Anita (FAMeulstee) reads on in 2018 (8)

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Conversazioni75 Books Challenge for 2018

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Anita (FAMeulstee) reads on in 2018 (8)

Questa conversazione è attualmente segnalata come "addormentata"—l'ultimo messaggio è più vecchio di 90 giorni. Puoi rianimarla postando una risposta.

Ago 1, 2018, 10:48 pm

Welcome to thread eight!

Two works by Sean Scully, left Doric Dusk (2011) right recent work figuring his son at the beach

Modificato: Set 1, 2018, 3:46 am

total books read in 2018: 309
207 own / 90 library / 12 other

total pages read in 2018: 68,786

books read in August 2018 (46 books, 10,879 pages, 32 own / 14 library)
book 309: Harry Potter en het vervloekte kind (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child) by J.K. Rowling, 367 pages, TIOLI #7, (msg 173)
book 308: *De vuurman by Anton Quintana, 295 pages, TIOLI #1, (msg 164)
book 307: *De Mennyms belegerd (Mennyms Under Siege) by Sylvia Waugh, 192 pages, TIOLI #17, (msg 163)
book 306: *De Mennyms (The Mennyms) by Sylvia Waugh, 186 pages, TIOLI #12, (msg 162)
book 305: De slavenkaravaan by Karl May, 364 pages, TIOLI #6, (msg 154)
book 304: Het vege kolkje by Alet Schouten, 139 pages, TIOLI #17, (msg 153)
book 303: De blinde muur (Firewall) by Henning Mankell, 603 pages, TIOLI #16, (msg 152)
book 302: *De lege plaats (Words by heart) by Ouida Sebestyen, 153 pages, TIOLI #14, (msg 149)
book 301: *Warlord (The Warlord) by Malcolm Bosse, 589 pages, TIOLI #19, (msg 148)
book 300: Harry Potter en de halfbloed prins (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) by J.K. Rowling, 490 pages, TIOLI #11, (msg 134)
book 299: De beer en de nachtegaal (The Bear and the Nightingale) by Katherine Arden, 352 pages, TIOLI #18, (msg 130)
book 298: De woestijnrovers van Noord-Afrika by Karl May, 317 pages, TIOLI #6, (msg 129)
book 297: Een kunstenaar van het vlietende leven (An Artist of the floating World) by Kazuo Ishiguro, 231 pages, TIOLI #3, (msg 115)
book 296: *Gespleten landschap (Somehow Tenderness Survives) by Hazel Rochman, 124 pages, TIOLI #13, (msg 114)
book 295: Soldaten huilen niet by Rindert Kromhout, 265 pages, TIOLI #17, (msg 113)
book 294: De Cock en het lijk op drift by A.C. Baantjer, 140 pages, TIOLI #10, (msg 112)
book 293: Over de bergen by Gerrit Komrij, 237 pages, TIOLI #4, (msg 106)
book 292: Auww! by Veronica Hazelhoff, 146 pages, TIOLI #16, (msg 105)
book 291: Het autistische brein (The autistic brain) by Temple Grandin, 272 pages, TIOLI #15, (msg 104)
book 290: De vier wezen by Alet Schouten, 117 pages, TIOLI #12, (msg 103)
book 289: Harry Potter en de Orde van de Feniks (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) by J.K. Rowling, 668 pages, TIOLI #11, (msg 99)
book 288: De Zwarte Hengst en het meisje (The Black Stallion and the Girl) by Walter Farley, 159 pages, TIOLI #7, (msg 98)
book 287: *Sterke Wanja by Otfried Preussler, 128 pages, TIOLI #8, (msg 97)
book 286: Paumen : Altijd tot het uiterste by Maartje Paumen & Robèrt Misset, 237 pages, TIOLI #5, (msg 96)
book 285: Gebr (Brothers) by Ted van Lieshout, 118 pages, TIOLI #1, (msg 93)
book 284: Een reis door het hart van Tibet (In the Shadow of the Buddha: One man's journey of discovery in Tibet) by Matteo Pistono, 280 pages, TIOLI #2, (msg 92)
book 283: *Twee weken in mei by Christine Nöstlinger, 166 pages, TIOLI #14, (msg 91)
book 282: Gans, papegaai en kraanvogel : gedichten uit het oude China by Bai Juyi, 151 pages, TIOLI #19, (msg 90)
book 281: De nacht van de heksenketelkandij by Simone Schell, 103 pages, TIOLI #13, (msg 89)
book 280: Onder de vulkaan (Under the volcano) by Malcolm Lowry, 427 pages, TIOLI #4, (msg 84)
book 279: Het derde zusje (Little sister) by David Hewson, 440 pages, TIOLI #10, (msg 83)
book 278: Onder het vee by Rutger Kopland, 37 pages, TIOLI #16, (msg 80)
book 277: Mattijs Mooimuziek by Hans Werner, 135 pages, TIOLI #7, (msg 73)
book 276: *De rode schuur by Ota Hofman, 104 pages, TIOLI #12, (msg 71)
book 275: Salto mortale (Death and judgement) by Donna Leon, 332 pages, TIOLI #6, (msg 70)
book 274: Het beertje Pippeloentje by Annie M.G. Schmidt, 48 pages, TIOLI #18, (msg 69)
book 273: *Het zout der aarde en het domme schaap by Sheila Och, 116 pages, TIOLI #3, (msg 64)
book 272: Light verse in Dutch en double Dutch by John O'Mill, 174 pages, TIOLI #9, (msg 63)
book 271: De onwaarschijnlijke reis van Harold Fry (The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry) by Rachel Joyce, 318 pages, TIOLI #2, (msg 62)
book 270: Het boek Job by Lydia Rood, 128 pages, TIOLI #15, (msg 53)
book 269: Lotta uit de Kabaalstraat (Lotta on Troublemaker Street) by Astrid Lindgren, 59 pages, TIOLI #1, (msg 51)
book 268: De kunst van het liegen (A Red Herring Without Mustard) by Alan Bradley, 382 pages, TIOLI #11, (msg 50)
book 267: De kleine prins (The Little Prince) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, TIOLI #8, 95 pages, (msg 47)
book 266: *Aap en Beer by Wim Hofman, 64 pages, TIOLI #17, (msg 36)
book 265: De poort (The Gate) by Natsume Soseki, 165 pages, TIOLI #9, (msg 34)
book 264: De Wolf, John by John de Wolf & Jeroen Siebelink, 266 pages, TIOLI #5, (msg 33)

Ago 1, 2018, 10:50 pm

books read in July 2018 (30 books, 7,891 pages, 21 own / 9 library)
book 263: Harry Potter en de vuurbeker - J.K. Rowling
book 262: Geschiedenis van de Lage Landen deel 4 - Jaap ter Haar
book 261: *Rattenvanger - Karlijn Stoffels
book 260: *Voor altijd, altijd - Bart Moeyaert
book 259: Kat en muis - Günter Grass
book 258: Harry Potter en de gevangene van Azkaban - J.K. Rowling
book 257: Ilias - Homeros
book 256: De tweede oorlog - Billi Rosen
book 255: Eigen rechter - Jan Terlouw
book 254: Himalaya - Michael Palin
book 253: *Matthijs en z'n opa - Roberto Piumini
book 252: In de bovenkooi - J.M.A. Biesheuvel
book 251: Sabriël - Garth Nix
book 250: Het verkeerde meisje - David Hewson
book 249: De heerser - Niccolo Machiavelli
book 248: Pompeii - Robert Harris
book 247: Nederlandse Historiën : Een keuze uit het grote verhaal van de Nederlandse Opstand - P.C. Hooft
book 246: *Kikker en pad zijn best tevreden - Arnold Lobel
book 245: Kikker is verliefd - Max Velthuijs
book 244: De vorst - Niccolo Machiavelli
book 243: Eend voor eend - Guus Kuijer
book 242: Het oog in de deur - Pat Barker
book 241: Indiaans verhaal : In de schaduw van twee beschavingen - Reinier Artist
book 240: De scheepsjongens van Bontekoe - Johan Fabricius
book 239: *Het boek van Dorrie - Marilyn Sachs
book 238: Arthur koning voor eens en altijd, gevolgd door het boek Merlijn - Terence H. White
book 237: Hollands glorie - Jan de Hartog
book 236: Gezien de feiten - Griet Op de Beeck
book 235: De geest van de Zwarte Hengst - Walter Farley
book 234: De waarde-ring - Marten Toonder

* these books are to be culled

Ago 1, 2018, 10:51 pm

books read in June 2018 (40 books, 9,845 pages, 24 own / 16 library / 1 from my dad)
book 233: *Mag ik hem houden? - Steven Kellogg
book 232: Manhattan Beach - Jennifer Egan
book 231: *Oorlogskind - Rudolf Herfurtner
book 230: *Schakelfout - Henk van Kerkwijk
book 229: Levens van meisjes en vrouwen - Alice Munro
book 228: De geschiedenis van de Lage Landen 3 - Jaap ter Haar
book 227: En ééntje zag ze vliegen - Ken Kesey
book 226: Harry Potter en de geheime kamer - J.K. Rowling
book 225: Harry Potter en de steen der wijzen - J.K. Rowling
book 224: Severino - Eduard Klein
book 223: De hemel valt - Kit Pearson
book 222: *Verhalen van de zwarte kraai - Pauline Mol
book 221: Wierook en tranen - Ward Ruyslinck
book 220: Hindergroen - Martine Bijl
book 219: In Babylon - Marcel Möring
book 218: De Cock en tranen aan de Leie - A.C. Baantjer
book 217: Een dagje naar het strand - Heere Heeresma
book 216: De Olifantsberg - Els Pelgrom
book 215: Natuurlijk - Jan Terlouw
book 214: De vrouw in het Götakanaal - Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö
book 213: Lief leven - Alice Munro
book 212: De kaperkapitein - Karl May
book 211: Wilde zwanen - Jung Chang
book 210: Het vlot - Wim Hofman
book 209: Ik ben Eleanor Oliphant - Gail Honeyman
book 208: De zwarte hengst getergd - Walter Farley
book 207: Het lijk zonder hoofd - Michael Jecks
book 206: Aderlaten en wonderbaarlijke genezingen - Vincent Lam
book 205: *Eilandheimwee - Selma Noort
book 204: Terug naar Brideshead - Evelyn Waugh
book 203: De allerliefste jongen van de hele wereld - Ted van Lieshout
book 202: *Een gedeelde hamaca - Selma Noort
book 201: *Rinske en de stoomtram - Diet Huber
book 200: Eetsprookjes - Huib Stam
book 199: Koning van Katoren - Jan Terlouw
book 198: *Een toren tegen de Romeinen - Mollie Hunter
book 197: Venetiaanse gedichten - Maria de Groot
book 196: De laatste generatie - Fred Pearce
book 195: Trots en vooroordeel - Jane Austen
book 194: *Het muizenhuis : Sam & Julia - Karina Schaapman
book 193: Vrijbuiters op Solna - Hermann Molenkamp

