PersonaggiOtto von Bismarck

Persone/Personaggi per copertina

Opere (160)

L' arte della diplomazia di Henry Kissinger
1864: The Forgotten War That Shaped Modern Europe di Tom Buk-Swienty
The Ailing Empire: Germany from Bismarck to Hitler di Sebastian Haffner
All Star Comics Archives, Volume 6 di Gardner Fox
L'amante dell'imperatore : amori, intrighi e segreti della contessa di Castiglione di Arrigo Petacco
April 1865: The Month That Saved America di Jay Winik
Armies of Bismarck's Wars : The Army of Prussia-History, Uniforms and Equipment, 1860-1867 di Bruce Basset Powell
The Austro-Prussian War: Austria's War with Prussia and Italy in 1866 di Geoffrey Wawro
Bismarck di Katharine Lerman
Bismarck di Edgar Feuchtwanger
Bismarck di Ian F.D. Morrow
Bismarck di Edward Crankshaw
Bismarck di Alan Warwick Palmer
Bismarck di Frederic B. M. Hollyday
Bismarck di Sandrine Kott1898
Bismarck di Jean-Paul Bled1898
De Bismarck à l'Europe, 1898-1998 di Joseph Rovan
Bismarck and Europe di W. N. Medlicott
Bismarck and Germany 1862-1890 di D. G. Williamson
Bismarck and His Times di George O. Kent
Bismarck and State Socialism di William Harbutt Dawson
Bismarck and the creation of the Second Reich di Friedrich Darmstaedter
Bismarck and the Development of Germany, Vol. 1: The Period of Unification, 1815-1871 di Otto Pflanze
Bismarck and the Development of Germany, Vol. 3: The Period of Fortification, 1880-1898 di Otto Pflanze
Bismarck and the Development of Germany: The Period of Consolidation, 1871-1880 (Bismark & the Development of Germany) di Otto Pflanze
Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire di James Wycliffe Headlam
Bismarck and the German Empire di Erich Eyck
Bismarck and the German Empire 1871-1918 (Lancaster Pamphlets) di Lynn Abrams
Bismarck and the Guelph problem 1866-1890 A study in particularist opposition to national unity di Stewart A. Stehlin
Bismarck and the the Development of Germany di Otto Pflanze
Bismarck et sa famille di Robert von Keudell1815-1898
The Bismarck Myth: Weimar Germany and the Legacy of the Iron Chancellor (Oxford World's Classics) di Robert Gerwarth
Bismarck und der deutsche National- Mythos di Lothar Machtan
BISMARCK'S FIRST WAR: The Campaign of Schleswig and Jutland 1864 di Michael Embree
Bismarck--Preussen, Deutschland und Europa (German Edition) di Deutsches Historisches Museum
Das Bismarck-Jahr : eine Würdigung Bismarcks und seiner Politik in Einzelschilderungen di Max Lenz
Bismarck. Das Reich in der Mitte Europas di Ernst Engelberg
Bismarck. Eine Biographie di Christian von Krockow
Bismarck. Selbstzeugnisse zu Bauerntum und Natur di Otto Von Bismark
Bismarck. Urpreuße und Reichsgründer di Ernst Engelberg
Bismarck: A Life di Jonathan Steinberg
Bismarck: il grande conservatore di Franz Herre
Bismarck: la démesure di Stéphanie Burgaud1898
Bismarck: storia di un lottatore di Emil Ludwig
Bismarck: The Man & the Statesman, Vol. 2 di Otto von Bismarck
Bismarck: The Man and Statesman di A. J. P. Taylor
Bismarcks Tod und Deutschlands Tränen. Reportage einer Tragödie. di Lothar Machtan
Blood and Iron: From Bismarck to Hitler the Von Moltke Family's Impact on German History di Otto Friedrich
Blood and Iron: The Rise and Fall of the German Empire di Katja Hoyer
Breve storia d'Italia di Christopher Duggan
Castle Falkenstein: High Adventure in the Steam Age di Michael Alyn Pondsmith
Castle in the Stars: The Moon-King di Alex Alice
Castle in the Stars: The Space Race of 1869 di Alex Alice
Christian Ludwig Herzog zu Mecklenburg: Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Portraits und Photographien aus dem Grossherzoglichen Haus di Alexander Solodkoff
Corso di storia : 3 - L'Ottocento e il Novecento di Carlo Capra
Crowns in Conflict: The Triumph and the Tragedy of European Monarchy, 1910-1918 di Theo Aronson
