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Save Me a Seat (2016)

di Sarah Weeks, Gita Varadarajan

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,4248913,326 (4.38)6
Ravi has just moved to the United States from India and has always been at the top of his class; Joe has lived in the same town his whole life and has learning problems--but when their lives intersect in the first week of fifth grade they are brought together by a common enemy (the biggest bully in their class) and the need to take control of their lives.… (altro)
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» Vedi le 6 citazioni

Independent Reading Level: Grades 3-7
2016 NAPPA Award
  LisaCook14 | Dec 7, 2023 |
independent Reading Level: Grades 3-7
Awards: Center for the Study of Multicultural Children's Literature Best Books, 2013-2023
  acarrion0402 | Dec 6, 2023 |
Retelling: The friendship tale was told from two perspectives. Ravi moved to the United States from India and was prepared to dominate his new school, just like he did back home. His expectations were dashed on the first day of school when the teacher couldn't understand his English, mispronounced his name, and sent him to a specialist. Joe, on the other hand, had been attending Einstein Elementary for his whole school career and knew the ropes. He knew he wasn't going to be Mr. Popular, and has been the target of the class bully for some time. Each character made assumptions about the other, and about the class bully, and it's only after a series of run-ins that their assumptions were challenged, and they began to see the friend they were looking for.

Thoughts and Feelings: Ravi and Joe's assumptions about each other were challenged, but the class bully Dillan's actions are never really explored. I'm always wary when characters seem to have no redeeming qualities. I found it bold and beautiful that the author decided to explore the xenophobia in Joe's family and I was pretty impressed that Joe called his own father out. ( )
  Ms.Penniman | Jul 3, 2023 |
Independent reading level: Grades 3-5
Awards: Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Book Award, William Allen White Children's Book Award ( )
  Amber_Vickers | May 4, 2023 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Sarah Weeksautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Varadarajan, Gitaautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato

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Most people in America cannot pronounce my name.
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Ravi has just moved to the United States from India and has always been at the top of his class; Joe has lived in the same town his whole life and has learning problems--but when their lives intersect in the first week of fifth grade they are brought together by a common enemy (the biggest bully in their class) and the need to take control of their lives.

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Media: (4.38)
3 16
3.5 7
4 47
4.5 5
5 73

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