Anita (FAMeulstee) goes where the books take her in 2019 (5)

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Conversazioni75 Books Challenge for 2019

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Anita (FAMeulstee) goes where the books take her in 2019 (5)

Modificato: Feb 10, 2021, 3:13 pm

Welcome to my fifth 2019 thread!

I am Anita Meulstee, married with Frank since 1984. We live in Lelystad, the Netherlands. We both love modern art and books.
I read (almost) everything, from childrens and YA books to more serious literature, mysteries, historical fiction, fantasy and I try not to forget to throw some non-fiction into the mix.

Kazimir Malevich: Hieratic Suprematist Cross, ca.1920-21
Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Yesterday, on our way back home, we saw many birds. Great Egrets, Little Egrets, Grey Herons and two rare birds: a Harrier and Spoonbill. I am not completely sure what kind of Harrier it was, most likely a male Hen Harrier, but it could also have been a Montagu's Harrier or a Palid Harrier, as all three have been seen near the place I saw the bird.
Left: Hen Harrier; right: Spoonbill
(not my pictures)

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 9:36 am

Books read since 2008: 1,981

total books read in 2019: 217
93 own / 122 library / 1 other

total pages read in 2019: 60,660 pages

books read in July 2019 (13 books, 4,439 pages, 3 own / 10 library)
book 217: Schaduw van de Zijderoute (Shadow of the Silk Road) by Colin Thubron, 366 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 236)
book 216: Gevallen engel (The fallen angel), David Hewson, 432 pages, TIOLI #2 (msg 234)
book 215: Zusje (The Stranger) by Camilla Läckberg, 372 pages, TIOLI #2 (msg 233)
book 214: Moergrobben by Theun de Vries, 372 pages, TIOLI #4 (msg 232)
book 213: Hoe Tortot zijn vissenhart verloor (Tortot the cold fish who lost his world and found his heart) by Benny Lindelauf, 235 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 231)
book 212: De duivelskunstenaar by Matthias Rozemond, 287 pages, TIOLI #9 (msg 230)
book 211: Het Rosie project (The Rosie Project) by Simsion Greame, 332 pages, TIOLI #2 (msg 229)
book 210: Zoektocht in Katoren by Jan Terlouw, 211 pages, TIOLI #13 (msg 201)
book 209: De avonturen van Huckleberry Finn (The adventures of Huckleberry Finn) by Mark Twain, 312 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 200)
book 208: En toen waren er nog maar... (And then there were none) by Agatha Christie, 187 pages, TIOLI #3 (msg 199)
book 207: Sneeuwwitje moet sterven (Snow White must die) by Nele Neuhaus, 446 pages, TIOLI #2 (msg 198)
book 206: *De straat waar niets gebeurt by Els Pelgrom, 120 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 197)
book 205: Marten Toonder by Wim Hazeu, 767 pages, TIOLI #5 (msg 196)

Modificato: Lug 2, 2019, 5:24 pm

books read in June 2019 (30 books, 9,058 pages, 6 own / 24 library)
book 204: De weg (Solace of the road) by Siobhan Dowd, 201 pages, TIOLI #5 (msg 154)
book 203: Berlijn Alexanderplatz (Berlin Alexanderplatz) by Alfred Döblin, 533 pages, TIOLI #2 (msg 153)
book 202: Het verraad (The Shining Company) by Rosemary Sutcliff, 244 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 152)
book 201: Dingen die mijn zoon moet weten over de wereld (Things My Son Needs to Know about the World) by Fredrik Backman, 175 pages, TIOLI #6 (msg 150)
book 200: Ze hebben mijn vader vermoord (Who killed my father) by Édouard Louis, 76 pages (msg 149)
book 199: Kenau by Theun de Vries, 127 pages, TIOLI #2 (msg 148)
book 198: Sergeant in de sneeuw (The Sergeant in the Snow) by Mario Rigoni Stern, 168 pages, TIOLI #4 (msg 147)
book 197: Op weg naar de regenboog (Brother Dustyfeet) by Rosemary Sutcliff, 155 pages, TIOLI #6 (msg 133)
book 196: Hoe word ik gelukkig? by Guus Kuijer, 159 pages (msg 132)
book 195: Vuur uit de hemel (The Fires of Heaven, Wheel of Time 5) by Robert Jordan, 927 pages, TIOLI #11 (msg 131)
book 194: Warhorse (Warhorse) by Michael Morpurgo, 146 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 130)
book 193: Hand & tand (Tooth & nail) by Ian Rankin, 270 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 122)
book 192: Ik zal er zijn (I'll be there) by Holly Sloan, 317 pages, TIOLI #7 (msg 121)
book 191: Zomervacht by Jaap Robben, 316 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 120)
book 190: Verloren grond by Murat Isik, 374 pages, TIOLI #7 (msg 119)
book 189: Er is geen vorm waarin ik pas by Erna Sassen, 211 pages, TIOLI #16 (msg 113)
book 188: Losgeld voor Erak (Erak's Ransom, Ranger's Apprentice 7) by John Flanagan, 448 pages, TIOLI #11 (msg 112)
book 187: Onrustig tij (Sea of Troubles) by Donna Leon, 301 pages, TIOLI #7 (msg 111)
book 186: Diepe wonden (The Ice Queen) by Nele Neuhaus, 400 pages, TIOLI #12 (msg 110)
book 185: Ik ben nooit onverschillig geweest by Ilja Ehrenburg, 380 pages, TIOLI #7 (msg 95)
book 184: De komst van de schaduw (The shadow rising, Wheel of Time 4) by Robert Jordan, 1040 pages, TIOLI #11 (msg 94)
book 183: Wij tegen jullie (Us Against You) by Fredrik Backman, 445 pages, TIOLI #3 (msg 93)
book 182: De roep van de wildernis (The Call of the Wild) by Jack London, 126 pages, TIOLI #7 (msg 92)
book 181: Moord in het klooster (Belladonna at Belstone) by Michael Jecks, 319 pages, TIOLI #11 (msg 91)
book 180: Weg by Jowi Schmitz, 221 pages, TIOLI #7 (msg 63)
book 179: Overspoeld by Gideon Samson, 173 pages, TIOLI #7 (msg 62)
book 178: Bede aan de zee (Sea Prayer) by Khaled Hosseini, 48 pages, TIOLI #5 (msg 61)
book 177: Feo en de wolven (The Wolf Wilder) by Katherine Rundell, 224 pages, TIOLI #7 (msg 60)
book 176: Het vogelhuis (Bird Cottage) by Eva Meijer, 282 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 58)
book 175: Over de kling (To the Hilt) by Dick Francis, 252 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 56)

books read in May 2019 (25 books, 5,819 pages, 11 own / 14 library)
book 174: De Kapucijner crypte (The Emperor's Tomb) by Joseph Roth, 174 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 37)
book 173: Valentijn (Small Pig) by Arnold Lobel, 63 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 36)
book 172: Asterix de Galliër (Asterix the Gaul) by René Goscinny, 48 pages, TIOLI #6 (msg 35)
book 171: Het beleg van Macindaw (The Siege of Macindaw, Ranger's Apprentice 6) by John Flanagan, 318 pages, TIOLI #5 (msg 33)
book 170: De magier van Macindaw (The Sorcerer of the North, Ranger's Apprentice 5) by John Flanagan, 328 pages, TIOLI #5 (msg 33)
book 169: Moord in de pastorie (Murder at the Vicarage) by Agatha Christie, 246 pages, TIOLI #13 (msg 31)
book 168: *Een wolf in de stal by Carl-Anders Norrlid, 121 pages, TIOLI #1 (msg 30)
book 167: De holle heuvels (The Hollow Hills) by Mary Stewart, 422 pages, TIOLI #2 (msg 28)
book 166: Tinus-in-de-war by Jacques Vriens
book 165: Kantjil : dwerghert bij het Tobameer by Alet Schouten
book 164: De pijnboomeilanden (The Pine Islands) by Marion Poschman
book 163: Een waanzinnig begin (Nightmare in Berlin) by Hans Fallada
book 162: *De zevenslaper (7 x 7 Tales of Sevensleeper) by Hanna Muschg
book 161: *Bombaaj! by Els Pelgrom
book 160: Reizigster op een been (Traveling on One Leg) by Herta Müller
book 159: Het meten van de wereld (Measuring the World) by Daniel Kehlmann
book 158: Steenhouwer (The Stonecutter) by Camilla Läckberg
book 157: Emiel en zijn detectives (Emil and the Detectives) by Erich Kästner
book 156: Top 10 : Berlijn (DK Eyewitness Top Ten Travel Guide : Berlin) by Jürgen Scheunemann
book 155: Berlijn (Berlin Now: The City After the Wall) by Peter Schneider
book 154: Wilhelm Meisters leerjaren (Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship) by Johann Wolfgang Goethe
book 153: Gezworen woorden by Akky van der Veer
book 152: Berlijn 1989-2009 by Cees Nooteboom
book 151: Lincoln in de bardo (Lincoln in the Bardo) by George Saunders
book 150: Langzaam, zo snel als zij konden by Toon Tellegen

* these books are to be culled

Modificato: Giu 3, 2019, 7:07 am

books read in April 2019 (35 books, 10,266 pages, 19 own / 16 library)
book 149: De boodschap van Winnetou by Karl May
book 148: Geen ochtend ter wereld (All the World's Mornings) by Pascal Quignard
book 147: De dood van de erfgenaam (Squire Throwleigh's Heir) by Michael Jecks
book 146: Minoes (The Cat Who Came in Off the Roof) by Annie M.G. Schmidt
book 145: De rode belofte (Red plenty) by Francis Spufford
book 144: Grand Hotel Europa by Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer
book 143: Slotakkoord voor een moord (Speaking From Among the Bones) by Alan Bradley
book 142: De wraakgodin (Nemesis) by Agatha Christie
book 141: Nemesis (Nemesis) by Philp Roth
book 140: Thomas en de veer van de griffioen (The Griffin's Feather) by Cornelia Funke
book 139: De weg terug (The road back) by Erich Maria Remarque
book 138: Weg met Eddy Bellegueule (The end of Eddy) by Édouard Louis
book 137: Waterschapsheuvel (Watership Down) by Richard Adams
book 136: Blauwe demonen (The Blue Demon) by David Hewson
book 135: De kristallen grot (The Crystal Cave) by Mary Stewart
book 134: De beulse (The Hangwoman) by Pavel Kohout
book 133: Tera by Marten Toonder
book 132: Onder het kollende meer Doo by Marten Toonder
book 131: *Milena by Jan Prochazka
book 130: Het geluid van bloemen by Marten Toonder
book 129: Zeezicht by Simone Schell
book 128: Zeezicht by Linda van Rijn
book 127: Vriendendienst (Friends in High Places) by Donna Leon
book 126: Colometa (In Diamond Square) by Merce` Rodoreda
book 125: De vrouw met de hondekar by Alet Schouten
book 124: De reis van Yarim by Hans Hagen
book 123: Daar komt de bruid by Lévi Weemoedt
book 122: *Het drama van het begaafde kind (The Drama of the Gifted Child) by Alice Miller
book 121: De Weense sigarenboer (The Tobacconist) by Robert Seethaler
book 120: Langs velden en oevers (Over Strand and Field) by Gustave Flaubert
book 119: Het masker van Dante (Dante's numbers) by David Hewson
book 118: De Cock en een deal met de duivel by A.C. Baantjer
book 117: De herrezen draak (The Dragon Reborn, Wheel of Time 3) by Robert Jordan
book 116: Thomas en de laatste draken (Dragon Rider) by Cornelia Funke
book 115: De ontsnapping by Theun de Vries

books read in March 2019 (34 books, 10,829 pages, 13 own / 20 library / 1 other)
book 114: *Waar je bang voor bent (The Places That Scare You) by Pema Chödrön
book 113: Vroeger was de aarde plat by Marten Toonder
book 112: Doofpot (Decider) by Dick Francis
book 111: Het roze huis by Pierre Bergounioux
book 110: Middlemarch (Middlemarch) by George Eliot
book 109: Het schrift van Perle (The Book of Pearl) by Timothe´e de Fombelle
book 108: Mijn haat krijgen jullie niet (You Will Not Have My Hate) by Antoine Leiris
book 107: Ik Jan Cremer (I, Jan Cremer) by Jan Cremer
book 106: De ridderslag (Knight's Fee) by Rosemary Sutcliff
book 105: Tweede persoon enkelvoud (Second Person Singular) by Sayed Kashua
book 104: Het zevende gebod (The Leper's Return) by Michael Jecks
book 103: Een onberispelijke man (Old Filth) by Jane Gardam
book 102: Een overtollig mens by J.M.A. Biesheuvel
book 101: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
book 100: Het eind van het verhaal (The End of the Story) by Lydia Davis
book 99: Stormnacht (Storm Front) by Jim Butcher
book 98: Dolende ridders op Verda by Hermann Molenkamp
book 97: In de greep van de citroenzucht by Alet Schouten
book 96: De gekwelde man (The Troubled Man) by Henning Mankell
book 95: M. by Shira Keller
book 94: *Laura's gedichten (Laura's Poems) by Laura Ranger
book 93: De ijzeren engel (Clockwork angel) by Cassandra Clare
book 92: Het teken van Wichart (Flight into Danger) by Alet Schouten
book 91: De dood van Winnetou by Karl May
book 90: Ademnood (Forfeit) by Dick Francis
book 89: Het vuur (Under Fire) by Henri Barbusse
book 88: Papillon by Henri Charrière
book 87: Predikant (The Preacher) by Camilla Lackberg
book 86: Radetzkymars (The Radetzky March) by Joseph Roth
book 85: *Hoe gaat het met jou? Met mij gaat het goed by Liesbeth van Lennep
book 84: Winnetou bij de bedoeïenen by Karl May
book 83: Alles stroomt (Everything flows) by Vasili Grossman
book 82: De grote jacht (The Great Hunt, Wheel of time 2) by Robert Jordan
book 81: Moordvrienden by Nele Neuhaus

