MarthaJeanne 2021-24

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MarthaJeanne 2021-24

Gen 23, 2021, 8:04 am

Well still the same Covid problems. I even had someone else call me to find out how to get rid of books. We'll have to take more bags to storage soon.

In the meantime I've been sorting other things, like the beer bottles lying around. turns out I had quite a collection of vintage beer. Some best before 2013 or so. The thing is, I quite like to try the collections of beer - usually 9 bottles of craft beer. But I don't actually drink beer all that often, and it gets forgotten. Anyway, the beer is down the drain, and the bottles recycled. More space! And yes, I will probably buy the next collection I see.

Modificato: Feb 1, 2021, 6:33 am

I discarded 5 books of MHD that we might have been able to read back when we were students. Turned out there had been bugs back there, so I cleared and vacuumed behind the books. The only thing alive now was a spider, and I decided to let her stay.

I have new books coming this week from Amazon, so it's good to have a bit of shelf space available. Just checked mostly fiction. One history book, but not for that shelf. Touchstone moved to next message. Not for discarding.

Modificato: Mag 12, 2021, 12:04 pm

Oats in the North, Wheat from the South: The history of British Baking Why did I put this here? No I did not discard it.

Feb 7, 2021, 11:39 am

I saw The ritual bath in the regular bookcase, but it seemed to be a thriller. Jerry reread it and decided to throw it away. I see that I gave it four stars eight years ago. Should I reread it before it leaves the house. He seems to think it quite brutal, but the background interests me a lot more than it does him. Maybe why it was there?

In the meantime I have marked it as a discard.

Feb 7, 2021, 12:49 pm

Am not going to finish Die Byzantiner Too dry.

Modificato: Mar 27, 2021, 5:23 pm

'Inward and outward health' is going to the Methodist pastor. Once we see him, that is. I suppose it is fitting that the problem is the health regulations.

Mar 27, 2021, 5:25 pm

When I bought bulbs for the table a while ago, I also bought Easter pails to hide the plastic pots in. The plants are done, and our neighbours will use the pails as Easter baskets for their grandchildren. Win, win.

Mar 29, 2021, 3:32 pm

Again, not books.

The last time I was downtown was the day we saw the hedgehog. So when I walked by the tea store and saw a hedgehog mug in the window I just had to buy it. However, We have quite a selection of old mugs that we never use, and there was no space for the hedgehog. I sorted out quite a few. a set of 5 Bennington pottery mugs, a Christmas mug, several nice enough mugs, but without sentimental value, even the big black thing Jerry used to keep full of tea on his desk at the office. A stack of three Chinese tea cups - little, without handles.

I think the Mistplatz has an area for depositing things that are still useable.

Mar 29, 2021, 4:29 pm

>8 MarthaJeanne: Argh! I have a full shelf of tea mugs that have got to go. They are identical except for the solid colors vary. When I had a houseful of kids for cocoa, they were perfect for keeping each person's mug sorted. My husband and mine each had a matching chip.
I have gone to using a bigger mug, and these are just still here sentimentally. But there is no place for them at the new residence. (I’m in WV this week, doing clean-out.

Modificato: Apr 29, 2021, 5:39 am

Making a leader
When Christians Clash
Becoming the Family of God

1980s theology. I'm fairly sure I did read these way back when, but if I don't remember and there are no reviews and no high ratings, I think I'm not going to keep them.

listening, wakefield

Apr 24, 2021, 6:19 pm

>10 MarthaJeanne: I have a shelf or two very similar. Picking at it only.

Apr 24, 2021, 6:46 pm

There are some I remember reading. I'm not throwing those away, at least not now. I might even reread some of those. But these are on the paper recycling pile.

Modificato: Apr 28, 2021, 12:07 pm

Apr 29, 2021, 10:49 am

The problem is that I keep buying cookbooks. There just isn't enough room for them all.

Salz küsst Karamell
Vollwert Mehlspeisen aus Österreich
Wildes Brot

Apr 30, 2021, 6:11 am

On a different note, I'm currently reading a book about Safran. It assures me that eating saffron every day is good for anything that might ail me. But when I went to the spice cabinet, I couldn't find it. In the process, I found several old packages of spices that hadn't been used in a long time, (unless you count bugs that had gotten into them). That's better! I can see the remaining spices much more easily. But no saffron. So I dug into the area below where things sometimes fall down. Much more to throw away, including an empty old saffron glass. No, I want the small tin. I don't want a dried up orange, or several bread crusts. (This is behind the bread box.)

I even vacuumed back there. And when I finally did come up with the tin, I had more than half filled the kitchen bin. Jerry took the bag out, and now the garbage men have come by. Wonderful timing.

The saffron tea is still too hot to drink.

Mag 2, 2021, 2:48 pm

CulinArt is still in the house. It came with the oven, so I stuck it in the drawer with all the user manuals.

Mag 3, 2021, 4:30 am

By the way, the lockdowns have been useful one way. My 'To Read' collection is down to 240. (Have to write this before going downtown today and to the library tomorrow.)

Modificato: Mag 5, 2021, 5:01 pm

A Child's Garden

Many years ago in a supermarket I heard a child complain that her mother had weighed the fruit and not let her do it. I let her weigh my bananas, and spent a good deal of time with both of them over the next year or two. But I don't really need the mother's book.

Jesus in Ägypten If you read the titles of the author's books you will quickly figure out why I say 'No!' to this.

Mag 6, 2021, 10:50 am

Geheimnis des Frühlings and América went straight from the To Read pile into the paper recycling. Apparently I had tried to read the later in English a few years ago, so there is no point in trying it in German. The other I must have picked up free or very cheap, but looking at the work page it just doesn't look like my kind of thing, and it's long.

Mag 9, 2021, 3:29 pm

I'm not keeping Knödellust.

