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L'illusione di Dio: le ragioni per non credere (2006)

di Richard Dawkins

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiConversazioni / Citazioni
17,041366305 (3.93)2 / 392
Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:A preeminent scientistand the world's most prominent atheistasserts the irrationality of belief in God and the grievous harm religion has inflicted on society, from the Crusades to 9/11.
With rigor and wit, Dawkins examines God in all his forms, from the sex-obsessed tyrant of the Old Testament to the more benign (but still illogical) Celestial Watchmaker favored by some Enlightenment thinkers. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry, and abuses children, buttressing his points with historical and contemporary evidence. The God Delusion makes a compelling case that belief in God is not just wrong but potentially deadly. It also offers exhilarating insight into the advantages of atheism to the individual and society, not the least of which is a clearer, truer appreciation of the universe's wonders than any faith could ever muster.… (altro)
  1. 233
    Perche non sono cristiano di Bertrand Russell (BGP, yakov.perelman)
  2. 182
    Dio non è grande: come la religione avvelena ogni cosa di Christopher Hitchens (hnn, BGP)
  3. 60
    Gesù non l'ha mai detto di Bart D. Ehrman (robertf)
    robertf: Dawkins is passionately trying to refute an undefined hypothesis - this is perhaps one of his least succesful works. Ehrman's book does not have conversion to atheism as its aim - it is a description of the scholarly analysis of texts. The reason it is devastating to religion is that it undermines any claim to biblical authenticity by exposing contradictions between different manuscripts. It achieves what Dawkins aims to much more subtly and scientifically.… (altro)
  4. 51
    Rompere l'incantesimo : la religione come fenomeno naturale di Daniel C. Dennett (ljessen)
  5. 51
    Trattato di ateologia di Michel Onfray (gust)
  6. 41
    Why I Became an Atheist: A Former Preacher Rejects Christianity di John W. Loftus (Percevan)
  7. 31
    La prova matematica dell'inesistenza di Dio di John Allen Paulos (infiniteletters)
  8. 31
    Il gene egoista: la parte immortale di ogni essere vivente di Richard Dawkins (yakov.perelman)
  9. 21
    The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails di John W. Loftus (Percevan)
  10. 32
    What is Good?: The Search for the Best Way to Live di A. C. Grayling (chrisharpe)
  11. 21
    Il più grande spettacolo della terra: perché Darwin aveva ragione di Richard Dawkins (yakov.perelman)
  12. 00
    Storie di Bibbia per adulti di James Morrow (themulhern)
    themulhern: God is cruel is the theme that unites these two books.
  13. 11
    God and the State di Michael Bakunin (BGP)
  14. 11
    Atheism Advanced: Further Thoughts of a Freethinker di David Eller (hnn)
  15. 22
    Talking With God: The Many Faces of Religious Delusion di Robert A. Clark (bertilak)
  16. 22
    Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief di Andrew Newberg (bertilak)
  17. 12
    Why Gods Persist: A Scientific Approach to Religion di Robert A. Hinde (bertilak)
  18. 24
    The Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener di Martin Gardner (ehines)
    ehines: While I agree with Dawkins and disagree with Gardner about the existence of God, Gardner's open-mindedness judicious and friendly tone, even in error, serves as a rebuke to Dawkins' inability to understand or respect his intellectual opponents.
  19. 13
    God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? di John C. Lennox (bfrost)
  20. 113
    The Selfish Genius: How Richard Dawkins Rewrote Darwin's Legacy di Fern Elsdon-Baker (Gavin_Hardcastle)
    Gavin_Hardcastle: Interesting Read

(vedi tutti i 24 consigli)

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"Quando un uomo con la Bibbia incontra un uomo con il libro di Dawkins, la fede di quello con la Bibbia è spacciata, se ha un briciolo di onestà intellettuale. Perché questo è “L’illusione di Dio”: una spietata demolizione razionale delle credenze religiose, scritta con uno stile molto leggero e godibile. Dawkins non si limita a prendere per il culo le religioni e i bigotti, ma sa essere autoironico, mescolando filosofia, scienza, aneddoti e autobiografia. Accusato di essere irrispettoso, di fatto Dawkins lo è. A ragione. E spiega anche in modo convincente perché le religioni non devono godere di alcun rispetto pregiudiziale."