books read in May 2018 (46 books, 9,808 pages, 30 own / 15 library / 1 from dad)
book 192: Rooie, en andere verhalen over mij en mijn klas - Willem van Toorn
book 191: *De tranen knallen uit mijn kop - Guus Kuijer
book 190: De duivel draagt het licht - Karin Fossum
book 189: Het lied van de honden - Gary Paulsen
book 188: Ongezocht ongeluk - Peter Handke
book 187: Boekenpest - Boudewijn Büch
book 186: *Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner
book 185: Een tijd voor empathie - Frans de Waal
book 184: Komplot op volle zee - Henk van Kerkwijk
book 183: Heerlijke nieuwe wereld - Günter Wallraff
book 182: *Nancho van Bonaire - Diana Lebacs
book 181: *Hoe weet jij dat nou? - Dolf Verroen
book 180: Schaduwliefde - Ruta Sepetys
book 179: Rutgers reis - Willem Wilmink
book 178: De wraak van de Sith - Matthew Stover
book 177: Motu-Iti, het meeuweneiland - Roberto Piumini
book 176: *Wie had gelijk Mary Rose? - Marilyn Sachs
book 175: Pech - Friedrich Dürrenmatt
book 174: *Vechten met Veronica - Marilyn Sachs
book 173: Het ga je goed, het ga je wel - Toeckey Jones
book 172: Siddhartha : een Indiese vertelling - Hermann Hesse
book 171: De moedige R2-D2 - Ace Landers
book 170: Gaan, ging, gegaan - Jenny Erpenbeck
book 169: Toen onze Daniel dood ging - Janni Howker
book 168: Stormboy : een leven in de wildernis - Colin Thiele
book 167: Zwart water - Kerstin Ekman
book 166: Bloem water gist zout passie - Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana
book 165: De Cock en een dodelijk rendez-vous - A.C. Baantjer,
book 164: 1001 boeken die je gelezen moet hebben! - Peter Boxall
book 163: Markus en de meisjes - Klaus Hagerup
book 162: *Jinx - Margaret Wild
book 161: De jungle - Upton Sinclair
book 160: Wiplala weer - Annie M.G. Schmidt
book 159: Wiplala - Annie M.G. Schmidt
book 158: *Ver van huis - Ouida Sebestyen
book 157: Aan de schitterende rand van de wereld - Eowyn Ivey
book 156: Jannes - Toon Tellegen
book 155: *Markus en Diana - Klaus Hagerup
book 154: *Het huis in Niemandsland - Christine Nöstlinger
book 153: De gedaanteverwisseling - Franz Kafka
book 152: De zwarte stenen - Guus Kuijer
book 151: Maak dat je wegkomt - Fred Vargas
book 150: De wereld bij benadering - Jean Rouaud
book 149: *Lola, de beer - Trude de Jong
book 148: Op een ochtend was de khomre leeg - Hushang Moradi-Kermani
book 147: Sjlasjduivels op Monta - Hermann Molenkamp

* these books are to be culled

Ago 1, 2018, 10:51 pm

books read in April 2018 (37 books, 6,828 pages, 28 own / 9 library)
book 146: De verdenking - Friedrich Dürrenmatt
book 145: Eeuwelingen - Steffie van den Oord
book 144: Bijna iedereen kon omvallen - Toon Tellegen
book 143: Verkocht - Hans Hagen
book 142: *We gingen bramen plukken - Doris Buchanan Smith
book 141: Doodgewoon - Bette Westera
book 140: *Een huis met zeven kamers - Joke van Leeuwen
book 139: *Vogels in het zwart - Piet Meeuwissen
book 138: *Maak me niet kapot - Lynn Hall
book 137: Athabasca - Hadley Irwin
book 136: De avonturen van Alice in Wonderland & Achter de spiegel en wat Alice daar aantrof - Lewis Carroll
book 135: Liefde, enz - Julian Barnes
book 134: Een vrouw op 1000 graden - Hallgrimur Helgason
book 133: *De vergeten hacienda - Sven Wernström
book 132: Ronja de roversdochter - Astrid Lindgren
book 131: Operatie Napoleon - Arnaldur Indriðason
book 130: De omgekeerde man - Fred Vargas
book 129: *Klein verhaal over liefde - Marit Törnqvist
book 128: Het is fijn om er te zijn - Guus Kuijer
book 127: Over tirannie - Timothy Snyder
book 126: Helden op sokken - Anne Makkink
book 125: Wild vlees - Marita de Sterck
book 124: Wie niet weg is wordt gezien - Ida Vos
book 123: *Vluchten kan niet meer - Nigel Hinton
book 122: Het wonderlijke archief van Mevrouw Fitzalan - E.L. Koningsburg,
book 121: De aard van het beest - Janni Howker
book 120: Sprong in de leegte - Lydia Rood
book 119: Trioloog - Julian Barnes
book 118: De genezing van de krekel - Toon Tellegen
book 117: Mevrouw Vis, aap en de vuilniskoningin - Norma Fox Mazer
book 116: *Voor niks gaat de zon op - Els Pelgrom
book 115: De paardentemmer - Walter Farley
book 114: Niemandsland - Pat Barker
book 113: Acqua alta - Donna Leon
book 112: Een osbork in de ruimte - Gerben Hellinga jr
book 111: Coriolis, de stormplaneet - Gerben Hellinga jr
book 110: De dood draagt rode schoenen - Donna Leon

books read in March 2018 (47 books, 8,414 pages, 36 own / 11 library)
book 109: Het huilen van Urgje - Marten Toonder
book 108: De W.A.-man ; De pook ; Roest - Theun de Vries
book 107: De gevleugelde kat - Isabel Hoving
book 106: *De kat en de adelaar - Hans Hagen
book 105: De koperen tuin - Simon Vestdijk
book 104: Geschiedenis van de Lage Landen deel 2 - Jaap ter Haar
book 103: Vrienden van de maan - Mensje van Keulen
book 102: *Wat is dat? een voelboek - Virginia Allen Jensen
book 101: Dood in den vreemde - Donna Leon
book 100: De kwade inblazingen - Marten Toonder
book 99: Verhalen voor een Afrikaanse koning - Humphrey Harman
book 98: Verder alles goed - Nico Dijkshoorn
book 97: Stralend kruid - Roberto Piumini
book 96: Wachten op Doggo - Mark B. Mills
book 95: Het Gilgamesj-epos
book 94: De molen en de Boeseknor - Alet Schouten
book 93: *Uk en Bur - Wim Hofman
book 92: Vaderland - Robert Harris
book 91: *Vos en haas - Sylvia Vanden Heede
book 90: Metamorphosen - Ovidius
book 89: De Cock en de geur van rottend hout - A.C. Baantjer
book 88: Iolo komt niet spelen - Alet Schouten
book 87: Het betoverde land achter de kleerkast - C.S. Lewis
book 86: De prinses van Clèves - Madame de Lafayette
book 85: De zomer van 1927 - Bill Bryson
book 84: *Elfenmiddag - Janet Taylor Lisle
book 83: *Toen Faas niet thuiskwam - Martha Heesen
book 82: *De kat in de gordijnen - Dolf Verroen
book 81: Roofvogels & uilen in Europa - Jaap Schelvis
book 80: De storm - Gaye Hiçyilmaz
book 79: Waarom kwamen de walvissen? - Michael Morpurgo
book 78: De encyclopedie van de grote woorden - Mark Boog
book 77: *Lieve Tracey... Lieve Mandy... - John Marsden
book 76: Van Hector die een kater was - Alet Schouten
book 75: Twtti Rhys Hec : een meisje van zestien - Hadley Irwin
book 74: Het schnitzelparadijs - Khalid Boudou
book 73: Donderslag - Libby Hathorn
book 72: *Zoals de wind om het huis - Johanna Kruit
book 71: Alptraum : Stanley's laatste gems - Koos van Zomeren
book 70: *Birk - Jaap Robben
book 69: Piraten aan de Stille Oceaan - Karl May
book 68: Heksen en zo... - Annie M.G. Schmidt
book 67: Your future! hét trendwatchers handboek - Lieke Lamb & Richard Lamb
book 66: *Wat dacht je van mij? - Corrie Hafkamp
book 65: *De vloek van Cornelia - Martha Heesen
book 64: Noodweer - Suzanne Fisher Staples
book 63: *Luna van de boom - Bart Moeyaert

* these books are to be culled

Ago 1, 2018, 10:52 pm

books read in February 2018 (30 books, 6,987 pages, 21 own / 9 library )
book 62: Josja Pruis - Harm de Jonge
book 61: Laat me nooit alleen - Kazuo Ishiguro
book 60: De wreker van Floris V - Renée Vink
book 59: Godje - Daan Remmerts de Vries
book 58: La Bruja, de merrie - Helen Griffiths
book 57: *Zwart op wit - Akky van der Veer
book 56: *Het huis tussen de bomen - Irene Hunt
book 55: Geschiedenis van de Lage Landen deel 1 - Jaap ter Haar
book 54: Britt-Marie was hier - Fredrik Backman
book 53: Sneeuw - Orhan Pamuk
book 52: Het boek van alle dingen - Guus Kuijer
book 51: *Jonathan, wat zag je in die zomernacht? - K.M. Peyton
book 50: Edda translated - Marcel Otten
book 49: Morgen is de toekomst - An Rutgers van der Loeff
book 48: Zwart als inkt - Wim Hofman
book 47: De adjudant van de vrachtwagen - S.R. van Itterson
book 46: Een midzomernachtdroom - William Shakespeare
book 45: Anansi de spin weeft zich een web om de wereld - Noni Lichtveld
book 44: De verdwenen menora - Jan & Sanne Terlouw
book 43: De havik - T.H. White
book 42: Schorshuiden - Annie Proulx
book 41: Maliff en de wolf - Hans Hagen
book 40: *Meneer Ratti - Mensje van Keulen
book 39: Pablo - Helen Griffiths
book 38: *Tommie Station - Mensje van Keulen
book 37: Aardzee 2 - Ursula Le Guin
book 36: *Mijn hersens draaien rondjes - Rita Verschuur
book 35: *Het is nacht, we gaan op jacht - Hans Hagen
book 34: *Muizensoep - Arnold Lobel
book 33: Zwaarden, paarden en ziektekiemen - Jared Diamond

books read in January 2018 (32 books, 8,134 pages, 15 own / 7 library / 10 BolKobo+)
book 32: *Stijfkop, de vechthond - Helen Griffiths
book 31: De hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
book 30: Het reality-essay - Dirk Vis
book 29: *Het is maar een straathond - Helen Griffiths
book 28: De man van de blauwe cirkels - Fred Vargas
book 27: Zes maanden in de Siberische wouden - Sylvain Tesson
book 26: Francisco, olé ! - Helen Griffiths
book 25: De laatste zomer - Helen Griffiths
book 24: Een studie in rood - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
book 23: Naar Moskou! Naar Moskou! - Willem Oosterbeek
book 22: Lof der zotheid - Desiderius Erasmus
book 21: Wolvensaga - Käthe Recheis
book 20: Doldwazen en druiloren - Ulf Stark
book 19: *Het heksenkind - Helen Griffiths
book 18: Woutertje Pieterse - Multatuli
book 17: *Majesteit, Uw ontbijt - Sjoerd Kuyper
book 16: De rode hengst op de renbaan - Walter Farley
book 15: *Sacha, de russische blauwe kat - Helen Griffiths
book 14: *Kaas en de evolutietheorie - Bas Haring
book 13: Waarom ik lees - Tim Parks
book 12: De vergeten geschiedenis van mijn grootvader Sulayman Hadj Ali - Meltem Halaceli
book 11: De reizen van Gulliver - Jonathan Swift
book 10: Een handvol sneeuw - Jenny Erpenbeck
book 9: A van alibi - Sue Grafton
book 8: De oorlog heeft geen vrouwengezicht - Svetlana Alexievich
book 7: Het vierkant van de wraak - Pieter Aspe
book 6: De abdij van Northanger - Jane Austen
book 5: Twilight - Stephenie Meyer
book 4: Reizen zonder John - Geert Mak
book 3: *De hond van Rafa - Helen Griffiths
book 2: Onafhankelijke mensen - Haldór Laxness
book 1: *Het gouden oog - Hans Hagen

* these books are (to be) culled

Modificato: Ago 30, 2018, 8:01 am

Reading plans:

TIOLI August 2018, double sweep done!