Discarding Vintage, Kornfeld.

Modificato: Mag 16, 2021, 4:16 am

Quick crochet huge hooks

Socken - flach gestrickt

It's amazing how protective I get when trying to weed my textiles bookcase. But I will never use these two, and I need space for the Indian Textiles book.

Mag 18, 2021, 12:04 pm

Mag 20, 2021, 7:47 am

Weeded the biographies. Many of these are good books, but neither of us is going to read them again.

Black Count
Galileo's Daughter
Long Walk to Freedom (over 700 pages)
Al Capone, bair

And an India book
Indien reportage

Modificato: Giu 14, 2021, 7:24 am

Christlich auf'kocht und teuflisch eing'schenkt

I was trying to tidy up some of the cookbooks lying around, but to do that I need space in the bookcase, and some of the books I took down to discard need to be reevaluated, which puts them on the pile I was trying to tidy up. Losing battle today.

There is also a stack of books I had decided about a while back, but hadn't dealt with. This is also a losing battle because we just cleared the hall of bags of books. (They are now at self storage. I really hope there will be a women's guild bazaar this year.)

Omas Strickgeheimnisse : 200 bezaubernde Muster

Bäuerliches Stricken 1
Bäuerliches Stricken 2
Bäuerliches Stricken 3

Gehäkelte Schmuckstücke
Learn to Crochet Socks

My neighbour thinks she might know someone who would like the knitting books.

Modificato: Giu 29, 2021, 12:48 pm

Leaps and Boundaries is nearly 25 years old and is very ECUSA oriented. I should have read it back when I bought it. But I didn't and it's really not relevant to me now. This is landing in recycling, as I can't imagine anyone else here wanting it.

Modificato: Ago 1, 2021, 4:19 pm

1) Uncommon threads Good to read once.

2) Atlas shrugged I was very impressed by Ayn Rand back several decades ago. Can't quite understand why today. Anyway, will never read again.

The third book I brought down was never entered and probably never read. First half is corrected.

3) Elisabeth von Thüringen Not sure why I finished this. 2 1/2 stars is probably generous.

Modificato: Ago 26, 2021, 5:40 pm

4) Lake of Fire

5) Baum des Lebens

Found a big pile of books I wasn't sure when I had last (if at all) read. All read. Do I have bookcase space for them? (Mostly, yes.)

Modificato: Set 17, 2021, 4:42 pm

1) The British Medical Association illustrated medical dictionary
Medical dictionaries are not very reliable after 20 years.

Besides, I want that bit of bookshelf for some other books.

Dic 4, 2021, 8:05 am

Rama Revealed Do I want to read this? No, probably not. Lousy reviews. No, better discard.

Dic 4, 2021, 8:56 am

>32 MarthaJeanne: I recall the first book in the series with fondness. But I’m not sure it was worth a follow up.

Dic 4, 2021, 8:58 am

This was the fourth. We have the first, and yes, I recall enjoying it back then. This one had really bad reviews.

Dic 8, 2021, 9:17 am

Jerry took the big bag of old clothes to the Caritas collection box this afternoon. It had a wide selection of stuff - from a workman's overall that might have been worn once. To two blouses that I love the looks of, but don't love ironing the ruffles or trying to close and open the tiny buttons. We found a lot of ignored corners in getting the boiler replaced.

Modificato: Dic 18, 2021, 9:18 am

I decided to dig around in the basement for a while. Jerry even joined me. Found a lot of stuff lying around

Pillow and duvet for guest bed - put in vacuum bag and labelled
2 mattress covers - good shape, bag up for Caritas.
2 pillows - bad shape, throw in garbage.
Playing cards from Venice, paid for in lire. Garbage.
lots of old paper from projects I've long since forgotten - paper recycling
Folder of print outs of things by Nicolas of Cusa. - ditto
Sweater I was crocheting. Might have been my taste way back when. Garbage
Old rather mangled pad. Jerry wants.

He is now practicing down there, and I am enjoying the feeling of being virtuous.

Some of this is from boxes I just threw stuff into when we moved here in 2007. Really time to at least go through it.

Gen 8, 2022, 11:18 am

I've added a sparkly sweater to the bag with the mattress covers. It would have fit better if I had put it on under the flannel shirt, and not over, of course. That might have also meant that the sparkly bits would have scratched me less.

I am now caught up on both washing and ironing, and have to admit that I have more shirts (blouses, sweaters...) than any reasonable person needs. I really should try to add a few more to that bag. Part of the problem is not knowing when and if we will get back to 'normal life' or even what that might mean.

Right now I'm mostly wearing flannel shirts and jogging trousers. I put on a skirt this morning just because. Now and again I wear the shirts from 20-30 years ago. I mostly stopped wearing them because I was afraid they would wear out. Now I'm thinking I might as well wear them out. Nobody else wants the frayed collars, and if I'm at home, nobody else is going to see them, either. But they are still very comfortable. Putting on one of the fancier blouses seems a bit silly if I'm just home all the time.

Gen 8, 2022, 11:51 am

>37 MarthaJeanne: Yeah, I’ve got clothes hanging in closets in three homes. Not so much the ridgetop anymore, because I’m not sleeping out there and have brought most into town. And not much in West Virginia; just enough so I don’t have to cart clothes in between. But still, too many. The experiment is I’m weighing what I go to most in the closets. Problem is, like you, I love fabrics, and become attached emotionally.

Gen 8, 2022, 11:58 am

At least I resisted the temptation to order two more flannel shirts from the sale catalogue. Most of mine are from that company. I seem to have a dozen, at least. I don't need more. Not even marked way down.

Gen 8, 2022, 2:59 pm

As administrator of this group, I think I am supposed to be able to edit subject lines, but I can't figure it out.

Gen 8, 2022, 3:25 pm

As admin, go back into the thread. There should be a button for edit. I think.

