Raymond Brown (disambiguazione)
"Raymond Brown" è composto da almeno 2 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..
Suddivisione dell'autore
Raymond Brown (2)
Opere a cui è stato assegnato l'alias Raymond Edward Brown.
The New Jerome Bible Handbook (Based On The New Jerome Biblical Commentary) (1992) 135 copie, 1 recensione
The Anchor Bible 2 copie
Raymond Brown (sconosciuto)
Waterfront organisation in Hull, 1870-1900 (Occasional papers in economic and social history) (1972) 1 copia
Bible Book By Book 1 copia
Un Crist adult per Nadal assaigs sobre les tres històries bíbliques : Mateu 2 i Lluc 2 (1994) 1 copia, 1 recensione
The Birth of the Messiah 1 copia
The Death of the Messiah-Vol. 1 1 copia
The Gospel According to John, XIII-XXI (Anchor Bible Commentaries) by Brown, R (2013) Hardcover 1 copia
The Death of the Messiah-Vol. 2 1 copia
Informazioni generali
- Nota di disambiguazione
- Although both wrote about the Bible, the Raymond Brown who wrote The message of Nehemiah, etc. is not the same as Raymond Edward Brown (1928-1998)
#1 Brown, Raymond, 1928- author of The message of Nehemiah; CK for this author (LC 82047289)
#2 Brown, Raymond Edward, also born 1928; see LT author Raymond E. Brown (LC 79036898)
#3 Brown, Raymond E., 1935- author of The law of defamation in Canada (LC 90660621)