Ago 1, 2018, 11:01 pm

Reading plans in 2018

I have a large collection of mostly awarded childrens & YA books. At the moment I am reading the books I haven't read since joining LT, mostly alphabeticly, to decide which to keep. The ones not to keep are donated to a library in Rotterdam (where we lived until 2005).
I started in 2018 with 697 childrens/YA books, of those 350 are TBR.

End of July update:
- Childrens/YA books TBR: 350 - 137 read in 2018 = 213 + 3 books acquired = 216 TBR
- Childrens/YA books on the shelves: 697 + 3 books acquired = 700 - 2 culled = 698 - 80 ready to go = 618


I keep trying to read more of my own books, of the 452 books I have read in 2017 238 (53%) were my own.
This year I try again to read at least 50% books of my own.

I join the TIOLI (Take It Or Leave It) challenges each month.

January summary: January in numbers
February summary: February in numbers
March summary: March in numbers
April summmary: April in numbers
May summmary: May in numbers
June summary: June in numbers
July summary: July in numbers

Previous threads in 2018
book 1 - 25 (January 2018): thread 1
book 26 - 52 (January-February 2018): thread 2
book 53 - 92 (February-March 2018): thread 3
book 93 - 136 (March-April 2018): thread 4
book 137 - 192 (April-May 2018): thread 5
book 193 - 233 (June 2018): thread 6
book 234 - 263 (July 2018): thread 7

My readings in previous years

452 books (110,222 pages) read in 2017/1, 2017/2, 2017/3, 2017/4, 2017/5, 2017/6, 2017/7, 2017/8, 2017/9, 2017/10, 2017/11, 2017/12, 2017/13
252 books   (72,474 pages) read in 2016/1, 2016/2, 2016/3, 2016/4, 2016/5, 2016/6
  29 books   (10,079 pages) read in 2015
  17 books     (3,700 pages) read in 2014
  13 books     (3,692 pages) read in ROOT 2013
  50 books   (18,779 pages) read in 2012/1, 2012/2, 2012/3
  82 books   (29,387 pages) read in 2011/1, 2011/2
120 books   (37,668 pages) read in 2010/1, 2010/2, 2010/3, 2010/4
  78 books   (22,698 pages) read in 2009/1, 2009/2
130 books   (39,901 pages) read in 2008


Other lists

My best of lists on the WikiThing

Modificato: Set 1, 2018, 3:44 am

Series I read, mostly mysteries, a list to keep track

Bernie Gunther by Philip Kerr 4/12
1 Een Berlijnse kwestie; 2 Het handwerk van de beul; 3 Een Duits requiem; 4 De een van de ander; 5 Een stille vlam; 6 Als de doden niet herrijzen; 7 Grijs verleden; 8 Praag fataal; 9 De man zonder adem; 10 De vrouw van Zagreb; 11 De schaduw van de stilte; 12 Pruisisch blauw

Broeder Cadfael by Ellis Peters 6/20
1 Het heilige vuur; 2 Het laatste lijk; 3 Het gemene gewas; 4 De kwade knecht; 5 De eenzame bruid; 6 De kille maagd; 7 Het vege lijf; 8 De duivelse droom; 9 De gouden speld; 10 Een wisse dood; 11 Een hard gelag; 12 De ware aard; 13 Een witte roos; 14 Het stille woud; 15 De laatste eer; 16 Het rechte pad; 17 Een zijden haar; 18 Een lieve lust; 19 De heilige dief; 20 De verloren zoon

De Cock by A.C. Baantjer 49/70

Flavia de Luce by Alan Bradley 3/5
1 De smaak van venijn; 2 Het stroeve touw; 3 De kunst van het liegen; 4 De show van je leven; 5 Slotakkoord voor een moord

Guido Brunetti by Donna Leon 5/25
1 Dood van een maestro; 2 Dood in den vreemde; 3 De dood draagt rode schoenen; 4 Salto mortale; 5 Acqua alta; 6 Een stille dood; 7 Nobiltà; 8 Fatalita`; 9 Vriendendienst; 10 Onrustig tij; 11 Bedrieglijke zaken; 12 De stille elite; 13 Verborgen bewijs; 14 Vertrouwelijke zaken; 15 Duister glas; 16 Kinderspel; 17 Droommeisje; 18 Gezichtsverlies; 19 Een kwestie van vertrouwen; 20 Dodelijke conclusies; 21 Beestachtige zaken; 22 Het onbekende kind; 23 Tussen de regels; 24 Ik aanbid je; 25 Eeuwige jeugd

John Rebus by Ian Rankin 2/18
1 Kat & muis; 2 Blindeman; 3 Hand & Tand; 4 Ontmaskering; 5 Zwartboek; 6 Vuurwerk; 7 Laat maar bloeden; 8 Gerechtigheid; 9 Door het lint; 10 Dode zielen; 11 In het duister; 12 Valstrik; 13 Lazarus; 14 Een kwestie van bloed; 15 De rechtelozen; 16 Gedenk de doden; 17 Laatste ronde; 18 Cold case;

Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg by Fred Vargas 3/8
1 De man van de blauwe cirkels; 2 De omgekeerde man; 3 Maak dat je wegkomt; 4 De terugkeer van Neptunus; 5 De eeuwige jacht; 6 Vervloekt; 7 De verdwijningen; 8 IJsmoord

Konrad Sejer by Karin Fossum 4/12
1 Eva's oog; 2 Kijk niet achterom; 3 Wie de wolf vreest; 4 De duivel draagt het licht; 5 De Indiase bruid; 6 Zwarte seconden; 7 De moord op Harriet Krohn; 8 Een andere voorkeur; 9 Kwade wil; 10 De waarschuwer; 11 Carmen Zita og døden (not translated); 12 Veenbrand

Kurt Wallander by Henning Mankell 7/12
prequel De jonge Wallander; 1 Moordenaar zonder gezicht; 2 Honden van Riga; 3 De witte leeuwin; 4 De man die glimlachte; 5 Dwaalsporen; 6 De vijfde vrouw; 7 Midzomermoord; 8 De blinde muur; 9 Voor de vorst; 9b Wallanders wereld; 10 De gekwelde man

Martin Beck by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö 2/10
1 De vrouw in het Götakanaal; 2 De man die in rook opging; 3 De man op het balkon; 4 De lachende politieman; 5 De brandweerauto die verdween; 6 De man die even wilde afrekenen; 7 De verschrikkelijke man uit Säffle; 8 De gesloten kamer; 9 De politiemoordenaar; 10 De terroristen

Pieter Vos by David Hewson 3/4
1 Poppenhuis; 2 Het verkeerde meisje; 3 Het derde zusje; 4 De stenen engel

Sir Balwin by Michael Jecks 5/8
1 De laatste tempelridder; 2 De heks van Wefford; 3 De gehangene van Dartmoor; 4 Het mooie lijk; 5 Het lijk zonder hoofd; 6 Het zevende gebod; 7 De dood van de erfgenaam; 8 Moord in het klooster

Modificato: Ago 30, 2018, 8:32 pm

Books acquired in 2018: 74

August 2018 (1)
18 klassiekers om het heden te begrijpen by Jaap Tielbeke

July 2018 (10)
Vrijbuiters op Solna by Hermann Molenkamp
Salto mortale by Donna Leon (e-book)
**Max Havelaar by Multatuli (Perpetua reeks)
De heerser by Niccolo Machiavelli (Perpetua reeks)
Verhaal van een leven 3 by Konstantin Paustovski (Russische bibliotheek)
Sean Scully: Land Sea by Danilo Eccher
Lampje by Annet Schaap
Jan Schoonhoven by Antoon Melissen
CoBrA : De kleur van vrijheid by Ludo van Halem
Sjlasjduivels op Monta by Hermann Molenkamp

June 2018 (13)
Mechaniek by François Bon
De Vaticaanse moorden (Nic Costa 1) by David Hewson
Het Bacchus offer (Nic Costa 2) by David Hewson
De Pantheon getuige (Nic Costa 3) by David Hewson
De engelen des doods (Nic Costa 4) by David Hewson
Het zevende sacrament (Nic Costa 5) by David Hewson (e-book)
De Romeinse lusthof (Nic Costa 6) by David Hewson (e-book)
Het masker van Dante (Nic Costa 7) by David Hewson (e-book)
Blauwe demonen (Nic Costa 8) by David Hewson (e-book)
Gevallen engel (Nic Costa 9) by David Hewson (e-book)
Barst by Boris O. Dittrich (e-book)
Sabbaths theater by Philip Roth
Het complot tegen Amerika by Philip Roth

May 2018 (16)
Lazarillo van Tormes
Het einde van de rode mens by Svetlana Alexijevitsj
Verloren illusies by Honoré de Balzac
Het martyrium by Elias Canetti (Perpetua reeks)
Het verzoek by Michèle Desbordes (Franse bibliotheek)
Gaan, ging, gegaan by Jenny Erpenbeck
Alleen in Berlijn by Hans Fallada
Faust, een tragedie by Goethe (Perpetua reeks)
De doden by James Joyce
De dag van de hond by Caroline Lamarche (Franse bibliotheek)
Een broze waarheid by John Le Carré
Verhalen Boris Pasternak (Russische bibliotheek)
Verhaal van een leven 1 by Konstantin Paustovski (Russische bibliotheek)
Verhaal van een leven 2 by Konstantin Paustovski (Russische bibliotheek)
De menselijke smet by Philip Roth
Operatie Shylock by Philip Roth

April 2018 (4)
Alte Pinakothek Munich by Martin Schawe
Pinakothek der Moderne Munich: Modern Art Collection by Bernhard Maaz
Reinhold Messner: Das Leben eines Extrembergsteigers by Michele Petrucci
The Hounds of Spring by Lucy Andrews Cummin

March 2018 (13)
Soldaat Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo
Ik herhaal je by Ingrid Jonker
Schuim by Alfred Schaffer
Kooi by Alfred Schaffer
Binnenplaats by Joost Baars
Aardzee 2 (omnibus 4-6) by Ursula Le Guin
Gezien de feiten by Griet Op de Beeck (boekenweekgeschenk)
Natuurlijk by Jan Terlouw (boekenweek essay)
Het slechte pad by Robert Galbraith (e-book)
Poppenhuis by David Hewson (e-book)
Het verkeerde meisje by David Hewson (e-book)
Het derde zusje by David Hewson (e-book)
De stenen engel by David Hewson (e-book)

February 2018 (6)
Neo Rauch - Dromos - Schilderijen 1993-2017 by Ralph Keuning
*De holle heuvels by Mary Stewart
*De kristallen grot by Mary Stewart
*De laatste betovering by Mary Stewart
*Arthur, koning voor eens en altijd, gevolgd door Het boek Merlijn by T.H. White
Aardzee (omnibus 1-3) by Ursula Le Guin

* secondhand replacements for books culled in 2005

January 2018 (11)
2314 by Philip Akkerman
Doodgewoon by Bette Westera
De Bosatlas van het Nederlandse voetbal
Amerikaanse pastorale by Philip Roth
Liefdesliederen by Hadewijch
Middlemarch by George Eliot
De avonturen van Alice in Wonderland & Achter de spiegel en wat Alice daar aantrof by Lewis Caroll
Het Gilgamesj-epos
**Bekentenissen van Zeno by Italo Svevo
Het rood en het zwart by Stendhal
Anton Heyboer : het goede moment by Doede Hardeman ea

**replacment for damaged book


Books culled in 2018: 2 (really gone) + 117 (ready to go) = 119

Ago 1, 2018, 11:02 pm

That is it, thread is open!

