots of Hatred: Antisemitism and the Denial of the Holocaust di Sheila Wiesenfeld
Rosa Bianca di Christophe Gallaz
Rowan the Strange di Julie Hearn
Run Boy Run [2013 film] di Pepe Danquart
Ruth Maier's Diary: A Young Girl's Life Under Nazism di Ruth Maier
Rutka's Notebook: A Voice from the Holocaust di Rutka Laskier
Rêm, l'enfant du ghetto. Brest-Litvosk 1941-Moscou 1996 di Ilya Altman
The Safest Lie di Angela Cerrito
Sag niemals, das ist dein letzter Weg : Flucht aus Ponar : eine Mutter und ihre kleine Tochter kämpfen ums Überleben di Jetta Schapiro-Rosenzweig
Sala's Gift: My Mother's Holocaust Story di Ann Kirschner
Samson: A Savior Will Rise di Shawn Hoffman
Saving one's own : Jewish rescuers during the Holocaust di Mordecai Paldiel
Saving Rachel (Rachel Reborn) di C. J. Moran
Scanning the Century: The Penguin Book of the Twentieth Century in Poetry di Peter Forbes
La scelta di Sophie di William Styron
Schadenfreude di 19
Scheisshaus Luck di Pierre Berg
Schindler's Legacy: True Stories of the List Survivors di Elinor J. Brecher
The Scholems: A Story of the German-Jewish Bourgeoisie from Emancipation to Destruction di Jay Howard Geller
The School that Escaped the Nazis: The True Story of the Schoolteacher Who Defied Hitler di Deborah Cadbury
Die Schoáh von Babij Jar : das Massaker deutscher Sonderkommandos an der jüdischen Bevölkerung von Kiew 1941 fünfzig Jahre danach zum Gedenken di Erhard R. Wiehn
Schuhhaus Pallas. Wie meine Familie sich gegen die Nazis wehrte di Amelie Fried
Das Schweigen redet Wann vergeht diese Vergangenheit? di Johannes Czwalina
Science and the Creation of Objective Testimony in the Holocaust Works of Primo Levi di Eva Lynn Gold
Gli scomparsi di Daniel Mendelsohn
Scream the truth at the world : Emanuel Ringelblum and the hidden archive of the Warsaw Ghetto : Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, November 7, 2001- February 18, 2002 di Ruta Sakowska
La scrittura o la vita di Jorge Semprún
Se non ora quando? di Primo Levi
Se questo è un uomo di Primo Levi
Se questo è un uomo. La tregua di Primo Levi
Searching for Schindler: A memoir di Thomas Keneally
Second Generation: The Things I Didn't Tell My Father di Michel Kichka
The Secret Ship di Ruth Kluger
Secrets of War [2014 film] di Dennis Bots
Seed of Sarah: Memoirs of a Survivor di Judith Magyar Isaacson
Un segreto di Philippe Grimbert
Sephardi Jews in occupied France: Under the tyrant's heel, 1940-1944 di Gitta Amipaz-Silber
Sepolti a Varsavia di Emanuel Ringelblum
Seppellitemi in piedi: in viaggio con i gitani attraverso l'Europa di Isabel Fonseca
La sesta lamentazione: romanzo di William Brodrick
The Seventh Gate di Richard Zimler
The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the Holocaust di Tom Segev
The Shadow of Death: The Holocaust in Lithuania di Harry Gordon
Shadow of His Hand di Wendy Lawton
Shadows of Treblinka di Miriam Kuperhand
I Shall Live: Surviving the Holocaust Against All Odds di Henry Orenstein
Shattered Faith: A Holocaust Legacy di Leon Wells
Shattered Spaces: Encountering Jewish Ruins in Postwar Germany and Poland di Michael Meng
Shavelings in Death Camps: A Polish Priest's Memoir of Imprisonment by the Nazis, 1939-1945 di Henryk Maria Malak
Shoah di Claude Lanzmann
Shoah: A Jewish Perspective on Tragedy in the Context of the Holocaust (Artscroll Series) di Yoel Ben Aharon Shvarts
Shores Beyond Shores: From Holocaust to Hope, My True Story di Irene Hasenberg Butter
Showdown in Washington: State, Treasury, & Congress (America and the Holocaust Series) di David S. Wyman
Shreibt un Farshreibt!: A Critical Analysis of Holocaust Historiography di Keith Stern
The Shrinking Circle: Memories of Nazi Berlin, 1933-39 di Marion Freyer Wolff
Siberian exile : blood, war, and a granddaughter's reckoning di Julija Sukys
The Silver Music Box di Mina Baites
