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The Knowledge of the Holy (1961)

di A. W. Tozer

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4,579242,599 (4.33)21
What is the nature of God? How to capture a real sense of God's majesty and truly live in the Spirit? This beloved book, a modern classic of Christian testimony and devotion, addresses these and other vital questions, showing how to rejuvenate prayer, meditate more reverently, understand God more deeply, and experience God's presence every day.… (altro)
  1. 20
    Delighting in God di A. W. Tozer (Utente anonimo)
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Tozer opens this book on God’s attributes by making a case for “why we must think rightly about God”. Each chapter focuses on what the Bible teaches about a particular attribute of God – his self-existence, his self-sufficiency, his eternity, his infinitude, his immutability, his omniscience, his wisdom, his omnipotence, his transcendence, his omnipresence, his faithfulness, his goodness, his justice, his mercy, his grace, his love, his holiness, and his sovereignty. The book lends itself well to devotional reading and meditation. ( )
  cbl_tn | Jun 1, 2023 |
  LowrieRobertson | Oct 18, 2022 |
Deep theology ( )
  lynngood2 | Jan 18, 2022 |
There were a lot of good things said in this book and I liked that he included poetry with every chapter to help capture the essence of that attribute. However, the writing style is very technical and forced me to slow down far more than I liked (to the point that I found it distracting from the topic itself). ( )
  ChelseaVK | Dec 10, 2021 |
Immensely rich in its meaning and profoundly insightful! One of Tozer's remarkable gems, ‘The Knowledge of the Holy’ is a wonderful classic, where he deals with the Divine Attributes of God. Having a right view of God will not only allow us to worship better, but will also help us in our practical issues as well. God operates with an infinite number of attributes and all simultaneously and equally. By limiting Him we reduce His influence on the world and our lives. Nothing is more important than a right understanding of God, or thinking rightly about God. When it comes to our thinking about God, everything is at stake. We must think deeply and accurately about God if we are to know Him and worship Him rightly and truthfully.

A thorough reading of this book highlights so many truths about God. We are plunged into the depths of God's character and nature and are left in a state of awe and worship in the presence of a Gracious God. Tozer’s motivation for writing this book was a complaint that christians have forgotten the great writers of the past and that we no longer think particularly highly of God. Crucial to Tozer’s idea is that we worship God as It truly is, lest we come up with ideas about God which are either misguided or incomplete which would lead to a kind of idolatry; this is an idea I wholeheartedly agree with and is the motivation behind why I constantly try to understand God, Christianity and scripture.

I think Tozer does just as good a job of discussing the metaphysical attributes of God as any introductory theology textbook would do. Tozer greatly presented that Theology should never be dry. I found myself blessed as I meditated with Tozer on the majesty and the magnitude of God. This is a must-read, in my opinion, for those who are seeking God with their whole heart. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It reminds me that I need to regularly take time to meditate upon the nature and attributes of God. A high view of God puts each aspect of my life into right perspective. ( )
5 vota Shaneharmer | May 22, 2021 |
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[Preface] True religion confronts earth with heaven and brings eternity to bear upon time.
What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.
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What is the nature of God? How to capture a real sense of God's majesty and truly live in the Spirit? This beloved book, a modern classic of Christian testimony and devotion, addresses these and other vital questions, showing how to rejuvenate prayer, meditate more reverently, understand God more deeply, and experience God's presence every day.

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Media: (4.33)
1 4
2 4
3 31
3.5 4
4 67
4.5 12
5 130

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