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Anne of Windy Poplars (1936)

di L. M. Montgomery

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Anna dai capelli rossi (4)

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8,633771,000 (3.92)90
"Original copyright A 1936 Frederick A. Stokes Company (USA)."-- Title page verso.
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You can read all my review on Blog - Books Teacup and Reviews

Anne of Windy Willows was semi epistolary, historical fiction that revolved around Anne’s three years as a Principal of Summerside High School, her sojourn in Summerside, people she met and mini lessons she learned from her experiences- all in letters she wrote to Gilbert. A new place, new stetting and lots of new friends. It was about friendship, helping people of Summerside, and importance of happiness, life, dresses and imagination.

Book was first person narrative. It was divided in 3 years of Anne’s principalship in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Do I have to tell anything about author’s writing? It was poetic, lyrical, atmospheric, and beautiful. Once again, author added a wonderful book to series. I loved all character’s life story, dresses, setting, and that usual effects of weather and atmosphere that was constant in whole Anne series so far.

It’s been long since I read last book (in January) so I was little clueless when Anne was offered job at Summerside High. But I didn’t dwell on it and plunged into Anne’s beautiful new abode, Windy Willows, its occupants, students of Summerside High, Pringles, impressive people in the town, and gossips.

Throughout the book, one place that I so loved was, Windy Willows and Anne’s Tower room at Windy Willows. I can perfectly imagine each room of the house, every corner and windows of Anne’s room where our kindred spirit resided.

Let me tell about Anne and other characters, because without them you cannot just talk about book.

Anne– If I have commented on your blog or anywhere in more than 2 sentences, it’s purely Anne effect. She was catching. She wrote amazingly long letters, told her stories and experiences in her refreshing, vivacious and infectious voice. It felt so good to see Anne growing into wonderful woman. She was great throughout the book, I cannot imagine from where she got patience! She handled some prickly and temperamental characters so effortlessly. I loved her thoughts about all of them.

She was wise, sensible, lil bit sensitive and as always dreamy. I loved her seeing as teacher in Anne of Avonlea and I loved her even more in this book. But here Anne faced bigger challenge- The Pringles who gave her tough time in her first year. Pringles made her stay so difficult that she couldn’t see her job and stay more than a year. But this is Anne we are talking about and it was certain she was going to win them all sooner or later but what I was curious to know was, how.

Then there was Anne’s Kindred spirit that added mystery to story- Elizabeth. She was just like little Anne we met in first book, living in imaginations, having dreams and giving names to herself. It was kind of creative, you know, giving different names as per moods. She was such an adorable kid, I couldn’t understand why her great-grandmother and the Woman (their maid) treated her so strictly, how they could keep her in house all the time and discourage her, keep her starved from life and happiness! And why he father doesn’t know anything about it. I couldn’t wait to see what Anne would do about it.

I loved widows and Rebecca Dew, occupants of Windy Willows. They were quirky and made fascinating trio. How can the house be complete without ‘The Cat’. I liked the bickering between these ladies. Even though there was generation gap and disagreements they loved and took care of each other. I loved to see Anne becoming integral part of their little cult.

There were all sort of Pringles who were great to read. I liked Jane and her gang. And so many windows, cranky old people in Summerside who were really amusing, specially Mrs. Gibson and what I tell you about twins of Mrs. Raymond! They were naughtiest twin, Davy felt rather gentlemanly after reading them. Miss Minerva’s haunted house and cursed family was nightmarish. I don’t know how Anne spent a night there. I loved Katherine’s development. She turned out totally different person by the end of the book and became Anne’s best friend.

There were all sort of characters with all sort of personalities in this book. Some were lovely, some dreamy, sulky, bad-tempered, nosey, cantankerous, chatty, lonely, romantic, worrier, tyrant, ungrateful, sensitive and mischievous. Just so many characters! They all were given a story even if it was just in one or few lines which was plus point, but the drawback was I felt dizzy reading about them all and trying to remember them. If I dare to list them all, I bet it will fill 2-3 foolscap pages.

Ah and there was wedding and Anne’s part in eloping lovebirds. Some stories were emotional while some were comical. And there was lots of gossips and drama. I didn’t want Anne leaving this amusing community after 3 years but I knew it was not possible. I liked the way things turned out in all stories and things Anne learned throughout the book.

All the previous books were feel good and so was this one. You can enjoy this book in any season. Just relax in sunshine, enjoy the flowery writing, dreamy Anne and warmth of the story.

Why 4.5-

My only teeny weeny issue was there were too many characters. I know I should get used to it by now but this had more than previous books. And as I mentioned, it was overwhelming. But I’m rounding it to 5 star because I just love this series and Anne.

Overall, I just love Anne Shirley, L.M. Montgomery’s writing and her beautiful stories.

*** I bought this book. *** ( )
  BooksTeacupReviews | Jun 28, 2024 |
I got so emotional near the end of this book. When I originally read this book in middle school, it was one of my least favorite of the series, but now I’d say it is one of my favorites. And I honestly think that is because my situation in life continues to change. When I was younger, I loved the first few books the most, but now that I’m older, I’ve related to the later books even more and that’s beautiful. I loved reading Anne’s letters to Gilbert; I myself was in a long distance relationship until last year for three years, so I related to that part of Anne and Gilbert’s relationship. And then I also related to Anne’s journey of independence and growth in Summerside. I’ve always wondered if I’d have the same favorite in this series if I ever reread it, but I’m starting to think my favorite may definitely change. ( )
  TimeLord10SPW | May 22, 2024 |
I knew going into this that much of the book is written in letter format so I tried to keep an open mind. Unfortunately, I hated the letter parts of the book and loved the rest.
The last 1/3 of the book was definitely the most interesting.

3.5 Stars

Content: clean ( )
  libraryofemma | Apr 18, 2024 |
I haven't read the earlier books in the series but still enjoyed this book.

Anne has taken a job as the principal of a school. But when she gets to Summerside to start work, she finds that half the town (the Pringles clan) is against her because their candidate for the post of principal had lost out to her. The book describes how she eventually wins them over and other events that happen during her three years there. ( )
  bookworm3091 | Apr 14, 2024 |
Anne Shirley has left Redmond College behind to begin a new job and a new chapter of her life away from Green Gables. Now she faces a new challenge: the Pringles. They're known as the royal family of Summerside - and they quickly let Anne know she is not the person they had wanted as principal of Summerside High School. But as she settles into the cozy tower room at Windy Poplars, Anne finds she has great allies in the widows Aunt Kate and Aunt Chatty - and in their irrepressible housekeeper, Rebecca Dew. As Anne learns Summerside's strangest secrets, winning the support of the prickly Pringles becomes only the first of her triumphs.
  PlumfieldCH | Mar 11, 2024 |
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L. M. Montgomeryautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Rioux, HélèneTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Stahl, Ben F.Immagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Weischer, DagmarTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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To friends of Anne everywhere
To the Friends of Anne Everywhere
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(Letter from Anne Shirley, B.A., Principal of Summerside High School, to Gilbert Blythe, medical student at Redmond College, Kingsport.)
Dearest, Isn't that an address!
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It's wonderful to be able to give happiness to somebody. It has made me feel so rich, giving Pauline this day.
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Nota di disambiguazione
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'Anne of Windy Willows' was published in the US and Canada as 'Anne of Windy Poplars' because the American Publisher thought it too similar to 'Wind in the Willows'. 'Anne of Windy Willows' was used outside of the US and Canada and there are also minor textural differences.
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"Original copyright A 1936 Frederick A. Stokes Company (USA)."-- Title page verso.

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