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jman14: It has been said that Cell is somewhat of a 're-make' of The Stand. It's a good book in my opinion, but The Stand is at least three times better. Good for anyone who likes their gory Apocalypses.
sturlington: Watership Down is referenced in The Stand. They are similar epics about small bands of survivors who go on a long journey to establish a new home.
L'errore di un computer, l'incoscienza di pochi uomini e si scatena la fine del mondo. Il morbo sfuggito a un segretissimo laboratorio semina morte e terrore. Il novantanove per cento della popolazione della terra non sopravvive all'apocalittica epidemia e per i pochi scampati c'è una guerra ancora tutta da combattere, una lotta eterna e fatale tra chi ha deciso di seguire il Bene e appoggiarsi alle fragili spalle di Mother Abagail, la veggente ultracentenaria, e chi invece ha scelto di calcare le orme di Randall, il Senza Volto, il Male, il Signore delle Tenebre.
In short (well, not so short), this is the book that has everything - adventure, romance, prophecy, allegory, satire, fantasy, realism, apocalypse, etc., etc. Even Roger Rabbit gets mentioned. ''The Stand'' does have some great moments and some great lines... But the overall effect is more oppressive than imposing.
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We need help, the Poet reckoned. --Edward Dorn
Outside the street's on fire In a real death waltz Between what's flesh and what's fantasy And the poets down here Don't write nothing at all They just stand back and let it all be And in the quick of the night They reach for their moment And try to make an honest stand... -- Bruce Springsteen
...And it was clear she couldn't go on, The door was opened and the wind appeared, The candles blew and then disappeared, The curtains flew and then he appeared, Said, "Don't be afraid, Come on, Mary," And she had no fear And she ran to him And they started to fly... She had taken his hand... Come on, Mary, Don't fear the reaper... -- Blue Oyster Cult
Well the deputy walks on hard nails And the preacher rides a mount But nothing really matters much, It's doom alone that counts And the one-eyed undertaker, he blows a futile horn "Come in," she said, "I'll give ya Shelter from the storm." -- Bob Dylan
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For my wife Tabitha:
This dark chest of wonders.
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Hapscomb's Texaco sat on Number 93 just north of Arnette, a pissant four-street burg about 110 miles from Houston.
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They were standing atop a snowbank nearly nine feet high. Crusted snow sloped steeply down to the bare road below, and to the right was a sign which read simply: Boulder City Limits.
"My life for you!"
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Please do not combine The Stand (1978) with The Stand: The Complete & Uncut Edition (1990). The latter edition contains over 300 pages of new material and includes subplots and characters not included in the 1978 edition.
ISBNs associated with the Uncut version of The Stand include (0340358955, 0340920955, 0340951443, 0385199570, 038552885X, 0450537374, 0451169530, 0451179285, 0517219018, 1568495714, 270961281X, 3404132130, 3404134117, 340425242X, 3404255240, 840149896, 8497599411, 8573027002, 8789918304, 8845212173, 9021005719, 9024545579, and 9127063631)
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