Libri controversi per DebraBooks

Questa pagina mostra i libri più "controversi" in questa biblioteca, misurati in base alla più alta deviazione standard delle valutazioni in stelle dei membri.

Deviazione standard Valutazione media La tua valutazione Titolo
1.213 3.55 L'alchimista di Paulo Coelho
1.178 3.37 Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen di Susan Gregg Gilmore
1.128 4.02 Best Friends: The True Story of the World's Most Beloved Animal Sanctuary di Samantha Glen
1.095 3.64 A Love That Multiplies: An Up-Close View of How They Make it Work di Michelle Duggar
1.094 3.54 Correndo con le forbici in mano di Augusten Burroughs
1.088 3.18 The Recipe Club: A Novel About Food and Friendship di Andrea Israel
1.084 3.55 Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World di Bill Clinton
1.077 3.06 Is It Just Me?: Or is it nuts out there? di Whoopi Goldberg
1.057 3.43 Firmino di Sam Savage
1.047 3.88 I Beat the Odds : from Homelessness, to the Blind Side, and Beyond di Michael Oher
1.031 3.71 Through a Dog's Eyes: Understanding Our Dogs by Understanding How They See the World di Jennifer Arnold
1.022 3.85 Ogni cosa è illuminata di Jonathan Safran Foer
0.999 3.53 Perche mangiamo troppo: (e come fare per smetterla) di David A. Kessler
0.998 3.46 The Swan Thieves di Elizabeth Kostova
0.989 3.92 Same Kind of Different As Me: A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together di Ron Hall
0.985 4.01 Ragazzo da parete di Stephen Chbosky
0.985 3.74 Dewey di Vicki Myron
0.978 3.35 Lake of the Ozarks: My Surreal Summers in a Vanishing America di Bill Geist
0.976 3.49 The Elephant Keeper di Christopher Nicholson
0.963 3.35 Scratch Beginnings: Me, $25, and the Search for the American Dream di Adam W. Shepard
0.959 3.87 If I Stay di Gayle Forman
0.948 4.05 L'arte di correre sotto la pioggia di Garth Stein
0.944 3.75 A Three Dog Life di Abigail Thomas
0.94 4.06 Molto forte, incredibilmente vicino di Jonathan Safran Foer
0.94 3.8 Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat di David Dosa
0.938 3.74 The Other Hand di Chris Cleave
0.934 3.84 Thunder Dog: The True Story of a Blind Man, His Guide Dog, and the Triumph of Trust at Ground Zero di Michael Hingson
0.93 4.07 A Big Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog di Dean Koontz
0.927 3.58 This Book is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All di Marilyn Johnson
0.923 3.95 Chosen by a Horse: How a Broken Horse Fixed a Broken Heart di Susan Richards
0.922 3.81 Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health di Gene Stone
0.921 3.66 Katie Up and Down the Hall: The True Story of How One Dog Turned Five Neighbors into a Family di Glenn Plaskin
0.918 3.71 La casa per bambini speciali di Miss Peregrine di Ransom Riggs
0.918 4.2 The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick's Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption di Jim Gorant
0.914 3.39 Not Becoming My Mother: and Other Things She Taught Me Along the Way di Ruth Reichl
0.912 3.15 Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage di Kody Brown
0.911 3.89 La storia della mia vita di Helen Keller
0.904 3.74 Tell Me Where It Hurts: A Day of Humor, Healing, and Hope in My Life as an Animal Surgeon di Nick Trout
0.9 3.59 The First Patient di Michael Palmer
0.899 3.66 My Lobotomy di Howard Dully
0.896 3.88 Lo strano caso del cane ucciso a mezzanotte di Mark Haddon
0.894 3.66 The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie di Wendy McClure
0.892 3.71 Balthazar Jones and the Tower of London Zoo di Julia Stuart
0.892 3.81 No Impact Man: The Adventures of a Guilty Liberal Who Attempts to Save the Planet and the Discoveries He Makes About Himself and Our Way of Life in the Process di Colin Beavan
0.888 3.4 The Introvert's Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World di Sophia Dembling
0.882 3.9 Midnight at the Blackbird Café di Heather Webber
0.881 4.13 Warriors Don't Cry [Abridged] di Melba Pattillo Beals
0.88 4.15 Il castello di vetro di Jeannette Walls
0.88 4.01 The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood di Sy Montgomery
0.88 3.92 The Works: Anatomy of a City di Kate Ascher
0.878 3.75 Follie di Brooklyn di Paul Auster
0.876 3.7 A Secret Gift: How One Man's Kindness—and a Trove of Letters—Revealed the Hidden History of the Great Depression di Ted Gup
0.875 3.96 Life Itself: A Memoir di Roger Ebert
0.873 3.99 Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating di Jane Goodall
0.871 3.89 A Street Cat Named Bob and How He Saved My Life di James Bowen
0.868 3.72 Homer & Langley di E. L. Doctorow