Modificato: Gen 8, 2022, 3:51 pm

Thank you. Got it now. And this thread is not just for last year.

Mar 27, 2022, 9:33 am

The Singapore grip is over 600 pages long. It is also the third in a trilogy. I have the second, but haven't read it since joining LT. Maybe I should get rid of that one, too.

Mar 27, 2022, 9:33 am

The Singapore grip is over 600 pages long. It is also the third in a trilogy. I have the second, but haven't read it since joining LT. Maybe I should get rid of that one, too.

Modificato: Apr 27, 2022, 8:21 am

I just decided to get rid of 5 books by Berthold Brecht. In the unlikely case that either of us wants to reread these, we can borrow them from the library.

Besides I have two books I want to keep that needed that space.

Modificato: Giu 29, 2022, 6:48 am

I found two copies of Lipperts Alpenblumen Kompaß 2 that had never been entered.

Also Beeren Kompaß
Sterne Kompaß (for 1984-1986)
Wildfrüchte Kompaß

I decided years ago that these are too small to be really useful. So now they get thrown away.

This should mean that the useful books have enough space.

Modificato: Set 12, 2022, 12:27 pm

Not enough cookbook space.

1) So schmeckt Spanien
2) The foods and wines of Spain
Since I am keeping The food of Spain, I don't need the others. Claudia Roden is the one I would use.

3) Fruits of the Forest
4) Brazilian cooking
5) Masel tov! Die moderne jüdische Küche in aller Welt :

Well, for now all the loose cookbooks have been shelved.

Modificato: Set 21, 2022, 12:27 pm

We are throwing away the old wine books. They do not seem to have been entered. The newer ones are 30 years old, and Jerry would rather use the space for organ music.

Organ-isms I decided to enter before throwing away. It goes in the bags that might go to charity, and not just in the bin.

Modificato: Set 23, 2022, 12:34 pm

Not a book, but we are looking to give away our youngest son's guitar if we can find a child who wants to learn how to play it. This is noticeably smaller than my guitar, but then he was in fifth grade when we bought it. A good size for a not full sized person.

This started because I bought strings for my guitar, thinking that I might enjoy playing it again, then we remembered this one. I refuse to hand a child a guitar with 10 year old (at least) strings on it. There won't be a lot success at sounding good. So I have used those strings to restring the smaller instrument. You know what? I don't really enjoy restringing a guitar. It's hard work. There are some pretty awful noises involved. After two sessions, all the new strings are on. They hold a tuning for long enough to play a chord two or three times.

Tomorrow I can hope to tune it up properly and even play a bit between retunings. Normally I have reminded myself at this stage how good it will sound after a few more days. But with any luck this guitar will leave our home on Sunday. I'm trying to keep my spirits up by feeling virtuous and charitable. Doesn't quite work.

I have found my favourite book to play from, so if I figure out where my guitar is, buy another set of strings, and go through the whole rigmarole again, I might even get to play in a week or two.

However, it is one less piece of stuff in the house. Or will be soon.

Set 25, 2022, 8:12 am

Well, almost books. I went through the large size music in the bookcase. Anything Jerry might be interested in I had already pulled out and moved up with his organ music. (This is the space that used to belong to his wine books.)

I found a bunch of guitar and recorder books of mine that I will keep, at least for now.

I also found a stack of music that our eldest sang at a concert in 2000. Not quite sure how it got into our bookcase, as he was not living at home that year - we were in Geneva, he was with a family in Vienna. Anyway, if he hasn't claimed it in 22 years, I'm throwing it out.

Modificato: Set 28, 2022, 5:11 am

In the process of trying to shelve a new book, I realized that all the canal companions are very out of date, so I have put all of them in the recycling, along with another canal book that was even more out of date. That gave two recent purchases space on the shelf.

I didn't bother entering the one that hadn't been, although I combined several entries before realizing that none of them was mine.

Set 30, 2022, 2:16 am

Lebensalltag im Mittelalter Totally deleted from LT. No idea why I bought the thing.

Nov 19, 2022, 2:25 pm

We finally got rid of our son's guitar today. The first attempts to advertise that we had a guitar to give away didn't take, but friends were at their local music school and mentioned it, and they were willing to take it. We took the guitar to the friend's house today. I gave her the guitar and a sample of my szechuan pepper. She gave me a jar of piccalilli. Good exchange.

Modificato: Nov 22, 2022, 2:59 pm

Today we got rid of an old computer that's been sitting in our shed. We got it out before putting things away for the winter. (About time!) Then we drove off to 'PCs für Alle' to be refurbished and passed on to some kid who otherwise has none. They apologized for things being messy, 'but we are expecting 30 PCs to be picked up tomorrow.' They are obviously proud of their work, telling us how many thousands of computers they have already handed out. They also wanted to know how we found out about them. (Google). It was really easy to find them, they have a small parking area right there, two of them hurried out to bring it in. AND we are rid of the thing!

We then went to the British 'supermarket', which actually had the things they were missing the last few times. No parking nearby, as usual, so Jerry circled while I shopped. Then we went out for pizza. I was expecting to finish mine this evening, but I'm not hungry yet. That might have something to do with a small bag of liquorice all sorts that somehow got into my basket at Bobby's.

When we got home I discovered that Amazon wanted to make a delivery today. One order made last Thursday. Three books came from the UK, and have been bouncing around Italy. Another book was in Spain, and has now reached Germany. The boring stuff - hygiene liquid for our humidifiers- last to be dispatched, and still in the Czech Republic this morning, really was delivered today. I won't complain, because we do need it, but I would rather get the books.

