Raymond Brown (disambiguazione)

"Raymond Brown" è composto da almeno 2 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..


Comprende il nome: Raymond Brown

Suddivisione dell'autore

Raymond Brown (sconosciuto)

Recent Discoveries and the Biblical World (1983) 71 copie, 1 recensione
The Message of Numbers: (2021) 2 copie

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
Although both wrote about the Bible, the Raymond Brown who wrote The message of Nehemiah, etc. is not the same as Raymond Edward Brown (1928-1998)

#1 Brown, Raymond, 1928- author of The message of Nehemiah; CK for this author (LC 82047289)

#2 Brown, Raymond Edward, also born 1928; see LT author Raymond E. Brown (LC 79036898)

#3 Brown, Raymond E., 1935- author of The law of defamation in Canada (LC 90660621)