Libri controversi per JayT76

Questa pagina mostra i libri più "controversi" in questa biblioteca, misurati in base alla più alta deviazione standard delle valutazioni in stelle dei membri.

Deviazione standard Valutazione media La tua valutazione Titolo
1.915 3.42 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures di New World Bible Translation Committee
1.805 3.24 Libro di Mormon: [racconto scritto su tavole per mano di Mormon tratto dalle tavole di Nefi ...] di Joseph Smith
1.8 3.6 Libro di Mormon, Dottrina e Alleanze, Perla di Gran Prezzo (Triplice) di The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
1.404 3.58 Darwin's Black Box di Michael J. Behe
1.342 3.87 A General Introduction to the Bible di Norman L. Geisler
1.319 3.67 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens di Sean Covey
1.283 4.12 Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design di Stephen C. Meyer
1.272 3.47 The Purpose Driven Life di Rick Warren
1.271 3.85 What's So Great about Christianity di Dinesh D'Souza
1.267 4.32 Gay girl, good God di Jackie Hill Perry
1.255 4.15 The First Epistle to the Corinthians di Gordon D. Fee
1.239 3.57 Epistle to the Romans: The English Text With Introduction, Exposition, and Notes (NEW INTERNATIONAL COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT) di John Murray
1.211 4.32 Figures of Speech Used in the Bible: Explained and Illustrated di E. W. Bullinger
1.208 3.87 The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah di Alfred Edersheim
1.194 3.77 Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament di Joseph Thayer
1.192 4.21 The Expositor's Bible commentary : Matthew, Mark, Luke, with the New international version of the Holy Bible (Expositor's Bible commentary, Vol.8) di Frank E. Gaebelein
1.174 3.81 The Seven Laws of Teaching di John Milton Gregory
1.169 3.67 The Gospel According to Mark: The English Text With Introduction, Exposition, and Notes (New International Commentary on the New Testament) di William L. Lane
1.167 3.92 ˆL'‰età secolare di Charles Taylor
1.164 3.67 Christian Ethics: Options and Issues di Norman L. Geisler
1.144 3.66 Every Young Man's Battle: Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation di Stephen Arterburn
1.138 3.54 Essentials of New Testament Greek di Ray Summers
1.129 3.73 The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 1-39 (New Intl Commentary on the Old Testament) di John N. Oswalt
1.127 3.85 Resident Aliens di Stanley Hauerwas
1.125 4.11 Gesu di Nazaret: dal Battesimo alla Trasfigurazione di Pope Benedict XVI
1.123 3.6 Dio esiste. Come l'ateo più famoso del mondo ha cambiato idea di Antony Flew
1.122 3.58 Darwin on Trial di Phillip E. Johnson
1.12 3.73 In His Steps di Charles M. Sheldon
1.117 3.88 The Vanishing Conscience di John F. MacArthur
1.114 3.41 The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy di Jon Gordon
1.109 3.93 Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar: Second Edition di Gary D. Pratico
1.101 4.23 Greek for the Rest of Us di William D. Mounce
1.098 4.23 Codex canonum Ecclesiarum orientalium: auctoritate Ioannis Pauli pp. II promulgatus, fontium annotatione auctus di Catholic Church
1.093 3.57 The Holy Qur'an (Abdullah Yusuf Ali ∙ 1934) di al-Qur'an
1.091 4.09 The Letter of James (Pillar New Testament Commentary) di Douglas J. Moo
1.087 3.85 The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus di Lee Strobel
1.083 3.65 Finding Our Way Again: The Return of the Ancient Practices di Brian D. McLaren
1.083 3.95 The Word of God in English: Criteria for Excellence in Bible Translation di Leland Ryken
1.082 3.99 I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist di Norman L. Geisler
1.082 3.85 The Book of the Acts (New International Commentary on the New Testament) di F. F. Bruce
1.065 3.7 Psalms 1-72 di Derek Kidner
1.065 4.18 Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel di Russell D. Moore
1.064 3.83 More Than a Carpenter di Josh McDowell
1.061 4.03 A Reader's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament di Sakae Kubo
1.06 4.12 Luke for Everyone di Tom Wright
1.057 3.53 The Road to Character di David Brooks
1.054 3.94 Confessioni di Saint Augustine
1.048 3.63 Dare to Discipline di James C. Dobson
1.043 3.88 The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist di Craig Groeschel
1.037 4.19 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 1: Genesis 1-15 di Gordon J. Wenham
1.035 3.87 Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words di W. E. Vine
1.033 3.92 Foxe's Book of Martyrs di John Foxe
1.031 3.79 Le ventuno leggi fondamentali del leader. Seguile e tutti ti seguiranno di John C. Maxwell