Simon Wiesenthal: The Life and Legends di Tom Segev
The Sisters of Auschwitz di Roxane van Iperen
Six Million Paper Clips: The Making Of A Children's Holocaust Memorial di Peter W. Schroeder
Skeletons at the Feast di Chris Bohjalian
Sky Tinged Red: A Chronicle of Two and a Half Years in Auschwitz di Isaia Eiger
Slingshot of Hell: Holocaust Journal di Yechezkel Harfenes
A Small Town Near Auschwitz: Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust di Mary Fulbrook
The Smell of Humans: A Memoir of the Holocaust in Hungary di Ernő Szép
Soldiers of Evil: The Commandants of the Nazi Concentration Camps di Tom Segev
Somewhere There Is Still a Sun: A Memoir of the Holocaust di Michael GRUENBAUM
I sommersi e i salvati di Primo Levi
Sonderkommando Auschwitz di Shlomo Venezia
Sonderkommando: Diario di un crematorio di Auschwitz, 1944 di Zalmen Gradowski
The Song of Names di Norman Lebrecht
Sono stato l'assistente del dottor Mengele: memorie di un medico internato ad Auschwitz di Dr. Miklos Nyiszli
Sono un assassino?: autodifesa di un poliziotto ebreo di Calel Perechodnik
Sons and Soldiers: The Untold Story of the Jews Who Escaped the Nazis and Returned with the U.S. Army to Fight Hitler di Bruce Henderson
Soon di Morris Gleitzman
Sparrows and the Hawk di Clyde Andrews
Speak You Also: A Survivor's Reckoning di Paul Steinberg
Gli specialisti della morte: i gruppi scelti delle SS e le origini dello sterminio di massa di Richard Rhodes
La speranza mi ha tenuto in vita. Da Theresienstadt e Auschwitz a Israele di Ruth Elias
Spiritual Resistance Art from Concentration Camps 1940-1945 di Miriam Novitch
A Spy for God: The Ordeal of Kurt Gerstein di Pierre Joffroy
La stanza segreta di Johanna Reiss
Star Children di Clara Asscher-Pinkhof
Stars of the Night: The Courageous Children of the Czech Kindertransport di Caren Stelson
Lo stato sociale di Hitler: rapina, guerra razziale e nazionalsocialismo di Götz Aly
stella errante di J.M.G. Le Clézio
Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered di Ruth Klüger
Stolen Girl di Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
Storia dei nonni che non ho avuto. Uno storico sulle tracce della propria famiglia scomparsa ad Auschwitz di Ivan Jablonka
The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War di Andrew Roberts
The Story of the Holocaust di Jim Whiting
The Street Sweeper di Elliot Perlman
Stronger Together di grossmanibolyaszalai
The Stroop Report: The Warsaw Ghetto Is No More di Jürgen Stroop
Struggle For Rescue Action, The (America and the Holocaust) di David S. Wyman
Uno su mille: cinque famiglie ebraiche durante il fascismo di Alexander Stille
Suite française di Irène Némirovsky
The Survival of the Jews in France, 1940 - 44 di Jacques Sémelin
Survival: Holocaust Survivors Tell Their Story di Wendy Whitworth
I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944 di Lauren Tarshis
Surviving the Angel of Death: The Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz di Eva Mozes Kor
Surviving the Holocaust (Raintree Freestyle: On the Front Line) di Cath Senker
Surviving the Holocaust: The Kovno Ghetto Diary di Avraham Tory
Surviving Treblinka di Samuel Willenberg
A Survivor di Moshé Garbarz
The Survivor: An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps di Terrence Des Pres
The Survivor: An Inspiring True Story di Jack Eisner
Survivors Club: The True Story of a Very Young Prisoner of Auschwitz di Michael Bornstein
Survivors of the Holocaust di Kath Shackleton
Survivors: Children's Lives After the Holocaust di Rebecca Clifford
Suzanne's Children: A Daring Rescue in Nazi Paris di Anne Nelson
Süskind [2012 film] di Rudolf Van den Berg
The tale of the ring : a kaddish : a personal memoir of the Holocaust di Frank Stiffel
Talking Until Nightfall: Remembering Jewish Salonica, 1941–44 di Isaac Matarasso