Ago 2, 2018, 12:09 am

Happy new one, Anita.

Ago 2, 2018, 1:07 am

Happy new thread, Anita!

Modificato: Ago 2, 2018, 1:40 am

Happy new one!

Ago 2, 2018, 2:19 am

Happy New Thread Anita! :)
And I'm very glad things are turning out well (from your last thread)

Ago 2, 2018, 2:58 am

Happy new thread, Anita!

Ago 2, 2018, 3:59 am

Happy new one Anita. I was glad to read the news on the last thread, hope that things continue to improve on this one.

Ago 2, 2018, 6:49 am

Happy new thread, Anita. Keeping you, Frank and your family in my thoughts.

Ago 2, 2018, 8:15 am

Hi Anita!

Whew! The relief must be great. I'm glad to hear that the court ruled in favor of your dad.

Congrats on another phenomenal reading year, even with health and family issues.

Ago 2, 2018, 9:00 am

Happy new thread!

Ago 2, 2018, 9:06 am

>12 Ameise1: Thank you, Barbara!

>13 tymfos: Thank you, Terri!

>14 Berly: Thank you, Kim, that is a lovely thread :-)

>15 Deern: Thank you, Nathalie, so are we!

>16 humouress: Thank you, Nina!

Ago 2, 2018, 9:13 am

>17 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte, so are we. Every improvement is very welcome.

>18 Sakerfalcon: Thank you, Claire, much appriciated.

>19 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, we are pleased with the ruling.
Reading numbers are a bit down in the last weeks, due to both the stress and the low thyroid. I hope to get back to my usual numbers, as I am always afraid my fast reading is going to disappear one day.

>20 foggidawn: Thank you, foggi!

Ago 2, 2018, 9:23 am

Happy New Thread, Anita.

I'm happy for you, your father and the family.

Your reading may be down a bit lately, but the numbers you've read are still awesome!

Ago 2, 2018, 9:44 am

>22 FAMeulstee: Thank you, Joe, we are relieved.
Numbers are relative, and the last two years I am spoiled ;-)

Ago 2, 2018, 1:35 pm

>22 FAMeulstee: Goodness; you’re saying this is a slow year for you?

Ago 2, 2018, 2:27 pm

>25 humouress: Seen over the last ten years it is still an exceptional reading year, Nina, as I only read 13 books in 2013 and 17 in 2014. On the other hand I am at 3,389 pages less than I was last year at the end of July ;-)

Ago 2, 2018, 3:02 pm

Happy new thread, Anita! I hope you're able to get your reading back to the pace you desire!

Ago 2, 2018, 3:22 pm

>27 harrygbutler: Thank you, Harry!
The change in reading speed came so sudden to me, that I am still not completely sure it is a permanent thing. But it will probably go easier again when my thyroid levels are back up where they should be.

Ago 2, 2018, 4:14 pm

Hi there, and happy newest thread. Your reading numbers are way up there, but I too hope you get to read whatever and however and as fast as ever that you want to :)

Ago 2, 2018, 4:42 pm

Happy new thread Anita my dear.

Ago 2, 2018, 6:04 pm

Happy new thread, Anita. I am happy for you and your Dad that the stress of the hearing is over. I hope that things will get back on track for you quickly.

Ago 2, 2018, 6:44 pm

>29 LovingLit: Thank you, Megan, if I ever got three wishes granted, speed reading would be one of them ;-)

>30 johnsimpson: Thank you, John.

>31 Familyhistorian: Thank you, Meg. Most of all I hope my father gets some much needed rest now.

Ago 3, 2018, 2:05 am

book 264: De Wolf, John by John de Wolf & Jeroen Siebelink
from the library, e-book, non-fiction, no translations, 266 pages
TIOLI Challenge #5: Read a book about a sports star, name the sport and star if not obvious from the title

Autobiography of John de Wolf, football player born in Schiedam. He played for Sparta Rotterdam, Feyenoord, Wolverhampton Wanderers and other clubs. He is a football trainer now.
I have seen him playing in the years I went to Feyenoord (1989-1992). He was a though defender.

Ago 3, 2018, 2:23 am

book 265: De poort by Natsume Soseki
from the library, e-book, translated from Japanese, English translation The Gate, 165 pages
TIOLI Challenge #9: Read a book where the first word rhymes with the last word of the previous title

Sosuke and Oyone are a couple living their quiet life in Tokio, at the start of the 20th century. Then Sosuke's younger brother comes to live with them, this has more impact on them than anticipated. Slowly we find out more about the couple 's past and their families.

Nice peak into Japanese life and culture.

Ago 3, 2018, 2:27 am

Morning Anita! Adding this one to my wishlist.

Ago 3, 2018, 2:28 am

book 266: Aap en Beer by Wim Hofman
own, Dutch, childrens, awarded, Gouden Penseel and Zilveren Griffel 1984, no translations, 64 pages
TIOLI Challenge #17: Read a book with a 3-word-title which is an airport abbreviation (rolling challenge, travelling east)

Adventures of Ape and Bear, that takes the young reader through the alphabet. With nice illustrations by the author.

Ago 3, 2018, 6:01 am

>35 charl08: Morning, Charlotte, I hope you like it.

Ago 3, 2018, 8:32 am

Happy new thread! I'm glad I caught this one while it's still new :)

Ago 3, 2018, 9:17 am

Happy new thread!

Ago 3, 2018, 12:17 pm

Happiest of new threads, Anita! Have a wonderful weekend!

Ago 3, 2018, 4:18 pm

>38 ChelleBearss: Thank you, Chelle, glad you found me early ;-)

>39 drneutron: Thank you, Jim!

>40 Carmenere: Thank you, Lynda, we are going to the Escher exhibition tomorrow :-D

Ago 4, 2018, 4:17 pm

Today we visited the Escher exhibition in the Fries Museum:
Sadly it wasn't allowed to take pictures, so I scanned the bookmark I bought & the card of "Day and Night", the work the museum aquired.


Ago 4, 2018, 4:19 pm

I have always been fascinated by Escher's work. I have a book of his paintings from may years ago.

Ago 4, 2018, 6:00 pm

>43 jessibud2: Yes, his work is intriguing, Shelley.
We have M.C. Escher : his life and complete graphic work, so we didn't have to buy the book at the museum :-)

Ago 4, 2018, 11:19 pm

Happy new thread! The Escher exhibit sounds interesting.

Ago 5, 2018, 5:57 am

>45 banjo123: Thank you, Rhonda!
I have always loved Escher's works and it was fun to see them in real now.

Ago 5, 2018, 6:07 am

book 267: De kleine prins by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
1001 books, from the library, translated from French, English translation The Little Prince, 95 pages
TIOLI Challenge #8: Read a book first published in the decade of your birth (list the publication year)

"One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eyes."
The first time I read this book was somewhere in the 1970s, I think in my early teens. I loved it back then and loved it again.
It may be listed as childrens book, but I think you can get something from it at each age. Written in the midst of WWII, it shines a light of imagination and dreams in a dark world.

I used to own a copy of this book, not sure why I ever culled it. I will get a copy again some day!

Ago 5, 2018, 6:12 am

Love Escher, Anita.

It's a while since I've read The Little Primce too. I saw it when moving books the other day, I should pull it off the shelf.

Ago 5, 2018, 6:29 am

>48 Caroline_McElwee: Don't we all love Escher, Caroline? :-)
I am still wondering why I ever culled The Little Prince, enjoy your re-read!

Ago 5, 2018, 6:29 am

book 268: De kunst van het liegen by Alan Bradley
from the library, translated, mystery, original title A Red Herring Without Mustard, 382 pages
TIOLI Challenge #11: Read a humorous book, but with a twist! Use a tag mash of humor and one of the following: mystery/horror/science fiction/fantasy to find your book

Third book in the Flavia de Luce series.
Entertaining and fun mystery, with our main character, 11 year old Flavia, solving the mysteries.

As the Dutch title has no relationship with the English title at all, it means "The art of lying", which is important in the book.

Ago 5, 2018, 6:50 am

book 269: Lotta uit de Kabaalstraat by Astrid Lindgren
own, childrens, translated from Swedish, awarded, Zilveren Griffel 1973, English translation Lotta on Troublemaker Street, 59 pages
TIOLI Challenge #1: Read a book whose ISBN contains a sequence of a three-in-a-row number

Sweet chapter book, where little Lotta wakes up upset, as she thinks her older brother and sister messed with her dearest stuffed animal. During the day she gets more angry and decides to run away.

I love all Astrid Lindgren books, this one is no exception. With lovely illustrations from Ilon Wikland.

Ago 5, 2018, 7:15 am

Happy Sunday, Anita. Happy New Thread. Looks like you are having a lovely time with the books.

Ago 5, 2018, 7:17 am

book 270: Het boek Job by Lydia Rood
from the library, e-book, Dutch, non-fiction, no translations, 128 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with a significant connection to the concept of neurodiversity

Lydia Rood has a brother called Job, who is a classic autistic. In this book she writes about their relationship, and Job's relationship with the other siblings. The struggles his parents had when Job was young, when very little was knows about autism, and the mainstream thought was that it was the mothers fault. In the 1970s Job was placed in the first home exclusively for autistic teenagers and later a permanent place in a home for adult autistics.
Lydia endlessly talks with her brother, trying to find ways to reach into his thoughts. Job is very pround there is a book written about him :-)

Ago 5, 2018, 7:18 am

>52 msf59: Thank you, Mark, Happy Sunday to you!
As always, the books treat me well :-)

Ago 5, 2018, 7:39 am

>50 FAMeulstee: That's the next one I need to read in the Flavia series. I'm not sure why I stopped reading them but I really need to get on with it again as I believe I have the next two on my shelves.

Ago 5, 2018, 8:38 am

Hi Anita!

