WAYRBA: Western Australia Young Readers Book Award
Attributo da West Australian Young Readers' Book Award
Altri nomi: WAYRBA (Inglese), WAYRBA Hoffman Award for Young Readers (Inglese), WAYRBA Younger Readers Award (Inglese), West Australian Young Readers' Book Award (WAYRBA) (Inglese), , Western Australian Young Readers Award (Inglese)
128 opere / 137 copie 743,126 libri 19,509 recensioni 4.1
Since 2009, The Hoffman Award has been presented to the highest ranked West Australian author. For a time, the Award was presented to the highest ranked Australian Author, and during the period of mostra altro 1998-2000 it was awarded to the highest ranked West Australian author, in the Picture Book or Younger Reader Categories.
The Avis Page Award is presented in Recognition of Outstanding Voting results. During the period of 1985 – 2008 it was presented to the highest ranked Australian Author in the Older Readers category.
Awards are also given in the categories of Older Readers, Younger Readers, and Picture Books. mostra meno
The Avis Page Award is presented in Recognition of Outstanding Voting results. During the period of 1985 – 2008 it was presented to the highest ranked Australian Author in the Older Readers category.
Awards are also given in the categories of Older Readers, Younger Readers, and Picture Books. mostra meno
Winner 136
Non ci sono fasi 1
Opera | Categoria | Anno |
Garden of the Purple Dragon di Carole Wilkinson | Younger Readers | 2006 |
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