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Nuvola delle etichette, Nuvola degli autori, Specchio delle etichette
May 22, 2012
Nome vero
Jordan Ethier
La mia biblioteca

My library has many different facets and functions:

First, it is a library for books I enjoy. Period. Regardless of the topic or the author, if I enjoy a book it is very likely to find its way onto my shelves.

Second, my library is a function of practicality. As an aspiring Métis academic, I actively study various topics, ranging from general fields such as "History" to more specific sub-topics such as Métis languages. I have written on a broad range of topics such as antisemitism in Québec history, Michelangelo's signature, and John George Lambton, the 1st Earl of Durham. My library, then, reflects these broad professional interests. Since my greatest academic interest is focused on Métis history and identity and Canadian political history, I have a large number of books in these areas.

Third, and closely related to my second point, there are specific topics that interest me which I actively collect. Examples of this include legislation related to the French language in Canada, political ephemera, Métis memoirs, etc. The largest "topic" in my library is comprised of monographs and ephemera related to the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

Fourth, I collect authors who I particularly enjoy - whether for their writing or as a person themselves. Authors such as Aldous Huxley, Harold R. Johnson, Margaret Atwood, George Orwell, Arthur Conan Doyle, Virginia Woolf, Bertrand Russell, Mark Twain, John Steinbeck, William Blake, Sylvia Plath, etc. etc. are just some of the writers whom I somewhat actively collect.

Fifth, but far from final, my library is a collection of physical books. As I mentioned in my "About Me" blurb, I am a bibliophile in the truest sense. I cherish books as physical items. I collect antiquarian tomes, 19th century bibles, miniatures, modern small press titles and ephemera, and modern "specially bound" books (such as Easton Press, The Folio Society, Franklin Library).

I look back at this description of my library and feel it's an honest attempt to describe what is on my shelves, and yet I cannot help but feel that it's painfully inadequate. My books are central to my character, really, and they mirror much of who I am. It is an eclectic lot that has been assembled with the greatest of care. My library has grown, and continues to grow, as I do.

Informazione su di me

What to say...

I am a bibliophile in the fullest sense of the word - I love reading and I love books, monographs, and all manner of biblio-delights. For my fellow bibliophiles, there is an appreciation for this distinction. I love reading, as in the experience of the printed words on a page. I love books, as in the physical objects themselves.

I am a voracious reader and a passionate collector. Books are an integral part of who I am.

Saskatchewan, Canada
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