Modificato: Dic 17, 2022, 10:04 am

A few weeks ago Jerry was asked where to get rid of books. Our old method died during the pandemic, but after a bit of thought, I realized that Caritas (the RC charity) would take them for their 2nd hand shops. "Carla"

Today I went to add Coming Home, Molcho to the piles in our front hall, and realized that a book of that size and weight would knock the piles off the bags. I filled two more bags and suggested that we carry them off. Our front hall is not big enough for five bags of used books on top of the other recycling and such minor details as coats and hats.

They are very well organized, and seemed happy to get our stuff. They even offered us the use of a shopping cart to get everything inside. We also had a big bag of textiles that I've been adding to for months. It had gotten too full for the regular collection boxes, so I'm glad I remembered to throw it into the car. The only negative was that the' large parking lot was large, but also quite full.

Dic 14, 2022, 9:27 am

Well, I just changed the subject again, as this topic has a way to go yet.

Dic 17, 2022, 6:03 am

Arthur Schnitzler Two books that seem never to have been entered. Meistererzählungen and Meisterdramen.

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare This has very small print, and we'd need a different edition to be able to read it.

Modificato: Dic 17, 2022, 10:05 am

I also filled a banana box with games and puzzles for the next time we go to Carla. Not really a good idea, as it involved climbing around and looking up more than my spine likes.

Modificato: Dic 17, 2022, 10:42 am

>58 MarthaJeanne: But if not you - who? And the decluttering proceeds!

Modificato: Dic 21, 2022, 8:04 am

>55 MarthaJeanne: I hadn't realized how many bags of discarded books were sitting in our self storage. We arrived at Carla today to say we need two shopping carts. They accepted the stuff we had carried in, then asked us to drive around to their main warehousing area. they helped us unload, making very sure that only stuff we were donating got taken in. We were so glad to be rid of it! But they were cheerfully thanking us for our wonderful donation. They must really work at that. Personally, I can't imagine being that pleased to get so much stuff to sort and deal with on Dec 21. And we weren't the only ones. We had to wait for the previous car to be unloaded, and another arrived as we were leaving. This just the really big batches that couldn't be dealt with in front.

And on top of all that, we aren't going to get lots of begging letters from them. At no time were we asked to give personal information. They just took the books etc.

Modificato: Mag 17, 2023, 12:17 pm

I've been buying too many cookbooks.

1) Alpenküche vegetarisch I seem to have given this 4 1/2*, but leafing through it, I can't see why.

2) Backen mit Gemüse This was 4*, and had markers in it that I didn't make then, and won't now.

3) 30 Minuten Gemüseküche 4* and a review, but never used.

4) Deutschland vegetarisch 4* Never used, not really interested.

Two others go back on the shelf.

5) Artisan Baking 3 1/2* I have a lot of better bread books.

6) naturally

7) Natürlich Buchinger I gave this a fairly good review, but I find the printing even harder to read now.

Again, one goes back on the shelf.

8) Noch ein Stück
9) Schwarzbrot

One goes back. My review convinced me. (Yes, I have to make her bluebarb pie!) (Spell check does not like bluebarb.)

10) Kronen Zeitung Kochbuch

Enough for today. Some of this included combining work.

We need to go to Carla soon. I've also discarded a fair number of books that were in the 'to read' pile. Either after finishing them, or when I didn't get that far. Those shelves are beginning to have space on them, too.

Mag 21, 2023, 2:16 pm

>61 MarthaJeanne: I did not manage to make the pie, but as I had everything ready, I did make a bluebarb sauce. It's very good, but I put the whole package of blueberries in, and I don't taste much rhubarb, so I think I will cook up another stick or two of rhubarb tomorrow. This is from Top with Cinnamon and I am enjoying rereading it. Yes, this one really is a keeper.

Giu 13, 2023, 9:15 am

We made it to Carla. Five bags of books, and a gigantic bag of clothing.I don't think we were stopped there more than 2-3 minutes. No sooner did we stop at the loading space than somebody was there with a big cart. The three of us loaded everything onto the cart and we were off again.

Giu 25, 2023, 11:27 am

Starting a new bag.

Gordon Ramsay's Uncharted is in there.

Hardly had I finished reading Reiche Bilder than I found a second copy in another TBR pile. It's a very good book, but I'll only keep one copy.

Lug 1, 2023, 6:40 am

Lug 3, 2023, 9:13 am

I had meant to keep Eulen und Greifvögel Europas until I tried to find a reasonable place for it. Much too big for anywhere we have bird books.

Lug 28, 2023, 8:38 am

Sacred Places I managed to read about 10 pages, before deciding to throw it in the Carla bag rather than lose my breakfast

Lug 29, 2023, 10:08 am

Der Mann aus Babadag I hope this book will eventually get around to talking about the man it's supposed to be about. All this background information and side trips and so are fine, but they are not what I wanted to read.

Modificato: Ago 19, 2023, 1:25 pm

Lady of the English I gave it 4* ten years ago, but made no comments, and it's over 500 pages.

The Lydgate Widow. This is more recent, and only over 400 pages, but the cover info does not interest me at all.

Pauper's Child
Unholy Love

Set 9, 2023, 8:00 am

Before we say goodbye Found while cleaning up.. Apparently I read it four years ago.

Set 30, 2023, 3:31 am

A sailor of Austria I think I remember enjoying this, but it's too tall for the shelf it would need to move to.

Modificato: Set 30, 2023, 7:56 am

Jerry has arrived back with 2 1-cup and 2 2-cup measuring cups by Anchor Hocking, so I can get rid of the Pyrex ones we got as wedding presents, (45 years ago next month) that would be fine if most of the measurements hadn't long since worn off. The frustrating thing has been that Pyrex sells measuring cups here - but with British measurements, not US ones (as well as metric), and while I can easily use UK recipes, I want my measuring cups to be US measures.

I put the old ones, including a few plastic ones I didn't know I owned in a bag for Carla, along with an electric back warmer and a few other odds and ends.