Il tatuatore di Auschwitz di Heather Morris
Tehran Children: A Holocaust Refugee Odyssey di Mikhal Dekel
Tell No One Who You Are: The Hidden Childhood of Regine Miller di Walter Buchignani
Tell Them We Remember di Susan D. Bachrach
Tell Ye Your Children: A Book About the Holocaust in Europe 1933-1945 di Stéphane Bruchfeld
Terezin: Voices from the Holocaust di Ruth Thomson
Terre di sangue. L'Europa nella morsa di Hitler e Stalin di Timothy Snyder
The Terrible Secret: Suppression of the Truth About Hitler's "Final Solution" di Walter Laqueur
Terrible Things: An Allegory of the Holocaust di Eve Bunting
Testament di Kim Sherwood
Testimoniare fino all'ultimo : diari 1933-1945 di Victor Klemperer
The Texture of Memory: Holocaust Memorials and Meaning di James E. Young
Then di Morris Gleitzman
Then Shall the Dust Return di Leon Stein
The Theory and Practice of Hell: The German Concentration Camps and the System Behind Them di Eugen Kogon
Theresienstadt 1941 - 1945. Das Antlitz einer Zwangsgemeinschaft di H. G. Adler
They Called Me Frau Anna di Chana Marcus Banet
This is my song di Richard Yaxley
The Three Escapes of Hannah Arendt di Ken Krimstein
A Time in the Life of Israel Szapiro di Howard Shaff
Time's Echo: The Second World War, the Holocaust, and the Music of Remembrance di Jeremy Eichler
To Calm My Dreams: Surviving Auschwitz di Kazimierz Tyminski
To Look a Nazi in the Eye: A Teen's Account of a War Criminal Trial di Kathy Kacer
To Paint Her Life: Charlotte Salomon in the Nazi Era di Mary Lowenthal Felstiner
To Survive Sobibor di Dov Freiberg
To Tell at Last: Survival Under False Identity, 1941-45 di Blanca Rosenberg
To Zenzi (AWP Award Series for the Novel) di Robert L. Shuster
Touch Wood: A Girlhood in Occupied France di Renee Roth-Hano
Touching the Wire di Rebecca Bryn
The Tower of Life: How Yaffa Eliach Rebuilt Her Town in Stories and Photographs di Chana Stiefel
Transcript di Heimrad Bäcker
Trap with a Green Fence: Survival in Treblinka di Richard Glazar
Treasures from the Attic: The Extraordinary Story of Anne Frank's Family di Mirjam Pressler
A Treasury of Jewish Folksong di Ruth Rubin
The Treatment of the Holocaust in textbooks : the Federal Republic of Germany, Israel, the United States of America di Randolph L. Braham
Treblinka : la rivolta di un campo di sterminio di Jean-François Steiner
Treblinka Survivor: The Life and Death of Hershl Sperling di Mark S. Smith
The Tree in the Courtyard: Looking Through Anne Frank's Window di Jeff Gottesfeld
The Triumphant Spirit: Portraits & Stories of Holocaust Survivors Their Messages of Hope & Compassion di Renee Rockford
The True Story of Hansel and Gretel di Louise Murphy
I Truly Lament: Working Through the Holocaust di Mathias B. Freese
The Tunnels of Tarcoola di Jennifer Walsh
Turned Away: The World War II Diary of Devorah Bernstein di Carol Matas
Tutti i fiumi vanno al mare: memorie di Elie Wiesel
Tutto ciò che sono di Anna Funder
Two Suns in the Sky di Miriam Bat-Ami
L'ultimo dei Giusti di André Schwarz-Bart
L'ultimo sopravvissuto: una storia vera. La testimonianza mai raccontata del bambino che da solo sfuggì agli orrori dell'olocausto. di Sam Pivnik
The Unanswered Letter: One Holocaust Family's Desperate Plea for Help di Faris Cassell
An Uncertain Hour: The French, the Germans, the Jews, the Klaus Barbie Trial, and the City of Lyon, 1940-1945 di Ted Morgan
Under the Yellow & Red Stars di Alex Levin
An Underground Life: Memoirs of a Gay Jew in Nazi Berlin di Gad Beck
The Underground Reporters (Holocaust Remembrance Series) di Kathy Kacer
Unhealed Wounds: France and the Klaus Barbie Affair di Erna Paris
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945, Volume 1, Early Camps, Youth Camps, and Concentration Camps and Subcamps under the SS-Business Administration Main Office (WVHA) (A & B) di Geoffrey P. Megargee