* these books are to be culled

Mag 31, 2019, 4:32 am

books read in February 2019 (42 books, 10,836 pages, 21 own / 21 library)
book 80: Een vlucht regenwulpen (Flight of Curlews) by Maarten 't Hart
book 79: Wij zeggen hier niet halfbroer by Henk van Straten
book 78: Ik ben een held by Ted van Lieshout
book 77: Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann
book 76: Tonkie in de wildernis by Alet Schouten
book 75: Verhaal van een leven 2 by Konstantin Paustovski
book 74: Wallanders wereld by Henning Mankell
book 73: Dicht langs de huizen by Willem Wilmink
book 72: De rotsvesting in Sonora by Karl May
book 71: Fatalità (Fatal Remedies) by Donna Leon
book 70: *Kikker is een held (Frog is a hero) by Max Velthuijs
book 69: Nobilità (A Noble Radiance) by Donna Leon
book 68: Een stille dood (Quietly in Their Sleep) by Donna Leon
book 67: Verhalen uit de godenwereld van de Edda by Henk van Kerkwijk
book 66: De dragers van het Eikenblad (The Battle for Skandia, Ranger's Apprentice 4) by John Flanagan
book 65: Het ijzige land (The Icebound Land, Ranger's Apprentice 3) by John Flanagan
book 64: De brandende brug (The Burning Bridge, Ranger's Apprentice 2) by John Flanagan
book 63: Beenderhuis (A Room Full of Bones) by Elly Griffiths
book 62: Sterren en strepen (Notes from a Big Country) by Bill Bryson
book 61: *Mij 'n zorg (Adam and Eve and Pinch-me) by Julie Johnston
book 60: Springvloed (The House at Sea's End, Ruth Galloway 3) by Elly Griffiths
book 59: Parijs is een feest (A Moveable Feast) by Ernest Hemingway
book 58: *De sprookjes van Moeder de Gans (The Tales of Mother Goose) by Charles Perrault
book 57: De leeuw van Vlaanderen (The Lion of Flanders) by Hendrik Conscience
book 56: De wet van staal (The Alloy of Law) by Brandon Sanderson
book 55: *Zaterdagmorgen, Zondagmorgen by Jacques Vriens
book 54: Offersteen (The Janus Stone, Ruth Galloway 2) by Elly Griffiths
book 53: *Zip en andere verhalen by Wim Hofman
book 52: Voor de vorst (Before the Frost, Wallander 9) by Henning Mankell
book 51: Een onbeminde vrouw by Nele Neuhaus
book 50: Jacques de fatalist en zijn meester (Jacques the fatalist) by Denis Diderot
book 49: De Cock en de dood in antiek by A.C. Baantjer, 140 pages, TIOLI #5
book 48: Het oog van de wereld (The Eye of the World, Wheel of Time 1) by Robert Jordan
book 47: De gouden ezel (The Golden Ass) by Apuleius
book 46: Het geheim van de keel van de nachtegaal by Peter Verhelst
book 45: *Een leeuw met lange tanden by Dolf Verroen
book 44: Een nieuw begin (New Spring, Wheel of Time prequel) by Robert Jordan
book 43: De ogen van Elisha (Toby and the Secrets of the Tree) by Timotheé de Fombelle
book 42: Briefgeheim by Jan Terlouw
book 41: Mijn botjes zijn bekleed met deftig vel by Ted van Lieshout
book 40: Waar is de taart? (Where Is the Cake?) by Thé Tjong-Khing
book 39: Het Achterhuis (The Diary of a Young Girl) by Anne Frank

books read in January 2018 (38 books, 9,413 pages, 20 own / 18 library)
book 38: De ondergrondse spoorweg (The underground railroad) by Colson Whitehead
book 37: *Zenuwmoord (Nerve) by Dick Francis
book 36: Een stap en dan de volgende by Pierre Bergounioux
book 35: Een mond vol dons (A Mouthful of Feathers) by Lydia Rood
book 34: *Het verhaal van Bobbel (The Story of Bobble Who Wanted to Be Rich) by Joke van Leeuwen
book 33: De smokkelaars van de Tigris by Karl May
book 32: Een schrijver in oorlog (A Writer at War) by Vasili Grossman
book 31: De ruïnes van Gorlan (The Ruins of Gorlan, Ranger's Apprentice 1) by John Flanagan
book 30: Er zijn nog 17 miljoen wachtenden voor u by Sander Heijne
book 29: Op de vlucht (Toby Alone) by Timothe´e de Fombelle
book 28: *Het Oerlanderboek (Legacy of Magic) by Leonie Kooiker
book 27: Een muur van schilden (The Shield Ring) by Rosemary Sutcliff
book 26: *Barst by Boris Dittrich
book 25: IJsprinses (The Ice Princess) by Camilla Läckberg
book 24: Ik ben Polleke hoor! (I am Polleke) by Guus Kuijer
book 23: *Tin Toeval en de kunst van Madelief by Guus Kuijer
book 22: De erfenis van de Tempeliers (The Templar Legacy) by Steve Berry
book 21: Zomer van de vriendschap (Ostend: Stefan Zweig, Joseph Roth, and the Summer Before the Dark) by Volker Weidermann
book 20: Het wonderlijke verhaal van Angelino Brown (The Tale of Angelino Brown) by David Almond
book 19: De toverberg (The Magic Mountain) by Thomas Mann
book 18: *De tijdkring (Mr Was) by Pete Hautman
book 17: Het rechte pad (The Heretic's Apprentice, Cadfael 16) by Ellis Peters
book 16: Broere (Brothers) by Bart Moeyaert
book 15: De onbekende ridder (The Mystery Knight, Dunk & Egg 3) by George R.R. Martin
book 14: Ongebaande paden by Sylvain Tesson
book 13: *En straks komt Emilio by Gudrun Pausewang
book 12: *Ik ben Joshua en mijn vader is een held (Piggy in the middle) by Jan Michael
book 11: De slag op de Heckingse Heide (The Battle of Hackham Heath, Ranger's Apprentice prequel 2) by John Flanagan
book 10: Muren van alle tijden by Fik Meijer
book 9: Het toernooi van Gorlan (The Tournament at Gorlan, Ranger's Apprentice prequel 1) by John Flanagan
book 8: Een dodelijk venijn (Adamsberg 9) by Fred Vargas
book 7: De show van je leven (I Am Half-Sick of Shadows) by Alan Bradley
book 6: Deesje by Joke van Leeuwen
book 5: Twee ons liefde by Ted van Lieshout
book 4: Afscheid van een koning (The Road to Camlann) by Rosemary Sutcliff
book 3: Schild en kruis (The Light Beyond the Forest) by Rosemary Sutcliff
book 2: Zwaard en kroon (The Sword and the Circle) by Rosemary Sutcliff
book 1: IJsmoord (A Climate of Fear, Adamsberg 8) by Fred Vargas

* these books are to be culled

Modificato: Set 27, 2019, 3:12 pm

TIOLI May 2019: 25 books read
#1: Read a book whose cover contains a hyphenated word
Een wolf in de stal - Carl-Anders Norrlid
Tinus-in-de-war - Jacques Vriens
#2: Read a book (fiction or non-fiction) set before the year 1000
De holle heuvels (The Hollow Hills) - Mary Stewart
Gezworen woorden - Akky van der Veer
#3: Read a book dedicated to a non-relative
#4: Read a book whose title contains at least one 4 letter or longer embedded word
Steenhouwer (The Stonecutter) - Camilla Läckberg
#5: Read a book because you've promised a review or a discussion
De magiër van Macindaw (The Sorcerer of the North) - John Flanagan
Het beleg van Macindaw (The Siege of Macindaw) - John Flanagan
#6: Read a book about either a fire, France or a cathedral
Asterix de Galliër (Asterix the Gaul) - Rene Goscinny
#7: Read a book with tableware on the cover
#8: Read a book about a nurse/nurses or nursing
#9: Read a coming of age story
Wilhelm Meisters leerjaren (Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship) - Johann Wolfgang Goethe
#10: Read a book about or set in Berlin, or by a German writer
Berlijn 1989-2009 - Cees Nooteboom
Berlijn : biografie van een nieuwe stad (Berlin Now: The City After the Wall) - Peter Schneider
De pijnboomeilanden (The Pine Islands) - Marion Poschman
Een waanzinnig begin (Nightmare in Berlin) - Hans Fallada
Emiel en zijn detectives (Emil and the Detectives) - Erich Kästner
Het meten van de wereld (Measuring the World) - Daniel Kehlmann
Reizigster op een been (Traveling on One Leg) - Herta Müller
Top 10: Berlijn (Top Ten Travel Guide : Berlin) - Jürgen Scheunemann
#11: Read a book, record the LT "Will you like it?" prediction and your resulting rating
Lincoln in de bardo (Lincoln in the Bardo) - George Saunders
#12: Read a book with a mode of transportation, other than an auto, on the cover
#13: Read a book with a day of the week mentioned in the first sentence, in rolling order
Moord in de pastorie (The Murder at the Vicarage) - Agatha Christie
#14: Read a book with a non-human mammal on the cover
Bombaaj! - Els Pelgrom
De Kapucijner Crypte (The Emperor's Tomb) - Joseph Roth
De zevenslaper (7 x 7 Tales of Sevensleeper) - Hanna Muschg
Kantjil : dwerghert bij het Tobameer - Alet Schouten
Langzaam, zo snel als zij konden - Toon Tellegen
Valentijn (Small Pig) - Arnold Lobel
#15: Read a book with no common initials in title or author, 5 word minimum

TIOLI June 2019: 30 books read
#1: Read a book (fiction or nonfiction) set in an Asian country with a population of less than 25 million
#2: Read a location specific book, in alpha-rolling order
Berlijn Alexanderplatz (Berlin Alexanderplatz - Alfred Döblin
Kenau - Theun de Vries
#3: Read a book by an author born in June (any year)
Wij tegen jullie (Us Against You) - Fredrik Backman
#4: Read a book, fiction or nonfiction, with a connection to World War 2
Sergeant in de sneeuw (The Sergeant in the Snow) - Mario Rigoni Stern
#5: Read a book where the same word appears at least three times on the cover (not from title or author's name)
Bede aan de zee (Sea Prayer) - Khaled Hosseini
De weg (Solace of the road) - Siobhan Dowd
#6: Read a book that has a family member in the title (rolling challenge - F/M/O)
Dingen die mijn zoon moet weten over de wereld (Things My Son Needs to Know About the World) - Fredrik Backman
Op weg naar de regenboog (Brother Dustyfeet) - Rosemary Sutcliff
Ze hebben mijn vader vermoord (Who Killed My Father) - Édouard Louis
#7: Read a book set in a real place you've never been
De roep van de wildernis (The Call of the Wild) - Jack London
Feo en de wolven (The Wolf Wilder) - Katherine Rundell
Ik ben nooit onverschillig geweest - Ilja Ehrenburg
Ik zal er zijn (I'll be there) - Holly Goldberg Sloan
Onrustig tij (Sea of Troubles) - Donna Leon
Overspoeld - Gideon Samson
Verloren grond - Murat Isik
Weg - Jowi Schmitz
#8: Read a book of Female History
#9: Read a book with a title describing 'someone' of/from 'somewhere'
#10: Read 2 books on the same topic or add your book to a topic someone else has listed, alphabatize by topic
#11: Read a book where the author’s first, middle or last name starts with a “J”
De komst van de schaduw (The Shadow Rising) - Robert Jordan
Losgeld voor Erak (Erak's Ransom) - John Flanagan
Moord in het klooster (Belladonna at Belstone) - Michael Jecks
Vuur uit de hemel (The Fires of Heaven) - Robert Jordan
#12: Read a book you which you have never read and returned unread to the library or gave away unread
Diepe wonden (The Ice Queen) - Nele Neuhaus
#13: Read a book that fits one of Paul S' pictures
#14: Read a book with an even number of pages
Hand & tand (Tooth & Nail) - Ian Rankin
Het verraad (The Shining Company) - Rosemary Sutcliff
Het vogelhuis (Bird Cottage) - Eva Meijer
Oorlogspaard (Warhorse) - Michael Morpurgo
Over de kling (To the Hilt) - Dick Francis
Zomervacht - Jaap Robben
#15: Read a book with an emotion in the title
Hoe word ik gelukkig? - Guus Kuijer
#16: Read a book with the last name of the author beginning with JASPER (rolling)
Er is geen vorm waarin ik pas - Erna Sassen

TIOLI July 2019: 13 books read, 8 to go

TIOLI books read since 2010: 1,172

Modificato: Lug 12, 2019, 6:50 am

Reading plans in 2019

I have a large collection of mostly awarded childrens & YA books. At the moment I am reading the books I haven't read since joining LT, mostly alphabeticly, to decide which to keep.
I start in 2019 with 579 childrens/YA books on the shelves, of those 111 are TBR.

End of January update own childrens/YA books project:
16 books read, 2 books added, 6 books culled, new total 575 books on the shelves, 97 TBR

End of February update own childrens/YA books project:
15 books read, 8 books culled, new total 567 books on the shelves, 82 TBR

End of March update own childrens/YA books project:
6 books read, 3 books culled, new total 564 books on the shelves, 76 TBR

End of April update own childrens/YA books project:
5 books read, 1 books culled, new total 563 books on the shelves, 71 TBR

End of May update own childrens/YA books project:
8 books read, 3 books culled, new total 560 books on the shelves, 63 TBR

End of June update own childrens/YA books project:
2 books read, no books culled, total 560 books on the shelves, 61 TBR

I keep trying to read more of my own books, of the 534 books I have read in 2018 365 (67%) were my own.
This year I try to read at least 50% books of my own.

I join the TIOLI (Take It Or Leave It) challenges each month.

Monthly statistics
My readings in January 2019 in numbers
My readings in February 2019 in numbers
My readings in March 2019 in numbers
My readings in April 2019 in numbers
My readings in May 2019 in numbers
My readings in June 2019 in numbers

Previous threads in 2019
book 1 - 25: thread 1
book 26 - 74: thread 2
book 75 - 114: thread 3
book 115 - 172: thread 4

My readings in previous years
534 books (111,906 pages) read in 2018/1, 2018/2, 2018/3, 2018/4, 2018/5, 2018/6, 2018/7, 2018/8, 2018/9, 2018/10, 2018/11, 2018/12, 2018/13
453 books (110,222 pages) read in 2017/1, 2017/2, 2017/3, 2017/4, 2017/5, 2017/6, 2017/7, 2017/8, 2017/9, 2017/10, 2017/11, 2017/12, 2017/13
252 books   (72,391 pages) read in 2016/1, 2016/2, 2016/3, 2016/4, 2016/5, 2016/6
  29 books   (10,079 pages) read in 2015
  17 books     (3,700 pages) read in 2014
  13 books     (3,692 pages) read in ROOT 2013
  53 books   (18,779 pages) read in 2012/1, 2012/2, 2012/3
  84 books   (29,387 pages) read in 2011/1, 2011/2
121 books   (37,668 pages) read in 2010/1, 2010/2, 2010/3, 2010/4
  78 books   (22,698 pages) read in 2009/1, 2009/2
130 books   (39,901 pages) read in 2008

Other lists
My best of lists on the WikiThing

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 9:50 am

Series I read, a list to keep track

Bernie Gunther by Philip Kerr 4/12
1 Een Berlijnse kwestie; 2 Het handwerk van de beul; 3 Een Duits requiem; 4 De een van de ander; 5 Een stille vlam; 6 Als de doden niet herrijzen; 7 Grijs verleden; 8 Praag fataal; 9 De man zonder adem; 10 De vrouw van Zagreb; 11 De schaduw van de stilte; 12 Pruisisch blauw; 13 Vergeven en vergeten; 14 Motropolis

Broeder Cadfael by Ellis Peters 7/20
1 Het heilige vuur; 2 Het laatste lijk; 3 Het gemene gewas; 4 De kwade knecht; 5 De eenzame bruid; 6 De kille maagd; 7 Het vege lijf; 8 De duivelse droom; 9 De gouden speld; 10 Een wisse dood; 11 Een hard gelag; 12 De ware aard; 13 Een witte roos; 14 Het stille woud; 15 De laatste eer; 16 Het rechte pad; 17 Een zijden haar; 18 Een lieve lust; 19 De heilige dief; 20 De verloren zoon

