British Fantasy Award
Attributo da British Fantasy Society
960 opere / 964 copie 762,296 libri 25,268 recensioni 4.0
The British Fantasy Society presents this award every year at FantasyCon. See also the nominees.
Note - The novel award used to be called The August Derleth Fantasy Award and was awarded to the mostra altro best horror or fantasy novel of the year. In 2012 the BFS decided to just award the August Derleth Award for best horror novel, and have a new award (the Robert Holdstock Award) for best fantasy novel. mostra meno
Note - The novel award used to be called The August Derleth Fantasy Award and was awarded to the mostra altro best horror or fantasy novel of the year. In 2012 the BFS decided to just award the August Derleth Award for best horror novel, and have a new award (the Robert Holdstock Award) for best fantasy novel. mostra meno
Winner 207
Nominee 769
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