The Unloved: From the Diary of Perla S. di Arnošt Lustig
Unser Schicksal, eine Mahnung für Euch-- : Berichte und Erinnerungen der Häftlinge von Majdanek di Tomasz Kranz
Until We Meet Again di Michael Korenblit
Uomini comuni: polizia tedesca e soluzione finale in Polonia di Christopher R. Browning
Upon the Head of the Goat: A Childhood in Hungary 1939-1944 di Aranka Siegal
La valigia di Hana di Karen Levine
Values and Violence in Auschwitz: A Sociological Analysis di Anna Pawelczynska
Varian Fry : Hero of the Holocaust di Sean Stewart Price
The Vatican and the Holocaust di Randolph Braham
Vatican Diplomacy and the Jews During the Holocaust, 1939-1943 di John F. Morley
Il Vaticano e l'olocausto in Italia di Susan Zuccotti
Vedi alla voce: amore di David Grossman
Ven poyln iz gefaln di Josef Opatoshu
Das Vernichtungslager Belzec di Robert Kuwałek
Vichy et la Shoah: enquête sur le paradoxe français di Alain Michel
Vichy France and the Jews di Michael R. Marrus
Village of Secrets: Defying the Nazis in Vichy France di Caroline Moorehead
Il violino di Auschwitz di Maria Angels Anglada
Violins of Hope: Violins of the Holocaust--Instruments of Hope and Liberation in Mankind's Darkest Hour di James A. Grymes
La vita come compito. Appunti autobiografici di Viktor Frankl
La vita è bella di Roberto Benigni
Vittel diary (22.5.43-16.9.43) di Itzhak Katzenelson
voci dall'inferno di Samantha Power
Voices from the Past di Herbert Levy
I volenterosi carnefici di Hitler. I tedeschi comuni e l'olocausto di Daniel Goldhagen
The Volunteer: One Man, an Underground Army, and the Secret Mission to Destroy Auschwitz di Jack Fairweather
Wallenberg: Missing Hero di Kati Marton
Wallenberg: The Man in the Iron Web di Elenore Lester
The Wannsee Conference in the Development of the "Final Solution" di Peter Longerich
I Want You to Know We're Still Here: A Post-Holocaust Memoir di Esther Safran Foer
The War Against the Jews: 1933-1945 di Lucy S. Dawidowicz
The War within These Walls di Aline Sax
Waren mijn ogen een bron van tranen een Joods echtpaar in het verzet di Ben Braber
The Warsaw Anagrams di Richard Zimler
The Warsaw Diary of Adam Czerniakow: Prelude to Doom di Adam Czerniakow
Warsaw Ghetto (World at War) di R. Conrad Stein
Warsaw Ghetto Diaries di Hillel Seidman
The Wartime Diary of Edmund Kessler di Edmund Kessler
Wartime Lies di Louis Begley
I Was a Boy in Belsen di Tomi Reichental
I Was a Doctor in Auschwitz di Gisella Perl
I was at the Auschwitz Crematorium. A conversation with Henryk Mandelbaum former prisoner and member of the Sonderkommando at Auschwitz di Igor Bartosik
We All Wore Stars di Theo Coster
We Are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust di Ellen Cassedy
We Fought Back: Teen Resisters of the Holocaust di Allan Zullo
We Remember the Holocaust di David A. Adler
We Survived the Holocaust: The Bluma and Felix Goldberg Story di Frank W. Baker
We Wept Without Tears: Testimonies of the Jewish Sonderkommando from Auschwitz di Gideon Greif
We Were In Auschwitz di Janusz Nel Siedlecki
We Were the Lucky Ones di Georgia Hunter
The Wedding in Auschwitz di Erich Hackl
Wer war verantwortlich für das Massaker von Babij Jar? di Hartmut Rüß
What Buchenwald really means di Victor Gollancz
What the Night Sings di Vesper Stamper
What Time And Sadness Spared: Mother And Son Confront the Holocaust di Roma Nutkiewicz Ben-Atar
When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew: A Memoir di Hendrika De Vries
When Hope Prevails: The Personal Triumph of a Holocaust Survivor di Sam Offen
When Light Pierced the Darkness: Christian Rescue of Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland di Nechama Tec
When the World Was Ours di Liz Kessler
When They Came to Take My Father: Voices of the Holocaust di Mark Seliger
