Anita (FAMeulstee) still goes where the books take her in 2022 (12)

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Anita (FAMeulstee) still goes where the books take her in 2022 (12)

Modificato: Dic 1, 2022, 9:35 am

Welcome to my twelfth thread in 2022!

I am Anita Meulstee (59), married with Frank (61) since 1984. We live in Lelystad, the Netherlands. We both love modern art, books and walking.

As I mentioned on Mark's thread, the European robin turned up in our garden. I think it is the same bird, that comes back in late fall, and stays all winter.
European robin (NMP)

On our walk today, Frank finally saw the osprey, also a winter guest in our neighborhood. I used to see it regular in winter, when I walked the dogs. Hadn't seen it since we no longer have a dog, so I was very happy when I first spotted it again early November.
It was sitting on a goal-post of a football (soccer) field at our neighborhoods playing area.
Funny, in English it is also called fish hawk, while in Dutch it is called a fisheagle.


I have been hanging around in this group a few months after finding LibraryThing in March 2008. I skipped one year (2013), when my reading dropped to almost nothing. This was a side effect of taking Paxil. In 2015 I was able to wean off Paxil, and a year later my reading skyrocketed. The last two years it is slowing down, my initial "reading hunger" has waned a bit.

I read (almost) everything, from childrens and YA books to more serious literature, mysteries, historical fiction, fantasy, and I try not to forget to throw some non-fiction into the mix.

Modificato: Gen 1, 2023, 5:30 am

total books read in 2022: 323
60 own / 262 library / 1 borrowed

total pages read in 2022: 102.275

currently reading:
Bestaat er een raarder leven dan het mijne? Jef Last (1898-1972) by Rudi Wester, 565 pages, TIOLI #4

books read in December 2022 (21 books, 8.866 pages, 2 own / 18 library / 1 borrowed)
book 303: De uitzichtlozen (And Their Children After Them) by Nicolas Mathieu, 413 pages, TIOLI #7 (msg 69)
book 304: De buik van Parijs (The Belly of Paris; The Rougons-Macquarts 3) by Émile Zola, 256 pages, TIOLI #4 (msg 70)
book 305: Bloedbroeders (Rivierdelta 1) by Arttu Tuominen, 352 pages, TIOLI #6 (msg 71)
book 306: De sneeuwpanter by Sylvain Tesson, 189 pages, TIOLI #15 (msg 72)
book 307: De commissaris en het zwijgen (The Inspector and Silence; Van Veeteren 5) by Håkan Nesser, 315 pages, TIOLI #4 (msg 115)
book 308: Dasja, oftewel het leven van een pup (Dashenka or The Life of Puppy) by Karel Čapek, 119 pages, TIOLI #4 (msg 116)
book 309: De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin, 2160 pages, TIOLI #14 (msg 117)
book 310: Ontmaskering (Strip Jack; John Rebus 4) by Ian Rankin, 302 pages, TIOLI #4 (msg 118)
book 311: De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin, 350 pages, TIOLI #4 (msg 135)
book 312: De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen, translated by Victor Verduin, 288 pages, TIOLI #15 (msg 136)
book 313: Zonder de top te bereiken (Without Ever Reaching the Summit) by Paolo Cognetti, 143 pages, TIOLI #4 (msg 137)
book 314: Een zomer met Homeros : een reis door de mythologie en het nu by Sylvain Tesson, 256 pages, TIOLI #9 (msg 138)
book 315: Het zustertapijt (The Reindeer Hunters) by Lars Mytting, 430 pages, TIOLI #9 (msg 141)
book 316: Berezina : met Napoleon in de zijspan (Berezina: From Moscow to Paris Following Napoleon's Epic Fail) by Sylvain Tesson, 208 pages, TIOLI #5 (msg 142)
book 317: De beklimming van de Mont Blanc by Ludovic Escande, translated by Eef Gratama, 160 pages, TIOLI #15 (msg 143)
book 318: De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen, 1047 pages, TIOLI #5 (msg 144)
book 319: Leonard Cohen: on a wire (Leonard Cohen: On a Wire) by Philippe Girard, 120 pages, TIOLI #9 (msg 145)
book 320: Het zingen van de tijd (The Time of Our Singing) by Richard Powers, 843 pages, TIOLI #12 (msg 213)
book 321: Greenwood (Greenwood) by Michael Christie, 526 pages, TIOLI #9 (msg 214)
book 322: Zee van rust (Sea of Tranquility) by Emily St. John Mandel, 249 pages, TIOLI #12 (msg 215)
book 323: De slag om de Blauwbrug by A.F.Th. van der Heijden, 123 pages, TIOLI #7 (msg 216)

Modificato: Dic 31, 2022, 9:19 am

December 2022 reading plans

TIOLI December 2022
#1: Read a book by an author whose names (first, middle, and last) all begin with a vowel
#2: Read a book with a word in the title that can be found on a charcuterie board
#3: Read a retelling of a myth, legend or Biblical story, name the legend
#4: Read a book with an 4 plus letter word embedded in the title
- De buik van Parijs (The Belly of Paris) - Émile Zola, 256 pages (e-library)
- De commissaris en het zwijgen (The Inspector and Silence; Van Veeteren 5) - Håkan Nesser, 315 pages (e-library)
- De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin, 2160 pages
- De kroning (The Coronation) - Boris Akoenin, 350 pages (library)
- Ontmaskering (Strip Jack; John Rebus 4) - Ian Rankin, 302 pages (e-library)
- Zonder de top te bereiken (Without Ever Reaching the Summit) - Paolo Cognetti, 143 pages (library)
#5: Read a book that helps to finish up a personal reading challenge
- Berezina met Napoleon in de zijspan (Berezina: From Moscow to Paris Following Napoleon's Epic Fail) - Sylvain Tesson, 208 pages (e-library)
- De vertellingen van duizend-en-één-nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen, 1047 pages
#6: Read a book by an author whose first name starts with the same letter as your first name
- Bloedbroeders (Rivierdelta 1) - Arttu Tuominen, 352 pages (e-library)
#7: Read a book that has multiple 2 letter words in the title
- De slag om de Blauwbrug - A.F.Th. van der Heijden, 123 pages
#8: Read a book with exactly 2 people on the front cover
- De uitzichtlozen (And Their Children After Them) - Nicolas Mathieu, 413 pages (library)
#9: Read a book in honor of the Twelve Days of Christmas (semi-rolling challenge)
- Dasja, oftewel het leven van een pup (Dashenka or The Life of Puppy) - Karel Čapek, 119 pages (library)
- Greenwood (Greenwood) - Michael Christie, 526 pages (e-library)
- Leonard Cohen: on a wire (Leonard Cohen: On a Wire) - Philippe Girard, 120 pages (library)
- Een zomer met Homeros : een reis door de mythologie en het nu - Sylvain Tesson, 256 pages (e-library)
- Het zustertapijt (The Reindeer Hunters) - Lars Mytting, 430 pages (e-library)
#10: Read a book about a culture clash
#11: Read a book set between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn
#12: Read a Book You Are Reading Because of a Positive Review by a 75 Group Member
- Het zingen van de tijd (The Time of Our Singing) - Richard Powers, 843 pages (e-library)
- Zee van rust (Sea of Tranquility) - Emily St. John Mandel, 249 pages (e-library)
#13: Read a book with a title that is ALMOST a Christmas carol title or lyric
#14: Read a fiction or non-fiction book set in or about Ancient Egypt, or about Egyptology
#15: Read a book with a winter word or a cold word in the title
- De beklimming van de Mont Blanc - Ludovic Escande, 160 pages (e-library)
- De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) - Peter Matthiessen, 288 pages
- De sneeuwpanter - Sylvain Tesson, 189 pages (library)
#16: Read a book about overcoming a tragedy
#17: Read a book with all title words 4 or more characters long, no this or that either

Modificato: Gen 3, 2023, 2:41 pm

January 2023 reading plans

TIOLI January 2023
#1: Read a book (F or NF) set in Tokyo, Hiroshima, Osaka, Kyoto, or Numazu
#2: Read a book in the public domain
#3: Read a book that came into your possession in 2022
- De fundamenten - Ramsey Nasr, 73 pages (e-library 10/1)
- Mijn dertigjarige oorlog (No Surrender: My Thirty-Year War) - Hiroo Onoda, 200 pages (library 8/2)
#4: Read a book with a character who gardens or loves plants
#5: Read or Skim a reference book
#6: Read a book listed on the Millions "most anticipated" lists during the pandemic years (2020-2022)
#7: Read a book where the author uses initials instead of a first and second name
? Het weeshuis in de azuurblauwe zee (The House in the Cerulean Sea) - TJ Klune, 414 pages (e-library)
#8: Read a book with the name of a famous leader in the title or author's name
#9: A little R&R: Read a book where at least TWO title words and/or author names start with R
- Bestaat er een raarder leven dan het mijne? Jef Last (1898-1972) - Rudi Wester, 565 pages (library 19/1)
#10 Read a book for the Life Balance Wheel Semi-Rolling Challenge
#11: Read a book set in, or about, the 1920's
#12: Read a book on a best of 2022 list
- Wolven op het ruiterpad - Tijs Goldschmidt, 256 pages (e-library 19/1)
#13: Read a book of swashbuckling adventure
#14: Read the first, second, and/or third book of a trilogy
- Doctor Vlimmen - Mr. A. Roothaert, 412 pages
- Vlimmen contra Vlimmen - Mr. A. Roothaert, 445 pages
- Vlimmens tweede jeugd - Mr. A. Roothaert, 414 pages
#15: Read a book by an author in 2023 who you read a book written by in 2022
? De opwindvogelkronieken (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle) - Haruki Murakami, 890 pages (e-library)
#16: Read a book with the three letters of "one" in the title and/or the author's name
- Broers (Brothers) - Bernice Rubens, 531 pages (library 12/1)
- Eigen welzijn eerst - Roxane van Iperen, 142 pages (library 12/1)
- Job: roman over een eenvoudige man (Job: The Story of a Simple Man - Joseph Roth, 206 pages (e-library 3/1)
- Levensgevaar (Rivierdelta 2) - Arttu Tuominen, 302 pages (library 12/1)
- Rotterdam: ode aan de inefficiëntie - Arjen van Veelen, 368 pages (e-library 3/1)
? Leven en lot (Life and Fate) - Vasili Grossman, 959 pages
#17: Read a work of fiction by an author born in North Africa
#18: The last of the first: Read a book related to ending
- Het schemeren van de wereld (The Twilight World) - Werner Herzog, 111 pages (library 18/1)

Modificato: Dic 1, 2022, 9:26 am

books read in January 2022
book 1: Pippi Langkous gaat aan boord (Pippi Goes on Board) by Astrid Lindgren, translated by Lisbeth Zuiderveen Borgesius-Wildschut
book 2: De onderstroom (The Offing) by Benjamin Myers, translated by Anneke Bok
book 3: Pippi Langkous in Taka-Tukaland (Pippi in the South Seas) by Astrid Lindgren, translated by Saskia Ferwerda
book 4: Het vierde offer (Borkmann's Point; Van Veeteren 2) by Håkan Nesser, translated by Clementine Luijten
book 5: De terugkeer (The Return; Van Veeteren 3) by Håkan Nesser, translated by Edith Sybesma
book 6: Drie sterke vrouwen (Three Strong Women) by Marie NDiaye, translated by Jeanne Holierhoek
book 7: De grote angst in de bergen (Terror on the Mountain) by Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz, translated by Rokus Hofstede
book 8: 10 minuten 38 seconden in deze vreemde wereld (10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World) by Elif Shafak, translated by Manon Smits
book 9: Sjakie en de grote glazen lift (Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator) by Roald Dahl, translated by Harriët Freezer
book 10: De lijst van dingen die niet zullen veranderen (The List of Things That Will Not Change) by Rebecca Stead, translated by Jenny de Jonge
book 11: Dochters van een nieuwe tijd by Carmen Korn, translated by Olga Groenewoud
book 12: Tijd om opnieuw te beginnen by Carmen Korn, translated by Olga Groenewoud
book 13: De tijden veranderen by Carmen Korn, translated by Olga Groenewoud
book 14: De lange weg naar huis (The Book of Eels) by Patrick Svensson, translated by Geri de Boer
book 15: Dankzij de dingen by Rutger Kopland
book 16: De Godden broers (The great Godden) by Meg Rosoff, translated by Jenny de Jonge
book 17: Hotel New Hampshire (The Hotel New Hampshire) by John Irving, translated by C.A.G. van den Broek
book 18: Laurier en leeuwerik (The Lark and the Laurel; Mantlemass 1) by Barbara Willard, translated by Piet Verhagen
book 19: De Cock en de dood van de Helende Meesters (De Cock 58) by A.C. Baantjer
book 20: De loot van de brem (The Sprig of Broom; Mantlemass 2) by Barbara Willard, translated by Piet Verhagen
book 21: De witte vesting (The White Castle) by Orhan Pamuk, translated by Veronica Divendal
book 22: De moeder van Nicolien by J.J. Voskuil
book 23: Avontuur Amerika by Cees Nooteboom
book 24: Teleurstellen vergt lef (Dare to Disappoint) by Özge Samanci, translated by Sigge Stegeman
book 25: De overlevenden (The Survivors) by Alex Schulman, translated by Angélique Kroon
book 26: Witte onschuld (White Innocence) by Gloria Wekker, translated by Menno Grootveld
book 27: Viersprong van de schemer (Crossroads of twilight; Wheel of Time 10) by Robert Jordan, translated by Lia Belt and Johan-Martijn Flaton
book 28: De onzichtbaren (The Unseen) by Roy Jacobsen, translated by Paula Stevens
book 29: Petersburg (Petersburg) by Andrej Bely, translated by Charles B. Timmer
book 30: De voorspelling (Pawn of Prophecy; Belgariad 1) by David Eddings, translated by Johan-Martijn Flaton
book 31: Benedenwereld (Underland: A Deep Time Journey) by Robert Macfarlane, translated by Nico Groen and Jan Willem Reitsma
book 32: Een koude wind (A Cold Wind Blowing; Mantlemass 3) by Barbara Willard, translated by Piet Verhagen
book 33: De oudste zoon (The Eldest Son; Mantlemass 4) by Barbara Willard, translated by Piet Verhagen

books read in February 2022
book 34: Ilyas by Ernest van der Kwast
book 35: Inham (Cove) by Cynan Jones, translated by Jona Hoek
book 36: De rode prins (The Red Prince) by Timothy Snyder, translated by Corrie van den Berg and Carola Kloos
book 37: Gekraakt (Come to Grief) by Dick Francis, translated by Nelleke van Maaren
book 38: De harde kern boek 1 by Frida Vogels
book 39: Mes van dromen (Knife of Dreams; Wheel of Time 11) by Robert Jordan, translated by Lia Belt
book 40: Over het doppen van bonen (A Treatise on Shelling Beans) by Wiesław Myśliwski, translated by Karol Lesman
book 41: De Sparsholt-affaire (The Sparsholt Affair) by Alan Hollinghurst, translated by Ton Heuvelmans
book 42: De rode anjer (The Red Carnation) by Elio Vittorini, translated by Emilia Menkveld
book 43: De laatste eer (The Confession of Brother Haluin; Cadfael 15) by Ellis Peters, translated by Pieter Janssens
book 44: Het rode korenveld (Red Sorghum) by Mo Yan, translated by Jan de Meyer
book 45: De jongen, de mol, de vos en het paard (The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse) by Charlie Mackesy, translated by Arthur Japin
book 46: Als Beale Street kon praten (If Beale Street Could Talk) by James Baldwin, translated by Harm Damsma
book 47: Hoe ik nu leef (How I live now) by Meg Rosoff, translated by Jenny de Jonge
book 48: Selma by Carolijn Visser
book 49: De magische koningin (Queen of Sorcery; Belgariad 2) by David Eddings, translated by Johan-Martijn Flaton
book 50: Binnen de muren (Within the Walls) by Giorgio Bassani, translated by Jan van der Haar
book 51: Het woud der verwachting (In a Dark Wood Wandering) by Hella Haasse
book 52: Langs de IJssel by Kester Freriks
book 53: Maangloed (Moonglow) by Michael Chabon, translated by Gerda Baardman, Jan de Nijs and Tjadine Stheeman
book 54: De preek over de val van Rome (The Sermon on the Fall of Rome) by Jérôme Ferrari, translated by Reintje Ghoos and Jan Pieter van der Sterre
book 55: Hersenschimmen (Out of Mind) by J. Bernlef
book 56: De ijzeren lelie (The Iron Lily; Mantlemass 5) by Barbara Willard, translated by Piet Verhagen

