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Sto caricando le informazioni... It (1986)di Stephen King
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Considerato il capolavoro di King, It è una lunga e sinistra saga corale che si espande tra orrori inquietanti e drammi umani senza speranza, e tratta i temi che in seguito diventeranno il simbolo dell'autore: la forza soverchiante della memoria, la profonda incisività dei traumi infantili, il prezzo della violenza occultata dietro una fragile maschera di felicità, la grettezza e la bassezza umana nascosta dietro le apparenze di una ridente e piccola cittadina. Il romanzo è la storia di sette amici provenienti dalla città di Derry, nel Maine, ed è raccontata alternando due diversi periodi di tempo. Appartiene alle Collane EditorialiJ'ai lu (6904) È contenuto inContieneHa l'adattamentoHa come guida di riferimento/manualeHa come commento al testoPremi e riconoscimentiMenzioniElenchi di rilievo
They were seven teenagers when they first stumbled upon the horror. Now they were grown-up men and women who had gone out into the big world to gain success and happiness. But none of them could withstand the force that drew them back to Derry, Maine to face the nightmare without an end, and the evil without a name. Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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Google Books — Sto caricando le informazioni... GeneriSistema Decimale Melvil (DDC)813.54Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1945-1999Classificazione LCVotoMedia:
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If you believe that only by returning to pure faith you can overcome those same fears, then it is the right book.
The story is simple, almost trivial and sums up: a group of children against monster.
However, who thinks that an horror story can not be literature, and I mean great literature, read this book first.
There are so many reading plans: fear, faith, death, the myth (which is precisely that) of blissful and happy adolescence, the shift in real life in the 1950s from the stereotype with which they were described, the American history of those years, and rock and roll of course.
For King, the monster is real, physically, and it does not just sink into the mind because the children do not live in fear as adults live. For children, the monster is real and really lies in the dark cellar before we light the light or in the closet of our bedroom at night.
For a child the monster is really a living being and the danger is really physical: the monster kills.
However, because it is real, it can be defeated only if we truly believe, in an act of pure faith, that a werewolf can be killed with silver’s bullets or a vampire with a cross.
If you believe this then the fears can be won and the monster will not bite us.
So, forgetting werewolves and vampires, once grown, we will face the complex and more mental fears of adulthood, perhaps waiting for one day, unexpectedly, vampires and werewolves will come back to see us again.
And then will we be able to still have that pure faith to defeat them? ( )