Immagine dell'autore.

Kate Atkinson

Autore di Vita dopo vita

34+ opere 45,881 membri 2,246 recensioni 221 preferito


Kate Atkinson was born in York, and studied English Literature at the University of Dundee. She earned her Masters Degree from Dundee in 1974. She then went on to study for a doctorate in American Literature but she failed at the viva (oral examination) stage. After leaving the university, she took mostra altro on a variety of jobs from home help to legal secretary and teacher. Her first novel, Behind the Scenes at the Museum, won the 1995 Whitbread Book of the Year ahead of Salman Rushdie's The Moor's Last Sigh and Roy Jenkins's biography of William Ewart Gladstone. It went on to be a Sunday Times bestseller. Since then, she has published another five novels, one play, and one collection of short stories. Her work is often celebrated for its wit, wisdom and subtle characterisation, and the surprising twists and plot turns. Her most recent work has featured the popular former detective Jackson Brodie. In 2009, she donated the short story Lucky We Live Now to Oxfam's 'Ox-Tales' project, four collections of UK stories written by 38 authors. Atkinson's story was published in the 'Earth' collection. In March 2010, Atkinson appeared at the York Literature Festival, giving a world-premier reading from an early chapter from her forthcoming novel Started Early, Took My Dog, which is set mainly in the English city of Leeds. Atkinson's bestselling novel, Life after Life, has won numerous awards, including the COSTA Novel Award for 2013. The follow-up to Life After Life is A God in Ruins and was published in 2015. This title won a Costa Book Award 2015 in the novel category. (Bowker Author Biography) mostra meno
Fonte dell'immagine: Kate Atkinson Photo: John Foley/Opale


Opere di Kate Atkinson

Vita dopo vita (2013) 8,364 copie, 589 recensioni
I casi dimenticati (2004) 7,976 copie, 352 recensioni
Dietro le quinte al museo (1995) 4,912 copie, 133 recensioni
Un colpo di fortuna (2006) 4,389 copie, 218 recensioni
When Will There Be Good News? (2008) 4,003 copie, 224 recensioni
Started Early, Took My Dog (2010) 3,151 copie, 193 recensioni
Un dio in rovina (2015) 2,988 copie, 147 recensioni
Transcription (2018) 2,444 copie, 119 recensioni
Lontana dal mio giardino (1997) 1,930 copie, 48 recensioni
Emotionally Weird (2000) 1,728 copie, 43 recensioni
Big Sky (2019) 1,405 copie, 78 recensioni
Not the End of the World (2002) 1,056 copie, 34 recensioni
Shrines of Gaiety (2022) 1,053 copie, 50 recensioni
Normal Rules Don't Apply: Stories (2023) 276 copie, 11 recensioni
Festive Spirits: Three Christmas Stories (2019) 44 copie, 1 recensione

Opere correlate

I Watson (1871) — Prefazione, alcune edizioni206 copie, 10 recensioni
Ox-Tales: Earth (2009) — Collaboratore — 86 copie, 3 recensioni
Midsummer Nights (2009) — Collaboratore — 75 copie, 1 recensione
Freedom: Stories Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2009) — Collaboratore — 73 copie, 2 recensioni
Crimespotting (2009) — Collaboratore — 45 copie, 6 recensioni
The Mammoth Book of Best British Crime 8 (2011) — Collaboratore — 28 copie, 2 recensioni
New Writing 13 (2005) — Collaboratore — 17 copie
A Day in the Life (2003) — Collaboratore — 15 copie
Waterstone's Autumn Book Sampler (2004) — Collaboratore — 7 copie
Out of Line: Women on the Verge of a Breakthrough — Collaboratore — 1 copia, 1 recensione


Informazioni generali

Data di nascita
Nazione (per mappa)
England, UK
Luogo di nascita
York, Yorkshire, England, UK
Luogo di residenza
Whitby, Yorkshire, England, UK
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
University of Dundee (1974)
Attività lavorative
legal secretary
Hixon, Andy (partner or husband)
Premi e riconoscimenti
British Book Award (Newcomer of the Year ∙ 1997)
E. M. Forster Award (1998)
Order of the British Empire (Member ∙ 2011)
Peter Straus
Breve biografia
She was born in York, and studied English Literature at the University of Dundee, gaining her Masters Degree in 1974. During her final year of this course, she was married for the first time. The marriage lasted only two years, but produced Atkinson's first daughter, Eve, who was born in 1975. She subsequently studied for a doctorate in American Literature which she failed at the viva stage. After leaving university, she took on a variety of miscellaneous jobs from home help to legal secretary and teacher. She lived in Whitby, Yorkshire for a time, but now lives in Edinburgh.



BRITISH AUTHOR CHALLENGE - OCTOBER 2016 - ATKINSON & GOLDING in 75 Books Challenge for 2016 (Ottobre 2016)
"Life After Life": Is it worth a read? in Girlybooks (Settembre 2015)
Life after Life - Kate Atkinson in Orange January/July (Mag 2014)


Un giallo perfetto, complicato, con tanti casi che alla fine trovano una soluzione. Imperdibile anche per la bravura della scrittrice.
Angela.Me | 351 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2017 |
Kate Atkinson è una delle mie scrittrici preferite. I suoi gialli un po' complicati dove tutti i particolari si incastrano perfettamente alla fine e i suoi personaggi alcuni sempre un po' surreali rilassano e divertono. Il suo stile di scrittura è magnifico.
Angela.Me | 217 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2017 |
Non conoscevo questa scrittrice e ho fatto una scoperta eccezionale.
La Atkinson ha una scrittura magnifica. I personaggi sono fantastici e la storia è veramente bella. Un giallo magnifico, con colpi di scena imprevisti. Consigliatissimo.
Angela.Me | 223 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2017 |
Libro eccezionale, stupendo, quata autrice è un mito. Scrive divinamente e la storia è molto molto originale. Non si può non leggere un libro come questo.
Angela.Me | 588 altre recensioni | Jun 10, 2017 |


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