Nuvola degli autori per B_R_Hughes

Aeschylus(1) Robert Aickman(1) Kenneth Bulmer(1) Brian W. Aldiss(3) David Ambrose(1) The Culinary Institute of America(1) Kevin J. Anderson(1) Poul Anderson(6) Sherwood Anderson(1) Jay Anson(1) Piers Anthony(4) William Appel(1) Sam Apple(1) D. J. Arneson(1) Leisure Arts(1) Mike Ashley(4) Isaac Asimov(6) Janet Asimov(1) Robert Asprin(2) W. H. Auden(1) Chris Baldick(1) Angus Balfour(1) J. G. Ballard(1) Brian N. Ball(1) Nathan Ballingrud(1) Honoré de Balzac(1) Paul Barber(1) Pierre Barbet(1) John Barnes(1) Keith H. Basso(2) Nina Baym(1) Greg Bear(3) Rob Beattie(1) Gregory Benford(2) Jack Bertin(1) Alfred Bester(3) John Gregory Betancourt(1) Ambrose Bierce(1) Hiram Bingham(1) James P. Blaylock(3) James Blish(3) Robert Bloch(1) Charles H. Bohner(1) Time-Life Books(1) Anthony Boucher(1) Ben Bova(4) Steve Box(2) John Boyd(1) Ray Bradbury(3) LONG BEATTY BRADLEY, PERKINS(1) Sally Ryder Brady(1) Liz Breazeale(1) Rebecca Brennan(2) David Brin(2) Christopher Bristow(1) Fredric Brown(2) Jerry Earl Brown(1) John Brunner(5) Thomas Buckley(1) E. A. Wallis Budge(1) Daisy Butcher(1) Jim Butcher(1) Octavia E. Butler(1) Samuel Butler(1) Greg Buzwell(1) Leonard Caine(2) Lou Cameron(1) John W. Campbell(1) Ramsey Campbell(2) John Canning(1) Karel Čapek(1) Jane Caplan(1) Orson Scott Card(1) Dennis R Caro(1) Terry Carr(8) Lin Carter(1) Mort Castle(1) Willa Cather(2) Richard Cavendish(1) Chalker(1) Robert W. Chambers(1) A. Bertram Chandler(1) Bruce Chatwin(1) C. J. Cherryh(2) Julia Child(1) John Christopher(1) Arthur C. Clarke(3) Susanna Clarke(1) Simon Clark(1) Hal Clement(1) Daniel Cohen(1) Robert Cohen(2) Joanna Cole(1) Nicholas Conde(1) Don Congdon(1) Groff Conklin(3) Jeff Conklin(1) Joseph Conrad(2) Anna Del Conte(1) J. C. Cooper(1) Leslie L. Cooper(1) Basil Copper(1) James S. A. Corey(1) Matthew J. Costello(1) Michael Cox(1) Kathryn Cramer(1) Stephen Crane(1) Scott Cunningham(3) Julie E. Czerneda(1) Brian Daley(1) John Dalmas(1) Mark Z. Danielewski(1) Jack Dann(1) Avram Davidson(2) Robertson Davies(2) A. Grove Day(1) Daniel Defoe(1) Samuel R. Delany(7) Gene DeWeese(1) Philip K. Dick(1) Gordon R. Dickson(7) Ben (editor)(Gene Wolfe; Burt K. Filer; Andre Norton; Gordon R. Dickson; K Bova(1) Reader's Digest(1) Craig Dilouie(1) Stephen R. Donaldson(1) Carole Nelson Douglas(1) Roddy Doyle(4) Gardner Dozois(1) Lord Dunsany(1) F. W. Dupee(1) Stefan Dziemianowicz(6) Melissa Edmundson(2) Max Ehrlich(1) Phyllis Eisenstein(1) Harlan Ellison(3) Dennis Etchison(1) E. Everett Evans(1) W. Y. Evans-Wentz(1) Brian Evenson(1) Clifton Fadiman(1) Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe(1) Sheridan Le Fanu(3) Philip José Farmer(2) John Farris(1) Howard Fast(1) David Feintuch(1) Edward L. Ferman(1) Jeff Ferrell(1) Food & Wine Books(1) Alan Dean Foster(2) F.L. Fowler(1) Gardner Fox(1) Pat Frank(1) C. S. Friedman(1) William Fritts(1) H. B. Fyfe(1) Neil Gaiman(2) Ernest J. Gaines(1) George Gately(1) William Gibson(1) Mirra Ginsburg(1) Carlos Giordano(1) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1) H. L. Gold(1) Oliver Goldsmith(1) Witold Gombrowicz(1) Roger Goodman(1) Rex Gordon(1) Edward Gorey(2) Ron Goulart(1) Charles Grant(1) Charles L. Grant(2) Günter Grass(1) Robert Graves(1) Robert Graysmith(1) Greenberg(1) Martin H. Greenberg(1) Graham Greene(1) Joseph Green(1) Kathryn Meyer Griffith(1) Brothers Grimm(1) Ursula K. Le Guin(1) Peter Haining(1) Edward T. Hall(1) Barbara Hambly(1) Alex Hamilton(1) Mollie Hardwick(1) Lyndon Hardy(1) Thomas Hardy(1) Harry Harrison(3) David G. Hartwell(4) David J. Haskins(1) Harry W.