books read in March 2022
book 57: De gouden bril (The Gold-Rimmed Spectacles; Ferrara 2) by Giorgio Bassani, translated by Jan van der Haar
book 58: Opgewekt naar de eindstreep by Hendrik Groen
book 59: De harde kern boek 2 by Frida Vogels
book 60: De troonopvolger (Unto Us a Son Is Given; Brunetti 28) by Donna Leon, translated by Lilian Schreuder
book 61: Vijftien namen by Levie de Lange
book 62: Het uur u by Martinus Nijhoff
book 63: De naderende storm (The Gathering Storm; Wheel of Time 12) by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson, translated by Lia Belt
book 64: Van steen en been by Bérengère Cournut, translated by
book 65: Verduistering (Don't turn out the lights; Martin Servaz 3) by Bernard Minier, translated by Félice Portier and Aniek Njiokiktjien
book 66: De groef by Maartje Wortel
book 67: Tovenaarsgambiet (Magician's Gambit; Belgariad 3) by David Eddings, translated by Johan-Martijn Flaton
book 68: De grootsheid van het al by Raoul de Jong
book 69: Pieterpad deel II: Vorden-Maastricht by Toos Goorhuis-Tjalsma & Bertje Jens
book 70: Wat er werkelijk is by Nelleke Noordervliet
book 71: De dood van Achilles (The Death of Achilles; Fandorin 4) by Boris Akoenin, translated by Arie van der Ent
book 72: De Bommellegende by Marten Toonder
book 73: Generaal zonder leger by Özcan Akyol
book 74: De vergelder by Marten Toonder
book 75: De laatste rituelen (Burial Rites) by Hannah Kent, translated by Martine Vosmaer and Karina van Santen
book 76: Een verhaal met een angel (A sting in the tale) by Dave Goulson, translated by Nico Groen
book 77: Herfst (Autumn) by Karl Ove Knausgård, translated by Marin Mars
book 78: Misverstand in Moskou by Simone de Beauvoir, translated by Jan Versteeg
book 79: Een vlucht zwanen (A Flight of Swans; Mantlemass 6) by Barbara Willard, translated by Piet Verhagen
book 80: Gods wegen by Marijke Schermer
book 81: Dodelijk web (Under Orders) by Dick Francis, translated by Auke Leistra
book 82: Surrogaten voor Murk Tuinstra by Simon Vestdijk
book 83: De om by Willem Jan Otten
book 84: Wedervaring by Bodo Kirchhoff, translated by Josephine Rijnaarts
book 85: Lezen als geschenk (The Gifts of Reading) by Robert Macfarlane, translated by Nico Groen
book 86: De droogte (The Dry) by Jane Harper, translated by Catalien van Paassen and Willem van Paassen
book 87: Zaaien en oogsten (Harrow and Harvest; Mantlemass 7) by Barbara Willard, translated by Piet Verhagen

Modificato: Dic 1, 2022, 9:27 am

books read in April 2022
book 88: Het einde van Mantlemass (The keys of Mantlemass; Mantlemass 8) by Barbara Willard, translated by Piet Verhagen
book 89: Luitenant-kolonel de Maumort (Lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort) by Roger Martin du Gard, translated by Anneke Alderlieste
book 90: De gesloten kamer (The Locked Room; Martin Beck 8) by May Sjöwall & Per Walöö, translated by Ulla Jansz
book 91: Tot ziens daarboven (The Great Swindle) by Pierre Lemaitre, translated by Liesbeth van Nes
book 92: Zeldzame aarden by Sandro Veronesi, translated by Rob Gerritsen
book 93: De kleuren van de brand (All human wisdom) by Pierre Lemaitre, translated by Liesbeth van Nes
book 94: Out of Africa (Out of Africa) by Karen Blixen, translated by Ruth Wolf and Meike van Beek
book 95: De honderd dagen (One hundred days) by Joseph Roth, translated by Wilfred Oranje
book 96: Achter de deur (Behind the door; Ferrara 4) by Giorgio Bassani, translated by Tineke van Dijk
book 97: De spiegel van ons verdriet (Mirror of our sorrows) by Pierre Lemaitre, translated by Andreas Dijkzeul
book 98: Vrouw of vos (Lady into Fox) by David Garnett, translated by Irwan Droog
book 99: Weigering (Refusal) by Felix Francis, translated by Waldemar Noë
book 100: De woestijn van de Tartaren (The Tartar Steppe) by Dino Buzzati, translated by Anthonie Kee
book 101: Het geluk van de wolf by Paolo Cognetti, translated by Yond Boeke and Patty Krone
book 102: De hemel is altijd paars by Sholeh Rezazadeh
book 103: Herinneringen van een engelbewaarder (A Guardian Angel Recalls) by W.F. Hermans
book 104: Soms zou ik de wind willen zijn by Franco Faggiani, translated by Saskia Peterzon-Kotte
book 105: Dit soort kleinigheden (Small Things Like These) by Claire Keegan, translated by Harm Damsma and Niek Miedema
book 106: Het lied van de Orbus (Castle of Wizardry; Belgariad 4) by David Eddings, translated by Johan-Martijn Flaton
book 107: De grutto by Albert Beintema
book 108: Witte zee (White Shadow) by Roy Jacobsen, translated by Paula Stevens
book 109: Het evangelie van O. Dapper Dapper by W.F. Hermans
book 110: De slag om Europa by Thomas Piketty, translated by Manik Sarkar
book 111: Uitnodiging voor een onthoofding (Invitation to a Beheading) by Vladimir Nabokov, translated by M. and L. Coutinho
book 112: De man die twee keer dood ging (The man who died twice) by Richard Osman, translated by Reintje Ghoos and Jan Pieter van der Sterre
book 113: IJzerkop (Ironhead) by Jean-Claude Van Rijckeghem
book 114: Voetsporen in de sneeuw (A Murder Of Quality; George Smiley 2) by John le Carré, translated by H. Tromp
book 115: Op de planken by Gerrit Komrij
book 116: De ombrenger by Marten Toonder
book 117: Buitenpost (Outpost) by Dan Richards, translated by Wybrand Scheffer
book 118: De God Denkbaar, Denkbaar de God by W.F. Hermans
book 119: De vader van Artenio by Frida Vogels
book 120: Huis voor de dag, huis voor de nacht (House of Day, House of Night) by Olga Tokarczuk, translated by Karol Lesman
book 121: Terug tot Ina Damman by Simon Vestdijk

books read in May 2022
book 122: De vrolijke verrader: Een KGB-spion uit Rotterdam (Spies, Lies, and Exile) by Simon Kuper, translated by Liesbeth Rijnierse
book 123: De wilde stilte (The Wild Silence) by Raynor Winn, translated by Annemie de Vries and Anne-Marie Vervelde
book 124: De kauw by Achilles Cools
book 125: Kleine helden by Almudena Grandes, translated by Mia Buursma
book 126: De torens van middernacht (Towers of Midnight; Wheel of Time 13) by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson, translated by Lia Belt
book 127: De Titanic by Martin van Neck
book 128: De tweeling (The Twins) by Tessa de Loo
book 129: Liraël (Lirael; Old Kingdom 2) by Garth Nix, translated by Erica Feberwee
book 130: Abhorsen (Abhorsen; Old Kingdom 3) by Garth Nix, translated by Erica Feberwee
book 131: Sapiens (Sapiens) by Yuval Noah Harari, translated by Inge Pieters
book 132: Eindspel (Enchanters' End Game; Belgariad 5) by David Eddings, translated by Johan-Martijn Flaton
book 133: Fado Alexandrino (Fado Alexandrino) by António Lobo Antunes, translated by Harrie Lemmens
book 134: Voor het verdwijnt en daarna by Rutger Kopland
book 135: De reiger (The Heron; Ferrara 5) by Giorgio Bassani, translated by Tineke van Dijk
book 136: Twee vrouwen (Two women) by Harry Mulisch
book 137: Limonov (Limonov) by Emmanuel Carrère, translated by Katelijne De Vuyst and Katrien Vandenberghe
book 138: Koningin Eenoog by W.F. Hermans
book 139: Middernachtbibliotheek (The Midnight Library) by Matt Haig, translated by Monique ter Berg
book 140: De andere school (Anton Wachter 4) by Simon Vestdijk
book 141: De beker van de min (Anton Wachter 5) by Simon Vestdijk
book 142: De vliegeraar (The Kite Runner) by Khaled Hosseini, translated by Miebeth van Horn
book 143: De geur van hooi (The Smell of Hay; Ferrara 6) by Giorgio Bassani, translated by Tineke van Dijk
book 144: Inktzwart (Blackout; Dark Iceland 2) by Ragnar Jónasson, translated by Willemien Werkman
book 145: De wateraap by Mariken Heitman
book 146: Wormmaan by Mariken Heitman
book 147: Voor al uw geschenken by Jean Rouaud, translated by Marianne Kaas
book 148: Vos & ik (Fox & I) by Catherine Raven, translated by Henny Corver
book 149: Spijt! by Carry Slee
book 150: Het eiland van het tweede gezicht (The Island of Second Sight) by Albert Vigoleis Thelen, translated by Wil Boesten

books read in June 2022
book 151: Mannen die vrouwen haten (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo; Millennium 1) by Stieg Larsson, translated by Tineke Jorissen-Wedzinga
book 152: Anomalie (The Anomaly) by Hervé Le Tellier, translated by Andreas Dijkzeul
book 153: De engel van Venetië (The Garden of Angels) by David Hewson, translated by Ans van der Graaff and David Orthel
book 154: Dubbele Lotje (Lisa and Lottie) by Erich Kästner, translated by Elly Schippers
book 155: Onder de korenmaat by Maarten 't Hart
book 156: Zomerhuis (Will and Testament) by Vigdis Hjorth, translated by Neeltje Wiersma
book 157: Zalm by Lars Kvamme, translated by Angélique de Kroon
book 158: Centaur by Chris Polanen
book 159: De laatste zomer in de stad (Last Summer in the City) by Gianfranco Calligarich, translated by Els van der Pluijm
book 160: Spoedgeval (Dr Dark and Far-Too Delicious and Secrets of a Career Girl) by Carol Marinelli, translated by Jannigje Bolk and Thea de Graaf
book 161: Baron by Theun de Vries
book 162: Briefjes voor Pelle by Marlies Segers
book 163: Scheepsberichten (The Shipping News) by E. Annie Proulx, translated by Regina Willemse
book 164: De vrije vogel en zijn kooien (Anton Wachter 6) by Simon Vestdijk
book 165: De vrouw die met vuur speelde (The Girl Who Played with Fire; Millennium 2) by Stieg Larsson, translated by Tineke Jorissen-Wedzinga
book 166: Het Opritsjnik-orkest (The Set-Up) by Vladimir Volkoff, translated by Jef Geeraerts
book 167: Duister water (Trace Elements; Brunetti 29) by Donna Leon, translated by Lilian Schreuder
book 168: Het landgoed Ulloa (The House of Ulloa) by Emilia Pardo Bazán, translated by Elly de Vries-Bovée
book 169: Outlaws (Outlaws) by Javier Cercas, translated by Jos den Bekker
book 170: Bittere tijden (Harsh Times) by Mario Vargas Llosa, translated by Eugenie Schoolderman and Arie van der Wal
book 171: Jaguarman by Raoul de Jong
book 172: Het woeden der gehele wereld (The raging of the whole world) by Maarten 't Hart

Modificato: Dic 1, 2022, 9:27 am

books read in July 2022
book 173: De vlamberken (The Sixteen Trees of the Somme) by Lars Mytting, translated by Paula Stevens
book 174: Quo vadis? (Quo Vadis) by Henryk Sienkiewicz, translated by H. Pyttersen and Theo Kars
book 175: Waterjager by Chris Polanen
book 176: De vlucht uit Falaise (Escape from Falaise; Rangers Apprentice 16) by John Flanagan, translated by Wybrand Scheffer
book 177: Gerechtigheid (The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest; Millennium 3) by Stieg Larsson, translated by Tineke Jorissen-Wedzinga
book 178: La Superba (La Superba) by Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer
book 179: De politiemoordenaar (Cop Killer; Martin Beck 9) by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, translated by Froukje Hoekstra
book 180: Congo (Congo) by David Van Reybrouck
book 181: De rimpels van Esther Ornstein (Anton Wachter 7) by Simon Vestdijk
book 182: Rupsje Nooitgenoeg (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) by Eric Carle, translated by ?
book 183: De goddelijke komedie (The Divine Comedy) by Dante Alighieri, translated by Frans van Dooren
book 184: Anna, Hanna en Johanna (Hanna's Daughters) by Marianne Fredriksson, translated by Janny Middelbeek-Oortgiesen
book 185: Vertrouwelijke zaken (Blood from a Stone; Brunetti 14) by Donna Leon, translated by Renée Milders Dowden
book 186: De kunst van het oorlogvoeren (The Art of War) by Sun Tzu, translated by Anders Pieterse
book 187: Vlucht (Migrations) by Charlotte McConaghy, translated by Erik de Vries
book 188: Leven en wandel van Zorbás de Griek (Zorba the Greek) by Nikos Kazantzakis, translated by Hero Hokwerda
book 189: Het ijzig hart (The Frozen Heart) by Almudena Grandes, translated by Mia Buursma and Ans van Kersbergen
book 190: De tuinen van Dorr (The Gardens of Dorr) by Paul Biegel
book 191: De harde kern 3 by Frida Vogels
book 192: De vrouw met de moedervlek (Woman with Birthmark; Van Veeteren 4) by Håkan Nesser, translated by Clementine Luijten
book 193: De tunnel by Anna Woltz, 231 pages
book 194: Bijzondere opdrachten (Special Assignments; Erast Fandorin 5) by Boris Akoenin, translated by Arie van der Ent
book 195: Ogen van de Rigel (Eyes of the Rigel) by Roy Jacobsen, translated by Paula Stevens
book 196: De reparatie van de wereld by Slobodan Šnajder, translated by Roel Schuyt
book 197: Requiem voor een vriend by J.J. Voskuil