Cynic: Otto von Bismarck, Iron Chancellor of Germany di Kimberley Burton Heuston
Debunking History di Ed Rayner
The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire, 1815-1918 di Alan Sked
Die deutsche Seele di Thea Dorn
Dreadnought : Britain, Germany, and the Coming of the Great War di Robert K. Massie
A Duel of Giants: Bismarck, Napoleon III, and the Origins of the Franco-Prussian War di David Wetzel
Das Duell : der Kampf zwischen Habsburg und Preußen um Deutschland di Ulrich Schlie
Edward the Caresser: The Playboy Prince Who Became Edward VII di Stanley Weintraub
El dominio mundial: Elementos del poder y claves geopolíticas (Ariel) di Pedro Baños
Emil du Bois-Reymond : neuroscience, self, and society in nineteenth-century Germany di Gabriel Finkelstein
Essential Tomb of Dracula Volume 2 di Marv Wolfman
Europe's dark journey the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany di Beth A. Griech-Polelle
Europe: Grandeur and Decline di A. J. P. Taylor
Europe: The Struggle for Supremacy, from 1453 to the Present di Brendan Simms
European History di Michael J. Romano
Europäische Fürstenhöfe - damals: Berlin und Wien di Paul Sethe
The Fall of the Third Napoleon di Theo Aronson
Fifty caricatures di Max Beerbohm
First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made Their Country a World Power di Warren Zimmermann
Freiherr vom Stein, Gneisenau, Napoleon, Kleist, Görres, Friedrich List, Droste-Hülshoff, Hebbel, Petöfi, Lassalle, Dahlmann, Herzen, Malvida von Meysenbug, Alfred Krupp, Wagner, Windthorst, Bismarck di Hans von Arnim
The French Revolution of 1870-1871 di Roger Lawrence Williams
George, Nicholas and Wilhelm: Three Royal Cousins and the Road to World War I di Miranda Carter
Germany and the Approach of War in 1914 di Volker R. Berghahn
Gestalten um den Märchenkönig di R. Lippert
Gladstone di Roy Jenkins
Gladstone: Heroic Minister 1865-1898 di Richard Shannon
Great Medical Disasters di Richard Gordon
The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris di David McCullough
A Habsburg tragedy : Crown Prince Rudolf di Judith Márffy-Mantuano Hare, Countess of Listowell
Heroes of the nineteenth century: Gladstone - Havelock - Bismarck - Lincoln di George Barnett Smith
Historische Variationen di Sebastian Haffner
History's People: Personalities and the Past (CBC Massey Lectures) di Margaret MacMillan
Horror House di J. N. Williamson
Imperial Germany, 1871-1914: Economy, Society, Culture, and Politics (History) di Volker Rolf Berghahn
Imperial Requiem: Four Royal Women and the Fall of the Age of Empires di Justin C. Vovk
Iron chancellor: Otto von Bismarck di Alfred Apsler
Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947 di Christopher Clark
Der Jahrhundertwinter. Ein Weihnachtsroman di Richard Dübell
Johanna v. Bismarck. Lebensschicksal einer deutschen Frau. di Joachim von Kürenberg
John Hay: from poetry to politics di Tyler Dennett
Kaiser Friedrich III. Deutschlands liberale Hoffnung. di Franz Herre
Kaiser oder Kanzler : der Kampf um das Schicksal des Bismarck-Reiches di Richard Sexau
Kaiserin Friedrich: Victoria, eine Engländerin in Deutschland di Franz Herre
The King Whisperers: Power Behind the Throne, from Rasputin to Rove di Kerwin Swint
The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Volume II: Alone, 1932-1940 di William ManchesterPrince
Leben und Liebe Alexanders von Battenberg di Egon Caesar Conte Corti
The Lion and the Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli di Richard Aldous
Ludwig : genio e follia di un re di Greg King
Mein geliebter Bismarck di Ingelore M. Winter
Mein geliebter Otto, liebste Malle. Geschwisterbriefe: Malwine von Bismarck und ihr Bruder di Günther Elbin
Moltke : Uomo e Generale di Eckart von Naso
