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La vita segreta delle api (2002)

di Sue Monk Kidd

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UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
27,308589110 (3.91)533
South Carolina, 1964. Lily Owens, quattordici anni, cresce con il padre violento e l'amatissima governante nera, generosa ed estroversa. Quando, cercando di sapere qualcosa sulla madre, morta durante l'infanzia della protagonista, Lily fugge di casa, ad accompagnarla sar© proprio la governante che, insieme ad altre due straordinarie donne, inizier© la ragazza ai segreti dell'apicoltura. E in quel mondo di api e di miele, scandito dai ritmi della natura, Lily trover© finalmente una nuova e pi©£ serena realt© , rischiarata dall'affetto e dalla tolleranza.… (altro)
  1. 422
    Il buio oltre la siepe di Harper Lee (Caramellunacy, rosylibrarian)
    Caramellunacy: Both stories are about a young girl in the South coming to terms with racism. Secret Life of Bees features an teenaged protagonist whereas To Kill a Mockingbird's Scout is quite a bit younger, but I thought there were themes that resonated between the two.… (altro)
  2. 241
    L'aiuto di Kathryn Stockett (Alliebadger, Alie, Neale, readysetgo)
    Neale: Both deal with racial issues and are slow moving but enjoyable
  3. 130
    Pomodori verdi fritti al caffè di Whistle Stop di Fannie Flagg (VictoriaPL)
  4. 111
    Il profumo del pane alla lavanda di Sarah Addison Allen (lasperschlager)
  5. 90
    White Oleander di Janet Fitch (leahsimone)
  6. 70
    Cold Sassy Tree di Olive Ann Burns (ddelmoni)
  7. 61
    Una voce dal lago di Jennifer Donnelly (AmethystFaerie)
  8. 116
    I sublimi segreti delle Ya-Ya Sisters di Rebecca Wells (SimoneA)
    SimoneA: Both well written books about the strength of women and forgiveness.
  9. 40
    Pictures of Hollis Woods di Patricia Reilly Giff (rbtanger)
  10. 30
    L'invenzione delle ali di Sue Monk Kidd (readysetgo)
  11. 53
    Ellen Foster di Kaye Gibbons (rbtanger)
  12. 20
    Come vivo ora di Meg Rosoff (HazardMain)
    HazardMain: both books, though set in totally different surroundings, tell the story of a teenage girl who finds a place to call "home" for the first time in her life
  13. 20
    Un' isola di stranieri di Andrea Levy (tina1969)
  14. 21
    Bliss di Peter Carey (meela)
  15. 87
    Amabili resti di Alice Sebold (leahsimone)
  16. 10
    Rush Home Road di Lori Lansens (teelgee)
  17. 11
    Paradiso di Toni Morrison (Booksloth)
  18. 00
    Soul Kiss di Shay Youngblood (greytone)
    greytone: The larger-than-life black women of both novels provided the young girls an example and a moral anchor to which they could fasten their drifting life rafts. Both novels are fine examples of how important these silent members of the community are, and how critical these things are to forming successful and productive lives.… (altro)
  19. 00
    In the Midnight Rain di Ruth Wind (EmJay)
    EmJay: Both books are set in the South, and both involve motherless daughters coming to terms with their past and finding a community.
  20. 00
    Whistling Past the Graveyard di Susan Crandall (Iudita, BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Set in the American South during the 1960s, these moving coming-of-age stories star motherless white girls whose strong bonds with older African-American women result in dangerous yet eye-opening journeys that unfold against the backdrop of the burgeoning civil rights movement.… (altro)

(vedi tutti i 22 consigli)