books read in August 2022
book 198: 365 dagen Nederlander by Naeeda Aurangzeb
book 199: De laatste kans (Anton Wachtercyclus 8) by Simon Vestdijk
book 200: Max en de Maximonsters (Where the Wild Things Are) by Maurice Sendak, translated by L.M. Niskos
book 201: De goddelijke komedie (The Divine Comedy) by Dante Alighieri, translated by Ike Cialona and Peter Verstegen
book 202: De Kapellekensbaan (Chapel Road) by Louis Paul Boon
book 203: De kathedraal van de zee (Cathedral of the Sea) by Ildefonso Falcones, translated by Marleen Eijgenraam
book 204: De weg naar Oxiana (The Road to Oxiana) by Robert Byron, translated by Tinke Davids
book 205: De vijand van mijn vader by Almudena Grandes, translated by Mia Buursma
book 206: Waar ik nu ben (Whereabouts) by Jhumpa Lahiri, translated by Manon Smits
book 207: Flush (Flush) by Virginia Woolf, translated by Gerardine Franken
book 208: Het licht van weleer (A Memory of Light; Wheel of Time 14) by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson, translated by Lia Belt
book 209: Het vertrek van de mier by Toon Tellegen
book 210: Staatsraad (The State Counsellor; Erast Fandorin 6) by Boris Akoenin, translated by Arie van der Ent
book 211: Een revolverschot by Virginie Loveling
book 212: Na de Amazone by Redmond O'Hanlon, translated by Tinke Davids
book 213: De vallei der verschrikking (The Valley of Fear) by Arthur Conan Doyle, translated by ?
book 214: De hond van de Baskervilles (The Hound of The Baskervilles) by Arthur Conan Doyle, translated by ?
book 215: De krokodillen van Yamoussoukro (The Crocodiles of Yamoussoukro) by V.S. Naipaul, translated by Tinke Davids
book 216: De plantenjager uit Leningrad by Louise O. Fresco
book 217: Tortilla Flat (Tortilla Flat) by John Steinbeck, translated by Apie Prins
book 218: Gloed (Embers) by Sándor Márai, translated by Mari Alföldy
book 219: Een geschiedenis van de wereld in 10½ hoofdstuk (A History of the World in 10½ Chapters) by Julian Barnes, translated by Else Hoog
book 220: Het purperen land (So Big) by Edna Ferber, translated by Lisette Graswinckel
book 221: Kafka op het strand (Kafka on the Shore) by Haruki Murakami, translated by Jacques Westerhoven
book 222: Poolnacht (Rupture; Dark Iceland 3) by Ragnar Jónasson, translated by Willemien Werkman
book 223: De zevende functie van taal (The Seventh Function of Language) by Laurent Binet, translated by Liesbeth van Nes
book 224: De witte tijger (The White Tiger) by Aravind Adiga, translated by Arjaan van Nimwegen
book 225: Kruisende lijnen (Quicksand) by Junichirô Tanizaki, translated by Jacques Westerhoven
book 226: 1795 by Niklas Natt och Dag, translated by Lammie Post-Oostenbrink

books read in September 2022
book 227: Geteld, geteld (They Were Counted) by Miklós Bánffy, translated by Rebekka Hermán Mostert
book 228: Te licht bevonden (They Were Found Wanting) by Miklós Bánffy, translated by Rebekka Hermán Mostert
book 229: De man zonder eigenschappen: deel 1 by Robert Musil, translated by Ingeborg Lesener
book 230: Waarom schurken pech hebben en helden geluk by Jurriën Hamer
book 231: De man zonder eigenschappen: deel 2 by Robert Musil, translated by Ingeborg Lesener
book 232: Charlotte (Charlotte) by David Foenkinos, translated by Marianne Kaas
book 233: Zondagen in augustus (Sundays in August) by Patrick Modiano, translated by Edu Borger
book 234: De man zonder eigenschappen - deel 3 by Robert Musil, translated by Ingeborg Lesener
book 235: Nachtronde (The Night Watch) by Patrick Modiano, translated by Edu Borger
book 236: Daar op het plein is niemand by Dolores Prato, translated by Jan van der Haar
book 237: De ringboulevards (Ring Roads) by Patrick Modiano, translated by Edu Borger
book 238: De man zonder eigenschappen - deel 4 by Robert Musil, translated by Hans Hom
book 239: De drie bruiloften van Manolita by Almudena Grandes, translated by Mia Buursma and Rikkie Degenaar
book 240: De avant-gardisten by Sjeng Scheijen
book 241: Het teken van de vier (The Sign of Four; Sherlock Holmes 4) by Arthur Conan Doyle, translator unknown
book 242: Ademschommel (The Hunger Angel) by Herta Müller, translated by Ria van Hengel
book 243: Mungo (Young Mungo) by Douglas Stuart, translated by Kitty Pouwels and Josephine Ruitenberg
book 244: Nek aan nek (Dead heat) by Dick & Felix Francis, translated by Pon Ruiter
book 245: Verloren illusies (Lost Illusions) by Honoré de Balzac, translated by Jan Versteeg
book 246: De meester van het Go-spel (The Master of Go) by Yasunari Kawabata, translated by Annemarie van Frankenhuysen

Modificato: Dic 1, 2022, 9:27 am

books read in October 2022
book 247: De ruwe weg (Lean on Pete) by Willy Vlautin, translated by Rob van Erkelens
book 248: Reinhold Messner: Das Leben eines Extrembergsteigers by Michele Petrucci, translated by Anja Kootz
book 249: Babbitt (Babbitt) by Sinclair Lewis, translated by Paul Bruijn
book 250: Zonder titel by Erna Sassen
book 251: Aan de voet van de gletsjer (Under the Glacier) by Halldór Laxness, translated by Marcel Otten
book 252: De kinderkaravaan (Children on the Oregon Trail) by An Rutgers van der Loeff
book 253: Films die nergens draaien by Yorick Goldewijk
book 254: Avonturen van de dappere ridster by Janneke Schotveld
book 255: Het fortuin van de Rougons (The Fortune of the Rougons) by Émile Zola, translated by Martine Delfos
book 256: De meisjes : zeven sprookjes by Annet Schaap
book 257: Buit maken (The Kill) by Émile Zola, translated by Martine Delfos
book 258: Uiteengescheurd (They Were Divided) by Miklós Bánffy, translated by Rebekka Hermán Mostert
book 259: Honger (Hunger) by Knut Hamsun, translated by Adriaan van der Hoeven and Edith Koenders
book 260: Zazie in de metro (Zazie in the Metro) by Raymond Queneau, translated by Jenny Tuin
book 261: De sympathisant (The Sympathizer) by Viet Thanh Nguyen, translated by Paul Bruijn and Jetty Huisman
book 262: Wildernis (Force of Nature) by Jane Harper, translated by Catalien and Willem van Paassen
book 263: Diego en Frida by J.M.G. Le Clézio, translated by Maria Noordman
book 264: De Jacobsboeken (The Books of Jacob) by Olga Tokarczuk, translated by Karol Lesman
book 265: Achtste-groepers huilen niet by Jacques Vriens
book 266: Een zijden haar (The Potter's Field; Cadfael 17) by Ellis Peters, translated by Pieter Janssens
book 267: Dubbelspel (Double Play) by Frank Martinus Arion
book 268: Wonderbos by Jan Paul Schutten
book 269: Over de gekte van een vrouw by Astrid Roemer
book 270: Rode liefde (Red Love) by Maxim Leo, translated by Lilian Caris
book 271: Kazimir Malevich, 1878-1935 by W.A.L. Beeren

books read in November 2022
book 272: Nederland (Holland) by Charlotte Dematons
book 273: De jongen en de hond (The Boy and the Dog) by Seishu Hase, translated by Elbrich Fennema
book 274: Alfabet by Charlotte Dematons
book 275: Dit is geen dagboek by Erna Sassen
book 276: De Gorgels by Jochem Myjer
book 277: Lepelsnijder by Marjolijn Hof
book 278: Jij mag alles zijn by Griet Op de Beeck
book 279: Ik geef je de zon (I'll Give You the Sun) by Jandy Nelson, translated by Aimée Warmerdam
book 280: Het ministerie van oplossingen by Sanne Rooseboom
book 281: Polleke by Guus Kuijer
book 282: Koningskind by Selma Noort
book 283: Het verlangen van de prins by Marco Kunst
book 284: Lennox en de gouden sikkel by Zindzi Zevenbergen
book 285: De zweetvoetenman by Annet Huizing
book 286: Hier is de boze heks by Hanna Kraan
book 287: Dromer by Mark Janssen
book 288: De veger (Sweep) by Jonathan Auxier, translated by Esther Ottens
book 289: Het Franse testament (Le Testament Francais) by Andreï Makine, translated by Jan Versteeg
book 290: Morrigan Crow en het Wondergenootschap (Nevermoor) by Jessica Townsend, translated by Sabine Mutsaers
book 291: Alle verhalen van Kikker en Pad (Frog and Toad Quartet) by Arnold Lobel, translated by Ed Leeflang and others
book 292: Gozert by Pieter Koolwijk
book 293: Luna by Pieter Koolwijk
book 294: Wat je moet doen als je over een nijlpaard struikelt by Edward van de Vendel
book 295: Ik ben Krik, Krik ben ik by Hanna Kraan
book 296: Ik ben weg (I'm gone) by Jean Echenoz, translated by Théo Buckinx
book 297: De mensen leven niet allemaal op dezelfde manier (Not Everybody Lives the Same Way) by Jean Paul Dubois, translated by Corine Kisling
book 298: Leven en opvattingen van Kater Murr benevens de fragmentarische levensbeschrijving van kapelmeester Johannes Kreisler in losse misdrukvellen (The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr together with a fragmentary Biography of Kapellmeister Johannes Kreisler on Random Sheets of Waste Paper) by E.T.A. Hoffmann, translated by Wilfred Oranje
book 299: Schemering (Night; Martin Servaz 4) by Bernard Minier, translated by Aniek Njiokiktjien and Félice Portier
book 300: De terroristen (The Terrorists; Martin Beck 10) by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, translated by Cora Polet
book 301: Gebroken wit by Astrid Roemer
book 302: De god van kleine dingen (The God of Small Things) by Arundhati Roy, translated by Christien Jonkheer

Modificato: Dic 20, 2022, 11:01 am

Reading plans in 2022
Reading books from the 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die list
Read some big tomes (1000+ pages)
Read books by Nobel Prize for Literature winners

I join the TIOLI (Take It Or Leave It) challenges each month.

Some big tomes I might read in 2022:
Ideeën (1-7) by Multatuli, 3846 pages
✔De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin, 2160 pages
✔Man zonder eigenschappen (The man without qualities) by Robert Musil, 1785 pages
De razende Roeland (Orlando furioso) by Ludovico Ariosto, 1783 pages
De kracht van Atlantis (Atlas shrugged) by Ayn Rand, 1373 pages
✔ Luitenant-kolonel de Maumort (Lieutenant-Colonel de Maumort) by Roger Martin du Gard, 1077 pages
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één-nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen, 1047 pages
Baron by Theun de Vries, 1016 pages

Some other books I want to read in 2022:
✔ De goddelijke komedie (The Divine Comedy) - Dante Alighieri, 599 pages
✔ Binnen de muren (Within the Walls) - Giorgio Bassani, 207 pages
✔ Petersburg (Petersburg) - Andrei Bely, 429 pages
Anatomie van een moment (The Anatomy of a Moment) - Javier Cercas, 539 pages
Jean-Paul Sartre : zijn biografie (Sartre: A Life) - Annie Cohen-Solal, 610 pages
✔ Het ijzig hart (The Frozen Heart) - Almudena Grandes, 854 pages
✔ Sapiens : Een kleine geschiedenis van de mensheid (Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind) - Yuval Noah Harari, 461 pages
Duitse les (The German Lesson) - Siegfried Lenz, 511 pages
Een beloofd land (A promised land) - Barack Obama, 896 pages
✔ Het eiland van het tweede gezicht (The Island of Second Sight) - Albert Vigoleis Thelen, 994 pages
Aarde der mensen (This Earth of Mankind) - Pramoedya Ananta Toer, 457 pages
✔ De wilde stilte (The wild silence) - Raynor Winn, 318 pages

Modificato: Mar 5, 2023, 10:11 am


2022 totals

Totals since 2008:

Books: 3.015
Pages: 842.788

Modificato: Dic 1, 2022, 9:29 am

Monthly statistics
January: 33 books / 9.366 pages
February: 23 books / 7.869 pages
March: 31 books / 7.429 pages
April: 34 books / 9.531 pages
May: 29 books / 9.276 pages
June: 22 books / 7.901 pages
July: 25 books / 9.331 pages
August: 29 books / 9.723 pages
September: 20 books / 8.186 pages
October: 25 books / 6.860 pages
November: 31 books / 7.938 pages

Previous threads in 2021
book 1 - 28: thread 1
book 29 - 56: thread 2
book 57 - 87 : thread 3
book 88 - 121 : thread 4
book 122 - 150 : thread 5
book 151 - 172 : thread 6
book 173 - 197 : thread 7
book 198 - 226 : thread 8
book 227 - 246 : thread 9
book 247 - 271 : thread 10
book 272 - 302 : thread 11

Modificato: Dic 1, 2022, 9:30 am

The new "Charts and Graphs" is fun to use, my readings since 2008:

My reading in previous years in text
2008: 130 books -   35.152 pages   (96,0 ppd)
2009:   78 books -   21.470 pages   (58,8 ppd)
2010: 121 books -   38.209 pages (104,7 ppd)
2011:   84 books -   30.256 pages   (82,9 ppd)
2012:   53 books -   18.779 pages   (51,3 ppd)
2013:   13 books -     3.692 pages   (10,1 ppd)
2014:   17 books -     3.700 pages   (10,1 ppd)
2015:   29 books -   10.080 pages   (27,6 ppd)
2016: 253 books -   72.391 pages (197,8 ppd)
2017: 453 books - 110.222 pages (302,0 ppd)
2018: 534 books - 111.906 pages (306,6 ppd)
2019: 413 books - 110.873 pages (303,8 ppd)
2020: 226 books -   79.216 pages (216,4 ppd)
2021: 288 books -   94.339 pages (258,5 ppd)

Modificato: Dic 1, 2022, 9:30 am

Modificato: Gen 1, 2023, 2:13 pm

Series I read, a list to keep track

Alan Banks by Peter Robinson (re-read 4/20)
1 Stille blik; 2 Nachtlicht; 3 Tegenstroom; 4 Zondeval; 5 Schijnbeeld; 6 Woensdagkind; 7 Zwanenzang; 8 Innocent Graves (not translated); 9 Dead Right (not translated); 10 Verdronken verleden; 11 Kil als het graf; 12 Nasleep; 13 Onvoltooide zomer; 14 Vuurspel; 15 Drijfzand; 16 Hartzeer; 17 Duivelsgebroed; 18 Overmacht; 19 Uitschot; 20 Dwaalspoor; 21 Dankbare dood; 22 Slachthuisblues

Anton Wachtercyclus by Simon Vestdijk 8/8
1 Sint Sebastiaan; 2 Surrogaten voor Murk Tuinstra; 3 Terug tot Ina Damman; 4 De andere school; 5 De beker van de min; 6 De vrije vogel en zijn kooien; 7 De rimpels van Esther Ornstein; 8 De laatste kans

Ari Thór Arason (Dark Iceland) by Ragnar Jónasson 3/4
1 Sneeuwblind; 2 Inktzwart; 3 Poolnacht; 4 Ademloos

Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc 0/6
1 Arsène Lupin, gentleman inbreker; 2 Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes; 3: De holle naald; 4 Het dubbelleven van Arsène Lupin; 5 De drie misdaden van Arsène Lupin; 6 De kristallen stop

The Belgariad by David Eddings 5/5
1 De voorspelling; 2 De magische koningin; 3 Tovenaarsgambiet; 4 Het lied van de Orbus; 5 Eindspel

Bernie Gunther by Philip Kerr 7/12
1 Een Berlijnse kwestie; 2 Het handwerk van de beul; 3 Een Duits requiem; 4 De een van de ander; 5 Een stille vlam; 6 Als de doden niet herrijzen; 7 Grijs verleden; 8 Praag fataal; 9 De man zonder adem; 10 De vrouw van Zagreb; 11 De schaduw van de stilte; 12 Pruisisch blauw; 13 Vergeven en vergeten; 14 Metropolis

