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di Stephen King

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5,0201572,280 (4.07)102
In the middle of the night, in a house on a quiet street in suburban Minneapolis, intruders silently murder Luke Ellis' parents and load him into a black SUV. The operation takes less than two minutes. Luke will wake up at The Institute, in a room that looks just like his own, except there's no window. And outside his door are other doors, behind which are other kids with special talents - telekinesis and telepathy - who got to this place the same way Luke did: Kalisha, Nick, George, Iris, and 10-year-old Avery Dixon. They are all in Front Half. Others, Luke learns, graduated to Back Half, "like the roach motel," Kalisha says. "You check in, but you don't check out." In this most sinister of institutions, the director, Mrs. Sigsby, and her staff are ruthlessly dedicated to extracting from these children the force of their extranormal gifts. There are no scruples here. If you go along, you get tokens for the vending machines. If you don't, punishment is brutal. As each new victim disappears to Back Half, Luke becomes more and more desperate to get out and get help. But no one has ever escaped from The Institute. As psychically terrifying as Firestarter, and with the spectacular kid power of It, The Institute is Stephen King's gut-wrenchingly dramatic story of good vs. evil in a world where the good guys don't always win.… (altro)
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*** ITA/ENG ***
Letteralmente la prima cosa che ho ascoltato su Storytel. Ottimo narratore, storia toccante, ben scritta, che è riuscita a mantenere l'attenzione fino alla fine. Come praticamente tutti gli ultimi romanzi di King, non è horror, più soprannaturale... o forse fantascienza. Diciamo a la 3^ stagione di Stranger Things, ma senza mostri (o solo i 'mostri umani'.

Eppure King mi ha dato anche stavolta l'idea di non voler raccontare qualcosa tramite il romanzo, ma 'solo' di stare scrivendo una storia. Mi spiego: prima quando leggevo un romanzo del 'Re' c'era una certa risonanza con il mondo che mi circondava: la sensazione che gli adulti siano un mondo così a parte da essere alieni in IT, per esempio. In Shining il conflitto di Jack, la sensazione di non poter conciliare famiglia e successo, quello del figlio Danny, tra amore e paura per il padre. Persino nelle raccolte di racconti c'era spesso un 'punto di contatto'.

Molti degli ultimi romanzi non mi parlano tra le righe in quel modo, al massimo hanno più una morale 'esplicita', come Sleeping Beauty o Elevation. Persino quando parla delle persone sovrappeso usa sempre le stesse frasi: è troppo chiaro che sia una sua 'ossessione' in bocca al personaggio di turno.

Magari è solo un mio modo per razionalizzare il fatto che 'Zio Steve' non mi prenda come prima, almeno dal punto di vista emotivo... chissà.

I liked this novel. I liked the characters, had no trouble in finishing the story, but... I'm starting to wonder why these novels don't hit me anymore like the older ones do. By the way, this is not an horror. The vibe is 3^ Season Stranger Things without monsters, or at least with only the human ones.

Sometimes I wonder I King has stopped to tell us something with a story, by simply having the novel resonate with us (as he did with IT, Shining, Pet Sematary) and now he is just telling us a story. A Nice Story, with a Real Moral, like in Sleeping Beauties and Elevation, but it's not the same for me.

Or maybe I'm just trying to rationalize why I still like his novels, but I don't love them anymore. ( )
  JaqJaq | Jan 7, 2022 |
Al netto di qualche lungaggine, di gran lunga uno dei migliori King degli ultimi anni. La capacità di raccontare i ragazzini e l'accurato montaggio incrociato della seconda metà (due note specialità della casa) danno le ali a una storia, più inquietante che paurosa, le cui redini sono tenute stavolta con mano salda. ( )
  catcarlo | Apr 2, 2020 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Stephen Kingautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Briasco, LucaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Fontana, SantinoNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Staehle, WillProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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And Samson called unto the Lord, and said, O Lord God, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines...

And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the house stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lord, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life. --Judges, Chapter 16
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones... it were better for him that a millstone were handed about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. --Matthew, Chapter 18
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For my grandsons: Ethan, Aidan, and Ryan
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Half an hour after Tim Jamieson's Delta flight was scheduled to leave Tampa for the bright lights and tall buildings of New York, it was still parked at the gate.
E non solo perché prendere il volo alle sei e tre quarti significava svegliarsi quando Dio ancora dormiva.
Faceva un segno col gesso e proseguiva. Tornando indietro ripeteva la stessa procedura, ma cancellando i segni. L'intero processo gli ricordava un vecchio motto di spirito irlandese: «Se arrivi tu per primo, Paddy, fai un segno sulla porta. Se arrivo prima io, lo cancello».
Se Nicky Wilholm era il ribelle, George Iles era il giullare di corte. Ora, però, sembrava serio come un attacco di cuore.
«Come avrai sicuramente già sentito dire, le opinioni sono come il buco del culo: ognuno ha la sua. … »
Quei ricordi erano bellissimi e pungevano come ortiche.
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In the middle of the night, in a house on a quiet street in suburban Minneapolis, intruders silently murder Luke Ellis' parents and load him into a black SUV. The operation takes less than two minutes. Luke will wake up at The Institute, in a room that looks just like his own, except there's no window. And outside his door are other doors, behind which are other kids with special talents - telekinesis and telepathy - who got to this place the same way Luke did: Kalisha, Nick, George, Iris, and 10-year-old Avery Dixon. They are all in Front Half. Others, Luke learns, graduated to Back Half, "like the roach motel," Kalisha says. "You check in, but you don't check out." In this most sinister of institutions, the director, Mrs. Sigsby, and her staff are ruthlessly dedicated to extracting from these children the force of their extranormal gifts. There are no scruples here. If you go along, you get tokens for the vending machines. If you don't, punishment is brutal. As each new victim disappears to Back Half, Luke becomes more and more desperate to get out and get help. But no one has ever escaped from The Institute. As psychically terrifying as Firestarter, and with the spectacular kid power of It, The Institute is Stephen King's gut-wrenchingly dramatic story of good vs. evil in a world where the good guys don't always win.

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