>42 FAMeulstee: Both the bookmark and card are fantastic. Thanks for sharing them and the link.

Ago 5, 2018, 8:56 am

>55 ChelleBearss: The same happened to me, Chelle, I read the first two nearly TWO years ago. I will try to get to the next one soon.

>56 karenmarie: You are welcome, Karen, I think many of us love Escher.

Ago 5, 2018, 10:00 am

270 books already Anita - I know what you have been doing while I have been away!

Have a lovely Sunday.

Ago 5, 2018, 12:22 pm

>58 PaulCranswick: LOL Paul, just like I keep on doing the last years ;-)
So good to see a msg from you!!

Probably too late to wish you anything for Sunday, so I'll go for good wishes for the upcoming week.

Ago 6, 2018, 3:09 pm

>47 FAMeulstee: The Little Prince is an excellent little book. I've always been a fan of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's other works (e.g., Night Flight and Southern Mail) as well.

Ago 6, 2018, 3:53 pm

>60 harrygbutler: I haven't read any of Saint-Exupéry's other works, Harry. I would like to, but no other works are available at the library. I'll have to look around for his books second hand.

Ago 6, 2018, 4:15 pm

book 271: De onwaarschijnlijke reis van Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce
from the library, translated, original title The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry, 318 pages
TIOLI Challenge #2: Read a book whose title suggests a journey

One day Harold Fry receives a letter from a former co-worker, Queenie informs him she is dying of cancer. Harold goes out to post a return letter, but decides he is going to walk all they way to the north, to say his final goodbye in person.
On his way he meets many nice people, and slowly the backstory of Harold, his wife Maureen and their son David is revealed.

Ago 6, 2018, 4:24 pm

book 272: Light verse in Dutch en double Dutch by John O'Mill
from the library, e-book, Dutch, poetry, no translations, 174 pages
TIOLI Challenge #9: Read a book where the first word rhymes with the last word of the previous title

Anthology of the poetry works by John O'Mill, real name Johan van der Meulen, who teached English.
He played mainly with the Dutch and English language (and a bit with German and French) in light verses; sometimes mixing the languages with mostly humorous results.

Don't worry!

God's in his heaven
The sun's in the sky
And all is known
by the FBI

Ago 6, 2018, 4:32 pm

book 273: Het zout der aarde en het domme schaap by Sheila Och
own, YA, translated from Czech, awarded, Zilveren Griffel 1995, no English translation, 116 pages
TIOLI Challenge #3: Read a book where the author’s last name starts with a vowel

Jana lives with her grandfather in a basement. They are poor, but her grandfather finds most of what they need in the trash of other people. When Jana wants new things, he tells her that getting new things only makes people wanting more stuff they don't need. When grandfather causes a riot, he is send to a retirement home and Jana to an orphanage. But grandfather breaks free and rescues Jana.

A funny and sad book.

Ago 6, 2018, 6:26 pm

Happy new thread Anita!

I'm glad that the court case has turned out well. You must be relieved.

And already ten books read in august! That's more than a book a day!

Ago 7, 2018, 12:30 pm

>65 EllaTim: Thank you, Ella, it is a big relief!
A few very short books makes it look more than it is, but I hope August is going to be better reading wise, than July was.

Ago 7, 2018, 1:32 pm

Happy newish thread - almost full already :)

Ago 8, 2018, 5:58 am

>67 paulstalder: Thanks, Paul, the thread is well on its way ;-)

Modificato: Ago 8, 2018, 7:29 am

book 274: Het beertje Pippeloentje by Annie M.G. Schmidt
own, childrens, Dutch, awarded, Gouden Penseel 1995, no translations, 48 pages
TIOLI Challenge #18: Read a Book that Includes a Bear, real or fictitious, in its Title or Plot

Many Dutch know the first lines of this story in rhyme about the adventures of a little bear:
Kijk, het beertje Pippeloentje
heeft geen sok en heeft geen schoentje
(Look, the little bear Pippeloentje
has no sock and has no shoe
In 1994 a new edition was published, with beautiful illustrations by Harrie Geelen.

Reading brought back memories of early childhood, when my mother would read this to me.

Ago 8, 2018, 6:31 am

book 275: Salto mortale by Donna Leon
own, translated, mystery, original title A Venetian reckoning (UK, Death and judgement in USA ), 332 pages
TIOLI Challenge #6: The Location, Location, Location Rolling Challenge!

Fourth book about commisario Guido Brunetti in Venice.
In a short time three man are murdered, and even Brunetti is schocked over his findings.

I love how Brunetti's family life is part of the story.

Ago 8, 2018, 6:38 am

book 276: De rode schuur by Ota Hofman
own, YA, translated from Czech, awarded, Vlag en Wimpel 1980, no English translation, 104 pages
TIOLI Challenge #12: Read a book with a multiple word title, with words of increasing length

Micha's father is finally able to buy a Skoda. He was on a waiting list for years. But owing a car gives worries, so soon Micha and his parents are searching a garage for the car. This way the meet old Andrys, owner of a red shed, that might be used as a garage. After some time Andrys becomes part of the family.

Ago 8, 2018, 6:39 am

>69 FAMeulstee: Nice!

I looked it up, and found a very nice sung version here:

Ago 8, 2018, 6:44 am

book 277: Mattijs Mooimuziek by Hans Werner
own, YA, Dutch, awarded, Beste Kinderboek 1968, no translations, 135 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book where the letters of the title on the cover are all black or all white

Sweet fairytale about a country where everyone loves to play music. One day an evil witch disturbes musical life and Mattijs goes onto a quest to find the music back.

Ago 8, 2018, 6:52 am

>72 EllaTim: Yes!

That was a nice way to celebrate the Concertgebouw :-)
The book contains all adventures of Pippeloentje.

Ago 8, 2018, 8:29 am

>74 FAMeulstee: Lovely music, wasn't it? And those children's faces, adorable.

I never read Pippeloentje, so even one of them was new to me.

Ago 8, 2018, 8:45 am

>42 FAMeulstee: Wow! The Escher's you are able to share with us look amazing! When I went to your link I discovered he also painted the
"cycle" which I am more familiar with but had forgotten the artist. It's sad, yet understandable, why photography is prohibited. Yet, I must say, my book mark of Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights" I purchased from the Prado is a photo I see and admire every time I open my book, rather than hiding it in the pages of a photo album. Always triggers lovely memories.

Ago 8, 2018, 4:44 pm

>75 EllaTim: :-)
And no Pippeloentje in your recent Annie M.G. haul...

>76 Carmenere: Thanks, Lynda, yes he is most famous for his play with perspective and with changing shapes. The main problem with taking pictures was that some works came from private collections, and their owners would not give permission.
I have some postcards with artwork that are used as bookmark, they make me happy when I see them.

Ago 9, 2018, 2:47 pm

>62 FAMeulstee: Loved that book.

Ago 10, 2018, 2:12 pm

>78 The_Hibernator: :-)
Old men have become popular as main character.

Ago 10, 2018, 3:29 pm

book 278: Onder het vee by Rutger Kopland
own, Dutch, poetry, no translations, 37 pages
TIOLI Challenge #16: Read a book whose title ends with a doubled letter

Poetry debut (1966) of well known Dutch poet, writing under pseudonym.
Nice impressions of moments in life with family, landscapes and nature.

Ago 10, 2018, 3:32 pm

Hey Anita - hope you have a wonderful weekend. >79 FAMeulstee: I saw the film version of The Hundred year old man who climbed out of the window recently - I think with the same actor who was in the version of Ove. I was surprised how funny it was.

Modificato: Ago 10, 2018, 3:58 pm

>81 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte, the same to you. It has finally cooled down a bit, that helps enjoying my weekend :-)
Yes, I was referring to those two, I haven't seen the movies, but did read the books.
We have a Dutch one in The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, 83 1/4 Years Old.

Ago 10, 2018, 3:53 pm

book 279: Het derde zusje by David Hewson
own, e-book, translated,original title Little sister, 440 pages
TIOLI Challenge #10: Read a local book

The third book in the Pieter Vos series, Dutch policeman in Amsterdam.
The twins Mia and Kim have been institutionalized 10 years in a facility for young female mental patients deemed dangerous. They ended up there after they found their parents and their sister, the third of triplets, murdered and were found later that night next to the body of the lead singer of a local band.
Now they have turned 21, and can not be held in the facility any longer. Their psychatrist agrees to get them in a rehabilitation center in Amsterdam. The girls never arrive at the center, and the male nurse who accompanied them is found murdered.

When I start reading a book by David Hewson, I can barely stop reading until I finish it. This one was no exception :-)

Ago 10, 2018, 4:16 pm

book 280: Onder de vulkaan by Malcolm Lowry
1001 books, own, translated,original title Under the volcano, 427 pages
TIOLI Challenge #4: Read a book that contains the word "over" or "under" in the title

The last day in the life of the long term alcoholic Geoffrey Firmin. Especially the parts where his incoherent look at the world, his constant search for alcohol and his inner thoughts are described are chivering.

I haven't struggled like this with a book for a long time, it was realy stretching my reading limits.
Not an easy read, both the prose and the depressing subject of alcoholism. I had a hard time to get into the story, I could only take a chapter a time for the first half of the book. Past that it became a bit easier for me to keep reading (partly because I wanted to get it done).

Ago 11, 2018, 4:42 pm

>84 FAMeulstee: Not exactly a recommendation Anita! I think I'll pass on that one.

Ago 11, 2018, 5:49 pm

>85 EllaTim: Indeed, Ella, not recommended by me.
The work is much better liked by many others, my husband loved it.

Ago 11, 2018, 7:19 pm

I love Escher! I use to have several of his images / posters on my wall as a teen. I am almost done with Death and Judgement--I also love that his family is part of the story. : )

Ago 12, 2018, 4:08 am

>87 Berly: Thanks, Kim, I also discovered Escher in my teens. There is so much to see in his images.
I am waiting for the next Brunetti books to come out as e-books, as Death and judgement was the last one. The library only has the newest books of the series.

Ago 13, 2018, 12:59 pm

book 281: De nacht van de heksenketelkandij by Simone Schell
own, YA, Dutch, awarded, Gouden Griffel 1975, no translations, 103 pages
TIOLI Challenge #13: Read a book that pairs well with a drink

Serge was adopted from Greece when he was little. He has a good life with his parents, until they decide they have room for two foster children, Koen and Ine. Serge is jealous and doesn't want Koen and Ine in his life. After months the situation hasn't changed. Then a mysterious invitation arrives...

Modificato: Ago 13, 2018, 1:13 pm

book 282: Gans, papegaai en kraanvogel : gedichten uit het oude China by Bai Juyi
own, poetry, translated from Chinese, no English translation, 151 pages
TIOLI Challenge #19 : Read a book set in a country that mirrors where your dog (or other pet) originated.

Poems by Bai Juyi (772–846) a populair poet in his time. He wrote about nature, everyday life, social injustice and his family.
The most impressive were the poems about the death of his young daughter.

