EventiNapoleonic Wars

Opere (739)

1805: Austerlitz: Napoleon and the Destruction of the Third Coalition di Robert Goetz
1809: Thunder on the Danube - Napoleon's Defeat of the Habsburgs, Vol. 3: Wagram and Znaim di John H. Gill
1809: Thunder on the Danube - Napoleon's Defeat of the Habsburgs, Vol. 1: Abensberg di John H. Gill
1809: Thunder on the Danube - Napoleon's Defeat of the Habsburgs, Vol. 2: The Fall of Vienna and the Battle of Aspern di John H. Gill
1812: The March on Moscow di Paul Britten Austin
1815 The Return of Napoleon: The Return of Napoleon di Paul Britten Austin
1815 The Waterloo Campaign, The German Victory: From Waterloo to the Fall of Napoleon di Peter Hofschroer
1815 The Waterloo Campaign: Wellington, His German Allies and the Battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras di Peter Hofschroer
Admiral Collingwood di Max Adams
Admiral Saumarez Versus Napoleon - The Baltic, 1807-12 di Tim Voelcker
Adventures in the Rifle Brigade in the Peninsula, France, and the Netherlands from 1809 to 1815 di John Kincaid
Against a Crimson Sky di James Conroyd Martin
The Age of Absolutism, 1660-1815 di Max Beloff
The Age of Aristocracy, 1688-1830 di William B. Willcox
The Age of Battles: The Quest for Decisive Warfare from Breitenfeld to Waterloo di Russell F. Weigley
Agriculture in Wales during the Napoleonic wars di David Thomas
Alessandro 1.: lo zar della Santa Alleanza di Henri Troyat
Alice Lorraine: a tale of the South Downs di R. D. Blackmore
The American Sharpe: The Adventures of an American Officer of the 95th Rifles in the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns di Gareth Glover
The Anatomy of Glory di Henry Lachouque
Andreas Hofer und der Tiroler Freiheitskampf 1809 di Karl Paulin
L'anti-napoleon di Jean Tulard
L'Armee Francaise: An Illustrated History of the French Army, 1790-1885 di Edouard Detaille
Armies of Bismarck's Wars : The Army of Prussia-History, Uniforms and Equipment, 1860-1867 di Bruce Basset Powell
Armies of the Napoleonic War: Westphalia di Richard Knotel
The Armor of Light di Ken Follett
The Art of Warfare in the Age of Napoleon di Gunther E. Rothenberg
Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars di Kevin F. Kiley
Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars Vol II: Artillery in Siege, Fortress, and Navy, 1792-1815 di Kevin F. Kiley
Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars: Field Artillery, 1792-1815 (The Napoleonic Library) di Kevin F. Kiley
At the Court of Napoleon - Memoires of the Duchesse D'Abrantes di Duchesse D'Abrantes
Atlas historique de la France di Christian Grataloup
Audacious Admiral Cochrane di Brian Vale
Auguste de Colbert : aristocratic survival in an era of upheaval, 1793-1809 di Jeanne A. Ojala
Austerlitz di Ian Castle
The Autobiography of Sergeant William Lawrence: A Hero of the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns di William Lawrence
The Autobiography of Sir Harry Smith, 1787–1819 di Harry George Wakelyn Smith
Le avventure di Gerard di Arthur Conan Doyle
The Battle of Waterloo di Jeremy Black
Battle of Waterloo (Background books for wargamers and modellers) di B. J. Hurren
Battle Tactics of Napoleon and His Enemies di Brent Nosworthy
Bernadotte: Napoleon's Marshal, Sweden's King di Alan Palmer
Black Powder War di Naomi Novik
Blood of Tyrants di Naomi Novik
Bloody Jack: Being an Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary "Jacky" Faber, Ship's Boy di L. A. Meyer
Blucher and the Uprising of Prussia Against Napoleon: 1806-15 (Heroes of the Nations) di Ernest F. Henderson
Blundering to Glory: Napoleon's Military Campaigns di Owen Connelly
Blücher: Scourge of Napoleon di Michael V. Leggiere
Bonaparte: 1769-1802 di Patrice Gueniffey
Bottino di guerra: romanzo di Patrick O'Brian
A Boy in the Peninsular War di Robert Blakeney
Britain and the Defeat of Napoleon, 1807-1815 di Rory Muir
Britons: Forging the Nation, 1707–1837 di Linda Colley
Brumaire The Rise of Bonaparte di J. B. Morton
Buon vento dell'ovest: romanzo di Patrick O'Brian
Burning Bright di Melissa McShane
Burrasca nella Manica: romanzo di Patrick O'Brian
Cacciatore e preda di Bernard Cornwell
Campagne de 1809 aus den "Mémoires" du général Baron de Marbot ; mit 2 Plänen di Jean-Baptiste Antoine Marcellin Marbot
La Campagne de France du Rhin à Fontainebleau 1814 di Comte Philippe De Segur
The Campaigners di Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
CAMPAIGNING FOR NAPOLEON: The Diary of a Napoleonic Cavalry Officer (1806 -1813) di Maurice de Tascher
The Capel Letters: Being The Correspondence of Lady Caroline Capel and Her Daughters with the Dowager Countess of Uxbridge from Brussels and Switzerland, 1814-1817 di Lady Caroline Capel
Captain Gronow: His Reminiscences of Regency and Victorian Life, 1810-60 di R. H. Gronow
Captain of Foot di Ronald Welch
Captain of the 95th (Rifles) an Officer of Wellington's Sharpshooters During the Peninsular, South of France and Waterloo Campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars di Jonathan Leach
The Captain's Inheritance di Carola Dunn
Cassie di E. V. Thompson
I cento giorni: romanzo di Patrick O'Brian
Charging Against Napoleon: Diaries and Letters of Three Hussars 1808-1815 di Eric Hunt
The Chase di Cheryl Sawyer
Chasseur Barres, The Experiences of a French Infantryman of the Imperial Guard at Austerlitz, Jena, Eylau, Friedland, in the Peninsula, Lutzen, Bautzen, Zinnwald, and Hanau During the Napoleonic Wars di Jean-Baptiste Barres
Citizen Emperor: Napoleon in Power di Philip Dwyer
A Close Run Thing di Allan Mallinson
Cochrane: The Life and Exploits of a Fighting Captain di Robert Harvey
Cochrane: The Real Master and Commander di David Cordingly
The Cognitive Challenge of War: Prussia 1806 di Peter Paret
The Colonel of Chasseurs di Jean-Baptiste de Marbot
Colours Aloft! di Alexander Kent
The Commodore di C. S. Forester
The Complete Aubrey/Maturin Novels di Patrick O'Brian
The Complete Brigadier Gerard di Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Congress of Vienna 1814 - 1815 di Sir Charles Webster
Conquest [1937 film] di Clarence Brown
The Conscript: A Story of the French War of 1813 di Erckmann-Chatrian
Un contratto conveniente di Georgette Heyer
Costa sottovento: romanzo di Patrick O'Brian
Crisis on the Danube: Napoleon's Austrian Campaign of 1809 di James R. Arnold
Cruel Wars: 100 Soldiers' Songs from Agincourt to Ulster di Karl Dallas
Cuthbert Collingwood: The Northumbrian Who Saved the Nation di Andrew Griffin