When Time Stopped: A Memoir of My Father's War and What Remains di Ariana Neumann
When will Jews be forgiven the Holocaust? (Kindle Single) di Howard Jacobson
Where Light and Shadow Meet: A Memoir di Erika Rosenberg
While America Watches: Televising the Holocaust di Jeffrey Shandler
While six million died, a study guide di Marc Saperstein
The Whispering Town di Jennifer Elvgren
Whispers from the Ghettos di Kathy Kacer
Why Did the Heavens Not Darken di Arno J. Mayer
Why Did the Holocaust Happen? (Moments in History) di Sean Sheehan
Why Is Everybody Yelling?: Growing Up in My Immigrant Family di Marisabina Russo
Wileńskie Ponary di Helena Pasierbska
Wilhelm Brasse: Number 3444 Photographer Auschwitz 1940–1945 di Wilhelm Brasse
The Wilkomirski Affair: A Study in Biographical Truth di Stefan Maechler
I Will Come Back for You: A Family in Hiding During World War II di Marisabina Russo
I Will Plant You a Lilac Tree: A Memoir of a Schindler's List Survivor di Laura Hillman
The Winter Horses di Philip Kerr
With a Camera in the Ghetto di Mendel Grossman
With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest: Memories of the War Years in Hungary di Per Anger
With the Star of David through the Theresienstadt Hell di Viktor A. Pollak
Witness and Legacy: Contemporary Art About the Holocaust di Stephen C. Feinstein
The Witness House: Nazis and Holocaust Survivors Sharing a Villa during the Nuremberg Trials di Christiane Kohl
Witness Through the Imagination: Jewish American Holocaust Literature di S. Lillian Kremer
Witness to Annihilation: Surviving the Holocaust, a Memoir di Samuel Drix
Witness to the Holocaust di Azriel Eisenberg
Witnesses to the Holocaust: An Oral History di Rhoda G. Lewin
Women in the Holocaust di Dalia Ofer
Women in the resistance and in the Holocaust : the voices of eyewitnesses di Vera Laska
Women's Holocaust Writing: Memory and Imagination di S. Lillian Kremer
Words on Fire: The Unfinished Story of Yiddish di Dovid Katz
Words to Outlive Us: Eyewitness Accounts from the Warsaw Ghetto di Michal Grynberg
The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust as Told in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum di Michael Berenbaum
The World That We Knew di Alice Hoffman
World War II di H. P. Willmott
Wrestling with God: Jewish Theological Responses during and after the Holocaust di Steven T. Katz
Writers: Their Lives and Works di James Naughtie
Writing in Witness: A Holocaust Reader (Suny Series in Contemporary Jewish Literature and Culture) di Eric J. Sundquist
Wunderkinder [2011 film] di Markus Rosenmüller
X-men: magneto: testamento di Greg Pak
A Year In Treblinka: An Inmate Who Escaped Tells The Day-To-Day Facts Of One Year Of His Torturous Experiences di Jankiel Wiernik
The Yellow Star: The Legend of King Christian X of Denmark di Carmen Agra Deedy
The Yellow Star: The Persecution of the Jews in Europe, 1933-1945 di Gerhard Schoenberner
Yes to Life in Spite of Everything di Viktor Frankl
Yosl Rakover Talks to God di Zvi Kolitz
Yours, Anne: The Life of Anne Frank di Lois Metzger
Zagłada lubelskiego getta di Tadeusz Radzik
Zaidy's War: Four Armies, Three Continents, Two Brothers. One Man's Impossible Story of Endurance di Martin Bodek
The Zone of Interest di Martin Amis
The Zookeeper's Wife di Diane Ackermann
Zur Bildungsarbeit der Gedenkstätte Majdanek di Tomasz Kranz
Zwölf jüdische Erzählungen di Adam Zieliński
Das ||Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager Majdanek: Funktionswandel im Kontext der "Endlösung" di Barbara Schwindt
Le ||long chemin : Buchenwald, Maïdanek, Auschwitz, Mauthausen di Homère Fonteneau
Die ||NS-Prozesse in Deutschland : gegen die SS Verbrecher die in den 6 Vernichtungslager Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka, Millionen Juden ermordet haben di Towiah Friedman