A chi ha scritto questa recensione rispondo che qualcuno che si firmò Marx, scrisse: "Dio è morto". Un altro, aggiunse "Marx è morto". Anche Dawkins, prima o poi, morirà ... aggiungo io ...
  AntonioGallo | Mar 26, 2022 |
Tutti i "credenti" dovrebbero leggere questo libro ed anche, Di Odifreddi "Perché non possiamo essere cristiani"e ancora "Dio non è grande" di Hitchens. Li aiuterebbe ad aprire la mente, a liberarsi di preconcetti ed illusioni, ad essere più concreti, più veri, più esseri umani.
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That was the first time I had ever considered, even in my own thoughts to myself, that I could be an atheist. I was 36. My husband was down with this—he told me he was an atheist, too. I felt it was weird we were finally having a conversation about this after being married for six years, but maybe we intrinsically knew all along.
aggiunto da paradoxosalpha | modificaDaily Kos, boofdah (Oct 28, 2011)
In The God Delusion, Dawkins argues that evolution has removed the need for a God hypothesis to explain life, and advances in physics may soon do the same for the universe. Further, the existence of God is a proper question for science, and the answer is no.
aggiunto da Taphophile13 | modificaThe Age, Barney Zwartz (Nov 24, 2006)
Despite the many flashes of brilliance in this book, Dawkins’s failure to appreciate just how hard philosophical questions about religion can be makes reading it an intellectually frustrating experience.
Creationists and believers in God are right to see him as their arch-enemy. In The God Delusion he displays what a formidable adversary he is. It is a spirited and exhilarating read. In the current climate of papal/Islamic stand-off, it is timely too.
aggiunto da ghilbrae | modificaThe Guardian, Joan Bakewell (Sep 26, 2006)
I discovered that there is audiobook format of this book and I can honestly say that audiobook it was an enlightening and fascinating experience. Narrated clearly and unapologetically, the audio format The God Delusion (Listen now) proved a remarkable medium for exploring the concept of atheism and the case against a belief in God.
The narrator is also appropriate, carefully engaging with the listener as he or she is led through author Richard Dawkins' meticulous logic and scientific knowledge. It is a skill to fairly and considerately challenge conventional wisdom. In the case of this listener, I found the equal consideration given to the arguments presented by the audacious author to be an extraordinary attitude to the enjoyment of the sacred...........

» Aggiungi altri autori (16 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Dawkins, Richardautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Barr, NomaImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Riemsdijk, Hans E. vanTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Vogel, SebastianTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Ward, LallaNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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'Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?'
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As a child, my wife hated her school and wished she could leave.
The boy lay prone in the grass, his chin resting on his hands.
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Pantheism is sexed-up atheism. Deism is watered-down theism.
But hate only has to prove it is religious, and it no longer counts as hate.
The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
I am agnostic only to the extent that I am agnostic about fairies at the bottom of the garden.
I am no more fundamentalist when I say evolution is true than when I say it is true that New Zealand is in the southern hemisphere.
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Religion & Spirituality. Nonfiction. HTML:A preeminent scientistand the world's most prominent atheistasserts the irrationality of belief in God and the grievous harm religion has inflicted on society, from the Crusades to 9/11.
With rigor and wit, Dawkins examines God in all his forms, from the sex-obsessed tyrant of the Old Testament to the more benign (but still illogical) Celestial Watchmaker favored by some Enlightenment thinkers. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry, and abuses children, buttressing his points with historical and contemporary evidence. The God Delusion makes a compelling case that belief in God is not just wrong but potentially deadly. It also offers exhilarating insight into the advantages of atheism to the individual and society, not the least of which is a clearer, truer appreciation of the universe's wonders than any faith could ever muster.

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Richard Dawkins è uno dei più famosi scienziati di oggi e uno dei più strenui difensori della teoria darwiniana della selezione naturale. La tesi di questo suo nuovo libro, che ha suscitato un enorme clamore nel mondo anglosassone e ha generato un dibattito accesissimo, è molto semplice: Dio non esiste e la fede in un essere superiore è illogica, sbagliata e potenzialmente mortale, come millenni di guerre di religione e la recente minaccia globale del terrorismo fondamentalista islamico dimostrano ampiamente. Agli occhi di Dawkins, ogni religione condivide lo stesso errore fondamentale, vale a dire l'illusoria credenza nell'esistenza di Dio, e, con essa, la pericolosa sicurezza di conoscere una verità indiscutibile perché sacra.
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