Libri controversi per CalvaryBibleWI

Questa pagina mostra i libri più "controversi" in questa biblioteca, misurati in base alla più alta deviazione standard delle valutazioni in stelle dei membri.

Deviazione standard Valutazione media La tua valutazione Titolo
1.379 3.71 Roman Catholicism di Loraine Boettner
1.368 4.05 The Adventure Bible di Lawrence O. Richards
1.332 3.18 Through the Flames: The Kids Risk Their Lives di Jerry B. Jenkins
1.328 3.21 The Vanishings: Four Kids Face Earth's Last Days Together di Jerry B. Jenkins
1.326 3.33 Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days di Tim LaHaye
1.325 3.36 Too Long a Stranger di Janette Oke
1.283 3.52 How to Study the Bible for Yourself di Tim LaHaye
1.255 3.48 Facing the Future: Preparing for Battle di Jerry B. Jenkins
1.249 2.91 Approaching Hoofbeats: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse di Billy Graham
1.224 3.67 Summer Promise di Robin Jones Gunn
1.222 3.63 Peace with God di Billy Graham
1.219 3.1 So What's the Difference? di Fritz Ridenour
1.203 3.33 Second Chance di Jerry B. Jenkins
1.201 3.49 Roanoke: The Lost Colony di Angela Elwell Hunt
1.199 3.83 The Lie: Evolution di Ken Ham
1.188 3.76 A Gown of Spanish Lace di Janette Oke
1.181 3.61 Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul di John Eldredge
1.179 4.09 The Puritans di Jack Cavanaugh
1.174 3.73 Il pellegrinaggio del cristiano di John Bunyan
1.159 3.04 The Strong-Willed Child di Dr. James C. Dobson
1.157 3.2 Are We Living in the End Times? di Tim LaHaye
1.153 3.59 The Measure of a Heart di Janette Oke
1.152 3.71 Revolution in World Missions di K. P. Yohannan
1.142 3.56 Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages di Tim LaHaye
1.139 3.5 Tribulation Force: the Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind di Tim LaHaye
1.136 3.43 Nicolae High: The Young Trib Force Goes Back to School di Jerry B. Jenkins
1.131 3.62 She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall di Misty Bernall
1.127 3.6 Prisoners of Hope: The Story of Our Captivity and Freedom in Afghanistan di Dayna Curry
1.122 3.74 Egermeier's Bible Story Book di Elsie E. Egermeier
1.12 3.73 In His Steps di Charles M. Sheldon
1.119 3.2 Stories for the Heart: Over 100 Stories to Encourage Your Soul di Alice Gray
1.119 3.38 The Wide, Wide World di Susan Warner
1.115 3.65 The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days di Dave Hunt
1.112 3.66 The Shunning di Beverly Lewis
1.11 4.12 The Excellent Wife: A Biblical Perspective di Martha Peace
1.108 3.5 The Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon di Tim LaHaye
1.107 4.14 The Purity Principle di Randy Alcorn
1.106 3.59 The Mark: The Beast Rules the World di Tim LaHaye
1.103 4.18 Columbus di Edgar Parin d'Aulaire
1.102 3.5 Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist di Tim LaHaye
1.098 3.54 Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides di Tim LaHaye
1.095 3.72 The Bluebird and the Sparrow di Janette Oke
1.094 3.88 Roses for Mama di Janette Oke
1.092 3.56 Assassins (Left Behind, Book 6) di Tim LaHaye
1.091 3.92 Living More with Less di Doris Janzen Longacre
1.089 3.56 The Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession di Tim LaHaye
1.087 3.72 A Woman Named Damaris di Janette Oke
1.083 3.71 The Calvary Road di Roy Hession
1.083 3.88 The Power of a Praying Woman di Stormie Omartian
1.077 3.59 Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne di Tim LaHaye
1.077 3.82 The Wounded Spirit di Frank E. Peretti