De Cock by A.C. Baantjer 52/70

Cormoran Strike by Robert Galbraith 3/4
1 Koekoeksjong; 2 Zijderups; 3 Het slechte pad; 4 Witte dood

Erica Falck & Patrik Hedström by Camilla Läckberg 4/10
1 IJsprinses; 2 Predikant; 3 Steenhouwer; 4 Zusje; 5 Oorlogskind; 6 Zeemeermin; 7 Vuurtorenwachter; 8 Engeleneiland; 9 Leeuwentemmer; 10 Heks

Flavia de Luce by Alan Bradley 5/5

De Grijze Jager (Ranger's Apprentice) by John Flanagan 9/16
0.1 Het toernooi van Gorlan; 0.2 De slag op de Heckingse heide; 1 De ruïnes van Gorlan; 2 De brandende brug; 3 Het ijzige land; 4 De dragers van het Eikenblad; 5 De magier van Macindaw; 6 Het beleg van Macindaw; 7 Losgeld voor Erak; 8 De koning van Clonmel; 9 Halt in gevaar; 10 De keizer van Nihon-Ja; 11 De verloren verhalen; 12 De koninklijke leerling; 12.1 De jacht op het schaduwdier; 13 De clan van de Rode Vos

Guido Brunetti by Donna Leon 10/25
1 Dood van een maestro; 2 Dood in den vreemde; 3 De dood draagt rode schoenen; 4 Salto mortale; 5 Acqua alta; 6 Een stille dood; 7 Nobiltà; 8 Fatalità; 9 Vriendendienst; 10 Onrustig tij; 11 Bedrieglijke zaken; 12 De stille elite; 13 Verborgen bewijs; 14 Vertrouwelijke zaken; 15 Duister glas; 16 Kinderspel; 17 Droommeisje; 18 Gezichtsverlies; 19 Een kwestie van vertrouwen; 20 Dodelijke conclusies; 21 Beestachtige zaken; 22 Het onbekende kind; 23 Tussen de regels; 24 Ik aanbid je; 25 Eeuwige jeugd; 26 Wat niet verdwijnt; 27 Vergiffenis

Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg by Fred Vargas 9/9

John Rebus by Ian Rankin 3/18
1 Kat & muis; 2 Blindeman; 3 Hand & Tand; 4 Ontmaskering; 5 Zwartboek; 6 Vuurwerk; 7 Laat maar bloeden; 8 Gerechtigheid; 9 Door het lint; 10 Dode zielen; 11 In het duister; 12 Valstrik; 13 Lazarus; 14 Een kwestie van bloed; 15 De rechtelozen; 16 Gedenk de doden; 17 Laatste ronde; 18 Cold case;

Konrad Sejer by Karin Fossum 4/12
1 Eva's oog; 2 Kijk niet achterom; 3 Wie de wolf vreest; 4 De duivel draagt het licht; 5 De Indiase bruid; 6 Zwarte seconden; 7 De moord op Harriet Krohn; 8 Een andere voorkeur; 9 Kwade wil; 10 De waarschuwer; 11 Carmen Zita og døden (not translated); 12 Veenbrand; 13 De fluisteraar

Kurt Wallander by Henning Mankell 12/12

Martin Beck by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö 3/10
1 De vrouw in het Götakanaal; 2 De man die in rook opging; 3 De man op het balkon; 4 De lachende politieman; 5 De brandweerauto die verdween; 6 De man die even wilde afrekenen; 7 De verschrikkelijke man uit Säffle; 8 De gesloten kamer; 9 De politiemoordenaar; 10 De terroristen

Nic Costa by David Hewson 9/11
1 De Vaticaanmoorden; 2 Het Bacchus offer; 3 De Pantheon getuige; 4 De engelen des doods; 5 Het zevende sacrament; 6 De Romeinse lusthof; 7 Het masker van Dante; 8 Blauwe demonen; 9 Gevallen engel; 10 Dans van de doden; 11 De binnenste cirkel

Oliver von Bodenstein & Pia Kirchhoff by Nele Neuhaus 3/8
1 Een onbeminde vrouw; 2 Moordvrienden; 3 Diepe wonden; 4 Sneeuwwitje moet sterven; 5 Wie wind zaait; 6 Boze wolf; 7 De levenden en de doden; 8 Het woud

Het rad des tijds (Wheel of Time) by Robert Jordan (and Brandon Sanderson) 6/15
0 Een nieuw begin; 1 Het oog van de wereld; 2 De grote jacht; 3 De herrezen draak; 4 De komst van de schaduw; 5 Vuur uit de hemel; 6 Heer van chaos; 7 Een kroon van zwaarden; 8 Het pad der dolken; 9 Hart van de Winter; 10 Viersprong van de schemer; 11 Mes van Dromen; 12 De naderende storm; 13 De Torens van Middernacht; 14 Het licht van weleer

Ruth Galloway by Elly Griffiths 4/4

Sir Baldwin by Michael Jecks 8/8

Modificato: Lug 5, 2019, 4:12 am

Books acquired in 2019: 58
(11 e-book replacements for paper books)

June 2019 (2)
De pruimenpluk by Dimitri Verhulst
Duitse expressionisten by Edwin Jacobs (exhibition catalogue)

May 2019 (17)
Brieven by Boris Pasternak (Russische Bibliotheek)
Werken by Daniil Charms (Russische Bibliotheek)
Kenau by Theun de Vries
Dit zijn de namen by Tommy Wieringa
De uitgeslotenen by Elfriede Jelinek
I Will Never See the World Again by Ahmet Altan (gift from Charlotte)
Marx Collection: 40 Works by Nina Schallenberg
Het spel der tronen by George R.R. Martin (e-book replacement for paper book)
De strijd der koningen by George R.R. Martin (e-book replacement for paper book)
Een storm van zwaarden : Staal en sneeuw by George R.R. Martin (e-book replacement for paper book)
Een storm van zwaarden : Bloed en goud by George R.R. Martin (e-book replacement for paper book)
Een feestmaal voor kraaien by George R.R. Martin (e-book replacement for paper book)
Een dans met draken : Oude vetes, nieuwe strijd by George R.R. Martin (e-book replacement for paper book)
Een dans met draken : Zwaarden tegen draken by George R.R. Martin (e-book replacement for paper book)
Vuur en bloed by George R.R. Martin (e-book)
Top 10 : Berlijn by Jürgen Scheunemann, 192 pages
Berlijn Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döblin
Als de graankorrel niet sterft by André Gide
and City Map Berlin 1 : 15 000, topographic map of Berlin

April 2019 (3)
Vrijheid : De vijftig Nederlandse kernkunstwerken vanaf 1968 by Hans den Hartog Jager
De heilige Rita by Tommy Wieringa
Weg met Eddy Bellegueule by Édouard Louis
and Stadsplattegrond Lelystad, topographic map of Lelystad

March 2019 (20)
Vuur van Brigid en andere wintermythen by Pierre Michon
De blauwe jurk van Camille by Michèle Desbordes
Jas van belofte by Jan Siebelink (bookweek gift)
Mijn moeders strijd by Murat Isik (bookweek)
Vonkt by Marije Langelaar
Niemandslandnacht by Annemarie Estor
Exit geest by Philp Roth
Serotonine by Michel Houellebecq
Vriendendienst by Donna Leon (e-book)
Onrustig tij by Donna Leon (e-book)
Bedrieglijke zaken by Donna Leon (e-book)
Doem en dorst by Albert Besnard
Nog pas gisteren by Maria Dermoût
Klein t(er)reurspel by Jan Elburg
Zonder dansmeester by Jozef Eyckmans
Het innerlijk behang en andere gedichten by Hans Lodeizen
Going my way by Michiel van der Plas
Ik was getrouwd met een communist by Philip Roth
Werelden by Nes Tergast
Met het oog op morgen by Bert Voeten

February 2019 (4)
De Vaticaanmoorden - David Hewson (e-book replacement for paper book)
Het Bacchus offer - David Hewson (e-book replacement for paper book)
De Pantheon getuige - David Hewson (e-book replacement for paper book)
De engelen des doods - David Hewson (e-book replacement for paper book)

January 2019 (11)
De vrouw van Toulmond - Wim van Til
Grand Hotel Europa - Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer
De vernedering - Philip Roth
Hoe Tortot zijn vissenhart verloor - Benny Lindelauf
Nieuwe maan - Sarah Crossan
Zenuwmoord - Dick Francis
Inbreuk - Dick Francis
Op hol - Dick Francis
Een stille dood (Guido Brunetti 6) - Donna Leon
Nobiltà (Guido Brunetti 7) - Donna Leon
Fatalità (Guido Brunetti 8) - Donna Leon

Books culled in 2019: 0 (really gone) + 36 (ready to go) = 36
(11 paper books replaced by e-books)

Mag 31, 2019, 4:34 am

That's it, thread is open.

Mag 31, 2019, 4:40 am

Happy new thread! What wonderful bird sightings you had. I've seen hen and marsh harriers but not the other species. And I'd love to see a spoonbill. I hope this is a good month for you and Frank.

Mag 31, 2019, 5:26 am

Happy new thread, Anita!

Mag 31, 2019, 5:48 am

Happy new thread Anita.

Mag 31, 2019, 7:03 am

Happy 5th thread, Anita!!

Mag 31, 2019, 7:05 am

Happy Friday, Anita. Happy New Thread! Love the harrier and spoonbill. Great looking birds.

Mag 31, 2019, 8:33 am

Happy New Thread, Anita. Debbi and I were married in '83. Cheers to long marriages!

Like Mark, I love the photos of the hen harrier and spoonbill up there.

Mag 31, 2019, 9:42 am

>1 FAMeulstee: Wow, those are some birds. Happy new thread.

Mag 31, 2019, 11:04 am

>11 Sakerfalcon: Thank you, Claire, it was a good and lucky birding drive. The harrier was just coming down to catch something near the edge of the road.

>12 scaifea: Thank you, Amber.

>13 sirfurboy: Thank you, Stephen.

>14 Carmenere: Thank you, Lynda.

>15 msf59: Thank you, Mark, we were very lucky to spot them in the car. Even Frank is becoming interested in birds ;-)

>16 jnwelch: Thank you, Joe, long marriages are the best!
Those are both beautiful birds.

>17 quondame: Thank you, Susan, we felt lucky to see so many birds yesterday.

Mag 31, 2019, 1:20 pm

Happy new one!

Mag 31, 2019, 1:27 pm

Happy New Thread, Anita! Great spotting on the birds and thanks for sharing them. The harrier is quite an impressive fellow!

Mag 31, 2019, 4:30 pm

Happy new thread Anita my dear and great bird spotting and lovely photos dear friend.

Mag 31, 2019, 6:16 pm

>19 figsfromthistle: Thank you, Anita!

>20 streamsong: Thank you, Janet, again we saw a spoonbill today :-)
Harrier are beautiful and rather large birds of prey. The largest bird of prey that can be spotted around here is the white-tailed eagle, sadly I haven't seen those recently.

>21 johnsimpson: Thank you, John, spotting rare birds is fun.

Just finished my last book for the month. Now I have catch up with my reviews before I can go on to the monthly stats. It wasn't a good month for reading, my lowest total in books and pages since June 2016...
But that is for tomorrow, almost bedtime now.

Mag 31, 2019, 6:31 pm

Happy new thread, Anita! Congrats on sighting the rare birds, too!

Mag 31, 2019, 6:38 pm

Welcome to your new thread, Anita! I've just started my own. LT seems like my kind of place. It's not often that I see people reading the sort of books I'd like to, far less properly cataloguing them.

And, although you may have learnt this from other posts of mine, I adore birds. I've been a bird obsessive since I was maybe four. My Grandad Jim gave me a pair of vintage binoculars when he learnt my interest and I miss varied birds now that I live in the city and only see pigeons and crows. I adore crows, but I miss seeing the variation of birds I used to.

From my childhood, from reading your location information your previous thread I think that's a Probably a Pallid Harrier you saw. There aren't many North European Harriers with that distinctive near-transparent under-wing colour.

Mag 31, 2019, 7:39 pm

Happy new thread, Anita, and may it be a less stressful period than the last!

Mag 31, 2019, 10:45 pm

Happy new thread!

Giu 1, 2019, 4:32 am

>23 harrygbutler: Thank you, Harry, always a treat to see rare birds, and recognising them.

>24 RoseM.: Thank you, Rose, and welcome on my thread.
Birding runs in the family, my brother was an avid birder, who even traveled for it. We live near a nature reverve: the Oostvaardersplassen, a good place for birders.
We saw the Harrier near Almere on the Oostvaardersdijk (the most west point of Flevoland). Looking at the Dutch birders page ( the Hen Harrier has been spotted more often near that point. But the Pallid Harrier was also spotted a few times.

>25 ronincats: Thank you so much, Roni, I hope so too!

>26 drneutron: Thank you, Jim

Modificato: Giu 1, 2019, 4:41 am

Time to catch up on reviews.

book 167: De holle heuvels by Mary Stewart
own, translated, original title The Hollow Hills, 422 pages
TIOLI Challenge #2: Read a book (fiction or non-fiction) set before the year 1000

Second book of Mary Stewart's Merlin trilogy, where old Merlin tells about his role in Arthurs life from his birth to becoming king. A bit of magic, but mostly a very human portrait of Merlin. I hope to read book three soon!

Giu 1, 2019, 4:44 am

Happy new thread, Anita and a some more happiness in your life.

Modificato: Giu 1, 2019, 4:52 am

book 168: Een wolf in de stal by Carl-Anders Norrlid
own, YA, translated from Swedish, awarded, Vlag en Wimpel 1980, no English translation, 122 pages
TIOLI Challenge #1: Read a book whose cover contains a hyphenated word

Sweden, 1809. When Morten and his father find a wounded Russian soldier during the Finnish War (1808-1809), and take him home, they soon realise they could get in a lot of trouble.

Modificato: Giu 1, 2019, 4:59 am

book 169: Moord in de pastorie by Agatha Christie
from the library, e-book, translated, Miss Marple, original title Murder at the Vicarage, 246 pages
TIOLI Challenge #13: Read a book with a day of the week mentioned in the first sentence, in rolling order

Murder mystery where Miss Marple first appears. She is a side character, as the story is told by the vicar, and the body was found in his house. The victim was disliked by many in the village, so there are many possible suspects.

Giu 1, 2019, 5:07 am

Happy new thread Anita!

Nice birding, lovely birds, harriers and spoonbills. I didn't realise pallid harriers could be spotted in Flevoland, or Holland at all. I'll be watching for them next time.

Have a good month.

>31 FAMeulstee: You made a mistake and copied the info for book 168

Giu 1, 2019, 5:13 am


book 170: De magier van Macindaw by John Flanagan
from the library, e-book, translated, Ranger's Apprentice 5, original title The Sorcerer of the North, 328 pages
TIOLI Challenge #5: Read a book because you've promised a review or a discussion

book 171: Het beleg van Macindaw by John Flanagan
from the library, e-book, translated, Ranger's Apprentice 6, original title The Siege of Macindaw, 318 pages
TIOLI Challenge #5: Read a book because you've promised a review or a discussion

A combined review of Ranger's Apprentice books 5 and 6.
Book 5 ends with a cliffhanger, so it is advisable to have book 6 ready when you finish book 5.