Broeder Cadfael by Ellis Peters 17/20
1 Het heilige vuur; 2 Het laatste lijk; 3 Het gemene gewas; 4 De kwade knecht; 5 De eenzame bruid; 6 De kille maagd; 7 Het vege lijf; 8 De duivelse droom; 9 De gouden speld; 10 Een wisse dood; 11 Een hard gelag; 12 De ware aard; 13 Een witte roos; 14 Het stille woud; 15 De laatste eer; 16 Het rechte pad; 17 Een zijden haar; 18 Een lieve lust; 19 De heilige dief; 20 De verloren zoon

De Cock by A.C. Baantjer 58/71

Cormoran Strike by Robert Galbraith 3/4
1 Koekoeksjong; 2 Zijderups; 3 Het slechte pad; 4 Witte dood; 5 Kwaad bloed; 6 Inktzwart hart

Erast Fandorin by Boris Akoenin 7/7
1 Fandorin; 2 Turks gambiet; 3 Leviathan; 4 De dood van Achilles; 5 Bijzondere opdrachten; 6 Staatsraad; 7 De kroning

Ferrara by Giorgio Bassani 6/6
1 Binnen de muren; 2 De gouden bril; 3 De tuin van de Finzi-Contini's; 4 Achter de deur; 5 De reiger; 6 De geur van hooi

George Smiley by John Le Carré 5/9
1 Telefoon voor de dode; 2 Voetsporen in de sneeuw; 3 Spion aan de muur; 4 Spion verspeeld; 5 Edelman, bedelman, schutter, spion; 6 Spion van nobel bloed; 7 Smiley's prooi; 8 De laatste spion; 9 Een erfenis van spionnen

Guido Brunetti by Donna Leon 29/30
1 Dood van een maestro; 2 Dood in den vreemde; 3 De dood draagt rode schoenen; 4 Salto mortale; 5 Acqua alta; 6 Een stille dood; 7 Nobiltà; 8 Fatalità; 9 Vriendendienst; 10 Onrustig tij; 11 Bedrieglijke zaken; 12 De stille elite; 13 Verborgen bewijs; 14 Vertrouwelijke zaken; 15 Duister glas; 16 Kinderspel; 17 Droommeisje; 18 Gezichtsverlies; 19 Een kwestie van vertrouwen; 20 Dodelijke conclusies; 21 Beestachtige zaken; 22 Het onbekende kind; 23 Tussen de regels; 24 Ik aanbid je; 25 Eeuwige jeugd; 26 Wat niet verdwijnt; 27 Vergiffenis; 28 De troonopvolger; 29 Duister water; 30 Vluchtig verlangen

John Rebus by Ian Rankin 4/18
1 Kat & muis; 2 Blindeman; 3 Hand & Tand; 4 Ontmaskering; 5 Zwartboek; 6 Vuurwerk; 7 Laat maar bloeden; 8 Gerechtigheid; 9 Door het lint; 10 Dode zielen; 11 In het duister; 12 Valstrik; 13 Lazarus; 14 Een kwestie van bloed; 15 De rechtelozen; 16 Gedenk de doden; 17 Laatste ronde; 18 Cold case; 19 Saints of the Shadow Bible (not translated); 20 Even Dogs in the Wild (not translated); 21 Rather Be the Devil (not translated); 22 Een web van leugens; 23 Een lied voor duistere tijden

Konráð by Arnaldur Indridason 3/3
1 Smeltend ijs; 2 Boven water; 3 Smeulend vuur; 4 Vallende stenen

Konrad Sejer by Karin Fossum 5/14
1 Eva's oog; 2 Kijk niet achterom; 3 Wie de wolf vreest; 4 De duivel draagt het licht; 5 De Indiase bruid; 6 Zwarte seconden; 7 De moord op Harriet Krohn; 8 Een andere voorkeur; 9 Kwade wil; 10 De waarschuwer; 11 Veenbrand; 12 De fluisteraar; 13 De verduistering; 14 Zwanenzang

Martin Beck by Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö 10/10
1 De vrouw in het Götakanaal; 2 De man die in rook opging; 3 De man op het balkon; 4 De lachende politieman; 5 De brandweerauto die verdween; 6 De man die even wilde afrekenen; 7 De verschrikkelijke man uit Säffle; 8 De gesloten kamer; 9 De politiemoordenaar; 10 De terroristen

Martin Servaz by Bernard Minier 4/7
1 Een kille rilling; 2 Huivering; 3 Verduistering; 4 Schemering; 5 Weerzin; 6 Afdaling; 7 Afrekening

Oliver von Bodenstein & Pia Kirchhoff by Nele Neuhaus 9/10
1 Een onbeminde vrouw; 2 Moordvrienden; 3 Diepe wonden; 4 Sneeuwwitje moet sterven; 5 Wie wind zaait; 6 Boze wolf; 7 De levenden en de doden; 8 Het woud; 9 Moederdag; 10 Eeuwige vriendschap

Het rad des tijds (Wheel of Time) by Robert Jordan (and Brandon Sanderson) 15/15
0 Een nieuw begin; 1 Het oog van de wereld; 2 De grote jacht; 3 De herrezen draak; 4 De komst van de schaduw; 5 Vuur uit de hemel; 6 Heer van chaos; 7 Een kroon van zwaarden; 8 Het pad der dolken; 9 Hart van de Winter; 10 Viersprong van de schemer; 11 Mes van Dromen; 12 De naderende storm; 13 De torens van middernacht; 14 Het licht van weleer

De Rougons-Macquarts (The Rougon-Macquarts) by Émile Zola 4/20
1 Het fortuin der Rougons; 2 De buit; 3 De buik van Parijs; 4 De verovering van Plassans; 5 De misstap van pastoor Mouret; 6 Zijne excellentie Eugène Rougon; 7 De nekslag; 8 Liefde; 9 Nana; 10 In troebel water; 11 In het paradijs voor de vrouw; 12 Levensvreugde; 13 De mijn; 14 Het werk; 15 Het land; 16 De droom; 17 Het beest in de mens; 18 Het geld; 19 De ondergang; 20 Dokter Pascal

Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle 4/8
1 Een studie in rood; 2 De vallei der verschrikking; 3 De hond van de Baskervilles; 4 Het teken van de vier; 5 Het laatste probleem; 6 Het avontuur van de duivelsklauw; 7 Zijn laatste buiging; 8 De onbekende avonturen van Sherlock Holmes

De tandeloze tijd by A.F.Th. van der Heijden 1/11
0 De slag om de Blauwbrug; 1 Vallende ouders; 2 De gevarendriehoek; 2.1 Weerborstels; 3.1 Het hof van barmhartigheid; 3.2 Onder het plaveisel het moeras; 3.4 Doodverf; 4 Advocaat van de hanen; 5 De helleveeg; 6 Kwaadschiks; 8 Stemvorken

Van Veeteren by Håkan Nesser 5/11
1 Het grofmazige net; 2 Het vierde offer; 3 De terugkeer; 4 De vrouw met de moedervlek; 5 De commissaris en het zwijgen; 6 De zaak van Münster; 7 Carambole; 8 De dode op het strand; 9 De zwaluw, de kat, de roos en de dood; 10 Van Veeteren en de zaak-G; 11 De vereniging van linkshandigen

Modificato: Dic 16, 2022, 4:26 am

Books acquired in 2022: 36

Verdriet is het ding met veren - Max Porter
Morgen - Walter Kappacher
De droom van de rode kamer - Cao Xueqin (e-book)
Lezen als geschenk - Robert Macfarlane (e-book)

De wand - Marlen Haushofer
Terug naar Reims - Didier Eribon
De Sparsholt-affaire - Alan Hollinghurst
Kind van een vreemde - Alan Hollinghurst

Voetsporen in de sneeuw - John Le Carré
Edelman, bedelman, schutter, spion - John Le Carré
De laatste spion - John Le Carré
Monterosso mon amour - Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer
Veranderen: methode - Édouard Louis

Zuid-zuid-west - Albert Helman
Doctor Vlimmen - A. Roothaert
Vlimmen contra Vlimmen - A. Roothaert
Vlimmens tweede jeugd - A. Roothaert
Het eiland van het tweede gezicht - Albert Vigoleis Thelen
Mefisto - Klaus Mann
Hebben en zijn - Dimitri Verhulst
Onder de Drachenwand - Arno Geiger
Zonnegloren - Matthijs van Nieuwkerk
Biljarten om half tien - Heinrich Böll

Jaguarman - Raoul de Jong

Lijfrente - Vrouwkje Tuinman
De vijand van mijn vader by Almudena Grandes

Ademschommel - Herta Müller

Het ritsloze nummer - Erica Jong
Regeneration : De klimaatcrisis opgelost in één generatie - Paul Hawken

Mevrouw mijn moeder - Yvonne Keuls (Nederland leest)
Optimizing Investment Planning of Integrated Multi-Energy Systems - Iris van Beuzekom

Driedaagse reis - Joseph Boyden
De vrijheid gaat in 't rood gekleed - Theun De Vries
Vergeten reis - Silvina Ocampo
Het valse gewicht - Joseph Roth
Rebellie - Joseph Roth

Dic 1, 2022, 9:24 am


Dic 1, 2022, 9:27 am

Happy new thread!

Dic 1, 2022, 9:32 am

>16 FAMeulstee: Thank you, Anita!
You were fast to find my new thread. I am always happy to see a first visitor :-)

Dic 1, 2022, 9:39 am

Hi Anita and happy new thread.

From your last thread, belated congrats on your 38th wedding anniversary. And wow! Book #300 – well done. And finally, impressive stats.

>1 FAMeulstee: Gorgeous birds, thanks for posting photos.

>9 FAMeulstee: Of the books you want to read in 2022, I’ve read A Promised Land and Sapiens. Both were excellent, IMO, and I gave each 4.5 stars, pretty high up in my rating system since I’m very stingy with stars. Good luck with your December reading.

Dic 1, 2022, 10:03 am

>19 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen, and a thank you from Frank.
The reading goes well, it shows in the stats :-)

The osprey is really a magnificent bird. I am glad Frank finally saw it too.
I rated Sapiens a bit lower then you did, 3.5 stars. A Promised Land will have to wait until next year.

Dic 1, 2022, 10:20 am

Happy new thread, Anita.
With us at the moment only crows and pigeons are to be seen and now it becomes already dark again...

Dic 1, 2022, 11:44 am

>21 SirThomas: Thank you, Thomas.
Crows, pigeons, magpies, and seagulls are always around here. All hiding when it gets dark, except the seagulls.

Dic 1, 2022, 11:47 am

Happy New Thread!!
Beautiful birds!!

Dic 1, 2022, 12:37 pm

>23 hredwards: Thank you, Harold!
Indeed, they are beautiful.

Dic 1, 2022, 1:44 pm

Happy new thread Anita!

The birds are beautiful. The fish eagle in this part of the world is different; it's also known as the garuda. The national airlines of Indonesia is named after it - or maybe a mythical version, from the Ramayana.

Dic 1, 2022, 2:09 pm

>25 humouress: Thank you, Nina!

I thought ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) also lived in your part of the world?
Only in Dutch (and German) it is called fish eagle, as in this part of the world lives no other species that fits the name ;-)

Which fish eagle do you refer to, the grey-headed fish eagle or the lesser fish eagle?

Dic 1, 2022, 2:57 pm

Ospreys! Such magnificent birds. I doubt I would think so if I was a fish, but watching their aerial skills is deeply satisfying.

New-thread orisons, Anita!

Dic 1, 2022, 3:19 pm

>27 richardderus: Indeed, Richard dear, and today was the first time I could see the osprey flying away.
When it is sitting somewhere, it is smaller than the most common raptor here, the buzzard. When it flies, you can immediately see it has a much larger wingspan, and so elegant in flight!

Many other birds here prey on fish, as we have lots of water around. The great cormorant, herons, and egrets can catch fairly large fish.

Dic 1, 2022, 4:14 pm

Hi Anita my dear, Happy New Thread dear friend.

Dic 1, 2022, 5:08 pm

>29 johnsimpson: Thank you, John dear friend.
Sending love and hugs you and Karen from both of us.

Dic 1, 2022, 5:39 pm

Happy new one, Anita. 12 threads is quite the feat when it is married with reading 300 books.

Dic 1, 2022, 6:21 pm

Happy new thread, Anita!

>1 FAMeulstee: Aren’t those robins cute? We have one in the allotment garden too, of course, following us around when we are working. Sitting very close, but it flies off when I want to take its picture.

Lovely Osprey pictures!

Dic 1, 2022, 7:18 pm

Happy new thread Anita!

>1 FAMeulstee: Wow for the osprey sighting and great pictures.

Dic 1, 2022, 8:22 pm

Happy new thread, Anita! I'm so excited for you that you saw the osprey again. I don't think I've seen one, but I do love raptors and think it's pretty cool when I get to see one (generally a red-tailed hawk, though I have seen a bald eagle once or twice).

Dic 2, 2022, 2:51 am

>31 PaulCranswick: Thank you, Paul.
LOL, I have had 13 threads twice, but in those years way more books were read.

>32 EllaTim: Thank you, Ella.
Yes, robins are very cute little birds. Maybe one day you will be able to get a photo of the robin a the allotment.

Dic 2, 2022, 3:03 am

>33 quondame: Thank you, Susan!
I was very happy to see the osprey together with Frank.

>34 bell7: Thank you, Mary!
I love raptors too, and we are very lucky to have many around. Within a few miles from home, we have a good chance to see buzzards and common kestrels, and sometimes a harrier. In the nature reserve lives a breeding pair of white-tailed eagles.

Dic 2, 2022, 6:15 am

Wordle 531 6/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, halve, black, chase, chafe

Dic 2, 2022, 8:04 am

Happy Friday, Anita. Happy New Thread. I LOVE the robin and osprey up there in the toppers. Our osprey have moved far south for the winter.

Dic 2, 2022, 11:19 am

Happy new thread Anita! Robins are lovely garden visitors, and how exciting to see an osprey! They are magnificent birds.

Dic 2, 2022, 12:28 pm

>38 msf59: Thank you, Mark.
The osprey is here from late fall until early spring. Only very few ospreys in summer here, as far as I know there are a few breeding pairs in our country. The first came in 2016.

>39 Sakerfalcon: Thank you, Claire.
I am always glad to see the robin back. This year I have been lucky, I have seen the ospey a few times, always at the same spot.

Dic 2, 2022, 12:34 pm

Happy weekend-ahead's reads, Anita!

Dic 2, 2022, 3:45 pm

>41 richardderus: Thank you, Richard dear, I hope the books treat you well!

Dic 2, 2022, 5:15 pm

Hogh 5 on book and thread stats Anita.

Ihope your father continues to improve and they have been able to resolve the meds imbalance.

Modificato: Dic 3, 2022, 11:00 am

>43 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline.

My father still doesn't feel well in the morning, later at the day it goes better.
The main problem is to accept that he can't do everything as he used to do.

Dic 2, 2022, 7:50 pm

>44 FAMeulstee: That acceptance is the thing, Anita and probably why I am comatose after a tough day at work.

Have a lovely weekend.

Dic 3, 2022, 12:56 am

Happy new thread Anita. The coloring on the ospreys is beautiful, I love a good black and white palette.

Dic 3, 2022, 10:58 am

Happy new thread, Anita. I love the birds!

Dic 3, 2022, 11:06 am

>45 PaulCranswick: That is difficult indeed, Paul.
Both Farnk and me had to face physical/mental decline way earlier in life, and had to adapt. My father lived well into his late 80s without noticable problems. That makes acceptance way more difficult for him.
Happy weekend!

Dic 3, 2022, 11:09 am

>46 WhiteRaven.17: Thank you, Kro.
The ospreys are beautiful in many ways. Their looks, their flight, their colors.