(Harry Worthington) Hastings(1) Nathaniel Hawthorne(2) S. I. Hayakawa(1) Robert A. Heinlein(4) Zenna Henderson(2) Grady Hendrix(2) Christina Henry(1) Frank Herbert(3) James Herriot(2) Carl Hiaasen(2) Eric C. Higgs(1) James Hilton(1) Alfred Hitchcock(4) Russell Hoban(1) Robin Hobb(1) P. C. Hodgell(1) John Cunyus Hodges(1) Robert Holdstock(1) J. Hunter Holly(1) Gordon Honeycombe(2) Richard Hooker(1) Good Housekeeping(1) Robert E. Howard(2) Fred Hoyle(1) George Hughes(1) Zach Hughes(1) William Humphrey(1) Andrew Michael Hurley(1) Janet Hurst(1) John Hutton(1) Washington Irving(1) N. K. Jemisin(1) James D. Jenkins(1) Ruby Jean Jensen(1) Jerome K. Jerome(2) K. W. Jeter(1) Tom R. Johnson(1) Ramsey (editors) (Jonathan Carroll; Thomas Ligotti; Ka Stephen; Campbell Jones(1) Stephen Jones(3) S. T. Joshi(1) Alma Katsu(1) Marvin Kaye(1) Brian Keene(1) Virginia Kidd(1) Caitlín R. Kiernan(1) Greg Kihn(1) Jamie King(1) Stephen King(3) Rudyard Kipling(1) Fr. Klaeber(1) Leslie S. Klinger(1) Damon Knight(4) C. M. Kornbluth(4) Frederick Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth(1) Nancy Kress(1) Henry Kuttner(2) Robert Lacey(1) Alexander Laing(1) Hugh Lamb(1) Anne Lamott(1) William Langland(1) Glen A. Larson(1) Greye La Spina(1) Kurd Laßwitz(1) Richard Greene David And Lattimore(1) Keith Laumer(2) Anton Szandor LaVey(1) D. H. Lawrence(2) Mary Leader(1) Tim Lebbon(2) Deborah LeBlanc(1) Ann Leckie(1) Harper Lee(1) Tanith Lee(3) Fritz Leiber(2) Murray Leinster(1) Maurice Level(1) Éliphas Lévi(1) Ira Levin(2) C. S. Lewis(2) Thomas Ligotti(1) Charles de Lint(1) Bentley Little(1) Cixin Liu(1) James T. Livingston(1) Titus Livius(1) Brana Lobel(1) Frank Belknap Long(1) Ben Loory(1) Jean Lorrah(1) H. P. Lovecraft(1) Richard A. Lupoff(1) John Lymington(1) Elizabeth A. Lynn(1) John D. MacDonald(1) Damon (ed.); Ray Bradbury MacDonald Knight, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, Cyril M. Kornbluth, James Blish, Algis Budrys, H.B. Fyfe, John D.(1) Arthur Machen(1) Maynard Mack(1) Alistair MacLean(1) Analog & Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine(1) Southern Living Magazine(1) Barry N. Malzberg(1) Emily St. John Mandel(1) Norman Manea(1) Alberto Manguel(1) Robert Marasco(1) Christopher Marlowe(1) Graham Masterton(3) Marilee Matteson(1) Guy de Maupassant(5) Anne McCaffrey(1) Robert P. McCammon(1) Maureen F. McHugh(1) Will McIntosh(1) Frank D. McSherry, Jr.