Immagine dell'autore.

Bill Clinton

Autore di My Life

61+ opere 9,737 membri 222 recensioni 3 preferito


William Jefferson Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe IV on August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas. His father, an automobile parts salesman, was killed in a car accident three months before he was born. At the age of fifteen, Bill changed his name to that of his stepfather Roger's as a gesture of mostra altro goodwill to both him and his mother. Clinton attended Hot Springs High School where he was very active in the student government, among other things. In 1963, Clinton was chosen to attend the American Legion Boys State, a government and leadership conference in Little Rock, where he was elected a senator and given the opportunity to go to Washington D. C. and meet President John F. Kennedy. Clinton attended Georgetown University after he graduated from high school, where he majored in International Studies. He interned for Senator William Fulbright of Arkansas, and with him became an opponent of the Vietnam War. Clinton won a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford where he studied for two years before attending the University of Arkansas Law School. There he was issued a draft letter and joined ROTC, but was never called up since he received a high number for the draft lottery. In 1970, Clinton entered Yale Law School and worked for George McGovern's presidential campaign in 1972. He graduated from Yale in 1973, and worked for a short time in D. C. as a staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee. In 1974, Clinton entered his first political race, against Congressman John Paul Hammerschmidt, losing to the Congressman by 2 percent. In 1976, he was elected Arkansas Attorney General and in '78 ran for Arkansas Governor, winning the race 63% to 37%. He lost the reelection two years later because of Cuban refugee issues, but regained the title in 1982, and held it till he became President in 1993. Bill Clinton announced his run for President on October 3, 1991, and with Al Gore as his Vice President, took office on January 20, 1993 at the age of 46. He was one of the youngest men to hold the office of President and the first Democrat to be elected since 1976. As President, Clinton worked on health care reform, cut federal spending, created jobs, reduced the deficit and enacted the Assault Weapon Ban as part of the Crime Bill. He also helped Israel and Jordan achieve a peace treaty, enabled a peace accord between Israel and Palestine and contributed to the cease fire in Northern Ireland. Clinton stepped down from the Presidency in 2000 to make way for George W. Bush, and established himself in offices in Harlem, New York City, New York, while his wife was elected to the U.S. Senate, representing New York State. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno
Fonte dell'immagine: Bob McNeely, The White House


Opere di Bill Clinton

My Life (2004) 4,502 copie, 57 recensioni
The President Is Missing (2018) 2,518 copie, 104 recensioni
The President's Daughter (2021) 893 copie, 30 recensioni
Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World (2007) 870 copie, 19 recensioni
My Life: The Early Years (2004) 157 copie, 2 recensioni
Between Hope and History (1996) 134 copie, 1 recensione
Prdenten er forsvundet (2018) 3 copie
Pohřešuje se prezident (2018) 3 copie
Blair House Papers (1998) 1 copia
At give (2007) 1 copia
Президент пропал 1 copia, 1 recensione

