
fiction (1,482), non-fiction (693), sci-fi (680), youth (311), inclusion (234), BookMooch (180), fantasy (153), anthology (151), Mooched-away (135), reference (118), collection (108), religion (101), bio/autobio (94), withdrawn (91), dno (91), animal (86), asimov (81), science (80), philosophy (73), sex (69), children (68), medical (67), rah (65), textbook (58), osc (57), games (56), tbr (56), thriller (51), Popular Science (49), unique (49), humor (48), card games (48), buddhism (44), firearms (44), gambling (43), omnibus (42), play(s) (41), Mooched-in (41), poker (40), juvenile (38), home economics (38), history (37), fnf (35), horror (35), America (34), dog (33), poetry (33), women (32), mathematics (31), TEMP - angled (31), ultb (31), instructional (30), zen (30), Newbery Honor (29), food/sustenance (28), Newbery Medal (28), anthropomorphic (26), cookbook (25), ultb-NQ (25), personal finance (25), near future (24), Double (24), classic (24), Medical Humanities (23), cyberpunk (22), essays (22), psychology (22), mystery (22), NOT MINE! (21), Pennsylvania (20), teen (20), politics (19), RELATIONSHIP (18), legal (17), hunting/fishing/gathering (17), TEMP-GIANT COVER (17), Available for sale|mooch|trade (17), cartoon (17), physics (16), survival (16), music (15), general (15), space opera (15), travel (15), gunsmithing (14), Moochable (14), magic (14), short story (14), biology (14), investing (14), aliens (13), photography (13), favorite (13), sold(Half.com) (13), DNO (13), woodsmanship (13), government (12), Christian (12), health (12), tolkien (12), Explore PA (12), foreign language (12), abandoned (12), economics (12), dna (12), Doc Savage (12), comedy (11), Foundation (11), unread (11), pregnancy (11), Ender Wiggin (11), homesteading (11), voluntary simplicity (11), Harry Potter (10), Alvin Maker (10), TEMP - open (10), board book (10), most favorite (10), TEOTWAWKI (10), songbook (10), (9), thrift (9), dictionary (9), marriage (9), dystopia (9), feminism (9), vampire (9), historical (9), frugality (8), charlie brown (8), USA (8), alternative housing (8), paranormal (8), test (8), TEMP - no image (8), psychiatry (8), local interest (8), Field Guide (8), parenting (8), cat (8), spin-off (7), Narnia (7), medicine (7), anthropology (7), numismatics (7), Homecoming (7), counter-culture (7), Sendak (7), Discworld (7), occult (7), racial issues (7), trivia (7), how-to (7), World of Tiers (7), genetics (7), VW (7), autographed (7), ethics (7), quotations (7), oz (7), multiverse (7), finance (7), Riverworld (6), educational (6), light fantasy (6), medieval (6), libertarian (6), Tarzan (6), king arthur (6), sex education (6), motorcycle (6), Mars (6), Wishlist (6), from CFM (6), latin (6), Retro Covers (6), TEMP - title page (6), sports (6), Boglehead (6), polyamory (6), wishlist (6), historical fiction (6), LGBT (6), evolution (6), Gorey (6), cosmology (6), eco-thriller (6), TEMP - back (5), Klutz (5), far future (5), discredited (5), Angel-Mooch (5), vehicle repair (5), hymnal (5), mental illness (5), puzzles (5), art (5), Otherland (5), time travel (5), speculative (5), S recs (5), hunting (5), mushrooms (5), surreal (5), childbirth (5), nature (5), reloading (5), trigonometry (5), babies (5), bible (5), bear (4), short stories (4), Arabian Nights (4), fishing (4), alternate history (4), LOTR (4), a-boy-and-his-dog (4), erotica (4), alternative energy (4), Hugo (4), breastfeeding (4), Melendy (4), OMG WTF (4), farming/gardening (4), TEMP-SMALL COVER (4), novelization (4), geography (4), chemistry (4), fantastical (4), BookDarted (4), subgenius (4), yukon (4), manual (4), sociology (4), space (4), dog training (4), astronomy (4), eckankar (4), essay (4), dinosaur (3), environment (3), war (3), loaner copy (3), gardening/farming (3), study guide (3), drugs (3), home repair/improvement (3), business (3), energy (3), cardiology (3), Dayworld (3), pseudoscience (3), string theory (3), dragon (3), coming-of-age (3), TEMP - no cover (3), self-help (3), Arctic (3), noir (3), Caldecott Honor (3), supernatural (3), Japan (3), engineering (3), MoochedAway(unofficial) (3), LT Early Reviewers (3), biothriller (3), Islam (3), FTL (3), slack (3), alternative healing (3), Christmas (3), women's health (3), Canada (3), classic sci-fi (3), horse (3), military (3), 1960s (3), eBook (3), gay (3), lesbian (3), algebra (3), political (3), arithmetic (3), suburbia (3), camping (3), Shakespeare (3), diary (3), casino (3), police procedural (3), knives (3), kinesics (3), spider-man (2), estate planning (2), neurology (2), British (2), mormon (2), graphic novel (2), Hawaii (2), folklore (2), ultb-no longer (2)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 14, 2007
La mia biblioteca
My LT catalogue consists of books I have HAD IN MY POSSESSION since I joined LT. It includes books I have now, books I had during this time period but have "withdrawn", books that I have borrowed and read (and hopefully returned). It includes my spouse's books in these categories. It does NOT include most of the many books that I have read prior to joining LT - yet - I will be adding more of these as I go along now that we have collections and differently colored checkmarks (Ya - HOO!!!!). It does NOT include the majority of books on my "Wishlist" - although I expect that to change now that we have the long-awaited *Purple Checkmarks*!

