
bedroom library (5,957), fairy tales folklore and mythology (3,351), fairy tales and folklore (2,952), fiction (1,428), academic (1,375), university press (1,375), children's literature (1,051), mythology (989), literary criticism (792), fantasy (720), novels (691), fairy tale studies (676), short stories (642), illustration (637), supernatural (629), paranormal (584), folklore collections (477), spirituality (394), anthologies (392), religion (383), fairy tales retold (329), retellings (320), re-interpretations (320), gender studies (320), women's studies (318), international folklore (313), picture books (308), victorian (308), medieval (306), middle ages (296), celtic (295), dover (289), magic (281), poetry (271), magical realism and fantastic (269), young adult (262), reference (260), art (258), monsters (249), dover folklore and myth (239), history (233), encyclopedias (226), fantasists (224), not-quite-human (223), occult (217), goddesses (215), british (207), ancient (201), legends (188), asian (182), fairies (179), esoteric (178), mythical creatures (177), transformation (174), metamorphosis (174), classical mythology (170), witches (169), animals (159), shapeshifters (158), ghosts (150), middle eastern (149), nature (144), poltergeists (143), spirits (143), therianthropy (143), uncanny (141), hauntings (141), oxford (139), greek (139), phantoms (137), routledge (130), literary fairy tales (130), king arthur (123), psychology (122), fairy tale scholars (115), slavic (112), jewish (111), children's literature studies (107), science fiction (104), bestiaries (101), symbols (101), penguin (97), biblical (96), fine press (95), imagined worlds (93), norse (92), german (90), cultural studies (90), golden books (87), demons (86), death (85), arthurian studies (85), russian (83), japanese (83), yokai (81), animal brides animal grooms (81), abc-clio (80), brothers grimm (78), arabian nights (77), knopf (76), sea (76), 1001 nights (75), victorian fantasists (73), folio society (70), afterlife (70), sirens (69), mermaids (68), chinese (67), lycanthropy (65), norton (65), essays (64), french (64), fortean (63), werewolves (63), vampires (63), sheherazade (60), thames & hudson (60), dragons (59), moon (59), new york review (58), classics (57), irish (57), science (57), tricksters (57), wizards (56), everyman's library (56), graphic novels (55), thousand and one nights (54), devil (54), chicago (54), princeton (54), golden age illustration (54), hans christian andersen (54), unexplained (53), doppelgangers (53), cats (53), vintage (52), dark goddesses (52), greenwood (51), danish (50), doubles (50), wolves (50), candlewick (49), weird fiction (49), heroines (48), latin american (47), amazons (46), pantheon (46), strange fiction (46), warrior women (46), art and imagination series (46), gothic fantasy series (44), flame tree (44), horror (44), subterranean worlds (44), femmes fatales (44), creative writing (43), scottish (43), native american (43), italian (42), everyman's library children's classics (42), children's classics (42), dedalus (40), astronomy (40), seers (40), postmodern (40), california (40), romanticism (40), indian (39), european (39), indiana (39), medieval romances (39), kitsune (38), moon goddess (37), fables (37), trees (37), inklings (35), enchantresses (34), childhood (34), landscapes (34), merlin (34), angels (34), jungian (34), palgrave (34), forests (34), hobbies (34), descent to the underworld (34), gender bending (34), sorceresses (34), body (34), miniatures (33), satire (33), foxes (33), dolls (32), roman (32), wayne state (32), artemis (31), fairy tale art (31), dreams (31), underworld (30), andrew lang (30), small things (30), egyptian (30), surrealism (30), diana (30), jane yolen (30), nursery rhymes (29), philosophy (29), birds (29), miles kelly (28), faber (28), polish (28), paganism (28), melusine (27), mcfarland (27), jack zipes (27), oxford myths and legends (27), fortune-telling (26), oracles (26), pantheon folklore (26), cross dressing (26), tarot (26), new york review children's collection (26), dodo (26), books (26), angela carter (26), divination (26), arabian nights studies (25), floris (25), welsh (25), wizard of oz (25), oz (25), waldorf (24), george macdonald (24), cyborgs (24), collecting (24), imagination (24), gothic (24), paper arts (23), mothers (23), clip art (23), fabulists (23), l frank baum (23), baba yaga (23), penn state (22), edwin mellen (22), peter lang (22), enchanted world (22), african-american (22), time travel (22), rackham (21), tolkien (21), cambridge (21), yale (21), flowers (21), shamanism (21), colors (21), shambhala (21), mystery (21), reaktion (21), myth and mankind (20), SUNY (20), philip pullman (20), august house (20), vertigo (20), eastern philosophy (20), models (20), rainbow fairy books (20), swan maidens (19), dystopias (19), boydell (19), virginity (19), alchemy (19), element encyclopedias (19), fredonia (19), toys (18), saints (18), selkies (18), edith nesbit (18), interlink (18), tanith lee (18), catherynne valente (18), seal people (18), ashgate (18), mabinogion (17), virgin mary (17), red riding hood (17), goblins (17), his dark materials (17), puffin (17), madonna (17), tuttle (17), dioramas (17), canongate (17), m.e. sharpe (17), african (17), marina warner (17), outlaws (17), mary (17), harvard (17)
Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
Jul 10, 2007
Nome vero
La mia biblioteca
I am particularly fond of magical realism, surrealism, speculative fiction, folklore and mythology from all cultures, fairy tales, monsters, the supernatural and anything strange or fortean. And, yes, I really do read my books, all of them eventually. My idea of paradise would be my books, a never-ending cup of coffee, and my kids playing quietly (or, perhaps, reading too) on the other side of the room.

Books I would be delighted to find, should anyone spot a copy.
1.) Any nice hardcovers by Ruth Manning-Sanders. I want to collect her entire set of fairy tale anthologies eventually. So far, I have only one.

I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library. - Jorge Luis Borges

A room without books is like a body without a soul. - Cicero

Someday you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. - C.S. Lewis

When I get a little money, I buy books. And if there is any left over, I buy food. - Deciderius Erasmus

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. - John Milton, Paradise Lost

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. - Shakespeare

In an utilitarian age, of all other times, it is a matter of grave importance that Fairy tales should be respected. - Charles Dickens

Build yourself a book-nest to forget the world without. - Abraham Cowley

Far more seemly were it for thee to have thy study full of books, than thy purse full of money. - John Lyly

I couldn't live a week without a private library - indeed, I'd part with all my furniture and squat and sleep on the floor before I'd let go of the 1500 or so books I possess.
- H.P. Lovecraft

Stories teach us empathy. They reveal to us ourselves in the skins of others.
-J. Simien

If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.
— C.S. Lewis

When you create stories, you become gods, of tiny, intricate dimensions unto themselves. So many worlds!
-Metatron from Supernatural
Informazione su di me
I'm a mother, freelance writer, poet, and obsessive bookworm. I'd love to talk to others with similar tastes in literature.
Baltimore, Maryland
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