1.076 3.56 Apollyon: The Destroyer is Unleashed di Tim LaHaye
1.071 4.1 A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 di W. Phillip Keller
1.065 3.83 Perelandra di C. S. Lewis
1.057 3.92 Charismatic Chaos di John MacArthur
1.055 3.52 Angels: God's Secret Agents di Billy Graham
1.054 4.07 Waiting for Morning di Karen Kingsbury
1.05 4.01 Loving God di Charles Colson
1.048 4.07 George Washington di Ingri d'Aulaire
1.048 3.78 Quell'orribile forza. Una favola moderna per adulti di C. S. Lewis
1.048 3.63 Dare to Discipline di James C. Dobson
1.047 3.67 Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life di Charles R. Swindoll
1.043 3.88 L'ultima battaglia di C. S. Lewis
1.041 3.89 Competent to Counsel di Jay E. Adams
1.039 3.51 Heart of the Wilderness di Janette Oke
1.038 3.82 Power Through Prayer di E. M. Bounds
1.036 3.45 Tying the Knot di Susan May Warren
1.033 3.88 The Tender Years di Janette Oke
1.033 3.92 Foxe's Book of Martyrs di John Foxe
1.032 3.86 The Gates of Zion di Bodie Thoene
1.027 3.57 Your Money Counts di Howard L. Dayton
1.027 4.32 The Treasury of David di C. H. Spurgeon
1.027 3.81 The Shepherd of the Hills di Harold Bell Wright
1.026 3.78 Inside Out di Larry Crabb
1.026 3.99 Like Gold Refined di Janette Oke
1.025 3.98 Tilly di Frank E. Peretti
1.023 3.44 When God Doesn't Make Sense di James Dobson
1.023 3.72 The Confession di Beverly Lewis
1.02 4.18 My Utmost for His Highest: An Updated Edition in Today's Language di Oswald Chambers
1.02 3.73 The Parable Of The Lily di Liz Curtis Higgs
1.018 3.5 Yours Forever (The Christy Miller Series #3) di Robin Jones Gunn
1.017 3.84 Be Mature : An Expository Study of The Epistle of James di Warren W. Wiersbe
1.017 3.8 The Safest Place On Earth di Larry Crabb
1.017 3.69 ˆLa ‰croce e il pugnale: [la realta della droga] di David Wilkerson
1.014 3.58 Telling Yourself the Truth di William Backus
1.013 3.97 The Kingdom of the Cults di Walter Ralston Martin
1.013 3.97 A Quiet Strength di Janette Oke
1.009 3.81 The Book of God di Walter Wangerin
1.003 4 Esther: A Woman of Strength & Dignity di Charles R. Swindoll
1.003 3.71 Eerdmans Handbook to the Bible di David Alexander
1.002 4.02 Out of the Saltshaker and into the World: Evangelism As a Way of Life di Rebecca Manley Pippert
0.997 4.2 Worship: The Ultimate Priority di John MacArthur
0.993 3.9 Leota's Garden di Francine Rivers
0.992 3.83 Life-style evangelism : crossing traditional boundaries to reach the unbelieving world di Joseph C. Aldrich
0.989 3.28 A Survey of the New Testament di Robert H. Gundry
0.988 3.63 Know Why You Believe di Paul E. Little
0.988 3.68 Once Upon a Summer di Janette Oke
0.988 3.84 Little Town at the Crossroads di Maria D. Wilkes
0.987 3.86 Spiritual Leadership di J. Oswald Sanders
0.987 4.08 Jungle Pilot di Russell T. Hitt
0.985 3.95 At Home in Mitford di Jan Karon
0.981 3.91 Take One di Karen Kingsbury
0.981 4.02 The Grace Awakening di Charles R. Swindoll
0.981 3.86 Love Must Be Tough di James C. Dobson
0.979 4.19 The Genesis Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings di Henry M. Morris
0.979 4.19 Living by the Book di Howard G. Hendricks
0.976 3.98 Love's Enduring Promise di Janette Oke
0.973 3.94 When Calls the Heart di Janette Oke
0.973 4.03 Abraham Lincoln di Ingri d'Aulaire
0.972 4.05 Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God di Francis Chan
0.971 3.96 Waiting on God di Andrew Murray
0.97 3.91 A Common Life di Jan Karon
0.97 3.84 Lontano dal pianeta silenzioso di C. S. Lewis