Before Jerry's sister came, we stuck a bunch of Carla bags in the shed. I have since put them in the car, since I needed to get into the middle of the shed, and didn't feel like filling up the entrance hall again. Guess we'll be heading out there again soon. I should try to discard more books first, if I can.

Set 30, 2023, 8:01 am

You might regret disposing of the heating pad, unless you’ve got a better one.

Bless Jerry for remembering to bring you household aids. I know he appreciates your cooking, Martha (Luke 10)

Who is Carla?

Set 30, 2023, 10:02 am

Carla is the Caritas (RC church) second hand shop. The people there are so great, happy to help unload, if anything over thankful for the stuff I'm glad to get out of the house. I assume they must have some grumpy volunteers, but they keep them far away from the donors.

No, I won't regret the heating pad. If I decide I want a heating pad I will get one that isn't full of complicated features that don't actually help.

I didn't ask for much. Cortisone ointment and measuring cups. I think he brought twice as much of both as I asked for. He also bought a lovely bowl that my sister made. Really glad I sent her a spice mix we both like.

Modificato: Nov 5, 2023, 9:59 am

Entdecke : die vielfältige Natur des Nordburgenlands

Ich simuliere nur

Did Darwin get it right?

Operating manual for spaceship Earth

I also moved a couple of books. What I really need is another shelf here. But at least now the newer books fit in horizontally on top of the older ones.

Dic 10, 2023, 7:47 am

I took down a whole shelf full of old Theological magazines.

I've been to the altpapier collection point with some of it, but once a day is as much as I can handle. There are three more bags to do even if I don't sort any more.

Modificato: Dic 11, 2023, 4:06 am

A People's History of Christianity ESUMC

This is a series of 7 Books I think I can find a good home for.

Rome and Canterbury altpapier

The Anglican Tradition altpapier

Heiden, Christen, Juden und Muslime Carla

Spiritual and Anabaptist Writers Altpapier

Modificato: Dic 14, 2023, 8:04 am

Religions of late antiquity in practice Carla

A world full of gods altpapier

Sacred languages and sacred texts Carla

The Christians as the Romans saw them Carla

A new Eusebius Carla

Doctrine and Practice in the early church altpapier

Oh, what the heck. Finish the shelf.

Apostolic fathers Holmes Carla
My goodness. I had to put in a combination request for this one.

One Jesus, Many Christs altpapier

The Bones of St Peter Carla
I remember buying this book. My son was visiting Yale, and I had been tipped that the divinity school had a great bookstore. Well, as a matter of facr, it was hidden away in a back room because of renovations. I still managed to find several books I 'had' to have. This one was in a used book box. The man at the checkout told me that, "We have a discount for clergy." He was rather surprised when I said that I wasn't clergy, but he quickly recovered and announced that I had no choice about joining their customer club. He charged me $10 for that, which reduced my final bill substantially. He still seemed somewhat bewildered that a random laywoman would walk in and buy such a stack of books. But how often did I get such an opportunity?

I also remember buying the Didache in the previous message. That was in Toronto at the now defunct Anglican Book Centre. I always hoped I'd get back there again.

Modificato: Dic 15, 2023, 6:36 am

The Pilgrim's Progress Carla
I don't think I ever managed to get through this.

God's Men Carla

The Tales of Rabbi Nachman Carla

Credo Carla

Pieces of Dreams Carla

Lilies of the Field Carla

The Egyptian! Carla

All we know of heaven Carla

The Illuminator Carla

The Robe Carla It's still in quite good shape, if rather faded.

Basically, this fiction goes to Carla if the book is still in readable condition. With the theology, I want the contents to (still) be worth reading.

I kept back several books whether or not that is logical. Narnia! for example. I would give that to a good home, but not just throw it away.

Modificato: Dic 15, 2023, 12:39 pm

You’ve gotten serious!

I’ve tried (and failed) to get through The Pilgrim’s Progress, mostly because it was Louisa May Alcott’s favorite book. There were fewer choices back then.

Dic 15, 2023, 1:16 pm

>87 2wonderY: A lot fewer choices, although you have to damit that she helped the situation.

My sight is going fast. It's getting very difficult to read. It seems only fair to go through the theology books, because I can judge where the books should go, but neither Jerry nor the boys have any idea.

Not everything on the shelf has gone. I keep being reminded of books I had forgotten about. But the pile of books for Carla has got to be gotten rid of before Christmas so that we can keep going in and out the door.

Dic 16, 2023, 12:34 pm

We dropped several bags of books at Carla today.

Modificato: Dic 18, 2023, 8:14 am


The sun is high
More Christian than African-American
Autobiography of Teresa of Avila
Junipero Serra, DeNevi
Something Beautiful for God

Autobiography of a saint
The Life of Theoderic
The Story of S. Vitale
The Story of S. Apollinare
The Life of Galla Placidia

That is a set of 4 pamphlets I bought in Ravenna, when I visited with my sister and her family. Wonderful place. Don't miss it if you are in the area.

And just above you will notice three St Teresas.

Modificato: Gen 8, 12:28 pm

Questo messaggio è stato cancellato dall'autore.

Dic 19, 2023, 9:00 am

I’ll bet this would stay on your shelves. A fabric sample book from 1884.

I have a favorite swatch. Do you?

Dic 19, 2023, 9:14 am

What you don't see here are the ones, reasonable or not, that stay on the shelves.

Modificato: Gen 1, 10:29 am

A Cloud of Witnesses
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
Leave her alone
Giants of the Faith
Dying we live

Grosse Gestalten des Glaubens
Bright Legacy
Sacred Fury
Battle for God

Puritan Promenade

This has been an interesting one, because of how many books I felt I had to keep, but also how many I deleted in stead of editing the entry.