Dark Mirror di M.J. Putney
Dead Reckoning di C. Northcote Parkinson
I disastri della guerra di Francisco Goya
The Dream Maker di Alison McLeay
I duellanti di Joseph Conrad
Duke of Wellington (British Library - Historic Lives) di Matthew Shaw
Un día de cólera di Arturo Pérez-Reverte
An Eloquent Soldier : the Peninsular War Journals of Lieutenant Charles Crowe of the Inniskillings, 1812-14 di Gareth Glover
The Emperor di Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
Empire of Ivory : Temeraire Book 4 di Naomi Novik
The Empire of the French: A Chronology of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 1792-1815 di Brian Taylor
The Enchanted Waltz di Barbara Cartland
An Ensign in the Peninsular War: The Letters of John Aitchinson di John Aitchison
Europe against Napoleon: the Leipzig Campaign, 1813, from eyewitness accounts di Antony Brett-James
Europe and the French Imperium, 1799–1814 di Geoffrey Bruun
Every Man Will Do His Duty: An Anthology of Firsthand Accounts from the Age of Nelson di Dean King
The Exploits of Ensign Bakewell: With the Inniskillings in the Peninsula, 1810-11, and in Paris, 1815 di Ian Robertson
The Fall of Napoleon: The Final Betrayal di David Hamilton-Williams
Fighting for Napoleon : French Soldiers' Letters 1799-1815 di Bernard Wilkin
Fighting Napoleon : the recollections of Lieutenant John Hildebrand 35th foot in the Mediterranean and Waterloo campaigns di Gareth Glover
Fighting Techniques of the Napoleonic Age 1792– - 1815: Equipment, Combat Skills, and Tactics di Robert B. Bruce
Fighting the British : French Eyewitness Accounts from the Napoleonic Wars di Bernard Wilkin
The First European Revolution, 1776-1815 di Norman Hampson
The First Total War di David A. Bell
Fish Out of Water: The Newfoundland Saltfish Trade, 1814-1914 di Shannon Ryan
Flashman and the Seawolf di Robert Brightwell
Flying Colours di C. S. Forester
For King And Country di John Mills
For My Country's Freedom di Alexander Kent
Forgotten Land: Journeys Among the Ghosts of East Prussia di Max Egremont
Fortune di Lenny Bartulin
Fouchè di Stefan Zweig
The Free Fishers di John Buchan
The French at Waterloo - Eyewitness Accounts: 2nd and 6th Corps, Cavalry, Artillery, Foot Guard and Medical Services di Andrew W. FIELD
The French campaign in Portugal, 1810-1811: an account di Jean-Jacques Germain Pelet-Clozeau
The French Cavalry 1792-1815 di David Johnson
French Napoleonic Infantryman, 1803–15 di Terry Crowdy
The French Revolution and Napoleon di Joe H. Kirchberger
The French War Against America: How a Trusted Ally Betrayed Washington and the Founding Fathers di Harlow Giles Unger
From Corunna to Waterloo: The Letters and Journals of Two Napoleonic Hussars, 1801-1816 di Gareth Glover
General Alexandre Dumas: Soldier of the French Revolution di John G. Gallaher
General Wilson's journal, 1812-1814 di Sir Robert Thomas Wilson
The General's Mistress di Jo Graham
Gentian Hill di Elizabeth Goudge
George IV di E. A. Smith
The German Liberation War of 1813: The Memoirs of a Russian Artilleryman di Alexander Mikaberidze
Governor Ramage R. N. di Dudley Pope
La Grande Armée, 1804-1815 di Georges Blond
Grandville: a fantasy di Bryan Talbot
Great captains: The art of war in the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus Adolphus, Frederick the Great, and Napoleon di Theodore Ayrault Dodge
The Great Waterloo Controversy: The Story of the 52nd Foot at History's Greatest Battle di Gareth Glover
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Austerlitz di Charles River Editors
The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection: Volume 1 di Patrick Shuldham-Shaw
A Grimm Warning di Chris Colfer
Grouchy's Waterloo: The Battles of Ligny and Wavre di Andrew W. FIELD
A Guards Officer in the Peninsula di John Rous
Guerra e pace di Leo Tolstoy
La Guerre à Cheval (Textes choisis et présentés par Dominique Venner) di Général Baron de Marbot
The Guinea stamp (aka The courting of Joanna) di Alice Chetwynd Ley
Guthrie's War - A Surgeon of the Peninsula & Waterloo di Michael Crumplin
The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History: From 3500 B.C. to the Present di R. Ernest Dupuy
Headline History: The Nineteenth Century di John Ray
Histoire de Napoléon di Désiré Lacroix
Historical Dictionary Of The Napoleonic France 1799-1815 di Owen Connelly
A History of the Peninsular War, Volume I: 1807-1809: From the Treaty of Fontainebleau to the Battle of Corunna di C. W. Oman
A History of the Peninsular War, Volume II: January to September 1809: From the Battle of Corunna to the End of the Talavera Campaign di Charles Oman
A History of the Peninsular War, Volume IV: December 1810-December 1811: Massena's Retreat, Fuentes de Onoro, Albuera, Tarragona di Charles Oman
A History of the Peninsular War, Volume IX: Modern Studies of the War in Spain and Portugal 1808-1814 di Paddy Griffith
A History of the Peninsular War, Volume V: October 1811-August 31, 1812: Valencia, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, Madrid di Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman
A history of the Peninsular War, Volume VI September 1, 1812 to August 5, 1813 A History of the Peninsular War: September 1, 1812 to August 5, 1813 The Siege of Burgos, the Retreat from Burgos, the Campaign of Vittoria, the Battles of the Pyrenees di Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman
A History of the Peninsular War, Volume VII: August 1813 to April 14, 1814: St Sebastian's Capture, Wellington's Invasion of France, Battles of Nive, Orthez, Toulouse di Charles Oman
A History of the Peninsular War, Volume VIII: The Biographical Dictionary of British Officers Killed and Wounded, 1808-1814 di John A. Hall
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the year 1807 to the year 1814 di William Napier
History of the wars of the French Revolution di Edward Baines
Horatio Nelson (Command) di Angus Konstam
The Illustrated Book of Pistols di Wilkinson
An Illustrated History of the Royal Navy di John Winton
The Illustrated Napoleon di David G. Chandler
Imperial Scandal di Teresa Grant
Imperial Sunset: Fall of Napoleon 1813-14 di R. F. Delderfield
In His Majesty's Service di Naomi Novik
In the King's German legion.: Memoirs of Baron Ompteda, colonel in the King's German legion during the Napoleonic wars di Christian Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von Ompteda
In the Legions of Napoleon: The Memoirs of a Polish Officer in Spain and Russia, 1808-1813 di Heinrich von Brandt
