Immagine dell'autore.

Mary Renault (1905–1983)

Autore di The King Must Die

23+ opere 17,247 membri 299 recensioni 102 preferito


Fonte dell'immagine: Mary Renault. (Photo from Wikipedia)


Opere di Mary Renault

The King Must Die (1958) 2,707 copie, 56 recensioni
Il ragazzo persiano (1972) 2,353 copie, 38 recensioni
Fire from Heaven (1969) 2,229 copie, 29 recensioni
The Bull from the Sea (1962) 1,707 copie, 28 recensioni
The Last of the Wine (1956) 1,688 copie, 25 recensioni
The Mask of Apollo (1966) 1,381 copie, 22 recensioni
The Charioteer (1959) 1,126 copie, 35 recensioni
Funeral Games (1981) 1,124 copie, 15 recensioni
The Praise Singer (1978) — Autore — 869 copie, 17 recensioni
The Nature of Alexander (1975) 772 copie, 7 recensioni
The Friendly Young Ladies (1943) 362 copie, 11 recensioni
The Alexander Trilogy (1984) 305 copie, 2 recensioni
The Lion in the Gateway (1964) 175 copie, 1 recensione
Purposes of Love (1939) 127 copie, 6 recensioni
Return to Night (1947) 108 copie, 5 recensioni

Opere correlate

La nube avvelenata (1913) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni464 copie, 24 recensioni
The Best of Both Worlds: An Anthology of Stories for All Ages (1968) — Collaboratore — 25 copie, 1 recensione
The Undying Past (1961) — Collaboratore — 2 copie, 1 recensione


Informazioni generali

Nome canonico
Renault, Mary
Nome legale
Challans, Eileen Mary
Altri nomi
Challans, Mary
Data di nascita
Data di morte
Luogo di sepoltura
Luogo di nascita
London, England, UK
Luogo di morte
Cape Town, South Africa
Causa della morte
Luogo di residenza
Durban, South Africa
University of Oxford (St. Hugh's College | English | BA | 1928)
University of Oxford (Radcliffe Infirmary)
Attività lavorative
radio writer
Black Sash Movement
Premi e riconoscimenti
MGM Prize (Return to Night, 1948)
Gordon Wise (Curtis Brown)
Breve biografia
Mary Renault received a degree in English from Oxford University in 1928. In 1933 she began training as a nurse at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford. During her training, she met Julie Mullard, a fellow nurse, with whom she established a lifelong romantic relationship.

Renault worked as a nurse while beginning a writing career, publishing her first novel, Purposes of Love, in 1939. Her historical novels, set in ancient Greece, were popular throughout the English-speaking world. In 1948, after her novel Return to Night won a prize worth $150,000, Renault and Mullard emigrated to South Africa, where they lived together for the rest of their lives. They were critical of apartheid and participated in the Black Sash movement in the 1950s.



British Author Challenge February 2022: Mary Renault & Timothy Mo in 75 Books Challenge for 2022 (Agosto 2022)
Mary Renault's Alexander Trilogy in Folio Society Devotees (Dicembre 2013)
Mary Renault in Book talk (Luglio 2013)


Simply beautiful. A great part of this book's magic stems from Renault's mastery of dialogue. Her characters' speech is lively, rich in undertones, and couched in the context of their relationships and historical space. A great deal is left unsaid, giving one the sense that each presented dialogue just skims the surface of the speakers' inner lives. The more introspective passages of the novel are stylistically distinct but just as well-crafted, replete with striking metaphors and beautiful lines. Psychoanalytic and Classicist influences are strong. It's not an easy book to read, but it is a reflective one--the reader is rewarded for rereading a sentence or section two or three times with a glimpse of understanding into a complex emotional landscape, and maybe something larger. It's not just a book about one man's experience with love, but about the nature of love itself--not a topic that ought to be approached in simple terms, especially at a time when gay love is not even supposed to be a topic of conversation at all.… (altro)
Sammelsurium | 34 altre recensioni | Jun 9, 2024 |
Young woman training as nurse falls in love, couldn't get involved
ritaer | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 6, 2024 |
Acompañamos al actor ateniense Nicérato (o Niko) en un viaje por toda la antigua Grecia, en especial, el teatro griego. Pues se nos muestra como desde pequeño Niko ya participaba en obras teatrales junto con su padre, lo que inició su pasión por este. Una novela histórica que merece la pena leer, muy emotiva y la cual nos muestra todos los aspectos de dicha civilización; desde costumbres hasta su elaborada política y filosofía junto con Platón y otros personajes históricos importantes.… (altro)
sagxdove | 21 altre recensioni | Mar 14, 2024 |
La historia de Alejandro Magno contada por Bagoas, su fiel criado.

Basada en una figura histórica, El muchacho persa cuenta los últimos años de vida de Alejandro Magno a través de los ojos del que fuera su amante, Bagoas.

Hijo de un noble ejecutado por traición, vendido como esclavo y castrado cuando era niño, pasó al servicio de Darío III Codomano y, tras el asesinato de este, fue regalado al joven macedonio. Su relación sostendrá a Alejandro mientras este tiene que hacer frente a varios complots de asesinato, a las demandas de dos esposas, a los motines periódicos de su ejército y a su formidable carácter. Bagoas será también testigo de los profundos lazos de amistad y de compromiso que el emperador tiene con sus soldados.

Renault nos enseña cómo este muchacho persa podría haber comprendido y apoyado los fervientes planes de Alejandro mejor que cualquiera de sus generales.

«Las novelas históricas de Renault están entre las mejores jamás escritas.»
The Washington Post
… (altro)
libreriarofer | 37 altre recensioni | Mar 11, 2024 |


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