William Faulkner (1897–1962)
Autore di L'urlo e il furore
Born in an old Mississippi family, William Faulkner made his home in Oxford, seat of the University of Mississippi. After the fifth grade he went to school only off and on-lived, read, and wrote much as he pleased. In 1918, refusing to enlist with the "Yankees," he joined the Canadian Air Force, mostra altro and was transferred to the British Royal Air Force. After the war he studied a little at the University, did house painting, worked as a night superintendent at a power plant, went to New Orleans and became a friend of Sherwood Anderson, then to Europe and back home to Oxford. By this time he had written two novels. The Sound and the Fury followed in 1929. Financial success came with Sanctuary in 1931, which he assisted in filming. Faulkner 's novels are intense in their character portrayals of disintegrating Southern aristocrats, poor whites, and African Americans. A complex stream-of-consciousness rhetoric often involves Faulkner in lengthy sentences of anguished power. Most of his tales are set in the mythical Yoknapatawpha County, Mississippi, and are characterized by the use of many recurring characters from families of different social levels spanning more than a century. His best subjects are the old, dying South and the newer materialistic South. As I Lay Dying (1930), is a grotesquely tragicomic story about a family of poor southern whites. With Absalom, Absalom! (1936); the difficult parts of his famous short novel "The Bear" (published in Go Down, Moses, 1942); and the allegorical A Fable (1954), a non-Yoknapatawpha novel set in France during World War I; Faulkner returned to an innovative and difficult style that most readers have trouble with. Yet, interspersed among such works are collections of easily read stories originally published in popular magazines. There seems to be a growing sentiment among critics that the Snopes trilogy-The Hamlet (1940), The Town (1957), and The Mansion (1959)-for the most part an example of Faulkner's "moderate" style, could well be among his most important works. Faulkner was awarded the 1949 Nobel Prize for literature "for his powerful and artistically independent contribution to the new American novel," but it would appear now that he also deserved to win that honor for his contribution to world literature. When reporting his death, the Boston Globe quoted Faulkner's having once told an interviewer: "Since man is mortal, the only immortality for him is to leave something behind him that is immortal since it will always move. That is the artist's way of scribbling "Kilroy was here" on the wall of the final and irrevocable oblivion through which he must some day pass." In addition to the Nobel Prize, Faulkner received the Howells Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1950, and in 1951 he was given the National Book Award for his Collected Stories Collected Stories. For his novel A Fable he received the National Book Award for the second time, as well as the Pulitzer Prize in 1955. The Reivers (1962) was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1963. In 1957 and 1958, he was the University of Virginia's first writer-in-residence, and in January 1959 he accepted an appointment as consultant on contemporary literature to the Alderman Library of that university. Although Faulkner was not without honors in his lifetime and has received world recognition since then, it is surprising to learn that, when Malcolm Cowley edited The Portable Faulkner in 1946, he found that almost all of Faulkner's books were out of print. By arranging selections from the works to form a continuous chronicle, Cowley deserves much of the credit for making readers aware of the way in which Faulkner was creating a fictive world on a scale grander than that of any novelist since Balzac. William Faulkner died in Oxford, Mississippi, in 1962. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno
Nota di disambiguazione:
(eng) This is not the same person as William Falkner (d. 1682), English theologian. Do not combine the two.
