Immagine dell'autore.
13 opere 6,569 membri 126 recensioni 2 preferito


Fonte dell'immagine: Author's website.

Opere di James Clear


Informazioni generali

Data di nascita
20th century



This came highly recommended and that's why I broke my resolution of no self-help books. Now that I’m done with it, I can see why it is so beloved and often suggested as a life-changer. This is one of the better self-help books I’ve read because it’s quite practical. I can’t stand books that spout impractical philosophy without offering concrete and realistic methods of implementation. Most of the tips here are sensible and easily manageable. The anecdotes accompanying every advice help reinforce the point. Clear’s four-way method on how to make/break habits sounds very doable. The neat chapter summaries help in a quick checklist of the executables if you ever need a quick recap.

So it is going to change my habits from now on? Nope! And that’s partly because whatever he suggested is already something I do without even realising it. I’m a compulsive planner by nature and most of his tips rotate around planning your way to success. So, just as always, I’m the stubborn mule who doesn’t benefit from reading a self-help book while everyone else can see the wonders of its content.

Recommended to lovers of this genre and those wanting to give this genre a try.

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RoshReviews | 125 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2024 |
The author makes several good points, but if I can be real with you, these are all things that I have been talking up for nearly 20 years long before I read this. This whole thing further is mostly fluff and I could have written this in half the words for sure, maybe less.
melsmarsh | 125 altre recensioni | Jun 29, 2024 |
Easy to understand and straightforward. Four laws of habits that helps anyone remove or create habits. Simple yet quite profound.
One of the biggest highlight of the book for me is when the author relates habit with identity. Habits stems from identity and also build up that identity. Someone who smokes everyday will consider themselves smokers. It’s their identity. This makes it harder for them to quit, since people tend to get attached to their identity. Usually when you are quitting, you say “I’m a smoker and I’m trying to quit”. However, the author argues that you should try to change your identity, or think about the identity you are trying to become, to remove habits effectively. Therefore, instead you should think “I don’t want to be a smoker” or “ I want to be someone who don’t smoke”. It will fasten up the process, and every time you have the urge but decide not to smoke, it will become a vote of confidence toward that identity. So to start good habit or remove bad habits, start thinking about the identity you want to be, or get rid of.
This idea is very eye-opening to me
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heolinhdam | 125 altre recensioni | Jun 25, 2024 |
Desarrolla la idea del cambio y desarrollo de hábitos con pequeñas acciones.
ERIIHG | 125 altre recensioni | Jun 9, 2024 |


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