Tag decoder:

(note - infiniteletters has expanded this into their "Division Rules" )

Anthology = collection of short works by different authors - editor listed as "(Editor), Last First"
[ex: Tomorrow, The Stars edited by Heinlein Robert A. (Editor)]

Collection = collection of short works by ONE author
[ex: Expanded Universe by Robert A. Heinlein]

Omnibus = collection of longer works by ONE author each of which has been published by itself
[ex: A Heinlein Trio by Robert A. Heinlein]

Inclusion = longer work included in Omnibus (or Anthology/Collection) which may have been published by itself
[ex: The Puppet Masters (included in A Heinlein Trio) by Robert A. Heinlein]
(note - in my library, inclusions will have default blank cover)


Children = books to be read to/enjoyed with young children
[ex: The Butter Battle Book by Dr. Seuss]

Youth = books for young readers reading independently
[ex: Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink]

Teen = books for youth which may contain scenes/themes too mature for some younger readers
[ex: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn & Maggie-Now by Betty Smith]

Juvenile = junior sci-fi largely from The Golden Age of Science Fiction (1940s-1950s) (can be considered a sub-tag for both "youth" and "sci-fi")
[ex: Farmer in the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein]

"The Golden Age of Science Fiction is twelve." -- Peter Graham


BookMooch = books that I have listed, sent, or received via BookMooch.com; Should have one of the following additional tags:

Moochable = books I currently have listed in my BookMooch inventory to give away. Mooch these books from me!*

Mooched-away = books I have given away via BookMooch (will also have tags "dno" and "withdrawn")

Mooched-in = books I have acquired via BookMooch

Angel-Mooch = books that I have Mooched for the sole purpose of sending them on to other BMers. (If you would like to request that I try to "Angel" a book for you, please leave a comment on my profile. If you are looking for a LT BM Angel please check this Wiki page: LT BM Angels)

*Additionally - tag "Available for sale|mooch|trade" will be found on books I have slated for removal from my library whether or not they have been listed on BookMooch. Feel free to leave me a comment if you are interested in these books.

Informazione su di me
TEMPORARY INACTIVITY NOTICE: currently in the process of a move - books are semi-packed and everywhere...will be back after we are settled to update and re-organize.

About my "Favorite Authors":

This list is actually very restricted. I have included as my Favorite Authors only those authors for whom I am interested in obtaining a complete collection of available works.

There are plenty of authors that I read, and read a lot of, but if I am not trying to eventually obtain every single thing they have ever written that I can get my hands on (frugally) then I don't list them as "favorite".

1.) Release to Copy/Repost
- Please feel free to quote/repost any of my reviews, talk posts, wiki contributions, etc. anywhere you think my words might be of interest. If you feel attribution is necessary, may attribute to "PortiaLong." (For example: Go Review That Book! group reposting to their Wiki)
2.) Release to Contact Me - in my comments on this page regarding any errors you find in my Library (Combiners - THIS MEANS YOU!), feel free also to contact me via comments if you disagree with any combining/separating I have done on LT.

Lost Links
Some LT pages that I sometimes want to find but can't remember where they are:
Spam Works Proposals
Recently Created Series
Quarantined Pictures
Random Member, Work, or Tag
Tag Combination/Separation Proposals
Recent Picture Gallery (Authors)
BM Angels on LT

Motto: "Please feel free to change my mind."
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Librerie: Walk a Crooked Mile Books

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