>47 BLBera: Thank you, Beth.
Glad to share the birds here, where they are well loved :-)

Dic 3, 2022, 11:10 am

Wordle 532 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, torus, torso

Dic 3, 2022, 11:13 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#303: De uitzichtlozen (And Their Children After Them) by Nicolas Mathieu

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin
Bloedbroeders (Rivierdelta 1) by Arttu Tuominen
De buik van Parijs (The Belly of Paris; The Rougons-Macquarts 3) by Émile Zola
De sneeuwpanter by Sylvain Tesson

Dic 3, 2022, 11:43 am

Happy new thread, Anita!!

Dic 3, 2022, 1:07 pm

>26 FAMeulstee: My mistake; the brahminy kite (also known as the red backed sea eagle) is the bird which is also known as the garuda.

Dic 3, 2022, 1:20 pm

>52 curioussquared: Thank you, Natalie!

>53 humouress: Thanks, Nina, I was afraid I was mixing up Singaporese birds ;-)
I think we talked before about the brahminy kite? It looks striking with the white head and chest.

Dic 3, 2022, 1:54 pm

Happy new thread, Anita!

Dic 3, 2022, 2:01 pm

>55 banjo123: Thank you, , Rhonda!

Dic 3, 2022, 4:31 pm

Happy new one, Anita!

Dic 3, 2022, 5:46 pm

>57 drneutron: Thank you, Jim!

Dic 3, 2022, 11:15 pm

>54 FAMeulstee: I think we must have discussed it when I spotted one near home a few years ago.

Dic 4, 2022, 5:09 am

>59 humouress: Indeed, Nina, now I remember.

Dic 4, 2022, 5:11 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#303: De uitzichtlozen (And Their Children After Them) by Nicolas Mathieu
#304: De buik van Parijs (The Belly of Paris; The Rougons-Macquarts 3) by Émile Zola

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin
Bloedbroeders (Rivierdelta 1) by Arttu Tuominen
De sneeuwpanter by Sylvain Tesson

Wordle 533 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, broke, adore

Dic 4, 2022, 4:03 pm

Thanks for visiting my thread Anita. We have been having some issues with my mother, which has been taking up most of my time since over the last month, so I've been very inactive on LT.

Dic 4, 2022, 6:46 pm

>62 SandDune: Sorry about the trouble with your mother, Rhian.
The threads can wait.

Dic 5, 2022, 6:44 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#303: De uitzichtlozen (And Their Children After Them) by Nicolas Mathieu
#304: De buik van Parijs (The Belly of Paris; The Rougons-Macquarts 3) by Émile Zola
#305: Bloedbroeders (Rivierdelta 1) by Arttu Tuominen

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin
De sneeuwpanter by Sylvain Tesson

Wordle 534 5/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, clone, books, woken

Dic 5, 2022, 6:55 am

Hi Anita!

Today's Wordle word was interesting. I was able to get it in 4. However, I always admire people who are multi-lingual, so brava.

Dic 5, 2022, 8:31 am

Happy New Thread, Anita! Four days in and I am already 65 posts behind!

Congratulations on all the books you've read this year. Truly impressive.

Dic 5, 2022, 4:19 pm

>65 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen.
My Dutch Woordle wasn't much better today, and with the English I do use the dictionary when needed.

>66 streamsong: Thank you, Janet.
My threads start rather fast this year.
The books treat me well, I had some great reads, and hope to have some more before the end of 2022.

Dic 6, 2022, 5:17 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#303: De uitzichtlozen (And Their Children After Them) by Nicolas Mathieu
#304: De buik van Parijs (The Belly of Paris; The Rougons-Macquarts 3) by Émile Zola
#305: Bloedbroeders (Rivierdelta 1) by Arttu Tuominen
#306: De sneeuwpanter by Sylvain Tesson

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin
De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen
De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin

Wordle 535 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, alarm, amber

Dic 7, 2022, 4:05 am

book 303: De uitzichtlozen by Nicolas Mathieu
library, translated from French by Reintje Ghoos and Jan Pieter van der Sterre, Prix Goncourt, English translation And Their Children After Them, 413 pages
TIOLI Challenge #8: Read a book with exactly 2 people on the front cover

1992. Fourteen year old Anthony and his cousin steal a canoe, they meet Stephanie, Antony's first love. Later he meets Hacine, who comes from Morocco. These four grow up in a small town in the North-East of France. We follow them in the next summers of 1994, 1996 and 1998, while the world is changing as globalisation transfers labour to low wage countries. The new generation has to do without steady work.
They all try to escape the small town, as Anthony and his cousin come from poor families, their future will be the same. Hacine has no chance at all, and Stephanie, coming from a well to do family, gets every chance.

Dutch title translated: The futureless

Dic 7, 2022, 4:28 am

book 304: De buik van Parijs by Émile Zola
library, e-book, translated from French by Martine Delfos, English translation The Belly of Paris, 256 pages
TIOLI Challenge #4: Read a book with an 4 plus letter word embedded in the title

Les Rougon-Macquart book 3
The belly of Paris it the giant food market in Les Halles, that feeds the city.
Florent was deported in 1851 to Devil's Island, has managed to escape, and returns to Paris. He finds shelter with his half brother Quenu, a butcher and his wife Lisa (formerly Macquart). After some time Florent gets a job at the market. Meanwhile we see the large gap between well to do middle class and the very poor. Florent is an idealist, and gets to know some other socialists. Together they dream of ending the present rule, to establish a better society.
There is a lot of gossip and tension between the women around Les Halles, small happenings turning into giant affairs. Florent becomes a vicim of gossip, and in the end is arrested again because of his socialist dreams.

Sadly it looks like this new translation of the Rougon-Macqarts ends here. The first three were published in 2020, and no next book yet. I will look for the others in previous translations, not sure I will be able to read them all in order.
I do own Germinal, so that might be my next.

English and Dutch title are the same

Dic 7, 2022, 4:42 am

book 305: Bloedbroeders (Rivierdelta 1) by Arttu Tuominen
library, e-book, translated from Finnish by Annemarie Raas, no English translation, 352 pages
TIOLI Challenge #6: Read a book by an author whose first name starts with the same letter as your first name

First book of a series, police procedural set in Finland.
Jari Paloviita is temporary head of the murder department, when a murder case hits close. The victim is Rami Nieminen, the bully of his youth, and the supposed murderer was his best friend at school Antti Mielonen. Old memories come back, and Jari is torn between his work as policeofficer, and the feeling he should do whatever he can to help Antti.

Nice start of the series. I had some minor problems with the story, but will look for the next books.

Dutch title translated: Boodbrothers

Modificato: Dic 7, 2022, 5:13 am

book 306: De sneeuwpanter by Sylvain Tesson
library, non-fiction, translated from French by Eef Gratama, no English translation, 189 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with a winter word or a cold word in the title

Sylvain Tesson is invited by photographer Vincent Munier to join his expedition to Changthang (China) to find the elusive snow leopard. Together wthe Muniers partner Marie, and philosopher Léo, they travel to China. Tesson has a hard time to learn how to watch his surroundings, it isn't easy to sit still for hours and hours, only for a minor chance to sopt the animal they came for. He thinks about the world, and the way humans have exploited earth, eliminating other living beings.
Tesson's report of the expedition is larded with quotes from literature.

A good read. I have read some of Sylvain Tessons books before, and took two others from the e-library after reading this one.
I am reading now the well known predecessor The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen. It is sad to find all present problems were already there in the 1970s, when Matthiesen went there.

Dutch title translated: The snowpanter
(the Dutch name of this animal was changed from "snowleopard" into "snowpanter" when the classification was changed from Felis uncia into Panthera uncia)

Dic 7, 2022, 5:27 am

Still reading the books listed at >68 FAMeulstee:
I managed to write the reviews of the books read :-)

Wordle 536 5/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, coast, boost, joust

Dic 7, 2022, 10:14 am

>73 FAMeulstee: I was one ahead of you today, Anita. Nothing exceptional from using a new second word. I had a sneaky snaky little hope I'd get a second 2day today but not in the Wordlegoddess's plans.

She is so mingy with the good luck!

Dic 7, 2022, 5:16 pm

>74 richardderus: It was a word I have never used, Richard dear. Somehow it was not unknown to me, at least I recognised it as a word, when I was playing around with the remaining letters.

I keep it (for now) at your previous second word :-)

Modificato: Dic 8, 2022, 5:59 pm

Read, not yet reviewed:
book 307: De commissaris en het zwijgen (The Inspector and Silence; Van Veeteren 5) by Håkan Nesser
book 308: Dasja, oftewel het leven van een pup (Dashenka or The Life of Puppy) by Karel Čapek

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin
De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen
De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin

Wordle 537 5/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, inver, inner, infer

Dic 9, 2022, 6:36 am

Still reading the same as above ^

Wordle 538 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, laugh, braid

Modificato: Dic 10, 2022, 6:02 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#307: De commissaris en het zwijgen (The Inspector and Silence; Van Veeteren 5) by Håkan Nesser
#308: Dasja, oftewel het leven van een pup (Dashenka or The Life of Puppy) by Karel Čapek
#309: De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen
De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin
Ontmaskering (Strip Jack; John Rebus 4) by Ian Rankin

Wordle 539 5/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, blown, nooks, knock

ETA: Sorry to any visitors who came here before I corrected the spoiler tag.

Dic 10, 2022, 6:04 am

Hi Anita.

I'm sorry the Netherlands lost. What an amazing comeback in the last 8 minutes, and then to lose it in the shootout. Now I'm pulling for France to win back-to-back World Cups.

>78 FAMeulstee: Your spoiler quotes aren't working properly.

Dic 10, 2022, 6:08 am

I won't be much around the next days. Today it is my nephews birthday, and for the first time in years he gives a small party in the afternoon. So in an hour we go there.
Monday we will leave for two nights, to attend the cermony of my niece getting her doctoral degree. I got a copy of her dissertation Optimizing Investment Planning of Integrated Multi-Energy Systems last month. I only read the Dutch summary, the rest is a little over my head.

Dic 10, 2022, 6:09 am

>79 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen.
It was some game last night, I am rooting for France now too.

I just noticed and corrected my spoiler tags, thank you!

Dic 10, 2022, 9:53 am

>79 karenmarie: >81 FAMeulstee: I dropped by to commiserate about the Netherlands - what a match! - but I see you're supporting France and not England, so ...

>80 FAMeulstee: Have fun!

Dic 10, 2022, 10:24 am

Happy Saturday, Anita. I have had The Snow Leopard off and on my TBR for a number of years now. Maybe, you will convince me to finally get to it.

Dic 10, 2022, 10:47 am

>80 FAMeulstee: Those are each very nice reasons to abandon us to our sad, lonely fates, Anita. Yay for your niece's PhD! It sounds terribly brainy and I'm not up to intellectual effort on that scale anymore. (Not that I was ever all that successful at that level!)

Happy "no-really-it's-fine-to-just-drop-us" days! *smooch*

Dic 10, 2022, 4:38 pm

>82 humouress: Thank you, Nina, a thrilling match. I did hide behind my laptop a few times, when it was a bit much to me.
Well, I am sorry for you, France did win. I also like the Moroccan team, first African team to get this far!
Fun was had today, also glad to be back home.

>83 msf59: Happy Saturday, Mark!
Thus far I like it. I will write a review after I finish The Sow Leopard. Of course some of it is dated, it was written over 40 year ago!

>84 richardderus: Back home now until Monday, Richard dear :-)
There were times I could get near intellectual efforts like that, or at least gasp some of it.
Thank you, now back to the books, I still want to read all planned books this month!

Dic 11, 2022, 4:12 am

Wordle 540 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, slice, naive

Dic 11, 2022, 5:36 am

>86 FAMeulstee: We managed the same score but following very different routes.

Dic 11, 2022, 7:38 am

Again, I am amazed at the number of books you read in a year!

>1 FAMeulstee: What a lovely bird! Thanks for posting this.

Dic 11, 2022, 7:46 am

Questo utente è stato eliminato perché considerato spam.

Dic 11, 2022, 3:14 pm

>87 PaulCranswick: So may ways are possible to get there, Paul. You seem to do well with your random starting words.
Four and five are my most regular Wordle scores.

>88 Whisper1: Thank you, Linda, I just keep on reading :-)
I hope all is well with you.

Dic 11, 2022, 3:52 pm

>86 FAMeulstee: I am impressed. It was 3day for me, but it's not the usual kind of word, either!

Happy week-ahead's reads, Anita.

Dic 12, 2022, 3:57 am

>91 richardderus: Thanks, Richard dear, the Wordle's are fun each day.
Happy week ahead. See you Wednesday late, or Thursday, when we are back.

Dic 12, 2022, 3:59 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#307: De commissaris en het zwijgen (The Inspector and Silence; Van Veeteren 5) by Håkan Nesser
#308: Dasja, oftewel het leven van een pup (Dashenka or The Life of Puppy) by Karel Čapek
#309: De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin
#310: Ontmaskering (Strip Jack; John Rebus 4) by Ian Rankin

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen
De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin

Wordle 541 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, black, apply

Modificato: Dic 15, 2022, 5:24 am

We came home yesterday, very tired after two nights in Eindhoven.

My niece now has her PhD, and she did well defending her dissertation. Besides her doctoral advisor from the Technical University of Eindhoven, and the doctoral co-advisor (from Colorado, not physical present, but through a video connection), there were 3 female and 3 male professors as opponents (one also through a video connecton). I think the last time I was at a promotion was 35 years ago, when her mother got her PhD in Rotterdam.

We went to a cafe at the university site to celebrate. I hadn't been with so many people around in a long time, and chatted (probably rambled) a bit with some people I hadn't seen in over 20 years.
Just before it all got a bit too much, we went back to our hotel. We had a lovely diner at East African restaurant Asmara.

The next day we shortly visited the Van Abbemuseum. On our way we found a lovely bookstore, and bought three books. As I was still full of all impressions of the day before, I could only see a few paintings, and an exhibition about the history of the museum. So after an hour we left and went back home.

Dic 15, 2022, 6:36 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#307: De commissaris en het zwijgen (The Inspector and Silence; Van Veeteren 5) by Håkan Nesser
#308: Dasja, oftewel het leven van een pup (Dashenka or The Life of Puppy) by Karel Čapek
#309: De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin
#310: Ontmaskering (Strip Jack; John Rebus 4) by Ian Rankin
#311: De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin
#312: De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
Een zomer met Homeros een reis door de mythologie en het nu by Sylvain Tesson
Zonder de top te bereiken (Without Ever Reaching the Summit) by Paolo Cognetti

Wordle 544 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, vicar, rival

Dic 15, 2022, 7:37 am

>94 FAMeulstee: - Sounds like a really nice visit, Anita. Busy but in a good way. It's always great coming home, though, isn't it? :-)

Dic 15, 2022, 7:55 am

Sweet Thursday, Anita. Glad you had a nice visit with your niece. Congratulations to her. I am also glad you enjoyed The Snow Leopard.

Dic 15, 2022, 8:54 am

Hi Anita!

>94 FAMeulstee: It sounds like a lovely and tiring trip, glad you’re home. Congrats to your niece.

>96 jessibud2: Congrats on your 4, it took me 5.

After France's win over Morocco, looks like you and I can cheer for our new fav on Sunday. As much as I love England - having so many English ancestors, after all - I was happy they got eliminated. Not happy for Harry Kane the way it happened, and that will haunt him forever.

Dic 15, 2022, 1:36 pm

>96 jessibud2: Thank you, Shelley.
Being back home is always comforting!

>97 msf59: Thank you, Mark.
We had a good time, and everyone was very proud of my niece. I hope you will also enjoy The Snow Leopard one day.

Dic 15, 2022, 1:47 pm

>98 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen.
Very glad to be home. I was still slowly exploring the possibilities of my new freedom, after the phobia's were gone, when Covid returned me to mainly living at home. Now I have to re-socialize myself again. But I did better than expected, with ½ a valium to help me through. I do need at least a week of quiet now!

Wordle in 4 or 5 is the most common outcome for me.

