Read Aloud Indiana Book Award
Attributo da Association of Indiana School Library Educators (AISLE)
Altri nomi: AISLE Read-Aloud Books Too Good To Miss (Inglese), Indiana Read Alouds (Inglese)
1,295 opere / 1,310 copie 1,925,293 libri 66,559 recensioni 4.1
The Read Alouds Too-Good-To-Miss program is a project of the Association of Indiana School Library Educators (AISLE). Each year, a committee of media specialists, public librarians, classroom mostra altro teachers, reading teachers, principals, bookstore operators, and/or university faculty members is formed to develop five read-aloud lists: one for primary age students, one for upper elementary, one for middle school students, one for high school students, and an ageless. The lists are publicized and distributed to Indiana schools to encourage sustained reading and oral sharing of literature among teachers and students.
The ultimate purpose of the Read-Aloud Books Too Good To Miss program is to promote a love of reading and books and to instill and nurture lifelong reading habits in Indiana students.
As stated, a diverse committee of educators and librarians have recommended these books as read-alouds. However, it is your responsibility to pre-read each book and decide if it is appropriate for your children or community. mostra meno
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