Serie dei libri per minuterice

Serie a cui appartengono i libri della biblioteca di minuterice

Riepilogo: 50 Serie

Alaska / James Michener

American Empire Trilogy

The American Trilogy

The Asian Saga

The Avatar

The Belgariad

Belgariad universe

Brian's Saga

Captain Nemo

Captain Nemo Trilogy


Chronicles of Narnia: Chronological

Chronicles of Narnia: Publication order


Deverry Cycle

Dirk Gently


Discworld: Death

Discworld: Rincewind

Discworld: Witches

The Dragon Mage

The Earthsea Cycle

Ensaio sobre a cegueira

The Extraordinary Voyages

The First Law

The Giver

The Great War Trilogy

Hainish Cycle

Hainish Cycle, Chronological

The Handmaid's Tale

Harry Potter

His Dark Materials

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Illuminatus! Trilogy

Indian in the Cupboard

Kushiel's Legacy


The Lord of the Rings

Lucifer Box

Oxford Time Travel

Phèdre Trilogy

The Power Of One

Remarque's Great War Duology

A Song of Ice and Fire

Tales of Alvin Maker

Thursday Next



Watership Down

The Westlands