Will is send to his first full Ranger job at the island Seacliff. He does some good work there, but is suddenly called back by Halt and Crowly for an assignment in the north of Araluen. Strange things are happening at castle Macindaw, many say there is a sorcerer involved... Alyss is also send up north to assist Will.


Modificato: Giu 1, 2019, 5:26 am

>32 EllaTim: Thank you, Ella!
At are some confirmed sightings listed of the pallid harrier. I didn't know either they were around. When I saw the bird I just thought "harrier" and did a search on internet to confirm my thought. That is when I found three species of light colored harriers were spotted in/near our province.

Thank you for noticing, I was already working on it. I was doing two edits at the same time and mixed them up :-)

Giu 1, 2019, 5:33 am

book 172: Asterix de Galliër by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo
own, comic, translated from French, English translation Asterix the Gaul, 48 pages
TIOLI Challenge #6: Read a book about either a fire, France or a cathedral

The first adventure of Asterix (and Obelix), the invincible Gauls. These comics always make me laugh, and I could use a good laugh...

Giu 1, 2019, 5:57 am

book 173: Valentijn by Arnold Lobel
own, picture book, translated, awarded, Zilveren Griffel 1971, original title Small Pig, 63 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14: Read a book with a non-human mammal on the cover

Sweet story, with beautiful illustrations, about Small Pig (Valentijn in Dutch translation). When the farmers wife cleans the whole farm including Small Pigs favorite pig pen, Small Pig runs away in search for a nice pigpen.

Giu 1, 2019, 6:15 am

book 174: De Kapucijner crypte by Joseph Roth
from the library, e-book, translated from German, English translation The Emperor's Tomb, 174 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14: Read a book with a non-human mammal on the cover

The life of Franz Ferdinand Trotta, a distant cousin of district commissioner Von Trotta from The Radetzky March, from just before World War I until the Anschluss in 1938.
A look into the total collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Early in WW I Trotta is captured by the Russians and spends his time as prisoner of war in Siberia. When he returns to Vienna he keeps looking for signs of his old life before the war, but everything has changed so much. He (and his surviving friends) falls into lethargy, only perking up a little by the birth of his son and suddenly the Germans come to take over what is left of Austria.

Giu 1, 2019, 6:16 am

>29 SirThomas: Oops, nearly missed your message, Thomas. Thank you, I sure can use some happiness.

Giu 1, 2019, 6:27 am

May 2019 in numbers

25 books read (5,819 pages, 187.7 pages a day)

own 11 (44 %) / library 14

16 male author / 9 female author
6 originally written in Dutch / 19 translated into Dutch
22 fiction / 3 non-fiction

25 books in TIOLI Challenges
14 e-books
  2 1001 book (total 122)
  0 Dutch Literary Canon (total 23/125)
11 childrens/YA
  2 mystery/police prodedural

longest book 702 pages
shortest book 48 pages
average book 234 pages

own books read were on the shelf since:
before 2008: 9
2018: 1
2019: 1

date first published:

18th century: 1

20th century
1920s: 1
1930s: 2
1940s: 1
1960s: 2
1970s: 3
1980s: 3
1990s: 3

21st century
2000s: 5
2010s: 4

  3 x
11 x
  8 x
  2 x
  1 x

Best books in May

Een waanzinnig begin (Nightmare in Berlin) by Hans Fallada
Emiel en zijn detectives (Emil and the Detectives) by Erich Kästner
Langzaam, zo snel als zij konden by Toon Tellegen

Giu 1, 2019, 6:28 am

2019 totals to date:

174 books read (47,163 pages, 312.3 pages a day)

own 84 (48 %) / library 89 / other 1

117 male author / 48 female author
57 originally written in Dutch / 101 translated into Dutch
154 fiction / 20 non-fiction

167 books in TIOLI Challenges
63 e-books
15 1001 books (total 122)
  3 Dutch Literary Canon (total 23/125)
68 childrens/YA
35 mystery/police prodedural

longest book 1019 pages
shortest book 32 pages
average book 271 pages

own books read were on the shelf since:
before 2008: 59
2008: 5
2009: 1
2014: 1
2017: 2
2018: 8
2019: 8

date first published:
2nd century: 1
17th century: 2
18th century: 1
19th century: 7

20th century
1910s: 2
1920s: 2
1930s: 4
1940s: 3
1950s: 2
1960s: 11
1970s: 19
1980s: 21
1990s: 30

21st century:
2000s: 32
2010s: 37

  5 x
18 x
67 x
59 x
22 x
  2 x
  1 x

Giu 1, 2019, 8:41 pm

Happy new thread!

Giu 2, 2019, 12:47 pm

>41 banjo123: Thank you, Rhonda!

We visited today the Singer museum in Laren, to see the exposition German Expressionists, with works by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, August Macke, Emil Nolde, Käthe Kollwitz, Max Beckmann and others.

Some highlights were Wasili Kandinsky: Composition I (1922), Max Beckmann: Selfportrait (1947), Emil Nolde: Head of a girl (undated)
(not my pictures, from the publisher of the exhibitioncatalogue Duitse expressionisten)

Giu 2, 2019, 2:15 pm

>42 FAMeulstee: love all those Anita. They have some Beckman at Tate Britain, which I've long loved. The light on the face of the Nolde portrait is wonderful.

Giu 2, 2019, 6:12 pm

>43 Caroline_McElwee: It was a lovely exposition, Caroline. I was pleased to see some of Nolde's works, as we skipped the very crowded Nolde exposition in Berlin.

Giu 2, 2019, 11:48 pm

Happy New Thread, Anita.

>42 FAMeulstee: I'm not familiar with all the artists you mentioned but I do like Kandinsky's work very much.

Giu 3, 2019, 12:12 am

Very impressive stats, Anita! It's fun to see all the different things that people keep track of.

Lovely paintings!

Giu 3, 2019, 8:15 am

>45 PaulCranswick: Tank you, Paul.
I wasn't familiar with all of them either. We bought the catalogus, so I can read more about them.

>46 streamsong: Thank you, Janet. Numbers went down a bit in May, but I hope to pick up the pace again in June.
I also like to see statistics of others for the same reason. I added some things through the years because I had seen them elsewhere.

Giu 3, 2019, 3:26 pm

Happy newish thread, Anita! The German Expressionism exhibition sounds very appealing.

Giu 4, 2019, 12:05 am

Happy new thread Anita!

Belatedly hopping over from your old one. Wishing you joy and lots of reading this month.

Giu 4, 2019, 4:34 am

>48 kidzdoc: Thank you, Darryl, we some striking paintings and sculptures. I hope to put my own photo's on FB soon.

>49 humouress: Thank you, Nina, going to the library this afternoon to find some enjoyable books.

Giu 4, 2019, 6:52 am

Hello Anita, and happy new thread!

Congrats on already reading 174 books this year. You are amazing.

Giu 4, 2019, 8:55 am

Happy new thread!

Giu 4, 2019, 8:11 pm

Happy New thread - and Wow!! to 174 books so far. :)

Giu 4, 2019, 9:57 pm

Sorry to be so late getting here, Anita, I was being trolled and not particularly paying attention to who has new threads.

Giu 5, 2019, 3:45 am

>51 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, Í don't feel amazing. Having a slight reading dip at the moment :-(

>52 foggidawn: Thank you, Foggi.

>53 nittnut: Thank you, Meg. Finished a few more since the start of the month.

>54 richardderus: Oh, Richard dear, I am so sorry! I knew there was something wrong when I got a friend request on Facebook from Jude. Of course I turned it down. Love you! Big (((hugs)))

Giu 6, 2019, 8:08 am

book 175: Over de kling by Dick Francis
from the library, e-book, translated, original title To the Hilt, 252 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14 Read a book with an even number of pages

Alexander, born in a Scottish aristocrat family, is a painter, who is happy to live alone in a small bothy in Scotland. One day his peace is shattered, when 4 men beat him up askinking "Where is it?". He has no clue what IT is, and is left barely alive. When his steph-father has a heart attack, he is asked to help him out with his brewery and a race horse. Alexander can't refuse and soon finds himself in the midst of a lot of turmoil, a brewery on the edge of bankrupt and a steph sister who hates him.

Giu 6, 2019, 8:11 am

>58 FAMeulstee: I haven't read a Dck Francis for years Anita.

Giu 6, 2019, 8:13 am

book 176: Het vogelhuis by Eva Meijer
from the library, e-book, Dutch, English translation Bird Cottage, 282 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14 Read a book with an even number of pages

The life of Len Howard, who was a musican. After the death of her father she enherited some substantial money. She quitted her job at the orchestra and bought a cottage where she studied the birds around for the rest of her life.

Giu 6, 2019, 8:17 am

>57 Caroline_McElwee: Many of us are reading Dick Francis together, Caroline. I missed the May/June read Reflex, as I could not find a copy. So I read this one insted. I never read Dick Francis before I started to participate in the shared reads.
The Dick Francis thread.

Modificato: Giu 6, 2019, 8:37 am

book 177: Feo en de wolven by Katherine Rundell
from the library, YA, translated, original title The Wolf Wilder, 224 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book set in a real place you've never been

Lovely story set in early 20th century Russia. Feo and her mother live in the woods, re-wilding wolves that were kept by wealthy human. One day her mother is arrested and taken away. Feo travels to St. Petersburg, with some wolves, to find her mother.
Found on Kerry's thread (avatiakh).

Modificato: Giu 6, 2019, 8:51 am

book 178: Bede aan de zee by Khaled Hosseini
from the library, translated, original title Sea Prayer, 48 pages
TIOLI Challenge #5: Read a book where the same word appears at least three times on the cover (not from title or author's name)

Written in prose-poem/free verse a father tells his son about his hometown Homs in Syria. About the beautiful summers in his youth, the war that came, his desicion to go away to find refuge.
A heartwrenching book with beautiful illustrations by Dan Williams.

Found on Janet's thread (streamsong).

Giu 6, 2019, 8:45 am

book 179: Overspoeld by Gideon Samson
from the library, YA, Dutch, awarded, Gouden Lijst 2015, no translations, 173 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book set in a real place you've never been

After his final exams Pieter wants to see some of the world. With a volunteer organization he goes to Sri Lanka to teach English to handicapped children. When he is two weeks of for Christmas, he spends the time at the beach, with an other volunteer from Scotland. They meet two Swedish girls and have a good time. The day after Christmas a tsunami hits Sri Lanka...

Modificato: Giu 6, 2019, 9:00 am

book 180: Weg by Jowi Schmitz
from the library, YA, Dutch, awarded, Dioraphte Jongerenliteratuur Prijs 2017, no translations, 221 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book set in a real place you've never been

Anna grows up in her parents orphan home. She feels in between everywhere, she is no orphan, but her parents have more eye for the other children, so she feels very alone. Her best friend, Robin, has a father, but he is in jail. When Robin finally gets the chance to visit his father, he is killed in a road accident. Anna decides to run away and ends up in Barcelona with a group of musical outliers.

Modificato: Giu 18, 2019, 1:08 pm

DNF: Verloren grond by Murat Isik, 374 pages

from the library, Dutch, no English translation, 374 pages

I read 17 chapters (of 69), but had a hard time with the violent upbringing of the main character in East-Turkey in the 1950s/1960s. Someday I might go back to this book, as it is well written. It is just not the right book for me now.
(read 104 pages of 374)

Finished on second try, see msg ...

Modificato: Giu 6, 2019, 10:45 pm

On this D-Day anniversary, Anita, I am remembering my uncle Elvin who is buried at Margraten. He didn't die on D-Day but in April of 1945 at the age of 20. His older brothers, my dad and uncle, served in the Pacific and survived. Looking at a map, I am amazed at how far Limburg drops down between Germany and Belgium, far away from you.

Giu 7, 2019, 7:39 am

>65 ronincats: How lovely he is still remembered, Roni, even burried so far away.
Thanks to your uncle Elvin and many others with him, our country was freed. Freedom is a great gift that I am grateful for.

We might go to Limburg for a short vacation later this year, I will think of your uncle if we happen to come near Margraten.

Giu 8, 2019, 10:14 am

Three weeks after my mothers death, my sister has started to harass my father again :'(
She is sending him e-mails (and puts some on her FB page) where she claims to have contact with my mothers "spirit", and uses this to say my mother is saying the worst things about my father, and makes ugly comparisons between the nursing home and concentrationcamps. It is horrifying and disgusting.

Giu 8, 2019, 10:43 am

Happy Saturday, Anita. I hope you have a lovely weekend. I love the cover of Weg, and hooray for Sea Prayer. Isn't it a gorgeous volume?

Giu 8, 2019, 10:52 am

>67 FAMeulstee: Oh my goodness. What is *wrong* with that woman.

I'm sad for you and your dad. May the rest of the weekend bring peace.

Giu 8, 2019, 2:08 pm

Happy new thread, Anita. Your sister just doesn't quit, does she? Maybe it is time to "unfriend" her or just take a vacation from Facebook altogether and to delete her emails unopened.

Giu 8, 2019, 2:10 pm

>67 FAMeulstee: {{hugs}} Anita. Your sister is a sick woman, but sadly that doesn't help you or your dad. Can you persuade him just to not look at her emails. Maybe it is something Frank could do, just to make sure there is nothing that needs to be known, but only tell you if that is the case.

Giu 8, 2019, 2:50 pm

>67 FAMeulstee: I can't believe anyone would say something like that. Hugs to you and your dad. I am sure your mom is smiling down on him and you and grateful to you both for thoughtfully choosing the best care for her.

I like Caroline's idea.

Giu 8, 2019, 4:07 pm

>68 msf59: Thank you, Mark, happy weekend to you.
It is an European jackdaw on the cover of Weg, a tame one plays a role in the story. And Sea Prayer was heartwrenching and unforgettable, like the picture of Alan Kurdi was... :'(

>69 richardderus: Thank you, Richard, hoping for a good and peaceful weekend for both of us.
I know some of whats wrong with her... and that is also a sad story. But I hate the way she transforms it. I think there are better ways to cope.

>70 Familyhistorian: Thank you, Meg. I did block her on FB, Frank peaks at her page once in a while. For years the e-mail she sends to me, goes directly into my recycle bin. But my father sends the mail he gets to me, he needs to share... and someone to talk about it.

>71 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline, I had my father on the phone today and after the last e-mail he decided not to read them anymore. So I am going to ask him to do exactly what you recommend: send them to Frank, so he can tell if needed.

>72 streamsong: Thank you, Janet. I can't believe it either, but she did. I think it is also a sign she is very angry and has no rational arguments left.
Yes, that is a good idea. So happy with all of you!

Giu 8, 2019, 4:13 pm

So sorry to hear this, Anita. The junk box does sound like the best place for her messages, glad to hear your dad is not going to read them anymore.

Giu 8, 2019, 4:33 pm

What your sister is doing is absolutely horrible, Anita. I'm very sorry that you and your father are experiencing her wrath, especially after your mother's recent death.

Giu 8, 2019, 4:46 pm

What Charlotte and Darryl said, Anita. I’m so sorry to hear that you and your father are going through this awful stuff with your sister. Sending love and hugs from Chicago.