His work is available in English translation in The Selected Poems of Po Chü-i and Bai Juyi: 200 Selected Poems

Modificato: Ago 18, 2018, 7:37 pm

book 283: Twee weken in mei by Christine Nöstlinger
own, YA, translated from German, awarded, Vlag en Wimpel 1985, no English translation, 166 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14: Read a second book by an author whom you read for the first time this year

Vienna, 1948, 12 year old Christl isn't happy. The war has ended, but "peace" is not what she imagined. There is still distribution of food, the black market florishes and without money you can't get nice things. What is peace if life gets hardly any better?
Meanwhile school goes on and Christl falls in love for the first time.

Autobigrapic story of growing up in Vienna after WWII.

With this book I finished my TIOLI sweep for August.

Ago 13, 2018, 1:38 pm

book 284: Een reis door het hart van Tibet by Matteo Pistono
from the library, e-book, non fictio, original title In the Shadow of the Buddha: One man's journey of discovery in Tibet, 280 pages
TIOLI Challenge #2: Read a book whose title suggests a journey

Matteo Pisano, an American Buddhist, traveld for ten years regular through Tibet and Nepal. He studied with some Tibetan Buddhist masters and went on to smuggle evidence of Chinese violence against the Tibetans out of the country. On advice of his masters he also follows in Tertön Sogyal's footsteps, a famous Lama who lived a century ago.

Modificato: Ago 13, 2018, 2:12 pm

book 285: Gebr by Ted van Lieshout
own, YA, Dutch, awarded, Zilveren Zoen 1997, English translation Brothers, 188 pages
TIOLI Challenge #1: Read a book whose ISBN contains a sequence of a three-in-a-row number

Lucas younger brother Maurits died 6 months ago. Now his mother wants to burn Maurits' belongings, as a kind of closing ritual. Lucas decides he wants to save his brothers diary and starts writing in it. At first he does not want to read what his brother wrote, but after some time a kind of dialogue comes between the brothers, when Lukas starts to read & respond.

Good read, with some big themes like coming out and misdiagnose of terminal illness.

Ago 13, 2018, 2:52 pm

>93 FAMeulstee: You read it and you liked it:-)

Ago 13, 2018, 6:04 pm

>94 EllaTim: Yes :-)
After your review I was happy to find a fitting TIOLI challenge this month.

Ago 16, 2018, 5:25 am

book 286: Paumen : Altijd tot het uiterste by Maartje Paumen & Robèrt Misset
from the library, non-fiction, Dutch, no translations, 237 pages
TIOLI Challenge #5: Read a book about a sports star, name the sport and star if not obvious from the title

Autobiography of Maartje Paumen, very succesfull hockey player. She won ten national championships, with the Dutch team two times gold and one silver at the Olympics and many European and World Championships.
She is also openly lesbian, she came out when she had a relationship with one of her teammates in the Dutch team.

The title translates "Maartje Paumen : Always to the extreme", she did indeed go to the extreme to stay at the top.

Ago 16, 2018, 5:35 am

book 287: Sterke Wanja by Otfried Preussler
own, YA, translated from German, awarded, Zilveren Griffel 1972, no English translation, 128 pages
TIOLI Challenge #8: Read a book first published in the decade of your birth (list the publication year)

Wanja is the youngest of three brothers. One day he meets a blind man in the forrest, who predicts he will be czar one day, if he stays on the stove, doesn't talk and only eats sunflower seeds for seven years. Much to the dismay of his olders brothers Wanja goes on the stove and stays there without saying a word. Seven years later he has grown strong and goes on his way to find his destination.

Well told fairytale.

Ago 16, 2018, 5:52 am

book 288: De Zwarte Hengst en het meisje by Walter Farley
own, YA, translated, original title The Black Stallion and the Girl, 159 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book where the letters of the title on the cover are all black or all white

The race track is no place for women, according to Henry Dailey. But when a girl wants to work on the farm, and a farmhand is needed, Alec hires her. Pam is good with the horses, but it takes a lot before Alec can convince Henry.

Ago 16, 2018, 6:14 am

book 289: Harry Potter en de Orde van de Feniks by J.K. Rowling
own, YA, translated, original title Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 668 pages
TIOLI Challenge #11: Read a humorous book, but with a twist! Use a tag mash of humor and one of the following: mystery/horror/science fiction/fantasy to find your book

Harry Potter in his fifth year at Hogwarts, where politics, corruption and evil sneak upon Harry and his friends.
I couldn't stop reading, laughed and cried, I think this is one of the best books in the series.

Ago 16, 2018, 8:01 am

Hi Anita!

I'm so glad you're enjoying Harry Potter.

Ago 16, 2018, 8:03 am

Aaargh, I let your thread galopp away, I should never do that! :)
I really didn't like The Little Prince (how's there no touchstone?) as a child, neither book nor film. It made me feel very, very uncomfortable. Liked it a bit better when read as an adult, much better when I last read it about 2 years ago, so I'm slowly growing into it.
Happy Thursday!

Ago 16, 2018, 5:28 pm

>100 karenmarie: Thanks, Karen, it is fun to read them again after 8 years :-)

>101 Deern: LOL, reading many books makes threads go fast, Nathalie :-)
Funny how preferences change through the years, can go both ways. The touchstones were already wonky when I wrote my reviews above.
Happy Friday!

Modificato: Ago 18, 2018, 7:01 pm

book 290: De vier wezen by Alet Schouten
own, YA, Dutch, awarded, Vlag en Wimpel 1982, no translations, 117 pages
TIOLI Challenge #12: Read a book with a multiple word title, with words of increasing length

19th century, a small village in Holland. The city council decides it costs less to put the local orphans with families, as the orphanage is old and needs renovation. Four orphans are a bit older and more difficult to find a place for them. When they all have found a place, they stay in contact and have some adventures.

Nice peek into 19th century village life, where social class was still very important. Title translated: "The four orphans".

Ago 18, 2018, 7:10 pm

book 291: Het autistische brein by Temple Grandin
from the library, non-fiction, translated, original title The autistic brain, 272 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with a significant connection to the concept of neurodiversity

From the history of autism diagnosis to recent findings on brain scans, Temple Grandin takes a broad look at autism and recent developments in the field.

Informative read.

Ago 18, 2018, 7:18 pm

book 292: Auww! by Veronica Hazelhoff
own, YA, Dutch, awarded, Gouden Griffel 1984, no translations, 146 pages
TIOLI Challenge #16: Read a book whose title ends with a doubled letter

Maartje is in the last class of primary school. She is on love with Tim, but Tim is in love with Gaia. When Tim goes away after school with Gaia, Maartje is angry and does't watch out when she crosses the street. The car hits her and she ends up in hospital. A long stay in hospital follows, as her leg is broken near the knee.

Ago 18, 2018, 7:34 pm

book 293: Over de bergen by Gerrit Komrij
own, Dutch, no translations, 237 pages
TIOLI Challenge #4: Read a book that contains the word "over" or "under" in the title

Pedro Sousa e Silva has enough of the city and decides to go to the family mansion in the North-East of Portugal. At first his life there looks like a romanic idyll, but slowly he finds out how the old feudal system is still at work. When he tries to act against the powers in charge, he becomes an outcast.

Gerrit Komrij moved to Portugal in the 1980s. He lived for 4 years in a place like described in this book and had to move because the villagers turned against him. Title translated: "Over the mountains", as that part of the North-East is called Trás-os-Montes.

Ago 19, 2018, 1:30 pm

Hi, Anita! Hope you had a great weekend!

>83 FAMeulstee: Little Sister sounds good! I'm going to have to check out the series.

Escher's work is fascinating! I could sit and look at it for hours!

Ago 19, 2018, 5:11 pm

>84 FAMeulstee: I've been meaning to read Under the Volcano for years - and I'm no closer to wanting to do it now than I have ever been! Maybe one of these days.....

Ago 20, 2018, 5:42 am

>99 FAMeulstee: I loved that one as well. Nice and grim, with still a touch of cozy.

I'm always glad, when I do a reread of a favourite book, to find I still love it. But Harry Potter will have to wait, have reread those too often now.

You're working on the TIOLI again, I see. How's the reading speed going? (If you don't mind my asking)

Ago 20, 2018, 5:59 am

>109 EllaTim: This is the second time I read the Harry Potter books, Ella, the first time was in 2010. And I still love them :-)
To be honest, I read too fast. I started with a new batch of Thyrax and it looks like I get too much now. So I started yesterday taking 1/4 of a pill less every other day.

Ago 20, 2018, 6:54 am

>107 Storeetllr: Thank you, Mary. We had a quiet weekend an Frank had to work Friday and Saturday night.
The Pieter Vos series is good, as is his Nic Costa series (police Rome, Italy).
After the exhibition I have taken my Escher book twice to look at some of his works.

>108 Dejah_Thoris: I never thought I would get to Under the vulcano, Dejah. My husband is a fan. Our tastes in reading are very different ;-)

Ago 20, 2018, 7:08 am

book 294: De Cock en het lijk op drift by A.C. Baantjer
from the library, e-book, Dutch, De Cock 49, no translations, 140 pages
TIOLI Challenge #10: Read a local book

A woman is found dead in the water. She was murdered. De Cock and Vledder find out her husband drowned on exact the same spot, was that also murder?

As always, some mindless diversion.

Ago 20, 2018, 7:20 am

book 295: Soldaten huilen niet by Rindert Kromhout
own, YA, Dutch, awarded, Gouden Lijst 2011, no translations, 265 pages
TIOLI Challenge #17: Read a book with a 3-word-title which is an airport abbreviation (rolling challenge, travelling east)

Quentin Bell is the second son of Clive and Vanessa Bell. His mother is a painter and the sister of Virginia Woolf. When he was six years they moved to a house near his aunt. His father stayed in London, but visited as often as he could. His parents and aunt are members of the Bloomsbury Group, a group of artists. Quentin wants to be a writer.

Fictional autobiography of Quentin Bell, great read!
I have added the next two books April is de wreedste maand and Vertel me wie wij waren to my library wishlist.

Ago 20, 2018, 7:37 am

book 296: Gespleten landschap by Hazel Rochman
own, YA, translated, awarded, Vlag en Wimpel 1993, original title Somehow Tenderness Survives, 124 pages
TIOLI Challenge #13: Read a book that pairs well with a drink

A collection of short stories from South-Africa under apartheid, by various authors, original published in 1988.
The terror of dividing people by race, deforming all human relationships.

Ago 20, 2018, 7:52 am

book 297: Een kunstenaar van het vlietende leven by Kazuo Ishiguro
1001 books, own, translated, original title An artist of the floating world, 231 pages
TIOLI Challenge #3: Read a book where the author’s last name starts with a vowel

In post-war Japan, Ono, a retrired painter, has a hard time to adjust. He was supporter of Imperial Japan, and worked for the propaganda department. He doesn't feel he did anything wrong, but now his past might be a problem, as his daughter is trying to find a husband.

I did like this book a bit better than Never let me go, but still not a fan of Ishiguro's writing.

Ago 20, 2018, 5:40 pm

>110 FAMeulstee: It seems it isn't easy to get it right, but I hope you will manage it!

>113 FAMeulstee: Five stars, must have been a great read. I seem to recognise the title, but I can't remember where I have seen it before. But you would recommend it, I guess?

