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Where Is God When It Hurts?

di Philip Yancey

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2,952184,933 (4.09)5
If there is a loving God, then why is it that ? You've heard that question, perhaps asked it yourself. No matter how you complete it, at its root lies the issue of pain.Does God order our suffering? Does he decree an abusive childhood, orchestrate a jet crash, steer a tornado through a community? Or did he simply wind up the world's mainspring and now is watching from a distance? In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Philip Yancey reveals a God who is neither capricious nor unconcerned. Using examples from the Bible and from his own experiences, Yancey looks at pain-physical, emotional, and spiritual-and helps us understand why we suffer. Where Is God When It Hurts? will speak to those for whom life sometimes just doesn't make sense. And it will help equip anyone who wants to reach out to someone in pain but just doesn't know what to say.… (altro)
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Using examples from the Bible and the spiritual experiences of lifetimes, this book frees us from fear and opens new doors of understanding and hope.
  MenoraChurch | Feb 1, 2024 |
An inspirational classic for more than thirty years,?Where Is God When It Hurts??honestly explores pain—from physical wounds to emotional and spiritual pain—and sheds new light on God's presence in our suffering.
  StFrancisofAssisi | Nov 1, 2023 |
  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
Yancey helps us with compassion and clarity to finding an answer when our pain or the pain of others is real and we are left wondering, where is God when it hurts and we need him. He helps us better know how to reach out to someone in pain even when we don't know what to say and shows us how we can learn to accept-without blame, anger or fear-that which we don't understand.
  SABC | Apr 2, 2019 |
This book discusses pain - physical, emotional, and spiritual, and helps us understand why we suffer and how to cope with our own pain and the pain of others.
  SABC | Mar 31, 2019 |
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If there is a loving God, then why is it that ? You've heard that question, perhaps asked it yourself. No matter how you complete it, at its root lies the issue of pain.Does God order our suffering? Does he decree an abusive childhood, orchestrate a jet crash, steer a tornado through a community? Or did he simply wind up the world's mainspring and now is watching from a distance? In this Gold Medallion Award-winning book, Philip Yancey reveals a God who is neither capricious nor unconcerned. Using examples from the Bible and from his own experiences, Yancey looks at pain-physical, emotional, and spiritual-and helps us understand why we suffer. Where Is God When It Hurts? will speak to those for whom life sometimes just doesn't make sense. And it will help equip anyone who wants to reach out to someone in pain but just doesn't know what to say.

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Media: (4.09)
2 5
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4 61
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5 46

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