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Matched. La scelta

di Ally Condie

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Matched (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
9,534642839 (3.65)265
All her life, Cassia has never had a choice. The Society dictates everything: when and how to play, where to work, where to live, what to eat and wear, when to die, and most importantly to Cassia as she turns 17, whom to marry. When she is Matched with her best friend Xander, things couldn't be more perfect. But why did her neighbor Ky's face show up on her match disk as well?… (altro)
  1. 390
    Hunger games di Suzanne Collins (Aerrin99)
    Aerrin99: Both books feature central heroines living in dystopian worlds that aren't quite what they seem. They each have an engaging romance and a story that digs behind the curtain of the society their characters live in.
  2. 230
    Il donatore di Lois Lowry (Ynaffit27, Trojanprincess, frankiejones)
    Trojanprincess: The two worlds seem similar in the way that every aspect of their livee are controlled.
  3. 200
    Brutti di Scott Westerfeld (kqueue)
    kqueue: Another story about a 'perfect' society that is deeply flawed once you look beneath the surface. Both feature strong heroines who fight against the powers in control, and both have themes of independence and free will.
  4. 121
    Fahrenheit 451 di Ray Bradbury (MzzArts)
  5. 100
    The City of Ember di Jeanne DuPrau (beckylynn)
  6. 111
    Delirium di Lauren Oliver (foggidawn, simonie, jfoster_sf)
    simonie: une autre dystopie
    jfoster_sf: Both are powerful love stories that take place in a future where the government controls their lives. If you love Matched you will love Delirium=)
  7. 80
    Dolce veleno di Lauren DeStefano (dizzyweasel)
    dizzyweasel: Dystopian novel about government control and arranged marriages.
  8. 52
    1984 di George Orwell (Kostyusha)
  9. 31
    Il mondo nuovo di Aldous Huxley (Phantasma)
    Phantasma: Similar imagined world with similar outsider view changing the opinions of some insiders.
  10. 10
    Die Verratenen di Ursula Poznanski (Moongirl)
    Moongirl: Ebenfalls eine Distopie, welche in der Zukunft spielt.
  11. 10
    The Selection di Kiera Cass (Aleana, BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Both of these series have young teens involved in a rigorous selection process to be matched with their future spouse. Political intrigue and the darker side of these dystopian societies set on a future earth add intensity and action.
  12. 10
    For Darkness Shows the Stars di Diana Peterfreund (coxy132)
    coxy132: Both have dystopian romance between groups that are not supposed to fall in love
  13. 10
    Nine Tomorrows di Isaac Asimov (Phantasma)
    Phantasma: Many of the short stories in this Asimov collection have similar ideas to the ones mentioned in Matched, such as matching a person's abilities and personality to their job and then giving them instruction in only that job. Most of the stories in the Asimov collection are distopian futures based on technology. And, for something originally written in the 50s... still quite plausible.… (altro)
  14. 11
    Guardando indietro: 2000-1887 di Edward Bellamy (Phantasma)
    Phantasma: A Utopian novel with a similar world-view and premise.
  15. 11
    Possession di Elana Johnson (Utente anonimo)
  16. 88
    L'ospite di Stephenie Meyer (alesi1)
    alesi1: It looks like a perfect world, but is it really?
  17. 00
    Anomaly di Krista McGee (Utente anonimo)
  18. 03
    Girl Parts di John M. Cusick (meggyweg)
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È ambientato in un mondo dove la società (the Society) stabilisce chi deve essere il compagno di ognuno, compiendo degli abbinamenti perfetti, per garantire così il bene della società stessa e di ogni individuo. Al momento dell’ assegnazione del proprio compagno, Cassia viene abbinata a Xander, il suo migliore amico. Ma quando Cassia vuole vedere le informazioni che le sono state date sul ragazzo a cui è stata abbinata, al posto del viso di Xander per un momento appare quello di un altro ragazzo che Cassia conosce, Ky. Quando l’ errore viene spiegato e l’ accoppiamento di Cassia e Xander viene confermato, pur essendo molto felice di essere stata abbinata a Xander, Cassia non riesce comunque a smettere di pensare a Ky.
per certi aspetti lo accomunerei a libri come "Brutti", "The giver", "Hunger games", dove c'è una società molto particolare regolata da una qualche autorità che determina diversi, se non tutti, gli aspetti della vita delle singole persone. in questo caso, come in alcuni altri, l'amore è la scintilla che scatena la comprensione e il bisogno di ribellarsi per cambiare le cose. Molto bello. ( )
  cla86 | Jul 15, 2011 |
This first book in a planned trilogy feels just like that: a setup to a larger story rather than a stand-alone read. Having said that, we'll still be in line for book 2.
aggiunto da Katya0133 | modificaEntertainment Weekly, Sara Vilkomerson (Dec 3, 2010)
[Cassia's] awakening and development are realistically portrayed, and supporting characters like Cassia's parents and her grandfather add depth to the story.
aggiunto da Katya0133 | modificaSchool Library Journal, Anthony C. Doyle (Dec 1, 2010)
Condie's enthralling and twisty dystopian plot is well served by her intriguing characters and fine writing.
aggiunto da Katya0133 | modificaPublishers Weekly (Oct 4, 2010)
Detractors will legitimately cite less-than-subtle morality and similarities to The Giver, but this one's a fierce, unforgettable page-turner in its own right.
aggiunto da Katya0133 | modificaKirkus (Oct 1, 2010)
The stunning clarity and attention to detail in Condie’s Big Brother–like world is a feat.
aggiunto da Katya0133 | modificaBooklist, Courtney Jones (Sep 15, 2010)

» Aggiungi altri autori (10 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Ally Condieautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Aide, SamanthaImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Evangelista, Theresa M.Progetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Vandervoort, IreneDesignerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Laat je niet meer los....
(p 96)

Do not go gentle into that good night.
(p 96)

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.
(p 96)

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
(p 222)

at first when the rain fell
from the sky so wide and deep
it smelled like sage, my favorite smell
I went up on the plateau to watch it come
to see the gifts it always brought
but this rain changed from blue to black
and left
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For Scott,
who always believes
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Now that I've found the way to fly, which direction should I go into the night? My wings aren't white or feathered; they're green, made of green silk, which shudders in the wind and bends when I move - first in a circle, then in a line, finally in a shape of my own invention.
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It is almost uncomfortable, this awareness of him. Each pause, each movement when he places a piece on the black-and-gray board. I want to reach out and grab his hand and hold it to me, right over my heart, right where it aches the most. I don't know if doing that would heal me or make my heart break entirely; but either way this constant hungry waiting would be over.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

All her life, Cassia has never had a choice. The Society dictates everything: when and how to play, where to work, where to live, what to eat and wear, when to die, and most importantly to Cassia as she turns 17, whom to marry. When she is Matched with her best friend Xander, things couldn't be more perfect. But why did her neighbor Ky's face show up on her match disk as well?

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Riassunto haiku

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Il libro di Ally Condie Matched è stato disponibile in LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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