Ago 20, 2018, 6:26 pm

>116 EllaTim: Thanks, Ella, summer isn't the best time to adjust the Thyrax dosage, as I always have a 'summer up' in T4 values. The only advantage of the Thyrax is that I feel better what is going on in my body. With the other thyroid medicines I could not distinguish a high from a low. Only clue was the phobia's coming back/disappearing.

Yes, recommended! Somehow it is difficult at the moment to find the right words for a proper review.

Ago 21, 2018, 2:33 am

Hi Anita, sorry to read about the continuing difficulties with dosage. I thought of you when visiting Edinburgh, as paintings for the Rembrandt exhibit at the Scottish national gallery had been borrowed from the Netherlands. I didn't make it to the modern art gallery, but perhaps next trip. One part of the gallery was given over to the work of employees at the gallery - so many talented people out there.

>115 FAMeulstee: I think I read this before being on LT. Nothing quite compares to his Remains of the Day for me.

Ago 21, 2018, 5:00 am

Hi Anita, you've read some great books which I like too. Sorry to hear that you still have troubles with the dosage of your meds. I hope it can be solved soon.

Ago 21, 2018, 6:19 am

>118 charl08: Thanks, Charlotte, it is always takes time to get back at the right dosage. When my thyroid problem was first discovered it took over two years.
I saw the Rembrandt at your thread, I hadn't responded yet. He was a master painter in his time. I had never seen the the painting you showed before.
I have that one on the shelves, I will give Ishiguro a last try with Remains of the Day.

>119 Ameise1: Thank you ,Barbara. Getting to the right dosage is always a hassle. As I said above the first time it took over two years to get it right. I will be glad if I am back in shape at the end of the year.

Ago 21, 2018, 9:54 am

Hi Anita!

I'm sorry about the continuing dosing issue with your thyroid medication, but at least you know you'll get a satisfactory result with patience.

Well done on your reading so far this year!

Ago 21, 2018, 10:09 am

I hope the dosage gets straightened out quickly for you, Anita.

I'm glad you're reading Remains of the Day. I found it remarkable.

Ago 21, 2018, 12:48 pm

I'm waaaaay behind.

Glad your Mom is sorted out and that you and your dad can do what is best for her. It's very hard.

Love the Escher. How wonderful to be able to see his work in person!

I've never read Artist of the Floating World. Good review! I had assumed it was about geisha, somehow.

Ago 21, 2018, 1:48 pm

Hi, Anita! I've missed a lot while I've been traveling. Home now and glad to hear the ruling about your mom went in your dad's favor. And I can't tell that your reading has slowed down at all. Hope those dosages are settling down.

Ago 21, 2018, 1:50 pm

>120 FAMeulstee: adding to the hopes that Remains of the Day hits the spot for you Anita.

And that the meds dosage sorts itself out soon too.

Modificato: Ago 21, 2018, 2:06 pm

>120 FAMeulstee: Nope. My thyroid is still not right either. I have been taking one dose for 6 weeks and then test. Then a different dose for 6 weeks and test. The levels have gone up down up down, shooting above or below the mark each time. So now I am alternating between two doses, taking one on odd days and the other on even days. We'll see how that goes. What a pain! LOL. We'll get it eventullay, right? : )

Ago 21, 2018, 4:08 pm

>121 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, it is a long way, but eventually will get there.
Reading keeps me sane :-)

>122 jnwelch: Thank you, Joe, won't go quick, but it will work out in the end.
Not reading Remains of the Day yet, but will do in a last effort to give Ishiguro a chance.

>123 streamsong: It happens all the time, Janet, getting way behind.
I still keep up with the threads, but not very talkative at the moment.
My sister has been harassing my dad by e-mail since she lost the court case. It is hard on him, but I try to support him as much as I can. Mt mom is doing better now the tension about the court case is gone.
No geisha's, although briefly mentioned when night life is described.

Ago 21, 2018, 4:18 pm

>124 ronincats: Glad you are back, Roni!
We (my dad, brother & I) were happy with the ruling and glad it is over now.
Last month my reading went down a bit, but I am catching up this month :-)
The right dosage is probably going to be a long way, but I will get there eventually.

>125 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline, I will give Ishiguro one more try. Not every writer is for every reader. At least I liked An Artist of the floating world a bit more than Never let me go, so there is still hope ;-)

>126 Berly: Sorry, Kim, it is a struggly to get it right. I am working with halves and quarters of the 0,025mg pills... But summer is a bad time to adjust, as I tend to have a "summer up" (and a "winter down") in the T4 levels, so in summer there is a bigger chance to get to far up, wich is even worse as to far down.
But we will get it right, some day!

Ago 22, 2018, 5:53 am

book 298: De woestijnrovers van Noord-Afrika by Karl May
own, translated from German, 19th century adventure, no English translation, 317 pages
TIOLI Challenge #6: The Location, Location, Location Rolling Challenge!

More adventures of Gebhard von Greifenklau, this time in the North of Africa, where Russian and Turkish spies try to set up some tribes against eachother. The main character and others are known from previous Karl May books.
One scene, where Gebhart von Greifenklau shoots two panthers and a lion, sounded very familiar. Karl May used this same part before in an other book.

As all Karl May books, an enjoyable read. Written in the 19th century, so there is racism and our German hero is stronger, more intelligent, capable and skilful than any other character in the book ;-)

Ago 22, 2018, 6:06 am

book 299: De beer en de nachtegaal by Katherine Arden
from the library, translated, original title The Bear and the Nightingale, 352 pages
TIOLI Challenge #18: Read a Book that Includes a Bear, real or fictitious, in its Title or Plot

Nice mix of historical fiction and fairytales.
Vanya is born in a village in the north of Russia, her mother dies shortly after her birth. Vanya can see beings, that others can't see, as she is a witch. When a new Christian priest arrives in the village, he is determent to cut out everything that is related to old religions, including witches.

Well told story and a good read, it was nice to recognise (Rusian) fairytales woven into the story.

Ago 22, 2018, 10:59 am

Hi Anita. Good to see that things are moving on an even keel, generally speaking. Fingers crossed for the thyroid doses.

Modificato: Ago 23, 2018, 3:38 am

>131 humouress: Thank you, Nina. I would prefer more even all the time, bit can't have them all. It is all in the thyroid.

Ago 23, 2018, 3:45 am

Sweet Thursday, Anita. I haven't read any Karl May for ages. I need to have a look at my library if they've got a copy of the Arden book.

Modificato: Ago 23, 2018, 9:36 am

book 300: Harry Potter en de halfbloed prins by J.K. Rowling
own, YA, translated, original title Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, 490 pages
TIOLI Challenge #11: Read a humorous book, but with a twist! Use a tag mash of humor and one of the following: mystery/horror/science fiction/fantasy to find your book

Harry Potter in his sixth year at Hogwarts, where we find out more how Lord Voldemort became what he is now. First love devides Harry and his friends, and so does Harry's obsession with Draco Malfoy.
Somehow I barely remembered this book, only the breathtaking end of it.

Ago 23, 2018, 4:00 am

>133 Ameise1: Thank you, Barbara. I am still enjoying the Karl May books, sadly not all of them are translated. I hope you can find a copy of The Bear and the Nightingale soon.

Ago 23, 2018, 4:13 am

I did look up the book but unfortunately they 8nly have it as an e-book and because I have a kindle I can't download it. I would need a Tolino (epub).

Ago 23, 2018, 4:20 am

>136 Ameise1: I hope you can find it somewhere else, Barbara. Or that the library gets it when the next book is translated.

Ago 23, 2018, 5:21 am

>130 FAMeulstee: I really liked The bear and the nightingale. I have the sequel and need to read it soon.

Ago 23, 2018, 5:50 am

>138 Sakerfalcon: So did I, Claire.
The Dutch translation of the sequel will come in October, and then I will need some patience until I can get it from the library.

Ago 23, 2018, 9:19 am

Like you and Claire, I really liked The Bear and the Nightingale, Anita. I'm looking forward to the sequel, too.

Ago 23, 2018, 2:35 pm

>136 Ameise1: Too bad Barbara! Frustrating, they have it available but you just can't read it. Didn't happen with good old paper;-)

Ago 23, 2018, 4:44 pm

Hi Anita, congrats on reaching 300 books read my dear. Hope all is well with you and Frank, we are now busy
helping to move Amy and Andy into their new house. I spent a few hours on Tuesday helping to move things and will be going over on Saturday to hopefully get them fully moved. Sending love and hugs to both of you from both of us dear friend.

Ago 24, 2018, 5:40 am

>113 FAMeulstee: I have always wanted to read more about the Bloomsbury Group! This one o=looks like it landed for you, 5-stars! Great.

Ago 24, 2018, 9:15 am

>113 FAMeulstee: I'm a big fan of the Bloomsbury Group and their time.

In case you want to sample other offerings by or about the group, here are those in my collection, many read.

Most recently I enjoyed Vanessa and Her Sister by Priya Parmar, which gives a slightly different slant on the relationship of the sisters.

Ago 24, 2018, 10:15 am

>139 FAMeulstee: I finished the sequel Girl in the Tower last month and loved it. It is worth the wait.

Ago 24, 2018, 11:32 am

>140 jnwelch: Thank you, Joe, the love for that one seems universal.

>141 EllaTim: With paper tiny print can be a problem ;-)

>142 johnsimpson: Thank you, dear John.
Moving is a lot of work. Good you can be of help for Amy and Andy.
Love and hugs to you and Karen.

Ago 24, 2018, 11:38 am

>143 LovingLit: I knew next to nothing of the Bloomsbury Group, Megan. I read the book because it got a major YA award. The Dutch writer visited the houses where Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell had lived, and decided he wanted to write about them.

>144 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline, you have a lot of books about the Bloomsbury Group!
This book has made me curious to read more about them

>145 Oberon: Thank you, Erik, so I can look forward to that one :-)

Ago 25, 2018, 9:47 am

book 301: Warlord by Malcolm Bosse
own, translated, original title The Warlord, 589 pages
TIOLI Challenge #19 : Read a book set in a country that mirrors where your dog (or other pet) originated.

China 1927, Warlords are fighting eachother to get in power after the death of Sun Yat-sen.
General Tang Shan-t'eh and his army are dominating a part of the Shantung Province. Two westerners come into his life: Philip Embree who came to China as missionary, joins Tang's cavalry after loosing his faith; and Russian aristocrat Vera Rogacheva, who fled Russia after the revolution, becomes Tang's mistress.

Historical adventure, with Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek figuring as minor characters.

Modificato: Ago 28, 2018, 6:22 pm

book 302: De lege plaats by Ouida Sebestyen
own, translated, YA, awarded, Vlag en Wimpel 1985, original title Words by heart, 153 pages
TIOLI Challenge #14: Read a second book by an author whom you read for the first time this year

1912, Lena's African-American family moved from the Deep South to an all white community the Mid West. Her father hopes they can live there without the racism that kept them back in the South. When Lena wins a reciting contest, and is very proud she did, she finds jealousy and racism rising around her.

With this book I finished my second TIOLI sweep this month :-)

Ago 26, 2018, 12:35 pm

>134 FAMeulstee: Happy 300!!! :)))

Keeping fingers crossed for finally finding the right dosage for the medication. And for your father finally finding some quiet time, how terrible she still hasn't given up!

