Immagine dell'autore.

Viktor Frankl (1905–1997)

Autore di Uno psicologo nei lager

89+ opere 19,108 membri 355 recensioni 30 preferito


Viktor E. Frankl was a man who persevered in living, writing, and helping people, despite suffering for years at the hands of the Nazis. He was born in Vienna on March 26, 1905, and received his doctorate of medicine in 1930. As a psychiatrist, he supervised a ward of suicidal female patients, and mostra altro later became chief of the neurological department at Rothschild Hospital in Vienna. Frankl's successful career was halted temporarily in 1942 when he was deported to a Nazi concentration camp. In Auschwitz and other camps, he witnessed and experienced daily horrors until 1945. Although he survived, his parents and many other family members did not. Returning to Vienna in 1945, he resumed his work, becoming head physician of the neurological department at the Vienna Polyclinic Hospital. Frankl wrote more than 30 books, the most famous being Man's Search For Meaning. As a professor, he taught at many American universities, including Harvard and Stanford. He is credited with the development of logotherapy, a new style of psychotherapy. He died in Vienna in 1997. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno
Fonte dell'immagine: Photo © ÖNB/Wien (link)

Opere di Viktor Frankl

Uno psicologo nei lager (1946) 16,071 copie, 319 recensioni
Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning (1997) 450 copie, 3 recensioni
Yes to Life in Spite of Everything (1946) 410 copie, 5 recensioni
The Unconscious God (1974) 258 copie, 4 recensioni
Man's Search for Meaning: Young Adult Edition (2017) 106 copie, 9 recensioni
From Death-Camp to Existentialism (1961) 36 copie, 1 recensione
Sede de Sentido 5 copie, 1 recensione
Zeiten der Entscheidung (1996) 2 copie
Livet er mening (2019) 1 copia
Die eine Menschheit (2023) 1 copia
Psychoterapia pre laika (2009) 1 copia

Opere correlate

The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature (1999) — Collaboratore — 184 copie, 2 recensioni
Belief: Readings on the Reason for Faith (2010) — Collaboratore — 145 copie, 2 recensioni
Soul: An Archaeology--Readings from Socrates to Ray Charles (1994) — Collaboratore — 101 copie


Informazioni generali

Nome canonico
Frankl, Viktor E.
Nome legale
Frankl, Viktor Emil
Altri nomi
FRANKL, Viktor Emil
FRANKL, Viktor E.
Data di nascita
Data di morte
Luogo di sepoltura
Vienna Central Cemetery, Vienna, Austria
Luogo di nascita
Vienna, Austria
Luogo di morte
Vienna, Austria
Causa della morte
heart failure
Luogo di residenza
Vienna, Austria
Theresienstadt concentration camp
University of Vienna (MD|1930|Ph.D|1948)
Attività lavorative
Holocaust survivor
Vesely, Franz (son-in-law)
פרנקל, ויקטור אמיל
Jonas, Regina (colleague)
University of Vienna
Visiting Professor, Harvard University
General Polyclinic Vienna
Rothschild Hospital
Premi e riconoscimenti
Great Gold Medal with Star for Services to the Republic of Austria (1995)
Honorary Citizen of the City of Vienna (1995)
Hans Prinzhorn Medal (1995)
Great Silver Medal with Star for Services to the Republic of Austria (1988)
Oskar Pfister Award (1985)
Österreichisches Ehrenzeichen für Wissenschaft und Kunst (1981) (mostra tutto 11)
Ehrenring der Stadt Wien (1980)
Donauland Sachbuchpreis Danubius (1976)
Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art, 1st class (1969)
Cardinal Innitzer Prize (1962)
Promotion Award for Public Education of the Ministry of Education (1956)
Breve biografia
Victor E. Frankl was born in Vienna, Austria. He studied medicine at the University of Vienna and later specialized in neurology and psychiatry. His early work was influenced by his contacts with Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler, although he would later diverge from their teachings. After surviving three years in Nazi concentration camps during World War II, Dr. Frankl returned to Vienna and wrote more than 30 books. He married for the second time to Eleonore Katharina Schwindt (his first wife Tilly Grosser was killed in Bergen-Belsen) and the couple had a daughter. In 1948, he earned a Ph.D. in philosophy with a dissertation on the relationship between psychology and religion. In 1955, he was awarded a professorship of neurology and psychiatry at the University of Vienna, and a visiting professorship at Harvard University. He lectured and taught seminars in many countries around the world.



Teorizzazioni sostanzialmente fenomenologiche (Max Scheler è citatissimo), col consueto tono apodittico di questo tipo di ragionamenti.
Achero | 1 altra recensione | Oct 11, 2020 |
Solo i consumatori della cultura - scrisse Gabriel Marcel nella prefazione all'edizione francese - potrebbero scambiare questo libro per un ulteriore e ormai tardiva testimonianza sui campi di concentramento. C' é molto di più: avendo vissuto personalmente l'estrema abiezione dei Lager, l'autore insegna che se vivere é sofferenza, sopravvivere é trovare il senso di questa sofferenza, E' questa l'esperienza che lo condusse alla scoperta della logoterapia, il trattamento psicoterapeutico che l'ha reso famoso in tutto il mondo. Di una facilità narrativa quasi insospettabile in uno psichiatra, il libro é stato tradotto in tutto il mondo ed é stato dichiarato per quattro volte libro dell'anno dalle università degli Stati Uniti.… (altro)
BiblioLorenzoLodi | 318 altre recensioni | Mar 20, 2012 |


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