Modificato: Gen 2, 12:26 pm

Mom was saying that when she moved into her care home she only took a few books with her. But now they are all over the place, and often in the way. We agreed that they reproduce.

Back to stemming the tide.

Western society and the Church in the Middle Ages
The Oxford history of the Crusades

Modificato: Gen 2, 2:07 pm

Jerry just got a Facebook post:

"I don't want to brag, but I haven't bought a single book this year!"

Well, good for you. Here in Austria the stores haven't been open yet this year. I haven't bought any books this year either. I suspect these sentences need a 'yet' in there somewhere.

Gen 2, 2:51 pm

>105 MarthaJeanne: Nope. I haven’t bought any books this year, either.

Gen 3, 2:46 pm

>108 MarthaJeanne: I used a book that compared the Holy Spirit to the Force in Star Wars when I taught Confirmation classes.
But still refer to Connie Neal. She’s very level headed about modern folktales.

Modificato: Gen 5, 3:14 pm

This section is not proving straightforward. It may not make sense to keep them, but there are too many I can't part with yet.

The Way of St. Francis
Devotional Classics, Foster
The Way of a Pilgrim
The Pilgrim continues his way
Thirsty for God

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life
Standing in God's Holy Fire
Lectio Divina
Following in the Footsteps of Christ

I got to the end of the shelf, but it is still half full.

Modificato: Gen 6, 7:36 am

Some things I just can't do. I have built up a collection of prayer anthologies. Next to them are many books on prayer, and most of them I have lived and prayed with. Some can go, but not the ones I remember. I can't.

The same for the books on the Eucharist.

Modificato: Gen 7, 5:25 am

Practical Theology in Action
Prayer, Foster
Making Religion Real
In the Hands of God Apparently this one got missed when I was entering. Don't think I'll fix that.

On the other hand, my recollection is that I never found a book on ethics that didn't leave me unsatisfied. Raus damit! (In fact the best ethics book I ever read may have been Situation Ethics, which is long since discarded, probably in disgust, but at least it made me think and react.

Christian Ethics, Lovin
The Good the Bad and the difference
Ethics, Gensler
Godless Morality
Choosing the Good

One exception. I don't discard NT Wright

I also have quite a stack of old Grove leaflets for the altpapier, that I will not list here, but just delete. (Seems to be 1.) Done.

Modificato: Gen 8, 4:49 am

I really have too many shirts. I put a sweatshirt I never wear on the Carla pile. I should go back and sort out more. I'll be down there several tines today as I do laundry. Maybe one or two more each trip.

When one of my boys was small he had a lovely pair of dark green corduroy trousers.They had ankle bands and looked really sharp. Once those ankle bands were near his knees, and he could barely get the waist buttoned, they didn't look quite so sharp, but they were still his favourite trousers. I was pitting together a box for our Philipina cleaning woman to send to her grandchildren, and got him to agree to include those trousers by pointing out that the grandson didn't have any trousers that were nearly as nice, and that he would love them and wear them for a lot longer than my son could. Even he knew that it wasn't going to work at all much longer. I need to tell myself the same thing about the clothes that are 'too good' to give away even though I never wear them. I'm giving the shirts a chance to be worn and someone else the chance to love them.

The city collects recyclables every 6 weeks. For this collection we get 13 big yellow bags a year. Once I managed to fill 2 bags for a pick up, because they had just increased the things we are supposed to put in there, and I had piles of those things here and there in the house. That is not likely to happen again. So I need 8-9 bags a year. I think one or two can be used for Carla textiles.

ETA Having given myself that pep talk, I went down and found 5 shirts I really don't need. I also got out the last yellow bag on the current roll, and put in the pile I had. It is now half full. (And I have two full rolls of the bags.)

Gen 8, 4:29 am

Bravo! Good work!

Modificato: Gen 8, 6:09 am

Moved half the wash to the dryer. Found 5 more shirts.

And another 5. I think that's all this closet will produce today. But there might be some upstairs.

One. I think I've reached the end of my generosity today.

Modificato: Gen 8, 7:36 am

This is a bit peculiar. LibraryThing says my current Theology collection is at 1406, and that it was also at that level in October. I don't see how those figures can both be right. When I discard books I remove them from the collection, but leave the tag. And some I have totally deleted.

Ah, apparently when a book is removed from a collection, it also leaves that collection in the past.

Modificato: Gen 8, 10:44 am

Gen 8, 11:11 am

BTW In the process I have also taken out a few shelves. The bookcase looks much nicer with a little space above the books before the next shelf, and now and again even between the books.

Gen 8, 12:29 pm

I'm going to say that the Theology collection was probably about 1600 when I started this.

Gen 8, 12:37 pm

>123 MarthaJeanne: Gasp!! Space? Open free space?

What do you recall about Life as Eucharist?

Modificato: Gen 8, 2:06 pm

>125 2wonderY: If I could remember anything I would have kept it. Ir is 50 years old.

According to WorldCat, the chapters are

1. The church as the body of Christ
2. The Eucharist: divine action in human action
3. The priesthood of the people of God
4. The Eucharist and the Christian man
5. The Eucharist and social awareness

He missed including a chapter about The Eucharist and the Christian woman.

Modificato: Gen 10, 4:16 am

Our son was asking advice for a friend, and I suggested Süße Bauernweihnacht, which is 5 years old, and therefore no longer available from Amazon. He thanked me and said he might even try to get a copy for himself, so we're mailing him mine. That is a good way to get books out the door.

Speaking of which, we dropped a lot off at Carla yesterday.

Modificato: Gen 16, 4:29 am

This batch is from a pile of books that have never been properly shelved. They are easy to discard because they were properly entered to begin with. No big editing required.