Yes, I will cheer for France.
It would be awesome if they win two times in a row, that has only happened twice before.

Dic 15, 2022, 1:50 pm

Congratulations to your niece! And glad to hear the visit went so well.

Dic 15, 2022, 3:35 pm

Congrats to your niece. I know that's a difficult achievement.

Dic 15, 2022, 5:47 pm

>101 swynn: Thank you, Steve.
I told my niece I had been bragging about her here on LT :-)

>102 The_Hibernator: Thank you, Rachel.
It took her nearly 8 years, she had some bad luck through the years. And then a pregnancy and a beautiful, now two year old, daughter. She is expecting her second now.

Dic 15, 2022, 6:16 pm

Happy France-cheering! I'll be rooting for Messi to get his Mondial.

Dic 15, 2022, 6:40 pm

>104 richardderus: So one of us will be happy after the final, Richard dear.
I do admire Messi, but I still remember 1978...

Modificato: Dic 16, 2022, 4:29 am

Almost forgot, the three books that came home from Eindhoven:

Vergeten reis (Forgotten Journey) - Silvina Ocampo
Het valse gewicht (Weights and Measures) - Joseph Roth
Rebellie (Rebellion) - Joseph Roth

Dic 16, 2022, 4:39 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#307: De commissaris en het zwijgen (The Inspector and Silence; Van Veeteren 5) by Håkan Nesser
#308: Dasja, oftewel het leven van een pup (Dashenka or The Life of Puppy) by Karel Čapek
#309: De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin
#310: Ontmaskering (Strip Jack; John Rebus 4) by Ian Rankin
#311: De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin
#312: De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen
#313: Zonder de top te bereiken (Without Ever Reaching the Summit) by Paolo Cognetti

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
Een zomer met Homeros een reis door de mythologie en het nu by Sylvain Tesson

Wordle 545 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, prose, probe

Dic 16, 2022, 12:21 pm

>94 FAMeulstee: Sounds like a great trip, Anita, I'm not surprised you needed some time to recover though.

>106 FAMeulstee: And some new books too!

Dic 16, 2022, 2:56 pm

>108 charl08: Thank you, Charlotte. Getting used to people around makes me tired. I recuperated a bit, but have no urge to go out soon again.

It was a large and beautiful, well sorted bookshop, so we had to go in. They also added boookmarks to each book :-)

Dic 17, 2022, 3:56 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#307: De commissaris en het zwijgen (The Inspector and Silence; Van Veeteren 5) by Håkan Nesser
#308: Dasja, oftewel het leven van een pup (Dashenka or The Life of Puppy) by Karel Čapek
#309: De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin
#310: Ontmaskering (Strip Jack; John Rebus 4) by Ian Rankin
#311: De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin
#312: De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen
#313: Zonder de top te bereiken (Without Ever Reaching the Summit) by Paolo Cognetti

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
Een zomer met Homeros een reis door de mythologie en het nu by Sylvain Tesson
Het zustertapijt (The Reindeer Hunters) by Lars Mytting

Wordle 546 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, chord

Dic 17, 2022, 9:49 am

>110 FAMeulstee: It's a very useful word today, #2 is.

The Reindeer Hunters sounds very interesting. I'll have to look for the first one.

Happy weekend, Anita.

Dic 17, 2022, 3:11 pm

>111 richardderus: Indeed, and thanks again for that second word, Richard dear. Happy weekend!

I did read the first The Bell in the Lake last year, they really belong together. The third isn't published yet.

Dic 17, 2022, 6:13 pm

Hi Anita. I send holiday greetings as the season is upon us. This is the first year that I've had a real tree in a long time. Because of Will's breathing issues, we didn't bring a real tree inside. Kayla and I found a medium size tree. It was a laugh trying to find the right tree stand. After three tries, we were successful. Kayla took the two that didn't fit back to Home Depot this morning.

Dic 18, 2022, 4:04 am

>113 Whisper1: Thank you, Linda, happy holiday season to you!
Good you have a tree this year. Kayla is a gem to you, so glad she helped with the tree.

Dic 18, 2022, 4:21 am

book 307: De commissaris en het zwijgen by Håkan Nesser
library, e-book, translated from Swedish by Edith Sybesma, English translation The Inspector and Silence, 315 pages
TIOLI Challenge #4: Read a book with an 4 plus letter word embedded in the title

Inspector Van Veeteren book 5
Inspector Van Veeteren dreams of retirement, and thinks taking on at an advertisement on a second hand book shop. He can't dream on, when his help is needed in a case of rape/murder of a young girl attending a religious summer camp. The leader of the religious sect refuses t tell anything, as he has bad experiences with th police years ago. When a second girl is found, the leader disappears, and Van Veeteren and his team can't get a word from others at the summer camp.

Van Veeteren books aren't great, like some other Swedish crime series, but good enough for some casual divertion in between heavier reads.

English and Dutch title are the same

Dic 18, 2022, 4:38 am

book 308: Dasja, oftewel het leven van een pup by Karel Čapek
library, children's, translated from Czech by Edgar de Bruin, English translation Dashenka or The Life of Puppy, 119 pages
TIOLI Challenge #9: Read a book in honor of the Twelve Days of Christmas (semi-rolling challenge)

The first months in the life of Dasja, a fox terrier puppy, in text, cartoonlike drawings, and photo's.
Anyone who ever had a litter of puppies will recognise this story. Born as little blind moles, puppys grow fast, and from the time they can walk they will explore the world with their teeth :-)
Dasja is born at the writers place, her mother is Iris, the fox terrier of the writer. He writes about Dasja's development, the mischief, the havoc, and the love for this little dog. Everyone is relieved when she goes to her new owner, but she is also missed.

Lovely book. The combination of words, drawings and phot's makes it special, as it was first published in 1933.

Dutch title translated: Dasha, in other words the life of a puppy

Dic 18, 2022, 4:50 am

book 309: De droom van de rode kamer by Cao Xueqin
1001 books, own, e-book, translated from Chinese by Mark Leenhouts, Anne Sytske Keijser, and Silvia Marijnissen, English translation Dream of the Red Chamber, 2160 pages
TIOLI Challenge #4: Read a book with an 4 plus letter word embedded in the title

It took me nearly four months to read this 18th century Chinese classic.
In four books of 30 chapters the story of a wealthy family in decline is told, mainly focussed on the women of the houshold, and the son and heir Baoyu. The whole is to much to summarize in a few lines.
The chapters read like a feuilleton, with small hints in the last line about what will come in the next chapter.

I very much enjoyed this book, a very different world, with other habits and beliefs.

English and Dutch title are the same

Dic 18, 2022, 5:00 am

book 310: Ontmaskering by Ian Rankin
library, e-book, translated by Anders Pieterse, original title Strip Jack, 302 pages
TIOLI Challenge #4: Read a book with an 4 plus letter word embedded in the title

John Rebus book 4
I strted this series nearly 5 years ago. Sadly only a few books are available at my local library, so I was happy when I saw them popping up in the e-library. Time to pick this series up again.

An independent MP is cought at a raid ina brothel. Someone tipped the press, so the next day his photo is at the front page of the tabloids. When his wife goes missing, the scandal grows.
Rebus is mainly interested why the MP was there, and who tipped the press. Both the MP and his wife have an excentic circle of friends, and the deeper Rebus diggs, the more he dislikes what he finds.

Enjoyable mystery.

Dutch title translated: Unmasking

Dic 18, 2022, 5:02 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#311: De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin
#312: De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen
#313: Zonder de top te bereiken (Without Ever Reaching the Summit) by Paolo Cognetti
#314: Een zomer met Homeros : een reis door de mythologie en het nu by Sylvain Tesson

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
Het zustertapijt (The Reindeer Hunters) by Lars Mytting

Wordle 547 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, trape, taper

Dic 18, 2022, 12:02 pm

>119 FAMeulstee: We did it in the same number of steps today, Anita. Yay us!

>117 FAMeulstee: It's a massive undertaking...I was daunted by The Tale of Genji and, more recently, Children of Ash and Elm because of their page-counts being so large. I realized while flipping pages on my Fire tablet, however, a lot of my stress is how much it's hurt over the years to hold those kitten-squishers!

>116 FAMeulstee: It looks adorable! I'm sure it's available in English...but where....

Have a lovely week-ahead's reads, Anita!

Dic 18, 2022, 4:21 pm

>116 FAMeulstee: My mother decided to breed our two dachshunds and all four of the puppies fit in one of my hands. They were softest little critters I ever felt. My dog, Piglet was spayed as soon as they were weaned though, so it was a once in a lifetime experience.

Dic 18, 2022, 11:28 pm

Dic 19, 2022, 4:37 am

>120 richardderus: Thanks, Richard dear, and today I had a 3 day, see below.

I have both The Tale of Genji and Dream of the Red Chamber read as e-book. My wrists and hands are stil good, and I want to keep it that way. My next read Bestaat er een raarder leven dan het mijne?, starting today, is just doable with 565 pages.

I hope you can locate a copy, as it was adorable.
This second Dutch edition was published in 2019, and the first was in1935!

Dic 19, 2022, 4:39 am

>121 quondame: A litter is special, Susan. Glad you had that experience too.
We have bred smooth Chow Chows, 5 litters in 11 years. Pandora had one litter in 1998, Calisto two litters in 2003 and 2004, and finally Chimay in 2007 and 2009. Chimay's daughter Eoos had very bad hips and ellbows, not fit for breeding, so there the journey ended. Then Eoos died after being spayed of an anafalactic shock :'(

>122 Whisper1: Thank you, Linda, such a lovely winter scenery.

Dic 19, 2022, 4:42 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#311: De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin
#312: De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen
#313: Zonder de top te bereiken (Without Ever Reaching the Summit) by Paolo Cognetti
#314: Een zomer met Homeros : een reis door de mythologie en het nu by Sylvain Tesson
#315: Het zustertapijt (The Reindeer Hunters) by Lars Mytting

Reading now:
De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
Berezina met Napoleon in de zijspan (Berezina: From Moscow to Paris Following Napoleon's Epic Fail) - Sylvain Tesson
Bestaat er een raarder leven dan het mijne? Jef Last (1898-1972) - Rudi Wester

Wordle 548 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, slate

Dic 19, 2022, 11:24 am

Anita, I want to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.
I enjoy reading your posts.

Dic 19, 2022, 6:16 pm

>126 hredwards: Thank you, Harold.
Wishing you happy holidays and all the best for 2023!

Dic 19, 2022, 11:18 pm

You must have been so proud of your niece getting her PHD, Anita. Wonderful that you were able to attend the ceremony. I hope that your father is doing well with his new restrictions and congratulations on reading 4 X 75 and beyond!

Dic 20, 2022, 2:14 am

>117 FAMeulstee: I also enjoyed the experience of reading The Dream of the Red Chamber, which I did as a year-long project in 2018? 2019? Anyway, I wasn't sure how arduous it was going to be to read it, but it turned out to be quite pleasant!

Dic 20, 2022, 5:53 am

>128 Familyhistorian: Thank you, Meg, indeed very proud of my niece.

My father had his bloodpressure measured for 24 hours last week. Turns out he has no high bloodpressure, there were two high peaks, but overall on the low side. So his GP stopped two medicines, and he seems to do a little better now.

>129 ursula: Yes, it was a pleasant read, Ursula. How cool you read it too!
Such a big tome is a bit daunting. I liked doing a chapter each day, that way it was easy to keep my interest, and keep myself going.

Modificato: Dic 20, 2022, 2:17 pm

Read, not yet reviewed:
#311: De kroning (The Coronation; Erast Fandorin 7) by Boris Akoenin
#312: De sneeuwluipaard (The Snow Leopard) by Peter Matthiessen
#313: Zonder de top te bereiken (Without Ever Reaching the Summit) by Paolo Cognetti
#314: Een zomer met Homeros : een reis door de mythologie en het nu by Sylvain Tesson
#315: Het zustertapijt (The Reindeer Hunters) by Lars Mytting
#316: Berezina : met Napoleon in de zijspan (Berezina: From Moscow to Paris Following Napoleon's Epic Fail) by Sylvain Tesson
#317: De beklimming van de Mont Blanc by Ludovic Escande
#318: De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen

Reading now:
Bestaat er een raarder leven dan het mijne? Jef Last (1898-1972) by Rudi Wester
Het zingen van de tijd (The Time of Our Singing) by Richard Powers

Wordle 549 3/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, third

Dic 20, 2022, 6:30 pm

Glad you have had some pleasant celebrations Anita.

Dic 20, 2022, 8:33 pm

Dropping in to say hello and wish you a wonderful Christmas.

Congrats to your niece. It is nice you were able to attend the ceremony. I may have missed it up there but what is her PhD in?

I am glad that your father no longer needs medication for his blood pressure. My dad's physician put him on medication for the same reason only to discover that his high blood pressure was a temporary fluke. I think that sometimes doctors are too quick with prescriptions.

Have a nice week :)

Modificato: Dic 21, 2022, 4:45 am

>132 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline.
The downside of going out and about is that I have a bad cold right now. I tested, it is not Covid. Probably rhino virus: runny nose, sore throat, headache. I used to have this once in a while, but last time was some years ago.

>133 figsfromthistle: Thank you, Anita.
My niece studied econometrics, and did her PhD in electrical engenering at the technical university in Eindhoven. She made a decision model for energy transition in cities. So the PhD was a mix of both fields.

So your father had the same. Doctors might be quick with prescriptions, patients often want quick fixes...

Modificato: Dic 21, 2022, 3:50 am

book 311: De kroning by Boris Akoenin
library, translated from Russian by Arie van der Ent, English translation The Coronation, 350 pages
TIOLI Challenge #4: Read a book with an 4 plus letter word embedded in the title

Erast Fandorin book 7
This is the last Fandorin book available in Dutch translation.

In Moscow, a few days before the coronation of Nicolaas II, the young son of Grand Duke Georgi Alexandrovich is kidnapped. His daughter is also nearly taken, but Erast Fandorin and his Japanese servant Masa prevent that. The Grand Duke is an uncle of the new Tzar.
The story is told by head butler of the the Grand Duke, Afanasi Stepanovich Ziukin.

English and Dutch title are the same

Dic 21, 2022, 3:36 am

book 312: De sneeuwluipaard by Peter Matthiessen
library, translated by Victor Verduin, original title The Snow Leopard, 288 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with a winter word or a cold word in the title

Shortly after loosing his wife to cancer in 1973, Peter Matthiesen traveled to Nepal with George Schaller. Schaller went there to study Himalayan Blue Sheep (bharal) as there wasn't known much about their behavior. Both hoped to see a Snow Leopard.
Matthiesen writes about the travel through the Dolpa region, and as a Zen buddhist himself, he is interested in the local forms of Buddhism. It is shocking to read how nature was already suffering from the first signs of climate change fifty years ago!

English and Dutch title are the same

Modificato: Dic 21, 2022, 3:55 am

book 313: Zonder de top te bereiken by Paolo Cognetti
library, translated from Italian by Yond Boeke and Patty Krone, English translation Without Ever Reaching the Summit, 143 pages
TIOLI Challenge #4: Read a book with an 4 plus letter word embedded in the title

Paolo Cognetti and two friends travel to Nepal to follow in Matthiessen's footsteps.
This part of the world is changing fast, but there are still wild animals not found elsewhere. On their way they find a little dog (or better said the dog found them), who follows them until the end. On the way Cognetti reads Matthiesen, and compares his impressions with the book.

A bit short and shallow, although enjoyable. I would have liked a bit more depth.

