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The Brutal Telling (2009)

di Louise Penny

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Chief Inspector Armand Gamache (5)

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3,1902814,313 (4.03)491
A stranger is found murdered in the village bistro and antiques store and all clues point to bistro owner Olivier being the killer. Once again, Chief Inspector Gamache and his team are called in to strip back layers of lies, exposing both treasures and rancid secrets long buried--but not forgotten.
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1-5 di 282 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
Penny's Chief Inspector Gamache series just gets better and better. Characters full of life and humanity, sometimes carried away by their flaws, add to a plot that drives along, enticing you to forsake sleep and food to uncover the truth! ( )
  Flowercreek | Jun 24, 2024 |
This series just keeps getting better and better! ( )
  jj24 | May 27, 2024 |
A second disappointing book in the Gamache series which started so well. This one is Louise Penny meets Dan Brown, with a large emphasis on (pointless) cryptic messages. There is, again, too much time spent on people's unbelievably reflective innermost thoughts, expressed in over-the-top terms. Much of the time the plot dragged. And I hated the ending; almost threw the book against the wall. There were just enough moments of Penny's good writing to keep me plugging along, and since I already own the next book in the series I will read it, but I think it is set away from Three Pines and a good thing for all concerned, including the residents of Three Pines! ( )
  Abcdarian | May 18, 2024 |
A superb mystery with artistic and literary references to Thoreau, to Emily Carr, quotes, and a gently evolving but interesting murder story in small town Quebec. I listened to it on CD and the reader was ideal. ( )
  featherbooks | May 7, 2024 |
This is the fifth in the Detective Inspector Armand Gamache series. My verdict, like for the previous four books, is that it’s okay, but not great.

The body of a stranger is found in the village bistro in Three Pines. It’s obvious that he was murdered. Gamache and his team arrive to investigate. Though Olivier doesn’t admit to knowing him, the reader knows that Olivier visited the man, a hermit, who lived in a cabin in the woods surrounding the village. When the cabin is located, it is found to be filled with very valuable antiques and collectibles. All the clues suggest that Olivier is the killer; his lack of truthfulness only adds to his being the main suspect.

The lack of proper procedure stands out. Gamache shares information with residents of Three Pines, any of whom could be the murderer! He even lets people have access to evidence! He manages to obtain a warrant to search every single house in the village. I’m not a legal expert, but I don’t think that’s how warrants work. Shouldn’t there be arrests of people who tampered with evidence and impeded the investigation?

I was irritated by some other issues as well. No one else other than Olivier is aware of the existence of the cabin? Gabri, Olivier’s partner, is totally unaware of Olivier’s regular midnight trysts? Gamache has to take a trip to the West Coast to figure out that the carvings, taken as a whole, tell a story?! The Caesar code is one of the easiest to decipher and it’s misleading to state that a key word is needed; all someone has to do is to try a shift of one, two, three, etc. There are only 25 possibilities! Why would the hermit carve these particular words in two of the carvings; they seem to serve little purpose for the hermit. Only for the investigators do they have significance? The man knew he was going to be killed so left the words as clues? Finally, a successful art dealer is so overtly homophobic?!

There are several unanswered questions in the book, including the identity of the victim. Having looked at some reviews, it seems that the next book clarifies some of the ambiguities. If that is indeed the case, then the author did not treat the reader fairly; this seems a cheap tactic to sell more books.

I’m starting to feel slightly masochistic in continuing to listen to this series. The promise that the books do get better is not being fulfilled. I understand that this is a cozier mystery, but the number of unbelievable events is problematic.

Note: Please check out my reader's blog ( and follow me on Twitter ( ( )
  Schatje | Apr 22, 2024 |
While constant readers may think they know all there is to know about its eccentric villagers, Penny is a great one for springing surprises.

» Aggiungi altri autori (1 potenziale)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Louise Pennyautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Bania, ChrysaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Chabalier, ClaireTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Chabalier, LouiseTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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For the SPCA Monteregie, and all the people who would "ring the bells of Heaven." And for Maggie, who finally gave all her heart away.
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"All of them? Even the children?"
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There was silence then. And in that hush lived all the things that could be worse than slaughter. (p1)
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A stranger is found murdered in the village bistro and antiques store and all clues point to bistro owner Olivier being the killer. Once again, Chief Inspector Gamache and his team are called in to strip back layers of lies, exposing both treasures and rancid secrets long buried--but not forgotten.

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Il libro di Louise Penny The Brutal Telling è stato disponibile in LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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