0.863 3.85 Composed: A Memoir di Rosanne Cash
0.859 4.07 The Story of Stuff: How Our Obsession with Stuff Is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health-and a Vision for Change di Annie Leonard
0.852 4.08 L'oceano in fondo al sentiero di Neil Gaiman
0.852 3.42 The Man Who Loved Books Too Much: The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Obsession di Allison Hoover Bartlett
0.847 3.83 Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals di Temple Grandin
0.845 3.62 Orange is the new black: Da Manhattan al carcere: il mio anno dietro le sbarre di Piper Kerman
0.84 3.71 This Must Be the Place di Kate Racculia
0.84 3.95 The Dogs Who Found Me: What I've Learned from Pets Who Were Left Behind di Ken Foster
0.838 3.47 Miles from Nowhere di Nami Mun
0.835 3.8 Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life di Steve Martin
0.832 3.7 The Little Bookstore of Big Stone Gap: a memoir of friendship, community, and the uncommon pleasure of a good book di Wendy Welch
0.831 3.9 In Such Good Company: Eleven Years of Laughter, Mayhem, and Fun in the Sandbox di Carol Burnett
0.827 3.94 The Soloist: A Lost Dream, an Unlikely Friendship, and the Redemptive Power of Music di Steve Lopez
0.826 3.98 This Time Together di Carol Burnett
0.825 3.98 License to Pawn: Deals, Steals, and My Life at the Gold & Silver di Rick Harrison
0.824 3.78 Christian il leone: un leone-gattone, due ragazzi, la storia di un'amicizia che ha commosso il mondo di Anthony Bourke
0.822 3.71 The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates di Wes Moore
0.82 4.05 Wesley the Owl: The Remarkable Love Story of an Owl and His Girl di Stacey O'Brien
0.82 4.11 Io sono Malala: la mia battaglia per la libertà e l'istruzione delle donne di Malala Yousafzai
0.819 4.21 Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body di Roxane Gay
0.817 3.94 True Compass: A Memoir di Edward M. Kennedy
0.816 4.09 Devil's Knot: The True Story of the West Memphis Three di Mara Leveritt
0.816 3.81 Effetto Wal-Mart di Charles Fishman
0.803 3.96 Half Broke Horses di Jeannette Walls
0.803 4.27 Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened di Allie Brosh
0.803 3.78 Inside Out: A Memoir di Demi Moore
0.8 3.77 I Never Had It Made: An Autobiography of Jackie Robinson di Jackie Robinson
0.794 4.15 The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating di Elisabeth Tova Bailey
0.79 4.35 L'aiuto di Kathryn Stockett
0.789 4.36 Sum It up : 1,098 Victories, a Couple of Irrelevant Losses, and a Life in Perspective di Pat Summitt
0.78 3.55 Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture di Ellen Ruppel Shell
0.777 4.15 Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival, and My Journey from Homeless to Harvard di Liz Murray
0.776 4.03 The Brutal Telling di Louise Penny
0.774 3.94 Little Girl Blue: The Life of Karen Carpenter di Randy L. Schmidt
0.769 4.08 Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat di Howard F. Lyman
0.76 3.88 The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon di David Grann
0.759 3.98 The Kindness of Strangers: Penniless Across America di Mike McIntyre
0.75 4.26 Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food di Gene Baur
0.749 4.04 Hands of My Father: A Hearing Boy, His Deaf Parents, and the Language of Love di Myron Uhlberg
0.736 4.17 Omero gatto nero: tutto quello che ho imparato sulla vita e sull'amore da un gatto incredibilmente temerario di Gwen Cooper
0.731 3.25 Bear in the Back Seat di Kim DeLozier
0.726 4.18 Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption di Jennifer Thompson-Cannino
0.725 4.1 Confessions of a Prairie Bitch: How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated di Alison Arngrim
0.722 4.18 Endurance. Un anno nello spazio, una vita di scoperte di Scott Kelly
0.71 4.12 Little Pink House: A True Story of Defiance and Courage di Jeff Benedict
0.71 3.95 The Funeral Dress di Susan Gregg Gilmore
0.707 4 Radium Halos: A Novel about the Radium Dial Painters di Shelley Stout
0.7 3.63 La donna che amava i numeri di Toni Jordan
0.679 4.44 Becoming di Michelle Obama
0.677 3.59 The Great Beanie Baby Bubble: Mass Delusion and the Dark Side of Cute di Zac Bissonnette
0.672 3.98 Fly Girls: How Five Daring Women Defied All Odds and Made Aviation History di Keith O'Brien
0.653 3.84 Elizabeth and Hazel: Two Women of Little Rock di David Margolick
0.645 4.44 Sfrattati. Miseria e profitti nelle città americane di Matthew Desmond
0.586 4.07 The Truths We Hold: An American Journey di Kamala Harris
0.584 4.36 Entwined: Sisters and Secrets in the Silent World of Artist Judith Scott di Joyce Wallace Scott