In the Peninsula With a French Hussar: Memoirs of the War of the French in Spain di Albert Jean Michel De Rocca
In the Shadow of Nelson: The Life of Admiral Lord Collingwood di Denis Orde
In These Times: Living in Britain through Napoleon's Wars 1793-1815 di Jenny Uglow
inganno e persuasione di Carrie Bebris
An Innocent Soldier di Josef Holub
Intelligence in War: Knowledge of the Enemy from Napoleon to Al-Qaeda di John Keegan
The Iron Marshal: A Biography of Louis N. Davout di John G. Gallaher
L'isola degli scomparsi di Peter Smalley
The Jackass Frigate di Alaric Bond
John Collett and a company of foot guards (Book Two June 1813-June 1823) di Barbara Chambers
The Journal of an Army Surgeon During the Peninsular War di Charles Boutflower
Journal of the Waterloo Campaign di General Cavalie Mercer
Journals and Letters by Frances Burney di Fanny Burney
Kent and the Napoleonic Wars di Peter Bloomfield
L' ombra dell'aquila di Arturo Pérez-Reverte
The Lady Soldier di Jennifer Lindsay
League of Dragons di Naomi Novik
Lejeune: The Napoleonic Wars through the Experiences of an Officer on Berthier's Staff, Vol. 1 di Louis-Francois Lejeune
Lejeune: The Napoleonic Wars through the Experiences of an Officer on Berthier's Staff, Vol. 2 di Louis-Francois Lejeune
Lethal Innocence di J. Robert Whittle
Letters of Colonel Sir Augustus Simon Frazer, K.C.B. Commanding the Royal Horse Artillery in the Army under Wellington. Written during the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns. di Sir Augustus Simon Frazer
The Letters of Private Wheeler, 1809-1828 di William Wheeler
The life and letters of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood di Oliver Warner
The Life of a General in Napoleon's Light Cavalry: The Memoirs of Jean-Nicolas Curély di Andrew W. FIELD
London Calling di Anna Elliott
Longbourn House di Jo Baker
Lord Hornblower di C. S. Forester
The Lost World of James Smithson: Science, Revolution, and the Birth of the Smithsonian di Heather Ewing
Love Under Fire di Barbara Cartland
Love, Lies and Spies di Cindy Anstey
The Lure of the Moonflower di Lauren Willig
Lutzen & Bautzen Napoleon's Spring Campaign of 1813 di George Nafziger
A Maiden's Honor di Josanna Thompson
Den Manen Erzherzog Karl's! : Unbekannt gebliebene Kriegs - Ereignisse aus den Jahren 1805 und 1809 : Die südliche Umgebung Wiens während der französischen Invasion von 1809 : Zur 90. Wiederkehr der Gedenktage der Schlacht von Aspern di David Silvester Mayer von Rosenau
Mansfield Park di Jane Austen
Mansfield Park [1999 film] di Patricia Rozema
Mansfield Park: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack di Lesley Barber
Marching, Fighting, Dying: Experiences of Soldiers in the Peninsular War di Gareth Glover
I marescialli di Napoleone di David C. Chandler
The Marriage of the Brigadier [Short story] di Arthur Conan Doyle
The Marriage Spell di Mary Jo Putney
Marrying The Captain (Harlequin Historical Series) di Carla Kelly
Marshal Ney di J. B. Morton
The Mathematics of Love di Emma Darwin
The medal of Brigadier Gerard di Arthur Conan Doyle
Il medico di campagna di Honoré de Balzac
Mein Weg nach Waterloo. Anekdoten von Leberecht Blücher. di Walter Püschel
Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord De Saumarez. From Original Papers in Possession of the Family. In two volumes. di Sir John Ross
Memoirs of a Fighting Captain di Thomas Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald
Memoirs of a Polish Lancer: The Pamietniki of Dezydery Chlapowski di Dezydery Chlapowski
The Memoirs of Baron De Marbot: v. 2 (Napoleonic library) di Jean-Baptiste de Marbot
Memoirs of Baron Lejeune: Aide-De-Camp to Marshals Berthier, Davout, and Oudinot di L.F. Lejeune
Memoirs of Baron Thiebault di Dieudonne Adrian Paul Francis Charles Henry Thiebault
The Memoirs of Baron Thiebault - 2 Volumes di BARON THIEBAULT
Memoirs of Colonel Bugeaud: From His Private Correspondence and Original Documents, 1784-1815 di Thomas Robert Bugeaud, duc d’Isly,
Memoirs of General Count Rapp, First Aide-de-camp to Napoleon di Jean Rapp
Memoirs of Madame de La Tour du Pin di Henriette Lucie (Dillon) La Tour du Pin Gouvernet
Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte [4-volume set] di Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, the court of the first empire di Claude-François baron de Méneval
Memoirs of Prince Metternich 1773-1815 di Metternich By, Prince Richard Ed.
Memoirs of the Late Major-General Le Marchant di Denis Le Marchant
Memoirs of The Prince de Talleyrand (in 5 Volumes) di The Duc de Broglie
Il memoriale di Sant'Elena di Emmanuel de Las Cases
The Men of Wellington’s Light Division: Unpublished Memoirs from the 43rd Light Infantry in the Peninsular War di Gareth Glover
Metternich's Europe 1813-1828 di Mack Walker
Metternich: The Autobiography, 1773-1815 di Clemens von Metternich
Mezzanotte, ovvero il principio del mondo di Richard Zimler
Militär ledning : från Napoleonkrigen till Bosnienkrisen di Marco Smedberg
The Military Adventures of Charles O'Neil di Charles O'Neil
The Military Maxims of Napoleon di Napoleon Bonaparte
I miserabili di Victor Hugo
Les Misérables: Masterpiece [2018 TV mini series] di Tom Shankland
Les Misérables: Original Series Soundtrack di John Murphy
Moral Minority: Our Skeptical Founding Fathers di Brooke Allen
The Mother Goose Diaries di Chris Colfer
Mr. Midshipman Hornblower di C. S. Forester
Mystic Warrior: A Mystic Isle Novel (Signet Eclipse) di Patricia Rice
The Nameless Castle di Mór Jókai
Napoleon di Timothy Wilson-Smith
Napoleon di Felix Markham
Napoleon di André Maurois
Napoleon di David G. Chandler
Napoleon (World history program) di Richard Tames
Napoleon 1812 di Nigel Nicolson
Napoleon 1814: The Defence of France di Andrew Uffindell
Napoleon An Intimate Account of the Years of Supremacy 1800-1814 di Proctor Patterson Jones
Napoleon and Europe di Philip G. Dwyer
Napoleon and His Times: Selected Interpretations di Frank A. Kafker
Napoleon and the Invasion of Britain di Alexandra Franklin
Napoleon and the Struggle for Germany: The Franco-Prussian War of 1813 (Volume 1) di Michael V. Leggiere
Napoleon at Dresden: The Battles of August 1813 di George Nafziger
Napoleon Bonaparte di J. M. Thompson
Napoleon Bonaparte: The background, strategies, tactics and battlefield experiences of the greatest commanders of history di Gregory Fremont-Barnes
Napoleon Bunny-Part [1956 short film] di Friz Freleng
Napoleon Comes to Power: Democracy and Dictatorship in Revolutionary France, 1795-1804 (Past in Perspective) di Malcolm Crook