Fonte dell'immagine: Photo by Carl van Vechten
(LoC Prints and Photographs Division,
Van Vechten Collection)
(LoC Prints and Photographs Division,
Van Vechten Collection)
Opere di William Faulkner
Novels 1936-1940 : Absalom, Absalom! / The Unvanquished / If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem / The Hamlet (1990) 595 copie, 5 recensioni
Novels 1942-1954 : Go Down, Moses / Intruder in the Dust / Requiem for a Nun / A Fable (1994) — Autore — 475 copie, 4 recensioni
Novels 1926-1929 : Soldiers' Pay / Mosquitoes / Flags in the Dust / The Sound and the Fury (2006) 404 copie, 2 recensioni
Faulkner in the university : class conferences at the University of Virginia, 1957-1958 (1959) 79 copie, 1 recensione
Works of William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury / Sanctuary / Light in August / As I Lay Dying (1958) 57 copie
Ghosts of Rowan Oak: William Faulkner's Ghost Stories for Children (1980) — Collaboratore — 31 copie, 1 recensione
A Fable: William Faulkner Manuscripts 20, Volume I: Miscellaneous Manuscript & Typescript Pages, Part 1 (1987) 12 copie
Czerwone liście : opowiadania 11 copie
William Faulkner Novels: 1936-1940 10 copie
Lo! 8 copie
Obras escogidas: Mientras agonizo / Pylon / Los invictos / El Villorío / Desciende,Moises! (2005) 8 copie
Yoknapatawpha vanaaeg. jutustused / 1 {Yoknapatawpha Olden Time: Tales} — Autore — 8 copie
William Faulkners Nobelpristale holdt ved overrækkelsen af Nobel-prisen i litteratur i Sthlm., 10. dec. 1950. Overs.… 6 copie, 1 recensione
Yoknapatawpha uusaeg. jutustused / 2 {Yoknapatawpha Modern Times: Tales} — Autore — 6 copie
Red Leaves {story} — Autore — 5 copie
Shimgles for the Lord 5 copie
Obras escogidas 5 copie
Hell Creek Crossing 4 copie
The Modern Library 4 copie
A Justice 4 copie
The Saint Magazine Reader 4 copie
Stary 3 copie
世界文学全集 : カラー版. 第50巻 (フォークナー). 3 copie
A Bear Hunt 3 copie
Kirjailijan työ : Saul Bellow, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Boris Pasternak, Kurt Vonnegut (1985) 3 copie
Septembertørke og andre noveller 3 copie
Father Abraham Tree: William Faulkner Manuscripts II: Holograph Manuscript and Typescripts; and, The Wishing Tree:… (1987) 3 copie
Best-in-Books: Grand Hotel / Voice of Bugle Ann / Life with Father / Mutiny on the Bounty / Postman Always Rings Twice (1962) — Collaboratore — 3 copie
The Broach 3 copie
The Tall Men 3 copie
Elly 3 copie
Mule in the Yard 3 copie
A Courtship 3 copie
That Will Be Fine 3 copie
William Faulkner Manuscripts 22, Volumes I and II: The Mansion: The Early Typescript, Parts 1 and 2 3 copie
Centaur in Brass 3 copie
Honor 3 copie
Works of William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury / Sanctuary / Light in August / As I Lay Dying (1929) 2 copie
Literatura-Mundo Comparada: Perspectivas em Português III Pelo Tejo Vai-se para o Mundo (vol. 5 e 6) (2020) 2 copie
Correspondance Malcolm Cowley-William Faulkner.Lettres et souvenirs de 1944 à 1962 commentés par M.Cowley traduit de… (1970) 2 copie
Light in August / The Mansion 2 copie
Faulkner 2 copie
Crevasse 2 copie
Mistral 2 copie
Death Drag 2 copie
Victory 2 copie
I fantasmi di Rowan Oak. Storie di sogno e di paura scritte e raccontate da William Faulkner (2005) 2 copie
Carcassonne — Autore — 2 copie
Divorce in Naples 2 copie
The Leg 2 copie
There Was a Queen 2 copie
Golden Land 2 copie
Fox Hunt 2 copie
I negri e gli indiani 2 copie
Beyond 2 copie
Tomorrow 2 copie
Shall Not Perish 2 copie
Salmagundi 2 copie
Artist at Home 2 copie
The Hound 1 copia
The Reivers...a Reminiscence 1 copia
LIGHT IN AUGUST Easton Press 1 copia
By William Faulkner The Sound And the Fury (Pmc) (Modern Classics) (New impression) [Paperback] 1 copia
Bygda 1 copia
Light in August pb 1 copia
Faulkner's University Pieces 1 copia
Φως στον Αύγουστο 1 copia
the Man and the Artist (pb) 1 copia
החומסים 1 copia
New Orlean Sketches 1 copia