Dutch title translated: Without reaching the summit

Dic 21, 2022, 4:03 am

book 314: Een zomer met Homeros : een reis door de mythologie en het nu by Sylvain Tesson
library, e-book, translated from French by Katelijne De Vuyst, no English translation, 256 pages
TIOLI Challenge #9: Read a book in honor of the Twelve Days of Christmas (semi-rolling challenge)

Sylvain Tesson spends the summer on a Greek island, and with examples from The Illiad and The Odyssey he argues humanity still faces the same kind of troubles. And that the answers can be found in these two classics.

These were originally radio broadcasts, that didn't always translate well to written words.

Dutch title translated: A summer with Homeros : a journey through the mythology and the now

Dic 21, 2022, 6:07 am

Sorry to hear you have a lurgy Anita.

>136 FAMeulstee: I need to reread this sometime. It's a while since I have.

Modificato: Dic 21, 2022, 8:20 am

>139 Caroline_McElwee: Thanks, Caroline, it is making me grumpy.
I wish I could be stoic about it, sadly I ain't. I know I will feel much better in a few days.

Dic 22, 2022, 4:40 am

book 315: Het zustertapijt by Lars Mytting
library, e-book, translated from Norwegian by Paula Stevens, English translation The Reindeer Hunters, 430 pages
TIOLI Challenge #9: Read a book in honor of the Twelve Days of Christmas (semi-rolling challenge)

Second book of the Sister Bells trilogy, it continues 22 years after the end of The Bell in the Lake.
It is 1903 when Jehans meets a Scottish hunter, Victor Harrison. The both shot the same reindeer buck. Jehans leaves the buck to Victor, at a price, as he wants to buy a better rifle.
They both don't know yet how much their lives are intertwined.
Pastor Kai Schweigaard still keeps Astrids grave, and is searching the famous tapistry the sisters made.
The story goes on, in Butangen, in Scotland, and back in Dresden where the old stave church is now.

Dutch title translated: The sistertapistry

Dic 22, 2022, 4:48 am

book 316: Berezina : met Napoleon in de zijspan by Sylvain Tesson
library, e-book, translated from French by Marianne Kaas, English translation Berezina: From Moscow to Paris Following Napoleon's Epic Fail, 208 pages
TIOLI Challenge #5: Read a book that helps to finish up a personal reading challenge

Sylvain Tesson and some friends, two French and 2 Russian, decide to follow in Napoleons footsteps going back from Moscow to Paris. As it is 200 years ago, when the Grande Armée retreated from the Russian invasion, and only a few of the man made it back. They travel on motors with sidecar in 13 days.

Dutch title translated: Berizina : with Napoleon in the sidecar

Dic 22, 2022, 4:53 am

book 317: De beklimming van de Mont Blanc by Ludovic Escande
library, e-book, translated from French by Eef Gratama, no English translation, 160 pages
TIOLI Challenge #15: Read a book with a winter word or a cold word in the title

Found one more book with Sylvain Tesson, written by someone else.
Ludovic Escande is afraid of heights. His friends Sylvain Tesson and Jean-Christophe Rufin talk him into climbing the Mont Blanc to overcome his fear. Together with climbing instructor Daniel, they manage to get Ludovic to the top.

Dutch title translated: The climbing of the Mont Blanc

Dic 22, 2022, 5:09 am

book 318: De vertellingen van duizend-en-één nacht deel 3 translated by Richard van Leeuwen
borrowed from a friend, translated from Arabic, 1047 pages
TIOLI Challenge #5: Read a book that helps to finish up a personal reading challenge

Third volume of the Dutch translation of the complete Arabian Nights in 3 volumes.
The sultan was betrayed by his favourite wife, and decides he will only sleep with virgins and kill them the next day. When Shahrazaad is choosen to be the sultans next bride, she starts telling him a story, and he lets her live to find out how the story ends.
In this second book 49 tales/fairytales/fables, told in nights 684 to 1001.

It took me three years to read the complete tales, one volume a year. Now it can be returned to the owner.

Dutch title translated: The tales of one thousand and one nights volume 3 (of 3)

Dic 22, 2022, 5:15 am

book 319: Leonard Cohen: on a wire by Philippe Girard
library, translated from French by Arend Jan van Oudheusden, English translation Leonard Cohen: On a Wire, 120 pages
TIOLI Challenge #9: Read a book in honor of the Twelve Days of Christmas (semi-rolling challenge)

Graphic novel, brief biography with scenes from the life of Leonard Cohen.
Some knowledge of Leonards life makes it easier to comprehend. The book goes with large steps through his life.

English and Dutch title are the same

Dic 22, 2022, 5:18 am

Forgot to post my Wordle yesterday, so here are two:

Wordle 550 5/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, crank, runes, lunar


Wordle 551 4/6

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 peony, mirth, bleak, excel

Up to date with reviews, reading now:
Bestaat er een raarder leven dan het mijne? Jef Last (1898-1972) by Rudi Wester
Het zingen van de tijd (The Time of Our Singing) by Richard Powers

Dic 22, 2022, 7:58 am

Sweet Thursday, Anita. I hope you are having a good week. I see you are getting plenty of reading in. On our bird walk yesterday, we saw swans and a beautiful bald eagle. Yah!

Dic 22, 2022, 11:37 am

>147 msf59: Thank you, Mark, happy Thursday.
Besides the bad cold, I am doing fine. All these reviews was just catching up, so all read books can be returned to the library.
A bald eagle! Wow, that is a magnificent bird, and swans too. Sounds like you had a good bird walk :-)

Dic 22, 2022, 11:44 am

Wow! I see that I have competition for the Busiest Reviewer sweepstakes. Lots of very good reading, I see, though I'm still shuddering at The Climbing of Mont Blanc and I think Sylvain and Jean-Cristophe need a good spanking!


Dic 22, 2022, 1:42 pm

>141 FAMeulstee: I really must get to this one Anita. I enjoyed volume 1 and still have some of it in my memory (not always the case ha).

Dic 22, 2022, 2:23 pm

>149 richardderus: No competition, Richard dear, I wouldn't dare to compare my short reviews with your very extended reviews. You have at least double work on each.
I am afraid that won't help, let them climb together, and let others be.

>150 Caroline_McElwee: I was surprised how easy I got back into the story, Caroline. I had read the first volume over a year ago. It all came back within a few pages.

Dic 22, 2022, 6:52 pm

Hi Anita! Hopefully you are well! 319 books! lol. I plan on reviewing kids books next year, so maybe I'll give you a run for your money.

Dic 22, 2022, 7:19 pm

319 books read, wow.

Good to read your father’s blood pressure is not as high as feared. The less medication necessary the better.

>144 FAMeulstee: Major accomplishment Anita, finishing this tome. Glad you liked it.

And wishing you well! I think I had this same virus earlier in the year, very annoying.

Dic 22, 2022, 8:39 pm

What EllaTim said. Wow! 319 books! I hope you feel better and I wish you Happy Holidays!!

Dic 23, 2022, 3:08 am

>152 The_Hibernator: Thank you, Rachel.
I read a lot of children's and YA books last month, it helped to get the numbers up :-)

>153 EllaTim: Thank you, Ella.
We were relieved it wasn't as bad as it first looked. At the ER he must have had a spike, and they acted accordingly. The 24 hour mesurement of his bloodpressure gave a better view.

The cold is very nasty, lots of coughing and a very runny nose. Now my eyes seem to be infected, all red and some mucus coming out. I have an appoitment with the GP this afternoon.

>154 Berly: Thank you, Kim, happy holidays to you and yours.
Not feeling better yet, see above.

Dic 23, 2022, 7:15 am

Happy Holidays to you and yours, Anita!
European Robin! Stunning!

Modificato: Dic 23, 2022, 6:38 pm

With every good wish of the season Anita. I look forward to seeing your list of 2022 favourite reads.

Dic 23, 2022, 10:21 am

Caro, I'm following you!

God Jul, Anita!

Dic 23, 2022, 10:57 am

Dic 23, 2022, 11:16 am

Happy Christmas from my Christmas gnome!

Dic 23, 2022, 3:13 pm

>156 Carmenere: Thank you, Lynda!

>157 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline.

Dic 23, 2022, 3:14 pm

>158 tiffin: Thank you, Tui!

>159 drneutron: I will follow on New Years Day, Jim. Thanks for all you do for us!

>160 SandDune: Thank you, Rhian.

Modificato: Dic 23, 2022, 3:31 pm

Sorry folks, I can't do the rounds at the moment.

I went to my GP today, as both my eyes are infected. First my right eye on Wednesday, and yesterday my left eye joined. The GP thougt it is probably the rhinovirus that causes my cold, and moved to my eyes. He expects it will be better within a week, as long as I keep them clean every few hours.

Looking at the screen is hard, so I take a break, to spare my eyes the discomfort, probably until next week.

I probably won't be able to read all the books I planned, as even paper books make my eyes tired way faster than usual :'(

Wishing everybody happy holidays!

Dic 23, 2022, 3:49 pm

Feel better soon, Anita. And take care. Hope your holiday is a good one, in spite of the current eye issues.

Dic 23, 2022, 4:59 pm

Aw Anita, so sorry. Hope taking a break helps!

Modificato: Dic 23, 2022, 5:08 pm

>163 FAMeulstee: Oh no! What rotten luck before Christmas. Heres to a speedy recovery.

Dic 23, 2022, 8:27 pm

So sorry about your eyes!! Hope it clears up quickly and that you can enjoy the holidays.

Modificato: Dic 23, 2022, 8:39 pm

Rest up and let your eyes heal Anita. How frustrating to be ill during the festive season.

Dic 23, 2022, 8:56 pm

Have a great Holiday, Anita!

Dic 23, 2022, 10:23 pm

I hope your eyes are better soon, and that you have a happy holiday!

Dic 24, 2022, 8:37 am

Sorry to hear about your eyes, Anita :( I hope you're feeling better soon and enjoy the holidays.

Dic 24, 2022, 8:38 am

Have a wonderful holiday with Frank, Anita.

Dic 24, 2022, 8:44 am

Hi Anita!

>100 FAMeulstee: Alas, it wasn’t meant to be, although getting it to the penalty shootout stage was brilliant for France.

>163 FAMeulstee: I’m so sorry you have infections in both your eyes. I hope you’re better soon.

Dic 24, 2022, 11:43 am

Merry Christmas

Dic 24, 2022, 5:29 pm

Beterschap, Anita!

Dic 24, 2022, 6:18 pm

>163 FAMeulstee: Get better soon, Anita. See you in 2023!

Dic 25, 2022, 10:56 am

Malaysia's branch of the 75er's wishes you and yours a happy holiday season, Anita (and Frank).

Dic 25, 2022, 8:22 pm

Dic 28, 2022, 4:32 am

Thanks everyone, my eyes are improving, but very slow. So I still have to limit my computertime.
I can read a bit, but not as much as usual. I hope to finish two more books this month.

My father is doing a bit better. We went to him on the 26th, and he moved a bit faster through his appartment than last time. Fortunately his appartment is large enough to keep fair distance, we had diner there, as the restaurant was closed (diner was delivered).

Dic 28, 2022, 4:34 am

>164 jessibud2: Thank you, Shelley.
Doing a bit better, not there yet. I hope to be back on track in the New Year.

>165 tiffin: Thank you, Tui.
It does help, but I wish it would go faster!

>166 figsfromthistle: Thank you, Anita.
We never do much special at Chrismas, only a visit to my father.

Dic 28, 2022, 4:39 am

>167 RebaRelishesReading: Thank you, Reba.
Can't remember my eyes ever having this much trouble. Not be able to read as much as I want is the hardest part.

>168 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline.
We never do musch special in theis time of year, so not much lost for us. The good thing is that Frank doesn't have to work at New Years Eve, so this year we can welcome the new year togeter :-)

>169 quondame: Thank you, Susan!

Dic 28, 2022, 4:42 am

>170 banjo123: Thank you, Rhonda.
My eyes are slowly improving, I just need a little more patience.

>171 bell7: Thank you, Mary.
Felling better already, now waiting for my eyes to catch up with the rest ;-)

>172 msf59: Thank you, Mark.
I hope you had a good time with your family.

Dic 28, 2022, 4:46 am

>173 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen.
Alas indeed, next chance in a World Cup will be in 2026.
The eyes are improving, the eyeballs are white again instead of red, but still a bit oversensitive.

>174 johnsimpson: Thank you, John.
I hope your Chrismas was a good one.

>175 EllaTim: Dank je, Ella!

Dic 28, 2022, 4:50 am

>176 richardderus: Thank you, Richard dear!
I hope to catch up here, not sure I will manage to get back to all the 2022 threads.
I will start my 2023 thread at the start of the new year, and run into the same problem ;-)

>177 PaulCranswick: Thank you, Paul.
Wishing all the best for you and yours.

>178 Berly: Thank you, Kim.

Dic 28, 2022, 4:52 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#320: Het zingen van de tijd (The Time of Our Singing) by Richard Powers

Reading now:
Bestaat er een raarder leven dan het mijne? Jef Last (1898-1972) by Rudi Wester
Greenwood (Greenwood) by Michael Christie

No Wordling in the last days, I hope to pick up again next week.

Dic 28, 2022, 9:42 am

>181 FAMeulstee: Glad you are slowly on the mend Anita, and have done a little reading. Also that your father is improving and you were able to be together on Boxing Day.

Glad Frank has new years eve off too. It s a quiet, reflective day for me, looking back over the year, and planning a little for the year ahead.

Dic 28, 2022, 10:29 am

Glad to hear you are doing better. Hope you have a happy New Year!!

Dic 28, 2022, 10:34 am

Eyes being better = good news indeed, plus you and Frank getting to ring in 2023 together...well, see you in the new threads while you luxuriate in the good times. *smooch*

Dic 28, 2022, 1:01 pm

>186 Caroline_McElwee: Thank you, Caroline.
I had plans to start planning ahead, but that is all on the computer, so that is also delayed.
Well, the unread books from December will move to January. And some library reservations came available, so some is planned ;-)

Most years Frank volunteered to work new years eve. He had to pull a lot of strings to be off this year. Well it worked, and I am looking forward to be together when the new year starts.

>187 hredwards: Thank you, Harold.
It will be happy, I am sure I will feel a lot better in a few days.
And Happy New Year to you!

>188 richardderus: Thank you, Richard dear, I am so releaved! Especially as a reader it is hard to have trouble with the eyes.
As I said to Caroline above, it wasn't easy, but Frank managed to skip that night's work. So I am looking forward to welcome 2023 together. That might delay my new 2023 thread ;-)

Modificato: Dic 29, 2022, 12:34 am

>189 FAMeulstee: Sorry about your eyes. I feel you. Although not a big deal, I finally figured out why my reading of physical books has gone down so much this year -- I need new glasses!! I got a stronger pair of cheaters and it is so much easier to read now. LOL. I also asked my Hubby to try them out and he was like WoW! When do I get a pair? So back to you -- I hope things heal and improve quickly so you can be back here more.

Glad you get to be together for New Year's Eve. : )

Dic 29, 2022, 5:32 am

>190 Berly: Thank you, Kim.
Well that was an easy solution for you :-)

I thought my eyes were better enough and spended some time here yesterday to catch up on half of the threads. Not a good idea, my eyes were a bit worse this morning. So I will try to avoid the laptop the rest of today...

Dic 29, 2022, 5:58 am

Dropping in to say hello. Glad you and frank are able to ring in the New Year together.

Hope your eyes are ok with some rest

Dic 29, 2022, 7:24 am

Hi Anita!

>183 FAMeulstee: I’m glad your eyes are improving, although it is slowly. We’re looking forward to the Women’s World Cup, summer of 2023, jointly hosted by New Zealand and Australia. Jenna prefers watching the women to the men, and since realistically, I expect her to still be at home next summer, it will be a soccer fest for all three of us. Do you follow the women at all? Jenna follows women’s Arsenal, which has several players from the Netherlands. Looks like Miedema is out, though, with a torn ACL.

I’m glad Frank has New Year’s Eve off so you two can celebrate together.