Napoleon On Napoleon di Somerset De Chair
Napoleon's Cavalry and Its Leaders di David Johnson
Napoleon's Conquest of Europe: The War of the Third Coalition (Studies in Military History and International Affairs) di Frederick C. Schneid
Napoleon's Italian Campaigns: 1805-1815 di Frederick C. Schneid
Napoleon's victories; from the personal memoirs of Capt. C. Parquin, of the Imperial guard, 1803-1814 di Charles Parquin
NAPOLEON'S ARMY: 1790 - 1815 di Lucien Rousselot
Napoleon's Elite Cavalry di Lucien Rousselot
Napoleon's Enfante Terrible: General Dominique Vandamme di John G. Gallaher
Napoleon's Exile di Patrick Rambaud
Napoleon's Generals: The Waterloo Campaign di Tony Linck
Napoleon's Invasion of Russia: The History and Legacy of the French Emperor's Greatest Military Blunder di Charles River Editors
Napoleon's Irish Legion di John G. Gallaher
Napoleon's Last Victory and the Emergence of Modern War di Robert M. Epstein
Napoleon's Russian Campaign di Philippe-Paul de Ségur
Napoleon's Sea Soldiers di Rene Chartrand
Napoleon, A Biography di Frank McLynn
Napoleon, warrior and ruler, and the military supremacy of revolutionary France di William O'Connor Morris
Napoleon: A Life di Andrew Roberts
Napoleon: How He Did It : The Memoirs of Baron Fain, First Secretary of the Emperor's Cabinet di Agathon-Jean-Francois Fain, Baron
Napoleon: The Decline and Fall of an Empire: 1811-1821 di Michael Broers
Napoleon: The Final Verdict di Philip J. Haythornthwaite
Napoleone di Emil Ludwig
Napoleone di Georges Lefebvre
Napoleone dall'isola d'Elba a Sant'Elena: memorie del primo cameriere ed esecutore testamentario dell'imperatore di Louis-Joseph Marchand
Napoleone, v. 4: L'ultimo immortale di Max Gallo
The Napoleonic Revolution di Robert B. Holtman
The Napoleonic Source Book di Philip J. Haythornthwaite
The Napoleonic War Journal of Captain Thomas Henry Browne 1807 - 1816 di Roger Norman Buckley
The Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815 di David Gates
Napoleonic Wars : Napoleon's Army di Rene Chartrand
The Napoleonic Wars : The Rise and Fall of an Empire di Todd Fisher
The Napoleonic Wars An illustrated History 1792-1815 di Michael Glover
Napoleonic Wars: A History from Beginning to End di Hourly History
The Napoleonic Wars: Defeat of the Grand Army (History's Great Defeats) di Thomas Streissguth
Napoleonic Wars: The Essential Bibliography (Essential Bibliography Series) di Frederick C. Schneid
Napoléon di Jacques Bainville
The Naval History of Great Britain di William James
Naval History of Great Britain from the Declaration of War by France in 1793 to the Accession of George IV: Volume Five (1809-1813) di William James
Naval History of Great Britain from the Declaration of War by France in 1793 to the Accession of George IV: Volume Four (1805-1809) di William James
Naval History of Great Britain from the Declaration of War by France in 1793 to the Accession of George IV: Volume Three (1800-1805) di William James
The Naval History of Great Britain, During the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars Volume 2 1797 - 1799 di William M. James
The Naval History of Great Britain: From the Declaration of War by France in 1793 to the Accession of George IV: Vol 1 di William M. James
Nederland in de Napoleontische tijd, 1795-1815 di Gerlof D. Homan
Nelson Against Napoleon: From the Nile to Copenhagen 1798-1801 di Robert Gardiner
Nelson: Love and Fame di Edgar Vincent
No peace with Napoleon!: Concluding the Memoirs of General de Caulaincourt, duke of Vicenza di Armand-Augustin-Louis de Caulaincourt, duc de Vicence
Nordsjællandske Skildringer : Sagn og Fortællinger di Johannes Helms
Not Born to Be Drowned: An Orkney Soldier in the Napoleonic Wars di W.S. Hewison
The note-books of Captain Coignet : soldier of the empire, 1799-1816 di Jean-Roch Coignet
Notes and Reminiscences of a Staff Officer: Waterloo and St Helena di Basil Jackson
Now We Shall Be Entirely Free di Andrew Miller
The Nympho and Other Maniacs: The Lives, the Loves and the Sexual Adventures of Some Scandalous and Liberated Ladies di Irving Wallace
Om stridens grunder : från Waterloo till kryssningsrobotar di Marco Smedberg
On the Napoleonic Wars di David G. Chandler
On the Road with Wellington: Diary of a War Commissary di August Ludolf Friedrich Schaumann
Once There Were Titans: Napoleon's Generals and Their Battles, 1800-1815 di Kevin F. Kiley
One-Leg: The Life and Letters of Henry William Paget, First Marquess of Anglesey di George Charles Henry Victor Paget Anglesey, Marquis of
The Other Side of the Coin (The Other Side) (Poppy's Coin Book 3) di Mary Blayney
Pani Walewska di Wacław Gąsiorowski
Passione di Jeanette Winterson
The Patrizi Memoirs: A Roman Family Under Napoleon 1796-1815 di Marchesa Maddalena Gondi Patrizi-Naro-Montoro
The Peninsular Journal, 1808-17 di Benjamin D'Urban
Peninsular Sketches by Actors on the Scene (In Two Volumes) di W. H. Maxwell
The People's War: Histories of Violence in the German Lands, 1820-1888 di Mark Hewitson
The personality of Napoleon di John Holland Rose
Persuasion [2022 film] di Carrie Cracknell
Persuasion: Soundtrack from the Netflix Film di Stuart Earl
Picton's division at Waterloo di Philip J. Haythornthwaite
Polish Eyewitnesses to Napoleon's 1812 Campaign: Advance and Retreat in Russia di Marek Tadeusz Lalowski
The political history of Finland 1809-1966 di Lauri Aadolf Puntila
Prelude to Waterloo: Quatre Bras: The French Perspective di Andrew W. FIELD
Primo comando di Patrick O'Brian
Private Journal of Judge-Advocate Larpent : Attached to the Headquarters of Lord Wellington During the Peninsular War, f di Francis Seymour Larpent
The Projection and Limitations of Imperial Powers, 1618-1850 di Frederick C. Schneid
Prussian Regular Infantryman, 1808–15 di Oliver Schmidt
Quality Street di J. M. Barrie
Ramage di Dudley Pope
Ramage & the Guillotine (The Lord Ramage Novels) di Dudley Pope
Ramage & the Renegades di Dudley Pope
Ramage and the Dido di Dudley Pope
Ramage and the Drumbeat di Dudley Pope
Ramage and the Freebooters di Dudley Pope
Ramage and the Rebels di Dudley Pope
Ramage and the Saracens di Dudley Pope
The Ramage Touch di Dudley Pope
Ramage's Challenge di Dudley Pope
Ramage's Devil di Dudley Pope
Ramage's Diamond di Dudley Pope
Ramage's Mutiny di Dudley Pope
Ramage's Prize di Dudley Pope
Ramage's Signal di Dudley Pope
Ramage's Trial di Dudley Pope
Random Shots from a Rifleman (The Spellmount library of military history) di John Kincaid