Modificato: Giu 8, 2019, 6:16 pm

>74 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte. I was glad my father came to this by himself.

>75 kidzdoc: Thank you, Darryl. It is all because of my mothers death. I think she believed my mother could not die, or only if she was near.

>76 jnwelch: Thank you, Joe, it is a big mess. Hugs much appriciated.

Giu 8, 2019, 7:46 pm

>67 FAMeulstee: That IS horrifying and disgusting. Hugs for you and Frank and your dad!

Giu 9, 2019, 4:00 pm

>78 ronincats: Thank you, Roni, I go back to my usual strategy: ignore. Is much better for my mental health...

Giu 10, 2019, 6:51 pm

Hi Anita. I agree with what everyone has said about what your sister is doing. Yes to ignoring. And glad Frank can help your father deal with those emails.

Wish you have had a good weekend!

Giu 11, 2019, 8:53 am

I'm so sorry to hear about the trouble you are going through. I think you have come up with the best way of coping though, in ignoring as much as you can. Wishing you strength.

Giu 11, 2019, 9:09 am

Hi Anita!

I agree with everybody about the solution of your father forwarding the messages to Frank.

Ignore, unfriend, block. Toxic people don't deserve places in our lives.

Hugs to you, my dear.

Giu 11, 2019, 10:41 am

Wow, your sister sounds like she's not coping well. I'm sprry you're going through that.

Giu 11, 2019, 6:36 pm

>80 EllaTim: Thank you, Ella, so glad I have Frank with me!

>81 Sakerfalcon: Thank you, Claire. The first years after I broke with my sisiter, I even asked my parents not to mention her. I don't stress anymore when she is mentioned, but I can completely understand my fathers problems with her.

>82 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, we are unanimous over here :-)
Going back soon to all that, but I have to take a bit now indirectly to take care of my father.

>83 The_Hibernator: Thank you, Rachel, she never did well if things didn't go as she wants.

To divert myself I am walking and reading a lot. And today LT helped with the Pride Celebration Treasure Hunt, it kept me busy for most of the evening to find all 21 rainbows :-)

Giu 12, 2019, 2:52 am

>84 FAMeulstee: Congrats on finding all the rainbows! I've still got some to go, but I'll have another go later in the week.

Giu 13, 2019, 8:51 am

How are you today Anita? I'm glad, but not surprised, that reading is your most effective prescription. Rarely does it let you down.

Giu 13, 2019, 12:13 pm

>85 charl08: How far did you get, Charlotte?

>86 Caroline_McElwee: The books treat me well, Caroline, thank you for asking. Yesterday I finished the 4th Wheel of Time book (The Shadow Rising) and today I am reading Ilja Ehrenburg's memoirs.
Frank went to Rotterdam, to see his friend Wilco. He stays the night there and will come back home tomorrow. I took the bicycle today, instead of walking, and had a nice ride through the woods nearby.

Giu 13, 2019, 12:48 pm

>87 FAMeulstee: Not very far!

I bought a book about women in art: it's enormous, and I'm finding the size is putting me off. But I really want to know more, so I need to get on with it/ get over being intimidated by it!

Giu 13, 2019, 2:26 pm

Hi Anita!

A bike ride through the woods sounds so nice.

I'm also wanting to know more about your women in art book. Are their photographs you can (eventually) share?

Giu 14, 2019, 4:55 pm

>88 charl08: Maybe you can spend some time on the rainbow hunt this weekend, Charlotte. I had to search the internet for some answers and for a few others the Pride 2019 Treasure Hunt thread in Talk about LibraryThing.
What book, title? Sounds like an important book. Size sometimes puts me off too, the very heavy ones that can only be read on a table, because the are to heavy to hold on your lap.

>89 streamsong: It was very nice, Janet, and quiet. Just trees and birds, and one man walking his dog :-)
Charlotte talked about the woman art book, I just asked details^.

Giu 14, 2019, 5:05 pm

book 181: Moord in het klooster by Michael Jecks
from the library, translated, original title Belladonna at Belstone, 319 pages
TIOLI Challenge #11: Read a book where the author’s first, middle or last name starts with a “J”

Eighth book in the Sir Baldwin and Simon Puttock series (Medieval West Country Mysteries), set in 14th century England, and sadly the last one translated.

Sir Baldwin and Simon Puttock are asked to help investigate a suspicious death of a nun in a priory. It turns out it is murder and two more nuns are killed.
The story and plot were well enough, but the large cast of characters, and the different viewpoints through the eyes of all these characters, made it a bit difficult to read.

Giu 14, 2019, 5:09 pm

book 182: De roep van de wildernis by Jack London
1001 books, from the library, translated, original title The Call of the Wild, 126 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book set in a real place you've never been

What to say about this classic dog story. I read it when I was much younger, and enjoyed it again.

Giu 14, 2019, 5:14 pm

book 183: Wij tegen jullie by Fredrik Backman
from the library, translated from Swedish, English translation Us Against You, 445 pages
TIOLI Challenge #3: Read a book by an author born in June (any year)

The continued story of the people of Beartown and their ice hockey club.
Again a great read and it shows the present times and political climate so well...

Giu 14, 2019, 5:31 pm

book 184: De komst van de schaduw by Robert Jordan
from the library, translated, original title The shadow rising, 1040 pages
TIOLI Challenge #11: Read a book where the author’s first, middle or last name starts with a “J”

Wheel of Time, book 4, the continued adventures of Rhand, Perrin, Matt, Egwene, Nyaeve and Elayne.

Just when I started to like the series more with the previous book, this one fell down a little bit. All main characters hide their inner truth, afraid to share. The female characters have power, but are still drawn with a very male eye. And that in over 1000 pages (and still 10 books to go!)... I have book 5 ready, as fantasy is a good escape when the real world isn't that bright, but I had hoped I would like it better.

Giu 14, 2019, 5:42 pm

book 185: Ik ben nooit onverschillig geweest by Ilja Ehrenburg
from the library, e-book, non-fiction, abridged edition of Men, Years, Life: Memoirs, 380 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book set in a real place you've never been

The memoirs of Ilja Ehrenburg a famous Sovjet writer. In this abridged version the focus is on his interactions with famous painters (Picasso, Modigliani, Léger) and writers (Andrej Bely, Tsvetajeva, A.N. Tolstoi, Majakovski, Mandelstam, Pasternak, Isaak Babel and many others). He lived in Paris and Berlin for a while and managed to stay alive during the Stalin terror. There were a few parts I loved, some was less, not sure if it was the translation.

The most poignant sentence was in his short description of the the Kiev pogrom by the White Army, which he barely escaped: "In 1919 the executioners had not thought of gaschambers yet; their excesses took place inside the houses: cutting a five pointed star on a forehead, raping a girl, or throwing a baby out of the window."

NB this is a translation of a translation, but I think you can get the essence.

Giu 14, 2019, 6:14 pm

>90 FAMeulstee: I found all 21 rainbows in the Pride Treasure Hunt. Very proud of myself, but to be honest, thanks to all the hints and spoilers in the talk thread:-)

>92 FAMeulstee: I read this one as a kid, and liked it then. Is it still convincing for you? You know a lot about dogs now.

>93 FAMeulstee: Must start this series.

Giu 15, 2019, 5:16 am

It's Women, Art, and Society (World of Art) by Whitney Chadwick. I've been reading some stuff about feminism & the gallery, and finding it fascinating. I was aware of the Guerrilla Girls movement, but it seems like there is so much more, and very little engagement from gallery and museum owners (with honourable exceptions). So even when they rehang to try and equalise things a bit more, they don't really engage with the politics of feminism.

I will try and break down the book and read a chapter at a time, I think. Hopefully that will deal with the intimidation factor!

Giu 15, 2019, 7:00 am

Happy Saturday, Anita. I have been meaning to get to Us Against You, (I loved Beartown) but it keeps getting lost in the shuffle. Have a great weekend.

Giu 15, 2019, 2:08 pm

Happy Saturday! What a lot of good reading.

Giu 15, 2019, 5:12 pm

>96 EllaTim: Well done, Ella, treasure hunts are fun. I always try to solve them myself first, and go to the thread for the remaining ones.
Back then I knew already a lot about dogs, I did read every dog book the library had. I think Jack London must have been a lot around dogs, the only questionable part is if a dog ever would be accepted by a wolf pack. Some may accuse Jack London of antropomorphism, but I am sure animals have similair emotions as we have. After all humans are mammals. Frans de Waal wrote some good books about that.

>97 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte, the book looks interesting. Woman artists were never as populair as the males, good that there is some focus on them now. The Stedelijk Museum in Schiedam has an exhibition with only female artists this summer: (Dutch).

>98 msf59: Thank you, Mark, happy weekend to you. You will get to Us against you and I will get to Fathers and sons :-)

>99 banjo123: Thank you, Rhonda, happy weekend. The books always treat me well.

We visited my father today. We first watched the Dutch woman soccer players against Cameroon. The first half was not good, second half was better, we won with 3-1. After the game we went on sorting out my mothers clothes, all clothes are done now. I took her beautiful winter coat home with me. One button is missing, but at home I found out there were still two extra buttons attached on the label inside.
My father is doing better, he attended the monthly gathering for male residents for the first time. After some days my sister finally stopped calling him. He didn't answer her calls, but got very nervous about it.

Giu 16, 2019, 4:36 am

That's good news. I hope things are getting better for you and yours.
Wishing you a beautiful sunday.

Giu 16, 2019, 5:16 am

>100 FAMeulstee: Glad to hear about your dad and his support group. I have heard it can sometimes be quite odd/isolating for men in a lot of supported living places, they are so outnumbered.

My holiday year starts again in September, Easyjet flies Liverpool to Amsterdam and that exhibition sounds really interesting.

Giu 16, 2019, 7:40 am

>101 SirThomas: Thank you, Thomas, wishing the same to you.

>102 charl08: Indeed, Charlotte, women far outnumber the men at the residence. It is a good (and expensive) place to live, with many facilities and organising all kind of meetings and lectures. The first four years my father had to stay with my mother all the time, or have someone to look after her, as she could not be alone. The last two years his daily visit to my mother was the center of his activities.

You better take a plane to Rotterdam, as the exposition is in the Stedelijk Museum in Schiedam ;-)
(Stedelijk Museum means Museum of the City, so there are many museums with that name in various cities, the one in Amsterdam is the largest and best known)
But there is also a good connection by train from Schiphol (Amsterdam) airport to Schiedam / Rotterdam. The exposiotion can be visited until September 8th. We will probably go next month.

Modificato: Giu 16, 2019, 8:06 am

I look forward to hearing more about it when you go! Liverpool is such a small airport it doesn't go direct to Rotterdam - I liked the trains the last time I visited NL so might try that way. Or there is Manchester airport.
Might see if my parents would like a trip - my dad was talking about wanting to go (he last went in the 70s, when he was waiting for a visa to work in the UK: I think things might have changed a little bit!!).

Giu 17, 2019, 6:03 am

>104 charl08: Would be nice if you can plan a trip with your parents, Charlotte.
Yes, of course much has changed since the 70s ;-)
Frank and I would gladly show you around in Rotterdam or Schiedam.

Giu 17, 2019, 9:43 am

Hi Anita!

I found 6 of the Pride answers but am abandoning the search without going to the clues or going to the internet.

I'm glad you visited your father and that he's gone to a meeting of the male residents. Glad to hear that your sister stopped calling him. Thank goodness for caller ID! Very nice that you've got your mother's 'beautiful winter coat' and that you were able to have a button to replace the missing one. Little things like that are good.

I watched the Dutch women beat Cameroon, too. My husband's paternal Great-Great-Grandfather emigrated to the US in the 1870s from Elburg, so there's always interest in Dutch sports in our house. The big one, of course, will be Thursday, when Netherlands plays Canada and the US plays Sweden. Thank goodness they aren't on at the same time.

Giu 17, 2019, 6:52 pm

>106 karenmarie: Hi Karen, that is something I am not able to do. When I start a Treasure Hunt, I can't stop before I have found them all ;-)
I was very pleased to hear my father got more social with the other residents. I think it is good for him. Caller-ID is indeed a big help in this case. The extra buttons for the coat were a nice surprise.
Glad there is a connection to the Dutch, although 150 years is a long time back. We will see how we do against the Canadian, and the USA againt Sweden.

Slowly my reading speed is returning. Only visited a few threads in the last week, as reading them was also slower then usual. I hope to catch up later this week.

Giu 19, 2019, 3:10 pm

Glad to hear your reading speed is returning Anita.
Sadly, I've tried what I can think of to get back the photos from Berlin with no luck. Gutted.

Giu 20, 2019, 4:03 am

>108 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte, so am I :-)
That is sad, I hope the phone is functioning well in all other aspects. You can PM me if you want any pictures I took.

Giu 20, 2019, 4:18 am

book 186: Diepe wonden by Nele Neuhaus
from the library, e-book, translated from German, English translation The Ice Queen, 400 pages
TIOLI Challenge #12: Read a book you which you have never read and returned unread to the library or gave away unread

Third book about the German police in Hessen, with main characters Oliver von Bodenstein and Pia Kirchhoff.
I got this book from the e-library in June 2017. When I found out it wasn't the first book in the series, only the first to be translated, I decided to wait for the first two books.

On old man is found murdered. He was a Jew who survived WWII, but the autopsy reaveals an old tatto that is connected to the SS. Who was David Goldberg? Then two more murders on old people occur. Von Bodenstein and Krichhoff have to dig into the past to solve these murders.

These series is getting better with every book I read.

Giu 20, 2019, 4:32 am

book 187: Onrustig tij by Donna Leon
own, e-book, translated, original title Sea of Troubles, 301 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book set in a real place you've never been

Guido Brunetti book 10, not the best book in the series, still an enjoyable read.

Giu 20, 2019, 4:40 am

book 188: Losgeld voor Erak by John Flanagan
from the library, e-book, translated, original title Erak's Ransom, 448 pages
TIOLI Challenge #11: Read a book where the author’s first, middle or last name starts with a “J”

Ranger's Apprentice book 7 takes place back in time, between book 4 and 5.

Oberjarl Erak has gone south for a last raid, but is captured and held hostage.
Will, Evanlyn, Halt, Gilan and Horace are send south with Svengal and his crew to get Erak by paying the ransom.
But of course things don't go as expected: Will gets lost and they all have to fight in the desert.

Giu 20, 2019, 4:48 am

book 189: Er is geen vorm waarin ik pas by Erna Sassen
from the library, Dutch, YA, awarded, Gouden Lijst 2018, no translations, 211 pages
TIOLI Challenge #16: Read a book whose author's last name begins with JASPER (in rolling order)

Until 4th grade at highschool Tessel did perfectly well. Now in 5th grade, the year before final exams, her grades are dropping and she starts skiping lessons. Her counsellor at school tells her she has worked too hard for too long time. Her mother thinks the trouble is her perfectionism. But there are other things that trouble her, things she can't possible tell anyone.

Giu 20, 2019, 7:32 am

>109 FAMeulstee: Yes, it's working great - ironically, I think the reason I lost them was because I reported it lost - the phone was wiped from that point.

