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Oryx and Crake di Margaret Atwood
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Oryx and Crake (originale 2003; edizione 2004)

di Margaret Atwood

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Snowman vive su un albero vicino al mare, avvolto in un lenzuolo sporco. Non sa che ore sono, nessuno lo sa pi©£, dopo la pandemia. Cerca cibo e medicine nelle terre desolate e infestate da ibridi di animali. Fruga fra i resti e rimugina sulle scelte che hanno portato la Terra al tracollo, in nome di una scienza onnipotente. Si abbandona al ricordo di Oryx, donna enigmatica e quieta, e al rancore per l'amico Crake, responsabile del disastro. Le loro esistenze si erano intrecciate nel pi©£ classico e tragico dei triangoli. Snowman cerca una spiegazione, per s©♭ e per i ℗±figli di Crake℗ ,unica forma di vita intelligente sopravvissuta sulla Terra, frutto esemplare dell'ingegneria genetica. Sono tante le cose che vogliono capire, ignari come sono dell'insensatezza degli uomini. Come hanno dimostrato Orwell, Huxley, Vonnegut e la stessa Atwood (nel Racconto dell'Ancella),la rappresentazione letteraria di un'utopia fallita pu©ø aprirci gli occhi pi©£ di innumerevoli verit© sullo stato del pianeta. Quello di Oryx e Crake ©· un mondo che potrebbe essere a pochi anni, a poche folli decisioni di distanza da quello in cui viviamo.… (altro)
Titolo:Oryx and Crake
Autori:Margaret Atwood
Info:Anchor (2004), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 376 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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L'ultimo degli uomini di Margaret Atwood (2003)

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Snowman fears that he may truly be the last of his kind. As possibly the sole survivor in a post-apocalyptic world, the man formerly known as Jimmy spends his days wandering what remains of civilization while trying to recall his life before the cataclysmic events that forever altered the world. In particular, he relives his deep friendship with the brilliant but troubled Crake as well as his obsession with Oryx, a beautiful young woman who has endured considerable physical and emotional abuse. As corporations gain increasing control of all aspects of human existence, Crake, a scientist by training, creates a genetically engineered race of beings immune from disease and social prejudice in an effort to improve humanity. However, when Snowman discovers that Crake’s ultimate goal is of a far more nefarious nature, that knowledge pits the two friends against each other and sets them on a destructive path that leaves the fate of mankind hanging in the balance.

Oryx and Crake is celebrated author Margaret Atwood’s disturbing creation of a dystopian world focusing on the potential consequences of unchecked scientific advancement and societal decay. As a prime example of what she terms “speculative fiction,” the novel effectively critiques the rampant consumerism, environmental disregard, and erosion of human values that pave the way for a dissolute near-future outcome. The author’s world-building is meticulous and convincing throughout the tale, creating a believable and terrifying vision of a social order gone horribly wrong. The main characters are all well-developed and deeply flawed—as are the genetically modified animal hybrids, such as pigoons, wolvogs, and rakunks—and the action in the story, although slow-paced at times, does move along to logical conclusion that leaves something to the reader’s imagination. This is a thought-provoking and entertaining book that will resonate with anyone seeking a challenging and rewarding reading experience. ( )
  browner56 | Aug 26, 2024 |
Margaret Atwood is amazing and so is this book. It's set in a near future (just like "The Handmaid's Tale"). While THT deals with society, "Orax and Crake" deals with technology and its effects on us, both positive and negative. I really liked the premise and it sure fits in nicely with all the things we've talked about this semester at Bioetics. I was torn between four and five stars, but I really liked the last third of the book. I can't wait to read the sequel.
( )
  aljosa95 | Aug 23, 2024 |
As dystopias go, this one felt very real. We obviously haven't reached the point of technological innovation where it could happen (yet), but we've made some baby steps. I did appreciate the old testament references scattered throughout Snowman's interactions with the Crakers. ( )
  antislice | Aug 19, 2024 |
I wasn't quite sure what to expect - apart from science fiction - but I certainly didn't realise that it would be so dark and violent. I appreciated the structure of flashbacks to alleviate from the harshness of the new reality. It also provided a great way to focus on character development and building some intrigue. I also enjoyed the creativity behind some of the genetic inventions. However, I didn't find the message particularly original nor the recreation of the Christian origin stories. Finally, the anachronism of technologies such as email, CD-ROMs and DVD, is mildly hilarious 20 years later.
I'm glad I read this novel, but I won't be tempted to pursue the trilogy. ( )
  Cecilturtle | Jun 20, 2024 |
Whomever payed attention to the last 3 years and ever had the change to read Oryx and Crake will certainly notice the familiarity between Atwood's sharp depiction of a pre- and post-apolitical world and the world of today. Going back to a naive 2005 when I first read this book, I imagine if Atwood's dystopia lies in the realm of prophecy, analytical prediction or just a pure and vivid fantastic fiction. One thing is for sure, the naive fascination and deep admiration for her work that I felt as a first time reader remains untouched despite the sight of a future that looks each day more like fiction. ( )
  P.C.Menezes | May 15, 2024 |
Oryx and Crake is a piece of dystopian fiction written from the point of Snowman (known as Jimmy in his former life) – the last human left on Earth. At least, he believes he’s the last human left on Earth until the end of the book.