Ago 26, 2018, 6:59 pm

>150 Deern: Thank you, Nathalie!
I am slowly getting the felling I am going into the right direction with the dosage. Reading is going back to "normal" (below 310 pages a day) and I am generally feeling better.
I am afraid my sister will never completely give up, when I cut all contacts it took some years before she got the message :-(

Ago 28, 2018, 6:31 pm

book 303: De blinde muur by Henning Mankell
from the library, e-book, translated from Swedish, Kurt Wallander 8, English translation Firewall, 603 pages
TIOLI Challenge #16: Read a book whose title ends with a doubled letter

A taxi driver is murdered by two girls, the confess immediately after their arrest. When one of the girls escapes, the other girl withdraws her confession. A man is found dead, seems to be of natural cause, but he is a computer expert, and Wallander thinks there might be something important hidden n his computer. As their police department has not enough knowledge, Wallander brings in a young hacker.

As all Wallander books this was a very good read. Only two and a short story to go...

Ago 28, 2018, 6:41 pm

book 304: Het vege kolkje by Alet Schouten
own, YA, no translations, 139 pages
TIOLI Challenge #17: Read a book with a 3-word-title which is an airport abbreviation (rolling challenge, travelling east)

Frisia, 8th century, a small village in the dunes, near the sea.
The leader of the village was once one of king Aldgisl's men, but after a quarrel with his christian son, that ended in murder, he had to flee. When Aldgisl's son visits the village, and leaves one of the girls pregnant, there is hope of return to the king's court. But it all turns out rather different...

Alet Schouten is one of my favourite Dutch YA writers, especially I like her historic fiction. This one was no exception.

Ago 28, 2018, 7:00 pm

book 305: De slavenkaravaan by Karl May
own, translated from German, 19th century adventure, no English translation, 364 pages
TIOLI Challenge #6: The Location, Location, Location Rolling Challenge!

More adventures of Gebhard von Greifenklau, this time in Sudan, where slavehunters have their base camp. The main character and others are known from previous Karl May books. Of course the noble German wins at the end and a lost son is reunited with his father.

As all Karl May books, an enjoyable read. Written in the 19th century, so there is racism and our German hero is stronger, more intelligent, capable and skilful than any other character in the book ;-)

Ago 28, 2018, 7:29 pm

>153 FAMeulstee: This sounds like a good one. And my library even has it, though not on the shelves, I have to make a reservation for it.

>151 FAMeulstee: I'm glad you seem to be getting to the right dosage, and starting to feel better!

Ago 29, 2018, 5:54 am

>155 EllaTim: I love all the books by Alet Schouten, Ella. She won a Gouden Griffel with De mare van de Witte Toren, my other favorites are De wateren van Finn and Het teken van Wichart.
It is such a relief to feel a bit better again :-)

Ago 29, 2018, 9:32 am

Hi Anita!

Belated congratulations on 300 books read and your thyroid dosage changes showing good results.

Ago 29, 2018, 11:22 am

>152 FAMeulstee: I think that was the first Wallender novel I read, and got me hooked Anita.

>153 FAMeulstee: I like the cover, it reminds me of Samuel Palmer's work.

Ago 29, 2018, 3:21 pm

>157 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen!
We will see next month, after drawing blood, if the thyroid values are what I think they are.

>158 Caroline_McElwee: Only a few Wallanders left now, Caroline, I will miss him.
Looked up Samuel Palmer, and agree :-)

Ago 29, 2018, 3:56 pm

Hi Anita my dear, I read Warlord by Malcolm Bosse a few years ago and really enjoyed it.

Ago 30, 2018, 4:26 am

>160 johnsimpson: I am glad you did enjoy The Warlord, John. Have you read the sequel Fire in Heaven?

Ago 30, 2018, 5:08 am

book 306: De Mennyms by Sylvia Waugh
own, translated, YA, awarded, Zilveren Zoen 1997, original title The Mennyms, 186 pages
TIOLI Challenge #12: Read a book with a multiple word title, with words of increasing length

The Mennym family live quietly at Brocklehurst Grove for many years, when a letter from Australia turns their world upside down. They have a secret and this letter might end their quiet life. The whole family, grandfather Magnus, grandmother Tulip, mother Vinetta, father Joshua and the five kids have to work together to turn the threat.

This is the first book in a series of five. The idea is great, the story is good, but somehow The Mennyms never rang true to me.

Ago 30, 2018, 5:17 am

book 307: De Mennyms belegerd by Sylvia Waugh
own, translated, YA, awarded, Eervolle Vermelding 1998, original title Mennyms Under Siege, 192 pages
TIOLI Challenge #17: Read a book with a 3-word-title which is an airport abbreviation (rolling challenge, travelling east)

Third book in The Mennyms series.
After their adventures in book 2, the family is back at Brocklehurst Grove. Daughter Appleby gets reckless and the family is in trouble again.

Again a good story, but not for me. Others might like The Mennyms better.

Ago 30, 2018, 5:33 am

book 308: De vuurman by Anton Quintana
own, Dutch, YA, no English translation, 295 pages
TIOLI Challenge #1: Read a book whose ISBN contains a sequence of a three-in-a-row number

Limburg, 1743, Michiel van Geleen looses his job at a farm. There is hunger all around, so he has to find a job soon. After some time working in the coal mines, he ends up with the Buckriders, a gang of robbers.

The Buckriders were believed to be demons, riding on the back of flying goats. In the 18th century groups of robbers used this superstition to frighten their victims. When caught they were sentenced being a servant of Satan and burned.

Ago 30, 2018, 6:33 am

Sweet Thursday, Anita. I hope you are having a good week. Migrations season is beginning to heat up here, so I hope to get out and do more birding.

Ago 30, 2018, 6:45 am

>165 msf59: Thank you, Mark, the same to you!
I hope you can spot some lifers in the migration season. Over here many migrating birds take some rest in the nature reserve nearby. I hope to go there a few times in the next months.

Ago 30, 2018, 6:48 am

I started two tomes, to read for the TIOLI Challenges next month. One is 591 pages, the other 625 pages, so I don't expect to finish more books this month. All reviews done, so it is time for the monthly statistics!

Modificato: Ago 30, 2018, 6:06 pm

August 2018 in numbers

46 books read (10,879 pages, 350 pages a day)

own 32 (69 %) / library 14

25 male author / 21 female author
16 originally written in Dutch / 30 translated into Dutch
41 fiction / 5 non-fiction

46 books in TIOLI Challenges (double sweep)
11 e-books
  3 1001 books
26 childrens/YA
  5 mystery/police prodedural

longest book 668 pages
shortest book 37 pages
average book 236 pages

date first published:
8th century: 1
19th century: 2
20th century
1910s: 1
1940s: 2
1950s: 1
1960s: 4
1970s: 5
1980s: 8
1990s: 9
21st century
2000s: 2
2010s: 11

  3 x
  5 x
17 x
15 x
  6 x

Best books

Soldaten huilen niet by Rindert Kromhout
Harry Potter en de Orde van de Feniks (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) by J.K. Rowling
De kleine prins (The Little Prince) by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Harry Potter en de halfbloed prins (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) by J.K. Rowling
Gebr (Brothers) by Ted van Lieshout
Het derde zusje (Little sister) by David Hewson
Het beertje Pippeloentje by Annie M.G. Schmidt
Lotta uit de Kabaalstraat (Lotta on Troublemaker Street) by Astrid Lindgren

Modificato: Ago 30, 2018, 6:09 pm

2018 totals to date:

309 books read (68,786 pages, 283 pages a day)

January: 32 books, 8,134 pages
February: 30 books, 6,987 pages
March: 47 books, 8,414 pages
April: 37 books, 6,828 pages
May: 46 books, 9,808 pages
June: 41 books, 9,845 pages
July: 30 books, 7,891 pages
August: 46 books, 10,879 pages

own 207 (67%) / library 89 / from my dad 2 / BolKobo+ 10

179 male author / 134 female author (* 4 books by 2 authors)
126 originally written in Dutch / 183 translated into Dutch
275 fiction / 34 non-fiction

304 books in TIOLI Challenges (sweep in January, February and July, double sweep in March, April, May, June and August)
60 e-books
25 1001 books (total 85)
  5 Dutch Literary Canon (total 17/125)
173 childrens/YA (165 own / 8 library)
26 mystery/police prodedural

longest book in 2018: 960 pages
shortest book in 2018: 22 pages
average book: 222 pages

date first published:
between 13th - 10th century B.C.: 1
8th century BC: 1
1th century: 1
8th century: 1
13th century: 1
16th century: 4
17th century: 2
18th century: 1
19th century: 9
20th century: 205
21st century: 83

  15 x
  47 x
116 x
  91 x
  37 x
    2 x
    1 x

Ago 30, 2018, 10:42 am

Wow, August was a great month for you. Congrats on passing 300 already!

Ago 30, 2018, 3:48 pm

>161 FAMeulstee:, I have Fire in Heaven on the shelves my dear along with many others, lol.

Ago 30, 2018, 6:11 pm

>170 ChelleBearss: Thank you, Chelle, indeed it was a very good reading month :-)

>171 johnsimpson: I think it would fit your Big Fat Books challenge, John.

Ago 31, 2018, 4:48 am

book 309: Harry Potter en het vervloekte kind by J.K. Rowling
from the library, translated, YA, original title Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, 367 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book where the letters of the title on the cover are all black or all white

As I am re-reading the Harry Potter books, I also wanted to read this play. And my hold at the library came in yesterday. I wasn't planning to read it immediately, but I did.

The next generation goes to Hogwarts, where Albus Potter and Scorpio Malfoy become friends. The two boys get into trouble together, when they go back in time.

A nice addition to the Harry Potter universe. Just keep in mind that a script is someting different as a novel.

Ago 31, 2018, 7:57 am

>169 FAMeulstee: As always, kudos to you statistics! Not only how organised they are, but also your numbers.

>173 FAMeulstee: A Harry Potter I haven't read. Hooray! Off to have a look at the library catalogue.

Ago 31, 2018, 8:15 am

>174 EllaTim: Thank you, Ella, August 2018 is now 3rd in the "most pages read in a month" list.
I hope you find a copy soon, it was published two years ago. The books are better, but it was nice to see Harry Potter and his friends back many years later.

Ago 31, 2018, 8:40 am

Hi Anita!

>173 FAMeulstee: I pretended I was in a live theater and it made reading the play quite enjoyable.

Congrats on your reading stats through August.

Ago 31, 2018, 12:31 pm

Great stats Anita.

>173 FAMeulstee: I've read a couple of Alan Bennett scripts recently - it usually takes me a bit to adjust and then I'm lost in the play. The humour helps I think!

Ago 31, 2018, 5:24 pm

>176 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, end of the month is statistics time :-)
Somehow pretending being in a theater is easier when I have seen that play before.

>177 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte, it is always fun to make and compare the monthly stats.
It is probably because I haven't read many plays. On my list since 2008 are 4 plays, including Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. The others are two times Shakespeare and a 17th century Dutch comedy...
Questa conversazione è stata continuata da Anita (FAMeulstee) reads on in 2018 (9).