Giu 20, 2019, 4:20 pm

>114 charl08: In that case, the Berlin Police did their best, wiping from the day it was stolen... I guess having your phone back is more important than a few photo's missing!

Giu 21, 2019, 7:26 am

Yup. Not complaining!

Giu 21, 2019, 11:37 pm

Looks like you have had a few solid good reads lately. Nice! I am loving Down and Out in Paris and London at the moment, I can't wait to get in front of the fire and read it tonight!

Giu 22, 2019, 1:46 pm

>117 LovingLit: Yes, Megan I had some good reads. I have Down and Out in Paris and London on my library list. I will get to it sooner or later. I hope you are in front of the fire reading it now.

Modificato: Giu 22, 2019, 2:04 pm

book 190: Verloren grond by Murat Isik
from the library, e-book, Dutch, no English translation, 374 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book set in a real place you've never been

I didn't finish this book at first try (see >64 FAMeulstee:), but decided to give it a second try, with three days on loan from the e-library to go. This time I finished the book.

Mehmet lives in East-Turkey, a harsh life with much violence. His father keeps sheep and is a storyteller, he grew up in an other village and lost his family in WWI. When Mehmets father breaks his leg, while helping an other villager, he ends up in hospital and looses his leg. Feeling he has failed, he decides to take his family back to the village where he was born. This does not turn out well, his land has been taken and no one wants to give it back.
The family leaves again, completely broke, hoping for better life in Izmir. There they finally meet some nice people.

Giu 22, 2019, 2:17 pm

book 191: Zomervacht by Jaap Robben
from the library, e-book, Dutch, no translations, 316 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14 Read a book with an even number of pages

After the divorce 12 year old Brian lives with his father in a caravan. He has an older brother, Lucien, who is severely handicapped and lives in a care center. When the care center is renovated, the center offers Brians father a compensation when he will take care of Lucien during the summer. Brians father is only interested in the money, Brian is the one who has to take care of his brother.

I didn't like the previous book by this writer (Birk), did try this one after reading some raving reviews. This book has the same problem: I didn't like any of the characters, nor did I feel conected to them. These books are not for me.

Giu 22, 2019, 2:32 pm

book 192: Ik zal er zijn by Holly Sloan
from the library, YA, translated, awarded, Gouden Lijst 2013, original title I'll be there, 317 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book set in a real place you've never been

Emily and Sam first meet near the church where Emily did sing "I'll be there". Sam lives with his mentally ill and criminal father, and wants to escape. But he has a little brother, he would never leave behind. Emily want to help Sam, as she fell in love.

This could have been a very good book, the story is interesting and flows well. Sadly the writer tried to put in way too much. She is using the (sometimes minor) characters to glance over every major present theme, from racism, prejudice to mental illnes and poverty. If she had just kept to the story she wanted to tell it would have been a much better book.

Giu 22, 2019, 2:44 pm

book 193: Hand & tand by Ian Rankin
from the library, translated, original title Tooth & nail, 270 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14 Read a book with an even number of pages

In this third Inspector Rebus book, John Rebus is send to London to assist the police in their hunt on a serial killer, nicknamed "The Wolfman". He isn't welcomed with open arms, no police force likes to be outwitted by an outsider. Only one police officer seems to welcome him, and does his best to involve Rebus in the investigation.

A bit gruwesome at times, but not too bad to handle for me. A good mystery with some nice turns and a satisfactory ending.

Giu 22, 2019, 2:50 pm

Getting very close to the 200 reads mark! That's wonderful, since most of these have been decent-to-pretty good reads. Here's to a few more stand-out reads in your stack very soon.

Giu 22, 2019, 6:14 pm

>123 richardderus: I'll celebrate book 225, Richard ;-)
With reading more books I find myself more critical. When I started here in 2008, I did read 130 books and had 26 books rated the full 5*. This year only 6 books got 5 stars. The more you read, the more you have to compare with.

Giu 23, 2019, 5:50 am

>124 FAMeulstee: Yes, that stands to reason. I find myself also getting less immersed in books, because of that.

You have BB'd me with Nele Neuhaus!

Wishing you a nice Sunday.

Giu 23, 2019, 6:44 am

>125 EllaTim: I my case not less immersed, Ella, but remembering I have read a better book in that genre before.

I hope you enjoy Nele Neuhaus, I just got the 4th book from the e-library.

All nice and quiet here. Preparing to survive the heat wave and hoping it won't be as bad as they say. It looks like we are on the edge of warm and hot weather.

Wishing you the same.

Giu 23, 2019, 8:01 am

I love that we are on day #172 of 2019 and you are already ahead by more than 20 books! Wowza :)

Giu 23, 2019, 8:01 am

I hope you and Frank can stay cool as the heat wave arrives.

Giu 24, 2019, 7:04 am

>127 ChelleBearss: Thank you, Chelle, I am very happy about it. I won't reach last years 534 books again, but still make a very decent dent in TBR stacks :-)

>128 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen. We do our daily walk now in the morning, when it is not so hot yet.
Forcast is now two hot days (32°C/90°F), three rather normal days (24°C/75°F) followed by a hot day again. The airco is running, inside it is still comfortable enough (21°C/70°F).

Modificato: Giu 26, 2019, 4:43 pm

book 194: Warhorse by Michael Morpurgo
from the library, YA, translated, original title Warhorse, 146 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14 Read a book with an even number of pages

World War 1 seen through the eyes of a horse called Joey. Beautiful and touching.

Modificato: Giu 26, 2019, 4:42 pm

book 195: Vuur uit de hemel by Robert Jordan
from the library, e-book, translated, original title The Fires of Heaven, 927 pages
TIOLI Challenge #11: Read a book where the author’s first, middle or last name starts with a “J”

Wheel of Time, book 5, the continued adventures of Rhand, Matt, Egwene, Nyaeve and Elayne.

Sadly the story is spiraling further down.
Just when I started to like the series more with book 3, the next two books were not worth the effort.
The main characters are getting more annoying (except Mat, who was annoying in the previous books, but bounces back a little). The endless whining about the other gender by both male and female characters wears out. I have still hope for the last three books, as they are written by Brandon Sanderson, a writer I like very much.

I will read book 6 (Lord of Chaos) next month. When it is no better than this one was, I will read the summaries of the next books and go ahead to book 12 The Gathering Storm.

Giu 26, 2019, 4:25 pm

book 196: Hoe word ik gelukkig? by Guus Kuijer
from the library, e-book, non-fiction, no translations, 159 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15 Read a book with an emotion in the title

Book about philosophy, art, artists and empathy, short musings about the roots of populism and how to become a happy human.
Guus Kuijer is mainly known from his (excellent) childrens books, this book for grown-ups was written with subtile humor. Lovely little book :-)

Modificato: Giu 27, 2019, 4:05 am

book 197: Op weg naar de regenboog by Rosemary Sutcliff
own, YA, original title Brother Dustyfeet, 155 pages
TIOLI Challenge #6: Read a book that has a family member in the title (rolling challenge - F/M/O)

England, 16th century, the boy Hugh and his dog Argos run away from his uncle and aunt's place. He lived there after his father died, but his aunt is a very nasty person. He meets a goup of traveling actors, and joins them.

Not the best book by Sutcliff, but she always wrote interesting and enjoyable books.

Giu 26, 2019, 5:25 pm

War Horse has been on stage at the National Theatre on multiple occasions during my past visits to London, but I was never highly interested in seeing it. Thanks to your review I'll try to do so.

Giu 26, 2019, 5:42 pm

>134 kidzdoc: I have heard good things about the stage production of War Horse, Darryl. I would like to hear from someone who saw it :-)

Giu 26, 2019, 5:45 pm

>135 FAMeulstee: Fliss (flissp) may have seen it, but I'm not completely sure. At least one LTer I know saw it, and did recommend seeing it.

Giu 26, 2019, 5:46 pm

>134 kidzdoc: I tried to get tickets to War Horse last time I was in London but they were completely sold out during my stay. I'd love to go if it was showing next time I'm there.

Giu 26, 2019, 5:56 pm

>137 PawsforThought: According to the National Theatre's web site War Horse will be touring the UK, France, New Zealand and Australia in 2019 and 2020:

Giu 27, 2019, 6:29 am

>126 FAMeulstee: Thanks Anita. I spent a couple of days at the allotment. My house here in town gets a bit too much sun, to be comfortable. My neighbor said it was 33 C in the shade.

At the allotment it was hot as well, but less. Lots of reading, and sitting in the shade, can't do much, early morning or later in the evening. We pass each other books. And now a couple of cooler days, so I am back in town again.

>135 FAMeulstee: I would love to see it, I think. Must be worthwhile!

Modificato: Giu 27, 2019, 5:26 pm

>135 FAMeulstee: it was wonderful Anita. Humour as well as the sadness, and the puppets are so realistic, you soon forget they are not living animals.

Giu 28, 2019, 5:27 am

Hi, Anita!

There's also a fairly recent movie version of War Horse,; I've not seen it, but I've heard pretty good things about it. I did enjoy the book, too.

Giu 28, 2019, 7:09 am

Happy Friday, Anita. I am back from my whirlwind trip. Now, I get to enjoy a few more days at home. I also enjoyed War Horse. The movie version was just okay.

Giu 28, 2019, 4:54 pm

>133 FAMeulstee: Did he meet Shakespeare? This sounds familiar...!

I haven't seen Warhorse either. Read lots of rave reviews, I seem to remember.

Giu 28, 2019, 5:36 pm

>140 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline, sounds good. I remember it was on stage here a few years back, if it ever returns I will see if we can go.

>141 scaifea: Thank you, Amber, I haven't seen the movie either. Mopurgo is a very good writer.

>142 msf59: Good to see you back, Mark. I guess you can use some days at home to rest after your trip.
So much love for War horse (the book) here :-)

>143 charl08: No, I don't think so... although he is mentioned.
Most seem to have liked it, must be good if it is on stage for such a long time.

We visited my father again today. We emptied the last wardrobe, with mainly bedlinen, table cloths and napkins. We kept what my father uses, which meens 3/4th is empty now.
He is doing well with social activities at the residence like the monthly diner with everyone at his floor and the monthly drink with all residents. This week he had visitors every day, he nearly complained he had so much to do ;-)

Giu 28, 2019, 6:14 pm

>144 FAMeulstee: Glad your dad is doing well where he is now Anita. That must have made you feel good.

Giu 30, 2019, 7:43 am

>145 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline, I was very glad. He was also looking a bit better.

I am behind on reviews and threads. For two days I was completely absorbed by Berlin Alexanderplatz, what a great book!
I will try to catch up with both threads and reviews today.

Giu 30, 2019, 7:54 am

book 198: Sergeant in de sneeuw by Mario Rigoni Stern
from the library, e-book, translated from Italian, English translation The Sergeant in the Snow, 168 pages
TIOLI Challenge #4: Read a book, fiction or nonfiction, with a connection to World War 2

Rigoni is one of few who survived the retreat of the Italian troops from Stalingrad and the Battle of Nikolayevka.
The soldiers wrestle though Russian winter, hungry, tired, losing many on their way. Rigoni writes condensed, no great deeds, no hero's, just the soldiers in the snow and the farms and villages they pass. Sometimes the Russian peasants are even nice to them.

Giu 30, 2019, 8:12 am

book 19: Kenau by Theun de Vries
own, Dutch, no translations, 127 pages
TIOLI Challenge #2: Read a location specific book, in alpha-rolling order

Story about Kenau Simonsdochter Hasselaer and the siege of Haarlem in 1572-1573 during the Eighty Years' War.
Kenau fought for her city, and still remains as a word to call a very strong (and not nice) woman.

Theun de Vries wrote this book in 1939, but then WWII started and it could not be published. It was first published shortly after the war in 1946.

Giu 30, 2019, 8:26 am

book 200: Ze hebben mijn vader vermoord by Édouard Louis
own, translated from French, English translation Who killed my father, 76 pages
TIOLI Challenge #6: Read a book that has a family member in the title (rolling challenge - F/M/O)

Pamphlet about the writers reconciliation with his father, who was a poor workman in the north of France.
Various governments, both left wing and right wing, slowly made life impossible for his father. Cuts in social security, cuts medicine compensation, etc. all "only a few euro's". No problem for those who have money, but insurmountable for those already living in poverty...

Giu 30, 2019, 8:38 am

book 201: Dingen die mijn zoon moet weten over de wereld by Fredrik Backman
from the library, translated from Swedish, English translation Things My Son Needs to Know about the World, 175 pages
TIOLI Challenge #6: Read a book that has a family member in the title (rolling challenge - F/M/O)

I love Fredrik Backmans books. In this book he writes to his very young son, advice for now and later in life. Much was funny, or even very funny, some was a little over the top to me.

I am no parent, so probably better enjoyed by those who have children.

Giu 30, 2019, 8:51 am

200 up already!!!!

Well done and wishing you a lovely weekend, Anita.

Modificato: Giu 30, 2019, 8:55 am

book 202: Het verraad by Rosemary Sutcliff
own, YA, translated, original title The Shining Company, 244 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14 Read a book with an even number of pages

This book is inspired by the Y Gododdin, a very old Welsh poem.
7th century, three hundred British warriors gather in Dun Eidyn to go south and fight the Saxons. Their deeds are in a poem by Anerin, the bard, who went with them.
The story is told by a shield-bearer, who went to Dun Eidyn with a Welsh prince.

A good and solid historic story, as only Rosemary Sutcliff can write.

Giu 30, 2019, 9:21 am

book 203: Berlijn Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döblin
1001 books, own, translated from German, English translation Berlin Alexanderplatz, 533 pages
TIOLI Challenge #2: Read a location specific book, in alpha-rolling order

I started this book when we were in Berlin in May. I didn't get very far and put it aside.
A few days ago I picked it up again and found myself back in Berlin with Franz Biberkopf and fate. This time I was reading straight through the book, I barely could put it down.
Döblin creates the atmosphere of the big city by using texts of advertisements, songs, weather reports, headlines etc though the story. It takes some time to get used to that.

This book will stay with me for a long time.

Giu 30, 2019, 9:32 am

book 204: De weg by Siobhan Dowd
from the library, YA, translated, awarded, Eervolle Vermelding, 2012, original title Solace of the road, 201 pages
TIOLI Challenge #5: Read a book where the same word appears at least three times on the cover (not from title or author's name)

Holly is an 15 year old girl, she lives in an institution, but now goes into foster care. The couple tries their best to make her feel at home, but Holly has a troubled past and decides to run away. Slowly we find out what happened to Holly.

Giu 30, 2019, 9:34 am

>151 PaulCranswick: Almost misssed you, Paul, thank you!
I was so busy writing my last reviews for June.
I hope all is well with you.

Giu 30, 2019, 9:34 am

>153 FAMeulstee: I’ve had Berlin Alexanderplatz on my wish list for years, but as is so often the case, never got around to it. I should probably make more of an effort.

Giu 30, 2019, 9:47 am

>156 PawsforThought: Me too Paws! I looked at starting it for July. My reading this year has really been stodgy and I do need to pick up the pace radically in the 2nd half of the year.

