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Sto caricando le informazioni... Knowing God (1973)di J. I. Packer
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Iscriviti per consentire a LibraryThing di scoprire se ti piacerà questo libro. Attualmente non vi sono conversazioni su questo libro. "The conviction behind the book is that ignorance of God - ignorance both of his ways and of the practice of communion with him - lies at the root of much of the church's weakness today." There seems to be a disconnect in the church. We no longer know who our God is. We don't know his character. We don't know him as revealed in Scripture. We don't know him in relationally. This is the problem that Packer addresses in this book. It was very helpful and eye-opening for me to re-evaluate what my walk with Christ looks like. ( ) A classic in Christian theology, Knowing God, is a deep exploration of the nature and character of God, which invites readers into a deeper relationship with the divine. It’s dense, heavy, and profound, but in being so, Packer provides practical applications for everyday life. He covers topics such as the attributes of God, the person and work of Jesus Christ, the nature of salvation, and the importance of prayer and obedience in the Christian life. One of the key themes of the book is the idea that knowing God is not just an intellectual pursuit, but a deeply personal and transformative experience. It’s a wonderful resource of valuable insights. nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione
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A lifelong pursuit of knowing God should embody the Christian's existence. According to eminent theologian J.I. Packer, however, Christians have become enchanted by modern skepticism and have joined the "gigantic conspiracy of misdirection" by failing to put first things first. Knowing God aims to redirect our attention to the simple, deep truth that to know God is to love His Word. What began as a number of consecutive articles angled for "honest, no-nonsense readers who were fed up with facile Christian verbiage" in 1973, Knowing God has become a contemporary classic by creating "small studies out of great subjects." Each chapter is so specific in focus (covering topics such as the trinity, election, God's wrath, and God's sovereignty), that each succeeding chapter's theology seems to rival the next, until one's mind is so expanded that one's entire view of God has changed. Author Elizabeth Eliot wrote that amid the lofty content Packer "puts the hay where the sheep can reach it--plainly shows us ordinary folks what it means to know God." Having rescued us from the individual hunches of our ultra-tolerant theological age, Packer points the reader to the true character of God with his theological competence and compassionate heart. The lazy and faint-hearted should be warned about this timeless work--God is magnified, the sinner is humbled, and the saint encouraged. --Jill Heatherly. Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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Google Books — Sto caricando le informazioni... GeneriSistema Decimale Melvil (DDC)231Religions Christian doctrinal theology God; Unity; TrinityClassificazione LCVotoMedia:
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