Der ||Ort des Terrors : Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager di Wolfgang Benz
The ||shoes of Maidanek di Arnold P. Goldstein
The ||T 4 killers : Berlin, Lublin, San Sabba di Henry Friedlander
ˆUn ‰treno per Auschwitz: una sconvolgente storia vera di Caroline Moorehead
The Šiauliai Ghetto di Arūnas Bubnys
История Холокоста на территории СССР : Учеб. пособие для 9 кл. сред. общеобразоват. шк di Илья Александрович Альтман
Холокост и дело Еврейского Антифашистского комитета = The Holocaust and the JAFC Case : материалы IV Междунар. конф. "Уроки Холкоста и современная Россия" (Москва, 1-2 окт. 2002 г.) di Ilya Altman
יד ושם [Lesezeichen] : Yad Vashem
After di Morris Gleitzman1945
Beatrice and Virgil di Yann Martel1945
Behind the Bedroom Wall di Laura E. Williams1945
Berlin Underground, 1938-1945 di Ruth Andreas-Friedrich1945
The Bride Price: A Novel di Grete Weil1945
Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz di Lucette Lagnado1945
Come pietre nel fiume di Ursula Hegi1945
Der Dienstkalender Heinrich Himmlers 1941/42 di Heinrich Himmler1945
The Endless Steppe: Growing Up in Siberia di Esther Hautzig1945
Heinrich Himmler di Peter Longerich1945
Heinrich Himmler: Murderous Architect Of The Holocaust (Holocaust Heroes and Nazi Criminals) di Richard Worth1945
Heinrich Himmler: The Sinister Life of the Head of the SS and Gestapo di Roger Manvell1945
Himmler di Peter Padfield1945
Himmler: il burocrate dello sterminio di Richard Breitman1945
Intenso come un ricordo di Jodi Picoult1945
The Liberator: One World War II Soldier's 500-Day Odyssey from the Beaches of Sicily to the Gates of Dachau di Alex Kershaw1945
La lista di Schindler di Thomas Keneally1945
Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill di Robert Whitaker1945
Making Stories, Making Selves: Feminist Reflections on the Holocaust (Helen Hooven Santmyer Prize Winner) di Robin Ruth Linden1945
The Man With the Miraculous Hands: The Fantastic Story of Felix Kersten, Himmler's Private Doctor di Joseph Kessel1945
The Marriage Artist di Andrew Winer1945
The Master Plan: Himmler's Scholars and the Holocaust di Heather Pringle1945
Mentre sei milioni morivano. La soluzione finale e l'inerzia dell'Occidente di Arthur D. Morse1945
Il nascondiglio di Corrie ten Boom1945
The Nazi Officer's Wife: How One Jewish Woman Survived the Holocaust di Edith Hahn Beer1945
Never Surrender! A true story di Liliane Pelzman1945
The Novel in the Viola di Natasha Solomons1945
La pianista di Auschwitz di Suzy Zail1945
Rising From the Holocaust : The Life of Fanny Goose di Fanny Goose1945
Il sistema periodico di Primo Levi1945
Tossed by the Wind di Edith Muller Baer1945
Two Brothers di Ben Elton1945
Two Lives di Vikram Seth1945
Two Rings: A Story of Love and War di Millie Werber1945
The uprising of the Warsaw ghetto, November 1940-May 1943 di Irving Werstein1945
ˆLa ‰Germania nazista e gli ebrei. Vol. I: Gli anni della persecuzione 1933-1939 di Saul Friedländer1945
Anne Frank: The Book, The Life, The Afterlife di Francine Prose1945
Gli anni dello sterminio: la Germania nazista e gli ebrei: 1939-1945 di Saul Friedländer1945
Il bambino con il pigiama a righe di John Boyne1945
Berlin Wild di Elly Welt1945
Between Dignity and Despair : Jewish Life in Nazi Germany di Marion A. Kaplan1945
Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity di Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke1945
Un cel de plom di Carme Martí1945
A Changed Man di Francine Prose1945
La chiave di Sarah di Tatiana de Rosnay1945
La colpa dei papi: le strutture dell'inganno di Garry Wills1945
Conan Doyle for the Defense: The True Story of a Sensational British Murder, a Quest for Justice, and the World's Most Famous Detective Writer di Margalit Fox1945
Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews -- A History di James Carroll1945
Daniel's Story di Carol Matas1945