Giu 30, 2019, 10:03 am

>153 FAMeulstee: I'm another one who wants to get to this book! Thanks for the nudge, Anita.

Glad to read your dad is doing well and keeping busy.

Giu 30, 2019, 10:29 am

Congratulation on reaching 200, Anita!
I am pleased to hear some good news from you.
Have a beautiful sunday.

>154 FAMeulstee: I think I should read it.
It was a recommendation in school, so I thought it couldn't be good ;-).
But that was a long time ago.

Giu 30, 2019, 10:45 am

Wow, as ever. 200 reads in six months. Congratulations Anita.

Giu 30, 2019, 3:49 pm

Hi Anita my dear, congrats on reaching 200 books read in six months. Hope you and Frank have had a good weekend and send love and hugs to both of you from both of us dear friend.

Giu 30, 2019, 5:41 pm

>149 FAMeulstee: TWO HUNDRED!!

Brava, dear Anita!

I loved Berlin Alexanderplatz and will always remember...ol' Whatsisname, y'know, the loser.

Giu 30, 2019, 6:30 pm

>156 PawsforThought: It was a bit difficult and different at first, but at abou 1/4th I was drawn right into the story.

>157 PaulCranswick: I hope you get to it, Paul, and I hope you'll get yourself enough time to read in the 2nd half of the year.

>158 charl08: Thank you, Chalotte, it was good to see my father was kept busy and doing a bit better.
I hope you get to Berlin Alexanderplatz, I have seen some reviews complaining about the English translation, but that could also be the writing style that is a bit different.

>159 SirThomas: Thank you, Thomas. We had a good day, as the temperatures were dropping :-)
I distrusted any school recommendation at that age! Reading some of them now, most are indeed recommendable ;-)

>160 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline. Numbers are a bit down, compared to last year, but that is fine with me.

>161 johnsimpson: Thank you, John. We had a good weekend, although Saturday was way to hot to do anything at all.

>162 richardderus: Thank you, Richard :-)
You mean Franz Biberkopf, or maybe the bad guy, Reinhold.

Lug 1, 2019, 12:54 am

Congratulations on 200 books!

Lug 1, 2019, 4:44 am

>164 banjo123: Thank you, Rhonda!

Modificato: Lug 1, 2019, 4:49 am

June 2019 in numbers

30 books read (9,058 pages, 301.9 pages a day)

own 6 (20 %) / library 24

20 male author / 10 female author
  8 originally written in Dutch / 22 translated into Dutch
25 fiction / 5 non-fiction

30 books in TIOLI Challenges
12 e-books
  2 1001 book (total 124)
  0 Dutch Literary Canon (total 23/125)
10 childrens/YA
  5 mystery/police prodedural

longest book 1,040 pages
shortest book 48 pages
average book 302 pages

own books read were on the shelf since:
before 2008: 2
2018: 1
2019: 3

date first published:

20th century
1900s: 1
1920s: 1
1940s: 1
1950s: 2
1960s: 1
1980s: 1
1990s: 6

21st century
2000s: 5
2010s: 12

  2 x
  4 x
  9 x
12 x
  3 x

Best books in June

Berlijn Alexanderplatz (Berlin Alexanderplatz) by Alfred Döblin
Bede aan de zee (Sea Prayer) by Khaled Hosseini

Sergeant in de sneeuw (The Sergeant in the Snow) by Mario Rigoni Stern
Wij tegen jullie (Us Against You) by Fredrik Backman
Warhorse (Warhorse) by Michael Morpurgo
Ze hebben mijn vader vermoord (Who killed my father) by Édouard Louis

Modificato: Ago 3, 2019, 10:31 am

2019 totals to date:

204 books read (56,221 pages, 310.6 pages a day)

own 90 (44 %) / library 113 / other 1

137 male author / 67 female author
62 originally written in Dutch / 142 translated into Dutch
179 fiction / 25 non-fiction

197 books in TIOLI Challenges
75 e-books
17 1001 books (total 122)
  3 Dutch Literary Canon (total 23/125)
78 childrens/YA
40 mystery/police prodedural

longest book 1040 pages
shortest book 32 pages
average book 276 pages

own books read were on the shelf since:
before 2008: 61
2008: 5
2009: 1
2014: 1
2017: 2
2018: 9
2019: 11

date first published:
2nd century: 1
17th century: 2
18th century: 1
19th century: 7

20th century
1900s: 1
1910s: 2
1920s: 3
1930s: 4
1940s: 4
1950s: 4
1960s: 12
1970s: 19
1980s: 22
1990s: 36

21st century:
2000s: 37
2010s: 49

  7 x
22 x
76 x
71 x
25 x
  2 x
  1 x

January 2008 - June 2019 totals:

1,968 books read
511,353 pages read

Lug 1, 2019, 6:23 pm

Congratulations on reading over 200 books in the first six months of the year, Anita! It is good to see that your father is doing much better and doing more socializing.

Lug 1, 2019, 6:31 pm

I was about to post almost exactly what Meg said! Congrats, Anita.

Modificato: Lug 1, 2019, 9:21 pm

Congratulations on passing 200 books read! Wonderful. And on a five star read, with Berlin Alexanderplatz. I vaguely remember the TV series, but now I am curious about the book.

I'm glad your father is feeling a bit better.

Lug 2, 2019, 12:20 am

Anita, I am blown away that you have read 200 books in 6 months. You amaze! Congratulations.

Lug 2, 2019, 12:54 am

I am blown away by your reading prowess. Congrats on reaching 200...and we are only halfway through the year!!

Glad to hear your Dad is doing a bit better and I hope you are doing okay as well.

Sending hugs.

Lug 2, 2019, 6:59 pm

>168 Familyhistorian: Thank you, Meg, it is (again) a good reading year :-)
I am glad my father is taking the opportunities of the recidence where he lives.

>169 jessibud2: Thank you, Shelley, the books treat me well.

>170 EllaTim: Thank you, Ella, Berlijn Alexanderplatz was a bit of hard work at first, but very rewaring after the first 1/4 of the book.
So are we.

>171 mdoris: Thank you, Mary, I won't make the 500+ of last year ;-)

>172 Berly: Thank you, Kim, on my way to 400 this year :-)
I am doing not very well, thyroid troubles again. Started with a next batch of Thyrax three weeks ago, and now it feels like I am getting too much: the usual symptoms of sleeping less, feeling rushed, high heartbeat and reading too much. Lowering the dose and hoping to find the right dose again.

Lug 3, 2019, 3:38 am

>149 FAMeulstee: Congratulations on 200 Anita!

I'm sorry to hear about your sister but I'm glad you have Frank to help you. I hope she has someone, too. Good to hear that your father is doing well.

Lug 3, 2019, 8:24 am

Hi Anita!

Congrats on 200, and sorry about the thyroid issues again. I hope lowering the dose helps.

Best wishes for the women today against Sweden. I'll be watching for sure.

Lug 3, 2019, 8:36 am

>174 humouress: Thank you, Nina.
It is a comfort not to be alone in this. My sister isn't alone either. It is hardest on my father, as he has never been alone in his life, went straight from his family into marriage. It is good he lives with many others at the residence.

>175 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, I am afraid the thyroid will always be a hassle. Only positive is that I recognise the signs earlier on.
Of course we will also watch our women in Lyon tonight :-)

Lug 3, 2019, 3:31 pm

>176 FAMeulstee: It does sound like he’s surrounded by good friends.

I stayed up yesterday night to watch England play USA in a tight game. Apparently USA was the only non-European team of the last eight. Good luck!

Modificato: Lug 3, 2019, 6:06 pm

>177 humouress: Again a tight game tonight *sigh*

We won!!!

Now against the USA in the final...

Lug 3, 2019, 10:47 pm

Hi Anita! 200 books! Congratulations. I'm sorry your thyroid troubles still are with you. I suffer with anxiety and depression and sometimes I find it all overwhelming too. Family - sometimes a real help, other times so much heartbreak. I'm glad you have Frank and that your dad is doing okay in his residence. Take care.

Lug 4, 2019, 1:40 am

>178 FAMeulstee: Congratulations!

Maybe it's time someone else held the cup ;0) Good luck.

Lug 4, 2019, 6:40 am

I do love their orange kit, and the orange supporters. Is Frank watching the Cricket World Cup whilst you watch the football?

Lug 4, 2019, 7:31 am

That was a fantastic game, wasn't it? Scoreless 'til the 99th minute, too. It was a beautiful goal, too.

Lug 4, 2019, 12:21 pm

Congrats to the Netherlands on the win! I am looking forward to watching them play the US. (of course I will cheer for the US, but it should be a fun game to watch.)

Lug 4, 2019, 4:08 pm

>179 vancouverdeb: Thank you, Deborah, well on my way for a good reading year again.
The thyroid probably will stay a hassle, but without the thyroid medicines I would not be around anymore, so the hassle is the lesser evil.
Ther was very nast e-mail from my sister again a few days ago. My dad gets upset each time again, and I feel so sorry for him.

>180 humouress: Thank you, Nina.
That would be nice! We will see next Sunday :-)

>181 charl08: Even I have an orange shirt if needed ;-)
Frank would love to watch the cricket, but it isn't possible to get SKY over here. His hope is that the BBC gets the rights again. So he looks at Teletext (Ceefax) to keep up with the cricket games & reads the sport pages on internet.
So it is the two of us watching the football.

>182 karenmarie: Yes it was, Karen, also a bit nervewracking to me. I would have liked that goal in regular playing time!

>183 banjo123: Thank you, Rhonda, I think the US has a better team. But anything can happen!

Lug 4, 2019, 4:34 pm

>184 FAMeulstee: Well, at one point we were even with the US. I’m glad I didn’t have to live through a penalty shoot out, though - too nerve wracking.

Lug 4, 2019, 4:35 pm

>185 humouress: Yes, the decisive penalty shoots are the worst.

Lug 5, 2019, 6:27 am

It will be an exiting Sunday, as now everybody will be watching I think, maybe even me:-)

Lug 5, 2019, 1:25 pm

Amazing number of books, and amazing stats. And I'm so impressed that you are keeping up with all the reviews.

I usually not a soccer fan, but like Ella, I may watch it tomorrow.

An interesting discussion of War Horse. I saw the movie, but haven't read the play. I'll definitely have to keep an eye out to see if there is a touring company within traveling distance.

Lug 5, 2019, 4:47 pm

>187 EllaTim: Not yet everybody, sadly some still don't like women football.

>188 streamsong: Thank you, Karen. Keeping up with the reviews is the hardest part, I keep putting it off until I am at least a little in the mood.
Tomorrow is the match between England and Sweden to decide who is third. Sunday is the finale.
Did you also read the book War Horse?

Lug 5, 2019, 7:00 pm

I saw War Horse the play in Toronto and it was one of the best plays I have ever seen!

Lug 6, 2019, 4:55 pm

>190 mdoris: That is an excellent recommendation of the play, Mary.

Lug 7, 2019, 9:58 am

Hi Anita!

>184 FAMeulstee: I always my team comfortably ahead early even though I also want a good game.

Here's to the Netherlands-US game today. I hope it's a good one.

Lug 7, 2019, 11:04 am

Hope you have fun watching the game. I have finally got my recliner out of the garage to enjoy reading in the garden.

Lug 7, 2019, 11:07 am

Eheu! England lost third place to Sweden. Yet again, second goal denied due to VAR. :0(

All this love for War Horse is tempting, but I'm worried that it'll be too sad.

Lug 7, 2019, 11:53 am

>192 karenmarie: I would like the same, Karen, ahead early...
The game is a good one to watch.

>193 charl08: Enjoy your book in the garden, Charlotte. I worked some in the garden this morning.

>194 humouress: Sorry, Nina, overall I think VAR is good, makes the game more fair.
Try the book first?

Watching the final, after the first half still 0-0

Modificato: Lug 8, 2019, 4:35 am

book 205: Marten Toonder by Wim Hazeu
from the library, e-book, Dutch, non-fiction, no translations, 767 pages
TIOLI Challenge #5: Read a book where one of the first sentences in Chapters 1, 2 or 3 mentions a number

Biography of Marten Toonder, famous creator of Tom Puss and other comics.
I read his autobigraphy in March and April. Of course there are some differences, Toonder made some events look more positive for himself in his own books. Just human I think. He had a long and eventful life, making his comics (also during WWII), a lot of trouble in his family life, moving to Ireland, death of children, estranged children near the end of his life. A man who dedicated his life to his work, not to his family and that took its toll.

Modificato: Lug 8, 2019, 4:39 am

book 206: De straat waar niets gebeurt by Els Pelgrom
own, Dutch, YA, awarded, Vlag en Wimpel 1987, no translations, 120 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14: Read a book with a title of at least 4 words (subtitle excluded)

Andreas lives in Granada (Spain), in a small street where never anything happens. So he imagines having adventures. One day he does see something strange at the other side of the street and he ends up in a real adventure.

Modificato: Lug 8, 2019, 4:57 am

book 207: Sneeuwwitje moet sterven by Nele Neuhaus
from the library, e-book, translated from German, English translation Snow White must die, 446 pages
TIOLI Challenge #2: Read a book by an author from or about/set in one of the nations participating in the 2019 Women’s World Cup

Fourth book about the German police in Hessen, with main characters Oliver von Bodenstein and Pia Kirchhoff.

Tobias Sartorius has just been released from prison after haveing served 10 years. He was convicted for murdering two teenage girls from his village, soly on circumstancial evidence as the bodies were never found. He returns home and finds his fathers life shattered, the villagers turned their back on his father because of his conviction. The villagers are not amused about Tobias return, but Tobias refuses to leave. When a woman falls (or is she pushed) from a bridge, Von Bodenstein and Kirchhofff start an investigation, that soon leads to the village where Tobias and his father live.

Again a very good read, a story that absorbed me, a complicated and statisfying plot.

Lug 8, 2019, 5:18 am

book 208: En toen waren er nog maar... by Agatha Christie
from the library, e-book, translated, original title And then there were none, 187 pages
TIOLI Challenge #3: Read a book for the CFF* Mystery Challenge Challenge

Ten people are lured to go to an island. All have done something in their life, that caused someone's death, but they were never convicted. Then they are murdered, one by one...

A clever mystery.

Modificato: Lug 8, 2019, 5:39 am

book 209: De avonturen van Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
1001 books, from the library, translated, original title The adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 312 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14: Read a book with a title of at least 4 words (subtitle excluded)

I know it is a classic childrensbook, I like most classics and I like most childrens books. But I had trouble getting through this one. I had some trouble with the racism. I know Twain was on the good side, but there is clearly looking down on persons of color. Of course it is a sign of the time, I have read a lot of Karl May books, and they have the same problem. The adventures itself were funny at times, and sometimes plain boring.

I don't think this book should be in any of the "1001 books" list, although it is listed in all editions and even in the childrens edition.

Lug 8, 2019, 5:46 am

book 210: Zoektocht in Katoren by Jan Terlouw
from the library, Dutch, YA, no translations, 211 pages
TIOLI Challenge #13: Rolling challenge - Read a book by an author whose name (first, last, or middle) starts with a letter in EDGAR MARTINEZ

A kind of sequel to the popular book Koning van Katoren (How to become King), but not as good.
It is fourty years after Stach became King of Katoren. The country is at peace, but many things are not right. The goatherder Koss goes on a search and finds many odd things in the country.

