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Anthem di Ayn Rand
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Anthem (edizione 1999)

di Ayn Rand (Autore), Leonard Peikoff (Introduzione)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
10,791211686 (3.57)203
Anthem is a futuristic science-fiction novella.
Autori:Ayn Rand (Autore)
Altri autori:Leonard Peikoff (Introduzione)
Info:NAL (1999), Edition: Anniversary, 256 pages
Collezioni:Read, In lettura, Da leggere

Informazioni sull'opera

Anthem di Ayn Rand

  1. 114
    1984 di George Orwell (MMSequeira)
    MMSequeira: Both 1984 and Anthem we're inspired by Zamyatin's We. Both are worth reading, as cautionary tales.
  2. 40
    Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem di Robert Mayhew (mcaution)
    mcaution: Gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Rand's novella through this unique collection of scholarly criticism.
  3. 64
    Noi di Yevgeny Zamyatin (myshelves)
    myshelves: Classic dystopian novel.
  4. 10
    Progress di Charles Stampul (Utente anonimo)
  5. 11
    Brutti di Scott Westerfeld (TaylorReynolds)
  6. 00
    Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco di George R. R. Martin (Utente anonimo)
  7. 35
    Fahrenheit 451 di Ray Bradbury (Unionhawk)
  8. 13
    Il donatore di Lois Lowry (kxlly)
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» Vedi le 203 citazioni

Inglese (208)  Tedesco (1)  Tutte le lingue (209)
1-5 di 209 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
It reminded me of 1984, the short story. ( )
  GRLopez | Sep 7, 2024 |
I'm big fan of dystopian novels. My personal opinion on this one-and you can take it or leave I could care less--is to read it and then decide whether it meant anything to you. It's 106 pages. Pretty short I'd say.

It's simply written, but don't let the simplicity fool you. It's one of those books that makes you think, if you give it the chance to do so, and analyze the current state of our society. Some of the passages mirror what goes on daily in our present day humanity. It's also interesting to see the evolution of the main protagonist.

As a feminist at heart (don't judge me), I can see what the author did with the secondary character. In my opinion, I don't believe that the intention was to cause a Feminist riot, but I can see what the author was intending on portraying with the characters.

Honestly, don't let my review or other reviews cloud your judgment or inclination of wanting to discover this book for yourself. Take a chance. You might be surprised :) ( )
  prebs29 | Jul 6, 2024 |
Interesting short read and my first taste of Ayn Rand. I've heard the name hyped up over the years and I guess I understand why given that this story was written in 1938. ( )
  MattZiss0u | Jul 4, 2024 |
What I like (and dislike) about Anthem is that, as a dystopian novel, it gets to the point. When it comes to dystopias, who're all too similar to one another, I'm notoriously picky about characterization and plot and am forever in search of some moral, which is why I'm not overly fond of Nineteen-Eighty Four or Brave New World. Anthem, however, doesn't screw around wasting your time with particulars but gives you the gist of what's going on in a single sitting. It's a simple book with a simple purpose, and that's exactly what I think a book like this should be. ( )
  TheBooksofWrath | Apr 18, 2024 |
I'm big fan of dystopian novels. My personal opinion on this one-and you can take it or leave I could care less--is to read it and then decide whether it meant anything to you. It's 106 pages. Pretty short I'd say.

It's simply written, but don't let the simplicity fool you. It's one of those books that makes you think, if you give it the chance to do so, and analyze the current state of our society. Some of the passages mirror what goes on daily in our present day humanity. It's also interesting to see the evolution of the main protagonist.

As a feminist at heart (don't judge me), I can see what the author did with the secondary character. In my opinion, I don't believe that the intention was to cause a Feminist riot, but I can see what the author was intending on portraying with the characters.

Honestly, don't let my review or other reviews cloud your judgment or inclination of wanting to discover this book for yourself. Take a chance. You might be surprised :) ( )
  KrabbyPattyCakes | Dec 3, 2023 |
nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione

» Aggiungi altri autori (3 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Ayn Randautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Peikoff, Leonardautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Meier, PaulNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Peikoff, LeonardIntroduzioneautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Scott, MichaelNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Theriot, ChereNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see. It is base and evil. It is as if we were speaking alone to no ears but our own. And we know well that there is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone. We have broken the laws. The laws say that men may not write unless the Council of Vocations bid them so. May we be forgiven!
Dati dalle informazioni generali inglesi. Modifica per tradurlo nella tua lingua.
This, my body and spirit, this is the end of the quest.
Rather would we be damned with you than blessed with all our brothers.
The fortunes of my spirit are not to be made into coins of brass and be flung into the wind as alms for the poor of spirit.
I understood that centuries of chains and lashes will not kill the spirit of man nor the sense of truth within him.
Ultime parole
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese


Anthem is a futuristic science-fiction novella.

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Riassunto haiku

Biblioteca di un personaggio famoso: Ayn Rand

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Media: (3.57)
0.5 10
1 126
1.5 17
2 261
2.5 43
3 593
3.5 106
4 766
4.5 36
5 579


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