1.03 3.78 The Gospel According to John (The New International Commentary on the New Testament) di Leon Morris
1.029 4.1 Imitazione di Cristo di Thomas : von Kempen
1.029 4.14 The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language (New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs) di Eugene H. Peterson
1.029 3.66 The Vanishing American Adult di Benjamin E. Sasse
1.027 4.32 The Treasury of David di C. H. Spurgeon
1.023 3.92 The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God di Lee Strobel
1.018 3.52 The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience, Why Are Christians Living Just Like the Rest of the World? di Ronald J. Sider
1.013 3.97 The Kingdom of the Cults di Walter Ralston Martin
1.012 4.02 Communicating for a Change: Seven Keys to Irresistible Communication di Andy Stanley
1.012 3.87 White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism di Robin DiAngelo
1.009 3.69 How to Read the Psalms di Tremper Longman III
1.009 3.97 Seven Practices of Effective Ministry di Andy Stanley
1.007 3.86 A Survey of Israel's History di Leon J. Wood
1.007 3.63 The Message of Acts di John R. W. Stott
1.005 3.68 Martin Luther di Martin E. Marty
1.003 4.01 Slave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity in Christ di John MacArthur
0.994 3.73 Sviluppa il leader che c'è in te di John C. Maxwell
0.989 3.28 A Survey of the New Testament di Robert H. Gundry
0.988 3.63 Know Why You Believe di Paul E. Little
0.988 4.08 The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon di Francis Brown
0.987 3.86 Spiritual Leadership di J. Oswald Sanders
0.986 3.94 L'illusione di Dio: le ragioni per non credere di Richard Dawkins
0.984 3.44 Is Belief in God Good, Bad, or Irrelevant?: A Professor and a Punk Rocker Discuss Science, Religion, Naturalism, and Christianity di Preston Jones
0.984 3.42 New Testament Survey di Merrill C. Tenney
0.984 3.89 The Works of Josephus di Flavius Josephus
0.981 3.86 Love Must Be Tough di James C. Dobson
0.981 3.88 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 36: John di George R. Beasley-Murray
0.98 3.87 First Things First : To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy di Stephen R. Covey
0.979 4.19 Living by the Book di Howard G. Hendricks
0.976 4.22 Grasping God's Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible di J. Scott Duvall
0.975 4 Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible di Robert Young
0.975 4.32 The Pastor: A Memoir di Eugene H. Peterson
0.975 3.92 Lettera a una nazione cristiana di Sam Harris
0.974 3.96 How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour di Gordon D. Fee
0.968 4.32 On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision di William Lane Craig
0.967 4.43 The Daily Bible: New International Version: With Devotional Insights to Guide You Through God's Word di F. LaGard Smith
0.964 3.79 La genetica di Dio di Francis S. Collins
0.96 3.74 The History of the Church: From Christ to Constantine di Eusebius
0.957 3.77 How We Got the Bible di Neil R. Lightfoot
0.955 4.04 A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life di Jack Kornfield
0.949 3.85 The Epistle to the Hebrews (The New International Commentary on the New Testament) di F. F. Bruce
0.948 3.86 No Wonder They Call Him the Savior di Max Lucado
0.943 3.91 The Message of Ephesians (Bible Speaks Today) di John R. W. Stott
0.943 4.14 How Should We Then Live?: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.939 4.12 Le lettere di Berlicche e Il brindisi di Berlicche di C. S. Lewis
0.937 3.8 Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament di John H. Walton
0.934 4.04 The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament di Craig S. Keener
0.934 3.99 Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas di Dietrich Bonhoeffer
0.933 3.9 The New Bible Commentary di Donald Guthrie
0.933 3.86 How to Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds di Alan Jacobs
0.932 4.42 Theological Dictionary of the New Testament di Gerhard Kittel
0.93 3.98 One to One Bible Reading di David Helm
0.928 3.78 Words into Type di Marjorie E. Skillin
0.927 4.09 The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? di F. F. Bruce
0.927 3.73 In un batter di ciglia: il potere segreto del pensiero intuitivo di Malcolm Gladwell
0.924 3.84 Is God a Moral Monster?: Making Sense of the Old Testament God di Paul Copan
0.924 4.22 Christless Christianity: The Alternative Gospel of the American Church di Michael Horton
0.918 4.12 Dictionary of Paul and His Letters di Gerald F. Hawthorne
0.918 4.19 The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: Classic Edition di James Strong
0.917 4.06 Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace di Miroslav Volf