The Real Hornblower: The Life and Times of Admiral Sir James Gordon, GCB di Bryan Perrett
Recollections of an Old 52nd Man di John Dobbs
The Recollections of Rifleman Harris di Christopher Hibbert
Recollections of the Eventful Life of a Soldier including The War in the Peninsula and Scenes and Sketches in Ireland di Joseph Donaldson
Recollections of the Peninsula di Moyle Sherer
Recollections of the Storming of the Castle of Badajos: By the Third Division, Under the Command of Lieut Gen Sir Thomas Picton GCB, on the 6th of April, 1812 (Spellmount Library of Military History) di Captain MacCarthy
Red Fortress: The Secret Heart of Russia's History di Catherine Merridale
Regency Christmas Gifts di Lyn Stone
A Regency Christmas IV [1992: Porcelain Madonna/ Christmas Rose/ Seasonal Stratagem/ Best Gift of All/ Christmas Tart] di Mary Balogh
A Regimental Affair di Allan Mallinson
Remember Nelson: The Life of Sir William Hoste di Tom Pocock
Reminiscences 1808-1815 Under Wellington: The Peninsular And Waterloo Memoirs Of William Hay (Reason to Revolution) di William Hay
Le Retour du héros [Blu-ray] di Laurent Tirard
Retrospect of a Military Life During the Most Eventful Periods of the Last War di James Anton
The revolutionary and Napoleonic era, 1789-1815 di J. Holland Rose
Rifleman Costello: The adventures of a soldier of the 95th (rifles) in the Peninsular & Waterloo Campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars di E Costello
The Rise and Fall of Prussia di Sebastian Haffner
Il ritorno di Hornblower: romanzo di C. S. Forester
La rivoluzione francese di François Furet
The Road to Waterloo di Ronald Welch
Romanticism in the Shadow of War: Literary Culture in the Napoleonic War Years (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism) di Jeffrey N. Cox
The Royal Navy 1793-1815 di Gregory Fremont-Barnes
The Russian Campaign of 1812: The Memoirs of a Russian Artilleryman di Alexander Mikaberidze
The Russian campaign, 1812 di Raymond-Aymery-Philippe-Joseph de Montesquiou Feze
The Russian Officer Corps in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1792-1815 di Alexander Mikaberidze
Sarum di Edward Rutherfurd
A School for Unusual Girls di Kathleen Baldwin
A Scots Grey at Waterloo : the incredible story of Troop Sergeant Major William Clarke di Gareth Glover
Sea Change di Darlene Marshall
Sea Devils [1953 film] di Raoul Walsh
Secret Service: British Agents in France, 1792-1815 di Elizabeth Sparrow
Seeking Redemption di Elizabeth Johns
A selection from the public and private correspondence of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood: interspersed with memoirs of hi di Baron Cuthbert Collingwood Collingwood
Seven Years Campaigning: Part 1-2 Pt. 1 di Sir Richard D Henegan
The Sharpe Companion: The Early Years di Mark Adkin
A Ship of the Line di C. S. Forester
Shirley di Charlotte Brontë
So Wild the Heart di Geoffrey Trease
A Soldier for Napoleon: The Campaigns of Lieutenant Franz Joseph Hausmann, 7th Bavarian Infantry di Franz Joseph Hausmann
A Soldier of the Seventy-First: The Journal of a Soldier of the Highland Light Infantry, 1806-1815 di Christopher Hibbert
A soldier's life, 1806-1815 di John Green
Soldiers of Napoleon's Kingdom of Italy: Army, State, and Society, 1800-1815 di Frederick C. Schneid
Some Brief Folly di Patricia Veryan
Someone to Honor di Mary Balogh
Songs & Music of the Redcoats: A History of the War Music of the British Army 1642-1902 di Lewis S Winstock
Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1) 1793-1808 di Rene Chartrand
Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2): 1808-1812 di Rene Chartrand
Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (3): 1812-1815 di Rene Chartrand
The Spanish Bride di Georgette Heyer
The Spymaster's Lady di Joanna Bourne
Stealing the Mystic Lamb: The True Story of the World's Most Coveted Masterpiece di Noah Charney
Stopping Napoleon di Tom Pocock
Strategy & Tactics Magazine #74: Ney vs Wellington, the Battle of Quatre Bras June 16, 1815 di Joseph Balkoski
Studies in the Napoleonic Wars di Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman
Summer Campaign di Carla Kelly
Surgeon Henry's trifles: events of a military life di Walter Henry
Surgeon James's Journal 1815 di John Haddy James
Surgeons of the Fleet: The Royal Navy and Its Medics from Trafalgar to Jutland di David McLean
Swiss Family Robinson [1940 film] di Edward Ludwig
Swiss Family Robinson [1960 film] di Ken Annakin
Swords Around a Throne di John R. Elting
Sylvia's Lovers di Elizabeth Gaskell
Tactics and the Experience of Battle in the Age of Napoleon di Dr. Rory Muir
Tainted Angel di Anne Cleeland
Tales of Hearsay di Joseph Conrad
Temeraire: il drago di sua maesta: romanzo di Naomi Novik
The Terror Before Trafalgar: Nelson, Napoleon, And The Secret War di Tom Pocock
That Sweet Enemy di Marjorie May
That Sweet Enemy: The French and the British from the Sun King to the Present di Robert Tombs
Throne of Jade di Naomi Novik
Through Spain with Wellington: The Letters of Lieutenant Peter Le Mesurier of the 'Fighting Ninth' di Peter Lemesurier
To Rule the Waves: How the British Navy Shaped the Modern World di Arthur Herman
Treason's Tide di Robert Wilton
The Trumpet-Major di Thomas Hardy
Twenty-Five Years in the Rifle Brigade di William Surtees
Uncle Bernac di Arthur Conan Doyle
Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck in Les Misérables and War and Peace di Giovan Battista Carpi
Il valletto di Napoleone di Louis Constant Wairy
Verso Mauritius: romanzo di Patrick O'Brian
The very thing : the memoirs of drummer Bentinck, royal Welch Fusiliers, 1807-1823 di Jonathan Crook
Vice Admiral Lord Collingwood di B.N. Klukvin
The Victory di Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
Victory of Eagles di Naomi Novik
The Vintner's Luck di Elizabeth Knox
Virtue di Jane Feather
War, the hero and the will : Hardy, Tolstoy and the Napoleonic wars di Jane L. Bownas
The Wars Against Napoleon: Debunking the Myth of the Napoleonic Wars di Michel Franceschi
The wars of Napoleon di Charles Esdaile
Waterloo di Erckmann-Chatrian
Waterloo - The History of Four Days, Three Armies and Three Battles di Bernard Cornwell
Waterloo : Battle of Three Armies di Lord Chalfont
The Waterloo Archive: Volume VI: British Sources di Gareth Glover
The Waterloo Campaign: June 1815 di Albert A. Nofi
A WATERLOO HERO: The Adventures of Friedrich Lindau di Friedrich Lindau
The Waterloo Letters di H. T. Siborne
Waterloo: Four Days That Changed Europe's Destiny di Tim Clayton