(1) Norris McWhirter(1) Tony Medawar(1) J. Gordon Melton(1) Judith Merril(1) A. Merritt(1) Nicholas Meyer(1) China Miéville(1) John Miller(1) Marc Millon(1) Mary Ann Mitchell(1) A. B. Mitford(1) Mayo (editor)(Nelson Bond; Henry Kuttner; Lee Sutton; Winston P. Sanders; Mohs(1) Susie Moloney(1) Brent Monahan(1) Michael Moorcock(2) Christopher Moore(1) Albert H. Morehead(1) Robert Morkot(1) J. M. Morrell(1) Lisa Morton(1) Mynona(1) Richard Louis Newman(1) John Nichols(1) J.U. Nicolson(1) Larry Niven(7) Garth Nix(1) Chin-hwa Noh(1) William F. Nolan(1) Lewis Nordan(3) Andre Norton(3) Josip Novakovich(1) Eric S. Nylund(1) Patrick O'Brian(1) Richard O'Brien(1) Flannery O'Connor(1) Nnedi Okorafor(2) Jack Oleck(1) Ozcan Ozan(1) Thomas Page(1) Edgar Pangborn(1) Charlie Papazian(1) Pilar Pedraza(1) Otto Penzler(2) Emil Petaja(3) Albert Klainer(1) Marmaduke Pickthall(1) Piper(1) Doris Piserchia(1) Plutarch(1) Frederik Pohl(6) Frederick Pohl and Jack Williamson(1) Jan Potocki(1) Jerry Pournelle(2) Peter J. Powell(1) Fletcher Pratt(1) David Pritchard(1) Bill Pronzini(1) Vance Randolph(1) Simon Raven(1) Mickey Zucker Reichert(1) Joe Reynolds(1) Mack Reynolds(1) Phil Rickman(1) Jr.; Arthur C. Clarke and others. Robert Silverberg; Kurt Vonnegut(1) Ellen Robson(1) James Rollins(1) Veronica Roth(2) Jean-Jacques Rousseau(1) Raymond Rudorff(1) Dagobert D. Runes(1) Ray Russell(2) Stella Pandell Russell(1) Miguel de Cervantes(1) Fred Saberhagen(2) Carl Sagan(1) James (editor) Sallis, Delany, Disch, Sladek, Zelazny(1) Joan Samson(1) Edward Sapir(1) Pamela Sargent(1) H.-C. Sasse(1) John Saul(4) Sam Savage(1) David J. (Forward) Scott Saw(1) John Scalzi(9) Noel Scanlon(1) Dennis A. Schmidt(1) James H. Schmitz(2) Emile C. Schurmacher(1) Gustav Schwab(2) Marcel Schwob(1) Diarmuid O Se(1) Kurt Seligmann(1) Rod Serling(2) Bina Shah(1) Bob Shaw(3) Robert Shea(1) Robert Sheckley(1) Charles Sheffield(1) Jean Shepherd(1) Murasaki Shikibu(1) Nevil Shute(2) Anne Rivers Siddons(1) Robert Silverberg(11) Clifford D. Simak(2) Dan Simmons(3) Simon(1) D. P. Simpson(1) Michael Sims(1) William Sleator(1) William Sloane(1) Arthur D. Howden Smith(1) Clark Ashton Smith(2) L. Neil Smith(1) Tobias Smollett(1) Rivers Solomon(1) Jose Carlos Somoza(1) S. P. Somtow(1) Joe Sonderman(1) Brian Stableford(1) Publisher Staff of John F. Blair(1) Nancy Star(1) Duffy Stein(1) Sol Stein(1) Philip Van Doren Stern(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(1) Ramona Stewart(1) Peter Straub(1) Theodore Sturgeon(3) Mark Sumner(1) Jeff Sutton(1) Janet Swarbrick(1) Jonathan Swift(1) Bernard Taylor(2) Lucy Taylor(1) Adrian Tchaikovsky(1) Wilfred Thesiger(1) Hinkemeyer Michael T(1) Dylan Thomas(1) Tamara Thorne(1) Dr Amara Thornton(1) Robert A. F. Thurman(1) Steve Toase(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(1) John Kennedy Toole(1) Saint Gregory of Tours(1) Paula Trachtman(1) Gretchen Travis(1) Thomas Tryon(3) E. C. Tubb(1) Merlin D. Tuttle(1) Mark Twain(1) Unknown(2) Barbara Upton(1) Jack Vance(1) Jeff VanderMeer(2) A. E. van Vogt(6) Various(2) John Varley(2) Attila Veres(1) Wernher von Braun(1) Jim Wafer(1) Ed. Karl Edward Wagner(1) Karl Edward Wagner(1) Jerome Walters(1) Evangeline Walton(1) Meng Wang(1) Alexander Weinstein(1) Andy Weir(1) Manly Wade Wellman(2) H. G. Wells(2) Eudora Welty(1) Chuck Wendig(1) Wallace West(1) Colson Whitehead(1) James White(1) Jane White(1) T. H. White(1) Leslie H. Whitten(1) Jack Williamson(3) Connie Willis(1) F. Paul Wilson(3) Simon Winchester(1) Donald A. Wollheim(4) Terry Carr and Donald A. Wollheim(1) Cornell Woolrich(1) Austin Tappan Wright(1) T.M. Wright(1) Philip Wylie(5) John Wyndham(2) Janine Ellen Young(1) Yevgeny Zamyatin(1) Roger Zelazny(1)