0.917 3.64 Finding God in Unexpected Places di Philip Yancey
0.916 3.62 The Reformation di Owen Chadwick
0.915 3.96 Dovunque tu vada, ci sei già di Jon Kabat-Zinn
0.914 3.95 Your God Is Too Small di J. B. Phillips
0.913 4.02 Disappointment with God di Philip Yancey
0.911 4.26 Il cristianesimo così com'è di C. S. Lewis
0.911 3.9 Guerre giuste e ingiuste: un discorso morale con esemplificazioni storiche di Michael Walzer
0.91 4.01 Detto, fatto! L'arte dell'efficienza di David Allen
0.909 4.23 Teaching to Change Lives: Seven Proven Ways to Make Your Teaching Come Alive di Howard Hendricks
0.909 3.67 The Book of Leviticus (New International Commentary on the Old Testament) di Gordon J. Wenham
0.904 3.88 Proverbs: An Introduction & Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries #15) di Derek Kidner
0.904 3.98 From Paradise to the Promised Land: An Introduction to the Pentateuch di T. Desmond Alexander
0.902 3.79 What the Bible Is All About di Henrietta C. Mears
0.902 3.93 La mano nuda di Dio : uno studio preliminare sui miracoli di C. S. Lewis
0.901 3.98 Thinking for a Change: 11 Ways Highly Successful People Approach Life and Work di John C. Maxwell
0.9 3.83 Gesù non l'ha mai detto di Bart D. Ehrman
0.898 3.88 The Early Church di Henry Chadwick
0.895 4.14 Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth di Richard J. Foster
0.894 3.9 Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition di Kerry Patterson
0.894 3.92 The King James Version Debate: A Plea for Realism di D. A. Carson
0.893 4.09 Ricordi di Marcus Aurelius
0.893 3.88 The Message of Galatians (Bible Speaks Today) di John R. W. Stott
0.893 3.75 The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Follow di John C. Maxwell
0.892 3.83 Il punto critico: i grandi effetti dei piccoli cambiamenti di Malcolm Gladwell
0.891 3.99 How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth di Gordon D. Fee
0.89 4 Annali et storie di P. Cornelius Tacitus
0.89 4.22 Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold di C. S. Lewis
0.887 4.1 Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels di Joel B. Green
0.887 4.02 Basic Christianity di John R. W. Stott
0.885 3.82 A Harmony of the Gospels di A. T. Robertson
0.884 4.14 A Praying Life: Connecting With God In A Distracting World di Paul E. Miller
0.884 4.22 A Severe Mercy di Sheldon Vanauken
0.884 4.01 More than Conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation di William Hendriksen
0.883 4.16 What's So Amazing About Grace? di Philip Yancey
0.883 3.71 Halley's Bible Handbook: An Abbreviated Bible Commentary di Henry H. Halley
0.883 4.19 The Pursuit of Holiness di Jerry Bridges
0.883 4.08 Wheelock's Latin di Frederic M. Wheelock
0.882 3.96 Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend di Andy Stanley
0.88 4.2 The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism di Timothy Keller
0.879 4.08 Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria: And Other Conversations About Race di Beverly Daniel Tatum
0.878 3.71 Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis di J. D. Vance
0.877 4.24 The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction & Commentary di J. Alec Motyer
0.876 4.02 Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages di Haddon W. Robinson
0.874 4.1 Eat This Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading di Eugene H. Peterson
0.873 4.04 Idee forti. Dalle leggende metropolitane ai prodotti: perché alcuni concetti durano e altri no di Chip Heath
0.872 4.34 Christianity and Liberalism di J. Gresham Machen
0.869 4.39 Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design di Stephen C. Meyer
0.867 3.75 Davide e Golia: perché i piccoli sono più forti dei grandi di Malcolm Gladwell
0.867 4.17 La vita comune di Dietrich Bonhoeffer
0.865 4.01 Sentirsi amati: la vita spirituale in un mondo secolare di Henri J. M. Nouwen
0.863 4.02 Found: God's Will (Find the Direction and Purpose God Wants for Your Life) di John MacArthur
0.863 4.12 Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones di James Clear
0.861 4.36 The Murder of Jesus di John MacArthur
0.859 3.95 Fuoriclasse: storia naturale del successo di Malcolm Gladwell
0.859 4.24 Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 44: Colossians, Philemon di Peter T. O'Brien
0.857 4.51 Istituzione della religione cristiana di John Calvin
0.856 3.95 Reflections on the Psalms di C. S. Lewis
0.856 4.17 Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free di F. F. Bruce
0.855 4.54 The Christian in Complete Armour di William Gurnall
0.855 3.83 The Epic of Gilgamesh: the Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian: di Gilgamesh Poet