Rare William Faulkner Absalom Absalom! Franklin Library Limited Leather 1978 [Hardcover] unknown 1 copia
Requiem pour une nonne ("Requiem for a nun"), traduit de l'américain par M. E. Coindreau. Préface… 1 copia
ha-Ḳol ṿeha-zaʻam 1 copia
Selected Short Works of William Faulkner — Autore — 1 copia
Az öreg [kisregény] 1 copia
Megszületik augusztusban regény 1 copia
Opere 1 copia
Le opere 1 copia
The Mansion: Typescript Setting Copy & Miscellaneous Material (William Faulkner Manuscripts 22, Volumes III & IV) (1991) 1 copia
Собрание рассказов 1 copia
os desgarrados 1 copia
Suchy wrzesień 1 copia
Семь рассказов 1 copia
The Waifs 1 copia
ΟΙ ΚΛΕΦΤΕΣ 1 copia
La Pallida Zilphia Gant 1 copia
TYMI 1 copia
Absalom, Absalom! / Intruder in the Dust / Light in August / The Reivers / The Sound and the Fury 1 copia
Hand Upon the Waters 1 copia
Folklore of the Air 1 copia
A Point of Law 1 copia
Três Histórias de Guerra 1 copia
Humphrey Bogart Classics: Volume 2 — Writer — 1 copia
With Caution and Dispatch 1 copia
An Error in Chemistry 1 copia
Ci wielcy ludzie : opowiadania 1 copia
Sartoris / The Bear / Intruder in the Dust — Autore — 1 copia
A William Faulkner Reader 1 copia
Obras Completas II 1 copia
Obras Completas III 1 copia
Obras escogidas I 1 copia
Copacul Dorintelor 1 copia
DUMAN 1 copia
Η Βουή Και Η Αντάρα 1 copia
Santuario - Luce d' Agosto 1 copia
Smásögur 1 copia
Extrait - L'Intrus 1 copia
The Faulkner Reader: The Sound and Fury Complete, selections from other novels, 3 novellas, nine stories, etc (1954) 1 copia
Faulkner - Premio Nobel 1949 1 copia
Neodpočívej v pokoji 1 copia
The Story of My Life 1 copia
Erzählungen II 1 copia
Novelas escogidas, I (Mientras agonizo; Pylon, Los invictos; El villorrio; ¿Desciende, Moisés?) 1 copia
My Grandmother Millard 1 copia
Aşk ve Ölüm 1 copia
Kırmızı Yapraklar 1 copia
Obras Completas III 1 copia
Elmer; and, "A Portrait of Elmer": William Faulker Manuscripts I: The Typescripts, Manuscripts, and Miscellaneous Pages (1987) 1 copia
Requiem for a Nun: William Faulkner Manuscripts 19, Volume III: Typescript Setting Copy (1987) 1 copia
William Faulkner Manuscripts 19, Volumes I, II, and III: Requiem for a Nun: Preliminary Holograph and Typescript… (1987) 1 copia
Larmen Og Vreden 1 copia
Obras escogidas TOMO II: Una fabula-El ruido y la furia-Santuario-Absalom,absalom-novelas cortas (1960) 1 copia
Amerikaanse verhalen — Collaboratore — 1 copia
Monk [short story] 1 copia
The Hill 1 copia
Absalom, Absalom! Griff in den Staub. Der Bär. Die Spitzbuben. Eine Legende. Sartoris. Dürrer September. Als… (1963) 1 copia
A Cosmos of My Own 1 copia
The Road to Glory 1 copia
Country Lawyer 1 copia
Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow 1 copia
Rose of Lebanon 1 copia
The Evening Sun 1 copia
Duman 1 copia
Svetloba v avgustu 1 copia
Collected Stories Volume I 1 copia
Obras Completas VI 1 copia
“The Tall Men” 1 copia
"A Bear Hunt" 1 copia
"Shall Not Perish" 1 copia
"Hair" 1 copia
Snobovi 1 copia
Khi tôi nằm chết 1 copia
Descends, Moise 1 copia
Pylon: William Faulkner Manuscripts 12: Typescript Setting Copy and Miscellaneous Holograph Pages (1987) 1 copia
Une Ballade Des Dames Perdues 1 copia
නිරා ලය 1 copia
Konjicki gambit 1 copia
Smasogur 1 copia
Rare -SELECTED LETTERS OF WILLIAM FAULKNER First ed! Deluxe Leather! & Companion Guide (1976) 1 copia
کتاب صوتی گور به گور 1 copia
البعوض 1 copia
Zstąp, Mojżeszu 1 copia
2003 1 copia
Pennsylvania Station 1 copia
This earth : a poem 1 copia
TRE RÖVARE 1 copia
Pobertové : reminiscence 1 copia
Byn roman 1 copia
Fumo 1 copia
Zascianek 1 copia
O Homem e o Rio Livro 1 1 copia
The Sound and the Fury 1 copia
Opere correlate
Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (1995) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni — 946 copie, 7 recensioni
The World of the Short Story: A 20th Century Collection (1986) — Collaboratore — 465 copie, 4 recensioni