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» Vedi le 533 citazioni

Inglese (573)  Norvegese (3)  Spagnolo (2)  Catalano (2)  Danese (1)  Tedesco (1)  Vietnamita (1)  Svedese (1)  Portoghese (1)  Tutte le lingue (585)
1-5 di 585 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
Everyone else I know loved this book, and I really wanted to love it. But at best, I felt like it was "ok". Maybe it's because I'm reading it much later, in a very different political climate? I don't know. But I found myself not really enjoying it. ( )
  ardaiel | Mar 4, 2024 |
The only thing that keeps me from giving this book 5 stars is that I thought the ending felt rushed. Other than that, this book was wonderful. There's even quite a few little tidbits of wisdom from August throughout the pages that are worth remembering. ( )
  thatnerd | Mar 2, 2024 |
I used this book for tutoring a few years ago and the main thing I remember is that we called it SLoB. I also remember a horrible scene where the main character had to kneel on grits. Also, I remember it being about a family of Black women in the American South.

As I think I said in my review of [book:Tangerine], I always feel a little uncomfortable reading books about a white character inhabiting a non-white world for the sake of that character learning about life. It's not that these kinds of books are always bad reads, it's just that the convention seems really worn out and can be...what's the word? Exoticising? Other-ing? If I were still taking undergard American Lit classes, I would maybe tackle this subject. But as I am now a Library School student, I will just say that I wouldn't enthusiastically recommend it. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
Grieving over the loss of her mother and the relentless abuse of her father, Lily goes in search of clues about her mother, hoping to find answers in a place she thinks her mother may have been connected with. During her quest, she finds herself having to examine her attitudes about interracial relationships. She learns about beekeeping and the black Madonna, both bodies of knowledge that contribute to her understanding of key roles that females play in the social order ( )
  dcvance | Dec 21, 2023 |
I enjoyed this book. It wasn't hard at all to learn the background and the characters. I was fascinated with the topic of bees, and how a whole story was built around bees, their habits, and their honey. But, the story was way more than just about bees. It covered secrets, prejudice, harsh times, and how ultimately how friendship can help heal even deep wounds. This book was definitely worth reading. I loved the fact that the setting was in SC. I wondered if the average reader, however, would have known that by mentioning Bull Street in the story, that was where the psychiatric patients in SC were kept. And, I smiled at the peanut in Coke reference. That sure was down-home country to me. It's a great book to learn what it was like to live during the 60's, to live in SC, and to make a living out of raising bees for honey. I highly recommend it! ( )
  doehlberg63 | Dec 2, 2023 |
Lily is a wonderfully petulant and self-absorbed adolescent, and Kidd deftly portrays her sense of injustice as it expands to accommodate broader social evils. At the same time, the political aspects of Lily's growth never threaten to overwhelm the personal.

» Aggiungi altri autori (13 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Kidd, Sue Monkautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Arsuaga, CristinaNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Frezza Pavese, PaolaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Lamia, JennaNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Paredes, LauraTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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The queen, for her part, is the unifying force of the community; if she is removed from the hive, the workers very quickly sense her absence. After a few hours, or even less, they show unmistakable signs of queenlessness. - Man and Insects.
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For my son, Bob, and Ann and Sandy with all my love.
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At night I would lie in bed and watch the show, how bees squeezed through the cracks of my bedroom wall and flew circles around the room making that propeller sound, a high-pitched zzzzzz that hummed along my skin.
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The secret of a good lie is don't overly explain, and throw in one good detail.
"She liked to tell everybody that women made the best beekeepers, 'cause they have a special ability built into them to love creatures that sting. 'It comes from years of loving children and husbands,' she'd say."
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

South Carolina, 1964. Lily Owens, quattordici anni, cresce con il padre violento e l'amatissima governante nera, generosa ed estroversa. Quando, cercando di sapere qualcosa sulla madre, morta durante l'infanzia della protagonista, Lily fugge di casa, ad accompagnarla sar© proprio la governante che, insieme ad altre due straordinarie donne, inizier© la ragazza ai segreti dell'apicoltura. E in quel mondo di api e di miele, scandito dai ritmi della natura, Lily trover© finalmente una nuova e pi©£ serena realt© , rischiarata dall'affetto e dalla tolleranza.

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