0.969 3.63 The Man in the Mirror: Solving the 24 Problems Men Face di Patrick Morley
0.962 4.1 Love's Unfolding Dream di Janette Oke
0.962 3.83 Winds of Autumn di Janette Oke
0.957 3.86 Un ragazzo e il suo cavallo di C. S. Lewis
0.957 4.34 A Woman After God's Own Heart di Elizabeth George
0.955 3.95 The Apostle: A Life of Paul di John Pollock
0.953 3.67 What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women di James C. Dobson
0.949 3.85 The Epistle to the Hebrews (The New International Commentary on the New Testament) di F. F. Bruce
0.948 4.05 The God Who Is There di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.944 4.04 Love's Long Journey di Janette Oke
0.944 3.92 A Thousand Shall Fall di Bodie Thoene
0.943 4.37 The Gospel According to Jesus: What Is Authentic Faith? di John MacArthur
0.943 4.12 The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer di E. M. Bounds
0.943 3.64 Papa's Wife di Thyra Ferre Bjorn
0.943 4.14 How Should We Then Live?: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.942 4.22 An Account of the Life of the Late Reverend Mr David Brainerd di David Brainerd
0.942 4.12 Sunset di Karen Kingsbury
0.939 4.04 Love's Unending Legacy di Janette Oke
0.938 3.92 Il nipote del mago di C. S. Lewis
0.938 3.63 The Lightkeeper's Daughter di Colleen Coble
0.937 3.88 When Hope Springs New di Janette Oke
0.936 4.11 A Searching Heart di Janette Oke
0.935 4.3 Sunrise di Karen Kingsbury
0.935 4.02 Twelve Ordinary Men: How the Master Shaped His Disciples for Greatness, and What He Wants to Do with You di John MacArthur
0.934 3.97 When God Writes Your Love Story di Leslie Ludy
0.932 4.02 Be Joyful di Warren W. Wiersbe
0.932 4.08 Prague Counterpoint di Bodie Thoene
0.929 4.04 Born Again di Charles W. Colson
0.928 3.61 They Called Her Mrs. Doc di Janette Oke
0.928 3.67 Another Homecoming di Janette Oke
0.928 4.1 Il leone, la strega e l'armadio di C. S. Lewis
0.927 4.12 Even Now di Karen Kingsbury
0.926 3.77 The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door di Jay Pathak
0.924 4 Love's Abiding Joy di Janette Oke
0.922 4.15 Ever After di Karen Kingsbury
0.922 3.88 La sedia d'argento di C. S. Lewis
0.921 4.27 The Power of a Praying Wife di Stormie Omartian
0.92 4.13 Jerusalem Interlude di Bodie Thoene
0.917 3.85 Spring's Gentle Promise di Janette Oke
0.914 4.09 Love Takes Wing di Janette Oke
0.914 3.95 Your God Is Too Small di J. B. Phillips
0.913 3.39 Return to Harmony di Janette Oke
0.913 4.06 Abba's Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging di Brennan Manning
0.912 3.8 When Comes the Spring di Janette Oke
0.911 4.26 Il cristianesimo così com'è di C. S. Lewis
0.91 3.86 Il principe Caspian di C. S. Lewis
0.91 3.33 Il lampionaio di Maria S. Cummins
0.909 4.33 Dangerous Calling: Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry di Paul David Tripp
0.909 3.92 When Breaks the Dawn di Janette Oke
0.908 4 A Light in the Window di Jan Karon
0.907 3.95 Malcolm di George MacDonald
0.906 4.03 Il viaggio del veliero di C. S. Lewis
0.906 4.26 Stepping Heavenward di Elizabeth Prentiss
0.902 3.79 What the Bible Is All About di Henrietta C. Mears
0.901 4.25 Idols of the Heart: Learning to Long for God Alone di Elyse Fitzpatrick
0.901 4.17 Chasing Sunsets di Karen Kingsbury
0.901 3.88 Take Two di Karen Kingsbury
0.9 4.19 Through Gates of Splendor di Elisabeth Elliot
0.897 4.14 Unveiled di Francine Rivers
0.896 4.19 God's smuggler di Brother Andrew
0.896 4.2 Abide in Christ di Andrew Murray
