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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Nov 8, 2005
Nome vero
Max Kaehn
La mia biblioteca
I’m in the habit of picking up books on recommendations, even if I already have plenty on the In stack, so they aren't out of print by the time I get around to reading them. e.g.: I’ve read over 1000 of the over 3000 fiction books in my library. I get a lot from the finalists for various awards (which I'm tagging), as well as from recommended reading lists in other books, or even just a favorable impression of an author I meet at a convention or whose weblog I read.

How I use ratings:
Five stars = excellent
Four stars = page turner / extremely useful
Three stars = interesting
Two stars = not worth re-reading / requires work to make useful
One star = not worth reading
No stars = not rated yet

I’ll leave books that I've read unrated if I don’t recall just how good they were at the time. (I’m fairly forgetful, which makes for extra pleasure in rereading books.) Note that the ratings are based in my hobby activities of enjoying science fiction and fantasy and running role-playing games; I might assign a high rating to something that claims to be nonfiction, but in fact has no basis in reality, if I find it handy for telling a story. Anything tagged “forteana” may require taking with a large bag of rock salt, but if I’ve given it high marks, it’s useful in world-building.

I wouldn't have the patience to enter all my books here manually, but ReaderWare and a CueCat make it feasible.

My wife, Mara, administers the collections tagged “mystery” and “cookbook”.
Informazione su di me
I read books the way some people watch television. The cat on my shoulders in the picture is Cleopatra, a Maine Coon.
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
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Librerie: Black Oak Books - Berkeley, BookBuyers - Mountain View, Books Inc. in Mountain View, Dark Carnival, Know Knew Books, Recycle Book Store - San Jose, The Other Change of Hobbit

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