Immagine dell'autore.

William Styron (1925–2006)

Autore di La scelta di Sophie

43+ opere 14,851 membri 251 recensioni 42 preferito


William Clark Styron was born in Newport News, Virginia on June 11, 1925. He attended Duke University and took courses at the New School for Social Research in New York City, which started him on his writing career. He was a Marine lieutenant during World War II and while serving during the Korean mostra altro War, was recalled from active duty because of faulty eyesight. After leaving the service, he helped start a magazine called the Paris Review and remained as an advisory editor. His first novel, Lie Down in Darkness, was published in 1951. His other books include The Long March and Set This House on Fire. He won several awards including the Pulitzer Prize for The Confessions of Nat Turner and the American Book Award for Sophie's Choice, which was made into a movie in 1982. His short story, A Tidewater Morning, was the basis for the movie Shadrach, which Styron wrote the screenplay for with his daughter. He also wrote several nonfiction books including The Quiet Dust and Other Writings and Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness. He died on November 1, 2006 at the age of 81. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno
Fonte dell'immagine: William Styron

Opere di William Styron

La scelta di Sophie (1979) 6,054 copie, 88 recensioni
Un' oscurita trasparente (1990) 3,063 copie, 82 recensioni
Le confessioni di Nat Turner (1967) 2,755 copie, 38 recensioni
Un letto di tenebre (1951) 951 copie, 15 recensioni
Set This House on Fire (1960) 417 copie, 3 recensioni
La lunga marcia (1962) 258 copie, 7 recensioni
The Suicide Run: Five Tales of the Marine Corps (2009) 119 copie, 2 recensioni
Havanas in Camelot: Personal Essays (2008) 97 copie, 1 recensione
The Long March | In the Clap Shack (1993) 58 copie, 2 recensioni
Sophie's Choice, Volume 1 (1984) 34 copie

Opere correlate

Unholy Ghost: Writers on Depression (2001) — Collaboratore — 495 copie, 8 recensioni
For the Love of Books: 115 Celebrated Writers on the Books They Love Most (1999) — Collaboratore — 457 copie, 3 recensioni
The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature (1999) — Collaboratore — 184 copie, 2 recensioni
The Best American Essays 1996 (1996) — Collaboratore — 135 copie, 1 recensione
Novel History: Historians and Novelists Confront America's Past and Each Other (2001) — Collaboratore — 134 copie, 1 recensione
The Literature of the American South: A Norton Anthology (1997) — Collaboratore — 99 copie
The Granta Book of the American Long Story (1998) — Collaboratore — 98 copie
William Styron's Nat Turner: Ten Black Writers Respond (1968) — Original novel — 75 copie, 1 recensione
Great Esquire Fiction (1983) — Collaboratore — 71 copie, 2 recensioni
The Vintage Anthology of Science Fantasy. (1966) — Collaboratore — 66 copie, 1 recensione
A Death in Canaan (1976) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni55 copie, 1 recensione
Fathers and Daughters: In Their Own Words (1994) — Introduzione — 54 copie
Mark Twain [2001 TV movie] (2001) — Self — 49 copie, 1 recensione
Partisan Review (1998) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni37 copie
The Good Parts: The Best Erotic Writing in Modern Fiction (2000) — Collaboratore — 34 copie
The Best American Short Stories 1979 (1979) — Collaboratore — 25 copie
A Portrait of Southern Writers: Photographs (2000) — Collaboratore — 14 copie
The Big Love (1986) — Introduzione — 14 copie
A Roman Collection: Stories, Poems, and Other Good Pieces (1980) — Collaboratore — 8 copie
Law & Disorder: The Chicago Convention and Its Aftermath (1968) — Collaboratore — 4 copie
Short Fiction: Shape and Substance (1971) — Collaboratore — 3 copie


Informazioni generali



La scelta di Sophie è un romanzo dello scrittore statunitense William Styron, pubblicato in originale nel 1976, in Italia nel 1980 edito da Mondadori. (fonte: Wikipedia)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 87 altre recensioni | May 26, 2020 |


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