Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis
Attributo da Arbeitskreis für Jugendliteratur
Altri nomi: Nominiert für den Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis (Tedesco)
180 opere / 184 copie 195,082 libri 10,332 recensioni 4.1
The AKJ is responsible for awarding the German Youth Literature Award (Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis), which is Germany's only state-sponsored prize for works of fiction. It has been awarded mostra altro annually since 1956 by a jury of literature specialists and critics in four categories: picture book, children's book, young adult book and non-fiction. In addition, since 2003 an independent young adult jury gives its own award. All award winners receive 8,000 Euro. Furthermore, a special annual award for lifetime achievement is given alternately to a German author, German illustrator or German translator. This award, which is also financed by the Federal Ministry, is set at 10,000 Euro. The prize announcement and ceremony for all these awards takes place in October at the Frankfurt Book Fair. mostra meno
Winner 108
Shortlist 38
Nominee 28
Non ci sono fasi 10
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