0.895 3.89 The Master Plan of Evangelism di Robert E. Coleman
0.893 3.73 Little House in Brookfield di Maria D. Wilkes
0.89 4.04 With Christ in the School of Prayer di Andrew Murray
0.888 4.11 La piccola casa nella prateria di Laura Ingalls Wilder
0.886 4.14 Operation World di Patrick Johnstone
0.886 4.05 Out to Canaan di Jan Karon
0.884 4.22 A Moment of Weakness di Karen Kingsbury
0.883 4.02 A Daughter of Zion di Bodie Thoene
0.883 4.19 The Pursuit of Holiness di Jerry Bridges
0.879 4 Anne's House of Dreams di L. M. Montgomery
0.879 3.97 When I Lay My Isaac Down: Unshakable Faith in Unthinkable Circumstances di Carol J Kent
0.877 3.92 Anne of Windy Poplars di L. M. Montgomery
0.877 3.64 The Big Fisherman di Lloyd C. Douglas
0.876 3.86 Laura: The Life of Laura Ingalls Wilder di Donald Zochert
0.876 4.34 The Attributes of God di Arthur W. Pink
0.875 3.7 Improving Your Serve di Charles R. Swindoll
0.875 4.13 Piccola casa nel bosco grande di Laura Ingalls Wilder
0.87 3.91 Anna dai capelli rossi: La grande casa di L. M. Montgomery
0.868 4.08 Sola Scriptura: The Protestant Position on the Bible di Don Kistler
0.867 4.17 La vita comune di Dietrich Bonhoeffer
0.866 4.21 Warsaw Requiem di Bodie Thoene
0.865 4.12 The Key to Zion di Bodie Thoene
0.863 4.02 The Jesus I Never Knew di Philip Yancey
0.863 4.02 Found: God's Will (Find the Direction and Purpose God Wants for Your Life) di John MacArthur
0.858 3.65 The Measure of a Man: Twenty Attributes of a Godly Man di Gene A. Getz
0.858 3.71 Winter is Not Forever di Janette Oke
0.856 4.08 The Practice of Godliness di Jerry Bridges
0.855 4.13 How Now Shall We Live? di Charles W. Colson
0.854 4.18 Vienna Prelude di Bodie Thoene
0.852 3.87 The Faith: What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It, and Why It Matters di Charles W. Colson
0.85 3.84 Hitlers Cross di Erwin W. Lutzer
0.85 4.02 In My Father's House di Bodie Thoene
0.85 4 Reaching for the Invisible God di Philip Yancey
0.848 4.1 Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret di Howard Taylor
0.847 3.91 Knowing Scripture di R. C. Sproul
0.845 4.52 Loving God with All Your Mind di Elizabeth George
0.843 4.39 Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands di Paul David Tripp
0.842 4.25 Tortured for Christ di Richard Wurmbrand
0.842 4.16 Diario di un dolore di C. S. Lewis
0.842 4.12 Anna dai capelli rossi: l'eta meravigliosa di L. M. Montgomery
0.842 4.13 Halfway to Forever di Karen Kingsbury
0.838 4.35 Little Pilgrim's Progress: From John Bunyan's Classic di Helen L. Taylor
0.838 4.12 Sulle rive del Plum Creek di Laura Ingalls Wilder
0.836 4.24 A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael di Elisabeth Elliot
0.835 4.14 Little Town on the Prairie di Laura Ingalls Wilder
0.834 4.04 Say to This Mountain di Bodie Thoene
0.832 4.31 The Child's Story Bible di Catherine F. Vos
0.83 3.96 Note to Self: The Discipline of Preaching to Yourself di Joe Thorn
0.829 3.99 Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy With God in the Busyness of Life di Joanna Weaver
0.827 4.11 Munich Signature di Bodie Thoene
0.825 4.32 Someday di Karen Kingsbury
0.825 4.15 Anna dai capelli rossi: il baule dei sogni di L. M. Montgomery
0.819 3.3 The Search for the Twelve Apostles di William Steuart McBirnie
0.819 4.41 Il nascondiglio di Corrie ten Boom
0.819 3.96 Talk Thru the Bible: A Quick Guide to Help You Get More Out of the Bible di Bruce Wilkinson
0.818 4.23 Fame di Karen Kingsbury
0.817 4.24 George Müller: The Guardian of Bristol's Orphans di Geoff Benge