Opere correlate

Il diario di Anna Frank (1947) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni15,351 copie, 262 recensioni
Lungo cammino verso la libertà: autobiografia (1994) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni4,938 copie, 63 recensioni
The Mighty and the Almighty: Reflections on America, God, and World Affairs (2006) — Introduzione — 660 copie, 9 recensioni
Booknotes: America's Finest Authors on Reading, Writing, and the Power of Ideas (1997) — Collaboratore — 432 copie, 5 recensioni
Contact [Blu-ray] (1997) 379 copie, 4 recensioni
Enough: True Measures of Money, Business, and Life (2008) — Prefazione — 352 copie, 10 recensioni
How: Why How We Do Anything Means Business (and in Life) (2007) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni297 copie, 4 recensioni
Un gesto può cambiare il mondo (1997) — Prefazione — 245 copie
The New York Times: Complete Civil War, 1861-1865 (Book & CD) (2010) — Prefazione — 209 copie, 2 recensioni
Mandela: The Authorized Portrait (2006) — Prefazione — 196 copie, 1 recensione
A Mighty Long Way: My Journey to Justice at Little Rock Central High School (2009) — Prefazione — 193 copie, 6 recensioni
Philanthrocapitalism: How the Rich Can Save the World (2008) — Introduzione, alcune edizioni133 copie, 1 recensione
Shakespeare in America: An Anthology from the Revolution to Now (2014) — Prefazione — 124 copie, 1 recensione
The Spy Who Jumped Off the Screen: A Novel (2012) — Introduzione — 97 copie, 10 recensioni
The Accidental President of Brazil: A Memoir (2006) — Preface — 81 copie
Ripples Of Hope: Great American Civil Rights Speeches (2003) — Prefazione — 69 copie
Ending Hunger Now: A Challenge to Persons of Faith (2005) — Prefazione — 61 copie, 1 recensione
RBG [2018 film] (2018) — Himself — 46 copie
The Superpower Myth: The Use and Misuse of American Might (2005) — Prefazione — 36 copie, 1 recensione
Antaeus No. 61, Autumn 1988 - Journals, Notebooks & Diaries (1988) — Collaboratore — 35 copie, 2 recensioni
Antaeus No. 75/76, Autumn 1994 - The Final Issue (1994) — Collaboratore — 32 copie
Hearts on Fire: Stories of Today's Visionaries Igniting Idealism into Action (2011) — Prefazione — 29 copie, 19 recensioni
Common Sense Government: Works Better and Costs Less (1995)alcune edizioni26 copie, 1 recensione
All Rise: The Remarkable Journey of Alan Page (2010) — Prefazione — 18 copie, 1 recensione
The Southern Tiger: Chile's Fight for a Democratic and Prosperous Future (2012) — Prefazione — 17 copie, 8 recensioni
Fed Up [2014 film] (2014) — Collaboratore — 14 copie, 3 recensioni
Separate Societies: Poverty and Inequality in U.S. Cities (1992) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni13 copie
Air Force One [2001 TV movie] (2001) — Himself — 11 copie
Eddie Shapes Up (2011) — Prefazione — 4 copie, 2 recensioni
Mr. New York: Lew Rudin and His Love for the City (Excelsior Editions) (2014) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni3 copie
New Castle: Chappaqua and Millwood (2006) — Prefazione — 1 copia


Africa (203) Amsterdam (189) Anna Frank (339) apartheid (150) Autobiografia (1,741) Bill Clinton (180) Biografia (2,043) biography-memoir (127) classici (362) Classico (280) Clinton (142) da leggere (1,428) Diario (1,026) Ebrei (211) ebrei (254) Germania (115) Goodreads (111) Guerra (375) Letteratura (132) letto (415) Memorie (1,127) Narrativa (309) nazisti (170) Nelson Mandela (118) non letto (117) Novecento (215) Olanda (129) olandese (135) Olocausto (1,581) Paesi Bassi (261) Politica (728) posseduto (148) Presidente (151) Saggistica (2,590) Seconda guerra mondiale (1,626) Storia (1,489) storico (159) Sudafrica (336) Thriller (145) YA (156)

Informazioni generali



Dopo aver letto il precedente "Il presidente è scomparso" mi aspettavo qualcosa di meglio, ma sono rimasto deluso.
Classico romanzo di azione, buoni contro cattivi, trama improbabile, happy end.
Scrittura asciutta senza alcun slancio letterario, priva di analisi dei personaggi.
Da leggere sotto l'ombrellone!
ginsengman | 29 altre recensioni | Nov 22, 2021 |
Da Harrison Ford presidente pilota di Airforce One al presidente informatico protagonista del romanzo sono passati circa 20 anni o giù di lì. Resta uguale l'inverosimilità delle situazioni, la tenuità dello spessore dell'opera, la macchina narrativa da videogioco.
fortunae | 103 altre recensioni | Dec 3, 2019 |
Piacevole political thriller scritto da Patterson insieme all'ex Presidente Usa Bill Clinton.
Trama coinvolgente e non troppo banale.
ginsengman | 103 altre recensioni | Oct 5, 2018 |
Leggibile ma niente di che.
permario | 103 altre recensioni | Oct 1, 2018 |


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