Ausgespannt zwischen Himmel und Erde
Marias Panzerhemd
Wool and Silk Embroidery
spinn, spindel, spinn

Lectio Divina, Paintner
Unerhörte Frauen
Weil Gott es so will
Bible sampler Quilt
Das verfallene Haus des Islams

Gen 20, 6:35 am

Our washing machine is being replaced on Tuesday. I thought that the men doing the job might appreciate more space in the hallway, so I decided to get rid of my worm farms. The worms died years ago, but their homes were so heavy that I just left them. Well, in the meantime they had largely dried out, so not anywhere near the hassle I anticipated. I have no idea how I killed them off, so I dumped them in the garbage. The units themselves are off to the recycling centre. There will have to be another trip there to get rid of other related items, but I'm pleased with this first srep.

Modificato: Gen 20, 11:19 am

Trying to clean up the rest of the hallway I found a stack of Grove leaflets that have never been entered. Straight into the altpapier bag.

I also found two mysterious small bank bags. On ripping them open, each held 4 small items wrapped in bits of newspaper. These turned out to be small mineral samples, with labels. Which boy they had been intended for is beyond me. The stones are now filling in a hole between sunk pots in the garden. Wrappers and labels also went into altpapier.

I found garden ornaments, a few children's embroidery sets (Carla) and various other items. There are several other never entered books. I joined LT just as we moved here, and these boxes include things that have never been properly unpacked as well as stuff dumped since because I didn't know where else to put it. One bag, the one with the children's sets was certainly packed for weekly trips to run a handwork group. It was advertised that mothers could bring small children. I'm not sure anyone ever did, but I was prepared. Long ago. It would b e good to get the pile cleared. Right now the hall floor is rather blocked. I will at least clear the pathway before Tuesday. I promise. (I want my new wash machine.)

I guess the red rag rug should be washed. Then what? I think it got moved out of the guest room so Mom wouldn't trip on it. I think probably Carla.

Gen 20, 12:49 pm

>134 MarthaJeanne: You’ve inspired me. I’m clearing the front rooms of misc. stuff.

Gen 20, 1:53 pm

I also found a weird thing still in its original packaging. Sort of the size of half a pencil. It seems to be an antenna bought in Switzerland over 20 years ago. Jerry says back then it would have been needed for a cell phone. He threw it in the garbage.

But that means that that box was never unpacked properly two moves ago. Oh, dear.

Gen 20, 2:24 pm

One of the books down there is The Children's Story I think that can go to Carla.

Gen 21, 8:09 am

Who is this lucky Carla?

Gen 21, 9:31 am

>140 2wonderY: See >76 MarthaJeanne:.

Getting down in the box. It contained boxes and boxes of old software backups on floppy disks. One was labeled 1989. Even assuming that one had a disk drive, there is no way that any of this would run with a current OS.

Jerry was very helpful, standing over me, and carrying things off to various piles, or reading small print. I felt like we were getting close the bottom, but ran out of steam.

Between the disks and a prayer card I was given when we left Vienna over twenty years ago, it may be partly unpacked for three moves. High time to get rid of it all.

Modificato: Gen 27, 3:58 pm

An impossible God
The First Easter
The Dead Sea Scrolls in English
The Problem of War in the Old
jesus-recherchen (never entered.)
Origins, Doria

Also a very old wasp? nest

File folders.

Modificato: Gen 29, 4:22 pm

Besides the bookshelf I sorted, there was a pile of books under other things. Maybe since 2014? Two of them are good books, but if I haven't missed them in that length of time, I can do without them now.

I also found a bag of Icelandic wool. Bought in 2008. (We were in Iceland while the football Euro cup was in Vienna.)

But crouching in that area was quite painful, and I wasn't sure I was going to get back up. I made it! I do want to keep clearing some of the 'stuff' every time I go in there to sort books.

Modificato: Feb 8, 2:41 pm

I could have sworn that I had started a new message. Try, try again.

Qumran und Jesus
The Documents of Vatican II, Abbott
Die zerstörten Synagogen Wiens

The rest are all Altpapier
The Mind of St Paul and two other Barclays
Paul and his converts
Acts, Alexander
and 6 Grove leaflets that were bever enyered.

Modificato: Apr 2, 9:09 am

Peruvian Dishes To be honest, I got tired of having the author at the beginning of my gender 'not set' list, and I don't think I've ever cooked out of it. It's a souvenir of Jerry's duty travel in the 1980s.

Apr 3, 10:57 am

I discarded a few moretoday, but forgot to list them here.

Apr 21, 9:34 am

Bravo! You are progressing. Is it hard?

Modificato: Apr 21, 10:24 am

Not really. I am ready to let these go.

I'm also trying to get my author gender 'not set' down without letting my female authors be less than my male authors. A lot of these books, if they are no longer important to me, and have male authors, I am just deleting, rather than updated bad entries from 15 years ago. I've almost got it down to 2% of my authors. 1% is probably doable, but we have books written in the last century with no information about the author findable on the web. Books that I want at least a record of, even if I no longer want to keep the book itself.Current number is 139 out of about 6600 authors. It just switched today yo being below n/a in my list.

The frustrating thing is when people change my female authors to Female or Mujer, creating an extra line in the statistics. Changing the Spanish CK should not upset the English CK - but it does. And the computer should be able to recognize that female and Female are the same.

Apr 22, 6:14 am

>163 MarthaJeanne: It does not help if I label an author 'malw'.

At least it didn't affect anyone else, as I am the only person who has entered his two books.


Apr 22, 10:14 am

>165 MarthaJeanne: I think I need that last title. But I found one very cheap on line; so go ahead😁

Apr 22, 10:39 am

>166 2wonderY: Do you want me to throw AFH (I assume) and Yankee's Colonial Cookbook in an envelope?

Apr 22, 11:41 am

>163 MarthaJeanne: I'm down to below 2% not set, but finding fewer and fewer that I can set.