Dic 29, 2022, 10:22 am

Glad your eyes are doing better.

I've noticed mine being wonky lately, went to the eye doctor a couple of weeks ago and he gave me a script for new glasses.

I've noticed the older I get the smaller they seem to make the print in everything.;)

Dic 29, 2022, 8:35 pm

Just catching up over here. Wising you wonderful reading for 2023 Anita!

Dic 30, 2022, 10:40 am

>192 figsfromthistle: Thank you, Anita.
I still limit my computertime, as the eyes are improving very slow.

>193 karenmarie: Thank you, Karen.
Still the same, the eyes don't tolerate long screen time :-(
I follow both men and women soccer teams, not very close, and mainly the Dutch competitions.
Frank worked last night and will work tonight, then he is off for a week.

Dic 30, 2022, 10:44 am

>194 hredwards: Thank you, Harold.
I am still lucky, I only need my glasses for didtance. I rarely wear them, only when I leave the house. So no problems with small print (yet). Although there is some decline, I used to be able to read the very small print on our banknotes with bare eyes, I recently found out I can't anymore.

>195 mdoris: Thank you, Mary.
Wishing you the same!

Dic 30, 2022, 10:45 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#320: Het zingen van de tijd (The Time of Our Singing) by Richard Powers
#321: Greenwood (Greenwood) by Michael Christie
#322: Zee van rust (Sea of Tranquility) by Emily St. John Mandel

Reading now:
Bestaat er een raarder leven dan het mijne? Jef Last (1898-1972) by Rudi Wester
De slag om de Blauwbrug by A.F.Th. van der Heijden

Dic 30, 2022, 10:52 am

Happy New Year, Anita! See you on your new thread in 2023.

Dic 30, 2022, 11:46 am

So sorry to hear about your eyes, Anita! I hope they improve soon!!

Dic 30, 2022, 12:46 pm

Stay off the screen!! (he said to the screen)

Just take it slow until your doctor's appointment, no sense risking real trouble in the absence of solutions.

Happy 2023 *smooch*

Dic 31, 2022, 10:41 am

>199 kidzdoc: Thank you, Darryl.
It may take a few days before I start my thread there, my eyes are not cooperating well yet. Although still improving a bit every day.

>200 curioussquared: Thank you, Nathalie.
So do I, it is so annoying.

>201 richardderus: I try, Richard dear, can't keep away completely but did reduce screentime a lot.
Miss you all, see you somewhere next week in next year's group.
Happy 2023!

Dic 31, 2022, 10:45 am

Read, not yet reviewed:
#320: Het zingen van de tijd (The Time of Our Singing) by Richard Powers
#321: Greenwood (Greenwood) by Michael Christie
#322: Zee van rust (Sea of Tranquility) by Emily St. John Mandel
#323: De slag om de Blauwbrug by A.F.Th. van der Heijden

Reading now:
Bestaat er een raarder leven dan het mijne? Jef Last (1898-1972) by Rudi Wester

I won't finish the Jef Last biography today, so I can make my stats for December now.

Modificato: Dic 31, 2022, 11:08 am

Best books of 2022, my reads:

Ademschommel (The Hunger Angel) - Herta Müller
De Jacobsboeken (The Books of Jacob) - Olga Tokarczuk
Het eiland van het tweede gezicht (The Island of Second Sight) - Albert Vigoleis Thelen
Fado Alexandrino (Fado Alexandrino) - António Lobo Antunes
Benedenwereld : reizen in de diepe tijd (Underland: A Deep Time Journey) - Robert Macfarlane
Baron : de wonderbaarlijke Michel Baron, zijn leermeester Molière en de praalzieke Zonnekoning - Theun de Vries

Modificato: Dic 31, 2022, 11:10 am

in 2022 (available in English translation):

Congo (Congo) by David Van Reybrouck
De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin
Het ijzig hart (The Frozen Heart) by Almudena Grandes
De gouden bril (The Gold-Rimmed Spectacles; Ferrara 2) by Giorgio Bassani
Het woud der verwachting (In a Dark Wood Wandering) by Hella Haasse
Uitnodiging voor een onthoofding (Invitation to a Beheading) by Vladimir Nabokov
Kafka op het strand (Kafka on the Shore) by Haruki Murakami
Limonov (Limonov) by Emmanuel Carrere
De mensen leven niet allemaal op dezelfde manier (Not Everybody Lives the Same Way) by Jean Paul Dubois
De Sparsholt-affaire (The Sparsholt Affair) by Alan Hollinghurst
De overlevenden (The Survivors) by Alex Schulman
De woestijn van de Tartaren (The Tartar Steppe) by Dino Buzzati
De grote angst in de bergen (Terror on the Mountain) by Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz
Het zingen van de tijd (The Time of Our Singing) by Richard Powers
Zomerhuis (Will and Testament) by Vigdis Hjorth
Mungo (Young Mungo) by Douglas Stuart

Dic 31, 2022, 11:09 am

December 2022 in numbers
  (Totals for the year between brackets)

21 books read, 8.866 pages, 286,0 pages a day
  (323 books read, 102.275 pages, 280,2 pages a day)


• own books: 2 (60)
• from the library: 18 (262)
• borrowed from a friend 1 (1)

• male author: 20 (229)
• female author: 1 (94)

• male translator: 9 (97)
• female translator: 11 (122)
• unknown translator: 0 (7)

• originally written in Dutch: 1 (97)
• translated into Dutch: 20 (226)
• original language of translated books:
    Arabic 1 (1)
    Chinese: 1 (3)
    Croatian: 0 (1)
    Czech 1 (1)
    Danish: 0 (1)
    English: 5 (92)
    Finnish 1 (1)
    French: 7 (36)
    German: 0 (14)
    Greek: 0 (1)
    Hebrew: 0 (1)
    Hungarian 0 (4)
    Icelandic: 0 (3)
    Italian: 1 (17)
    Japanese 0 (4)
    Norwegian: 1 (9)
    Polish: 0 (4)
    Portuguese: 0 (1)
    Russian: 1 (6)
    Spanish: 0 (8)
    Swedish: 1 (16)
    Turkish: 0 (1)

• fiction: 14 (272)
• non-fiction: 7 (51)

• paper books: 9 (191)
• e-books: 12 (132)

• mystery/police procedural: 4 (39)
• childrens/YA: 1 (62)
• 1001 books: 2 (27)
    Total 1001 books since 2008: 255
• Dutch Canon: 0 (7)
    Total Dutch Canon since 2008: 42 of 125


0 - 100 pages: 0 (28)
101 - 200 pages: 6 (64)
201 - 300 pages: 5 (91)
301 - 400 pages: 4 (71)
401 - 500 pages: 2 (30)
501 - 999 pages: 2 (34)
1000+ pages: 2 (5)

• longest book 2160 pages (2160 pages)
• shortest book 120 pages (28 pages)
• average book 422 pages (317 pages)

own books read are on the shelf since:

before 2008: 1 (44)
2010: 0 (2)
2016: 0 (1)
2017: 0 (1)
2018: 0 (2)
2020: 0 (3)
2021: 0 (4)
2022: 1 (3)

date first published:

5th century BC: 0 (1)
12th century: 1 (1)
14th century: 0 (2)
18th century: 1 (1)
19th century: 1 (7)

20th century
1900s: 0 (2)
1910s: 0 (3)
1920s: 0 (4)
1930s: 1 (15)
1940s: 0 (12)
1950s: 0 (10)
1960s: 0 (10)
1970s: 1 (24)
1980s: 1 (29)
1990s: 3 (28)

21st century
2000s: 1 (27)
2010s: 8 (91)
2020s: 3 (55)


0 (6)
2 (27)
7 (124)
8 (110)
3 (53)
0 (2)

best books in December

Het zingen van de tijd (The Time of Our Singing) by Richard Powers
De droom van de rode kamer (Dream of the Red Chamber) by Cao Xueqin


walking in December: walked 31 days, 159,1 km; average 5,13 km/day
  (282 days, 1494,8 km; average 5,30 km/day)

e-biking in December: biked 0 days, 0 km; average 0 km/day
  (83 days, 1680,7 km; 20,25 km/day)

Dic 31, 2022, 11:36 am

A very, very good 2022's reading. Now it's time for the damned thing to sink under the timewaves and leave our new island 2023 the heck alone! No fair erupting volcanoes now, 2022. Verboten!

Modificato: Dic 31, 2022, 11:41 am

Excellent reading year, Anita!

Wishing you a nice evening, and all the best for 2023!

Dic 31, 2022, 11:49 am

>207 richardderus: Indeed, it was a very good reading year, Richard dear.
Can't close the year yet, I will return tomorrow or the day after, to finish my last 4 reviews. Especially The Time of Our Singing deserves some attention as 4 1/2 star read.

>208 EllaTim: Thank you, Ella!
Wishing you and yours all the best in 2023!

Closing my computer for now, enough screentime for today.

Wishing everyone a good start into 2023!

Dic 31, 2022, 12:40 pm

You list a lot of very interesting sounding books and I often use the Dutch titles from your thread to find audio books on-line but this time I came up empty. The only thing I found was a paperback copy of one for $59 (!!). In this electronic age it seems it should be easier (and less expensive) to get ebooks and audio books in other languages.

Now I'll stop ranting and wish you a very happy new year and a quick resolution to your eye troubles.

Dic 31, 2022, 7:19 pm

Happy New Year my dear Anita.

You always impress me both by your voluminous reading but also by how warm and supportive you are to all of us mere mortals who cannot read as quickly as you do.

Look forward to trying to keep up (literally) again this year.

Gen 1, 2023, 4:15 am

>210 RebaRelishesReading: Sorry I gave you trouble, Reba, and you are always welcome to rant :-)

I forgot you, and ommitted these 6 from my list, as they are not available in English translation. I hope you get some results with them:
Wormmaan by Mariken Heitman
Jaguarman by Raoul de Jong
Gebroken wit by Astrid Roemer
Lepelsnijder by Marjolijn Hof
De vijand van mijn vader by Almudena Grandes
De reparatie van de wereld by Slobodan Šnajder

Happy new year!

>211 PaulCranswick: Thank you, dear Paul, and happy 2023 to you.
Not able to keep up with the threads is a bit frustrating right now. So I'll keep it with my little corner in the 2022 thread, and hope to join you all in 2023 in a few days.

Modificato: Gen 1, 2023, 4:55 am

book 320: Het zingen van de tijd by Richard Powers
library, e-book, translated by Mieke Lindenburg, original title The Time of Our Singing, 843 pages
TIOLI Challenge #12: Read a Book You Are Reading Because of a Positive Review by a 75 Group Member

A Jewish German refugee falls in love with a black music student in the USA in 1939. They marry and get 3 children. They decide race doesn't matter, and raise their children without the notion of race. Eventually this turns against them. The eldest two, Jonah and Joseph, go and study classical music. Jonah is very gifted, but only can make a real carreer in Europe. Joseph, the narrator, follows his brother as far as he can, but is always stuck in the middle, as their younger sister Ruth decides to join black activism in the USA.

An impressive read, that once again made it clear to me how much racism is embedded in society.
Thank you, Caroline, for mentioning this book a few years back.

Dutch title translated: The singing of the time

Gen 1, 2023, 4:58 am

book 321: Greenwood by Michael Christie
library, e-book, translated by Anke ten Doeschate, original title Greenwood, 526 pages
TIOLI Challenge #9: Read a book in honor of the Twelve Days of Christmas (semi-rolling challenge)

A family saga going back from 2038 to 1908 and then forward to 2038 again.
In 2038 Jake (Jacinda) Greenwood is working at an island where some of the last trees grow. Climate change has struck, and large parts of earth have turned into desert. In 2008 the carpenter Liam Greenwood makes a bad fall. In 1974 Willow Greenwood makes some important desicions, in 1934 Everett Greenwood rescues a baby, and in 1908 we get to the roots of the Greenwood family.

The writer plays nice with the readers assumptions, the Greenwood family turns out not what you would expect it to be. The ending was a bit disappointing.

Being compared with The Overstory, I hoped for a great read. But Richard Powers is a way better writer imho. The story itself was good enough, with some unexpected twists and turns, but the characters stayed a bit flat and I never felt the engagement like I did with The Overstory.

English and Dutch title are the same

Gen 1, 2023, 5:04 am

book 322: Zee van rust by Emily St. John Mandel
library, e-book, translated by Lucie Schaap, original title Sea of Tranquility, 249 pages
TIOLI Challenge #12 : Read a Book You Are Reading Because of a Positive Review by a 75 Group Member

Some short stories, set in various centuries, turn out to be connected by time travel. Clever story, enjoyable read.

English and Dutch title are the same

Gen 1, 2023, 5:13 am

book 323: De slag om de Blauwbrug by A.F.Th. van der Heijden
own, Dutch, no English translation, 123 pages
TIOLI Challenge #7: Read a book that has multiple 2 letter words in the title

Short prologue of the much acclaimed series De tandeloze tijd (The toothless time).
Main character is the drug addict Egberts, who steals from cars to finance his habits. Highlight is the part set at the day of Queen Beatrix coronation at April 30, 1980, in Amsterdam.

Not overly impressed, I will try the next book and then see if I want to contnue this series.

Title translated: The battle at the Bluebridge

Modificato: Gen 1, 2023, 12:50 pm

>212 FAMeulstee: You didn't give me any trouble, Anita, and thank you for the not-in-English titles. I'll see if I can get one of those. My rant is directed at the system that can't seem to sell audio- or e-books to people outside their physical area. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Hope you have a great 2023. I look forward to following your reading .

back to report -- I tried to find some of the books on Amazon which is how I have found Dutch audio books before. Gebroken was available in paperback but Lepelsnijder brought up a bunch of ads for all kinds of supplements and health items -- weird no? It would be good for me to read in Dutch, not just listen, so I think I'll order Gebroken. Thanks for you help!

back again -- Gebroken wit ordered -- due mid-January

Gen 1, 2023, 12:10 pm

>213 FAMeulstee: I loved this book and will be rereading it in February for AAC.

I hope your eyes are slowly improving Anita. Wishing you a Happy New Year, and some good reading in 2023.

Gen 1, 2023, 4:49 pm

>217 RebaRelishesReading: Indirectly I did, Reba, athough it wasn't intentional.
I think this mess started with those different regions on VHS video's, so your video was useless outside your own region :-(

>218 Caroline_McElwee: It was a very good read, Caroline. Powers writes fantastic, and he puts so much in his books. Enjoy your reread. I will be looking for his other books.
Happy New Year to you, I hope to arrive soon in next year's group, eyes permitting.

Gen 2, 2023, 6:07 am

 I wish you happiness and health. May 2023 be kind to you. :-)

Gen 2, 2023, 6:24 am

>220 Ameise1: Thank you, Barbara, wishing you the same.

Gen 2, 2023, 8:17 am

Hi Anita! Happy New Year! I haven't found your thread in the new group; I assume it's because of your eye trouble. I'm glad to hear they're improving. See you in the new group whenever you feel up to it.

Gen 2, 2023, 11:43 am

Hope your eyes are doing better, Anita. Happy New Year!

Gen 3, 2023, 6:54 am

>222 humouress: No thread yet, Nina. I allow myself half an hour a day at the laptop, that is just enough to check my mail, the news, and a glance at LT. I hope I can extend a bit in a few days, then I will set up my thread. I will leave a note here when it is up.

>223 tiffin: Thank you, Tui, improvement is still slow.
Happy New Year!

Gen 4, 2023, 11:22 am

>224 FAMeulstee: Looking forward to seeing you in the New Year, Anita! I hope that the eyes recover soon!

Gen 5, 2023, 5:24 am

>225 alcottacre: Eyes still not good, Stasia :-(

Gen 5, 2023, 5:25 am

The 2023 thread is up.