Waterloo: The Battle That Brought Down Napoleon di Jeremy Black
Waterloo: The Campaign of 1815. Volume I: From Elba to Ligny and Quatre Bras di John Hussey
A week at Waterloo in 1815 di Magdalene De Lancey
Wellington's Highland Warriors di Stuart Reid
Wellington's Highlanders di Stuart Reid
Wellington's War: His Peninsular Dispatches di Julian Rathbone
Wellington: A Military Life di Gordon Corrigan
Wellington: A Personal History di Christopher Hibbert
Wild Swan di Celeste DeBlasis
Will Starling di Ian Weir
With Moore to Corunna: The Diary of Ensign Charles Paget, Fifty-Second Foot di Charles Esdaile
With Napoleon's Guard in Russia: The Memoirs of Major Vionnet, 1812 di Louis Joseph Vionnet
With Napoleon's Guns: The Military Memoirs of an Officer of the First Empire di Jean-Nicolas-Auguste Noel
With Wellington in the Peninsula: Vicissitudes in the Life of a Scottish Soldier di Paul Cowan
With Wellington's Hussars in the Peninsula and Waterloo: The Journal of Lieutenant George Woodberry, 18th Hussars di Gareth Glover
With Wellingtons Outposts di Andrew Bamford
Wrapped di Jennifer Bradbury
THE YOUNG HUSSAR - VOLUME 1 - A FRENCH CAVALRYMAN OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS AT MARENGO, AUSTERLITZ, JENA, EYLAU & FRIEDLAND: French Cavalryman of the ... Austerlitz, Jena, Eylau and Friedland v. 1 di Jean-Baptiste de Marbot
ˆI ‰segreti di una principessa: [vita scandalosa di Paolina Borghese: romanzo] di Lorenzo Borghese
The 100-Gun Ship Victory [Revised Edition] di John McKay1815
1805 di Richard Woodman1815
1812 Through Fire and Ice with Napoleon: A French Officer's Memoir of the Campaign in Russia di Eugene Labaume1815
1815 The Armies At Waterloo di Ugo Pericoli1815
The Anubis Gates di Tim Powers1815
Austerlitz 1805: Battle of the Three Emperors di David G. Chandler1815
Battle of Trafalgar di Martin Robson1815
The Battle of Waterloo di Victor Hugo1815
The Battle of Waterloo di "A Near Observer"1815
The Battle of Waterloo, containing the accounts published by authority, British and foreign, and other relative documents, with circumstantial details, previous and after the battle ... To which is added an alphabetical list of the officers killed and wounded, from 15th to 26th June, 1815 ... Illustrated by a panoramic sketch [by Jane Waldie] of the field of battle, and a plan ... By a near observer. Fourth edition, to which is added the Hanoverian ... and Dutch accounts, etc. [By Charlotte A. Eaton. With o di John Booth1815
The Battle of Waterloo; one hundred days of destiny di Manuel Komroff1815
The Billy Ruffian: The Bellerophon and the Downfall of Napoleon di David Cordingly1815
Blücher's Army 1813-15 di Peter Young1815
A Brief History of Fighting Ships di David Davies1815
British Cavalryman, 1792–1815 di Philip J. Haythornthwaite1815
British Napoleonic Ship-of-the-Line di Angus Konstam1815
British Napoleonic Uniforms: A Complete Illustrated Guide to Uniforms, Facings and Lace di C. E. Franklin1815
The Cassell Dictionary of Napoleonic Wars di Stephen Pope1815
Castors Away! di Hester Burton1815
Charles O'Malley di Charles James Lever1815
Cochrane: Britannia's Sea Wolf di Donald Thomas1815
Il conte di Montecristo di Alexandre Dumas 1815
Dancing into Battle: A Social History of the Battle of Waterloo di Nicholas Foulkes1815
Dartmoor's War Prison and Church 1805-1817 di Elisabeth Stanbrook1815
Diary of a Cavalry Officer in the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns, 1809-1815 di William Tomkinson1815
Dictionary Of The Napoleonic Wars di David G. Chandler1815
The Duchess of Richmond's Ball: 15th June 1815 di David Miller1815
The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard di Arthur Conan Doyle1815
La fiera delle vanità di William Makepeace Thackeray 1815
The Final Act : The Roads to Waterloo di Gregor Dallas1815
Fortresses of the Peninsular War 1808-14 di Ian Fletcher1815
Frigates of the Napoleonic Wars di Robert Gardiner1815
From Valmy to Waterloo di Charles Francois1815
From Valmy to Waterloo, Tactical and Grand Tactical Warfare in Europe, 1792 to 1815 di William Keyser1815
From Valmy to Waterloo: France at War, 1792-1815 di M. Thoral1815
The Generals: Andrew Jackson, Sir Edward Pakenham, and the Road to the Battle of New Orleans di Benton Rain Patterson1815
Great Battles in History - The Battle of Waterloo di David Pietrusza1815
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Waterloo di Charles River Editors1815
The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618-1815 di Charles W. Ingrao1815
Heart of Oak: A Sailor's Life in Nelson's Navy di James P. McGuane1815
Hero of Trafalgar: The Story of Lord Nelson di A. B. C. Whipple1815
The Horizon Concise History of England di Reginald James White1815
A Horseman for the Emperor: a Cavalryman of Napoleon's Army on Campaign Throughout the Napoleonic Wars di Jean Baptiste Gazzola1815
The Hundred Days : Napoleon's Last Campaign from Eye-Witness Accounts di Antony Brett-James1815
The Illustrated Companion to Nelson's Navy di Nicholas Blake1815
L'incomparabile Barbara di Georgette Heyer1815
Jewels of French History Books - The Lauragais Story di Hugh Nicklin1815
The Last Waltz di Dorothy Mack1815
Life Before the Mast: An Anthology of Eye-Witness Accounts from the Age of Fighting Sail di John Lewis-Stempel1815
Life in Nelson's Navy di Dudley Pope1815
The Line Upon a Wind: The Great War at Sea, 1793-1815 di Noel Mostert1815
Lines of Torres Vedras 1809-11 di Ian Fletcher1837
Lord Cochrane: Seaman, Radical, Liberator di Christopher Lloyd1815
De militaire geschiedenis van Oudenaarde tot 1900 di Jean-Pierre Deweer1815
Military Dress of the Peninsular War, 1808-1814 di Martin Windrow1815
Napoleon's Campaign of 1812 and the Retreat from Moscow di Hilaire Belloc1815
Naval Warfare in the Age of Sail di Bernard Ireland1815
Nelson and the Nile: The Naval War Against Bonaparte 1798 di Brian Lavery1815
Nelson's Battles di Oliver Warner1815
Nelson's Battles: The Art of Victory in the Age of Sail di Nicholas Tracy1815
Nelson's Navy: The Ships, Men and Organization, 1793-1815 di Brian Lavery1815
Nothing But Deception di Allegra Gray1815
One Hundred Days: Napoleon's Road to Waterloo di Alan Schom1815
Patrick O'Brian's Navy: The Illustrated Companion to Jack Aubrey's World di Richard O'Neill1815
La piramide del destino: romanzo di William Dietrich1815
Preußen und seine Armee. Band 2: Von Waterloo bis Paris 1815-1871. di Hans-Reinhard Meißner1815
The Price of Admiralty: The Evolution of Naval Warfare di John Keegan1815
