Immagine dell'autore.

Tim Powers

Autore di The Anubis Gates

77+ opere 19,405 membri 528 recensioni 125 preferito


Nota di disambiguazione:

(eng) Tim Powers shares the pseudonym "William Ashbless" with writer James P. Blaylock.

Fonte dell'immagine: Taken by Johan Anglemark


Opere di Tim Powers

The Anubis Gates (1983) 3,816 copie, 114 recensioni
Last Call (1992) 1,808 copie, 46 recensioni
On Stranger Tides (1987) 1,737 copie, 46 recensioni
Il re pescatore (1979) 1,546 copie, 28 recensioni
Declare (2000) 1,502 copie, 42 recensioni
The Stress of Her Regard (1989) 1,250 copie, 34 recensioni
Expiration Date (1995) 1,079 copie, 20 recensioni
Three Days to Never (2006) 1,052 copie, 34 recensioni
Dinner at Deviant's Palace (1985) 903 copie, 20 recensioni
Earthquake Weather (1997) 827 copie, 14 recensioni
Hide Me among the Graves (2012) 636 copie, 40 recensioni
Strange Itineraries (2005) 302 copie, 6 recensioni
Medusa's Web (2016) 285 copie, 13 recensioni
The Bible Repairman and Other Stories (2011) 236 copie, 5 recensioni
Forsake the Sky (1976) 195 copie, 1 recensione
Salvage and Demolition (2013) 188 copie, 9 recensioni
13 Phantasms and Other Stories (2003) — Coauthor in two short stories — 170 copie, 3 recensioni
Down and Out In Purgatory (2016) 146 copie, 6 recensioni
Nobody's Home (2014) 140 copie, 3 recensioni
Alternate Routes (2018) 136 copie, 6 recensioni
The Skies Discrowned and An Epitaph in Rust (2004) 135 copie, 1 recensione
A Soul in a Bottle (2006) 122 copie, 5 recensioni
An Epitaph in Rust (1976) 97 copie, 2 recensioni
The Skies Discrowned (1976) 87 copie, 2 recensioni
Night Moves and Other Stories (2001) 82 copie, 2 recensioni
The Bible Repairman (2005) 79 copie, 2 recensioni
More Walls Broken (2019) 73 copie, 2 recensioni
On Pirates (2001) 70 copie, 2 recensioni
Forced Perspectives (2020) 67 copie, 1 recensione
Pilot Light (2007) 65 copie, 2 recensioni
The Devils in the Details (2003) 58 copie, 2 recensioni
My Brother's Keeper (2023) 49 copie, 4 recensioni
Powers: Secret Histories: A Bibliography (2009) — Autore — 43 copie, 1 recensione
After Many a Summer (2023) 28 copie, 3 recensioni
Stolen Skies (2022) 25 copie, 1 recensione
The Anubis Gates, Part 2 (1993) 22 copie
The Anubis Gates, Part 1 (1992) 20 copie
A Time to Cast Away Stones (2009) 14 copie, 1 recensione
Declare, Part 2 (2003) 11 copie
Where They Are Hid (1995) 11 copie, 1 recensione
Declare, Part 1 (2003) 10 copie
El reparador de Biblias (2009) 9 copie
Nine Sonnets (2006) 8 copie, 1 recensione
Appointment on Sunset (2014) 4 copie
Poems (2016) 3 copie
Ten Poems 3 copie
Anachronist 2 copie
Anubis Kapilari (2020) 2 copie
Extreme Unction (1998) 1 copia
Moonlight Becomes You (1998) 1 copia
Tři dny do nikdy (2011) 1 copia
La tomba proibita (2013) 1 copia

