Nuvola degli autori per faithslips57

Brian Adams(1) Louisa May Alcott(1) Lloyd Alexander(1) Janice Anderson(1) William Anderson(1) Michael Ashley(1) Isaac Asimov(5) Hemley Cecil Singer Isaac Bashevis(1) Sid Behrman(1) Ludwig Bemelmans(1) Maeve Binchy(4) Napoleon Ludwig Emil Bonaparte(1) Elizabeth Boyle(2) Ray Bradbury(2) Marion Zimmer Bradley(2) Joseph Brodsky(1) Emily Brontë(1) Joyce Brothers(1) Kristen Brustad(1) Frances Hodgson Burnett(1) A.S. Byatt(1) Lord Byron(1) Joseph Campbell(1) Jack Canfield(1) Ethan Canin(1) Truman Capote(1) Jacqueline Carey(8) Michael Chabon(1) Julia Child(1) James Fenimore Cooper(2) Susan Cooper(6) Gay Courter(1) Hart Crane(1) R. J. Cunliffe(1) Roald Dahl(7) Janet Dailey(1) Ingri d'Aulaire(1) Jeff Davidson(1) Daniel Defoe(3) Jude Deveraux(31) Charles Dickens(1) Christina Dodd(5) Linda Doeser(1) Helen Dore(1) Theodore Dreiser(2) Diane Duane(3) Firoozeh Dumas(1) Eldad(1) Laura Esquivel(1) Jeffrey Eugenides(1) Louis Fischer(1) Doris Gates(1) André Gide(1) Fred Gipson(1) Arthur Golden(1) Ed Greenwood(1) Bradley Trevor Greive(1) John Grossman(1) Ursula K. Le Guin(4) Michael H. Hart(1) Mark Helprin(1) Ernest Hemingway(2) Marguerite Henry(4) Peter Hepworth(1) Karen Hesse(1) Homer(1) bell hooks(1) Richard Horne(1) Anthony Horowitz(1) Victor Hugo(1) Anna Ivey(1) Eloisa James(18) Simon James(1) Erica Jong(2) James Joyce(1) Kaplan(1) Mary Karr(1) Molly Katz(1) Elizabeth Kerner(3) Patrice Kindl(1) Rudyard Kipling(1) Alex Kotlowitz(1) Judith Krantz(4) Mark Kurlansky(1) Mercedes Lackey(46) Harper Lee(1) John Leland(1) Madeleine L'Engle(5) Gaston Leroux(1) Gail Carson Levine(1) C. S. Lewis(7) Johanna Lindsey(2) Edward T. Linenthal(1) Holly Lisle(2) Jack London(2) Bette Bao Lord(1) Lois Lowry(1) Lucretius(1) David Lustig(1) Gregory Maguire(1) Burton G. Malkiel(1) Russell Martin(1) Thanasis Maskeleris(1) Carol Matas(1) Grant Maxwell(1) Peter Mayle(3) Anne McCaffrey(30) Anne McCaffrey and Margaret Ball(1) Holly Pell McConnaughy(1) Robin McKinley(5) Judith McNaught(7) Michel de Montaigne(1) L. M. Montgomery(6) Mary McGarry Morris(1) Farley Mowat(1) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1) E. Nesbit(1) Andre Norton(3) Scott O'Dell(1) George Orwell(1) Mildred Mastin Pace(1) Rex Pickett(1) Tamora Pierce(11) Anthony B. Pinn(1) Mary Pipher(1) Academy Of American Poets(1) Pamela Pollack(1) Chaim Potok(1) Dennis Prager(1) Annie Proulx(1) Philip Pullman(1) Ayn Rand(3) Princeton Review(1) Anne Rice(2) Roberts(1) Nora Roberts(34) Glen Rounds(1) J. K. Rowling(6) Saul Rubin(1) Edward Rutherfurd(1) Edward W. Said(1) Robert J. Sawyer(2) Walter Scott(1) Roger Scruton(1) Kate Seredy(1) Educational Testing Service(1) Peter Shaffer(1) Mary Shelley(1) Isaac Bashevis Singer(1) Deborah Smith(1) Sophocles(2) Tom Standage(1) Suzanne Fisher Staples(1) Danielle Steel(1) John Steinbeck(1) Gloria Steinem(1) Amy Tan(1) Sydney Taylor(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(4) Felicity Trotman(1) Vivian Vande Velde(1) Jules Verne(1) Don Voorhees(1) H. E. Krebiel Richar Henry Grafton Chapman Wagner(1) Alice Walker(1) Gaird Wallig(1) Gertrude Chandler Warner(1) E. B. White(1) Kate Douglas Wiggin(1) Susan Wiggs(1) Laura Ingalls Wilder(2) Oscar Williams(1) Patricia C. Wrede(4) Jane Yolen(3)