Great Detectives: A Century of the Best Mysteries from England and America (1984) — Collaboratore — 362 copie, 4 recensioni
Best Short Stories of the Modern Age (1962) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni — 342 copie, 4 recensioni
The American Short Story: A Collection of the Best Known and Most Memorable Stories by the Great American Authors (1994) — Collaboratore — 328 copie
The Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural (1981) — Collaboratore — 201 copie, 3 recensioni
First Fiction: An Anthology of the First Published Stories by Famous Writers (1994) — Collaboratore — 187 copie, 1 recensione
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The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Concise Edition (2003) — Collaboratore — 68 copie, 1 recensione
Gentlemen, Scholars and Scoundrels: A Treasury of the Best of Harper's Magazine from 1850 to the Present (1972) — Collaboratore — 57 copie
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The Best Short Stories of 1941 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story (1941) — Collaboratore — 11 copie
Amerikanische Kurzgeschichten (American Short Stories) (English and German Edition) (1956) — Collaboratore — 10 copie
Yoknapatawpha, Images and Voices: A Photographic Study of Faulkner's County (2009) — Collaboratore — 10 copie
The Best Short Stories of 1940 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story (1940) — Collaboratore — 7 copie
The Best Short Stories of 1931 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story (1931) — Collaboratore — 7 copie, 1 recensione
Voor en na middernacht : vierendertig beroemde spook- en griezelverhalen (1949) — Collaboratore — 7 copie
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The Best Short Stories of 1937 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story (1937) — Collaboratore — 6 copie
De mooiste verhalen van James Baldwin, John Berger, Jorge Luis Borges, Jane Bowles, Joseph Brodsky, Charles Bukowski,… (1990) — Collaboratore — 6 copie
The Best Short Stories of 1936 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story (1936) — Collaboratore — 4 copie
Best Crime Stories — Collaboratore — 3 copie
Modern Short Stories — Collaboratore — 3 copie
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Reader's Digest Condensed Books: The Desperate Hours • The Goat Boy • My Brother's Keeper • Two Soldiers • The… (1956) 2 copie
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Nobel Prize Library Faulkner, O'Neill, Steinbeck — Collaboratore — 1 copia
Los premios Nobel de literatura. En la ciudad / Elias Portolu / El Maestro — Collaboratore — 1 copia
Um pilar de ferro - A travessia de Hell Creek - O advogado do diabo - Flor do mar (1965) — Collaboratore — 1 copia, 1 recensione
The New York quarterly : NYQ : Number 36, Summer 1988 — Collaboratore — 1 copia
Mine Verdener / To Soldater / Digby / Pashaen på Gudindeøen / Det Store X — Collaboratore — 1 copia
American Short Stories: Anthology [Mi-Sefarim Amerikai'im: Antologiyah shel Ha-Sipur Ha-Ketsar Ha-Amerkai] — Collaboratore — 1 copia
The Saturday Evening Post Stories 1957 — Collaboratore — 1 copia
Informazioni generali
- Nome canonico
- Faulkner, William
- Nome legale
- Faulkner, William Cuthbert
- Altri nomi
- Faulkner, Will
- Data di nascita
- 1897-09-25
- Data di morte
- 1962-07-06
- Luogo di sepoltura
- St. Peter's Cemetery, Oxford, Mississippi, USA
- Sesso
- male
- Nazionalità
- Luogo di nascita
- New Albany, Mississippi, USA
- Luogo di morte
- Byhalia, Mississippi, USA
- Causa della morte
- suffered a serious injury in a fall from his horse, which led to thrombosis
- Luogo di residenza
- Oxford, Mississippi, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA - Istruzione
- University of Mississippi
- Attività lavorative
- novelist
short story writer
literary critic
screenwriter (mostra tutto 14)
bank clerk
roof painter
coal shoveler
pilot - Relazioni
- Faulkner, John (brother)
