ALA Most Frequently Challenged Books

Attributo da ALA

10 opere 202,346 libri 3,635 recensioni ½ 3.8
Combining all the ALA Most Frequently Challenged Books lists, ranked by number of years they've appeared on the lists.

Since the lists for individual years from 1990-2004 are not available, if a mostra altro book is on either decade's Most Challenged list, they'll be listed for the whole span of the decade, or whichever post-2004 years can be verified. mostra meno


1001(390) 1001 books(446) 19th century(631) 20th century(981) adolescence(499) adventure(1,020) African American(413) America(538) American(1,628) American fiction(371) American literature(2,832) autobiography(791) biography(470) children(460) children's(754) children's literature(467) classic(4,672) classic literature(537) classics(4,624) coming of age(1,585) death(663) family(482) fantasy(595) favorites(396) fiction(14,310) friendship(1,303) goodreads(474) Great Depression(375) high school(494) historical fiction(471) imagination(401) literature(2,625) memoir(759) Mississippi River(351) New York(453) Newbery Medal(402) non-fiction(740) novel(2,258) own(660) owned(353) paperback(358) racism(459) read(2,468) realistic fiction(596) school(522) slavery(620) to-read(4,711) usa(773) ya(859) young adult(1,539)

Utenti con più opere

Jen_Fox-Williams (10 opere), Kaethe (10), KimSalyers (10), mclibdotnet (10), OracleOfCrows (10), The-Social-Hermit (10), UABannedBooks (10), appfan (9), BannedBooksLibrary (9), e-zReader (9), fahrenheit451moderat (9), kymmayfield (9), ljhliesl (9), lydiasbooks (9), VadersMorwen (9), Allyoopsi (8), edresang (8), francesuzanne (8), FurfuralAndVanillin (8), grrlofhighart (8), Jill41 (8), Jimbookbuff1963 (8), Kuhhsandra (8), laVermeer (8), librarylil (8), MDifap (8), quantumamy (8), RLNunezKPL (8), Summer345456 (8), 1057mt (7), aabdelrahmanm (7), alison-rose (7), andael (7), AngelaGustafson (7), azulaco (7), bearette24 (7), BenRoyland (7), bibliovermis (7), bluelittlegirl (7), BrandyLuther (7), buriedinprint (7), carlahaunted (7), CarolynBurke7 (7), Cassabass (7), cctesttc1 (7), courty4189 (7), cuestalibrary (7), davidabrams (7), daydreamofalife (7), dkestler (7), Doner (7), DrPSchmidt (7), DzejnCrvena (7), Elizabeth22 (7), ellymagic (7), emrsalgado (7), EmScape (7), engpunk77 (7), foxly (7), Franklin.Oliveira (7), garlicbread (7), gundulabaehre (7), Gwendolen_North (7), HeatherMoss (7), JamiSautter (7), jdemanda (7), jennmaine (7), jmm314 (7), jollyavis (7), JonquilA (7), joshuak (7), Josh_Hanagarne (7), kcarrigan (7), kday_working (7), Keelz09 (7), KendallCampusLibrary (7), kimberlyYAL (7), kleahey (7), kpaixao (7), krist_ellis (7), kyndyleizabella (7), laurafo (7), liberlibri (7), LiterateSloth (7), livmae (7), LoriFox (7), lynnm (7), mackenzie.roy2 (7), margoletta (7), maribou (7), marquis784 (7), mcghol (7), Melwilk (7), memccauley6 (7), mffowler (7), mjscott (7), mrsgardner (7), Mz.Balma (7), nrodri329 (7), Pages_Aplenty (7), parasolofdoom (7), Patient (7), phstitans (7), PittiesRule (7), prengel90 (7), pricem (7), PsychoFaerie (7), punkyem (7), redmama68 (7), Rickmaniac (7), saltypepper (7), sandrikoti (7), sedelia (7), selfcallednowhere (7), sister_ray (7), skullduggery (7), stansteiner (7), starria (7), sultrydiva (7), tarr.chris (7), teachermike (7), theeclecticreview (7), tinkerbelle1025 (7), trayceetee (7), tstan (7), wendymcf (7), whirligig29 (7), _missnomer_ (7), AlwaysHungry (6), amaryann21 (6), AncaCiochina (6), avatiakh (6), ayslinn (6), blueskygreentrees (6), ChelseaWorden (6), choubetcha (6), clairefun (6), dawnlovesbooks (6), ednasilrak (6), ErickaS (6), FAMeulstee (6), isisingonthecake (6), jenniebooks (6), Katie_H (6), lisarenea (6), Magoonie1124 (6), maryhollis (6), meggyweg (6), meimeiminimochi (6), Melissa_Gardner (6), MichaelCO (6), mlmarks98 (6), MrsAnnaManning (6), mwpp555 (6), MyFathersDragon (6), nicola26 (6), Praj05 (6), Rachelle_Ockert (6), ReadSmoore101 (6), RoxiePoxie4 (6), rsa (6), RWAMAGANA (6), Sandee88 (6), soffitta1 (6), Tafadhali (6), tasslyn (6), Tracey8824 (6)