0.855 3.52 Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries: Genesis di Derek Kidner
0.854 4.44 The Gospel according to John (The Pillar New Testament Commentary (PNTC)) di D. A. Carson
0.853 4.06 St. Basil the Great on the Holy Spirit di Basilius Magnus
0.852 3.62 A Primer on Postmodernism di Stanley J. Grenz
0.852 3.6 Philosophy and the Christian Faith: A Historical Sketch from the Middle Ages to the Present Day di Colin Brown
0.85 4.48 The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text (New International Greek Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, Mich di G.K. Beale
0.85 4 Reaching for the Invisible God di Philip Yancey
0.848 3.8 I cristiani visti dai romani di Robert Louis Wilken
0.847 4.24 Dictionary of New Testament Background di Craig A. Evans
0.846 3.95 The King Jesus Gospel: The Original Good News Revisited di Scot McKnight
0.845 4.07 Just As I Am di Billy Graham
0.845 4.2 Lutero di Roland Bainton
0.844 3.81 Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others di Stephanie Dalley
0.843 4.24 Exegetical Fallacies di D. A. Carson
0.842 5 Nelson's Complete Book of Bible Maps & Charts di aa
0.839 4.45 Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament di R. Laird Harris
0.838 4.35 A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Vol. 1. Romans 1-8 di C. E. B. Cranfield
0.838 4 The Message of Romans: God's Good News for the World (The Bible Speaks Today) di John R. W. Stott
0.837 4.36 Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust di Immaculee Ilibagiza
0.835 3.93 What Good Is God?: In Search of a Faith That Matters di Philip Yancey
0.832 4.05 A Case for Amillennialism: Understanding the End Times di Kim Riddlebarger
0.829 4.03 Vite dei Cesari di Suetonius
0.827 4.29 Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry di John Piper
0.823 4.08 Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? di Philip Yancey
0.823 4.1 Church History, Volume One: From Christ to Pre-Reformation: The Rise and Growth of the Church in Its Cultural, Intellectual, and Political Context di Everett Ferguson
0.822 4.24 The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict di Ken Sande
0.821 3.67 Mindfulness for Beginners di Jon Kabat-Zinn
0.819 3.92 Documents of the Christian Church di Henry Bettenson
0.818 4.42 Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics di Daniel B. Wallace
0.817 4.17 The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament (Personal Size) di Robert K. Brown
0.815 3.88 The Bible Jesus Read di Philip Yancey
0.813 4.19 The Message of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7 : Christian Counter-Culture) di John R. W. Stott
0.811 4.33 Gesu di Nazaret: seconda parte: dall'ingresso in Gerusalemme fino alla risurrezione di Pope Benedict XVI
0.81 3.69 Il Vangelo secondo Luca di Leon Morris
0.81 3.64 L' impero persiano: politica, religione, arte e scienza, guerra e vita dell'antica terra dei "Re dei Re" di A. T. Olmstead
0.809 4.42 Nine Marks of a Healthy Church di Mark Dever
0.809 4.23 The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential di John C. Maxwell
0.808 3.97 Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics di Ross Douthat
0.807 3.8 Avventure nella mente degli altri: geni incompresi, teorie paradossali e predisposizioni azzardate di Malcolm Gladwell
0.806 4.29 The Politics of Jesus di John Howard Yoder
0.805 4.01 The Nag Hammadi Scriptures di Marvin W. Meyer
0.805 4.1 The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog di James W. Sire
0.805 4.45 Knowing God di J. I. Packer
0.803 4.23 Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life di Donald S. Whitney
0.802 4.11 The Mark of the Christian di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.801 4.18 How to Be an Antiracist di Ibram X. Kendi
0.799 4.05 Switch on. Come cambiare quando cambiare è difficile di Chip Heath
0.798 4.14 Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples di Francis Chan
0.795 4.56 A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature di Walter Bauer
0.795 4.34 Surprised by Hope di N. T. Wright
0.793 3.82 Four Views on Hell di William Crockett
0.789 3.97 What Is a Healthy Church Member? (IX Marks) di Thabiti M. Anyabwile
0.789 3.45 Worldviews in Conflict di Ronald H. Nash
0.787 4.29 A Quest for Godliness: The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life di J. I. Packer
0.785 4.17 Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship di John F. MacArthur
0.785 4.43 Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony di Richard J. Bauckham
0.783 4.26 The Unfolding Mystery: Discovering Christ in the Old Testament di Edmund P. Clowney
0.78 3.98 The Incomparable Christ di John R. W. Stott