0.817 4.17 The Long Winter di Laura Ingalls Wilder
0.814 4.4 Why Revival Tarries di Leonard Ravenhill
0.812 3.2 Parenting Isn't for Cowards di James C. Dobson
0.812 4.1 A Light in Zion di Bodie Thoene
0.81 4.39 Morning by Morning di Charles H. Spurgeon
0.805 4.02 Joni: An Unforgettable Story di Joni Eareckson Tada
0.805 4.1 The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog di James W. Sire
0.805 4.45 Knowing God di J. I. Packer
0.803 4.2 Danzig Passage di Bodie Thoene
0.791 4.13 Take Three di Karen Kingsbury
0.79 4.19 Bruchko di Bruce Olson
0.789 4.15 In the Presence of My Enemies di Gracia Burnham
0.788 4.34 Respectable Sins di Jerry Bridges
0.786 4.41 Encounters with Jesus: Unexpected Answers to Life's Biggest Questions di Timothy Keller
0.781 4.33 The Knowledge of the Holy di A. W. Tozer
0.78 3.94 A Godward Life: Savoring the Supremacy of God in All of Life di John Piper
0.78 3.98 The Incomparable Christ di John R. W. Stott
0.775 4.46 The Complete Anne of Green Gables [Books 1-8] di L. M. Montgomery
0.774 4.14 The Path of Loneliness: It May Seem a Wilderness, but It Can Lead You to God di Elisabeth Elliot
0.772 4.02 The Silence of Adam: Becoming Men of Courage in a World of Chaos di Larry Crabb
0.771 4.08 Where Is God When It Hurts? di Philip Yancey
0.77 4.33 In My Father's House: The Years Before "The Hiding Place" di Corrie Ten Boom
0.768 4.2 The Return to Zion di Bodie Thoene
0.768 4.16 Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime di Janet Benge
0.762 4.1 Genesis in Space and Time: The Flow of Biblical History (Bible commentary for layman) di Francis A. Schaeffer
0.759 3.94 Three Treatises di Martin Luther
0.756 4.32 Family di Karen Kingsbury
0.755 4.29 Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God di Bob Kauflin
0.754 4.17 When Dreams Come True: A Love Story Only God Could Write di Eric Ludy
0.751 3.62 Corrie Ten Boom's Prison Letters di Corrie Ten Boom
0.75 4.62 Evidence Not Seen: A Woman's Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II di Darlene Deibler Rose
0.749 4.29 The Heart of Anger: Practical Help for Prevention and Cure of Anger in Children di Lou Priolo
0.739 4.54 Studies in the Sermon on the Mount di Martyn Lloyd-Jones
0.738 4.35 Take Four di Karen Kingsbury
0.733 4.39 Found di Karen Kingsbury
0.718 4.24 The Gospel for Real Life: Turn to the Liberating Power of the Cross...Every Day (Now Includes Study Guide) di Jerry Bridges
0.698 4.48 Forever di Karen Kingsbury
0.697 4.48 Forgiven di Karen Kingsbury
0.692 4.18 Rebel With a Cause di Franklin Graham
0.691 4.47 Return di Karen Kingsbury
0.689 4.53 The Complete C. S. Lewis Signature Classics di C. S. Lewis
0.684 4.47 Remember di Karen Kingsbury
0.683 4.41 Summer di Karen Kingsbury
0.662 3.76 Connecting di Larry Crabb
0.656 4.47 Rejoice di Karen Kingsbury
0.653 4.53 Reunion di Karen Kingsbury
0.647 4.13 Lords of the Earth di Don Richardson
0.641 4.39 War of Words: Getting to the Heart of Your Communication Struggles di Paul David Tripp
0.634 4.46 For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Treasures of God's Word (Volumes 1&2) di D. A. Carson
0.611 4.71 The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions di Arthur Bennett
0.603 4.06 For the Love of God, Volume 1 di D. A. Carson
0.602 4.24 The Shaping of a Christian Family di Elisabeth Elliot
0.595 4.64 Counsel from the Cross: Connecting Broken People to the Love of Christ di Elyse M. Fitzpatrick
0.576 3.78 A Step Further di Joni Eareckson Tada