Prisoners of War at Dartmoor: American and French Soldiers and Sailors in an English Prison During the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812 di Trevor James1815
Prizes of War: Prize Law and the Royal Navy in the Napoleanic Wars 17931815 di J. R. Hill1815
The Pursuit of Glory: The Five Revolutions that Made Modern Europe: 1648-1815 (Penguin History of Europe) di Tim Blanning1815
The Pursuit of Victory: The Life and Achievement of Horatio Nelson di Roger Knight1815
Raffles: The Man in His Moment di Victoria Glendinning1815
Russian Grenadiers and Infantry, 1799–1815 di Laurence Spring1815
Sea Life in Nelson's Time di John Masefield1815
Sharpe's Waterloo [1997 TV movie] di Tom Clegg1815
Through Russian Snows: A Story of Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow di G. A. Henty 1815
Trafalgar y el conflicto naval Anglo-Español del siglo XVIII di Agustín Ramón Rodríguez González1805
War at Sea in the Age of Sail di Andrew Lambert1815
The War for All the Oceans From Nelson at the Nile to Napoleon at Waterloo di Roy Adkins1815
The War of Wars: The Epic Struggle Between Britain and France 1793-1815 di Robert Harvey1815
Waterloo di Christopher Hibbert1815
Waterloo di Bernard Cornwell1815
Waterloo di John Naylor1815
Waterloo battlefield Guide di David Burrery1815
Waterloo: The Hundred Days di David G. Chandler1815
A Wicked Gentleman di Jane Feather1815
With Cochrane the Dauntless di G. A. Henty1815
Young Nelsons di D. A. B. Ronald1815
ˆIl ‰diario segreto del Conte di Montecristo di Tom Reiss 1815
Napoleon's Light Infantry (Men-at-Arms) di Philip J. Haythornthwaite1815
L'armée de Napoléon : Uniformes du Ier Empire, 1792-1815 di Alfred Umhey1815
The Napoleon Options : Alternate Decisions of the Napoleonic Wars di Jonathan North1815
Terrible Exile: The Last Days of Napoleon on St Helena di Brian Unwin1815
1813 Leipzig: Napoleon and the Battle of the Nations di Digby Smith1815
Adventures with the Connaught Rangers, 1809-1814 di William Grattan1815
The Age of Napoleon di Will Durant1815
Albuera 1811: The Bloodiest Battle of the Peninsular War di Guy Dempsey1815
Albuera: Wellington's Fourth Peninsular Campaign, 1811 di Peter Edwards1815
All for the King's Shilling: The British Soldier Under Wellington, 1808–1814 di Edward J. Coss1815
Alternate Warriors di Mike Resnick1815
America, Russia, hemp, and Napoleon: American trade with Russia and the Baltic, 1783-1812, di Alfred W. Crosby1815
The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships di C. Nepean Longridge1815
Any Approaching Enemy: A Novel of the Napoleonic Wars di Jay Worrall1815
Armies of the Napoleonic War: Bavaria di Richard Knotel1815
Armies of the Napoleonic War: Prussia Vol. II di Richard Knotel1815
Armies of the Napoleonic War: Russia di Richard Knotel1815
Atlas for the Wars of Napoleon (West Point Military History Series) di Thomas E. Greiss1815
An Atlas of the Peninsular War (Historical Atlas) di Ian Robertson1815
Austerlitz di Claude Manceron1815
Austerlitz: The Empire at its Zenith di François-Guy Hourtoulle1815
Austria, Prussia and Germany, 1806-1871 di John Breuilly1815
Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars 1: Infantry di Philip J. Haythornthwaite1815
Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars 2: Cavalry di Philip J. Haythornthwaite1815
Austrian Specialist Troops of the Napoleonic Wars di Philip J. Haythornthwaite1815
The Austro-Hungarian Army of the Napoleonic Wars di Albert Seaton1815
Badajoz 1812: Wellington's bloodiest siege di Ian Fletcher1815
Baine's history of the late war between the United States and Great Britain di Edward Baines1815
The Battle of Austerlitz; Napoleon's greatest victory di Trevor N. Dupuy1815
The Battle of Borodino: Napoleon Against Kutuzov di Alexander Mikaberidze1815
Battle of the Nile di Oliver Warner1815
The Battle of Waterloo di J. Christopher Herold 1815
Borodino, the Moskova: The Battle for the Redoubts di F. G. Hourtoulle1815
British Military Spectacle: From the Napoleonic Wars through the Crimea di Scott Myerly1815
British Sieges of the Peninsular War di Frederick Myatt1815
Bussaco 1810: Wellington Defeats Napoleon's Marshals di Rene Chartrand1815
Byron di André Maurois1815
Le campagne di Napoleone di David G. Chandler1815
The Campaign of 1812 in Russia di Carl von Clausewitz1815
Il capitano Hornblower di C. S. Forester1815
Cassell's History of England, Volume IV di J.F. Smith1815
La certosa di Parma di Stendhal1815
The Chains of Albion di Edwin Thomas1815
Corruna di Christopher Hibbert1815
The Diamond di Julie Baumgold1815
A Dorset Rifleman: The Recollections of Benjamin Harris di Benjamin Harris1815
The Eagle's Last Triumph: Napoleon's Victory at Ligny, June 1815 di Andrew Uffindell1815
The Exploits of Baron de Marbot di Baron de Marbot1815
Famous Sea Battles di David Howarth1815
Fields of Fire: Battlefields of the Peninsular War di Ian Fletcher1815
Fire and Sword di Simon Scarrow1815
Fuentes de Oñoro 1811: Wellington's Liberation of Portugal di Rene Chartrand1815
Galloping at Everything: The British Cavalry in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo, 1808-15 di Ian Fletcher1815
George Canning and his times di Augustus Granville Stapleton1815
German Napoleonic Armies: Recreated in Colour Photographs di Torsten Verhülsdonk1815
The Great Duke di Arthur Bryant1815
Great Gamble: Nelson at Copenhagen di Dudley Pope1815
The Gun di C. S. Forester1815
GURPS Who's Who 2: More of History's Most Intriguing Characters di Phil Masters1815
Historical Atlas of the Napoleonic Era di Angus Konstam1815
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814 Volume I di W.F.P. Napier1815
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814 Volume II di William Francis Patrick Napier1815
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814 Volume III di W.F.P. Napier1815
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814 Volume IV di W.F.P. Napier1815
History Of The War In The Peninsular And In The South Of France, From The Year 1807 To The Year 1814 – Vol. VI di W.F.P. Napier1815
HMS Victory : Her Construction, Career, and Restoration di Alan McGowan1815
Horatio Nelson di Tom Pocock1815
Horatio Nelson: l'uomo e l'eroe (133) di Ernle Bradford1815
Hornblower e l'Atropos: romanzo di C. S. Forester 1815
How Far From Austerlitz? Napoleon 1805-1815 di Alistair Horne1815
In Hell Before Daylight: Siege and Storming of the Fortress of Badajoz, 16 March to 6 April 1812 di Ian Fletcher1815
Jena 1806: Napoleon Destroys Prussia di David G. Chandler1815