I found the parts of the book describing Snowman’s journey to Paradice (the dome in the compound where Crake did his work) to be a lot less interesting than his recollections of his previous life as Jimmy. I loved reading about how Jimmy and Crake met, the little signs that Crake gave off as to what he might be planning and the direction his thoughts might take in the future (though Jimmy didn’t recognize these until it was too late), etc.

Crake is really the star of the show in this book in my mind – Jimmy simply acts as a vessel for us to learn about a character who is dead and who therefore cannot teach us about himself.

Snowman’s adventures in real time seem almost pointless to me. Why not dedicate the whole book to Jimmy’s friendship with Crake, with just a bit of general explanation as to what’s going on now? I think the present would have been much more interesting if the Crakers were explored more than Jimmy’s struggle to survive and come to grips with what Crake had done.

On the whole, however, I thought it was a great book.
Set sometime in the future, this post-apocalyptic novel takes scientific research in the hands of madmen to its logical and frightening conclusion. Inspiring readers to pay more attention to the world around them, Atwood offers cautionary notes about the environment, bioengineering, the sacrifice of civil liberties, and the possible loss of those human values which make life more than just a physical experience. As the novel opens, some catastrophe has occurred, effectively wiping out human life. Only one lonely survivor and a handful of genetically altered humanoids remain, and they are slowly starving as they try to adjust to their changed circumstances.
aggiunto da stephmo | modificaMostly Fiction, Mary Whipple (May 28, 2004)
In Margaret Atwood's first attempt at writing a novel, the main character was an ant swept downriver on a raft. She abandoned that book after the opening scene and became caught up in other activities, which she has described as ''sissy stuff like knitting and dresses and stuffed bunnies.'' That certainly does not sound like Ms. Atwood, who is known for the boldness of her fiction. Of course she was only 7 at the time.
aggiunto da stephmo | modificaNew York Times, Mel Gussow (Jun 24, 2003)
Margaret Atwood has always taken a jaundiced view of human nature. Back when her mordant observations about marriage and other relations between the sexes had her marked down as a feminist, she took pains to fire off several novels in a row featuring weak, manipulative, dishonest and outright bad women, partly to prove that her skepticism was distributed fairly. She has always been of the opinion that people are a mixed bag of the occasionally decent and the frequently mendacious and that there's not much anyone can do to change that fact.
aggiunto da stephmo |, Laura Miller (May 27, 2003)
Genetic tinkering. Rampant profiteering. A deadly virus that sweeps the globe. Are these last Tuesday's headlines or our future?

In Margaret Atwood's novel Oryx and Crake, the answer is both. For Atwood, our future is the catastrophic sum of our oversights. It's a depressing view, saved only by Atwood's biting, black humor and absorbing storytelling.
aggiunto da stephmo | modificaUSA Today, Jackie Pray (May 26, 2003)

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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Atwood, Margaretautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Chancer, JohnNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Davids, TinkeTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Drews, KristiinaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Richardson, C.S.Progetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Scott, CampbellNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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I could perhaps like others have astonished you
with strange improbable tales; but I rather chose
to relate plain matters of fact in the simplest
manner and style; because my principal design
was to inform you, and not to amuse you.
— Jonathan Swift,
Gulliver’s Travels
Was there no safety? No learning by heart of
the ways of the world? No guide, no shelter,
but all was miracle and leaping from the
pinnacle of a tower into the air?
— Virginia Woolf,
To the Lighthouse
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For my family
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Snowman wakes before dawn.
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“I am not my childhood,” Snowman says out loud. — 4: Hammer ~ 68
“Your friend is intellectually honorable,” Jimmy’s mother would say. “He doesn’t lie to himself.”
— 4: Crake ~ 69
“Jimmy, Jimmy,” said Crake. “Not everything has a point.” — 4: Crake ~ 70
If he wants to be an asshole it’s a free country. Millions before him have made the same life choice.
— 4: Crake ~ 72
When did the body first set out on its own adventures? Snowman thinks; after having ditched its old travelling companions, the mind and the soul, for whom it had once been considered a mere corrupt vessel or else a puppet acting out their dramas for them, or else bad company, leading the other two astray. — 4: Brainfrizz ~ 85
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

Snowman vive su un albero vicino al mare, avvolto in un lenzuolo sporco. Non sa che ore sono, nessuno lo sa pi©£, dopo la pandemia. Cerca cibo e medicine nelle terre desolate e infestate da ibridi di animali. Fruga fra i resti e rimugina sulle scelte che hanno portato la Terra al tracollo, in nome di una scienza onnipotente. Si abbandona al ricordo di Oryx, donna enigmatica e quieta, e al rancore per l'amico Crake, responsabile del disastro. Le loro esistenze si erano intrecciate nel pi©£ classico e tragico dei triangoli. Snowman cerca una spiegazione, per s©♭ e per i ℗±figli di Crake℗ ,unica forma di vita intelligente sopravvissuta sulla Terra, frutto esemplare dell'ingegneria genetica. Sono tante le cose che vogliono capire, ignari come sono dell'insensatezza degli uomini. Come hanno dimostrato Orwell, Huxley, Vonnegut e la stessa Atwood (nel Racconto dell'Ancella),la rappresentazione letteraria di un'utopia fallita pu©ø aprirci gli occhi pi©£ di innumerevoli verit© sullo stato del pianeta. Quello di Oryx e Crake ©· un mondo che potrebbe essere a pochi anni, a poche folli decisioni di distanza da quello in cui viviamo.

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