Serie dei libri per annedp

Serie a cui appartengono i libri della biblioteca di annedp

Riepilogo: 288 Serie

33 1/3

84 Charing Cross Road

The Acme Novelty Library

African Trilogy

Alexander Trilogy (Renault)

The American Empire Project

The American Military Adventure in Iraq

American Triptych

Amnesty International Global Ethics Series

Anne of Green Gables

The Anomaly Quartet

Arkady Renko

Art of Eating

Art of Mentoring

Asia--Local Studies/Global Themes

The Asian Saga

The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell

The Balkan trilogy

Barker & Llewelyn

Barsetshire Books

The Barsetshire Chronicles


Berlin Diary

The Berlin Stories

Bernie Gunther

Best American

The Best American Travel Writing

Bill Bryson's Complete Notes

Bill Bryson's Travels

Bill Willingham's Fables

Blackåsen Mountain

Blake & Avery

Blandings Castle


Brangwen Family

Britain Trilogy

Buccmaster Trilogy


The Cairo Trilogy

Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology

Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization

Canetti's Memoirs

Cazalet Chronicles

The Cemetery of Forgotten Books

Chaos Walking

Charles Latimer

Chronicles of Carlingford

Chronicles of Narnia: Chronological

Chronicles of Narnia: Publication order

Cichy Don

Civilizations Rise and Fall


Cold Comfort Farm

Cold Comfort Farm: Publication Order

Colonel Pyat

The Coming of the Great War

The Condor Series


Cousin Rosamund Trilogy

Crazy Rich Asians

The Crosswicks Journal

Crowther and Westerman

D.C. Quartet

A Dance to the Music of Time

The Decline and Fall - Womersley

The Deptford Trilogy



Discworld: Industrial


The Divine Cities

Doc Holliday

The Don Epic

Dr. Laszlo Kreizler

Dr. Siri Paiboun

Easy Rawlins

Eberhard Mock - Chronological Order

Eberhard Mock - Publication Order

Ellen Foster

Emily of New Moon

Empire Trilogy

Empress Orchid

Ensaio sobre a cegueira

Erast Fandorin

Ernest "Stick" Stickley, Jr.

Everyman's Pocket Classics

Fables 2002-2015

The Familiar

The Fifth Queen

Fight Club

Fisk and Shoe

Five Towns Series

The Flashman Papers

Food, Health, and the Environment

The Forsyte Chronicles

Fortunes of War

Frederica Potter Quartet

Gangsterland (Goldberg)

George Smiley

Gerald Samper

Gifford Lectures


Goon Squad



Greenery Street

Grisha Trilogy

Grishaverse Series

The Gulag Archipelago

The Handmaid's Tale

Handover Mysteries

The Hangman's Daughter

Harry Potter

Havana Quartet

Hellenic Traders Series

Hercule Poirot

His Dark Materials

Historia de la literatura española (Orbis)

A History of Europe from the Invasions to the Sixteenth Century


The House of Earth Trilogy

The Human Comedy

The Human Predicament

The Hunger Games

The Ibis Trilogy

In Search of Lost Time


Inspector Barlach

Inspector Chen

Iron Seas

Ishmael and 'O'

Jack Finney's Time and Again

Jack Ryan

Jack Ryan, Chronological Order

Jack Ryan, Publication Order

Jacques Vingtras

James Bond novels

James Bond novels - Continuation Series

James Bond novels - Original Series

Jane Austen by Joan Aiken

Jean Casson


Jemima Shore

Le jeune homme vert

Jim Stringer

John Mortimer's autobiography

John Russell

Joseph und seine Brüder

Karla Trilogy


The Kingkiller Chronicle

Koestler's Trilogy

The Last Policeman


Leo Demidov

The Levant trilogy

Light of the World

Like Water For Chocolate

Little House Novels, Chronological Order

Little House: The Laura Years

Little Women

London Family

London Labour and the London Poor

Lonesome Dove

The Long Day Wanes : A Malayan Trilogy

The Lord of the Rings

Lord Peter Wimsey

Love Medicine

MaddAddam Trilogy

Magic Cleaning

The Magicians


The Mambo Kings

The Man Without Qualities

Mapp and Lucia

Maria Kallio

Mario Conde

Mark Watney

Maus: A Survivor's Tale


Merry Hall Trilogy

Miss Buncle

Monty Bodkin


My Struggle

The Mysteries of New Venice

Narrativa (Editorial Empúries)

Narratives of Empire

Neapolitan Novels

New Left Review

The New York Trilogy

Night Soldiers

The Night Trilogy


The Novel of Ferrara

Old Filth

The Olive Series

On Foot to Constantinople

The Once and Future King

The Origins of Totalitarianism