Il mondo che non fu mai: una storia vera di sognatori, cospiratori, anarchici e agenti segreti di Alex Butterworth
Mostly Rapscallions: Salient Sillies About the Rich and Infamous in History di P. J. Sullivan
Napoleon III.. Glanz und Elend des Zweiten Kaiserreichs di Franz Herre
Origini della Repubblica di Weimar di Arthur Rosenberg
The Origins of Modern Germany di Geoffrey Barraclough
Origins of World I 1871-1914 di Joachim Remak
L'oro del Reich. Bismarck e i suoi banchieri. di Fritz Stern
Otto und Johanna von Bismarck di Waltraut Engelberg
Otto v. Bismarck : ein biographischer Abriß ; mit Bismarcks Bildnis di Paul Alfred Merbach
Otto Von Bismarck and Imperial Germany: A Historical Assessment di Theodore S. Hamerow
Otto von Bismarck und Rußland di Sigrid Wegner-Korfes
Otto von Bismarck. di Theo Schwarzmüller
Otto von Bismarck: The Life and Legacy of the German Empire’s First Chancellor di Charles River Editors
The Oxford history of the British Empire, Volume 3 : The nineteenth century di Andrew Porter
pendo pocket, Bd.3, Bismarck und sein Attentäter di Julius Hans Schoeps
The political history of Finland 1809-1966 di Lauri Aadolf Puntila
The Prince and the Yankee: The Tale of a Country Girl Who Became a Princess di Robert N. White
Prusy - wzlot i upadek - 300 lat od narodzin Fryderyka Wielkiego, 65 lat od likwidacji państwa pruskiego di praca zbiorowa
Realism and Nationalism, 1852–1871 di Robert C. Binkley
Reflections and Reminiscences di Otto von Bismarck1898
The Rise and Fall of Prussia di Sebastian Haffner
The Roaches Have No King di Daniel Evan Weiss
The Romanovs: 1613-1918 di Simon Sebag-Montefiore
Royal Flash di George MacDonald Fraser
Salisbury: Victorian Titan di Andrew Roberts
The Scramble for Africa: 1876–1912 di Thomas Pakenham
Servizi segreti a oriente di Costantinopoli di Peter Hopkirk
Seven Great Statesmen in the Warfare of Humanity with Unreason di Andrew Dickson White
Sherlock Holmes: Die Wahrheit über Ludwig II. Ein Bericht di Peter Neugebauer
Sid Meier's Civilization IV di Firaxis Games
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution di Firaxis Games
Sid Meier's Civilization V di Firaxis Games
Sie waren nicht nur Gegner : Deutsche und Russen in zwei Jahrhunderten di Rheinisch-Westfälische Auslandsgesellschaft
Sieg Heil! (Hail to Victory): An Illustrated History of Germany from Bismarck to Hitler di Stefan Lorant
Sisi [2009 TV miniseries] di Xaver Schwarzenberger
Sisi: Second Season [2021 TV series] di Sven Bohse
Spiegel Geschichte 3/2007 - PREUSSEN (Der kriegerische Reformstaat) di Spiegel Verlag
Storia della stupidità militare da Crasso al Vietnam di Charles M. Fair
The Struggle for Mastery in Europe: 1848-1918 di Alan J. P. Taylor
Three Princes di Ramona Wheeler
The Times Great Victorian Lives: An Era in Obituaries (Times (Times Books)) di Ian Brunskill
Type: The Secret History of Letters di Simon Loxley
An Uncommon Woman - The Empress Frederick: Daughter of Queen Victoria, Wife of the Crown Prince of Prussia, Mother of Kaiser Wilhelm di Hannah Pakula
Unser Jahrhundert: Ein Gespräch di Helmut Schmidt
L'uomo dimenticato: una nuova storia della grande depressione di Amity Shlaes
A Useful Woman: The Early Life of Jane Addams di Gioia Diliberto
Von Richthofen Sisters di Martin Burgess Green
Vriend over vijand de Grote Oorlog in spotprenten di Paul Van Damme
The Warburgs: The Twentieth-Century Odyssey of a Remarkable Jewish Family di Ron Chernow
Warlord: A Life of Winston Churchill at War, 1874-1945 di Carlo D'Este
We Two: Victoria and Albert: Rulers, Partners, Rivals di Gillian Gill
Wenn..... - Sendung und Schicksal einer Kaiserin - Aufgrund des unveröffentlichten Tagebuches der Kaiserin Frierich und dem Briefwechsel mit ihrer Mutter, der Königin von England di Egon Caesar Conte Corti
The World of Napoleon III 1851-1870 di Roger L. Williams