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell di Susanna Clarke1815
L' eta della rivoluzione, 1789-1848 di Eric Hobsbawm1815
The Last Cavalier: Being the Adventures of Count Sainte-Hermine in the Age of Napoleon di Alexandre Dumas1815
Leipzig 1813: The Battle of the Nations di Peter Hofschröer1815
The Life of Nelson di Robert Southey1815
Men-of-War: Life in Nelson's Navy di Patrick O'Brian1815
A Military History and Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars di Vincent J. Esposito1815
Moscow 1812: Napoleon's Fatal March di Adam Zamoyski1815
Napoleon & Berlin: The Napoleonic Wars in Prussia, 1813 di Michael V. Leggiere1815
Napoleon and Austerlitz: An Unprecedentedly Detailed Combat Study of Napoleon's Epic Ulm-Austerlitz Campaigns of 1805 di Scott Bowden1815
Napoleon and the Battle of Waterloo di Frances Winwar1815
Napoleon at bay 1814 di F. Loraine Petre1815
Napoleon at Leipzig: The Battle of Nations 1813 di George Nafziger1815
Napoleon Bonaparte: A Life di Alan Schom1815
Napoleon's Conquest of Prussia, 1806 di F. Loraine Petre1815
Napoleon's Great Adversary: Archduke Charles and the Austrian Army, 1792-1814 di Gunther E. Rothenberg1815
Napoleon's Guard Cavalry di Emir Bukhari1815
Napoleon's Guard Infantry (2) di Philip J. Haythornthwaite1815
Napoleon's Invasion of Russia di George Nafziger 1815
Napoleon's Last Campaign in Germany 1813 di F. Loraine Petre 1815
Napoleon's Last Grande Army di Alfred Umhey1815
Napoleon's War in Spain: French Peninsular Campaigns, 1807-14 di Henry Lachouque1815
Napoleon's Wars: An International History, 1803-1815 di Charles Esdaile1815
Napoleon, Master of Europe, 1805-1807 di Alistair Horne1815
The Napoleonic Wars di Gunther Rothenberg1815
The Napoleonic Wars 1: The Rise of the Emperor 1805-1807 di Todd Fisher1815
Napoleonic Wars : Wellington's Army di Ian Fletcher1815
The Napoleonic Wars: The Fall of the French Empire 1813-1815 (4) di Gregory Fremont-Barnes1815
Nelson and the Age of Fighting Sail di Oliver Warner1815
Nelson's Navy di Philip J. Haythornthwaite1815
Nelson's Officers and Midshipmen di Gregory Fremont-Barnes1815
Nelson's Sailors di Gregory Fremont-Barnes1815
Nelson's Ships: A History of the Vessels in Which He Served, 1771-1805 di Peter Goodwin1815
Nelson: A Personal History di Christopher Hibbert1815
Nelson: The Immortal Memory di David Howarth1815
Nelson: The Man and the Legend di Terry Coleman1815
Our Tempestuous Day: A History of Regency England di Carolly Erickson1815
The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea di Peter Kemp1815
The Oxford history of the British Empire, Volume 3 : The nineteenth century di Andrew Porter 1815
The Peninsular War di Roger Parkinson1815
The Peninsular War Atlas di Nick Lipscombe1815
The Peninsular War, 1807-1814 di Michael Glover1815
The Peninsular War: A Battlefield Guide (Battleground) di Andrew Rawson1815
The Peninsular War: A New History di Charles Esdaile1815
The Peninsular War: Aspects of the Struggle for the Iberian Peninsula di David G. Chandler1815
The Peninsular War: The Complete Campanion to the Iberian Campaigns 1807-14 (Almanac) di Philip J. Haythornthwaite1815
Persuasione di Jane Austen 1815
The Pirates Laffite: The Treacherous World of the Corsairs of the Gulf di William C. Davis1815
Prussian Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars 2: 1807-15 di Peter Hofschroer1815
Remarks on military law and the punishment of flogging di Charles James Napier1815
The Retreat From Moscow: The Memoirs Of Sergeant Bourgogne 1812-1813 di Adrien Bourgogne1815
Rifles: Six Years with Wellington's Legendary Sharpshooters di Mark Urban1815
The Romanovs: 1613-1918 di Simon Sebag-Montefiore1815
Russia Against Napoleon: The Battle for Europe, 1807 to 1814 di Dominic Lieven1815
The Russian Empire and the World, 1700-1917 di John P. LeDonne1815
Sails on the Horizon: A Novel of the Napoleonic Wars di Jay Worrall1815
Salamanca 1812: Wellington Crushes Marmont di Ian Fletcher1815
Salamanca, 1812 di Rory Muir1815
Sea Battles in Close-Up: The Age of Nelson di David Lyon1815
The Second Empress di Michelle Moran 1815
Sharpe's Battle di Bernard Cornwell1815
Sharpe's Honour di Bernard Cornwell1815
Soldiers' Glory di Sir George Bell1815
Sophie de Tott: Artist in a Time of Revolution di Julia Gasper 1815
St. Vincent & Camperdown di Christopher Lloyd1815
Storia delle Guerre di Bernard Montgomery1815
The Storybook Hero di Andrea Pickens1815
To Say Nothing of the Dog di Connie Willis1815
Trafalgar di Oliver Warner1815
Trafalgar 1805: Nelson's Crowning Victory di Gregory Fremont-Barnes1815
L'ultimo baluardo di Bernard Cornwell1815
Victory: The Life of Lord Nelson di Oliver Warner1815
Vittoria 1813: Wellington Sweeps the French from Spain di Ian Fletcher1815
The War of 1812 in the Age of Napoleon di Jeremy Black1815
The Wars of the French Revolution and Napoleon, 1792-1815 (Warfare and History) di Owen Connelly1815
Waterloo 1815: The Birth of Modern Europe di Geoff Wootten1815
Waterloo : Napoleon's Last Gamble di Andrew Roberts1815
The Waterloo Companion: The Complete Guide to History's Most Famous Land Battle di Mark Adkin1815
Waterloo: A Near Run Thing di David Howarth1815
Waterloo: New Perspectives: The Great Battle Reappraised di David Hamilton-Williams1815
Wellington at Waterloo di Jac Weller1815
Wellington's Men di W. H. Fitchett1815
Wellington's Light Cavalry di Bryan Fosten1815
Wellington's Peninsular War : Battles and Battlefields di Julian Paget1815
With Napoleon In Russia di Faber Du Faur1815
With Napoleon In Russia 1812 di Heinrich August Vossler1815
With Napoleon in Russia: The Memoirs of General de Caulaincourt, Duke of Vicenza di Armand-Augustin-Louis de Caulaincourt, duc de Vicence1815
1797: Nelson's Year of Destiny di Colin White1803-1815
The Battle of Copenhagen 1801 di Ole Feldbaek1803-1815
Britain Against Napoleon: The Organization of Victory, 1793-1815 di Roger Knight1793-1815
Broadsides: The Age of Fighting Sail, 1775-1815 di Nathan Miller1803-1815
The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain, 1649-1815 di N. A. M. Rodger1793-1815
Dreams of Empire: Napoleon and the First World War 1792-1815 di Paul Fregosi1793-1815
Eyes of the Fleet di Anthony Price1793-1815
The Frigates: An Account of the Lesser Warships of the Wars from 1793 to 1815 di James Henderson1793-1815
The Gorgeous Georgians di Terry Deary1803-1815
L'idiota di Fyodor Dostoevsky1803-1815
Kiss From a Stranger di Barbara Cartland1800-1815
Remember Love di Mary Balogh1793-1815
Stephen Biesty's Cross-Sections: Man-Of-War di Stephen Biesty1803-1815