Opere correlate

Stories: All-New Tales (2010) — Collaboratore — 1,409 copie, 65 recensioni
Abramo Lincoln androide: romanzo (1962) — Postfazione, alcune edizioni1,356 copie, 17 recensioni
999 Racconti Inediti per un millennio da Brivido (1999) — Collaboratore — 620 copie, 10 recensioni
Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy (2004) — Collaboratore — 401 copie, 2 recensioni
Morlock Night (1979) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni308 copie, 4 recensioni
American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny from the 1940s to Now (2009) — Collaboratore — 268 copie, 5 recensioni
What If Our World Is Their Heaven? The Final Conversations of Philip K. Dick (2001) — Prefazione — 259 copie, 4 recensioni
The Door to Saturn (The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith, Vol. 2) (2007) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni247 copie, 3 recensioni
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fourth Annual Collection (1987) — Collaboratore — 204 copie, 1 recensione
The Urban Fantasy Anthology (2011) — Collaboratore — 203 copie, 3 recensioni
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume One (2007) — Collaboratore — 201 copie, 6 recensioni
The Book of Magic: A Collection of Stories (2018) — Collaboratore — 170 copie, 2 recensioni
Year's Best Fantasy 5 (2005) — Collaboratore — 123 copie, 3 recensioni
The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2011 Edition (2011) — Collaboratore — 121 copie, 6 recensioni
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume IV (1988) — Collaboratore — 98 copie, 1 recensione
American Fantastic Tales: Boxed Set (2009) — Collaboratore — 92 copie, 2 recensioni
The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2012 Edition (2012) — Collaboratore — 90 copie, 3 recensioni
Mines of Behemoth (1997) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni75 copie, 2 recensioni
Fantasy: The Best of 2004 (2005) — Collaboratore — 75 copie, 1 recensione
Ubik: The Screenplay (1974) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni73 copie, 2 recensioni
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep Omnibus (2015) — Collaboratore, alcune edizioni68 copie, 1 recensione
Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy (2008) — Autore — 58 copie, 2 recensioni
Ghosts: Recent Hauntings (2012) — Collaboratore — 53 copie, 2 recensioni
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume XV (1999) — Collaboratore — 49 copie
The Century's Best Horror Fiction: Volume 2 (2011) — Collaboratore — 46 copie, 1 recensione
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume 32 (2016) — Collaboratore — 27 copie, 2 recensioni
The Man in the Moon (2002) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni26 copie, 2 recensioni
Christmas Forever (1993) — Collaboratore — 25 copie
The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2019 Edition (2019) — Collaboratore — 16 copie
Imagination Fully Dilated (Anthology) (1998) — Introduzione — 9 copie
Bifrost n°50 (2008) — Collaboratore — 7 copie, 1 recensione
Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 75 • August 2016 (2016) — Collaboratore — 7 copie
Old Curiosity Shop (1999) — Prefazione — 6 copie


Informazioni generali



Group Read: On Stranger Tides - Spoilers in 75 Books Challenge for 2011 (Giugno 2011)
Group Read: On Stranger Tides in 75 Books Challenge for 2011 (Gennaio 2011)
***Group Read: Steampunk (spoiler-free) in 75 Books Challenge for 2010 (Settembre 2010)
***Group Read: Steampunk (SPOILERS) in 75 Books Challenge for 2010 (Giugno 2010)


Read to about 50%, then stopped. Too much undermotivated voodoo.
ben_a | 45 altre recensioni | Jun 14, 2024 |
The down on his luck screenwriter who gets involved with the strange ransom, remains unconvincing even when one has suspended belief to the point of accepting an electrically activated oracular head.
quondame | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 3, 2024 |
On Stranger Tides, the inspiration for Pirates of the Caribbean was a wonderfully fun easy read that held up well against the movie series based upon it. Despite Disney's opinions otherwise, I'd love to see a movie that was truer to the book as there were a number of scenes where Tim Powers descriptions (especially those as some characters head into scenes from Dante's Inferno towards the Fountain of Youth that I don't believe my minds eye did justice too.

Jack Shandys rise to pirate fame is hardly believable, you end up rooting for his character all along the way as he's just a good guy that ends up being a pirate because of a couple instances of misplaced loyalty.… (altro)
soup_house | 45 altre recensioni | Apr 9, 2024 |
A spy novel/secret history of the 20th century, with the cold war, and the Great Game recast as a contest to either control or destroy actual, literal djinn. Third time reread. It continues to work really well for me.
adamhindman | 41 altre recensioni | Feb 5, 2024 |


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