Apr 22, 11:50 am

>167 MarthaJeanne: Nope. I got it cheaper (way cheaper) than the postage. But thank you!

Mag 3, 8:30 am

I'm down to 1 1/2% Not set. Admittedly, that is largely by deleting books I don't need to have a record of any more. Many of the remaining ones either have no information that I can find, there is no way of figuring out which of several people by that name wrote the book, or there are obviously several people on that author page, and I can't face trying to sort then out.

Mag 13, 3:35 am

I have my 'not set' in gender down to 1%.

Modificato: Mag 17, 8:08 am

>163 MarthaJeanne: These are a bit harder. More than a bit. But I can't use them anymore, and I'm planning on giving them to the woman who I hope will finish the stole for me. Maybe she will get pleasure from them.

Colour through Gold
Ideas from Blackwork
100 cross-stitch Christmas ornaments
Royal School of Needlework Embroidery Techniques
Gold and Silver Embroidery

Modificato: Giu 6, 1:32 pm

Sarah Brown's vegetarian cookbook
Spice of vegetarian
Also a Brot Backen magazine that was never entered.
Creative Colouring for Grownups also does not seem to have been entered.

Giu 9, 4:58 am

I keep finding more bags of wool to spin. I wish I knew someone to give it to.

Modificato: Giu 10, 3:11 am

Warrior Queens & Quiet Revolutionaries
Ich ging durchs Feuer und brannte nicht
Way into Narnia
Mäda & Mäda Greiner I seem to be the only one who has entered this. Too bad, like the others here, it is a good book that I read last summer and never put away. This one is only in German.
Cheaper by the Dozen

Oh, and a bunch of books for a butterfly project.
Animaux du Monde, Bonnin (Cross stitch)
Embroidered Flora and Fauna
Butterfly Album
Helen's copy and use quilting patterns
Firm Foundations Jane Hall

Got to quit for now. It's tearing my heart out that I van't do this stuff ant more. I just hope someone finds them at Carla who can.

Modificato: Giu 12, 5:37 am

The Book of Preserves, Australian
Minced Meat
Almost Vegetarian
Vegetarian Cooking
Tomato Cookbook
Fruit and Vegetable Cookbook

These are all Australian Women's Weekly cookbooks. I had an awful lot of them 25-30 years ago, but I don't use them any more.
Same format, other publishers:

Taste of the Tropics

Whoops, maybe hold on the the Nigel Slater ones a bit longer.

Modificato: Lug 5, 12:42 pm

Modificato: Lug 19, 1:07 pm

I'm going to try to discard 10 things a day while Jerry is away. Today's only included one book - A multiple work Mark Twain. Since we also have all three as individual copies, that can go. Other items included jam so old the label is completely faded, and so had the flavour, (but I found a home-made marmalade that I will enjoy)., also several old magazines, a container of goat's cheese... and several things that belong in the yellow recycling bag, but hadn't made it there yet.

Modificato: Lug 21, 9:59 am

The other Boleyn girl
Lavendel in Sussex

Daughters of Penny Lane
Madame Curie und die Kraft zu träumen
Tying the perfect parcel
The Duchess of Duke Street
Bilder des Lebens, Hanns

Also a very pretty purse which I will never use because it doesn't have ways to keep things in order.

Planet Erde ruft Gott, Hmm. Only entry is 0 copy work.

Anyway, that makes 10.

Modificato: Lug 22, 11:21 am

I started looking for rosewater on a high shelf of my spice rack. I found it - and also 10 bottles and jars that I hadn't looked at in years. Out!

For what it's worth, I also found two bottles of rosewater and one of rose syrup that all remain on the shelf.

Modificato: Lug 23, 12:50 pm

There are disadvantages to losing weight. Since these trousers ended up around my ankles a few times yesterday, I looked for a belt. I found two. The first was a nice elastic one, but it isn't any more. I'm wearing the second one, but it sits on my hips and not at my waste. It will go in the Carla bag at the end of today.

Keep smiling through
Pack up your troubles
Better days will come
The Allotment Girls
The Servant Girl
The Ballroom
A Woman of Iron
Strolling with the one I love

That makes 10. Also two to add to my pile of things to reread.

Modificato: Lug 24, 4:18 pm

I found something in the refrigerator. Then I found a stack of books, apparently long since marked as discarded, but not given away yet.

Wait a minute.
The Boy with the Topknot was marked.
Women don't owe you pretty wasn't. Better check the other two.

Niemals Indien
Menschen, Märchen, Moguln
Yes, these two had been discarded already.

I found a stack of needlework patterns to sort through. That will count for the other 5.

Modificato: Ieri, 3:47 am

I've been looking through a cabanet I haven't been in fir a while.

Well, I used to use a lot of tea lights, and both lights and holders for them are in there. It looks like I stopped using the before I stopped buying them. I've done some consoladating and ordering. There are also other candles, (red stars, green eggs...) various napkins, and the box of creche cooky cutters. As I did add various thins to the bin and recycling, I will count this as two.

That was the easy space to get into. Now I checked out the rest. The middle had a small basket - Carla. As this section is very hard to access, it can stay empty. The other side is souveniers of our time in Switzerland: The fondue pot and the raclette grill. Not that either of us is likely to want melted cheese as a main dish again. But they can stay where they are. Makes 3.

While searching for the fresh ginger I found several things that no longer need refrigerator space. Up to 8 now. Only problem is, I already took the garbage out for collection. Maybe I should add another bag.

Found some old magazines.

Modificato: Ieri, 3:51 am

Since I was going to have to take another bag out to the street anyway, I looked for more things to toss. I think I'm up to 5 or 6, and the bag got quite heavy.

But each burst of activity is really taking it out of me today. I have not finished watering, but I have identified pruning that needs to be done. It's cooler today, so I really should be trying to do outside work.