The Defamation of Pius XII di Ralph McInerny1945
Desolation and Enlightenment: Political Knowledge After Total War, Totalitarianism, and the Holocaust di Ira Katznelson1945
The Devil's Arithmetic di Jane Yolen1945
Il diario di Anna Frank di Anne Frank1945
Diario Nuova edizione integrale. di Anne Frank1945
Does Israel Have a Future?: The Case for a Post-Zionist State di Constance Hilliard1945
The Dollmaker of Kraków di R. M. Romero1945
Essays on Hitler's Europe di István Deák1945
Le fantastiche avventure di Kavalier e Clay di Michael Chabon 1945
The Final Solution. A Story of Detection di Michael Chabon1945
From Nuremberg to My Lai (College) di Jay W. Baird1945
Guided Tours of Hell: Novellas di Francine Prose1945
The Hidden Pope: The Untold Story of a Lifelong Friendship That Is Changing the Relationship Between Catholics and Jews - The Personal Journey of John Paul II and Jerzy Kluger di Darcy O'Brien1945
Hitler e il Vaticano: dagli archivi segreti vaticani la vera storia dei rapporti fra il nazismo e la Chiesa di Peter Godman1945
Hitlers Cross di Erwin W. Lutzer1945
The Holocaust in American Life di Peter Novick1945
Hope and Honor di Sidney Shachnow1945
Jacob's Rescue di Malka Drucker1945
Keeper of the Keys: a Life of Pope Pius XII di Thomas McDermott1945
Das kurze Leben der Jüdin Felice Schragenheim. 'Jaguar', Berlin 1922 - Bergen- Belsen 1945 di Erica Fischer1945
Memory, History, and the Extermination of the Jews of Europe di Saul Friedländer1945
Il papa di Hitler: la storia segreta di Pio 12. di John Cornwell1945
Pio 12. e il Terzo Reich: documenti di Saul Friedländer1945
The Pius War: Responses to the Critics of Pius XII di William Doino1945
Pius XII and the Holocaust: A Reader di Robert Graham1945
Pius XII and the Holocaust: Understanding the Controversy di Jose M. Sanchez1945
Pius XII and the Jews: The War Years di Stephen M. DiGiovanni1945
Pius XII en de vernietiging van de Joden di Dirk Verhofstadt1945
Pius Xii, the Holocaust And the Revisionists: Essays di Patrick J. Gallo; Editor1945
Pius XII, the Holocaust, and the Cold War di Michael Phayer1945
Pius XII: The Hound of Hitler di Gerard Noel1945
A poco a poco il ricordo di Saul Friedländer1945
Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust di Carol Rittner1945
Pope Pius XII and the Jews di Ralph Stewart1945
Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the "Final Solution" di Saul Friedländer1945
Pushing Time Away: My Grandfather and the Tragedy of Jewish Vienna di Peter Singer1945
The Seamstress di Sara Tuvel Bernstein1945
The Silence of Pope Pius XII During the Holocaust di F. Neil Lindenfelser1945
Il sindacato dei poliziotti yiddish di Michael Chabon1945
Steal a Pencil for Me: Love Letters from Camp Bergen-Belsen and Westerbork di Jaap Polak1945
Storia di una ladra di libri di Markus Zusak1945
Struggle for Truth: Pius XII and the Holocaust di Adrian Vazquez Villegas1945
Surviving Hitler: A Boy in the Nazi Death Camps di Andrea Warren1945
Testimone della speranza: la vita di Giovanni Paolo II di George Weigel1945
The Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution: A Reconsideration di Mark Roseman1945
Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family di Miep Gies1933-1945
Anne Frank: The Anne Frank House Authorized Graphic Biography di Sid Jacobson1938 ∙ 1945
Corrie Ten Boom's Prison Letters di Corrie Ten Boom1933-1945
The Dentist of Auschwitz: A Memoir di Benjamin Jacobs1933-1945
Diario 1941-1943 di Etty Hillesum1939-1945
IBM and the Holocaust di Edwin Black1933-1945
It Happened in Italy di Elizabeth Bettina1939 - 1945
The Librarian of Auschwitz di Antonio Iturbe1939-1945
My Enemy's Cradle di Sara Pennypacker1939-1945
Il sangue degli innocenti di Julia Navarro1938-1945
Il terrore nazista: la Gestapo, gli ebrei e i tedeschi di Eric A. Johnson1933-1945