0.776 4.35 Total truth : liberating Christianity from its cultural captivity di Nancy R. Pearcey
0.776 3.92 Smith's Bible Dictionary di William Smith
0.776 4.13 The Birth of the Messiah di Raymond E. Brown
0.776 4.27 A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament: Based upon the Lexical Work of Ludwig Koehler and Walter Baumgartner di William Lee Holladay
0.774 4.17 An Introduction to the New Testament di D. A. Carson
0.774 4.24 The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation, A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics di Richard B. Hays
0.774 4.06 Do More Better: A Practical Guide to Productivity di Tim Challies
0.773 3.8 L'omosessualità nella Grecia antica di K. J. Dover
0.772 4.2 Roger Williams and the Creation of the American Soul: Church, State, and the Birth of Liberty di John M. Barry
0.77 4.02 Judas and the Gospel of Jesus: Have We Missed the Truth about Christianity? di N. T. Wright
0.766 4.18 Losing Our Virtue: Why the Church Must Recover Its Moral Vision di David F. Wells
0.763 4.29 Learn to Read New Testament Greek di David Alan Black
0.761 4.19 Dreyer's English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style di Benjamin Dreyer
0.757 4.31 Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes di Kenneth E. Bailey
0.757 4.5 Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary di Harold W. Hoehner
0.752 4.35 God in the Wasteland: The Reality of Truth in a World of Fading Dreams di David F. Wells
0.751 4.32 Backgrounds of Early Christianity di Everett Ferguson
0.747 4.13 L'infanzia di Gesù di Pope Benedict XVI
0.742 4.27 The Autobiography of George Müller di George Müller
0.742 4.17 Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination di Eugene H. Peterson
0.74 4.38 The Myth of a Christian Nation: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church di Gregory A. Boyd
0.739 4.23 You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit di James K. A. Smith
0.739 4.54 Studies in the Sermon on the Mount di Martyn Lloyd-Jones
0.737 4.31 Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership di Alexander Strauch
0.733 3.87 Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers di Christopher A. Hall
0.732 4.59 The Resurrection of the Son of God di N. T. Wright
0.731 4.32 The Prophets di Abraham Joshua Heschel
0.728 4.07 The Bible in Translation: Ancient and English Versions di Bruce M. Metzger
0.728 4.41 The Gospel According to John I-XII (Anchor Bible Series, Vol. 29) di Raymond E. Brown
0.722 4.29 The Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament di Warren C. Trenchard
0.721 3.8 Handbook on the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy di Victor P. Hamilton
0.699 4.42 Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers di Dane C. Ortlund
0.689 4.58 The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Vol. 1: Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments di James H. Charlesworth
0.686 4.45 Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America di Ibram X. Kendi
0.681 4.18 The Oxford Companion to Philosophy di Ted Honderich
0.676 3.68 Erasmo di Johan Huizinga
0.671 4.48 Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace di Heath Lambert
0.663 4.38 Is God anti-gay? di Sam Allberry
0.662 4.43 The Letter to the Ephesians (Pillar New Testament Commentary) di Peter T. O'Brien
0.66 4.14 You Can Change: God's Transforming Power for Our Sinful Behavior and Negative Emotions di Tim Chester
0.66 4.05 Evangelical Dictionary of Theology (Baker Reference Library) di Daniel J. Treier
0.653 4.54 The Wisdom Books: Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: A Translation with Commentary di Robert Alter
0.652 4.62 Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism di Timothy Keller
0.652 4.1 Questioning Evangelism di Randy Newman
0.652 4.28 After Darkness, Light: Distinctives Of Reformed Theology; Essays In Honor Of R.C. Sproul di R. C. Sproul, Jr.
0.649 4.37 The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America di Richard Rothstein
0.646 4.43 What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? di Kevin DeYoung
0.609 4.51 The Epistle to the Romans di Douglas J. Moo
0.605 4.48 Romans (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) di Thomas R. Schreiner
0.547 4.17 Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation di Kristin Kobes Du Mez
0.545 3.4 The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Very Short Introduction di Timothy H. Lim
0.539 3.95 Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition di Christine D. Pohl
0.458 4.76 The Gospel of Mark (The New International Greek Testament Commentary) di Richard T. France