Falkner, Murry C. (brother)
Faulkner, Jim (nephew)
Falkner, William Clark (great-grandfather)
Percy, William Alexander (friend)
Anderson, Sherwood (friend) (mostra tutto 9)
West, Nathanael (friend)
Franklin, Malcolm A. (stepson)
Wells, Dean Faulkner (niece) - Organizzazioni
- British Armed Forces
American Academy of Arts and Letters
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
University of Mississippi (postmaster)
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (screenwriter)
Warner Brothers (screenwriter) (mostra tutto 8)
University of Virginia (writer-in-residence)
National Institute of Arts and Letters - Premi e riconoscimenti
- Nobel Prize (Literature, 1949)
National Institute of Arts and Letters (1939)
American Academy of Arts and Letters (1948)
William Dean Howells Medal (1950)
Chevalier de la Legion d'honneur (1951)
Silver Medal of the Greek Academy (1957) (mostra tutto 8)
National Institute of Arts and Letters Gold Medal (1962)
Created the PEN/Faulkner Award - Breve biografia
- William Cuthbert Faulkner (September 25, 1897 – July 6, 1962) was an American writer and Nobel Prize laureate from Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner wrote novels, short stories, screenplays, poetry, essays, and a play. He is primarily known for his novels and short stories set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County, based on Lafayette County, Mississippi, where he spent most of his life.
Faulkner is one of the most celebrated writers in American literature generally and Southern literature specifically. Though his work was published as early as 1919 and largely during the 1920s and 1930s, Faulkner's renown reached its peak upon the publication of Malcolm Cowley's The Portable Faulkner and his 1949 Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the only Mississippi-born Nobel winner. Two of his works, A Fable (1954) and his last novel The Reivers (1962), each won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked his 1929 novel The Sound and the Fury sixth on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century; also on the list were As I Lay Dying (1930) and Light in August (1932). Absalom, Absalom! (1936) appears on similar lists. - Nota di disambiguazione
- This is not the same person as William Falkner (d. 1682), English theologian. Do not combine the two.
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Pilastro della letteratura americana, L'urlo e il furore è universalmente considerato ostico, difficile da comprendere e assimilare. La verità è che è un libro da affrontare in maniera intuitiva più che analitica, bisogna lasciarsi trasportare dalle parole senza tentare di dar loro un senso, solo così arriveremo davvero al cuore dell'opera.
Particolarmente vero per la prima parte, forse la più emblematica e sicuramente la mia preferita: è geniale l'idea che ad introdurci nel mondo dei Compson sia Benji, il fratello intellettivamente disabile; grazie a lui penetriamo subito l'interiorità di cose e circostanze, senza sovrastrutture e senza contesto. Può sembrare dispersivo ma andando avanti nella lettura ci accorgeremo che paradossalmente il punto di vista più onesto è proprio il suo.
La seconda parte è altrettanto complessa ma in maniera più intellettuale che viscerale, nelle ultime due invece la scrittura si normalizza e finalmente riusciamo a chiudere il cerchio sul destino oscuro di questa famiglia del sud. Significativo il fatto che la conclusione sia riservata a Dilsey, la serva nera: ufficialmente non un membro della famiglia ma la cosa più vicina ad un genitore che abbiano avuto i piccoli Compson, e forse l'unico personaggio davvero positivo.
Un romanzo unico nel suo genere, che unisce una scrittura formidabile in grado di spaziare tra gli stili più diversi ad una grande intensità emotiva.
Non è una lettura leggera, ma un'opera di questo livello val bene lo sforzo.… (altro)