Jan Terlouw is an engaged writer, he tries to educate his readers. He puts many problems of modern society in this book, maybe a few too many.

Lug 8, 2019, 6:29 am

Hi, Anita. I hope you had a nice weekend. Sorry, about your team losing. I am not a soccer fan but it looks like the Netherlands, has a very fine team. Here is to next year.

Modificato: Lug 8, 2019, 10:16 am

Commiserations. It was a good match; fantastic football!

>195 FAMeulstee: Hmm; watching Wimbledon and there are so many ‘challenges’ it’s taking the sport out of the game.

Lug 8, 2019, 10:33 am

>196 FAMeulstee: How funny! I was talking to my Young Gentleman Caller about pastry and the tompouce came up.

We both enjoy mille-feuille pastries and were discussing the techniques of making them. We ended up agreeing that eating them is too much fun to ruin it by doing all that roll-chill-roll again-chill again nonsense, so buying them is the best way to get them.

Lug 8, 2019, 11:10 am

Hello Friend Anita.

Each day I am going to visit a few threads. When I came here, I realized how much I miss you, your thread, your selections, and our group.

It was a joy to take time to read about your recent selections. I added a few on hold at my local library.

Thanks for the lovely person you are!

Modificato: Lug 8, 2019, 2:43 pm

>202 msf59: Thank you, Mark, our weekend was good. Except that the USA won the World Cup ;-)
No chance next year, this tournament is only every 4 years. And all teams have to qualify first.

>203 humouress: Thank you, Nina, it was a good tournament to watch. I didn't expect our team would come this far.
I thought the "challenges" were limited in tennis? It is good when a wrong decision can be turned right.

>204 richardderus: Good catch, Richard, Tom Puss (or Tom Poes in Dutch) was named after the tompouce :-)
I love them, they are usually pink on top and only orange on Kings day and other Dutch holidays. Buying is much easier!

>205 Whisper1: Dear Linda, so good to see you around!
Miss you too, we have been in this group together for such a long time!
I hope you wil like the books you found on my thread.

Lug 8, 2019, 2:45 pm

Hi Anita! I was excited to see the USA win, but the Netherlands did well. And that goalkeeper!

Lug 8, 2019, 3:42 pm

Thank you, Rhonda, we are very proud our team did so well in the tournament. The USA team was better in the final, so it was a deserved win.

Modificato: Lug 8, 2019, 7:36 pm

>200 FAMeulstee: Since one of the aspects of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that are extolled in Promised Land: Thirteen Books that Changed America is that it was the rich use of America idiom in it's writing, translation is probably not kind to it. It really isn't a children's book at all, and is when used in classrooms is included with adult books in high school and college.

Lug 9, 2019, 7:35 am

Lug 9, 2019, 6:16 pm

>200 FAMeulstee: I know Twain was on the good side

In the context of 1884 Twain was probably better than most white writers, and the "All right then, I'll go to Hell" scene is excellent. But yeah, the book taken as a whole and in a modern context really does not deserve its antiracist reputation.

Lug 10, 2019, 7:19 pm

>209 quondame: Over here it is considered to be a childrens book,Susan, I found it at the C-section (for 10-14 year olds) of the library.

>210 kidzdoc: Next time you come over, Darryl, I will but you one :-)

>211 swynn: Yes he was for his time, Steven, but times change. To modern standards it is rather racist.

Lug 10, 2019, 8:49 pm

>212 FAMeulstee: Thanks, Anita!

Lug 13, 2019, 4:42 pm

Hope that your thyroid is behaving better now, Anita. Have a great weekend.

Lug 13, 2019, 10:36 pm

Closing on 3x75 already, Anita!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Lug 14, 2019, 5:07 pm

>213 kidzdoc: You are very welcome, Darryl :-)

>214 Familyhistorian: Sadly not, Meg, it will take a while to get t right, as it always does.
We had a busy weekend and tomorrow we will visit my father, I will catch up here on Tuesday I hope.

>215 PaulCranswick: Thank you, Paul, only 10 left to go.
I hope you had a good weekend, and a good start into the week in a couple of hours.

Lug 15, 2019, 2:47 am

Hope you had a "good busy" weekend Anita. I spent some of the weekend in an awe inspiring small garden, hoping I can use some of the ideas in my garden.

Lug 15, 2019, 8:01 am

Hi Anita! Just a quick stop to say I hope you had a good weekend and that your visit with your father goes well.

Lug 15, 2019, 12:52 pm

>189 FAMeulstee: Whoops, I meant to say that I have neither read the book War Horse nor seen the play. I'd would love to see the play after reading everyone's comments.

A lot of the racism in Huck Finn is satirical. That may also not have translated well.

Hooray for almost 3 x 75! I'm cheering for you in advance!

How many of the 1001 have you read now?

Lug 15, 2019, 6:56 pm

Happy new week, Anita!

Lug 16, 2019, 6:25 pm

>217 charl08: Yes it was a good busy weekend, Charlotte. We went to the exhibition Meesterlijke vrouwen (Masterly Women) in the Stedelijk Museum in Schiedam, and we visited our friend Guido and Endo (the Chow Chow, born at our place).

>218 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen.
With my father we went to my mothers grave. I hadn't been there yet, because at first my sister hanged around a lot. We looked at gravestones and now my father is ready to order one.

>219 streamsong: Then maybe read the book first, Janet?
That might be part of the problem, but even satirical it doesn't feel well in the 21st century...
I keep a list at the 1001 group, I am at 125 now.

>220 richardderus: Thank you, Richard dear.
Yesterday we went to my father, today it was perfect gardening weather. And I finished book 216, so life is good :-)
Only catching up with the threads didn't work out today, maybe tomorrow....

Lug 16, 2019, 8:01 pm

>221 FAMeulstee: A good busy weekend. Interesting exhibition in Schiedam. Did you like it?

Modificato: Lug 18, 2019, 5:16 am

>222 EllaTim: I loved the exhibition, Ella, recommended!
I already knew some of Charley Toorops works. Furthermore I was impressed by the stained glass by Jacoba van Heemskerck and the paintings of Nola Hatterman.

I have some trouble getting the pictures off my photocamera, I hope to show some later.

Lug 18, 2019, 7:19 pm

>223 FAMeulstee: Sounds good. I like Charley Toorops work, and it would be nice to see the other artists.

I hope you manage to get your pictures!

Lug 19, 2019, 2:31 am

Hi Anita!
Stopping by to thank you for the recommendation of Nele Neuhaus.
It is hard to stop reading once you've started.
The museum sounds good, I hope the pictures work.
I wish you a wonderful weekend.

Modificato: Lug 19, 2019, 4:04 am

Hi Anita, I love the way your thread reminds me to get out and see some art!

I've just been reading reviews of books about Lee Krasner including Ninth Street Women - too many books!

Lug 20, 2019, 4:08 pm

Hi Anita my dear, hope you and Frank have had a good Saturday my dear, sending love and hugs dear friend.

Lug 21, 2019, 6:07 am

>224 EllaTim: Thank you, Ella, if you have the chance go yourself, the exposition is until September 8th.
I have managed to get the pictures and they can bee seen on my FB account.
Later today (or tomorrow) I will start a new thread with some pictures from the exhibition.

>225 SirThomas: You are welcome, Thomas, I just got the next book from the e-library.
The pictures are on my computer and FB, I forgot to remove the previous pictures from my camera. So it was way to full and the camera had trouble with it.

>226 charl08: Art is regular needed for me, Charlotte, it makes me think and lifts my mood.
Sadly there was no catalogue from the Materly Women exhibition in Schiedam, too few books in this case ;-)

>227 johnsimpson: Thank you, John, the same to you and Karen.
When are you leaving for Madeira?

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 6:54 am

book 211: Het Rosie project by Simsion Greame
from the library, e-book, translated, original title The Rosie Project, 332 pages
TIOLI Challenge #2: Read a book by an author from or about/set in one of the nations participating in the 2019 Women’s World Cup

Dr. Don Tillman, a geneticist with Asperger's syndrome. He thinks he needs a wife and makes a questionnaire for possible candidates. Then Rosie comes along but, he likes her, but she has none of what he is looking for. The y work together to find her biological father.

Funny, but with some improbabilities, Don's social skills grow a bit fast.

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 6:54 am

book 212: De duivelskunstenaar by Matthias Rozemond
from the library, e-book, Dutch, historical fiction, no translations, 287 pages
TIOLI Challenge #9: Read a book (fiction or non-fiction) centred on someone who really existed, with rolling geographical setting/connection

Book about the life of Jheronimus Bosch, the famous painter.
Turned out to be a not very well written romantic story. Het best part of the book is the cover.

Lug 21, 2019, 6:41 am

book 213: Hoe Tortot zijn vissenhart verloor by Benny Lindelauf
own, YA, awarded, Gouden Lijst 2017, English translation Tortot the cold fish who lost his world and found his heart, 235 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14: Read a book with a title of at least 4 words (subtitle excluded)

Cook Tortort and legless George are stuck in the war. They switch sides when needed to survive.
A nice adventurous story, showing the needless suferrings from war.

I loved Benny Lindelaufs previous two books, this one I only liked. The illustrations are beautiful.

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 6:54 am

book 214: Moergrobben by Theun de Vries
from the library, e-book, Dutch, historical fiction, no translations, 372 pages
TIOLI Challenge #4: Read a book that fits one of the squares on the 2019 Seattle Adult Summer Reading Book Bingo card

Melchior Hintham is a painter at the end of the 15th century in 's-Hertogenbosch. At first he pains only relegious scenes, but somehow along the way "moergrobben" (little devils) sneak up in his paintings.

The main character is based on Jheronimus Bosch, the writer used an other name for literary freedom. This was a much better book than >230 FAMeulstee:

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 7:12 am

book 215: Zusje by Camilla Läckberg
from the library, e-book, translated from Swedish, English translation The Stranger, 372 pages
TIOLI Challenge #2: Read a book by an author from or about/set in one of the nations participating in the 2019 Women’s World Cup

Fourth book in the Erica Falck & Patrik Hedström series.
A woman has died in a single car carcrash, seemingly very drunk. Patrick senses something odd at the scene, but can't put his finger n it, until the lab results show up. Meanwhile a reality TV show has turned up in the village and one of the contenders is found dead. This all keeps Partick busy, while he should help Erica with the preparations for their upcoming wedding.

Again an enjoyable book in the series, looking forward to the next.

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 7:12 am

book 216: Gevallen engel by David Hewson
own, e-book, translated, original title The fallen angel, 432 pages
TIOLI Challenge #2: Read a book by an author from or about/set in one of the nations participating in the 2019 Women’s World Cup

Ninth book in the Nic Costa series.
Re-reading the series before getting to the new Nic Costa book The Savage Shore, that came out last year.

Luckely I always forget the plot, so reading again is almost as good as the first time. Or maybe even better.

Lug 21, 2019, 7:15 am

Happy Sunday, Anita. >234 FAMeulstee: It's still one I need to read. Glad to see that you enkoyed it.

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 7:24 am

book 217: Schaduw van de Zijderoute by Colin Thubron
from the library, non-fiction, translated, original title Shadow of the Silk Road, 366 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14: Read a book with a title of at least 4 words (subtitle excluded)

Colin Thubron travels from China to East Turkey in 2005, along the ancient Silk Road.
Besides the travelogue, he tells us about history of the places he visits. The first part of his travels are difficult, due to the outbreak of SARS.
It is amazing how a man in his sixties is able to travel this way, most of the way without any comfort.

Nice read, a bit long winded at times. With detailed maps.

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 7:19 am

>235 Ameise1: Thank you, Barbara, now I will finalliy get to the most recent Nic Costa book :-)
I just finished The invisible guardian by Dolores Redondo, recommended by you last year. Very good!

Lug 21, 2019, 7:26 am

>237 FAMeulstee: I hope you also get the other two books in this trilogy. My older daughter was thrilled, too. There is another book from her that I would like to read All This I Will Give to You. Unfortunately, it is currently always on loan.

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 7:47 am

>238 Ameise1: The third book of the trilogy is not translated yet, Barbara, but I am sure it will come.
Luckely all her available books are at the e-library, including All This I Will Give to You, so I can lend them from home.

Lug 21, 2019, 7:37 am

>239 FAMeulstee: My problem is that my library have all e-books in epub format. I have a Kindle and can not borrow e-books from my library. My family all have Tolinos and with them you can borrow e-books from the library.

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 7:49 am

>239 FAMeulstee: Time to get a second e-reader where you can read in epub format?
I love my Kobo :-)

Lug 21, 2019, 7:52 am

>241 FAMeulstee: It looks like I have to buy a second ereader but I have to wait until I see one on sale.

Lug 21, 2019, 7:59 am

Happy Sunday, Anita. I hope you are enjoying the weekend. Glad you got to The Rosie Project. I thought they were fun reads.

Lug 21, 2019, 8:08 am

Happy Sunday, Anita! I'm sorry that the book about Bosch wasn't a good one. Are there any about him that you would recommend (in English translation, of course)? I'm curious to learn more about him after I visited 's-Hertogenbosch with Connie and Sanne last year.

Lug 21, 2019, 8:35 am

>242 Ameise1: It is almost always wise to wait, Barbara, I hope they get on sale soon.

>243 msf59: Thank you, Mark, it was a fun read and I will get to the next two.
Enjoying the weekend and preparing for a bad heatwave next week, nearly 100 F is expected on Thursday :-(

>244 kidzdoc: Thank you, Darry, the same to you.
I haven't read much besides these two books, you might try to find someting tagged Hieronymus Bosch on LT.

Lug 21, 2019, 8:36 am

Hi Anita!

>221 FAMeulstee: I’m glad you got to see your mother’s grave without your sister being there, glad that you father can now order a stone.

>233 FAMeulstee: I just found a copy of the first in the series, The Ice Princess on BookMooch, and it should be arriving soon. I’m excited because several folks have mentioned the series recently.

Lug 21, 2019, 8:39 am

Hi, Anita.

There's definitely a suspension of disbelief element to the Rosie books, but the second two are just as funny as The Rosie Project, and I found the last one charming and a satisfying conclusion (although it doesn't preclude him writing more of them . . .)

Lug 21, 2019, 8:43 am

>246 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, we did choose the stone together.
A day later my sister sended an e-mail to my father, pretending she wanted to reconcile, full with how good she is and praising her own deeds... I hope he doesn't fall for it, as it is the same patern I went through with her over 15 years ago.
I hope you like The Ice Princess, if so, there are more :-)

Modificato: Lug 21, 2019, 8:46 am

>247 jnwelch: Thanks, Joe. I will continue with the Rosie books, they are perfectly light reads for in between heavier reads. Good to know you were satisfied with the conclusion. So I don't have to worry about that :-)

Lug 21, 2019, 9:32 am

Next thread is up!

Lug 21, 2019, 3:08 pm

>228 FAMeulstee:, Hi Anita, We fly early Friday morning to Madeira.
Questa conversazione è stata continuata da Anita (FAMeulstee) goes where the books take her in 2019 (6).